BTPS ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – 2016 1

Blood Tribe Police Service Annual Report

2015 - 2016

BTPS ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – 2016 2

Vision Statement

To be the best mid-sized police service in

Mission Statement

To be culturally responsive to the needs of the Blood Tribe community as its police service and challenge all staff to provide effective and accountable policing that meets the mandates of legislation and our policing agreement.

Responsibilities of the Blood Tribe Police Service1 Maintain an adequate number of police officers trained consistent with the level of training of other police officers in Alberta

Police throughout the Blood Tribe Territory

Preserve the peace, protect life and property, prevent crime and enforce the laws of the Blood Tribe, Canada and Alberta and apprehend those who may be lawfully taken into custody

Provide the residents with a sense of security and safety from crime; Provide assistance to victims.

The Values of the Blood Tribe Police Service

Accountability Ethical Behavior Performance Excellence Integrity Community Commitment Respect

1 Blood Tribe Police Service Agreement - paraphrased from Section 7 BTPS ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – 2016 3

Message from the

Thank you for taking the time to examine our annual report. We are very pleased to be able to present our accomplishments over the past year. The report is full of interesting information regarding the activities of the police service.

Our calls for service have gone up consistently over the last year from 7092 in 2014 to 7422 in 2015. These numbers are still below our 2012 numbers when our officers attended 8178 calls for service. The number of people we house for all reasons in our cells has increased as well from 2605 in 2014 to 3439 in 2015.

Complaints about the police service and police officers were down to a total of eleven in 2015. We continue to see fewer complaints as the public becomes more aware of the mandate of the police service and the accountability structure in place. Our officers must follow the same accountability structures as all other First Nations, Municipal and Regional police services in Alberta. We continue to provide public information on the rules governing police behavior and accountability and how to complain about or praise the police when appropriate.

We have finally resolved our issues surrounding computer data bases and have permanently contracted the services of the RCMP PROS system. In conjunction with this upgrade we have also been able to obtain our own Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system that allows our dispatchers to more effectively deploy our officers to the calls for service. The dispatchers have all undergone extensive training for this new system as well as the new ProQA dispatch guidelines that insures the right information is being collected from callers. We ask the public to be patient over the next year as this system is fully implemented. It involves asking many more questions of callers to better service the public’s needs.

The police service has undertaken to do a complete review of our policies to make sure that they are correct and follow the guidelines set by the Alberta Policing Standards. This will involve a review of every policy and procedure by an independent reviewer with recommendations made to implement any required changes.

Part of the mandate of the police service is to provide opportunity for its staff to improve their levels of training and education. Many staff members have been given diverse training opportunities and have been successful in achieving the goals of the courses. With emphasis on developing future leaders and managers we have been fortunate that three officers were able to increase their level of competency to be promoted to Inspectors and take on increased BTPS ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – 2016 4 leadership rolls within the police service. Within the same year, one of the Inspectors was promoted to Deputy Chief. BTPS has been without a Deputy Chief for over 8 years.

The community was shocked this past year with the onset of the Oxy80 or Fentanyl epidemic that resulted in many residents becoming addicted and too many losing their lives to overdose. This challenge was met head on by the community with groups and individuals banding together to form a united response to the problem. Your police service also responded to help deal with the situation. The Crime Reduction Unit (CRU) was formed which places three dedicated officers to deal with the ongoing drug enforcement issues and assist with intervention strategies. An experienced drug and major crime investigator was hired to assist all of our officers in honing their investigative skills in these matters. They have had several major successes in relation to drug trafficking and related offences. Three individuals were charged with Criminal Negligence Causing Death in relation to two drug overdose deaths in the community. Those matters are still before the courts. The police service continues to evolve new techniques. As an example we regularly bring drug sniffing dogs to the community to assist in detecting vehicles bringing drugs into the community. The [email protected] email tip line was set up and has become a very effective tool for collecting criminal intelligence.

Despite the rapid growth of the community the crime problems remain fairly consistent even with a slight dip in numbers. The Blood Tribe Police Service (BTPS) still has one of the highest criminal case loads of any police service in Canada. In 2004 the BTPS received an increase in establishment up to 31 officers. At that time the Blood Tribe reported having a band membership of approximately 7400 persons. Today we still have 31 officers, but the population has increased up to 13,000. We need a further ten officers to be able to continue to effectively police the community. A request was made for the Chief and Council to fund four additional officers as a result of the added pressures of the Oxy80 crisis. We have not yet heard if they are able to provide that funding.

Our police station continues to be a source of ongoing expense and is not spacious enough to provide the services we are required to provide. We have had to bring in two mobile offices which will be set up to augment our offices and make more room for the operational officers to perform their activities.

The BTPS has enjoyed strong public support over the past year for which we are very grateful. We plan on continuing our increased public engagement and look forward to a continued supportive relationship with the citizens and other groups and businesses of the Blood Reserve. We continue to exceed our requirement to provide adequate policing to the public and are making many proactive steps to reduce crime and victimization.

