THE NI;W YORKMERCHANTONTHK, v~ EVE OF THE REVOLUTION ' . I '~,!\ Inmlu\uilninli\ltiii,' 1 ':1 GlPE_PUNE-014104:~ f \ . -.,--"-,..-""-'" .. ,. , VIltGINIA, D. HARRINGTON, M. A.


FACULTY 01' PoLlTlCAL ScmNcIl COLIIMBIA UNlVDSlTY lfo. J.,04 in the "studies in History, .Economics rend. Public Law" or COlllllbir Uliversity.

NEW YORK 1'1935 X15.73[ I, L 7) \~~4 CoPYRIGHT, 1935




IT has been my purpose in this study of the merchant during the quarter-century preceding the Revo­ lution to present the merchant primarily as a business man. I have, of course, endeavored to relate him to the society of which he was a part-to show his position in the community and his relations to the governments which might affect his life. With political events as such, however, I have been concerned only as they touched and influenced business. The reaction of the merchants as a group to the political questions of the period has already been exhaustively pre­ sented by Arthur M. Schlesinger in The Cokmial Merclstmts tmd the Americcm Refloluticm, and in a study dealing speci­ fically with New York, Carl L. Becker's Political Parties in the p,.OfIince of N em York. There is little that can be added to the conclusions of these scholars. My intention has been rather to describe the economic activities of the merchants, to compare the stage to which business had ad­ vanced in New York with that which it had reached in Great Britain and on the Continent, and to point out contrasts to the infinitely more complex organization of business at the present time. The statistical appendices, with but two exceptions, com­ prise hitherto unpublished material taken from the Customs House ncords in the British Public Record Office. For the sake of comparison figures for Boston, Philadelphia and Charleston, as wen as for New York, have been included in the tables of shipping wherever possible. 7 8 PREFACE My sincere thanks are due to Professor Evarts B. Greene, of , under whose direction the study has been conducted, and to whose suggestions, criticisms and encouragement it owes much. I am also indebted to Presi­ dent Dixon Ryan Fox of Union College for reading and criticizing the book in manuscript. For any errors of fact or interpretation that may remain I alone am responsible. I am glad also to acknowledge the helpfulness and friendly interest of the staffs of the New York Historical Society and the Manuscript Division of the New York Public Library. D. HARRINGTON NEW YORK, DECE::MBER, I9J4. TABLE 9F ,CONTENTS

CHAPTER 1 .... The Place of the Merchant in Provincial Life • II

CHAPTER II The Organi.. tion of Business. • • • • • •• •••.•.••• 47

CHAPTER III The Conduct of Business . • • • • • . • . • " • • • • • • • •• 76

CHAPTER IV The Merchant Invests His Surplus Earnings.. • • • • • • . • • u6

CHAPTER V Overseas Trade and Business Relations • • • • • • • 1154

CHAPTER VI B,..iness Relations with the Continental Colonies ..... 206

CH.-\PTER VII The Government and Business.. • • • • • • • ••• 244

CHAPTER VIII Wu-time Prosperity • • ••••••••• 2B9

CHAPTER IX Business on the Eve of the Rnolution •••• 316 10 CONTENTS

.40& APPENDICES A. List 01 bills 01 credit issued by the 01 Ne.. York. the date of their expiration and the amount of each issue can· celled.. • • • • • •• • •••••••••••••••• 352 B. Table 01 exports to and imports from Great Britain. 1750-1775. 353 C. Table 01 exports to and imports from London and the outports of Great Britain, differentiating English and foreign manu~ lactnres. 17SD-1775 ..•••.••.•.••••••••• 354 D. Shipping into and out of New York. 1754. 1763 and 1;064. • • 356 E. Shipping to and from the West Indies. 1754. 1763 and 1764. distinguishing islands and ports. • • • • • . • • • • • • • 357 F. Shipping into and out of New York. Boston and Philadelphia. 1765 and 1766 ., . . . . • • . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • 358 G. Shipping into and out of Ne.. York, Boston. Philadelphia and Charleston. 1768. 1769. 1770. 1771. 1772 • • 359


INDEX. • • • • • 383 APPENDIX A


Dot. Espiratilm Amount Issuetl Amount o/Currency Cancelletl 1709 ...... £5,000 1711 Unknown

.0 ...... ~ .... 4,000 ...... 4,000 1711 ...... 10,000 1724 1714.···· .•...... 27,680 1739 £270406.8 1715 ..••••.. ····· 6,000 1724 1,Igo. 5 1717 ...... 16,607 1740 16.351 1720 •...... •.. 2,000 1733 1,896.8.6 1723 ...... 2,140 1726 2.122.10 1724 ...... 3,000 ...... 6,630 1729 90469.16.6 1726 ...... 3,000 replacement 2.8.;8.18. 6 1730 ...... 3.000 .. 2.999.10 1734 ...... 12,000 1746 11.576.15 1737 ...... 48.350 1i68 43,15J.15 1739 ...... 10,000 1767 9.115. 6 1746 ...... 13.000 1748 12.618.12 ...... 40,000 1756 38.772.10 1747 ...... 28.000 1756 27.0gB 1755 ...... 45.000 1761 J6.J25 ...... 10,000 1762 7.5s<>.6 ...... 8.000 1761 6,489. 2 17s6 ...... 10,000 1761 7.640 1756 ...... 52.000 1766 41.990 17sB ...... 100,000 1768 66,155 1759 ...... · ...... 100,000 1768 71.876 1760 ...... 60.000 1768 41,970 177' ...... 12<>,000 Unknown

