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The Campus Meadville, Pa

The Campus Meadville, Pa

Thursday Vol. 123, No. 1 September 16, 1999 The Campus Meadville, Pa. e ,,v

For African Americans Smith resigns amid Allegheny harassment charges in top 100 BY ROXANNE SCALA to Smith's dismissal apparently be- By KENDRA STANTON News Editor gan when Heather Volkman, a se- Assistant News Editor nior chemistry major, filed sexual Reliable sources within the harassment charges against him. This summer, the 1998 publica- Allegheny administration and fac- Associate Professor of Art Sue tion of "The Best 100 Colleges for ulty say that former Associate Buck, the college's Sexual African-American Students" by Er- Professor of Chemistry Douglas Harassment Officer, was hesitant to lene Wilson was released featuring Smith was forced to resign prior to speak to The Campus about the mat- as one of the Fall semester following an alleged ter. schools recognized. Reactions have violation of the college's Sexual "I don't want the students to feel been mixed among members of the Harassment Policy. that they could not say anything be- Allegheny community in hearing of Smith, who was hired at cause the person accused could lose this recognition. The qualifications Allegheny in 1977 and later tenured, his position. Someone won't lose for such an acknowledgment have was reached by phone at his Dallas his job nor will a student be kicked been widely questioned, but some home Wednesday evening. out of school because of one com - believe that recognition is merited. "I would rather not comment on plaint." Wilson examines many aspects anything at this time," said Smith. Buck continued to say that of the college, from scholarship "That was my agreement with the Allegheny always deals with sexual programs to safety, computer ser- dean [Bruce Smith]." harassment cases "in a confidential vices to campus environment, and Former Dean of the College manner, immediately and very seri- academics to African-American stu- Bruce Smith commented that the ously." dent organizations or activities. situation was highly sensitive. "I Though Volkman declined to Allegheny's special minor pro- prefer not to discuss personnel mat- comment, sources inside the admin- grams, including Studies, are ters," he said. istration say that she has been "very highlighted in the book. Wilson While the exact procedure of upset" about the situation. A source mentions a plethora of diversity af- Smith's termination is unknown, the close to Volkman said "she just fairs programs. However, some of Allegheny College Faculty wants to put the story behind her." the names of the organizations are Handbook states that Professor of Chemistry Edward outdated and several organizations "termination...of a tenured appoint- Walsh (retired) said Smith came to that have recently been formed and begun to thrive including Union ment shall be for adequate cause or see him before he left campus this CONSTRUCTION ZONE—The extension of the Brooks Walkway is in summer. Latina (UL) and Association for for financial exigency or program its final phase. Workers are putting on the finishing touches wiy) sod discontinuation." Smith said he "felt he deserved Asian and Asian-American Aware- "Adequate cause" includes what was dealt to him," according to and lampposts. -photo by Tiff& Hrach ness (A5) are not mentioned. "personal or professional miscon- Walsh. (continued on page 4) duct" and "moral turpitude." "We think the resignation was The Handbook continues to state appropriate," said Professor of that "in making the determination Chemistry Richard Bivens. the Dean must, if the charges appear Single Voice Reading opens Adrienne Post to warrant further consideration, Monday with poet Sarah May 12, 1980—August 8, 1999 seek the advice of the tenured mem - Article compiled with the help of Gordon. See story, page 12. bers of Faculty Council." • Patience Bartunek and Jennifer The process that eventually lead Midgley. We report with sadness that Adrienne Post, a rising sophomore Allegheny student, died August 8, Residential tensions aired at meeting 1999 in an automobile accident. She was 19 years old. By JENNIFER MIDGLEY do enforce alcohol laws and cite stu- the real world is like, and they have Her funeral was held at St. Editor - in - Chief dents through state law and our own to learn to face it." Patrick's Cathedral in Canonsburg, internal judicial system." The meeting was catalyzed by Pennsylvania on August 12. A Meadville residents and Sabruno told the roughly 40 peo- Meadville resident Al Somerville, memorial service was held on Allegheny students living off-cam- ple in attendance that his office has who called McInally about his con- Wednesday, September 8 in Ford pus aired complaints and frustra- handled 24 violations so far this cerns. Somerville lives on West Chapel. dons with one another in a meeting academic year, four of them under College Street. "I'm a homeowner Adrienne was born in Ohio on held last night In Li,c Walker Room. state law and the rest internally. trying to raise a family," he said, May 12, 1980 and graduated from Adrienne was easily approach- Dean of Students Dave McInally "and I've invested a lot of time and Canon-Macmillian High School. able and "easy to talk to and always Director of Security Tony concurred. "We will not protect stu- money here, and I don't want to see Tina Wyland, a sophomore and willing to listen," said Akers. Sabruno explained to anxious and dents in any way from the conse- the value of my home depreciate be- Adrienne's best friend of eight "She was generous," said Pec- angry Meadville residents that "we quences of their actions; that's what cause of this situation." years, said that Adrienne planned on ora, "and had that kind of personal- After speaking with Somerville, being a psychology major and had ity that everyone admired." McInally contacted Sabruno, Allan her heart set on working with chil- "Adrienne was a dedicated mem-, We're All That Blattner, Director of Residence Life, dren in this field. ber of Kappa Alpha Theta," com- Don't miss next week's issue of The and Hal Tubbs, the Meadville Chief "It was all the little things about mentfx1 Pecora. a fellow sorority. of Police. The three met with Adrienne that mattered the most," sister. While at Allegheny, she Campus; a complete redesign, just in Somerville to plan last night's meet- explained sophomore Vicky Akers. also worked in the library. time for the millenium, will debut! ing, which originally called solely Noelle Pecora, a sophomore com- Adrienne is survived by her fa- It'll be so pretty, you'll kick yourself for a discussion of concerns in the mented, "she always made us ther, Brad Post from Valrico, West College Street area. laugh." Florida; her mother, Janis Post for not asking it out sooner. However, as McInally pointed "Adrienne would drop everything from Canonsburg, Pennsylvania.; out during the meeting, "Feelings to be with her friends," remembered her brother, Ryan, 15; and her sis- (continued on page 8) Elena Hurley, sophomore. ter, Deanna, 17.

Page 2 News CAMPUS NEWS BRIEFS -The group known as "the bad The Women in the Arts House 'Alec Chein, Professor of Music, • boys of a cappella" will take the are sponsoring Rhythm and Funk will be a guest soloist with the Erie stage in Shafer Auditorium at 7:30 The Allegheny Student Government (ASG) held elections Night, Wednesday, September 22, at Philharmonic Orchestra on Saturday, p.m. on Friday, Septemeber 24. last week for new officers. Elections ran for two days, from 7:30 p.m. Come to the house with September 18. The Alumni Associ- The performance will start with a your dancing shoes and a funky in- ation of Allegheny College invites September 8-9, in the Campus Center. According to the comical improvisation of ancient strument. The House is at 373 attendees to a Dessert Reception at Gregorian chants and continue with Director of Student Voting Brad Richard, 249 freshmen and the National City Bank Community Sherman Street. old favorites and original composi- 654 juniors cast their ballots this year. Room on 8th Street, between State tions. Presented by Allegheny Col- -Fall term Community Ballroom and French. The reception is at 6:30 Ten positions were open in the freshmen class, and only lege Centerstage Series, tickets go Classes taught by Tom Erdos and p.m., and the performance is at 8:00 three in the junior class. on sale Monday, September 13 cost- Jan Hyatt will meet on Tuesday p.m. ing $8.00 for adults and $6.00 for Students wishing to campaign had to first circulate a nights beginning September 14 senior citizens and children ages 17 through November 16. Two levels petition and obtain 25 signatures. years and under. of classes in waltz, tango, fox trot, The elected officials for the freshmen class of 2003 are as •The educational performing swing, rumba, and cha—cha will be •The Reverend Harry A. Cole- follows: held in the Montgomery Performing group With People will present man, former Associate Dean of the Space: Beginners: 6:30 to 7:45 a choreographed musical program President—Sean Daley p.m., Advanced Beginners: 7:45 to Chapel at West Virginia Wesleyan Vice President—Tamara Pavasovic celebrating the exuberance of youth College, will be the preacher for the 9:00 p.m. Cost to Allegheny on Monday, September 20, at 7:30 Towns Distinguished Visiting Secretary—Britt Rusert Community members is $20.00 per p.m. in Shafer Auditorium. Tickets Chaplain Series at Allegheny Col- couple and $15.00 per single person. Treasurer—Natalie Tompkins will be $12 for adults; $8 for senior lege on Sunday, September 26 at To register, or for more information, Senators—Vanessa Braun, Jason Fidorra, Jamie Kimbrough, citizens and students; or $32 for a 10:45 a.m. in Ford Memorial please contact Jan Hyatt at 332- family of four. Tickets are on sale Kristen Madden, Rachel McDonald and Laura Tingley. 2813 or e—mail: [email protected]. Chapel. For more information, at the Campus Center Information please call the Allegheny College The elected officials for the junior class of 2001 are as Desk, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 Office of Religious Life at 332- -It's not too late to sign up for p.m. daily (332-2373). • follows: the ACA Boil 'n Broil Picnic to be 2800. Senators—Carrie Cromwell, Velissa Davis and Tyler held on Friday, September 17. The Fleming. picnic is at Grotto Park, just one mile north of Sagertown on Route •"Shylock, Antonio, and the Pol- The Campus wants to know New Senate members were sworn in and the Cabinet 19, and kicks off with a social at itics of Performance," will be the what you are up to. Please approved at Tuesday's ASG meeting. 6:00 p.m. and buffet at 6:30 p.m. first topic of this series, presented —Erica Erwin, Assistant News Editor Please call Kathy at 332-4799 or by James C. Bulman, on Thursday, send submissions to Box 12 Rich at 332-2755 to make a reserva- September 23 at 7:30 p.m. in for a new feature entitled, tion. Brooks Alumni Lounge. "Student Spotlight"

The Campus asks... What did you do this summer?

compiled by Tiffany Hrach

I had an Internship in Burbank, I went to New York City and I interned in , D. C., worked in retail in the 'Burgh. I went to the Philippines on a . I worked for an adver- saw a Yankee's Game and a Broad- had two jobs and took a summer I also went to Italy. missions trip. tising company. They do all kinds way Show. class. Washington, D. C. was of graphic advertisements for cool; the rest of the summer Brian Carfagna Sarah Car movies in Hollywood. Lindsay Hall sucked. Class of '01 Class of '03 Class of '02 Isreal Estrada Fred Older Class of '01 Class of '01


The Campus News Page 3 Crisis in Timor sparks mixedcommunity reactions By ANDREW DESBROW bie's long sought permission to en- troops and agreed that the UN had also favor an independent East litical science department points to News Reporter ter the country and aid his govern- done a good job in its handling of Timor. From the history depart- another, perhaps more pressing, fac- ment in restoring order and stopping the affair. This was in sharp con- ment, Professor Barry Shapiro calls tor that may soon surface with US The eyes of the world are focused the seemingly endless bloodshed. trast to sophomore Tim Creahan's the current situation "appalling", and involvement in relief efforts. Ac- on the Indonesian island of Timor as The civic strife gripping Timor view that US troops should be in- though he does see the UN response cording to Moynagh, the Indonesian the United Nations moves to end the has far-reaching implications that volved under UN command, and that as having been fast enough, he added government ironically received the widespread violence that followed an touch not only the pages of UN should have been much that the world's greater powers could blessings of the United States when Eastern Timorese independence refer- press, but many classrooms here on quicker to respond to the senseless have given the crisis a higher prior- in annexed East Timor in 1975, rais- endum on August 30. campus. Students in Professor violence gripping the nation. ity. ing moral questions about the partic- Throughout Timor, large anti-in- Sharon Wesoky's World Politics According to sophomore Fred Professor Antoni Moskwa of the ipation of US forces in aiding East dependence militias have been class have found themselves im- Krauss, those most directly involved economics department sees the Timorese independence. She added openly persecuting and attacking mersed in the Timcr situation, are of a much different political ide- Timor situation as an example of that, while she fully supported UN persons connected with the East thanks to daily readings of the New ology, making them "hard to judge" the changing mission of the UN. intervention in Timor and US partic- Timorese movement for indepen- York Times and in-depth classroom by Western standards. Krauss sees He says that unlike the Cold War ipation, she was definitely against dence. While already into the hun- discussion. And while several stu- the frequent political turmoil in the era, when UN resources were divided US ground troops being included in dreds, accurate accounts of the death dents interviewed supported East region as yet another indicator of largely between US and Soviet the intervention. In her view, Pa- toll are sketchy at best, as repeated Timorese independence, opinions re- how unstable the region is, requiring peace-keeping problems, today's UN cific rim countries like Australia and promises of military intervention by garding the United States' commit- a cautious approach to immediate in- is involved more in international re- Malaysia should bear more of the fi- President B.J. Habibie gO unful- ment and the UN reaction varied. tervention. lations than with the nations them- nancial and material burden of filled. As of September 12, the UN Sophomore Robin Boldosser cau- Professors in the political science, selves. putting an end to the needless suffer- had finally acquired President Habi- tioned against sending armed US economics, and history departments Professor Moynagh from the po- ing of the East Timor people. of English faculty leaves vacant positions and questions

