TURNTABLE TALK THE SUNDAY STAR E-5 tV'»*hltwnll, D q _ Sunday, Aran, is. is&s - Strauss '' ; * iIBBIBkI * Makes Disc Debut 9B»T HI VPlh 4Pr,g> ir* By JAMES G. DEANE priately fill the eighth side. -Br /, v < % lL\ W —m '1 ¦Mr Itecord Critic Thf conductor here Is Karl W&7' Pi ’j, w MM ¦BL \fi|B H * «r ¦¦•¦? A public which cut be »*- Boehm. ¦ *'* * * . ;•/ turned to have supposed until 'liffMp W IMHIT •4B Hr very recently that nothing STACK MUSIC W WW» r jfi v j/< Steam locomotives are A '• dHr ¦p- ' R| s M written by Richard Btrauac ¦ 4 bf'. I after 1910 (the year of “Der rare in the Eastern United Rosenkavaller”) could have States and are becoming m lltar IpJ BHLjfIHLO A much merit haa been learning rarer everywhere, a sad fact better. for rail enthusiasts. To the “,’’ writ- initiate, the sound of pound- M ten in 1911, has been winning ing drive wheels and rushing recent favor on both side* steam Is music. iaaaißii& -1 of the Atlantic, Including Vinton Wright, a Western $& j» ft I tape .—«tJ- i *- here. "Die Schat- with a re- - IMHinr 1 > #^BHI >rau ohne rail fan LISA DELLA CASA ten," great, neglected corder and an eye to pos- v^--;"^>^^:^sk'-;^ff-; -: v^ the Sings "¦¦: 9* iTT operatic opus of 1919, re- terity, has been taking down Recorded Arabella cently created something of the sound of as many steam a sensation among record locomotives as possible for by Julie Andrews and Martyn few years. Some collectors, and substantial re- the last of Green. The record, appro- exoerpts the fruits of his efforts are corded from “Ara- priately. bella" (1933) and “Caprlcclo” on two Folkways discs, both is titled “Tell It (1941) have confirmed that called “stack music" sam- Again." A Kansas-born New late years brought no per- plers. On the first disc one York sidewalk musician ceptible decline In Btrauas’ can hear Upion Pacific known as Moondog com- operatic mastery. freight engines double-head- posed the accompaniments, There are also the eloquent ing through Nebraska, speed- for flute (played by Julius W j| “,” completed ing passenger trains, and the Baker) and percussion. In 1949, and now available In UP’s “Big Boy," most pow- There is another virtually fine recorded editions. erful steam locomotive ever irresistible Angel disc which Now a full-length “Ara- built, whistling at a cross- amounts to a one-man show. ' bella” has been added to the ing. On the second record is Itcontains a dozen ballads by accumulating evidence. The an aural reconstruction of Stanley Holloway, the in- opera has been recorded by the complicated making up imitable parent of Albert London with a stellar cast of a Burlington freight Ramsbottom and the lady and the Vienna Philharmonic train. “with ’er ead tucked under- Orchestra. Someone to whom the air- neath ’er arm." The selec- j- |. *&$!& ,~'j It is a major event. Lisa plane and diesel locomotive tions are reprints of the 78- Della Casa, who has made a are simply signs of progress r.p.m. discs which first ac- specialty of the role of Ara- may see little of interest in quired celebrity in the ’3os. bella, sings captivatingly. such documents. But the A gently zany collection of Hilde. Oueden, as Zdenka; rail lover is likely to think songs about gnus, hippopot-

