Smart Power Generation Is the Ultimate Solution 10 There Are Many Ways to Improve Power System Balancing Capabilities

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Smart Power Generation Is the Ultimate Solution 10 There Are Many Ways to Improve Power System Balancing Capabilities SMART POWER GENERATION PP-EN-DBAB908290 / 05.2013 Bock´s Office ENABLING THE TRANSITION TO A MODERN, SUSTAINABLE POWER SYSTEM Electricity consumption will continue to grow Towards a new low carbon type of operation would cause serious sub- rapidly all over the world during the coming power system optimisation, increased generation costs, and decades. At the same time, concerns related Electricity demand fluctuates depending on insufficient CO2 reductions. to global warming and declining fossil fuel the time of day, the day of the week, and the Forecasting the magnitude and speed of resources have created political pressure season of the year. Current power systems wind and solar power variations is complicated and a need to reduce carbon emissions have been designed to handle these variations, and the inaccuracy just an hour ahead is through renewable power. but it is becoming increasingly problematic to considerable. Therefore, the low carbon power In 2011, 68% of global electricity match power generation with the ever growing system of the future must be capable of production was based on fossil energy demand. continuously balancing such rapid, large scale sources. At present, renewable sources, Wind and solar power are by nature variations. hydro power excluded, cover a good 3% intermittent. As wind conditions change, the Wind-based electricity production does not of total production, although the share is output of wind power varies accordingly. This follow power demand. In a power system with a growing rapidly. Together with daily load has to be balanced by other power plants. high share of wind power, nights with high wind variations, however, the intermittency For example, when the wind speed calms are particularly challenging since the major part of renewable power brings along new from 10 m/s to 7 m/s – which can happen of the thermal power production would have to challenges to power systems. many times a day and within a time frame of be stopped. Furthermore, weather conditions in less than 15 minutes – the output of modern Europe, for example, are such, that low pressure large wind turbines is reduced by 60%. fronts arriving from the west result in high winds Imagine a fleet of e.g. 100 GW of wind power, simultaneously across the continent. Therefore, which is being planned in many regions of the wind power cannot balance itself over larger world, reducing the output with 60 GW in 15 geographical regions, and thus is a problem that minutes! How will the power system handle cannot be solved by any grid solution. this? Obviously, current power systems have The current power systems, which consist not been designed for such variations. This mainly of non-flexible steam power plants, 2 Werner Nystrand/Folio need to be complemented with dispatchable, Combined wind power output (GW) dynamic capacity to overcome this problem. 25 There must be the capability for frequent system balancing on a large scale in the form Spain Denmark of fast starts, stops and load ramps. The low 20 North-East Germany carbon power system of the future will require North-West Germany a capacity which corresponds to ~ 50% of the installed intermittent power capacity. 15 Smart Power Generation is the ultimate solution 10 There are many ways to improve power system balancing capabilities. Reservoir hydropower can be used where available. Similarly, smart 5 grids with demand response offer a means of shifting some of the load, and the existing power system can also assist by regulating 0 its output. Nevertheless, in the majority of cases these offer just a partial solution. By Jan 04 Jan 05 Jan 06 Jan 07 Jan 08 Jan 09 Jan 10 Jan 11 Jan 12 Jan 13 Jan 14 Jan 15 Jan 16 Jan 17 Jan 18 Jan 19 Jan 20 Jan 21 Jan 22 Jan 23 Jan 24 Jan 25 complementing the power system with Smart Jan 26 Power Generation, all system balancing The combined wind power output of Germany, Denmark and Spain shows that similar wind challenges can be solved, even with the conditions occur simultaneously over large geographical areas, making it impossible for wind power to balance itself. maximum quantity of intermittent renewables. 