By KIMBERLY REHAK "The change is not as dire as it ment and not know so many of the English program," he added. pate when asked in the department's Arts & Living Editor looks," said senior English major, people there." She also admits to Dean of the College Lloyd efforts this winter to recruit new Gail Giewont. "For the amount of having "a hard time scheduling. So Michaels agreed. "I have been ex- faculty to fill the positions." Concern lingers among English unemployed English doctorates out many of the classes are being taught tremely impressed by the new fac - majors after the departure of seven there, they should have been able to by new people. And your senior ulty in the English Department and I Of the four new hires, Neil Arditi teaching faculty members of litera- hire some good ones. I've heard year, you want to take classes with would hasten to reassure students is the only tenure track member. He ture and writing last semester. only good things about the ones that the professors that you heard about that the department will be further was chosen from over 200 appli- "Last year when I heard that a they've hired." or that you know and like." strengthened ," he said. cants for the position and only after bunch of professors were leaving, I This departure of such a large Jim Bulman, professor of The English department contin- he was interviewed on several occa- became cynical," said sophomore percentage of the English faculty English and chairman of the English ues to accept applications for four sions by both faculty and students. English major Don Thomas. "I had would be of most concern to seniors department this semester stated, tenure-track positions in medieval thoughts of transferring, but I'm who are working on their senior "When changes occur, the unknown and early British literature, Junior English major Keith waiting to see what happens this comprehensive project this causes apprehension. Students are American literature and film studies, Bryner said, "I think this transitional year. My classes this semester have semester. now dealing with teachers with creative writing, and "an entirely period will be difficult, but I think satisfied me thus far." "I did not have an advisor leave, whom they're not familiar. But the new tenure-track position in envi- that the English department has Concerns like this, though under- so my comp hasn't been affected. applicant pool is rich, and we hired ronmental and regional writing," stood and will continue to stand standable, should not be heeded, We knew who was going to be excellent faculty this year." said Michaels. with the strength of its faculty, both faculty say. Although over a third leaving so we planned our comps "Therefore, while student con- He added, "I would encourage new and old. The nucleus of the of the staff positions were vacant at around that," said senior English cerns are understandable, I think the students to make the effort to faculty remains." the close of last year, new faculty major Jackie Skroupa. that it is not really a problem. The meet the new people—Ann members were hired to fill key posi- Skroupa added, "It was weird to market is in our favor, and it helps Bomberger, Judith Rose, Ken Michaels added, "In short, tions. walk through the English depart- to maintain the quality of our Hodges, Neil Arditi—and to partici- change is good." Pilot medical program provides experience, opportunities to students

By MATTHEW IAN TAYLOR invited them to participate. College of Osteopathic Medicine. equally important components of beneficial part of the program. "I News Reporter However, Health Professions "One of the major goals of the medicine—technology and patient have shadowed doctors before and Advisor Kirsten Peterson assured program is to show the students the support services. Participants will seen surgeries, but I have never got- Premeds, call it a glimpse of the that in the future, all premedical stu- range of professional opportunities spend four hours observing the ten this kind of after-medical-school future. Over the next 10 weeks, six dents will be eligible for the pro- and show them how the concepts of technical components of the hospi- perspective," said program partici- juniors will have the opportunity to gram. "If all parties agree that the professionalism and confidentiality tal: radiology, administration, phar- ,pant junior Julie Mackey. observe residents at the Meadville program is worth continuing, we are applied in the hospital," said macy and pathology. Fellow-participant Sarah Buhay Medical Center. would like to haVe this program next Meadville Medical Center Students will also spend four `01 added, "I'll be able to learn what In its initial 10-week run, the semester with an open information Residency Director Robert Smith, hours observing patient-care givers residency is like and get tips on how Primary Care Preceptorship program session for everyone who wants to M.D. such as nurses and social workers. to survive medical school from will expose selected students to all learn about the program," she said. Once in the hospital, Allegheny "The technology and patient someone who has done just that." aspects of primary care medicine. The Meadville Medical Center students will split their time in three support services are integral parts of According to Peterson, The program will assign each panic- obtained its family practice resi- areas of primary care medicine. the program, because as more and "Medicine has changed drastically ipant to a resident medical student. dency program last July and added They will spend eight hours on di- more of our population grows older, in the past few years and these stu- Participants must then complete 16 its first osteopathic residency in July rect patient care, which involves the they will need physicians who can dents have the opportunity to con- hours of observation at the hospital of 1998. The hospital wasted no aspects of medical care associated orchestrate all of the aspects of nect with a resident who knows ex- in a variety of areas. time in offering Allegheny students with emergency room duty, private health care even more so than in the actly what things are like now. To start this pilot program, the the chance to interact with their practice medicine and new-life ser- past," said Smith. They may also be able to use this as Allegheny College Health seven first- and second-year resi- vices. Many students consider the op- a stepping stone to do something Professions Office picked a select dents from the University of The other half of the program portunity to interact and learn from with somebody they meet during the group of premedical students and Pittsburgh and the Lake Erie deals with the less-celebrated but la resident medical student the most program." it Depression is a serious threat It claims good people. :I to anyone that has a UNTREATED [it c' jt1 it c1) k , 11,111, 1•1 i -11) UNTREATF0 DE PRE SSiON hti :t c.; al1,0 ,Rhly. t11.-:01 ,7,, , y 1r , .1; :I;!.‘ A.111,1, ,,,,, 1 6 '. , 1 'y ,,,,hc..1(1 ',.„ ■ ,,t, k,.... p ul 111.,id. DE PRE ssION ' http://www.save.org http://t•iww.save.org

Page 4 News Allegheny receives high marks for diversity on campus (continued from page 1) moting diversity, has been credited of the most engaged faculties here... being one of the main reasons she dents" can boost a college's morale. Allegheny is described as a by students and administrators as' The amount of time that faculty de- came to Allegheny in the first place, It can be a reference point for public "cordial campus." Praise is given to lending to Allegheny's recognition vote to students is quite remark- "The financial aid was very nice," relations personnel and something the strong academic programs and among the schools listed in the pub- able," he said. Cook cited the First said Davis. about which students can be proud. the faculty who are "interested in lication. Seminar and Senior Comp as exam- Other measures are taken to en- One way Allegheny can continue helping [African-American students] President of the College Richard ples of the high demands place on tice minority students to enroll at to maintain a campus atmosphere succeed." Cook commented, "The cooperation faculty's time. Allegheny which are unique to the favorable to diversity is through dia- Wilson illustrates Allegheny as of various groups on this campus, Cook also applauded the faculty college. For instance, Murphy ex- logue, suggests Gardner. As a stu- "a conservative institution in an en- especially ABC, UL, and A5 is re- for its commitment to diversity. plained, "There is funding for stu- dent advisor for the First Seminar vironment that has few cultural out- ally quite special. They promote "Our faculty members value diver- dents of color from far away in "Living and Learning: Growing Up lets for students of color." Yet, each other's events, share the cul- sity. They see the benefits of it and which the Office of Admissions will in America," Gardner has facilitated Wilson continues, "The small size tural center, and their memberships the richness it brings to a classroom reimburse fully the expenses of their discussions on diversity in the class- and nurturing environment of Al- overlap." setting, which is why Allegheny is visit to campus." room. legheny may well outweigh a stu- Cook also commended the very interested in finding students of Murphy also mentioned the spe- "The First Seminar also requires dent's need for more cultural out- Committee on Diversity Issues color [to attend the college,]" he cial overnight program for accepted students to attend two diversity pro- lets." (CODIS) which, like all campus or- said. students of color which last year in- grams and write reports on them," The obviouSreaction to this pub- ganizations, "is not for any one The process of bringing African- cluded prestigious Allegheny alumni said Gardner. She believes that lication, especially among students, group or ethnicity" and contributes American and other minority stu- of color who came to speak to the these discussions and requirements has been surprise. Many ponder significantly to Allegheny's dents to campus begins with the Of- prospective students. help to broaden a student's concept how Allegheny College, whose mi- "concerted effort to make the campus fice of Admissions. Director of Despite these extensive measures of diversity. "You don't know if nority student population comprises open to everyone," said Cook. Admissions Meghan Murphy has to allure minority students to cam- something will push you more into less than 10 percent of the entire Sophomore Mike McCorvey, worked closely with this process. pus, the statistics show the number learning about a new culture... un- student body, could be esteemed by a chair of Black History Month 2000, Murphy said that one of the biggest of international and minority stu- less you remain open-minded about publication geared towards African- is also encouraged by campus in- reasons for these students to enroll dents decreased from 58 freshmen learning [about diversity issues]," American prospective college stu- volvement in diversity activities, at Allegheny is financial aid. last school year to 42 this year. said Gardner. dents. "All things considered, this campus Murphy mentioned the LTV However, Murphy pointed out President Cook also emphasized "I am still in awe by this book," is very supportive of minority group Steel Distinguished Scholars for that the yield of international and the importance of such dialogue. said sophomore Simone Gardner, "I activities," he said. African-American students from minority students (the number of "We need to maintain contact with wouldn't personally say this was However, "They could be somewhat Ohio, as well as trustee scholarships students who actually enrolled com- students of color and the Director of one of the one hundred best schools more supportive," said McCorvey. and extensive need based-scholar- pared with those accepted) proved to Diversity Affairs. I am glad that we for a black student... since are Allegheny's strong academic ships as offers that are often made to be about 2/3-a remarkable figure have students who speak up and act so underrepresented [at Allegheny]." program attracts students from minority students upon being ac- compared to other years. [with concern to diversity issues] to Yet, junior Velissa Davis be- across the country. Its attractiveness cepted to Allegheny. Recognition in "The 100 Best better life on campus for all stu- lieves her status as a student of mi- was reinforced by Wilson as well as Davis cited her tuition package as Colleges for African-American Stu- dents." nority background has positively af- Allegheny students and administra- fected her experience at Allegheny, tors. The consensus found that Al- "When I came to Allegheny, I knew legheny's unique approach to aca- it was going to be different. I knew demics was conducive to the educa- Trying to expand the activities of GAP Allegheny was predominantly tion of minority students. By DAN PHIFER students more involved in the plan- In addition to GAP's change in white," said Davis. Gardner emphasized the student- News Reporter ning of the events, Erin Gilbert approach, the committee has also Still, she became involved in di- faculty interaction as one of Al- compared the difficulties to those added two more assistant-entertain- versity activities during her fresh- legheny's special academic As the new year begins, Gator associated with getting students in- ment positions. These new posi- man year and now serves as presi- strengths, "Unlike other schools, Activities Programming (GAP) is volved in voting. tions give other students on the ex- dent of Association for the Ad- students get the one-on-one attention soliciting feedback from the student "It's like voting [students] want ecutive board more time to generate vancement of Black Culture (ABC), from faculty on a daily basis. The body about this year's planned to see changes, but not many are programming ideas rather than "I am just so excited about ABC professors here take time out of their events. Overcoming the apathy of willing to put forth the effort to spending all their time planning in- this year in general, especially be- day to meet with students, even if it the student body is a continuing ob- make those changes," she said. dividual events. cause we have the ABC house which is not during their office hours," said stacle, according to GAP In an attempt to attract a larger, The GAP agenda for this is open to everyone," she said. Gardner. Entertainment Chair Michael more diverse crowd to the scheduled semester includes trips to see "The Indeed, the openness of the cam- President Cook echoed the stu- Wilson. events, GAP chose to put more ef- Phantom of the Opera" (Sept. 18), pus groups, especially those pro- dent praise for faculty. "We have one GAP Music Entertainment fort into higher—profile events. In the Wing Fest (Sept. 25)—an event

Belize Russia Ireland Chairperson Erin Gilbert, a sopho- previous years, the committee fo- similar to Springfest, and The Rock more, said many of the GAP surveys cused on more numerous, but `n Roll Hall of Fame (Nov. 20). that are passed out to students are smaller acts, which were considered GAP spokespersons hope these ri thrown out or never returned. by some executive board members events will draw a larger crowd than Uo When asked how GAP could :et to be low in uali events in Irevious ears.

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INSIGIAT oN THE 3 CURRENT STATE of oFF10E MoRALE... Readers' forum?