Kyle Melting Tallow BTPS ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – 2016 5

Acting Chief of Police

BTPS diversity

Blood Tribe members - Police FNMI - Police Other - Police Blood Tribe members - Civilain FMNI - Civilain Other - Civilian

Years of Service - Police officers

20 + years 10 - 19 years 5 - 9 years 2 - 4 years less than 2 years

BTPS ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – 2016 6

BTPS statistics




5000 2013 4000 2014

3000 2015



0 Calls for Service Prisoners Held Clearance rate officer caseload

2013 – calls for service: 7014 2014 – calls for service: 7092 2015 – Calls for service: 7422

2014 – Prisoners held: 2605 2015 – Prisoners held: 3439

2014 – Clearance Rate: 59.6 2015 – Clearance Rate: 67.2

2013 – Officer case load: 269 2014 – Officer case load: 272 2015 – Officer case load: 285

BTPS ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – 2016 7





500 2013 400 2014

300 2015



0 Crimes against Property Crime Drug activity Impaired driving persons

- Crimes against persons include, Assault, Sexual Assault, harassment - Property Crime include, Break and Enters, thefts, fraud, mischief - Drug Activity include, drug trafficking and possession - Impaired Driving, includes operation and care and control

BTPS Recruiting

With a shortage in its establishment, the BTPS was busy with the set up of recruiting booths in a number of communities and local events. Recruiting booths have been set up locally at the career fair in an attempt to attract local candidates. To better reflect the community, the BTPS is always on the look-out for local candidates who wish to join the service. The BTPS also set up a recruitment booth in Siksika Nation at their career day, Lethbridge College FNMI Days as well as Networking Days, Pride Parade, Street-wheelers, Kainai Indian Days. This cultivated one local candidate, unfortunately this candidate was unable to pass initial testing to continue in the hiring process. The recruiting officer maintains constant contact with this candidate to assist in maintaining their drive to become a member of the BTPS in the future.

The BTPS took part in a work placement program of 4 cadets from Holland College in PEI. These 4 cadets worked for the BTPS for 10 weeks and were evaluated at the end of the program to determine if they were suitable to be a member of the BTPS. Of the 4 cadets that worked the BTPS ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – 2016 8 summer, 1 was hired. Meanwhile, 2 BTPS recruits that were sent to basic training at the RCMP Training Academy in Regina, SK, graduated in November 2015, one of which is a member of the Blood Tribe. As evidence of the BTPS’ stringent hiring process, 12 applicants were not accepted, none of which were members of the Blood Tribe. Recruitment plan was updated as per the Strategic Plan

School Resource Officer

2015 saw the introduction of a dedicated School Resource Officer (SRO). This position was one of two positions financed by the Province of Alberta, the other being the Crime Prevention Coordinator position. Consultation with the Board of Education began shortly after the funding was announced. The Board of Education was very involved in the hiring process of a current member of the BTPS. As this member would be in the school full-time, it was important for the schools to relay their expectations of the member.

Senior Constable Brice Iron Shirt was selected by the board of education as their SRO. Sr. Cst. Iron Shirt immediately went to work to set up SRO policy and procedure, introduced lock-down procedures for all the schools to follow, introduced safety procedures within the schools and liaised with the BTPS on its deployment and response to a critical situation at any of the schools. Sr. Cst. Iron Shirt was instrumental in bridging the gap between police and students at all of the schools, particularly the Kainai High School. There have been times where teens have had negative experiences with police. Sr. Cst. Iron Shirt was able to establish some trust in the police by sharing with students, procedures that the police follow with respect to the law. This BTPS ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – 2016 9 understanding is beginning to spread into the communities as parents are now aware, through their children, of why and how police employ its procedures.

The SRO has proven to be an invaluable position. Based on the inroads and trust building undertaken by the SRO, he has set the stage for positive interactions with students and community members. The feedback from all schools is that they want a dedicated SRO at every school, this is a testament of how valuable this program is.

Crime Prevention Coordinator

In addition to the implementation of the SRO, the Crime Prevention Coordinator (CPC) position was moved from the Kainai Corrections Society to the BTPS. The BTPS has been fortunate to have acquired Chancy Black Water as its CPC. Prior to joining the BTPS, Chancy held this position with the Kainai Community Corrections Society. Chancy has brought with her the experience necessary to engage community members, particularly the youth, to be involved in positive experiences that can lead these young people to make better choices for themselves. Since joining the BTPS, Chancy has focused on engaging with the elementary school children in the communities of Standoff (Saipoyi Elementary School) and Levern (Ashsaopi Elementary School) located within the Blood Reserve. Being strategic in targeting this group has provided the BTPS with many opportunities to create trust with the children and youth in the community. It is hoped that the parents and general community members may become more involved in community initiatives to help create safe places for children and youth to grow and learn.

Many programs are undertaken by Chancy to ensure that the children are busy and engaged in various activities, particularly traditional ceremonies. Chancy has arranged for Elders in the community to work with children to ensure that they are aware of the history of the people and a better understanding of their identity.

