Test 229 dentalCEtoday.com Laser-Assisted Periodontal Regeneration and Human Histology This article presents 2 case studies that demonstrate the human histological evidence required to make the claim of true periodontal regeneration using the laser-assisted regeneration Robert H. Gregg II, DDS, graduated from George- (LAR) protocol. town University Dental School in 1984. He maintains a private group practice in Cerritos, Calif, that has been in the same location for 33 years. Dr. Gregg began using lasers in clinical practice in 1990 and remains at the forefront of dental laser technology, research, innovation, and clinical adoption. He invented the LANAP and LAPIP cientific evidence to support a treatment modality is the hallmark of the ethical practicing cli- protocols while founding Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc, to provide patients with minimally invasive, regenera- nician. Human histology is the highest form of scientific analysis for proving the truth of a tive treatment options and hope for hopeless teeth. He complex healing event such as periodontal regeneration. To date, hundreds of positive patient also serves as the president of the Institute for Advanced S outcomes using the laser-assisted regeneration (LAR) protocol have been published by various Laser and is an adjunct associate professor at the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine (RSDM). He can authors in numerous peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed publications and in 2 International 1-11 be reached via email at [email protected]. Association for Dental Research abstracts. Periodontal regeneration on a previously diseased tooth root surface is a unique, challenging, and Disclosure: Dr. Robert Gregg II is president of Millennium elusive healing event to obtain in humans.FN-1 True periodontal regeneration requires the 3 original Dental Technologies, Inc. components of the periodontal apparatus to arise anew and eventually form into new , a new periodontal ligament (Sharpey’s fibers), and new alveolar bone.FN-2 The health of the attachment apparatus can be assessed by measuring the clinical attachment level (CAL) (the distance from the cementoenamel junction to the tip of a periodontal probe during periodontal diagnostic probing). Typically, the realization of complete regeneration of the 3 tissues of the periodontal attachment apparatus has required extensive surgical site preparation to allow for instrumentation sufficient for the addition of exogenous materials such as growth factors, bone grafts, and biologics. Proving a claim for true periodontal regeneration in humans requires that histologic, microscopic analysis be conducted in living human beings. In this article, 2 examples from 2 different human histology studies are presented—one for a single- rooted tooth5 and the other for a molar tooth.8 The studies were conducted by 2 separate principal investigators that were included in 2 separate submissions to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over a period of 12 years. As a result of these submissions, the FDA issued a clearance (March 2016) for the claim of “true periodontal regeneration” using the PerioLase MVP-7 pulsed Nd:YAG Den- tal Laser System (Millennium Dental Technologies) with the LAR protocol. These cases included clini- cal assessments, radiographic evidence, microcomputed tomography (microCT), light microscopy, and backscatter scanning electron microscopy together with a human histological evaluation of 3 months duration in one study5 and 9 months duration in the more recent study.8 Dawn M. Gregg, DDS, is a fourth-generation dentist, The objective of this article is to demonstrate the histological evidence required to make the claim a Member of the Omicron Kappa Upsilon Dental Honor of true periodontal regeneration, based on the FDA clearance noted above. Society, and a graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles School of Dentistry. Dr. Gregg serves as CEO and training director for The Institute for Advanced Evidence-Based Dentistry Laser Dentistry and is an adjunct associate professor at Evidence-based dentistry (EBD) has become a buzzword in certain arenas of academia and organized RSDM. She is responsible for ongoing initiatives with den- tal curricula where LANAP and LAPIP protocols are being dentistry. Not all who use the term are defining EBD the same way. Some define EBD in ways that fit taught, and she orchestrated a multi-center clinical study their personal perspectives, such as only what the literature states in a systematic review, but that is in the role of LANAP clinical study monitor. She can be not EBD. EBD integrates 3 important components12,13: reached via email at [email protected]. 1. the most current, clinically relevant scientific evidence; Disclosure: Dr. Dawn Gregg is vice president of operations 2. a dentist’s clinical expertise; and of Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc.