'- satellite and * Otto otherwise. amuses. jflP » Edelmann as Waldner moons 'XW'T^t F\ ••¦ m 9HBI. * Hftbw. 'wcm WB WH| and George London as Man- ** * hi-fi systems is offered on dryka are hardly less Im- NONSENSE, ETC. another Angel record. The pressive, and the rest of the Record makers, like other performers are a British duo, J yPjS cast for the most part acquit people, tend to take them- Michael Flanders and Don- themselves commensurately. selves rather too seriously, ald Swann. Like most actual- The orchestra gets its full so it is a pleasure to en- performance discs, this one due from the microphones, counter occasional happy seems just lightly more fun and the recorded sound is lapses. for the built-in audience than well ordered, spacious and Angel has made a charm- for the living-room listener, full, a credit to , ing record of nursery rhymes, which is faintly annoying. the conductor, as well as the nonsense songs, lullabies and But the humor is pleasant. London technicians. other traditional - juvenilia, “At the Drop of a Hat” la 'COSI FAN TUTTE' IN REHEARSAL As for the opera Itself, it partly sung and partly spoken the identifying title. Cast, of opera conductor; 1 Is enchanting. As with “Ros- conductor and director Mozart’s comic to be Paul Callaway, Richard Baldridge, director; Mary enkavaller" and “Ariadne.” by the Opera Society of Washington in Lisner Audi- McMurray, Dorabella; John Reardon, Ouglielmo; Silvia Strauss luckily had a work- Svenrium tomorrow, Tuesday and Thursday, shown in an early Stahlman, Despina; Donald Gramm, Don Alfonso; Margot able libretto (again by the rehearsal with the National Symphony. Left to right are: Willauer, Fiorailigi; John McCollum, Ferrando. brilliant Hofmannsthal), and he wove It Into a musical Bo* tapestry richly filled with NEWS OF MUSIC beauties. gTbu'S itlC snatches of dramatic aong In Italy and Yugoslavia. To Tondon’s excellent printed F and turbulent recitative with depict the old Imperial Pal- helpfully supplies / orchestra far surpasses all Silvana's libretto a S-Hoy . Petersburg, marginal guide to the Intri- 52eo>m> other *of Mozart's works and ace in St. De 'Cosi' Is Realistic Laurentlis paid the Italian cate thematic patterns looks forward to a later ideal Into the musical Mate Won't govenment 85,000 day worked that abandons secco reci- a rent fabric. tative altogether for a con- for two weeks for use of the The fine Della Casa ren- Panorama of Life tinuous flow of orchestral Let Her Quit palace in this southern Ital- ditions of the “Four Last sound. previously By DAT THORPE apart from Mozart's other By STAN CARTER ian town built in the 18th Songs" available ¦Ur Mule Critic The of present century by 111 with some great operas? It is of course feature the Aj,Delated Proto Writer Charles of In a coupling suppose good thing quite production that will be Bourbon. excerpts appro- I it is ¦ different from “Ido- most CASERTA, Italy.—Sllvsna "Arabella" to try to speak dispassionate* meneo” and “Tito,” magnifi- surprising to the connoisseur Hay ly about music. Like every cent and serious embellish- of “Cosi fan tutte” will be the Mangano says she wants to other good thing, however, ments of basic and standard reappearance of tenor arias. quit the movies and just WASHINGTON CIVIC OPERA ASSOCIATION there can be an excess of dis- emotional situations. Its It is an odd fact that for at keep house—but her hus- Sponsored by passion. least a generation Ferrando and for me to write i characters have not the band, Producer de breadth nor the depth of has always been deprived of Dlno D. C. Recreation Dept. about “Cosi fan tutte" clin- Laurentiis, ically would be absurd if not those of “Figaro”; it is not a all his arias except “Un aura won’t let her. Presents ) Indecent. For me “Cosi,” in fairy-opera like “Zauber- amaroaa.” and his first-act “My contract with De Jacques Offenbach's company with six other flote.” nor a Byronic roman- duet with