"Hicla:ox, His/ory of Bill.t of Cretlit ;" NtfII York, p. 81. APPENDIX B


I. TOTAl, EXl'OIlTS, IMPORTS AND B.u.ANCK Y,ar Exlorl~ l".~rts Baltme. 1751 •••••••••••• i4a.363 i2.48.941 :E206.s?8 1753 ...... 4D,64lI 194,030 151,382 1753 ...... 50.553 277.864 a2?.311 1754 ...... 26.663 136.413 10lI0750 1755 ...... 28.054 ISI.on: 123.017 1756 ...... 24.073 2500425 226.35. 1757 ...... 19.168 353.311 334,143 1758 ...... 140260 356.555 34'1."94 1759 ...... 21.684 630.785 60\10100 1760 ...... 21,125 480,106 458.981 1761 ...... 48.648 289.570 240.922 1760 ...... SS.88a :088.046 229.164 1763 ...... 53.g88 238.560 1840571 1764 ...... 53.697 515.416 416,719 I76S ...... 540959 380.349 327.J89 1766 ...... 67.020 330.809 263.80g 1767 ...... 61 ..... 417.957 SS6,534 1768 ...... 87.115 482,930 395.8IS 1769 ...... 73.466 740918 1.453 1770 ...... 69,882 47SoWI 406.109 , 1771 ...... IIS.S'5 653.601 557.745 1m . ~ ...... " .. 82.707 343.970 261.263 1m ...... 76.246 a8g,a14 212,g68 1774 ...... 80,008 437.!137 357.929 ms ...... 187.018 IpS IBS.7IJO in f ...... • Customs 3: $I to is. In the British Public ReconI Office. APPENDIX C


I. NEW You: AND LoNDON Imtorls Extorls 10 N I!'W YorAl Irom E"9/is" F O'';g.. M .""II#I.r.. Yea,. NI!'WYork M.""/lI

time tJ indicates that the foreign manufactures were reexported within . the period during which drawbacks were allowed, and .. out of time· the reverse.

354 APPENDIX, C-(COtIlillued)


U. NEW Ycu: AND 'I'BB 0uft0IITs 1.. ~ &~'oN""Y""" fro. Eroglisll For. M_IIII:""'s y,,,, N.."Yor" M_IIII:""'$ 1a"- o..tol"- £Id £ad £.d £ad 1751 5,366.10. 3 3J.IgG.'I8. 4 1'/.fY12. 8. " 780. 8. 4 17sa 2,164. I.n 13.112.1'/. 7 5,212.11).- 6130 8. I 1753 4.687. 40 8 16,82s.-. 5 1_7.16. 7 324016. 7 1754 5.3740 I.n 13.600. 7. 7 s.osa.-. 4 1755 •••••••• 10,061. 6. 4 14.7ss.150n sa50 30 " 51. 7.- 1756 •••••••• 10,\136.12.10 31.3U. 30 a 8,2sa.17. 5 396. 6. 7 1757 •••••••• !J,34O.-. Ii 34.771).12.IO B.B64. 7. 3 (11).10. II 17sB • • • • • • •• 10,818.150 3 16,1540 40 5 2,772. I. 8 as6. 1.- 17S!1 •••••••• 1I.672.I2. 6 23.9Il2.130 I 4.3OG. 6.u 1760 •••••••• 14.7!I6.U. a a8.6:27.17. " ".Ws. 6. II 4S4-I!).- 1761 •••••••• SI.!I06.11). 7 IB.441). 30 II 3.!I06.n. 3 231.11). 7 1;>6a •••••••• 41.152. 6.10 19.96l.16.U <412. I). 3 1763 •• • • • • •• &4,010.14- 7 Jll.ozt. 6. 5 2,828. 5. " lI!).ll).- 1764 " • • • • •• 24.71S.12.- W5G. 50 9 7.837·-.u 4S!). 40 6 1765 •••••••• 16,727. 7. 8 42,284-n. • 19.!JO!). 6. 4 1766 •••••••• 81.337.18. 6 sB.ozt.-.IO 1a..150 5 3.)41. 30 6 I767 •••• • . •• as.gaG.I8.- 75,24!). 2. II g,a66. 8. I 3J8. 17. 8 1768 ...... 36,605.16. I 72,484. 8.n 6,17I).17.U lI\l3o 8. a I76!I ...... 34,880.18. 7 16,326.130 4 3.221).14011 145.16. 8 I770 •••••••• 14.6g0.17.10 1I9.45G.14- 8 to,S54016. 7 271.n. 8 1m •••••••• 22,g80.18. 3 IsB.7Ii3-n. S n.s8B. 8. 8 52. 8.- Ina •••••••• 23.1164.-. 9 In.17s. 50 I 7.687.1s. II sgo. ... 6 177S ...... 81.77G.13o II 71.461).10. 7 16,16501S. 4 1774 ...... so,6:27.-. 5 roS.27o.n. II s.li7:z.lo.n 74$.r6.- 1775 ...... 910912. 7.n 33---