a b c d a b c

Figure 1. Essential components of the laser-assisted regeneration (LAR) protocol. (a) Figure 2. A periodontal regeneration of tooth No. 6: (a) Histologic sections, stained The LAR protocol’s pulsed Nd:YAG laser selectively vaporizes bacteria, endotoxins, with hematoxylin and eosin, of the maxillary right canine with a deep infrabony defect and diseased epithelial lining of the pocket; denatures pathologic proteins; and alerts 3 months after laser treatment (inset box around area of interest). (b) A medium- the practitioner to the presence of . (b) An ultrasonic scaler and specialized power (16×) view, demonstrating the apical extent of the (JE), tips are used to remove root surface calculus. (c) Bone is modified to reshape; to new bone (B) adjacent to the calculus notch (N) and new cementum (C) in and coronal decorticate; and to stimulate the release of fresh blood, stem cells, and growth fac- to the notch, and old cementum (OC) apical to the notch. (c) A higher-magnification tors. Angiogenesis is initiated. (d) The same laser is then used to form a stable fibrin (40×) view, showing new alveolar bone (B), a new periodontal ligament and gingival clot, activate growth factors, and upregulate gene expression. fibers attached to the tooth, new cementum (C) filling the notch (N) and extending coronally, and old cementum (OC) apical to the notch covered by new cementum.

3. each individual patient’s needs and preferences. an epithelial adhesion and/or a connective tissue adaptation or attachment and may include new cementum to which periodon- EBD is actually being practiced only when all 3 components are tal ligament fibers are attached. given due consideration in individual patient care. The clinical, l Bone fill is defined as the clinical restoration of bone tissue human histological evidence,5,8 as well as an American Academy in a treated periodontal defect. Bone fill does not address the pres- of (AAP) systematic review,14 provide substantial ence or absence of histologic evidence of a new connective tissue evidence of compliance with the essential EBD components. Figure 3. A maxillary attachment or the formation of a new periodontal ligament. left first molar (tooth l No. 14) presented Regeneration refers to the reproduction or reconstitution Regeneration Background with an initial clini- of a lost or injured part, in contrast to repair, which describes the Periodontitis is an infectious disease that progressively destroys cal attachment level healing of a wound by tissue that does not fully restore the archi- (CAL) of 11 mm. the alveolar bone, periodontal ligament (PDL), and root cemen- tecture or function of the part. tum that attach the teeth to the bone. Destruction of this attach- l Periodontal regeneration is defined histologically as regen- ment apparatus results in the loss of teeth. eration of the tooth’s supporting tissues, including (1) alveolar bone, (2) the periodontal ligament, and (3) cementum over a Quest for the Holy Grail: previously diseased root surface. “…the Holy Grail of periodontics: the restoration of the destroyed by new cementum, periodontal liga- The ultimate aim of periodontal regeneration techniques is ment, and bone, as well as their re-creation in normal anatomic to induce or guide healing to regenerate the morphology back 15 relationships and function.” Figure 4. A grade to its original configuration. In order to evaluate a regeneration III furcation, and a technique experimentally, a notch is made on the root surface at 14 mesial intrabony Kao et al point out that various approaches have been devel- defect. the bottom of a periodontal pocket to provide a histological land- oped in attempts to achieve periodontal regeneration, among mark for the apical extent of the destruction and determination them the use of a demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft, of subsequent coronal periodontal wound healing. True peri- guided tissue regeneration with the use of barrier membranes, odontal regeneration is then defined by histological evidence the application of biomimetic agents such as enamel matrix of new bone, a periodontal ligament, and cementum appearing derivative, and the LAR technique. Of these, the laser protocol is above the notch on a previously diseased root surface.17 the least invasive.FN-3 Yukna et al5 wrote in their peer-reviewed and published The AAP’s Position Paper on Periodontal Regeneration (2005)16 manuscript: defines terms relevant to this discussion: l New attachment is defined as the union of connective tis- Figure 5. The The 1996 World Workshop in Periodontics established specific 9-month post-treat- sue or epithelium with a root surface that has been deprived of ment radiograph histologic criteria for proof of regeneration. Experimental teeth must its original attachment apparatus. This new attachment may be suggests bone fill. have loss of connective tissue attachment (CTA) and alveolar bone


