The Post-Collisional Upper Thracian Rift System (Bulgaria) and the Formed Еxogenous Uranium Deposits
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СПИСАНИЕ НА БЪЛГАРСКОТО ГЕОЛОГИЧЕСКО ДРУЖЕСТВО, год. 77, кн. 1, 2016, с. 51–64 REVIEW OF THE BULGARIAN GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, vol. 77, part 1, 2016, p. 51–64 The post-collisional Upper Thracian Rift System (Bulgaria) and the formed еxogenous uranium deposits. Part 2 – Metallogeny of the Upper Thracian Uranium Ore Region Kamen Popov, Dimitar Velichkov, Petko Popov University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, 1700 Sofia; E-mail: [email protected] Постколизионната Горнотракийска рифтова система (България) и формираните екзогенни уранови находища. Част 2 – металогения на Горнотракийския урановоруден район Камен Попов, Димитър Величков, Петко Попов Минно-геоложки университет „Св. Иван Рилски“, 1700 София Резюме. В Балканския ороген e установена постколизионната Горнотракийска рифтова система, в която е отложен комплекс от средноеоценско-кватернерни скали. В тази рифтова структура се обособява Горнотракийският урановоруден район, формиран в терциерните отложения. Подхранващата провинция се бележи от ограждащите планини, като източник на урана са различни гранитоиди и високостепенни метаморфити. Рудообразуването се осъществява в резултат на епигенетична инфилтрация по водоносните пластове в обособени артезиански басейни. Разломните зони или ерозионните прозорци, разтоварващи водите, обикновено контролират позицията на рудните находища. Рудните тела са локализирани във водоносни пясъчници, по-рядко в алевролити, туфопясъчници, рядко глини, в редукционна или неутрална среда. Рудните тела са предимно пластовидни или лещовидни, рядко с ролова форма. Рудната минерализация е представена от нингиоит, кофинит, фосфорсъдържащ и ванадий- фосфорсъдържащ кофинит, отунит и др. В Горнотракийския урановоруден район са обособени Моминско, Маришко, Хасковско, Ямболско, Орловдолско и Навъсенско рудно поле, където са установени поредица от промишлени находища и рудопроявления. Ключови думи: Горнотракийски урановоруден район, терциерни рудовместващи скали, екзогенни инфилтра- ционни уранови находища, рудни полета. Abstract. The post-collisional Upper Thracian Rift System, which is sedimentary complex of Middle Eocene–Quaternary rocks, is determined within the Balkan orogeny. The Upper Thracian Uranium Ore Region, formed in the Tertiary sediments, is distinguished in this rift structure. The feeding province is marked by the surrounding mountains, as different granitoids and high grade metamorphic rocks are sources of the uranium. The ore forming is result of epigenetic infiltration trough aquifers, in differentiated artesian basins. The position of ore deposits is controlled usually by the fault zones or erosion windows, which discharge the waters. The ore bodies are localized within sandstone aquifer, less in aleurolite, tuff-sandstone, rare in clay, within reducing or neutral conditions. The ore bodies are predominantly bed-like or lens-like, rarely roll in shape. The ore mineralization is represented by ningyoite, coffinite, phosphorus-bearing and vanadium- phosphorus-bearing coffinite, autunite and others. Momino, Maritsa, Haskovo, Yambol, Orlov Dol and Navasen Ore Fields are determined within the Upper Thracian Ore Region, and series of uranium economic deposits and ore occurrences are found in these ore fields. Key words: Upper Thracian Ore Region, Tertiary ore hosting rocks, exogenous infiltrational uranium deposits, ore fields. Introduction The composition of the Tertiary and Quaternary sediments, the geological structure character, the fa- The Upper Thracian Rift System is delineated within cial, geochemical and hydrogeological rock features, the central areas of the Alpine Balkan orogeny and it the climate, as well as the petrological, tectonic and is described in the first part of this study (Popov et geomorphological features of the surrounding moun- al., 2015). The rift structure is developed as result of tains determine optimal conditions for the forming of the Middle Eocene–Quaternary post-collisional ex- numerous exogenous uranium deposits. The develop- tensional processes, and it is filled with a Bartonian– ment of pointed ore manifestations marks the differen- Quaternary complex of sedimentary and less volcano- tiation of united Upper Thracian Uranium Ore Region sedimentary rocks. (Fig. 1). 