BTPS ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – 2016 10

2015 Santa Clause Parade. SRO and CPC entered this float in the parade, candy was given out.



8% 2% 3%

$2,875 Public Safety Canada $2,654 Alberta Justice 45% $172 Internal recovery $150 Victim Services $500 Other receipts 42%

BTPS ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – 2016 11


6% 1% 3% $4,218 Salaries and benefits 8% $226 Other personnel costs $696 Contracted services 11% $533 Materials & supplies $213 Internal charges 4% 67% $77 Other expenditures $389 Interest & amortization

- 2015-2016 Funding is $6,351,490.00 and expenditures are $6,351,490.00


BTPS members attended developmental training in 2015, outside of the basic yearly allotment of required online courses from the Canadian Police Knowledge Network (CPKN), some members attended the following courses: - Cultural Sensitivity - Senior Police Administrative Course (SPAC) - National Aboriginal Policing Forum - IAPro - Drug Interdiction Instructor Training - Search Warrant Course - Child Sexual Assault Investigation training - ISEP 200 - PROS user course BTPS ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – 2016 12

- Fentanyl Symposium - Pipeline course - How to become a better Manager of People - Child Sexual Assault Investigation (Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre) – Canadian Tactical and Operational Medical Solutions (CTOMS) - School Resource officer training

Public Complaints

The BTPS adheres to the complaint process outlined in the Alberta Police Act to remain consistent with well established procedures. The BTPS has received 7 complaints from the public and has self identified 4 situations where police officers were investigated pursuant to the Act. The BTPS has been transparent to complainants to ensure their trust in the BTPS. Matters of a sensitive matter or those investigations that need to be investigated by an outside agency have been referred to the Alberta Serious Response Investigation Team (ASIRT), Lethbridge Police Service, Taber Police Service, Medicine Hat Police Service and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for investigation to ensure an objective investigation is conducted. However, most of the investigations are handled internally.

Crime Reduction Unit (CRU)

This unit has been kept very busy with the fentanyl situation, this has caused a local state of emergency declared by Chief and Council. Members of CRU attend and participate in a CORE group aimed at combating and bringing awareness to this issue. CRU has presented at many community events and have been called upon to present to other police agencies about the local issues faced by police and the community.

CRU is credited with the seizure of the following drugs and Canadian money: Marijuana: 230.6g - street value $3,459 Cocaine: 344.1g - street value $34,410 Fentanyl pills: 1394 - street value $83,640 Canadian currency: $18,472.40

These seizures have contributed to the lower death rate than previous years due to overdosing of community members. It has been established that the majority of drug traffickers are from BTPS ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – 2016 13 major centers such as Calgary and Edmonton and are preying on the social situation of the Blood Reserve. Each person charged that is not a band member, have a condition not to be on the Blood Reserve imposed by the court upon release. There have been occasions where these people do not comply with the order to stay away. These persons have caused the CRU additional work in ensuring they are complying. One drug trafficker has been charged on 4 separate occasions with drug possession and trafficking even though he was not to be on the Blood Reserve. This results in considerable resources dedicated to one person and allows other drug traffickers to proceed undetected.

Weapons Inventory

The BTPS has purchased 8 Carbine patrol rifles to respond to potential threats to the community by persons who may be armed and are causing or about to cause grievous harm to community members. BTPS needs to be prepared to intervene in any active shooter situation. Having these rifles in our arsenal, ensures immediate response to this type of high risk call for service. It has been proven that waiting for a specialized unit (ERT, SWAT) will cost precious lives. This type of rifle will enable BTPS members to immediately confront the threat to community members.

Half of the Taser arsenal is due to be replaced. The BTPS will look at acquiring the Taser X26E and moving to this platform over the current older X26.

Vehicles Inventory

The BTPS has 9 fully equipped marked patrol units. These units are supplemented by 2 fully equipped unmarked patrol units. The unmarked units are assigned to the CRU for their duties, some of which are drug interdiction. The use of an unmarked unit in these cases aids the unit in approaching situations without being easily detected.

In addition to the patrol units, the BTPS utilizes vehicles for the School Resource Unit, Crime Prevention Unit, Court Unit and on-call staff. The BTPS offers in-kind, 2 vehicles for the Victim Services Unit for their use in their duties.

The BTPS obtained an enclosed trailer to serve as its command post during special events and serious matters. The Command Post has been utilized at the annual Kainai Indian Days BTPS ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – 2016 14

Celebration. This was effective in establishing a base of operation for officers and was easily identifiable to community members on where to report incidents. The command post, when deployed, is self sufficient and can sustain itself on scene for any duration. It has a working connection to the record management system (RMS) for members to utilize during on-site investigations and offers efficient communication to the main office.

Community Involvement

A few initiatives of the BTPS’ involvement within the community and region:

Pink Shirt Day – anti-bullying awareness campaign. SRO and CPC were instrumental in making this event possible.

2015 PRIDE parade - Calgary. BTPS members marched to promote diversity and inclusion.

BTPS ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – 2016 15

2015 Alberta Police and Peace Officer Memorial Ceremony – Edmonton. BTPS was asked to lead the parade by carrying the Canadian Flag.