(AB) associated with periodontitis. In housing, a lack of deep dissection into CASE 2 From the histological data, clini- addition, subgingival and/or subcrestal the vestibule or across the palate, and Human Molar Histological Study cians can extrapolate from scientific calculus must be present at the time a lack of extensive vertical releasing Figures 3 to 18 demonstrate the his- research on the LAR protocol to of surgery so that a [bur] notch can be incisions. The protocol uses a mini- tological evidence of periodontal clinical expectations when following made into the root at the apical extent of mally invasive periodontal flap to regeneration for tooth No. 14 using the strict LAR protocol and treatment calculus (into the calculus and beyond its enable access under the periosteum and the LAR protocol.8 algorithms. apical boundaries). Proof of new attach- directly into bone for ostectomy and/or ment is demonstrated by new cementum osteotomy. The soft tissues are thereby DISCUSSION SUMMARY (CEM) and CTA; and regeneration is easily approximated and stabilized In the study demonstrated in Case 2, The restoration of destroyed periodon- evidenced by the presence of new CEM, without the need to suture with ten- Nevins et al8 noted, “The supracrestal tium and re-creation of its normal PDL, and AB coronal to the apical extent sion to adapt the margins of the flaps environment regenerated to its natural anatomic relationship and function is of the notch. together. It is essential to provide state with supracrestal inserting col- the ultimate aim of periodontal regen- a sealed system of unviolated and lagen [Sharpey’s] fibers into the new eration methodologies. One particular According to Yukna et al5, “The unmolested external periodontal cementum just apical to the junc- well-defined LAR technique has been three most central 200-μm serial step tissues for the regenerative growth tional epithelium [emphasis added]....” shown to regenerate the attachment sections were blindly and randomly factors to be contained within for This is a very rare and exceptional apparatus (new cementum, periodon- evaluated for the nature of the healed protection of the regenerative cells healing event. Not only is there tal ligament, and alveolar bone) on a tissues—specifically the presence and process. regeneration of the lost attachment previously diseased root surface. Pub- and length of new CEM, new CTA, apparatus, but of the supracrestal envi- lished histological evidence from 2 new AB, and healed junctional epi- CASE 1 ronment as well. This is an extraordi- human studies provides the scientific thelium relative to the apical extent Human Canine Histological Study nary healing event to document, and it authentication of true periodontal of the calculus notch.” Figure 2 demonstrates the histologi- is the pinnacle of periodontal regener- regeneration achieved through the cal evidence of periodontal regen- ative responses, achieving the maxi- minimally invasive surgical LAR pro- LAR Protocol eration for tooth No. 6 using the LAR mum height of possible regeneration tocol. These investigations confirm A near-infrared, variable pulsed den- protocol.5 with new supracrestal fibers just api- the clinical findings and radiographic tal laser specifically designed and cal to the CEJ. evidence reported by clinicians who optimized for the LAR protocol was utilized in both studies (PerioLase MVP-7 pulsed Nd:YAG Dental Laser System). In the LAR protocol, no exog- enous materials of any sort are used. The true periodontal regeneration achieved with LAR is accomplished by using the patient’s own blood proteins that contain the stem cells, fibroblasts, native growth factors, and blood constituents. The blood is thermally affected in LAR in such a manner that the regenerative factors are trapped within a red thrombus that is formed using scientifically Figure 6. A panoramic view, Figure 7. This close-up of inset Figure 8. In this close-up of Figure 9. Polarized light micros- showing bone fill and periodon- 5 from Figure 6 demonstrates inset 4 (from Figure 6), a copy enables the visualization determined algorithms of optimal tal regeneration. The clinical new alveolar bone (NB) and distinct layer of new cementum of bundles of collagen fibers laser operating parameters (Figure 1). attachment level (CAL) gain at 9 a new periodontal ligament (NC) is several millimeters connecting the new bone to the In LAR, there is a lack of any wide months was 5 mm. (N-PDL). (M is bone marrow; OC coronal to the calculus notch. (D new cementum. surgical access outside of the bony is old cementum.) is dentin.)