2-20 The Campus staff would like to extend its best wishes to the Class of 2003 as they begin their years at Allegheny. Congratulations to all of you, and welcome. Look Ma, my own cubicle at last! leave their computers on and a I have lost my faith in "Friends." convention, and the whole gang was jacket on their chair when they go It was a sad day for me when I getting dressed to go. The women At the close of last semester, The Campus offered a few home, so others will think they're questions about the changing face of Allegheny and liberal realized that my favorite sitcom isn't were amusingly quirky and really true. The lives of most beautiful; the men were witty and working late. arts colleges in general. The fine line between enticing I was frightened. I'm not twentysomethings just aren't like handsome. The whole gang shot working hard here at Allegheny so students with marketable facilities like the Wise Center, and that. I was a little depressed for a clever, good-natured one-liners at that I can graduate and become a developing students with the intangible, unmarketable while, when I figured that out. each other. Monica was grieving promotion-seeking machine. I'm aspects of college life is difficult to pinpoint. In a time so In mid-July, I had been working about her breakup with Richard, but not reading poetry to improve my devoted to business and other pre-professional training, and as a marketing intern for two at least she was going out and vocabulary so I can send impressive at a college so renowned for its pre-medical and pre-law months. I had my own cubicle, my enjoying the company of her friends. e-mails. programs, where the classics department has fallen into own cubicle-plant, and even a Everybody was doing just fine. Still, there is a thrill to success, nameplate. Life was good. I got Those women in my office are oblivion, is there room for the "pure" intellectual? and excitement in advancing and home one evening and turned on a the same age as Monica, Rachel and The Campus would like to initiate a readers' forum on the becoming one of the best. I'm "Friends" rerun, ready for a good Phoebe. Where is that tongue-in - state of the liberal arts. Your mission, should you choose to willing to spend a few nights smiling chuckle. cheek humor, that impish sense of accept it: send a letter to Box 12 or an email to fondly at pictures on my desk, if it fun in their lives? And where, in the with your answer to one or all of the following questions, or a means I'm making a future for lives of my television buddies, are myself. related topic: exhaustion, frustration and Jennifer Midgley What I'm not willing to do is loneliness? become so enveloped in what I need What is the role of the student as we approach the new mil- I began to wonder if constructing to do to enhance my career, or just lenium preprofessional "apprentice" or avid intellectual? a life requires that one merely ask: Should the goals of a liberal arts college be re-evaluated if That morning in the office, one keep it stable. I won't sight of what of the women I worked with had Do I want a successful career, or do I want to do to enrich my life. the goals of students are changing? What does this make a told me about how tired she was of I want to have fun? I did not realize until this college—a caterer to "client" whims? How do professors fit living with her parents. Earlier in The people in my office read summer that aspiring to a life that is into this scheme; what type of professors are students, and the week, I overheard another magazines with headlines like, more than ordinary and acceptable is therefore colleges, seeking? Must professors become woman saying that she was "Achieving a Work/Life Balance" a very rare goal. Neither did I pseudo-entertainers in order to hold the attentions of exhausted. "If I don't get to bed by with tips like, "Put plenty of pictures realize how lonely life can be, and pleasure-obsessed students? nine-thirty, I just can't function," of friends and family in your office. how difficult it might be for me to she complained. They'll cheer you up when you're feel as energized and enthused about We look forward to your commentary. On "Friends", Ross was going to working late." One column advised the future when I graduate and begin give a speech at a paleontology ambitious young professionals to (continued on page 7) For Sale The million dollar (hu)man When I was 16 years old, like most other 16 year Allow me to put this straight and to the point; old Americans, I applied for a driver's license. In the online shoppers bid over $5.7 billion for a "fully All editorials represent the majority opinion of the application process I was asked if I wanted to be an functional kidney" offered on the Internet auction site, Editorial Board. organ donor. I didn't know much about organ donation eBay. Although the authenticity of the offer and bids at the time, so I declined. I was informed that I could were impossible to determine, eBay pulled the item. change my status, if I so desired, when I renewed my After all, organ trafficking is a federal felony driver's license. punishable by a prison sentence and fines as high as After that day, I decided that I would find out more $250,000. That's right, selling organs is illegal and about organ donation. With more information I could highly punishable in the United States and much of the make an educated decision in four years when I industrialized world. Unfortunately, not every country The Campus welcomes all reader response. We reserve the right renewed my license. observes this restriction. to reject all letters of a purely promotional nature, as well as letters which Even this summer, I figured I had at least a year to Consider this situation. In India, a wealthy, middle-aged male needs a kidney transplant or he will do not meet our standards of integrity, accuracy and decency. We also be educated, so I paid little - attention to information available until earlier this month. most assuredly die. None of his family are appropriate reserve the right to edit pieces for space and grammar. Opinions ex- donors, so his doctor hunts for a private donor. A poor pressed in Letters to the Editor, editorial columns and editorial cartoons young woman with two children is found and donates do not necessarily represent the views of The Campus. Deadline for let- Heather Chapman one of her kidneys for a pre-determined amount of ters is 5 p.m. the Monday before publication. Letters must be type writ- money. Through this "commercial transaction" the ten, double-spaced and signed, with a phone number included for verifi- woman is now able to buy a piece of land and build a cation. Any letter that cannot be verified will not be printed. house. The middle-aged man also gets to live. "Online Bidders Offer Millions for Human Should this be legal? What about those who don't All questions concerning the above policy should be directed to the Kidney" was the headline that screamed at me when I have the money to buy the donor organ? Should the Editor-in-Chief checked Yahoo!News on September 3, 1999. rich have the privilege to purchase something that the My first thought was, "Is this serious?" I read on poor can't, such as an organ or a higher position on the only to find out that eBay's officials weren't sure. list of people who need organs? The idea of wealth (continued on page 7) Page 6 Perspectives My life in a box WELL, I have spent my life in a box. Shielded from all those who have not MY GUECC shared in the box-life experience. I have never known what it is like to not IT'4 have a meal on the table. I have never experienced the shame of not having SOME KIND new shoes or new clothes. My parents have always been able to provide for me everything I have needed and most everything I have wanted. or PARTY ANIMAL... Patience Bartunek

This is my box. A safe happy life that is full of reassurance and seldom strife. I have never experienced a divorce or an arrest or having to accept Desbrow suggests alternatives to alcohol charity of any type. My safe little box was protected here at Allegheny. I have experienced If the most recent security off campus property. Those on these organizations are "not a big many new and exciting experiences in the past three years, but few„ if any, figures for underage drinking campus generally drank in the part" of the alcohol problem put me in any danger. violations are any indication, the privacy of dorm rooms, or campus amongst underage drinkers. Then this p4st summer I worked at the same place I have always worked, future of drinking regulations on owned, non-residence hall facilities. Part of the problem is the laxity a restaurant and pub in a restored canal town five minutes from home. campus may soon come into Additionally, though two of the amongst local merchants and The difference this summer was that I came out of my box and paid question. Security statistics showed eight freshman questioned had not alcohol retailers. Many fail to verify attention to the other people that worked there and the patrons. there were twenty-two underage drunk themselves, they recalled the validity of identification or don't The other summer's wait staff was generally like me. People who's drinking violations within the first several fellow classmates who were even ask for any in the first place. parents made them work while they were at home, but had never been academic week and preceding drinking openly. If you ask me, that The greatest concern falls on forced to leave their box. However, the full time wait staff either never had weekend alone. Of those violations, isn't the best way to begin a college just how to better enforce the laws a box or had locked themselves out. only three were sent before a career. that are in place without entailing a One waitress is 23, married to a guy I graduated with, and has two kids. magistrate downtown for further Besides the ominous precedent much more open and brazen set of She, her husband and I grew up in similar boxes. They just made a mistake consideration. set by the figures, disregarding first search and seizure laws to combat and got locked out of theirs. week craziness, there seems to be an underage drinking. What about the Another woman I worked with never had a box. She was the mother of 4 obvious ease for underage drinkers possibility of a dry campus? Then children, all of which needed financial support and she worked solely for Andrew Desbrow to obtain alcohol. Dean of Students again, who's to say current insurance due to her youngest daughter's illness. David McInally is quick to point out regulations can't be stiffened? The third full time waitress was the mother of two, married for the second that alcohol usage throughout the Professor Stephen Lyons warns time, and a recovering alcoholic. She divorced her first husband because of campus is the most troubling aspect that, much to the dismay of parents his abuse of both her and drugs. Administration concerns over of student life encountered by and administrators, sending To say that the lives of these women shocked and frightened me is an such figures are well justified, as administration officials. Allegheny Campus into a understatement. Once I realized how different their lives were, that my life many freshmen will openly attest to. Although two of the completely dry situation might in was heavenly compared to theirs it was as though someone smashed a Of the handful of freshmen that respondents did admit to having fact be a great boost to the underage sledgehammer through a wall in my box. I now had a window, a small participated in a survey, six out of consumed alcohol at a campus drinking ego. The prohibition era in insight into the lives of others. eight had partaken in alcohol fraternity, Dean McInally was in this country is a prime example of My second window came from those people who worked in the kitchen. consumption within the first week or praise of the efforts various over- consumption that might ensue, In all honesty I have never met a cast of more colorful players than the weekend. As for where these fraternity and sorority organizations not so much in the interest of merry "kitchen guys", consisting of members of both sexes. individuals did their drinking, implement to keep alcohol out of intoxication, but as a rebellious The kitchen guys had all received a wide range of education. One had results favored locations both on and underage hands. He added that (continued on page 7) been through culinary school, but had also spent fiye years in a mental institution. Another was hoping to get his GED. He had been forced to quit school and support his family. One high school graduate was going to take One, two , three strikes you're out some college classes, but he had already graduated from the street. rather than taking it for all it's worth? The lives of these people saddened me. I didn't get to go on vacation this Wouldn't it be great if you could get your hands on a pair of tickets to the baseball game of your choice? Here's my advice for those umpires that are out of summer, so my family went to a few plays and took some day trips. I may Imagine that you're sitting ten rows up, hot dog in one a job. Think next time before you do something have felt cheated if I hadn't looked at the lives of the "kitchen guys." hand, a frosty, cool libation in the other, and nacho illogical and idiotic. Simple economics is based on the One couple took their family to the local campgrounds and pitched a tent, cheese dribbling down your chin. The visiting team is principle of supply and demand. If there's a plentiful they ate hot dogs and slept out for two nights-this was their big vacation. holding on to a two run lead. Your favorite superstar is. supply, then the demand is not as great. One guy took his vacation time and worked in a factory so that he could stepping into the batter's box. Two pitches later, he is Union leaders should have looked at the thousands raise extra money for his mother. The others weren't so lucky. They didn't rounding the bases after a three-run homerun. As you of minor league umpires just waiting for their shot in even get a vacation. jump up, screaming in exaltation, celebrating the the big leagues. The bottom line is, if your job is easily After interacting with the "kitchen guys" my box had two windows from victory with a hug from the portly drunkard sitting next replaceable, then don't threaten to resign. There are which much light could shine through. to you, I ask you, does it make any difference whether a plenty of beer drinking, nacho cheese dribbling fans out My responsibilities went further than waitressing. After I turned 21, I ten-year veteran or a newcomer is twirling his finger there in the stands that could call a strike. spent a lot of time behind the bar. Which meant I spent a lot of time in- above his head, signaling a home run? Cheers to the union members who rescinded their teracting with the people who sat there. resignations before it was too late. The fact that they The bar was generally quiet, except for every Friday and Saturday night. put aside the greed and selfishness of the union, and When I worked I could count on a certain group of men sitting there saw the error of their ways speaks volumes. The last drinking a cold beer and wanting to talk. Dane Foster volume, however, is reserved for the bloopers-the They seemed very sad to me. Each had a distinct story, and a reason for umpires that will watch baseball from the stands just needing that time at the bar. like anyone else-because they are too stubborn and My favorite was "Ed." He spent most of his time talking to me about my Now think for a minute, don't rush yourself on this proud to admit their mistake. future. His daughters had grown up. When they left home, his relationship one. After all, it takes a great deal of skill to declare a The post-season will be full of new faces and with his wife deteriorated. He worries that my Allegheny education won't ball fair or foul. Granted, being a major league umpire surprises. The media will gawk over the superstars that get me anywhere since I am majoring in English and not in science or busi- isn't for everyone. Not everyone can handle the stress led their respective teams to the playoffs. The fans will ness-the two fields he views as lucrative. of working for half of the year, and then having the wait in line for hours to get the best tickets to see their The bar men became a support group for each other, each venting and other half to recuperate in a luxurious condominium in .favorite teams. However, when the next superstar hits a talking while the others gave advice. When they didn't want to talk about the Florida Keys. grand slam homerun to win the game, I don't think the themselves anymore they would shift their attention to me. My heart goes out to those umpires in Major fans will notice a big change in the demeanor of the I received advice on my education and what I should do after graduation. League Baseball who tendered their resignations in an men in black as they acknowledge the feat. All the These men would impart wisdom on how to deal with "those boys" that attempt to sway the commissioner, Bud Selig, to while, the former umpires can watch the game with were my age. If the mood was right I could also get advise on money negotiate pay and benefit increases for all the members their Dolby Surround Sound, sitting feet up in their matters. Everyday I got advice on bartending. of the umpires' union. Their $300, 000 salary plus Lazy Boy, knowing very well that they the best These men opened a third window for me. I now have a wide view of the health benefits for a six month working period must be seat in the park, on the field. world outside my little box. difficult to get by on. That hardly seems enough for their condominiums, Jaguars and Mercedes. What ever happened to the joy of the game? What (continued on page 7), ever happened to playing the game for what it's worth Dane Foster is Perspectives Editor of The Campus The Campus Perspectives Page 7 The day I learned to spackle, and other valuable life lessons (continued from page 5) that is always exciting and never moment I arrived. I almost turned and using textbooks as coasters. crush our inner one, or to pare it to build my life. requires drudgery. All I need is a right around and ran out the door Letting failure or embarrassment down into something more fitting I know that people often laugh sense of vitality, a way of living that into the arms of Residence Life. At become a possibility, accepting that and acceptable. when they hear college students talk isn't set up around the easiest, safest the time, the fact that the walls they happen, and dealing with them I've lost my faith in any about what their lives will be like or simplest option. I just want to looked like they'd been machine- when they do, is what I have learned paradigm of life that someone else someday. I also know that people survive with my dreams and humor gunned didn't strike me as very so far from Allegheny, along with has given to me. There is something intact. funny. some literary terms, and how to say often laugh at things that aren't better out there, something more really funny at all just to feel a little I know this because when I look Now, though, it's a story I enjoy "The fireman stole my pocketbook" than the bitterness and boredom into better about them. back on the time I've spent at telling: The Day I Learned To in French. which people often seem to fall. I am seeking a softly-lit living Allegheny, the stories that come to Spackle. Material for my novel. We all live in our own weird Something more than the illusory room, with comfortable couches, the my mind are the ones about things There are plenty more to choose little worlds, filled with our own fun that popular culture has to sell. smell of coffee and the laughter of I've done wrong, or beliefs that I no from. There are blatantly idiotic worries, quirks, and favorite ways to Something that, with a little strength friends. I want a man's arm around longer hold. I think about things, like the time last year when I waste time. And all around us is the and a sense of humor, I can create. me, just loose enough to let me shift friendships that have faded and slid all the way down Brooks Walk real world, with its demands, in my seat a bit. I want the heated those that have not, and I think about on my derriere on an icy night, or standards and complexity. Too Jennifer Midgley is the Editor-in- debates I have come to love in the the reasons why. I remember the the time I went to Brooks for dinner often, we allow that outside world to Chief of The Campus. dorms. I want a sense of excitement silly things I've done, and I smile, because I wanted some really good when I think about what I'm going because I know I'm truly living. food. to do tomorrow. The other day, I was sitting in my I do things like thinking about I don't want perfection in my painted, furnished, mini blinded the danger of apathy while eating This little light of mine life. I don't need friends who are bedroom in my new apartment off- week-old pizza, wearing old flannel (continued from page 6) always beautiful and witty, or a job campus, and I thought about the pajamas at three in the afternoon, While I like it inside my little box, it is important for me to see beyond it. If I can't see what is going on around me, how am I supposed to appreciate the life I live? To beer or not to beer...that is the question My life has been enriched by those around whose lives are so different much less disruptive place to be on a weekend. Can than mine. The wait staff, kitchen guys and bar men not only showed me you imagine a quiet night on Loomis Street? (continued from page 6) the life they lead, they taught me about myself. As for solutions to underage drinking and alcohol What about the rights of those of legal age who wished I may not have a perfect life, but I have a great one. I have had oppor- abuse, suggestions varied widely. While a dry campus to drink in the privacy of their own room? What tunities that so many others have not had. But just because others are is supported, security officials admit the extra would a dry campus mean for them? I turn 21 next different than I, less fortunate, or hold different things important does not year, and would hate to be forced into the cold of manpower needed for such a measure might not be applicable to the size of our school. Anybody who make me better or them worse. winter downtown just for a drink. We are all people and have something to give to others. Sometimes one spent a year in Baldwin would agree. Dean Mclnally Echoing some of her colleague's sentiments, mistake can knock all the walls out of your box, if you were lucky enough Professor Anne Rubenstein admits that alcohol abuses stressed that while the institution of a dry campus policy is by no means closer to reality than say, Labor to have one. by thoSe of any age certainly play a part in classroom I have realized that I could lose my box at anytime, and if I did, I would Day off, perceptions of alcohol abuses on campus are performance. After all, eight o'clock classes are one still expect those around me to respect me and treat me with decency. much greater than reality would suggest. Education thing, but add a hangover and you're definitely asking Maybe we should all have experiences that let us see outside our boxes. and not more regulation are key. for trouble. She sees this most often on Mondays, yet Those windows into other peoples lives give our lives greater meaning, There are also other alternatives to drinking. For admitted it was not right to assume that partying and while leading to a better understanding of others. Wouldn't the world be a those wishing to escape the alcohol-laden party scene, drinking all weekend is the cause of a quiet Monday better place for all of us if we could look at others with a sense of the creation of a marching band, the extension of hours classroom. She went on to cite her college experience understanding. in a county deemed entirely dry except for the weakest at the Wise Center, and the improvement of gathering forms of alcohol. She recalled that, while some chose areas in the Campus Center like McKinley's and the Patience Bartunek is the Managing Editor for The Campus. to travel five miles into the next county to obtain more former game room would only provide further and powerful alcohol, most didn't have transportation and safer alternatives. The Campus of Allegheny College refrained from heavy drinking. This resulted in a Andrew Desbrow is a member of the class of '02. What's thep rice of a human life?• Founded 1876 (continued from page 5) happen. A friend of mine loaned me organ wasn't available, wouldn't VOLUME 123, NO. 1 September 16, 1999 equaling privilege can be found in her Biomedical Ethics book, which you do anything in the world to the analogy of a rich man buying a included a section from "Sell reach that alternative and save a "substitute" for himself for the Yourself to Science" by Jim life? I know I would. I wouldn't JENNIFER MIDGLEY PATIENCE L. BARTUNEK military draft. Hogshire. The section entitled, want to die or watch someone else Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor The question of morality is a "How Much Are You Worth?" die because there wasn't a donor big issue for those that don't support discussed the dollar worth of some organ, especially knowing that there Roxanne Scala Erica Erwin, Shannon the legalization of organ sales. body parts. may have been another possible way News Editor Harbaugh, Kendra Stanton Other common objections include Before you laugh at how to get that needed organ. Assistant News Editors matters of fairness (exploitation of strange that sounds, consider this: a I do think, however, that the kidney is worth $10,000-$50,000, a people that sell organs are being poor and unemployed) and dangers Kimberly Rehak Abby Milligan of abuse to obtain the "commodity" liver $150,000, and a cornea $4,000. incredibly selfish. I find it Arts & Living Editor (murder and theft). Were you aware that the value of a extremely disgusting that people are Assistant Arts & Living Editor I am sure many of us have cup of bone marrow is $10,000, a making money off of others who are received the email warning us about heart $15;000-$20,000, and a pound so desperate to live. Dane Foster Heather Chapman organ theft, but for those of you who of fetal tissue is $1,200. It is pretty When it all comes down to it, if Perspectives Editor Assistant Perspectives Editor haven't here is a brief description. disgusting that our body parts can more people decided to donate their Apparently, there are people out have a price tag, but if you add up organs when they die, then there Chuck Steinfurth Ann Horowitz there who will look for unsuspecting the figufes given in the article, each would be more organs available and Sports Editor Advertising Manager victims at bars, night clubs and other individual person is worth a pretty less people selling organs illegally. social scenes. They will pretend to penny. As disturbing of a thought as it may Tiffany Hrach Heidi Walsh Some people are torn on the be to some of you, I still have to ask, display an interest in their prey and Photography Editors Business Manager eventually slip a drug into their issue of organ sales and would like "Do you really think you'll need drink. When the innocent party to have it both ways: legalized sales your organs after you die?" Pat Bywater awakes, if they do, they find of organs, a ban on advertising, and In answering that question Sonya Jones themselves in a tub of ice, and prosecution of brokers. A similar myself, I have decided to become an missing a kidney or some other analogy to this would be to legalize organ donor when I renew my Advisors organ. The organs are taken and prostitution, but prosecute pimps. I license next May. Maybe someday sold on the black market for large am quite doubtful that this solution a part of me will help someone to sums of money. would solve the issue. live. That, for me, is a comforting Whether this warning is Although I don't agree in the thought. 'slightest with the idea of selling The Editorial Board: completely true, I am not sure. I Patience Bartunek, Erica Erwin, Dane Foster, Shannon Harbaugh, have never personally known organs, I have sympathy for the Heather Chapman is the Assistant Jennifer Midgley, Kimberly Rehak, Roxanne Scala, Chuck Steinfurth anyone who this has happened to, buyers. I mean, if a there was a Perspectives Editor for The but I can understand why it does possible alternative when a donor Campus. Page .8 News Residents, students hope for greater sense of community