51 52 Fig. 1. Geological map of the Upper Thracian Rift System 1, Quaternary group; 2, Upper Miocene–Pliocene group; 3, Upper Oligocene–Middle Miocene group; 4, Priabonian–Lower Oligocene group; 4a, volcanic rocks; 5, Bartonian–Priabonian group; 5a, volcanic and plutonic rocks; 6, Upper Cretaceous plutons; 7, Upper Cretaceous sediments and volcanic rocks; 8, Triassic and Jurassic sediments; 9, Paleozoic plutons; 10, Paleozoic sediments and metamorphic rocks; 11, high grade metamorphic rocks; 12, Uranium Ore Fields (1, Momino, 2, Maritsa, 3, Haskovo, 4, Yambol, 5, Orlov Dol, 6, Navasen); 13, uranium de- posits (1, Tseretelevo, 2, Tsarimir, 3, Kaloyanovo, 4, Momino, 5, Trud, 6, Trilistnik, 7, Belozem, 8, Pravoslaven, 9, Bolyarovo, 10, Mezhdinno, 11, Kenana, 12, Okop, 13, Tenevo, 14, Izgrev, 15, Dobroselets, 16, Orlov Dol, 17, Vladimirovo, 18, Madrets, 19, Maritsa, 20, Troyan, 21, Navasen) Фиг. 1. Геоложка карта на Горнотракийската рифтова система 1 – кватернерна група; 2 – горномиоценско-плиоценска група; 3 – горноолигоценско-средномиоценска група; 4 – приабонско-долноолигоценска група; 4a – вулканити; 5 – бар- тон-приабонска група; 5a – вулканити и плутони; 6 – горнокредни плутони; 7 – горнокредни седименти и вулканити; 8 – триаски и юрски седименти; 9 – палеозойски плуто- ни; 10 – палеозойски седиментни и метаморфни скали; 11 – високометаморфни скали; 12 – урановорудни полета (1 – Моминско, 2 – Маришко, 3 – Хасковско, 4 – Ямболско, 5 – Орловдолско, 6 – Навъсенско); 13 – уранови находища (1 – Церетелево, 2 – Царимир, 3 – Калояново, 4 – Момино, 5 – Труд, 6 – Трилистник, 7 – Белозем, 8 – Православен, 9 – Болярово, 10 – Междинно, 11 – Кенана, 12 – Окоп, 13 – Тенево, 14 – Изгрев, 15 – Доброселец, 16 – Орлов дол, 17 – Владимирово, 18 – Мъдрец, 19 – Марица, 20 – Троян, 21 – Навъсен) Metallogeny Georgiev, 1979f2; Dragomanov, 1984f3; Enchev et al., 1988f4; Bozhanova, Shalapatov, 1995f5, and others). The Upper Thracian Rift System metallogeny is The hydrogeological characteristics of the re- marked by the characteristic of the exogenous ura- gion are determined mainly by the tectonic fea- nium deposits formed within it. These deposits are tures. They control the water exchange in the formed as a result of the examined Tertiary structur- basement rocks and in the Tertiary–Quaternary al system evolution, as the deposit position is con- sediments, as 2 water types are distinguished. The trolled by the Upper Eocene–Quaternary structural, waters from the 1st type are in the faults and fis- sedimentary-facial, geochemical and hydrogeologi- sures in the basement, and the 2nd one are artesian. cal features. Confine aquifer systems are formed within this re- The Bartonian–Quaternary sediments determine gional setting, which are set up by the basement the ore forming processes areal and character. It was mountain parts and artesian basins localized in shown that they are compound predominantly from water permeable horizons from the superimposed terrigenous materials transported from the surround- young sediments (Kazarinov, Georgiev, 1979f). ing mountains, and little carbonate and volcanogenic The complicated riftogenous tectonic from one materials. According to Michailov et al. (1986) con- side and the variable Tertiary–Quaternary sedi- tinental proluvial, alluvial and rare lake-marsh sedi- mentation composition from the other side, as well ments are formed during the Bartonian. Marine regime as the cessations in the section and the partial den- predominates during the Late Priabonian and Early udation determine differentiated artesian basins Oligocene, as deltaic, lagoon, surf, reef, shallow and from third rank within the individual structures deep water sediments are distinguished. Continental from the Upper Thracian Rift. conditions are imposed again from the Late Oligocene The individual artesian basins include the nega- during the Neogene and Quaternary, as alluvial-lake- tive block structures, in which the corresponding marsh and later mainly proluvial-alluvial sediments paleohydrographic conditions are formed (Ve lichkov, are formed. The sedimentary rocks are variable in 1979f6). The income in the confine aquifer systems composition and texture-structural characteristics, as is provided by the waters from fault-fissure zones in vertical section as well as in area, with presence of from the adjacent mountain slopes and from the base- many washing surfaces and wedge outs. The rift sys- ment (Kazarinov et al., 1976f7; Kazarinov, Georgiev, tem is plain-valley in character, with great number of 1979f; Kuzmanov et al., 1979f8). The individual sedi- river channels, with “roaming flows” feature. ment rock groups determine 5 aquifer complexes: The geochemical characteristics point that U4+ is Bar tonian–Priabonian, Priabonian–Lower Oligocene, low mobile, as together with Th, Zr, REE, Fe2+, Ca2+ Upper Oligocene–Middle Miocene, Upper Miocene– and others it is included mainly in endogenous miner- Pliocene and Quaternary. The filtration properties of als. However the U6+ is easily hydrolyzed and form rocks vary in different degrees depending from the uranyl-carbonate, uranyl-humate, uranyl-sulfate and lithological features and from the presence of many hydroxyl-uranyl complexes, which are highly mobile washing surfaces and wedge outs in the section. and define the