10 11

Figures 10 and 11. Higher magnifications of box 2 from inset 4 Figure 12. This close-up of inset 2 Figure 13. Polarized light reveals Figure 14. A high-magnification (Figure 8), showing Sharpey’s fibers and cementoblasts on the sur- (from Figure 6) demonstrates that fascicles of birefringent collagen view of the box from inset 2 face of the new cementum. the supracrestal environment has fibers. (Figure 12), showing cemento- regenerated to its natural state blasts and Sharpey’s fibers at the with Sharpey’s fibers inserting into junction with the JEP. the new cementum just apical to the junctional epithelium (JEP).


evaluation of an Nd:YAG laser-assisted new 16 17 18 attachment procedure in humans. Int J Periodon- tics Restorative Dent. 2007;27:577-587. 6. Long CA. New attachment procedure: using the pulsed Nd:YAG laser. Dent Today. 2008;27:166-171. 7. McAllister J. A high-tech approach to managing : case reports. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2009;30:228-233. 8. Nevins ML, Camelo M, Schupbach P, et al. Human clinical and histologic evaluation of laser- assisted new attachment procedure. Int J Peri- odontics Restorative Dent. 2012;32:497-507. 9. Brown IS. Current advances in the use of lasers in periodontal therapy: a laser-assisted new attachment procedure case series. Clin Adv Peri- odontics. 2013;3:96-104. 10. Yukna RA, Evans GH, Vastardis S, et al. Laser- assisted periodontal regeneration in humans. J Dent Res. 2003;82(special issue B). Abstract Figure 15. Inset 3 (from Figure Figures 16 to 18. Higher-magnification of boxes 1 to 3 from inset 3 Figure( 15) shows the orientation 1735. 6) shows continued regeneration of Sharpey’s fibers. 11. Yukna RA, Evans G, Vastardis S, et al. Human of the supracrestal environment periodontal regeneration following the laser 9 months following treatment. assisted new attachment procedure. J Dent Res. There is an island of new bone 2004;83(special issue A). Abstract 2411. (NB), and a thick layer of new clinical parameters and demonstrat- (rhPDGF-BB), and open flap debride- 12. Ismail AI, Bader JD. Evidence-based den- cementum (NC) is adjacent ing substantial ‘fill’ of treated defects. ment (OFD). Kao et al14 have included tistry in clinical practice. J Am Dent Assoc. to the root dentin (D), with 2004;135:78-83. However, only limited histologic evi- a new category of regenerative 13. American Dental Association. ADA Center for interconnecting fibers of the PDL dence of true regeneration has been approaches, termed laser-assisted Evidence-Based Dentistry. About EBD. https:// Sharpey’s fibers perpendicular ebd.ada.org/en/about. Accessed October 25, to the new cementum, establish- demonstrated with the majority of regeneration (LAR), which is specifi- 2018. ing a new level of attachment these therapies.”16 cally identified by the authors as the 14. Kao RT, Nares S, Reynolds MA. Periodontal and presenting a barrier to JEP regeneration—intrabony defects: a systematic migration. 2. “Regeneration refers to the Millennium Dental Technologies’ review from the AAP Regeneration Workshop. J reproduction or reconstitution [res- LANAP protocol that uses the Perio­ Periodontol. 2015;86(suppl):S77-S104. 15. Kramer GM. Surgical alternatives in regenerative toration] of a lost or injured part, in Lase MVP-7 pulsed Nd:YAG Dental therapy of the periodontium. Int J Periodontics FN-4 have utilized this technique over the contrast to repair, which describes Laser System. Based on the review Restorative Dent. 1992;12:10-31. 16. Wang HL, Greenwell H, Fiorellini J, et al; last 20 years to achieve true periodon- healing of a wound by tissue that of 2 peer-reviewed studies of human Research, Science and Therapy Commit- 5,8 tal regeneration in patients with mod- does not fully restore the architecture histology, following LAR, Kao et tee. Periodontal regeneration. J Periodontol. erate-to-severe periodontal disease.F or the function of the original part. al14 conclude, “Using the Nd:YAG 2005;76:1601-1622. 17. Avila-Ortiz G, De Buitrago JG, Reddy MS. Periodon- Periodontal regeneration is defined laser with this procedure, periodontal tal regeneration—furcation defects: a systematic Acknowledgments: histologically as regeneration of the regeneration is achievable on a previ- review from the AAP Regeneration Workshop. J FN-5 Periodontol. 2015;86(suppl):S108-S130. The authors thank Raymond A. tooth’s supporting tissues, including ously diseased root surface.” 18. Reynolds MA, Aichelmann-Reidy ME, Branch- Yukna, DMD, MS; Marc Nevins, DMD, alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, 4. “…this technique is intriguing Mays GL, et al. The efficacy of bone replacement grafts in the treatment of periodontal osseous MMSc; Peter M. Schüpbach, PhD, of and cementum over a previously dis- in that it is another approach to min- defects. A systematic review. Ann Periodontol. Schupbach Ltd Service and Research eased root surface. New attachment imally invasive surgical therapies 2003;8:227-265. 