Guglielmo. In the Laurentiis has two more operas of Mozart, satiates the tic one like “." NBC television “Cosi” last years to run. I’ve got to keep It shows .in every that week this disparagement of TALES OF HOFFMAN musical libido more com- detail working.” said tltian- pletely than any other music it is the work of a mature tenors was carried to. the the (IN ENGLISH) rather star- every of haired Italian actress. She FREDERICK FALL, DIRECTOR in the world. There have master than a limit and one Fer- spoke dressing MUSIC tlingly perfect in her room not been two weeks running effusion of a rando's arias was left out. I in the 1935, first young one. no less astounded can recall 23 productions of 1.200-room Caserns since when I ex- Royal Palace where she was MAY 8,9, 10 8:15 P.M. perienced the work in Glyn- and delighted than his au- the opera since 1935, and in on during dience—the impression every peculiar muti- location for her husband's ROOSEVELT debourne, which the we one some picture. AUDITORIUM get Entfuhrung of place. newest music has not been dancing from “Die aus lation Ferrando took said De Laurentiis,” 13th and ALLISON STS. N.W. through my head. For me, dem Serail." The key to "You More important than this, a visitor noted. “Don’t you (SI 52.50) say. great "Cosi” is its realism, its TICKETS .50, AT 3149 I«th ST. N.W.; DRUG FAIR, 1 “Cosi” and its six if I may judge from the re- call your husband by ItOt K N.W.; DRUG FAIR, 1245 - blindingly picture of his ST. FENNA. AVE. N.W.; sister works have been brilliant hearsals I have heard, is the first CO., a life in which everything is name?” DALE MUSIC 1240 GA, AVE.. SILVER SPRING, MD. friends, with the living indi- exhilarating brilliance yea—he's sharpest but and "At home, Dlno." vidualities of human beings seen in focus precision replied Mangano. only momentarily. Although of the ensemble Miss "but and the obsessive power of singing. Although not we of every de- there are here. He’s two dlfferant gods. are conscious many it, the whole moves by us beautiful arias in men at home and at work. Tomorrow, Tuesday and tail. “Coal” la essentially an en- "This Is my 10th picture in Thursday with great speed, there are MEXICAN NATIONAL the work unfolds opera, years—since fingerings, semble and the cast 10 ‘Bitter Rice’ three more times, exposing no doubts or and of divided equally be- —and have no retouchings of what is six. we three children. the prodigality of Mozart's women, Fd be done. Whatever else one can tween men and is as like to a full-time SYMPHONY supreme'glfts of irony, laugh- perfectly matched as any mother." ter, mockery, sorrow, love, say about “Cosi." it is cer- tainly the alive dy- musical group one will ever As In most of her husband’s April 21, at 8:30 p.m. rejection. I have been to the most and singers Mangano namic of all operatic spec- hear. The are: Mar- films. Miss is billed rehearsals of the production got Tempests." LUIS HERRARA tacles. Wlllauer. Mary McMur- as the star of "La de la FUENTE, Conductor of the Opera Society of Wash- ray. Silvia Stahlman. Donald It Is a dramatization of Push- LISNER AUDITORIUM ington and think what we are Two characteristics are Puga- B Gramm, John Reardon, arid kin’s “The Revolt of going to hear is good—and conspicuous in Mozart’s chev," TchaHtoriky R.mto and Juli.t Overturn John about an 18th cen- Cham for a “Cosi” to be good it method in this opera. The McCollum. tury Russian revolutionary. Indian Symphony story Rnmlta...... Senumoyn must be magnificent, for un- ratio of ensemble numbers The of “Cosi” is fa- Also In the cast Van WaaanmmM