SHIPPING INTO AND OUT OF NEW YORK, 1754, 1763 AND 1764' Zl54 Z161 Z164 To_o To_o To_o Ell/trod CI'M,d Enler,d Cloar,d EII/trotl CI'IJr,tI Gt. Britain 2.635 2,205 3.g80 '.079 40040 3.952 Ireland ...... 820 1.515 5SO 1,460 1.647 1.882 S.Europe ...... 750 ~o 1.390 6go 2,J8S 1.087 Africa ...... 155 130 65 70 140 Br. & For. W. I. . 5.960 S.g80 40'24" 7.433 7.340 7.938 .. 105 440 405 465 Quebec •...... 355 345 Nova Scotia ..... . 20 Massadtusetts .,. 170 545 70S 80 44S •.... 265 290 ...• 30 New ••... .... 130 120 100 •...... 90 Virginia ...... 25 80 •• 85 30 .• 496 1,291" 615 935 S40 50S •...... 30 40 2JO 25 35 ., ..• 100 60 30 lOS ...• '65 100 290 Bahamas ...... SO 205 3S 103 93 •...... 80 75 200 115 370 330 Total Extra Continental ..• 10,450 Total Within Continent ....• 1,056 :1,371 615 3.585 ns 3.700 Grand Total .•..• ".506 12,686 b 11.129 15.467 4 16.660 0 17 ..... ' • c. 0.5:1327, 1228. b Shipping to Amsterdam am~ to 135 1mII. to Hamburg go, to Rotterdam 130, which brings the total to 13.041 tons • • Shipping to Havana accounted for l.o6? tons. 4 Shipping to Amsterdam amounted to 160 tons. to Bordeaux, Iso, to Louisbourg. 40. which brings the total to 15,s'7 1000. e Plus SO 1000 to Louisbourg. bringing the total to 17.020. t Shipping to Amsterdam amounted to ISS 1mII. to Hamburg, 20, to Porto Rico, 95. to Monlreal. 40. and to New Orl...... bringing the total to 170352 t0D5. , 356 APPENDIX E


I1Sf 1163 1164 T_g. TDnfIGg. TDftftDg. En/".Id CII_II E",.... II Cko",j En/.... II Cllantl Jamaica ...... 1,025 1,956 695 3,J1!8 1,270 1,880 19o 7go 310 4!J'I 635 310 SI. Oniatophers ... 655 780 2J2 385 SJ4 Sl7 s.rbad...... J85 600 380 325 165 115 ...... 45 b b b b Ariguila ...... 315 50 260 55 ...... 105 105 SI. Martina ...... 60 b b b b 1'.... k's laland ...... 255 b b b b Cyana ...... 25 b b b b Hava ...... 50 1,067 600 go 280 CapeFran~ ..... 30 Virgin Islauds ..... 6ts 800 25 25 200 185 SI.Croix ...... 260 SO 445 400 630 SI.Euslatius 470 45 I65 145 525 Cura~ ...... 520 665 600 800 1,J60 ...... 2J5 145 15 lOS 30 55 HondW'aS ...... 695 170 15 970 346 Muoquitao ... : ..... 130 135 66 88 Manto Oniati ..... 260 ISO 170

• c. O. 5: IlI27 and IzaII. .x.. 1763 and 1764 the ahippiug to Nevis, SI. MartiDs, Turks IsIaad, Cyana and other small' IsIaads has beea lumped t

SHIPPING INTO AND OUT OF NEW YORK, BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA, 1765-1766 1_4 0_", New PhikJ.. NtfII Phil4- York Bos/o,. delph", York Bos/os delphi4 Great Britain .....• 4.842 7,163 4,455 2,87~ 5,286 1,830 Ireland •••••.•..... 880 80 4.100 2,035 436 4,830 South. Europe ••..• 710 2,018 4.230 3,190 1,075 4.455 Br. West Indies ••. 3A80 2,475 9,1J2 4,200 1,835 12,049 For. West Indies •• 4.785 3,820 2,59Z 4,I85 5,971 IM5 Africa •••••.•..•••. 295 40 290 27S JOO •••••••••.•• 30 465 6- 125 425 100 Newfoundland •.... 460 912 585 96:a 1,002 1,975 Nova Scotia ...•.•. 40 2,215 1,045 254 2,115 ,so New Hampshire ... 80 1,000 4SO 1,180 370 ..... 80 32,760 4,408 240 J8,J6o 3.925 Connecticot •••••••• S44 p80 83 3,120 no Rhode Island ••.... 897 S40 44S 74 JOO 5s6 New York •••••.... 210 6:zz llis 512 •..••... 30 70 58 Peonsylvania ...... 95 2,810 145 2,49J Maryland ••.•.••••. 1316 J66 25 855 1,752 Virginia •••....•••. 40 1,285 837 90 463 880 North Carolina ••.. 2J7 3,034 1,066 '30 2.393 ,,268 South Carolina ••.. 407 400 1,266 J25 872 1,173 Georg;. •...... 40 100 75 100 as 230 East Florida •...••. 25 10 West Florida •.•.•. 95 20 175 370 48 lOS Bahamas ...... 75 163 405 SO SO 317 •••.•••.•• 4S 80 425 190 242 Total ••.•••...•..•• 18,214 66,546 36.872 19,812 69.574 39.487 z766-z767 Gt. Britain ...... s.:z67 7,094 n,:z63 6.8:z4 5.994 8.670 Foreign Ports ..... 5345 7,190 6,950 7,610 1.684 6.:z45 Br. West Indies ... 3.625 1,971 '11,144 4,548 7.688 1J,07S Cont. of N. A...... 2,823 8,835 13,099 2,789 IG,JJ8 14.120 Total ...... 17,460 2s,ogo 42As6 21371 2S304 42,1t2 • MaD1I5Ct"ipt papers in the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1IOIeI of Professor Cbaming and coIleetion entitled "Customs Papers, Imports and Exports 1765-lm." 358 APPENDIX G


