George Alfred Henry Wille
OCTOBER, 1951 The following wide range o£ TOOLS are now in stock. Make your choice early and avoid disappointment. JACK PLANES & PLANE & WOOD-WORKERS BENCH VICES R. I. P. PAGE 143 ,/^s, CARPENTERS BRACES, BRACEJOT*. Blaze of Kinsgwood 144 George Alfred Henry Wille 154 ' BEECHWOOD MARKING GAUGES, Historic Kalutara MINCERS, PhmKS-Electrieian, Engineer's and Things in General 160 165 r TINMAN'S SNIPS, TURN SCREWS-Ca*;^, Genealogy of the Family of Paulusz of Ceylon TINMA 169 <?«., ^ pEELER GAUGES, SPRING Corrections-r-Piachaud and Keuneman Genealogy 174 Electricians and Uatthrt, ^ „,;„WGj Etc^ Genealogy of the Family of Hoffman of Ceylon 175 Translation from Baldaeus' Book ... 180 10 An Anecdote of the Past 187 11 Summary of Minutes of Meetings of the General Committee 188 Further particulars ori application. Contributions are invited from members on subjects calcula- "d to be of interest to the Union. MSS. jnust be written on one ide of the paper only and must reach the Editor at least a fort- \ight before.the date of publication of the Journal. Published quarterly. Subscription Ms. 10/-per annum, post 'ree. Single copies, if available, Us. 5J~ to be had at the O.B. U. Hall. Journal of the - Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon, VOL. XLI.i - OCTOBER, 1951. [No. 4 R. I. F, Ceylon is today much the poorer by the loss of two prominent and distinguished men. They were ornaments of the Dutch Burgher Oom- munity. Both were held, in the widest and sincerest respect by all Communities throughout the country they had served so usefully and ellicieiitly.
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