to many, and those are Hef- Sho.takn.itck Symphony like some other works of art, sung by from two to six per- miliar lin. Viveca Llndfors. Geoffrey Nn. 5 “Cost" breaks down under sons to arias sung by only one who don’t know it and don't •ano lit tot tho Sustaining fund of fko Washington Notional Symphony understand Horne. Vittorio Gaasman and any but the most accom- is greater than in any earlier Italian will be Helmut Dentine. Tick*!.: (A. »l. M. S*. kept by *.m»k.n. 8.. Offlr* ir.mnk.il.) lion G nt. N.W. NA. plished productions. Its opera—l 9to 12. Also the au courant the pan- The movie is being shot beauty is not tamper-proof. fluidity with which secco tomime. Two questions are What is it that sets “Cosi”i recitative breaks into frequently asked “Despina is a conspirator in Don Al- fonso's plot, but is she aware of the identity of the dis- guised lovers?” The answer MUSIC PROGRAMS is no. Also whether the girls TODAY finally revert to their orig- HNtf# rouritt) and qualify art iradi’iianal MARY KENNEDY and Vlralals Man. inal lovers or keep their mus- mezzo sopranoi; William felterson. tached Da i piano. Barker Hall. * p.m Inter- Albanians Ponte rotte speranze. Monteeerdl; Pan- himself never says. The an- culletta rltrosetta. Osillano; In tin is to each llmpido rlo. Oaallano. Alma afla. swer left individual Gasllano. Del mlo sol. Cltra: La director of the opera, and ml sola. Obradors. Villinelco Cata- -I}B. Nln: Tres Canclones Oallatas Richard Baldridge's solution Nln: Com amorea. Obradors; Ne I do not yet know. skadu Nicomu Daraomlukjr; Du- shetchka Devltta. Darromlzsky; ¦on. Balaklev Notch Odlnocara. Mouaaoriski; Na Holmach Ornill. Rlmsky-Korsakov. Phanomen. Brahma; Klanae. Brahms; Die Meere. . : : _ ¦rahma: Dla Sehwestern. Brahms UHL m JmKSm TOMORROW-TUESDAY- BBOINA BARPATY. mezzo-soprano k i David fttlmer. piano. National Gal- : THURSDAY—! P.M. ; - lery. ¦p m Pour arias of Ales- 31 m sandro Scarlatti: Ma prlma ch'lo Mmxmrt’t Operas mora. Toaleteml la vita ancor. Cara • doles. Balia bocca Pour sonas of Llaat: Ea muss eln Wundernares Coal Pan seln Comment, dlsalent-lls. Dla dral K v ZKeuner. Nlmm elnan Btrahl: Jo- casta a aria from Oedlpua Rex. Stra- Tutte vinsky; Pour sonas of paure: Au- tomat. Dans laa Rulnaa d une Ab- ' WIIImw MsOellaa | bnya. Bqlr, Touloura: Autobloaraphr. st: ¦ ./>.¦: Mann: The Daisies. Barber; Cabin. MoMarray Reardea Bowles: Tleeroo. Pina; Psalm l»n. fry- '/%#’' * Roram. _ Stahlman Irann ?lvlan Scott, piano. John Carroll l» w% * mi Rlah School Auditorium. ft:3o pm ! Peal Callaway, National Sym- ; IN phony Opera Society man'rotm HcaJ&Slla choir RECITAL TODAY— ! Orchestra, < WITHOUT BLASSES! Anacostla Methodist Church. 11 Regina Sarfaty, mezzo- 1 Chorus. you an wearing glasses, ajn Tallis. Lleaar Auditorium If still chances an it is only because Handel.^Tches- soprano, who will sing at you never learned how far science has advanced today’s mod* the National Gallery of era, medically approved Vent-Air Lenses. Their eafety, their jnmlmnmaj oerald C ore has - Art this evening. v. > count RooorC Shop. IS4O comfort, their visual benefits have been attested by optical ¦ Cone • I 1 Oallerr.JoSTri.ft p.m. Trio In E flat. K AW# authorities and waann all over ijl. Moaart: Phantaalastucke. opus Vent-Air the world. 7ft. Schumann: Divertissement Opus Send for the now 16 page ft Roussel; FRIDAY booklet and nad how easy it ia Quintet flllftfti. Piston. free ... a 25.00 “This ALICE AND ARTHUR NAOLB. duo- Is Your Life” album to swim, work, dance, do anything and everything without TOMORROW ol.nuti rrld.y MonUaa UuMc METROPOLITAN glasses! Learn how Club. 11 .m. Son.t* (ISA3), with 8 reels of tape ... when you buy thousands of men, women, and even OOSI PAR TUI'II opera bv Moaart. Poul.ne: Batulnt. BkUou: aiclllcnn*. presented hr the Opera Society of Pt«c.