INW ABD. 5 J ANUABY 1168 TO 5 J ANUABY 1169 New York B ••, ... Philadelphia CMrle.'oII G..... t Britain ...... 1.158 6.946 6.924 18,125 Ireland ...... 1.318 220 lA70 1,010 Southern Europe •.••...•..• 1,500 1.871 S,ool 2.023 Africa ...... 130 British &: For. Weat Indi.. .. 6,301 10,811 11.671 8,238 Newfoundland ...... :a6S 1,140 425 Quebec ••••••.....••..••••. 115 365 45 Nova Scotia ••••.•...••.••• 285 .",364 1.~ New Hampshire ••..•.•..•• 40 281 313 Massachusetts Bay ...... SIS 2.992 753 Connecticut ...... 3.8 509 120 Rhode Island ...... 1,100 114 650 245 New York ...... 345 423 38s

New Jersey ..... ~ ...... 10 24 PeD1lSYlvania ...... 315 2,345 1,115 Maryland ...... 70 856 145 20 Virginia ...... 440 625 1,:a08 60 North Carolina ...... 69+ 2.642 1,242 43 South Carolina ...... 360 39S 6'5 Georgia ...... 130 270 189 Eat Florida ...... 'SID 850 Florida •••••••••••••• 185 16$ Bab_ ...... 204 355 Bermuda ...... ns flO 273 Total Extra Continental •••• 16,476 190848 25,071 29,3g6 Total Within Continent •••• 5,371 12,135 908gB 5,0S3 Total ...... ·'.847 31.983 34.970 . 34A49 • Customs 16: I.

35Il APPENDIX G-(Conlinued)

OUTWARDS. 5 ] 1768 TO 5 ] 1769 NI!WYtWk BDnD .. PlHlDdelph;" Clllwlt"DfJ Great Britain ...... 5.139 6.428 4.134 15.873 Ireland ...... 2.522 170 3.482 Southern Europe ...... • 2,360 1.333 7,255 5.515 Africa ...... 35 British" For. WestIndies .• 6.91!I 10,095 12,019 5,808 Newfoundland ...... '.900 2.068 773 Ouebee ...... 55 145 ISS 80 Nova Scotia ...... •.• 195 1.975 880 New Hampshire ...... 331 253 Massaehusetts Bay ...... 345 2,276 s67 CoDDeCticut ••• 1 •••••••••••• 70 618 240 Rhode Island ...... 1.075 396 155 New York .••.•....•...•..• 380 728 345 New Jersey ...... ••.•...••• 21 PeDIIS)'lvania ...... •..••••.• 267 1.936 S25 Maryland ...... 6 1.716 i.365 20 Virginia ...... 93' 1,116 1,102 70 North CaroIi02 ...... 705 4.076 1,257 ISO South Carolina ...... 305 556 745 Georgia ...... 30 305 ISO 1.020 East Florida ...... ••..• 345 720 West Florida ...... SO 30 30 65 Bahamas ...... 67 345 Bermodas ...... 172 100 293 Totals Extra Continental ..• 17.037 18.026 26.8g0 27.196 Totals Within CoutiDent ..•• 6.536 15.672 10.534 4.355 Totals ...... •...... •• 23.573 33.698 37_ 3 .55' ' APPENDIX G-(Conti"tIetl)

INWARD. 5 JANUARY 1169 '10 5 JANUARY 1110 N""y...... B ••,." Phil4lklthi4 Ch.,.leI'." G..... t Britain ...... 3.785 7.333 5.504 140551 Ireland ...... 1.435 100 2.995 Southern Europe ..•••.•. , .•• 2,700 2,120 9.685 1,310 Africa .•..•..•.•••.•...... 30 ~ 2,215 British'" For. West Indies " 6.964 IOA95 11.726 6.123 Newfoundland ...... 545 998 1.393 200 Quebec ••••••..•..•..••••.. 615 gso 44S Nova Scotia .: ...•...... 175 3.961 1,270 121 New Hampshire ...... 8g6 345 Massachusetta ...... 1.385 3.045 575 Connecticut ...... 4,230 3,24D go 40 Rhode Island ... ~ ...... 1.646 878 604 457 New York ...... 814 ~S4 210 New Jersey ...... 292 40 280 Pennsylvania ...... 2A79 Sgs Maryland ...... 120 1,310 1.325 60 Virginia ...... 1.068 t.993 1,227 :IS NOIth Caroli ...... 828 1.925 .. no 376 Sou1h Carolin ...... 315 335 94S Georgi...... 230 215 373 Ea91 Florida ...... 260 137 55 649 West Florida ...... 125 100 240 Bah_ ...... 42 160 245 Bennudu ...... go 20 395 Total Extra Continental 14.918 lID,057 lI!l.910 ,24.199 Total Withm Continent ..... n.gs9 lID,426 12,423 40921 Total ...... a6.Sn 400483 42.333 lI!l.l26 APPENDIX G-(Continued)