28 19. Murphy KG, Gunsolley JC. Guided tissue regen- Laboratory for Biomaterials, Histol- is defined as the union of connec- as reviewed by Cortellini. A mini- eration for the treatment of periodontal intrabony ogy, and Imaging (Horgen, Switzer- tive tissue or epithelium with a root mally invasive surgical approach and furcation defects. A systematic review. Ann Periodontol. 2003;8:266-302. land); David M. Harris, PhD; and surface that has been deprived of its may offer advantages in regenera- 20. Needleman I, Tucker R, Giedrys-Leeper E, et Bio-Medical Consultants, Inc (Castro original attachment apparatus. This tion of defects in the esthetic zone al. Guided tissue regeneration for periodon- tal intrabony defects—a Cochrane systematic Valley, Calif), for its research, data pro- new attachment may be epithelial in which minimal soft tissue change review. Periodontol 2000. 2005;37:106-123. cessing, and graphic presentations. adhesion and/or connective tissue is required. Additionally, because 21. Aichelmann-Reidy ME, Reynolds MA. Predict- Figure 2 was reprinted from adaptation or attachment and may of the minimally invasive nature ability of clinical outcomes following regenera- tive therapy in intrabony defects. J Periodontol. Yukna RA, Carr RL, Evans GH. Histo- include new cementum. It is to be and expendable surgical materi- 2008;79:387-393. logic evaluation of an Nd:YAG laser- distinguished from reattachment, als required, this approach may be 22. Koop R, Merheb J, Quirynen M. Periodontal regeneration with in assisted new attachment procedure which describes the reunion of epi- appropriate for multiple defects as a reconstructive periodontal therapy: a systematic in humans. Int J Periodontics Restor- thelial and connective tissue with a first line of management.”14 review. J Periodontol. 2012;83:707-720. 23. Esposito M, Grusovin MG, Papanikolaou N, et ative Dent. 2007;27:577-587. Figures root surface. Bone fill is defined as 5. Regarding other laser devices, al. Enamel matrix derivative (Emdogain) for peri- 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, and 12 were reprinted the clinical restoration of bone tissue one cannot extrapolate regenera- odontal tissue regeneration in intrabony defects. A Cochrane systematic review. Eur J Oral Implan- from Nevins ML, Camelo M, in a treated periodontal defect. Bone tive findings to other laser devices tol. 2009;2:247-266. Schupbach P, et al. Human clinical and fill does not address the presence or treatments that have no defined 24. Sculean A, Nikolidakis D, Schwarz F. Regen- eration of periodontal tissues: combinations histologic evaluation of laser-assisted or absence of histologic evidence of protocols, operating parameters, or of barrier membranes and grafting materi- new attachment procedure. Int J Peri- new connective tissue attachment treatment algorithms and have no als—biological foundation and preclinical evi- dence: a systematic review. J Clin Periodontol. odontics Restorative Dent. 2012;32:497- or the formation of new periodontal documentation of healing events 2008;35(suppl):106-116. 16 507. By permission of Quintessence ligament.” from human histological studies. 25. Esposito M, Coulthard P, Thomsen P, et al. 3. 14 Enamel matrix derivative for periodontal tissue Publishing Co, Inc, Chicago. Kao et al is the most recent of References regeneration in treatment of intrabony defects: a long series of systematic reviews of 1. Gregg RH, McCarthy DK. Laser ENAP for a Cochrane systematic review. J Dent Educ. Footnotes published methods to achieve peri- periodontal bone regeneration. Dent Today. 2004;68:834-844. 1998;17:88-91. 18-27 26. Giannobile WV, Somerman MJ. Growth and 1. “Currently, osseous grafting and odontal regeneration. Current 2. Gregg RH, McCarthy DK. Laser ENAP for peri- amelogenin-like factors in periodontal wound guided tissue regeneration (GTR) are approaches include a demineralized odontal ligament regeneration. Dent Today. healing. A systematic review. Ann Periodontol. 1998;17:86-89. 2003;8:193-204. the two techniques with the most his- freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA), 3. Gregg RH II, McCarthy D. Laser periodontal 27. Reynolds MA, Aichelmann-Reidy ME, Branch- tologic documentation of periodontal guided tissue regeneration (GTR), therapy for bone regeneration. Dent Today. Mays GL. Regeneration of periodontal tissue: 2002;21:54-59. bone replacement grafts. Dent Clin North Am. regeneration. Other regenerative ther- bone fill with enamel matrix deriva- 4. Gregg RH II, McCarthy DK. Eight-year retrospec- 2010;54:55-71. apies have also provided a promising tive (EMD), recombinant human tive review of laser periodontal therapy in private 28. Cortellini P. Minimally invasive surgical tech- practice. Dent Today. 2003;22:74-79. niques in periodontal regeneration. J Evid Based potential for significantly improving platelet-derived growth factor BB 5. Yukna RA, Carr RL, Evans GH. Histologic Dent Pract. 2012;12(suppl):89-100.