(continued from page 1) the street, just thrown around," she supposed to go get a hotel room for gerating," Mclnally said, "I lie The meeting concluded with the are strong about this issue and peo- said. the night?" awake at night trying to think of decision to send out minutes to all ple have put up with some really un- However, Nagotte said she's not Cleary said she was also told to ways to change the college drinking the residents who attended, and al- reasonable things. It's important overly upset about the situation. stop by and visit with students, or culture." low everyone some time to consider that we be respectful to one another "The parking problem hasn't both- have a drink with them. "That's not Palmer, when asked what he what the next step would be. and try to solve these problems." ered me," she said. "Students live a solution," she said. "And besides, could do to help change the situation Possible next moves include form- The meeting was attended by here; they should be allowed to park I don't want to get to know the kids among students, said, "I think stu- ing a committee of residents, stu- Allegheny students, resident advi- on the street. It's hard sometimes, who are having the nasty parties." dents have to take it upon them- dents, and Allegheny administration sors, Chaplain John Colatch, Public when we have guests or a repairman Senior Adam Kukic, Housing selves to turn to their friends and to go before the city council and Affairs Director Mary Norton and comes, but usually people can find Coordinator for off-campus houses, say, 'Hey, quit being a jerk' and sort discuss options for increasing park- Associate Dean of Experiential parking." offered the opinion that landlords of police their own friends." ing in the area. Learning Joe DiChristina, as well as Meadville resident Lee Cleary, should take a more active role in Tubbs commented that As for the problem of student Meadville residents. however, had a different opinion. conflicts like this one. "Where are Meadville is essentially a small, disruptions of the quiet neighbor- The main issues discussed in- "From midnight to four a.m. on the the landlords?" he asked. "They're quiet town and loud parties and hoods, the option of an orientation cluded the difficulty of finding park- weekends, there's people screaming, letting the houses fall apart, and drunkenness are disruptive and dis- for off-campus students was dis- ing along the streets, the worry that yelling and swearing," she' said. they're letting students have par- turbing to residents. "This is not cussed, although the general consen- the neighborhood is deteriorating "My kids don't have friends spend ties... that's contributing to the prob- New York City. It's not Mayberry sus was that the troublemakers are and perceptions of students' lack of the night here because they're lems in the neighborhood." either, but this is a quiet cOmmunity the students living on campus who respect for their neighbors. scared of all the noise." Meadville resident Carol where people expect to be able to go wander the Meadville streets look- Meadville residents cited examples Former Allegheny Student Harrello, who lives at the corner of to sleep at 11, get up at six and go to ing for parties. of students vomiting and urinating Government president Mike Palmer, Park Avenue and John Street, sug- work without disruption," he said. in and around their cars and making who attended the meeting, reminded gested that since more and more noise that awakened families in the residents of a similar meeting held students seem to be moving off- early morning hours. last academic year, and asked campus, the College should address Donna Nagotte, who lives at the whether there were any positive re- the living preferences of students Are your eyes going bad from reading corner of Smith and West College sults. Meadville residents said they and perhaps update the residence Street and formerly worked at appreciated the college's effort, but halls. Harrello also suggested that the paper? Allegheny in the accounting depart- that very little changed after the last the. College maintain lists of the ment, said she's had very few prob- meeting. landlords who rent to students, and Then why not write for it! It builds healthy lems in her immediate area. "They told me that the students include required housing standards "Sometimes on party nights, we get will call and tell me when they're .criteria. eyes and brains. beer bottles and cups, whatever having a party," Cleary said. "But The problem of student parties they're holding as they walk down what good does that do me? Am I remained, however. "I'm not exag-

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Arts & Living An interview with royalty—Miss Crawford Counties speak out