OUTWARDS, 5 JANUARY 1769 TO 5 JANUARY 1770 N...,York Bon"" PhilaMlph", C/oMIen"" Great Britain •...... 3.955 6,7f7! 4.049 14,681 Ireland ...... 2,515 60 3.170 Southern Europe ...... 3~78 1,081 12,040 5.773 Africa ...... 205 495 log British & For. West Indies .. 5.466 8,995 11,114 5~ NewfOUlldland ...... 825 1,682 608 120 Quebee ...... 6go 520 115 Nova Scotia •••..•••...••.• 275 993 4Bo New Hampshir...... 10 727 J20 Massachusetts Bay ...... 101 3,990 395 Connecticut ...... 4.471 3,181 go SO Rhode Island ...... 1,714 1,171 748 522 New York ...... I~I 253 285 New Jersey ...... 100 60 Pennsylvania ., ...•...... : . 388 2,575 660 Maryland •••....•...... 19o 1,193 6go 30 Virginia ...... 861 2..370 932 '75 North Carolina ...... gaS 2.479 1,121 I,m South Carolina ., ...... 310 910 715 Georgia ...... '5 245 220 622 East Florida •••...... 115 .65 80 5'5 West Florida ••...... '" 305 20 '00 '5 Bahamas ...... 35 '75 333 Bermudas ...... 127 20 205 Totals Extra Contiuental '" 15.419 '7,,338 30.403 26~. Totals Within Continent ... 11,640 19.7f7! .0,468 5,006 Totals •••...... •....••..• 27,059 37,045 40,871 31~ APPENDIX G-(Cofl"tlued)

!NwAllllS, 5 JANUARY 1770 ro 5 JANUARY 1771 NtWY.,k B ••, ... PhilaMlthilJ ChtJrle"01t Great Britain ...... 4.055 6,830 4.105 9,153 Ireland ...... 1,667 2,261 440 Southern Europe ...... 3.124 1.640 13.620 2,256 Africa ...... 230 W.. t Indi...... 8,695 11,088 14.1)46 9.5«>3

NewlOllndland ...... ~ .. ISg I,2?5 75 140 o...t>ec ...... 340 495 ISo So Nova Scotia ...... 100 2,759 830 100 New Hampshire ...... 1.335 465 M... aeh ..... tts ...... 660 4.195 8?0 Connecticut .. ., ...... 1.739 3.714 183 20 Rhode Island ...... 1.350 J.,I9S 1,057 44S New York ...... 1111 552 460 New Jersey ...... 3? 60 Pennoylvania ...... 6?? 2.405 1,360 Maryland ...... 160 9J8 1.010 35 Virginia ...... 417 1.010 1116 10 North Carolina ...... 446 2,115 1,1oB 468 SOIIth Carolina ...... 390' 34S 63? Georgia ...... 6s 30 427 49S East Florida ...... 60!1 684 West Florida ...... 275 30 54 Bahamas ...... 284 0110 156 466 Bermudas ...... 148 4S 342 3!l5 Total Extra Contintlllal •..• I7.T11 19.558 3S.sJ8 .'.4I2 Total Within Con~ ••.• 7.768 18,800 11.951 6,142 Total ...... a5.53!1 38.360 47.489 27,s54 APPENDIX G-(Conlinued)

OUTWAIlDS. 5 1ANUAAY 1770 TO 5 1ANUAAY 1771 NnJJ York Bos/o" PhiJlJlklph", Great 'Britain ...... 4.665 5.819 3,208 Ireland .•....••.•.•....•... 2.692 4.791 Southern Europe ...... 2.920 813 10.1140 6,291 Africa •....•.•.....•...... • 98 415 147 West Indies ...... ,. 7.005 8.248 13.&t:z 7,374 Newfoundland...... 1.049 1.708 776 Quebec ••...... •• J8n 530 230 Nova Scotia •.....••••...•. 210 2.6,u 855 20 New Hampshire •....•. ,... 930 485 Massachusetts • • . • • ...... • . 770 3A90 350 Connecticut ...•...... 1.168 3.709 183 Rhode Island ...... , . . 1.3'5 1.423 835 New York ••...... 919 730 New Jersey...... 180 Pennsylvania ..•....••...... 637 3.305 Maryland ...... •...•..••..• lOS 1,280 1,176 Virginia •...... •..••••••... 608 I •.uo 1,900 North Carolina •..••..••... :z82 3.092 1.302 South Carolina •...... ••..• 770 530 Georgia •..•..••.•.•••.••.. 110 458 East Florida ...... 1.160 60 25 J84 West Florida ...... ,.. sao 54 135 Bahamas ••....••.•..•••..• 144 100 126 690 Bermudas ...••••...... •.• 95 75 343 Total Extra c-inentaI .... 17,J8n 15,295 32.781 25.392 Total Within Continent .... 90273 21,670 14.111 4.584 Total ...•••...•••••.•...... 26,653 36,965 4Ii,80:z 29.976 APPENDIX G-(Colltillued)