JANUARY 2019 • DENTALCETODAY.COM 74 TEST 229 Expiration date of this CE article is January 1, 2022 To submit Continuing Education (CE) answers, use the answer sheet below. Or, use our easy online option at dentalcetoday.com. This article is available for 2 hours of CE credit. The following 10 questions were derived from “Laser-Assisted Periodontal Regeneration and Human Histology” by Robert H. Gregg II, DDS, and Dawn M. Gregg, DDS, on pages 70 to 73. Learning Objectives: After reading this article, the individual will learn: (1) the essential components of the laser-assisted regeneration (LAR) proto- col, and (2) the histological evidence necessary to support the claim of true periodontal regeneration. Subject Code: 490.

1. What are the components of the periodontal 5. What is the definition of “clinical attachment level”? d. To provide unobstructed excursive glides of the attachment apparatus? a. The measurement from the crest of the mandible. a. Fibroblasts, junctional epithelium, and lamina propria. to the base of the pocket. b. Cementum, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone. b. The distance between the apical extent of the calculus 8. Rete ridges strengthen the attachment of epithelium c. Sharpey’s fibers, bone marrow, and dentin. notch and the basement membrane. to which structure(s)? d. Odontoblasts, gingival epithelium, and enamel. c. The measurement from the dentoenamel junction to the a. Tooth cementum. marginal ridge. b. Connective tissue. 2. What is the main function of cementum? d. The distance from the cementoenamel junction to the c. Salivary glands. a. To provide anchorage for periodontal ligament fibers. tip of the periodontal probe. d. The trigeminal nerve. b. To protect the predentin from periodontopathogens. c. To generate fibroblasts for collagen bundles. 6. What is the rationale for performing decortication to 9. In a human histological study, what is the purpose of d. To remodel alveolar bone through an osteoclastic treat intrabony defects? placing a calculus notch on a root surface? process. a. To enhance the bone-healing process by increasing a. It inhibits the apical migration of long junctional revascularization. epithelium. 3. Which of the following fiber types insert into alveolar b. To facilitate bone remodeling by conventional b. It enables the assessment of subsequent periodontal bone and cementum? instrumentation. wound healing coronally. a. Von Korff fibers. c. To establish histological landmarks to evaluate new c. It releases the tension of circumferential periodontal b. Alveologingival fibers. attachments. fibers for greater access. c. Circular fibers. d. To remove overlying necrotic osseous tissue and d. It increases the surface area for a stronger retention of d. Sharpey’s fibers. lipopolysaccharides. splints in mobile teeth.

4. Which of the following regenerative procedures is the 7. What is the primary justification for performing occlu- 10. In periodontal tissues, how is regeneration least invasive? sal adjustment during a laser-assisted regeneration differentiated from repair? a. A demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft. procedure? a. Regeneration re-adapts tissue to periodontal defects. b. A guided tissue regeneration via membranes. a. To minimize patient discomfort during the healing event. b. Repair re-establishes the function of the injured tissue. c. A laser-assisted new attachment procedure. b. To ensure an optimum aesthetic result post-healing. c. Regeneration restores lost or diminished periodontal d. The application of an enamel matrix derivative. c. To reduce traumatic forces that cause the breakdown of tissue. supporting structures. d. Repair restores the architecture of original tissue.

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