By KIMBERLY REHAK Heather: I started going to the Arts & Living Editor pageants when I was about eight and CECILIA STECZ years old. The first time that I really Arts & LiVing Reporter remember going I decided that this was something that I really wanted to Beauty pageants are sexist. do. They're degrading to females. We, as women need to rise up against Danielle: Probably a similar story this! ...or so we thought. with me, I went to the pageants when After learning that three Al- I was younger. In second grade, I legheny women had claimed the title was in the Meadville Bicentennial of Miss Crawford County, we and had to dress up as Miss Crawford wanted to have a conversation with County, Sharon Stone, so I thought them in the hopes of challenging our that was the greatest thing ever. I pre-conceived notions on the issue. dressed up as it once, so it was kind of a childhood thing. I really feel in This past Sunday in the Grounds for Change Coffeehouse, we met love with the performing aspect as with the former Miss Crawford well. Counties, junior Danielle Bazylak, Lorielle: Also, this was something senior Lorielle Gillette, and the that I had seen as a child. I had a present title-holder, sophomore couple of my aunts in the pageant, so Heather Chapman. I lived kind of looking up to them Heather Chapman, Danielle Bazylak and Lorielle Gillete gather to share memories and talk We approached this interview and having that be something that I about the Miss Crawford County contest and the honor it is to redeye . with open minds. After all, the first wanted to be someday. —photo by Tiffany Hrach thing that a reporter learns is to C: What kind of honor comes with remain objective. We decided to set C: When you say that you entered the Miss Crawford County Tttle? our judgments aside and listen to pageants when you were younger: their take on some issues. was that something that you wanted L: A tremendous amount of honor. What ensued was a half-hour to do or something that your parents You're just in the position where Alum to perform at Gala discussion about the pageant, pushed you into doing? everyone is looking to you and so women, and beauty. By BRENNA DYKTA year, and, in prior years, funds were you have to live accordingly as well. Arts & Living Reporter raised through other events. One The Campus: Why did you enter the H: It was something that I wanted to You try to set the best example as year a celebrity auction that included contest? Was it something that you do. All of my friends were in the you can and be the best role model The upcoming fund-raiser for among other things, an Academy wanted to see if you could win or pageants, so I entered. I like being in that you can for both young and old, Meadville's Academy Theater allows poster autographed by Sharon Stone, something that you'd been looking front of people, and I like being in and not allow yourself to_ get too its attendees to support local theater was held to support the Academy. forward to entering? the spotlight. So it was a good way (continued on page 11) as well as enjoy an evening of enter- to have that feeling. The Academy Theater has a rich tainment. history. It was built in 1885 and "Gala '99: An Evening with Cris eventually became a performance Allegheny College attracts superstars Groenendaal and Sue Anderson" will area for touring vaudeville produc- By ABBY MILLIGAN be held Saturday, September 18 to town of Meadville is mentioned.isummerts prequel, The Phantom benefit the Academy. tions. It later became a movie the- Assistant Arts & Living Editor ater, but was closed in the late 1970s. Born and raised in this area, Stone Menace." Burtt created all of the This fund-raiser will begin at 5:30 once reigned as Miss Crawford, sounds for these movies from his It was officially reopened in 1992, to p.m. at the country club, where cock- Classes are back in session and so house the newly founded Academy County. She later traded the glitter own voice or from other real world tails and dinner buffet will be served. is the Allegheny rumor mill. One of of her crown for the spotlight in such sounds. Theater. the most intriguing rumors circulat- Though he was a physics major The event then moves to the movies as "Casino" and "Gloria." Academy for Cris Groenendaal's and ing campus concerned a "Fox-TV" Trent Reznor, the angst-filled here at Allegheny, Burtt always had Tickets for this year's Gala, which Sue Anderson's performance at 8:00 starlet who was apparently going to singer of the rock trio "Nine Inch an interest in film. He later decided cost $125 per person, can be obtained p.m. Their act, "Music of the Night," by calling the theater at 337-8211. attend college here. Well, Nails," is also connected with this to pursue this interest by attending Alleghenians, the rumor is true. will consist of Groenendaal singing a Prizes will be awarded throughout area. Born in Mercer, Reznor studied the University of Southern California selection of popular Broadway hits Courntey Thorne-Smith was the evening of the Gala, including a computer science here at Allegheny for a film degree. Bunt has since with Anderson's accompaniment on planning on starting her freshman trip to the Super Bowl and a home and also pledged the Theta Chi then won four Oscars for sound and the piano. year at Allegheny in 1985 when she entertainment system. Fraternity. After about a year as an has worked on other movies such as Groenendaal is a native of Erie landed a role in a movie called Alleghenian, Reznor went to "Raiders of the Last Ark, " and and an alumnus of Allegheny. "Lucas," opposite Charlie Sheen. to concentrate on his mu-"Indiana Jones and the Last Straight from Broadway, he has per- Since then, Thorne-Smith, an in- sic career and eventually attracted Crusade." formed in shows such as "Phantom tended communication arts major,, One of Bunt's classmates is also throngs of fans with 1990's "Pretty of the Opera," "Sweeney Todd, " has moved on to bigger and better very successful in the entertainment "Sunday in the Park with George," Inside A & L: things. After playing the career ori-, Hate Machine." Since the 's re-very Cris Groenendaal, who is a , and "Ragtime." Anderson, his wife, ented alcoholic character of "Allison' lease, Reznor toured in singer and actor on Broadway, grad- won a Grammy, and has continued to is a conductor and pianist. " on Melrose Place, Thorne-Smith make more . Reznor also guated from Allegheny in 1970. —Poet Sarah Gordon According to Todd Dickey, an visits Allegheny has landed a spot on the popular sit- . IGroenendaal graduated with a degree intern at the Academy Theater, this playing , tormed sus own recording label, in English and played on the varsity com Ally McBeal s Fn event is a general fund-raiser for the —Reviews: New Album "Georgia," the wife of McBeal's long ing such performers as Marilyn tennis team. Groenendaal played the Academy Theater. 'The Academy is Manson to recording contracts. i second phantom in "Phantom of the by Folk Implosion and time love interest. a non-profit organization. It doesn't Unfortunately, Thorne-Smith Reznor was listed by Playgirl as one Opera," as well as in a revival of the "Stigmata" have investors, so it's not out to there of Rock's Ten Sexiest Stars, and also Broadway musical "A Funny Thing never made it to Allegheny, but make money. • Tickets cover only —Allegheny Review are a few other film, theater, and mu- shared a heated relationship with Happened on the Way to the Forum." about half of the cost of keeping the mixup sic stars who have. Some of the en- "Hole's" own Courtney Love. Apart from his time on the stage, theater, so fund-raisers make up the Another notable Alleghenian in- Groenendaal is also and RCA record- —Campus Crossword tertainment industry's hottest current balance." and rising stars have ties to volved in the entertainment industry i ng, artist. The Allegheny Grad will Each year the Academy holds one Meadville and Allegheny College. is Ben Burtt. This 1970 graduate was soon be performing in Meadville's major fund-raiser; this year it will be Sharon Stone is one of the first the sound designer for the popular own Academy Theater for a fund the Gala. A gala was also held last people that comes to mind when the "" movie, as well as this 'raising event.

Page 10 Arts & Livin Britten's back with a bit of heresy —a review of "Stigmata" By BOB BRITTEN playing the world's most scientific ceives no interest whatsoever. Latin term referring to an arcane chooses to do so by throwing doves Arts & Living Reporter priest and Vatican flunky. He flies While all this is going on, we've word used to make a movie sound re- around and running footage of water from place to place around the world got Patricia Arquette, a jolly hair ally mysterious and draw lots and droplets backward. Also, lots of Here we go again. Another aca- at Cardinal Jonathan Pryce's behest, styling atheist in New York named lots of money, even without Bruce scary voices whisper suggestions demic year starts, and with it, the investigating and disproving all man- Frankie. We know she lives in the Willis. Basically, it means that holes when Patricia "gets religion"— sug- contributing writers of The Campus ners of religious phenomena. Rains big city, thanks to an incredibly start popping up on her body in more gestions like "Buy a vowel!" or "Try crawl forth from their earthen dens, of frogs, Elvis prophets, the Virgin elaborate montage of speeded-up or less the same place as those in- 10-10-321!" rub their eyes, turn their faces to the Mary appearing in a cinnamon roll... stock city footage that marks her in- flicted upon Christ upon the cross. sun, and utter the resounding cry of all those minor miracles that we dis- troduction, reminiscent of Richard Also, she writes stories in languages At the risk of a smiting from an "The deadline is when???" regard in our daily lives. Scarry's "Busy, Busy World!" that no longer exist, speaks in haunt- authority much higher than my edi- What better way to usher in this So when Gabe rolls into Rio de ing other-worldly voices, and gets a tor, I'll say that overall "Stigmata" is festive month of September than with Janeiro to investigate a statue that two-for-one discount at most partici- a decent movie. It's enjoyable, and a little heresy? Yes, as your faithful started weeping blood upon the death Film Review pating Dennys'. really not too scary, at least in terms film reviewer and devout lapsed of the local church's patriarch, he's of things jumping out of boxes at These going-ons eventually make Catholic, I felt it my duty to make my pretty casual about things. His inves- you. On the other hand, there's the news, and, as you might have way into the theater to view tigation is short and all business, enough spewing blood in it to supply Patricia spends her days cutting guessed, Gabriel is sent to investi- "Stigmata." The question on my which prompts unhappy commentary several Evil Dead-type slasher flicks. hair, going to clubs, and generally gate. From there on in there is much mind was: Would this be the - from the local worshipers being incredibly hot—albeit with Not for the squeamish, but intel- screaming and Exorcist-style antics shaking, righteous-ire-arousing film (conveniently subtitled, in case there teeth like a garden rake. She gets a ligently written, well-cast, and, pro- as he tries to get to the bottom of Pa- that it was reputed to be, or just the was any doubt that they weren't rosary in the mail from her mother, vided you don't suffer from a largish tricia... I mean, of Patricia's problem. next logical step from "Sixth Sense" speaking English). To Father who's been vacationing in, gasp!, chip on your shoulder of the non- One thing that I have learned form and "Stir of Echoes?" Gabriel's shock, it seems that the Rio de Janeiro, and we get rolling. secular variety, intriguing enough to this movie, it's that when God is try- statue actually is crying blood, which Patricia finds herself afflicted by make for a decent night out. Here we've got Gabriel Byrne ing to communicate with us, He he reports to his superiors but re- the Stigmata, which is an ancient "" mixes Instruments for matured sound THEORLY ONE AND ONLY MATCHMAKER By DON THOMAS The opening piece is entitled to chorus to verse again songs. In Arts & Living Reporter "My Ritual" which is a nice blend of some instances, there is no chorus or a drum machine, what I think is a bridge at all, maintaining a constant Folk Implosion, originally a side dulcimer, and an acoustic guitar. sound that carries well, like in project featuring of The song flows very well. The tone "Mechanical Man." and John Davis, have changes• quite often and is "Chained to the Moon" sounds recently released their second full complemented by Barlow's soft like a gospel song, backed with an length album, "One Part Lullaby." singing voice. melody and sounds like Davis and Barlow got together in The second track, the album's something out of the 1940's. 1994 to write songs for the film title song, sounds rather haunting "Kids." One of their tracks for this, Each song on the album begins with Barlow droning "one part with a strong percussion statement WHAT IS THE MEDIA "Natural One," became a hit single. lullaby, two parts fear." You cannot After releasing a couple of ep's before giving way to the guitars and help being slightly frightened by it. the other multiple instruments that SAYING ABOUT ORLY? ( albums) that CNN News, with David Goddow make up the album. "Orly is a unique personal matchmaker... contained simple guitar and drum probably sick of me continually "Free to Go," the next track, is I really like Sebadoh, so when I The Roseanne Show tracks, their first album was blasting this album. my favorite (for now). It begins "Orly, born a matchmaker..." first heard that Barlow had another received well in the underground When you open the album cover with the music vamping but then Sally Jesse Rafael Show band, I could not wait to hear it. I music scene. and see the many instruments played changes to a soft-sounding ballad, - Orly's service is designed for the professionals... was not disappointed. AM Show throughout it, you can only wonder one that would resemble what you'll be in for. Primarily, "Orly's clients were married live on the show... if she were ever to pick up an The name Folk Implosion was a Eyewitness News (ABC) Music Review Folk Implosion has been a guitar "Orly, world renowned matchmaker..." electric guitar. way of paying tribute to the Jon and drums band with a tinge of The rest of the songs are a nice IOTA Morning News keyboards. With this release, they Spencer's Blues Explosion, another "Orly. matchmaker in action... blend of drum beats, melodic great band still producing quality "One Part Lullaby" is an album are utilizing the sounds of harps, ABC 5 O'clock News rhythms, and soft vocals. There are music. "Orly is nationally and internationally known... ' of exquisite beauty and mellifluous dulcimers, organs, and even glasses even some instrumental pieces, Monte' Williams Show tones backed by avant-garde of water being hit with spoons. One Part Lullaby, as a whole, is "Orly's clients are the cream de la cream..." which are new to the discography of experimentation. This is their most They have matured as musicians . honest, introspective, and very AM Philadelphia Show a great deal and have also developed sincere. The lyrics are very self- "Orly's clients are simply top of the line... " experimental release to date and it Cleveland Tonight Show works well. into more sophisticated poets. Some Following in the same footsteps reflexive. I think that this album "Orly, a touch of class..." Rarely do I come across a new of the music may sound electronic, as Sunny Day Real Estate, each allows a most intimate glance into Orange County News Channel release in which every track is a but is simply the band playing a song has multiple changes which the band. "Orly is champagne wishes..." fragment the typical pattern of verse AM Northwest Show, Oregon delightful treat. My house mates are wider variety of instruments. "Orly author of finding the perfect match..." Good Evening Show "Orly is an investment in your future..." Allegheny Review's mix-up is cleared up from last year The Dimi Petty Show, Canada "Orly personalize matchmaker..." school year. "Tiffany Hrach and I By MARIE ELIA before commencement in May. Last because the budget for this year CBS Noon News year, however, it did not find print. would not allow the extra costs. were the only ones here in the sum- "Orly has a dream date for you... " Arts & Living Reporter Jewish T.V. Network Gail Giewont and Erin Lukehart, "I went to Dr. Jones and asked, mer," said Giewont. "We had to proofread," said "Orly is a real marriage broker..." The Allegheny Review is a na- both seniors, this year's Review edi- `What do we need to do to get this U.S.A. Today Newspaper Hrach. "There were mistakes all tional publication of undergraduate tors, and members of the editorial done on time?'" added Giewont. "Orly matches the rich and successful... ' "She gave us the right outline for through." Company Show, Detroit work and well-known throughout the board last year, cite "erratic student leadership" as the main cause. They procedure and we just went from Giewont also added that "Last "Orly made countless introductions... " country. It is known and respected NBC Evening News said that attendance on the part of there." year, it was haphazardly slapped to- everywhere, in fact, except for right gether at the last minute. It needed to "Orly is the Rolls Royce of matchmaking... here—its home. Review board members at meetings "Literary journals have their ups American Journal Show was sporadic. !and downs," said Sonya Jones, Pro- also be organized in some fashion." "Orly, a matchmaker with a sixth sense..." Many students tend to confuse the Giewont said that the last year's ! fessor of English and the faculty ad- "Gail Giewont and Tiffany Hrach The Good Company Show, Minnesota Review with the Allegheny Literary stepped in to finish what last year's "Orly is a celebrity matchmaker..." editor, "told us on the last day of fi- visor of the Review, "and I'm quite Review, a collection of work _solely editor left incomplete, and they did it Orange County Register by Alleghenians. Because some Al- nals last year that it was not going to ,grateful that The Allegheny Review "Oriv has a match for the sincere singles.. professionally," said Jones. "We'll legheny students are not even aware be printed. She sent us an e-mail has a history of coming out 16 of its saying that she'd sent the Review to 17 years on time. I expect nothing be making even more improvements "Orly's video tape is captivating. " of the Review's existence, they prob- the wrong printer. She wanted us to less." to the design this year." ably did not notice that it was not Giewont and Lukehart are more FREE . print it next year." According to Giewont, most of published last spring. confident in the new board, and they .30411\1 'FES P11()NI ( I !NOON The Review is usually published Giewont said that she knew publi- the board from last year either gradu- S316)' 289-7871 • Beverly Hills in late April and released sometime cation could not wait until the fall ated or left campus at the end of the (continued on page 13) •