INWAIDS, 5 JANUARY 1"1 TO '5 JANUARY I"~ N""Yllf'k B.n.... PltilGMlpltu. Cha,les'." Great Britain ...... 6,850 1,5011 8,151 11,818 Ireland ...... 1.4U 1,545 310 Southern Europe ...... 1,344 1,055 6.345 2,361 Africa ...... 993' W ..t I.di...... 8,191 12,155 13,391 8,208. Newfoundland ...... 605 1,665 130 Ouebec ...... 450 10 Nova Scotia ...... 90 3,25r• 535 50 New Hampshire ...... 1,085 360

Massaehu ••tts ...... ~. 30S 3,115 915 Connecticut H •••••••••••••• 1,334 ~39O ~15 Rhode Island ..•••.••••••••• 10418 890 105 333 N... ,Vork ...... 385 1,081 1,166., N... Jersey ...... 25 30 65 POIIIISy\vania ...... 886 2,345 a,~ Maryland ...... 20 1,11& 473 9S Virginia ...... 415 1,333 1,366 15 North Carolina ...... ~. 314 2,244 1.5gB 353 South Carolina ...... 610 431 1.60S Georgia ...... 3D 110 415 "4 East Florida ...... 210 lOCI 766 W.. t Florida ...... lOCI 40 115 Bahamas ...... 210 215 ao8 511 Bermudas ...... 105 148 ISS 606 Total Extn. Continental •••• 17.196 20,712 29.444 233SO Total Within Continent 7.247 1B.708 12,296 7.842 Total ...... -5,043 J9.42O 4'.740 31.59'1 APPENDIX G-(Conlitlued)

OUTWAlIDS, 5 JANU/\J1Y 1111 1'05 JANU/\J1¥ 1112 NewYor" Boslo.. PhiladelPhia CAorlesl .. Great Britain ...... 4,830 5,750 J,222 15.190 Ireland ...... 2.416 3A?0 Southern Europe •.....•..•• 2,029 1,113 7,110 2,882 Africa ...... 115 267 90 30 West Indies ...... 1,108 9.171 13.449 6,131 Newfoundland ...... 1.605 2,275 610 Quebec ...... 315 495 J20 SI. John's ...... 50 173 Nova Scotia ...... 80 2.627 720 New ·Hampshire ...... 1,328 295 Massachusetts ...... 460 3.355 482 Connecticut ...... 547 3.016 310 Rhode Island ...... 1,205 116 800 237 New York .....•...... •••.. 619 1,011 5gB New Jersey ...... 23 30 222 Pennsylvania ...... 719 2,485 1,8oa I,soS Maryland ...... 10 1.419 2.099 Virginia ...... 303 2.0sS 1,456 IS North Carolina ...... 620 3.698 1.755 !)Z9 South Carolina ...... 1,066 1,235 Georgia ...... 15 100 550 I,I~ East Florida •.•..•.•..••.••• 649 326 West Florida ...... 260 15 100 Bah';"" ...... 135 J20 253 4f¥1 Bermudas ...... 153 40 274 398 Total Extra Continental .... 17,2sS 16,301 27.341 24,835 Total Within Continent .... 8,275 22.694 15.688 6,196 Total ...... 25.533 38.995 43.029 31.031 APPENDIX G-(COfIIi"ued)

I"wAIIDS, 5 ]A".UA».Y x772 1'0 5 ]ANUA».Y 1713 NtvJ York Bolio.. Phi/"/~hitJ ChtJr".,o .. Great Britain ...... 6,117 9,325 7,751 10,932 Ireland ...... 915 1,125 I,no Southern Europe ...... 2,480 1,343 8,120 . 2,565 Africa ...... 2,171 West lD:Iies ...... 8,170 12,4Iig 12,941 6,121 Newfoundland ...... 980 2P1 350 Ouebec ...... 230 913 St.1ohns ...... 285 Nova Scotia ...... 1,888 New Hampshire '...... 85 803 Massachusetts ...... 610 suo COIlIIeCticut ...... 2,721 2,922 25 Rhode JsI ...d ...... 2,386 g61 312 New York ...... 1,173 601 New Jersey ...... 123 PODI\SY1vania ...... 857 2,055 Mar:YI ...d ...... 15 610 75 Virginia ...... 513 1.155 130 North Carolina ...... 1,483 1.143 566 South Carotina ...... 4a8 IABo Georgia ...... 20 526 East Florida ...... 149 70 W ..t Florida ...... go Bahamas ...... 268 Bermudaa ...... 215 Total Extra Continental •••• 17,682 Total Within Continent .... n,l79 Total ...... 28,861 APPENDIX G-(Contillwd)

