Republic of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources MINES AND GEOSCIENCES BUREAU Mt. Province THE MINERAL PROFILE

Region: Cordillera Administrative Land Area and Mineral Potential Region (CAR) The Philippine government 220, 990 ha as of 2007 Province: Mt. Province promotes the rational Municipality: 10 exploration, development, Total land area of Mt. Province Barangays: 144 utilization and conservation of in hectares. Population (as of 31 August 2015): 119,184 mineral resources guided by its th Income Classification: 4 Class commitment to responsible Province Major economic activities: Agriculture, minerals development. Environmental Protection and Mining, Sand and Gravel, Tourism Management

Mineral Statistics The Philippine government ensures the adequate ₱ 2.18 Million or 1.6% protection of the Estimated Gross Regional Domestic environment, before, during Product (GRDP) of CAR from mining mining operations and and quarrying at constant 2000 prices. It accounted 1.6% of the total beyond the life of the mine. GRDP of the Region.

Mineral Commodities LIST OF MINERAL DEPOSITS Sand & Gravel ₱42 Million Estimated value of Sand & Gravel Metallic Deposits produced in Mt. Province in 2016. Commodity Location Employment 40 as of 2015 Copper Kayan, Belwang

Workers currently employed by the Gold Mainit sand and gravel operations in the province of Mt. Province. Location Non-Metallic Deposits While estimates vary, it is conservatively projected that for Situated centrally in the Cordilleras, Gypsum Kayan every basic job in the mines, about Mt. Province is bounded on the north Gypsum/Clay Daldal, Bago four ancillary/indirect jobs may be generated in the upstream and by , on the south by , downstream sectors. southwest by and on the west by and Ilocos Sur. It is National Greening Program Extraction Fees Collected accessible from Ifugao through the ₱7.98 Million Banaue-Bontoc Road, Ilocos Sur Potential area for Rehabilitation through the Tagudin-Cervantes- - total of 50,419 Hectares Extraction Fees collected for sand Tadian Road, Kalinga through the and gravel by the province in CY Lubuagan-Bontoc Road and 2016. Area Planted 2011-2016 through the scenic Halsema Highway - total of 13,713 Hectares Extraction fee is the fee imposed by famously known as Mountain Trail. provinces for the extraction of sand and gravel materials which are directly paid in the Provincial Treasurers Office with sharing as Social Equity and Development follows: The Philippine government recognizes the rights and 40% ; 30% Municipal; and participation of the communities and indigenous 30% Province peoples and ensures the fair and equitable sharing of benefits among the company, the government and host communities

“Mining shall be pro-people and pro-environment in sustaining wealth creation and improved quality of life”

© Mines and Geosciences Bureau Junel 2017