The Campus Arts & Living Page 11 Get out of your room and go to town! Fine tuning The following is a list of local Cher and Cyndi Lauper will One World will be in concerts and events. be performing at Polaris Pittsburgh at Heinz Hall at 8p.m. Amphitheater in Cleveland at Cost of tickets are $31-36. Thursday 9.16.99 7:30p.m. Ticket prices range from Sunvolt will be performing at $25.25 -75.25. Thursday 9.23.99 Metripol in Pittsburgh at 7:30p.m. Better than Ezra and Six will be performing Tickets are $13.50-15 at the door. X Factor Pence None the Richer will be at with a guest DJ at the Rhythm the Oden Concert Club in Robert Palmer will be Room in Cleveland. Call (216)321- Cleveland. Check for show time performing at Odeon in Cleveland at 4072 for information. cost of tickets. 8p.m. Tickets are $27.50-19.50. and There will be a Faculty Recital Robert Palmer is a Grammy Award at the Cleveland Institute of Music winner and his hits include in Cleveland. Show time is at 8p.m. Through Sunday 9.19.99 "Addicted to Love," and "Simply and tickets are free. This recital Marvin's Room will be Irresistible." will feature music by Mozart and performed at Mountain Playhouse in many other great classical artists. Jetterstown, PA. Show times are Friday 9.17.99 8p.m. on Tuesdays, 2p.m. on Alabama and Shane McNally Earth Crisis, Brother's Wednesday and Friday, and 3p.m. will be performing at Coca-Cola Keepers, Buried Alive, and on Sunday. Tickets are $12-20. No Star Lake Amphitheater in Ekindels will be performing in Leonardo di Caprio in this Burgettstown, PA . The show Meadville at Forward Hall. Show production, but don't miss seeing begins at 8p.m., and tickets are $15, time is at 8p.m. and tickets are $10. this gripping family story on stage. $25, and $30. Sunday 9.19.99 Through Wednesday 9.22.99 with openers Savoy Brown Smash Mouth, Sugar , Art to Go will be on display at Dave Iglars and The Igniters will be and Edwin McCain will be in the Greensburg Art Gallery in performing at Rosebud in Pittsburgh Burgettstown, PA at Coca-Cola Star Greensburg. Times for viewing this at 7:30p.m. Tickets are $10-12 at Lake Amphitheater at 5p.m. Tickets show are 10a.m.-1p.m. on Monday , the door. range in cost from $14.94-24.94. Wednesday, and Friday, as well as Homegrown and Punchline 7-9p.m. on Wednesdays and 12- Monday 9.20.99 will be appearing at Club Laga in 3p.m. on Saturday. This show Dr. Gene Chadbor will be Pittsburgh at 7p.m. Tickets are $7- features multimedia artwork on appearing at the Millvale Industrial 9 at the door. exhibit and for sale. Don't miss Theater in Pittsburgh at 8p.m. your chance to pick up a unique Rosavelt will be in Cleveland Tckets are $7. Chadbor travels from piece of art. at Agora at 9p.m. For ticket North Carolina to share his talents information call (216)881-8911. as a jazz musician. Through Saturday 9.25.99 Mehuman Johnson, an Allegheny Alum, performed a concert on Sassafrass will be at Borders in Tuesday 9.21.99 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Monday in the new Cultural Center. — phot o by Tiffany Hrach Strongville from 8-10p.m. This The Family Values Tour will Nest will be performed at the Apple show will provide a variety of folk be performing in Pittsburgh at the Hill Playhouse in Delmont, PA. music for all ages. Admission to Civic Arena at 7p.m. Price of Times for the show include 8p.m. Thursday through Satruday and everyday at 2p.m. from September 12-22. Costs this event is free. tickets is $35. for tickets range from $9-13. Read the book? The play promises to be equally as stirring and thought provoking Orion will be performing in Wednesday 9.22.99 Cleveland at Club. Show time is L7 will be performing at Look in the next issue for more upcoming events in metropolitian areas surrounding the Meadville area. from 10p.m.-2a.m. Tickets are $5. Graffiti in Pittsburgh at 7:30p.m. List compiled by: Dance the night away with DJ Orion Cost of tickets are $10-12 at the Brianna Pike and Lindsay Smith. at the Club. Door. Beauty pageants, bathing suits, and all the good food you can eat (continued from page 9) portray yourself in an intelligent problem with that personally. I think that he never had a year where all of H: Women are very catty. We're concerned with the "fluff' aspect of it manner. a one-piece suit shows plenty the girls have eaten. So it was neat to catty. You'll look at someone and enough. because that is what it is not all about hear him say that the girls aren't so say "I can't believe that they're either. D: We no longer have the sashes worried about that. Take that as an wearing that" or "I can't believe that because that is the fluff aspect of it. C: How do you think our society and example that shows there might be they look like that" and you don't D: What that they are trying to do' When you go and speak, you don't the media make women portray some kind of change. have guys who say things like that so with the Miss America Pageant now always wear your crown. It is a themselves? much as women. is get away from the "fluff' aspect scholarship pageant....These are D: With my group we had half and that she's talking about. That's why smart individuals. They don't just D: Maybe I am just naive, but I think half, some girls who would not eat a C: Overall, how do you perceive the interview and talent sections are walk around in these nice little that we are getting away from that a thing on their plate and here I was beauty? so important. That makes up 70 bathing suits. bit because nowadays people don't going to town with my food. But I percent of your score right there. have to be super-skinny. If you look think that a lot of those girls have L: Everybody has beauty. Who cares That doesn't have to do with how you C: There is still the bathing suit part at the Victoria Secret people, they're graduated out of the pageant system if from the outside people or society look. You have to be a good role of the competition. Were you against thin, but some of them do have some and the new girls coming through are think that someone is very pretty? model....I went in an talked to several that? meat around the middle. I think that like Lorielle. It's most important what's on the elementary schools. Knowing that they are beginning to show nowadays inside and what's coming out. You what you say is really going to affect D: I really don't think that it was that that it's not just how beautiful or how L: I love food. can have the most gorgeous girl in them, because you have this crown big of a deal. Of course, most people skinny you are. the eyes of society who just has an on, then you want to do that. who are competing in this have an Guys want girls with proportion, not D: I like to eat too. awful attitude and just bring C: There is a lot of criticism of OK body. I had worked with an skin and bones. everybody down—that's not beauty. beauty pageants. What do you say to interview coach and what he told me C: You were talking about how someone if you're faced with it? was that the girls who win this H: Most of my guy friends don't want males do not like girls who are like D: That was good. competition win it from the shoulders a girl when they go out who orders a walking skeletons. Do you think that H: I don't get it as much as serious up. Everybody will look good from salad and water. They want someone woman are putting the pressures on comments but someone will say the shoulders down. But it's how you who's going to order a steak and themselves? "Well, because of your looks..." and I present yourself. If you have the potatoes and eat up. D: I think that it's what is inside of say that it's not based on looks. It's confidence, you have a smile on your D: I think it is. Like we were saying you. not a beauty pageant, it's a face, they'll see that and that you're L: I think that there tends to be a lean before, the guys don't want these scholarship pageant. Sure you may confident with yourself. towards wanting that "look" of an sticks and yet we're all like "Oh, we H: To go along with that, if you have look nice, but you have to have attractive skinny woman. But this have to be skinny for people to like confidence and self-worth, it doesn't something to back that up with. You L: In regards to the issue of the one- year at the state pageant, one of the us." matter what you look like, you're have to have brains and the ability to piece versus the two-piece, I have a people who was in charge of us said going to come across as beautiful.