OVTWAllDS, 5 1AJ1tTAlIY 1772 10 S 1AHtTAIlY 1773. N.."Y",.k BolIDfJ PhiltulelphiIJ ChorltllD1f Great BritaiD ...... ••• 4,280 6,178 3,123 15,610 IreIancI ...... 1,610 '70 2.491 Soatbem Europe •.••.....•• 2A4!1 555 SAI5 1.77. Africa ...... 260 20 2l)O West Indies ...... 8,076 10,703 15,674 5.749 Newfoundlarul ...... 2,032 3,730- 770 Quebec ...... 390 610 100 St. 10hns ••.••••...... 140 55 Nova Scotia ••••...... • 70 2,187 871 New Hampshire ...... 27 1,167 205 Massochusetts ...... 1,061 3,J26 46s Coonecticut ...... 2,1l22 2,833 259 20 Rhode Is1aDd ...... 2,197 1,087 622 J40 New York •••••••..•...••.. 1,036 737 468 New1ersey ...... 55 PennsylvaDia ...... J89 ....1 1,630 Maryland •..•...... •••..•.• 237 1,975 660 16$ Virginia ...... J89 2,110 2AJ2 70 North Carolina ...... 1.454 4.004 2,036 1,661 Sooth Carolina ...... 86J 970 2,099 Georgia ...... 20 125 441 1.90S East Florida ...... 135 30 526 West Florida •••....•.•.... 240 94 Bahamas ...... 88 215 282 452 Bermudas ...... 85 70 125 J23 Total Extra Continental •... 16,675 18,026 29.723 23.423 Total Wilhin Continent .... 11,899 24,480 15.D9!1 8,125 Total ••••.•..••...... 28.574 42,506 45,822 31,$48 BIBLIOGRAPHY

PBIY:ARY SOmCES I. MIJlCANTJl.B CORRESPONDENCE AND ACCOUNTS This material, of which very little has been prioted, is of fundamental impol'lance in a study of the organization and conduct of busi..,.s, be­ cause it is the chief source of ilriormation concerning business methods. policy and ethks, financial practices and trade relations. Letter-Gooks, since they cODtain copies of all the letters which were sent out by the merchant, are perhaps the most valuable, but ledgers, journals, waste­ books (the books in which the fi ....t entry of a purchase or sale was made), invoice-books and even receipt~ may be made to yield supplemeotary evidence of equal imPortance particularlY in the study of fiDanciaI methods. Colleetions of papers, such as the Alexander Papers, provide a less connec:ted accoUDt of mercantile transactions, but frequentlY il>­ elude business documents such as bills of lading and statements of current accounts which are natural!y not to be found in the more formal books. In the search for this material I have found most helpful Greene and Morris' Guilk 10 IIv Prillti'/IOI SONt"t •• of Ea.llI Amnit... Hin.., (1600-1800) .. IIv Cily of NfU/ y ..t (New York, 1929).

I. Manuscript Material: / .. IIv NfU/ yo.t Hinorieal Socilly: William Alexander, Letters. Accounts, Bills and l«ceipts, :a vols. Cited as A.B.&:R. Stirling Papers. EVort Bancker, Account Book. Jouma1. Gerard G. Beekman, Letter Book. Walter &: Livingston, Journal. Ledger. Waste Book. Phyn &: Ellice, Receipt Book. Robert Saunders, Letter Book. Thomas Witter, Account Book. Receipt Book. 370 BIBLIOGRAPHY I,,'he New York Public Library: Bayard-Campbell-Pearsall Collection. Philip Cuyler, Letter Book, 1755-1760. Ledger, 1765-1770. Livingston Letter (a volume of photostats). John and Stephen Van Cortlandt, Letter Books. Ledgers. Journals. Van Rensselaer-Fort Collection. In Columbia U""er.nly: J obn Ludlow, Letter Book. Invoice Book. Templeton & Stewart Receipt Book. In the HmoncDl Socidy of P.",,,,yZ,,,,nia: Gratz-Croghan Collection. Orr, Dunlope & Glenholme, Letter Book. Thomas Riche, Letter Book. Daniel Roherdeau, Letter Book. Thomas Wharton, Letter Book. • I" the Librory of Congres" Jamieson Papers. 18 the Chambtr of Com... we. of the State of New York, The Insurance Book of William and lac

2. Printed Material: Aspinwall Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society Collections, 4th series, X. The Commerce of Rhode Island, Massachusetts Historical Society Col­ lections, 7th series, IX and X. The Letter Book of Jolm Watts, New York Historical Society Col- lections, LXI. . The Lloyd Papers, New York Historieal Society Collections, XXXIX. XL. Letters and Diary of John Rowe, ed. Anne Rowe CUDDingham (Bnston, 19(3). New York Chamber of Commerce, Colonial Recordo of the New York Chamber of Commerce, 1768-1784; with historical and biograpbieal sketches by 101m Austin Stevens, Jr. (New York, 1867). The ori­ ginal is in the library of the Now York Chamber of Comm~ BIBliOGRAPHY 371 n. OFFICIAL DOCUJlENTS AND COlUlESPONDENCB While general estimates of the ?alae and volume of the trade of the proviru:e may be found in the reports of the governors printed in Docu­ ments Relating to the Colonial History of New York. the detailed ligures necessary to any analysis of commerce must be sought in the Customs House accOUDts. the Na?al Office lists and the reports of British consuls to be found in the Public Reeord OJlice in London. The Naval Office Lists, whieh are complete only for the years 1154 and 1164. indicate not onlY the tonnage. cargo and origin or destinatiOd of the vessel but also the owners. Colonial Office Papers. Treasury and Admiralty Papers. the correspoDdeDce of governors and other officials. laws and municipal or­ dinances also form the most important source of information concerning imperial. provincial and municipal regulation of trade.