3 ENERGY EFFICIENCY SMART POWER GENERATION FUEL OPERATIONAL FLEXIBILITY FLEXIBILITY Smart Power Generation enables a smart power system Smart Power Generation is the missing Operational flexibility availability of 97%, plant reliability of 99% piece of the puzzle. It is a unique, modern Smart Power Generation means excellent and starting reliability of more than 99%, one combination of features that enables the operational mode flexibility, and outstanding simply can’t make a smarter choice. transition to a more sustainable, reliable dynamic response. Smart Power Generation plants are also and affordable energy infrastructure. And it Being able to operate in multiple modes, easy to locate next to critical load pockets, i.e. is available. Today. from efficient base load power production in cities, thanks to their plant size, and low to dynamic system balancing, makes these emission and noise levels. The infrastructural plants the key factor in power system requirements are also modest, with little or optimisation. They can generate megawatts no water consumption, and low pipeline gas to the grid in 30 seconds from start-up and pressure (5 bar) needed. reach full load in two. They are designed to start and stop – at the push of a button – Energy efficiency time after time without creating maintenance Smart Power Generation plants based on problems. multiple generating units are far more reliable Fast reserve, load following and peaking. and fuel efficient than single – or several – large We have it all covered complete with ancillary power stations. They also serve efficiently on services and grid support. With a typical plant part load and in demanding ambient conditions, 4 AFFORDABLE Multiple operating modes The flexibility of Smart Power Generation is emphasised by its capability in serving various operating modes. These include: zzBase load generation – The technology is proven in base load applications with more than 53,000 MW SMART of references worldwide POWER zzRapid load following in the morning SYSTEM zzStarting and loading units one by one as the load increases zzPeaking during high consumption periods zzBalancing wind power, i.e. “Wind chasing” RELIABLE SUSTAINABLE zzStarting, loading and stopping rapidly when wind conditions change zzSystem balancing – Fast frequency regulation and efficient spinning reserve zzUltra fast zero-emissions non-spinning grid reserve for any contingency situation – Starting and producing power in just 30 seconds, and reaching full power in just 2 minutes zzFast grid black start in case of a power system black out Smart Power System Fuel flexibility Flexible power generation plays a significant role in creating sustainable, reliable and cost Smart Power Generation enables the effective power systems. Smart Power Generation, together with modernised transmission and continuous choice of the most feasible fuel, distribution, enables electricity to be generated when and where it is most affordable. At the including solutions for liquid and gaseous fuels same time, it allows the consumption of electricity to be better balanced and more controlled. as well as renewables. The possibilities gained Smart Power Generation enables the complete power system to operate in the most cost from multi-fuel plants and fuel conversion efficient way with the lowest possible carbon emissions, and the maximum utilisation of wind solutions hedge for the future. and solar power. In addition, Smart Power Generation secures the electricity supply by balancing The role of natural gas in power generation the system even during extreme wind variations and contingency situations. is expected to grow significantly over the next decades. Recent technical breakthroughs and the commercialisation of shale gas have resulted in a substantial extension of the perceived depletion time of gas reserves and enabling high dispatch even in hot climates and 49% or more. With the Flexicycle™ solution reduced the price of gas. With Smart Power at high altitudes. the advantages of a flexible simple cycle plant Generation plants running on gas the 20% We also offer the highest available simple are combined with the superb efficiency of a renewable energy share target set for 2020 by cycle energy efficiency of current technologies, combined cycle plant. many nations is within reach. 5 FAST STARTING AND LOADING Benefits 1100 5 1000 100 The right amount of power at the right time is 900 what Smart Power Generation is all about. It is a unique combination of features that benefit 800 80 both power systems and power producers. 700 600 60 4 % For power systems 500 3 For power systems, Smart Power Generation Speed rpm 400 40 1. Start up conditions +HT-water temperature >70°C Power offers a number of tangible benefits. By 300 2. Start up preparations 3. Speed acceleration and synchronisation enabling the maximum integration of wind 200 4. Loading within 90 sec 20 and solar power capacity, and overcoming 5. Full power reached within 120 sec 100 1 2 the challenges created by wind variability and 0 0 curtailment, it offers a reliable, affordable and 0306090 120 150 180 210 sustainable energy supply. Time sec. Similarly, it removes the abusive stops and starts, and eliminates cyclic load from base load plants that are not designed for such variations. This serves to optimise the operation of the entire system and greatly enhances its overall efficiency and stability in variable wind and contingency situations, while also reducing the emissions of the whole system. The 20% by 2020 renewable energy targets become achievable, while the ability to locate Smart Power Generation capacity in load pockets shaves load peaks and notably reduces grid investment costs. PLAINS END I & II, COLORADO, USA The Plains End peaking power plant is based on 20 x Wärtsilä 18V34SG and 14 x 20V34SG gas engines.
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