Pa. e 12 Arts & Livin I Wtzs just T hinking Respected poet recites Monday A humor column b Gail Giewont While working at Allegheny over the summer, I breathtaking sight. This might lead the more skeptical in Grounds for Change watched many tour guides selflessly and energetically adventurer to ask why exactly the benches facing the highlighting the more important aspects of this campus. parking lot which I, as a humble observer, would diag- By KIMBERLY REHAK This column is devoted, instead, to the things that nose as being "of little interest." are nice, Arts & Living Editor would never be included on a tour because they're a lit- though. I like cars. tle too mundane for regular people with workloads to Alden Hall. From the front of Alden Hall, at the "Poetry is meant to be spoken, it's notice them. Probably my penchant for noticing these basement level, are a series of pipes extruding from the meant to be heard," said Dr. Sarah sorts of things is one of the reasons that I was never a walls. I couldn't figure out why these pipes were there, Gordon, Professor of English at selfless tour guide. and stared at them for what was most likely an unrea- Georgia College and State When I initially conceived this column, I had hoped sonable amount of time. After deciding that it was University, in a telephone interview to utilize my three long years of exposure to the Al- probably wisest to just go inside to investigate, I made Sunday night. Gordon can be heard legheny college campus for the education of younger my way into the basement. There was a lot of geology this Monday, September 2, at 8 p.m. students regarding the spellbinding areas of this fine stuff down there. And many closed doors. I figured in the Grounds for Change Coffee- institution. It was then that I had a moment of self that the secret of the pipes might be best left in the house. doubt. What, I wondered, makes me think that I'm hands of the geologists. Although, if one of them qualified to take this enormous task upon myself? I had wanted to explain it to me, that would be all right, too. also run out of.interesting stuff to talk about four items Caflish Hall. Although I'm sure that this is common Preview down my list. It was truly a sad day in my journalistic knowledge to Caflish residents, there is, in front of the hall, a tree held together by cement. That's all I have to career. Gordon, who opens the Single I briefly considered questioning my imaginative fa- say about that. Voice Series this season, will be Baldwin Hall. People live in Baldwin Hall. There's Sarah Gordon is picture here with cilities for a few more days, but decided to take a walk reading poems from her recently a basketball hoop there. I'd never noticed it before. a typewriter that belonged to instead. While I refer to this process as a "walk," I published book Distances (Brito & think that, considering the high level of danger in which Quigley Hall. Upon entering Quigley, I had little Flannery O'Connor. Lair, 1999). —photo provided doubt but that I would find nothing interesting to report. I placed myself, I could as easily term it "investigative "Everywhere in Sarah Gordon's reporting." I will be as explicit as possible in the de- Yet Quigley held within its secretive walls a surprise am an avid reader of the newspa- Distances you will find the pleasures per— and snatches of conversations scription of my path, such that this journey, like any for me. That surprise was a wealth of free books. They of intelligence, wit, sympathy, hon- seemed to be mostly dealing with politics and eco- in the street, to things that I am read- good pilgrimage, can be duplicated at the leisure of esty and a passionate ferocity rare nomics, but those are very nice subjects. If you need ing, also conversations with people anyone who would actually read this column. My jour- enough in American poetry today," ney began at: free books, you should visit Quigley. They have nice who would seem remote to a poem." said Paul Mariani, a well-known She explained, "Ideas come from Edwards Hall. This makes sense because I live stairs, too. literary critic who reviewed I never know what to call the sci- everywhere. You have to have an there. Nothing is really interesting about Edwards Hall, Science Building. Distances. unless you consider that the sign above our main en- ence complex, since it technically has two names. As active mind and an interest in every- He added, "Here are the heart's thing." trances says "Edward's House" and has an arrow beside an English and music major, I have a teensy fear of the splinters, elegies for our lost world, it that points down into the non-existent Edwards science building. Regardless, I entered it through the In previous years, the Single and a supple and surprising rhetoric Voice readings were held in Ford Basement. But I digress. primary entrance, and to the stairs at the right. Follow- strong enough to keep our demons The Campus Center. Truly, the Campus Center is a ing my Alden experience, I decided that the more note- Chapel. Assistant Professor of En- from reaching out from between the glish Kirk Nesset, Coordinator of the wealth of intrigue and fascination for the tourist. For worthy items might lie in the basement. And was I ever bars to kill us. Read her." instance, if one can access the Campus Center Confer- right. I soon discovered, in my confusion and harrow- Series, said that with the shift in "About 40 or 50" of Gordon's location to Grounds for Change, ence Room (which tends, unfortunately, to be locked), ing exploration of those scientific halls, a cubbyhole. It poems were published in literary my favorite painting on campus can be seen. It's a was marked "vending." Inside the cubbyhole was a "we're hoping to create greater magazines and journals before re- intimacy between writer and painting of many yellow shapes on a white background, telephone and no vending to be seen. Those wily scien- lease of the book. She has been writ- like many displaced bananas in a snow storm. It gives tists. audience." ing poetry since her undergraduate "Here's a great opportunity to me a cozy feeling so difficult to evoke except in the Carr Hall. On the way to Carr Hall, on the back of years at Randolph-Macon College in highest productions of art. Should the Campus Center the Science Complex, were two pipes labeled "Auto hear the written word in its most di- Virginia. rect and personal form," he added, Conference Room be locked, the tourist could always Spkr. Standpipe." This further verified my semblance "I began writing as a hobby," venture another few feet toward the Campus newspaper of this building and Alden Hall. In fact, those items are "even as you revel in its complexity, Gordon said. "I was writing short [as seen] especially with Sarah Gor- offices. If you ask nicely, they might let you see their practically the only semblance to be noted between stories and I actually started writing waxer, a rare marvel of modern technology. Or, they those two buildings. don." poetry while I was writing these." "Sarah Gordon's poems examine might want to keep it to themselves. It's worth asking, I had a terrible amount of trouble finding something "I like the conciseness," she con- though. interesting about Carr Hall. That is, until I attempted to felt experiences with surgical deft- tinued, "the intensity of poetry. ness, but are always gentle and have Shafer Auditorium. On this very stage, Dave broach the third floor of the building, having exhausted When I was writing fiction, I became Matthews performed a mere year ago. If you go onto all possibilities on the lower floors. The lights in the uncanny intimacy," Nesset added. bored in the middle of a story. Writ- Those not familiar with poetry this stage, you can stand in the very spot that Dave him- stairwell leading upwards were out the third floor was ing poetry is the most satisfying ex- self once was. If you're into that sort of thing. locked. I turned around quickly, in fear of my life. It should "jump right in," Gordon said. perience that I know." "Poems are sentences. They are Parking Lot. The parking lot to which I refer is the was an unreasonable fear, but it was there. "When I heard that Brito and Lair upper parking lot beside the campus center. The park- Approaching Brooks Hall. There is a small shed- rhythmical, they can be rhyming or were interested, I had enough poems not, and they contain figurative lan- ing lot itself is of little interest. I found the two benches like building between Carr Hall and Brooks Hall. Near for a book. I set all of them out on and one garbage can facing the parking lot a far more that shed-like object is a big, green T-shaped pole of guage. They're like a riddle you the floor, trying to figure out what have to figure out. You can play in what I believe to be undeniably alien origin. I believe to come. It may not be advisable, but I could do it. Al- was the arranging factor." What re- though, if I don't, no one will ever know what I found there and have fun. I hope that my this because it is green. sulted was Distances, Gordon's first poetry can afford that." An that ends this week's tour of the campus. But out about Bentley, which would be a terrible loss for complete book of poetry. humanity. This is opposed to the response of the aliens She believes that her poetry is Gail, you say, you've barely covered half of the cam- Her book is divided into three "generally written fpr everyone. But pus. Indeed, I recognize this. Should there seem ade- who left the "1- in our wake, who are selfishly hoard- sections—Time, Space, and ing the Secret of Bentley to themselves. But, perhaps, I understand that some poems are quate levels of interest on the part of the student body, I Distance—which, Gordon explained, more accessible, some more difficult. could theoretically continue this, as a series, for weeks not for long. all tend to relate to the theme of That doesn't mean that I'm writing distance in some way. for a particular audience," she said. Gordon's poetry is mostly written "I see it as giving the reader a chal- in free verse and is usually concerned lenge." Good Weekly Income with the "deeper issues of life," she Gordon is currently working on said. "My underlying concern is her second book of poetry. "I am deeply spiritual." writing all of the time," she said, "I Processing mail for national company! Free "I don't like personal poetry for finished one yesterday that I might supplies, postage! No selling! Bonuses! the sake of being personal," said bring up to Allegheny and read for Gordon. "I write personally about you all." the universal, how what happened to She also has completed a critical Start immediately! Genuine opportunity! me in some way speaks to human study of Flannery O'Connor titled beings. Writers lie. I can be writing Please rush Long Self Addressed Stamped Envelope The Obedient Imagination coming to: in the first person and not about out soon from The University of myself." GMCO, P.O. Box 22-0740, Hollywood, Florida 33022 Georgia Press. She has edited The Gordon is influenced by Flannery O'Connor Bulletin for 14 "everything: from the newspaper—I years.

The Campus Arts & Living Page 13 mm S SW 'Classifieds I Personals-1 Review puzz144 Spring Break 2000! Cancun, Ba- Monkey — hamas, Jamaica, Florida, and South What's in my pick-a-nik basket? published Padre. Call USA Spring Break to- —Baloo day for the best prices and packages to the most popular Spring Break after major destinations! Contact at Marky Mark, 1-888-777-4642 or on-line at Please wear your precious pink shirt! www.usaspringbreak.com . complications (continued from page 10) Happy Birthday Kendra have made some changes to ensure Free trips and cash for Spring Break — Love Bob and Carl the quality and punctuality of this 2000!!! StudentCity.com is looking year's publications. for highly motivated students to The deadline for submissions will promote Spring Break 2000. Orga- be October 15 this year as opposed to nize a small group and travel FREE! nappy Birthday Gail —Love CESH the prior February date. This leaves Top campus reps can earn a free trip ample time to dedicate to the selec- and over $10,000. Choose Cancun, tion of work and to get the Review Jamaica, or Nassau. Book trips on- set in print well before the end of the line. Log in and win free stuff. Happy Belated Birthday Kim year. Sign up now! — Love, Woodward & Bernstein "If we have it printed in early www.StudentCity.com or 1-800- spring," said Giewont, "it will be 293-1443. more marketable." The 1999 Allegheny Review is 00000! now available. Giewont and Luke- ACROSS hart are pleased with the new edito- DOWN Spring Break 200 with STS—Join 1 Slim 1 Allow rial board and prepared to maintain America's #1 Student Tour Operator 5 Strange 2 Before (poetic) the Review's national reputation. 8 Received (abbr.) 3 Entire to Jamaica, Mexico, the Bahamas, 12 Stanley Gardner 4 and thread Cruises, and Florida. Now hiring 13 Happy baby noise 5 Monster on-campus reps. Call 1-888-648- 14 Fencing sword 6 ER acronym 4849 or visit on-line at 15 Wire message 7 Control www.ststravel.com . 17 Grinding machine 8 Pays PUB ON THE SQUARE 18 Owed 9 Heroic poem 19 Hanging mass of ice 10 Prison room $4.99 DIMMERS I 21 Sacred song 11 Printers mark 24 Small, pesky bug 16 Chicle {Personals 25 Ear part 20 Rude men * Your Choice * 26 Open auto (early) 21 Walk heavily 6 oz. Sirloin Steak Dinner 30 Shout of approval 22 Lone I promised I'd do it, so here you 31 Chairs 23 Encourage wrong doing go...hi to all the little people, on this Ham Steak 32 Period of time 24 Rams momentous occasion.—Love, Jen 33 Explode 26 Action in reverse Baked Lasagna 35 Prime 27 13-19 years old 36 Army women (abbr.) 28 Formerly (arch.) Spaghetti & Meatballs 37 Canvas shelters 29 Rodents 38 Carve or model (slang) 31 Break crisply my boy – Rigatoni & Meatballs 41 Exclamation of surprise 34 Baby owls please stop stressing and start 42 The best (slang) 35 One who brings forth smiling...oh yeah and sleep would Eggplant Parmesan 43 Curiosity 37 Article help — me 48 Horse pace 38 Norse prose Hot Roast Beef 49 Iron 39 Ember 50 At any time 40 One Grilled Fish 51 Altitudes (abbr.) 41 Solar disk 52 Nancy's nickname 44 Gun group (abbr.) Cheese Ravioli 53 Depend 45 Night before 46 Salt (French) Gnocchi 47 Attempt Beef Tips over Noodles t was a tough time for me. I needed 1 Dozen Wings & Fries money for college, but I didn't want a loan coming due when I graduated. Xtra-Large Steak Salad So a friend told me about the Air 0 Force Reserve. You can qualify for Xtra-Large Chicken Salad over $9,000 toward your college expenses on the Montgomery GI Bill, $5.99 DINNERS and receive credits through the Angel Hair w/Mixed Vegetables Community College of the Air Force, while you earn a salary. Plus, you get Salisbury Steak on-the-job training that can help launch your career. Listen, it takes Chicken Parmesan more than a good mind to get a col- Fettuccine Alfredo lege education. It takes money, too. Take off with the Air Force Reserve I $6.99 DINNERS one weekend a month and two weeks a year. You can be making the 8 oz. Sirloin Steak Dinner grade, getting paid, and having the time of your life. Fettuccine Alfredo w/Grilled Chicken Buy recycled. It would mean the world to them. 1-800-217-1041 Cajun Alfredo with Sirloin Steak Thanks to you, all sorts of everyday products are being made from materials Mussels or S1111111 I Scam i i over Lin! ini you've recycled. But to keep recycling worlzing for the future, you need to lool, OFFER AVAILABLE Sunday, Monday, for these products and buy them. For a free brochure, call 1 -800 -CALL-EDE AIRFORCE Thesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Ip o ENVIRONMENTAL tIrK SNV DEFENSE RESERVE Above dinners came with Salad and Rolls. &EPA FUND M /113(11,EEl Sorry No Substitutions

www.afreserve.com APN 22-912-0043 Offer cannot be combined with any other discount. Page 14 Sports Women netters open season with 2 wins full potential. Allegheny will play doesn't underplay the importance of By SCOTT HUCKABAA a good season. The better season Sports Reporter four Division II teams: Slippery Thanks to you, all sorts of everyday Rock, IUP, Gannon, and Edinboro. Allegheny has, the higher seed they products are being made from the Division rivals Denison and Kenyon will receive when the brackets come The Allegheny women's tennis are other perennial powerhouses in out. team opened their season Saturday paper, plastic, metal and glass that their schedule. by defeating both Fredonia and Penn you've been recycling. Fleming said that his team's "We accomplished most of our State Behrend in straight sets at the central focus is the conference Invitational at Robertson Field. goals last year," Fleming said. "We But to keep recycling working to tournament, which will be held at would like to meet last year's Robertson Field for the first time in standards when we ranked in the help protect the environment, you Sophomore Katy Trostle, one of Allegheny's 16 years in the NCAC. region. As long as we play to out need to buy those products. the nine starters to win their match Although all teams in the conference potential, we should do quite well. I Saturday, said, "I felt we played make the tournament regardless of am very happy that we have a strong pretty good for our first match." regular season play, Fleming said he team." BUY RECYCLED. Coach Mark Fleming is hoping to capitalize on last year's success Schaefer '98 rejoins campus community when Allegheny tied the school two summers in the Allegheny record with 19 victories. With six of Jeffrey Schaefer has been named Sports Information Director at sports information office. seven starters returning, and a strong Schaefer succeeds Steve Mest, nucleus of freshmen, Flamingo's Allegheny College. currently Assistant Athletic Director expectations are high. "Last year Schaefer, a 1998 graduate of and Sports Information Director at was really a dream season. Allegheny, returns to the college St. Bonaventure University, his alma Hopefully this year we will be after serving for one year as a mater. better and stronger," said Fleming. graduate assistant in Niagara Schaefer is originally from Elma, If Allegheny (2-0) hopes to build University's sports information N.Y., a suburb of Buffalo. on last year's success, Fleming said office, where he worked closely he knows it will take hard work and with the Division I men's hockey his players will have to play to their program. Previously, he interned for *Article Courtesy of Public Affairs AND SAVE So look for products made from Students recycled materials, and buy them. It There has never been a better time to buy a f would mean the world to all of us. Beeper from Mobilcom ! To receive a free brochure, write Buy Recycled, Environmental Defense Fund, 257 Park Ave. South, New York, Right now you can NY 10010, or call 1-800-CALL-EDF. buy a Brand New Motorola Beeper including activation and nine months of service for only $99