«, i OPERA children, now wear invisible, comfortable Vent-Air Lenses. Washington. Auditorium, Boram: Fl*. tuioff: Dlv.r-I pm Llaner ft •ion Conklin: Thrt. Pl.cn, Opu« 3. No PTordlllal, Maraaerlta Wißaacr; WM.r: Conc.rto P.th.tlqu*. Lbrt. i obligation for the booklet, of course. porahella. Mary MeMarrayi Desplna. Lssw’i Capital Thaatra ftrlvla ftta blman: Ouallelmo, John DONALD PORTNtY violin; n.n. RCA VICTOR TAPE RECORDER Ak.r., pl.no. Unlv.ralty. Mon.,’April p.m. woRLb-wroe bpicial Reardon; Perrando. John MrCallam: p.m. C.ttaollo i 21—1:00 bekvicr DoS Alfonso. Ronald Gramm. Chorus H:3li aon.t. In D. N.rdinl; ¦“WC* rOB Opera Society P.rtlt. No. 3. Btch; Sontt. No. 3, , Tap* recording made easy .. . simply push o OUT-OF-TOWNIRi^ of the and the Na- Koutun; Son.t*, button and tional Symphony Orchestra Paul Borh Franck “Der Rosenkavalitr” Callaway, conductor; RCA’s new portable tope Senator, cap- Richard Bsl- NATIONAL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. by recorder, the will drldae. director H.w.rd Mllrhrll,conductor Robert, ture with true fidelity, CONTACT LENS SPECIALISTS (••man*, pl.no Llan.r Auditorium. Mmn Stevem, St*bar, Mutiny the sounds you want to hear again. TUESDAY K:3O p.m. Conc.rto (or Orch.ntr*. 711 14th Bt. N.W., Washington, D. C. EX. 3-7471' Mattn. fdtlmonn, Do Coif«, Hnrbnrt Two speeds, 3% and 7 Vi, for voice or music recording; . Antonio Eat.v..: Conc.rto (or Pl.no to to COS I PAN TUTTE. opera by Mozart, »nd OrchMtr., Caam.no, Mo* Rudolf, Cond. HOURS: 9 6 P.M. lncl. Sat.; Mon. and Thurs. 8 P.M. by the Opera Society Robarto specialized "jacks" tor taping rodio and TV shows. presented of N.W England Dplaodra Quincy Por- Call or come in a private demonstration Washlnaton Llaner Auditorium. H t*r. Symphony No 3. Cord.ro, Tuet., April 29—1:00 p.m. Precision for p m Cast lame as on Monday. 5x7 speaker for Golden Throat tone. SATURDAY “Bsrbsr of Swillt” With the purchase of each "Senator" tope recorder you WEDNESDAY Iwould Ilk. to tarn mor. .bout contact loiiho. BDOENIA RABINSKA YA. contWHs: JULLIARD BPRINO QUARTET by 0. Rossini will receive absolutely free a 25.00 "This Is Your Life" Harry Li- ** Floaoo Mod bm your fra. booklet,‘Tab. Off THom GlMM*...*ndSml") McClure piano. Pan Amer- brary n( Contr.u. II tm. Quart.t Mmo. Foiort, Union, ft p.m. rive, Biblical Bali.; No Monn. Vollottl, 8-reel tope album ond a 3.00 magnetic tope splicer. lean No. 1. Juan Quart.t 3,\ Morrill, Corono Min*,. Dvorak: Le Chevaiure. De- Gln.at.ra; Quart.t No. 15, fllla- * bussy; Trepak. Moussorsiky. Uttle Laboa. Moo Sudolf, Cond. 179.95 ¦tar. Mouasoraaky: Sonas by Castro. Knobo Plan. Utod tncluiivoly ouatavlno: de Palla. NATIONAL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Pay only Olnaatera. OP MEXICO. L.la 4a I. Pa«nt.. SCATS AVAIIASK 17.99 down, balance as low as 10.13 per month THURSDAY conductor J.a.a Marl. R.nr.ma, for 18 Addram— . ¦¦ .w nlano Llan.r Auditorium. B:30 pa. I months. 3-month free service warranty. eodll PAN TUTTE opera by Mozart. Symphony No. Rlaa o.ilndo; Muaic Moll Order*—No Phono Ordof* bT (or Little OrchMtrt. .lose Ard.val; HAYES CONCIKT SUSIAU W&t—Comoro Department, lit Floor, North Building OUp ¦ ¦ toil. It.t. -J a*«,ef (or tIOS O St. I I I «:;»n i Conc.rto PUno and Orchutr*. N.W. (ComnboU'r) . . . alio Chtvy p.m. Cast earns as Monday. Juan Caitro. Chose wa «-i a ... A i 1—