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The Campus Sports Page 15 Browns: bark without bite? Gator Cross Country dominates Classic By REBECCA RITTENHOUSE junior Alyssa Mack was 15th, and Team scores had Allegheny men By CHRISTINE PEOPLES Sports Reporter freshman Lisa Weed claimed 17th with 35 points and runner up Grove Sports Reporter place. City with 48. Women's team scores Allegheny Cross Country Overall, Ross said that he was had the University of Findlay with The time was set. The team logo donned. The snacks dominated last Saturday as the men very pleased with the women's 39 points and Allegheny with 58. prepared. On campus, you were either a Cleveland Brown or a defended their championship and the performance. "I was confident that Pittsburgh Steeler. Shouts and yells came from rooms around "It was our home race and we put women placed second at the girls could at least get second. Allegheny. However, all the hype was for nothing. Who our best foot forward," said Ross of Allegheny's 14th annual Cross They have been running in a nice thought the game was going to be close anyway? Did the overall performances. "We Country Classic at Robertson Field. tight group lately." everyone forget that this was an expansion team? The women began the first race always race well at home. When it of the meet with the sun shining and Following the women's race, the is time to perform, we perform." a perfect day ahead of them. At the men's five-mile race occurred and The teams compete this weekend Sports Column end of the 3.1 miles, freshman only 26 minutes and 58 seconds in West Virginia, and according to Nicole Morandi from Allegheny later sophomore Dan Princic Ross, the biggest objective for the raced across the finish line first with finished in first place, setting team to accomplish is to simply stay a new course record time of 19:39. another new course record. In a huge blowout, the Steelers mauled the new "Brownies" calm. "Nicole is a freshman sensation," 43-0 to capture their first win of the season. From the start, Helping to cinch the first place Bill Cowher and his team took control and dominated play. said Coach Bill Ross. "She has been "We have to back down a little running excellent times so far." team victory were his teammates Steelers fans shouted with joy while Browns fans cringed with junior Brice Allen, who finished in and return to normal so we don't get embarrassment. Not far behind Morandi were her too hyper. More than anything, we teammates that scored and helped to 4th place, junior Rob Shaw who Collective groans could be heard throughout the stadium took 6th, junior Brett Zook placed just need to be smart about the way when the Browns #1 draft pick, Tim Couch, threw an propel the team to a second place we run," said Ross. finish. Sophomore Tara Trent, came 10th, and sophomore Ben Pealer interception the first time he had an NFL pigskin in his hand. placed 14th. Kordell Stewart came into the game with a monkey on his in second for the team placing 11th, back, and after his performance last night, he proved to all that freshman Deserae Pegg placed 14th, he still has the "skills." He completed 15 of 23 passes for 173 yards, rushed for a touchdown and threw for another. In front of the "dawg pound," the Steelers held the Volleyball's best finish since 1995 Brownies to their fewest net yards in a game since the Browns By LOU KLEIN paced the Gators with 14 kills In other action during the week, first year in the NFL. against Fredonia. Browns defensive tackle Jerry Ball summed up the game Sports Reporter the Gators dropped a 15-11, 15-10, ater in the day, the team 15-6 match against Westminster last when he said, "We got out butts kicked." defeated Heidelberg 15-10, 15-4, The Allegheny women's Wednesday. Shanter had a team In another sporting event that wrapped up this weekend, and 15-10. The Gators were lead by volleyball team placed second in high 13 digs and three blocks during Andre Agassi beat fellow American Todd Martin in a grueling senior middle hitter Jamie Shanter, five set match to win his second U.S. Open Title. In the first Allegheny's 13th Annual Volleyball the games. who had 11 digs and four blocks in The tournament brought the all-American men's singles final since 1996, Todd Martin Invitational this past Saturday and the match. Sunday. This marks their best finish Gators record to 4-6 on • the year. proved that even though he may seem old, (despite his After dropping a match to in the Invitational since winning it in Shanter leads the teams with 3.39 premature gray hair, he is actually two months younger than Geneseo in four games, the 1995. digs per game. Andrews leads with Agassi) he certainly made Agassi work for every point the Allegheny women came back and hard way. 4.36 kills, and Spoonire leads the The Gators picked up their first concluded the tournament with a 15- Women's singles champion, 17 year old Serena Williams, club with 9.61 assists per game. victory of the Invitational with a 3-1 12, 11-15, 15-7, 15-4 victory over The Gators will be in action dazzled the crowd with her quickness and electrifying ground win over Fredonia. The game scores Penn State Behrend. Freshman strokes. Her father predicted that both of his daughters, Venus again this weekend at the John Amy Spoonire had 49 assists in the Carroll/Case Western Reserve and Serena, would be in the final together, but I don't think he were 15-6, 10-15, 15-6, and 15-10. match, and Andrews had a season Invitational in Cleveland. was disappointed when he saw Serena's face after winning the Junior outside hitter Tonya Andrews high 18 kills as well. last point. If pro football or tennis isn't your passion, let me devote Breakers' Pub some time to college football- Division I football that is. 918 Park Avenue Florida State still holds the number one spot in the AP poll ALLEGHENY FOOTBALL even after a close victory over Georgia Tech. 724 -4153 The college football dynasty of Notre Dame suffered a very `99 GATOR SCHEDULE disappointing loss to Purdue when Jarious Jackson was sacked Monday: on third and goal with less than 15 seconds left. The Fighting Date Opponent Irish couldn't get into formation before time expired. This loss Kickoff $.75 Specials dropped the team out of the Top 25. Sept. 18 DENISON* 1:30 However, by far the most surprising game was fOught Sept. 25 OHIO WESLEYAN* 1:30 between number two ranked Penn State and the Pittsburgh Wednesday: Panthers. Penn State managed to pull it out, defeating Pitt by Oct. 2 WOOSTER* 1:30 the close score of 20-17. The game proved to all that a Pitt- Oct. 16 W ITTENBERG* 1:30 $1 Specials Penn State rivalry does exist. The Panthers came into the Oct. 23 at Earlham* 1:00 game as 34 point underdogs, but proved to everyone who watched that they would not be beat easily. Oct. 30 at Kenyon* 1:30 Thursday: Florida, Michigan, and Nebraska all claimed easy victories Nov. 6 BUFFALO STATE 1:00 open mic night last weekend, but this week Florida will face defending National Champions, Tennessee. Nov. 13 ST. FRANCIS (ILL.) 1:00 $1 Specials

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Sports Don't count them out yet still hope for football playoffs By TRACY KLIMAZ & also caused two fumbles. Mancuso is out with a shoulder LOU KLEIN Snyder finished the game with injury. Sports Reporters 112 yards rushing on 20 carries. In spite of all these injuries, Sophomore halfback Matt Majocka assistant coach Jack Leipheimer Despite the Gators early losses to chipped in with five carries for 11 said, "We are not using them as Malone and Washington . & yards. Majocka also had three excuses." Jefferson, and the increasing number receptions for 18 yards. The Gator On the other hand, junior of injuries, Allegheny's football passing attack was lead by defensive end Tim Lorber said that team is not out of the running for sophomore quarterback Scott Neill. the injuries have indeed been post-season play. Neill completed seven of 14 passes affecting the Gators' play, but with The Gators opened their '99 for 54 yards, and rushed for 49 yards three players returning Saturday, it season with a heartbreaking 0-7 loss off of 14 carries. will be interesting to see the results. to Malone on September 4 at the After this past Saturday's victory With an 0-2 start to the Gators' Hall of Fame Field in Canton, Ohio. over Allegheny, Washington & season, which hasn't happened since There were some aspects of this loss Jefferson is now ranked ninth in the 1986, are the hopes for playoffs out that were positive. The defense held AFCA Poll. W&J belongs to the of reach? The answer is a definite Division II's Malone (fourth ranked PAC conference, and like no. in the NAIA) to only one Allegheny, is a Division III Junior defensive end Kris touchdown. Junior cornerback program. Knepper said, "Our season has not LaMarcus Thurman had two Not only does this past even gotten started. It has been interceptions in the game. Saturday's game go on the team's more like pre-season play." Playing in 90-degree heat, record as a loss, but the players In other words, both Malone and Allegheny's second game of the continue to feel the loss in other W&J are not in Allegheny's season was last Saturday at ways. conference, and the post-season is Washington and Jefferson. This Junior right tackle Josh Six was determined by conference records. game ended another disappointment taken out of the game as he suffered "We will make it easily. All we for the Gators as they fell 19-13. a severe concussion. This injury have to do is win within the Junior tailback Jeremy Snyder required a CAT scan, but Six is conference," said Six. ran 24 yards for Allegheny's first expected to return after receiving The Gators first conference game touchdown of the season. Junior clearance from the doctor today. will be this Saturday, September 18, halfback Shane Ream rushed for a Cornerback LaMarcus Thurman against Denison (0-2) at Robertson three yard touchdown. However, also suffered from an injured Field. The game is their home r, this scoring was not enough to tailbone in the game last Saturday. opener, and kick off will be at 1:30. overcome W&J's passing game. He was hit in his back with a Denison will be looking for their ONCE AGAIN?—Gator basketball hopes to explode on the scene The Allegheny defense proved to helmet, but he returned later in the first win against Allegheny since game. His tailbone is still bothering this season as they did last year. Present senior forward John be the team's backbone. Senior 1986. Since then, the Gators have McLaughin and graduate guard Steve Felton close in on an captain Dave Monaghan and junior him, but he is expected to play this won 12 consecutive games against unsuspecting OWU opponent last season. — carnpus file photo free safety Jim Lorber played solid Saturday. them. defense and each caught one Other lingering injuries felt by A special half-time presentation interception. Senior linebacker the team include junior halfback will be made as Allegheny Tale of Gator pre-season Corey Belaney had 10 tackles and Justin Shear, who has been out both celebrates All-American Day. two sacks. LaMarcus Thurman had games with a pulled hamstring. He Receiving the special recognition for By ARTHUR PITT conference. I feel pre-season 12 tackles as well, and Lorber is expected to return Saturday. the team will be last year's only All- Sports Reporter conditioning helps in terms of the contributed 10. The Gator defense Sophomore defensive tackle Dave American, graduate Zack Kessler. end of the season. When the other As the Allegheny Gators men's teams appear tired, we seem to be in basketball team begins another great shape," said senior captain Soccer season succinctly summarized exhausting pre-season conditioning, Jake Delsandro. you will hear no complaints from If the team practices for another By CHUCK STEINFURTH The men also managed to shut The women's first week of action four weeks before the season, then consisted of a win and a loss. They the players. They understand that Sports Editor out John Carroll in their victory last the only way they can be their best why is the conditioning so Sunday. The game was the team's lost in overtime to Geneseo, but won is if they give their best. important? Allegheny's men's and women's second at the 6th Annual Four the next day against Baldwin- varsity soccer teams have started Points Sheraton Harborfront Soccer Wallace. "Basketball is a grueling sport "Basically coach (Phil) Ness gets Classic held last weekend. They a head start on the season and makes their 1999 seasons with important The men's leading scorer, junior and you must be in tip-top physical suffered a 2-1 overtime loss to sure we are ready to go for our first victories over the last two weeks. forward Matt Sowa, has scored in condition. Conditioning strengthens Fredonia in their game on Saturday, game. I know we condition harder the last four games. Sophomore you not only physically, but The men's team improved their but bounced back to defeat John than other teams. The pre-season forward Patrick Redman has also mentally. It prepares you for the record to five wins and two losses Carroll to finish the tournament in conditioning we do is all about helped the Gators to their recent long, hard season that lies ahead," after yesterday's 3-0 defeat of second place. getting a head start and getting wins with two goals against Mount said senior point guard Josh Bethany at Robertson Field. The women players had two ready," said senior forward Kevin Union, and another two against Schacter. Bethany, a team ranked tenth in the other games last week and finished McGarrah. nation, couldn't manage to score any with a win and a tie. After a R.I.T. Watching the team run up and goals on Gator goaltenders senior dominating 6-1 victory over Geneva down the steep hill on Highland So every year, six weeks prior to Richard Phelps and freshman Josh Many of the players have scored Avenue makes one appreciate their on Friday at Robertson Field, the so far on the women's team. their first actual practice, the Gators Verhague. girls upped their record to two wins, efforts. It can also make you gasp take conditioning to another level. Freshman Jane Och is leading the for breath just observing them. Two The women's team had an a loss and a tie. The tie game The Highland Avenue conditioning team with four goals after days a week, for six weeks, the impressive 9-0 win over Pitt- occurred against Carnegie Mellon process seems to assist in our Gators yesterday's victory. Gators run this hill until the brink of Bradford yesterday. The home just two days before their 6-1 win. consistent success year after year. exhaustion. The team also works on crowd was able to witness many of Prior to the tournament, the The men's team will next host So the next time you are walking up balance and stamina once a week at the players score. Sophomore Erica men's team began the week with a Washington & Jefferson on that steep hill on Highland, the crack of dawn on Friday Frank led the way with two goals, 3-1 victory over Mount Union. Wednesday, September 22, at 5:00 remember who is running it for the mornings. and seven other girls had one each. Their opening week included a win p.m. The women have a game this pride of the school. A great motto The team had an overall excellent to both Grove City and R.I.T., and a Saturday against Walsh at noon, also "I think last year we were the in life is "no pain, no gain". The game on both offense and defense. close loss to Muhlenburg. at Robertson Field. most well-conditioned team in the Gators certainly know that.