I. Manuseript Material: I" lIN Britisla Publie R,eDrci Offic" Admiralty Papers: V oIs. 3833 to J8J1. 3866, Consular Corres(>Olldem:e; Vol•• 1321 to 1323. List of Meditelranean Passes; Vols. 87-<)8. Regis­ tel of Passes; Vols. 136-139> Register of foreign passes. Colonial Office Papers: C. O. 5' 1227-1aaS. Naval Office Lists for the Port of New York; C. O. 388: liS. Consular Reports to the Secre­ tary of State; C. O. 3\)0: S'Il. Customs Honse Statistics. Customs House .Papers: Customs 3: 51-75. English Customs Honse AttOWIts; Imports and Exports: America, 1768-1172; State of NavigstiOD, 1712-177S. Treasury Papers: Vols. 361. 371. 3\12. 3\)6. 423, 425-6, 431. 433. 465. 468. 46g, 473. 4B2. 50S. Papers relating to the administration of customs, smuggling. reform of custom administratiou, etc. OIatham Papers, Bundle 343.

I .. lIN N ... York P"blie Library: 0IaImers CoIIectiou, New York. 4 volumes of Dotes copied from British state papers and incInding also holograph letters from OIltstaDding people such as 10hn Watts and Oliver DeLancey. Loyatist Transcripts: Transcripts of the MaDDSCript Books and Papers of the Commission of Enquiry into the Losses and Services of the American Loyalists ••• pRSerVed amongst the Audit Oflice Records in the Public Reeord Office of England, 1?I\3-I79Q, New York claimants, Vots. XLI-XLVI. SleveDs, B. F ~ ~ FI

I" lhe LibrBf"JI of Congrtl., Transcripts of Colonial Office Papers 5: 551, 556.

I" Ihe MrusBChusetts HistoricBI Society: Temple Papers.

•• Printed Material: Colden, Cadwallader: Letter Books. New York Historical Society Col­ lections, IX, X. Leiters and Papers. Ibid., L-LVI. English Statutes at Large. Pickering ed. (Cambridge, 1765). New York (City) Common Council, Minutes of the Common Council of the City of New York, 1675-1776,8 vols. (New York, 1905). New York (Colony) Colonial Laws of New York from the year 1664 to the Revolution, 5 vols. (,Albany, 1894). New York (Colony, Council) Journal of the Legislative Council of the Colony of New York, 2 vols. (Albany, ,86,). --, Minutes of the Executive Council. Ed. V. H. Pa1sits, 2 vols. (Albany, 1910). New York (Colony) General Ass.".,ly, Journal of the votes and pro­ ceedings of the General Assembly of the colony of New York, ,6g,­ r?65,2 vols. (New York, 1764-66); third volume, 1766-1776 (Albany, 1820). New York (State), Calendar of Historical Mss. in the office of the secretary of state, Vol. II, English Mss., 1664-1776 (Albany, 1865- 66). --, Calendar of New York Colonial Mss. indorsed land papers; in the office of the secretary of the state of New York; 16.tJ-18o:l (Albany, 1864). --, Documentary History of New York State, E. B. O'CallagbaD, Ed., 4 vols. (Albany, 1849). --, Documents Relating to the Colonial History of New York, E. B. O'Callaghan, Ed., 15 vols. (Albany, 1853-1887). Wraxall, Peter, Abridgement of Indian Affairs, contained in four folio volumes transacted in the colony of New York from the year 1678 to the year 1751. Ed. C. H. McIlwain (Cambridge, 1915). BIBUOGRAPHY 373

M. NKWSPAPERS Til, NIW Yo," Gas,lI. or W ..kly Post BOll (Parker), 1150-Ino. Th. NIW Yo,k Gas.It, (Weyman), 1159->1167. Till NIW York M""'flI (Hugh Gaine), 1152-1115. Till NIW York /oumal (John Holt), 1766-1116. Till NIW York GlJIItt,,, (Rivington), 1m-1115.


I. Manuscript Material: William Samuel Johnson Papers. In the Connecticut Historical Society. Kelby, William, Mss. Notes on Trinity ClIurch. In the New York Historical Society. King'. College Matriou1&. In the Columbiana Collection, Columbia University. Petus' Ms.. In the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Smith, William, Diary. 4 vols. In the New York Public Library. The diary of an able lawyer and a leader of the popular party, author of the • History of the Late Province of New York." Full of int .....ting description and comment on the contemporary scene. Correspondence of John Watt•• In the New York Historical Society. Q,ief1y of the period after 1116. although there are a few letters dated before thai year. Non-mercantile, but containing shrewd and interesting comment.

2. PriDled Material: Adam., John, The Works of John Adams. second president of the United States. Ed. C. F. Adams, 10 vols. (Boston, 1850-1856). The Diary is t!>e second volume and is interesting here for the accounts of journeys. particularly that to Philadelphia in 1114. and comments on places and persons. Birkel, James, Some Cursory Remarks made by- James Birkel in his voyages to , 11SO-1151 (New Ha...... 1916). Booth, Benjamin, A Complete System of Bookkeeping by an improoed mode of double entry (London, 1786). Written by the American partner of the Eng\ish firm, Pigou &: Booth, which was one of the agents of the East Co. in the tea episode. British Historical Mss. Commission, Dartmout!> Manoseripts. Report XIV, part 10. • Copley, 10hn S~ Letters and l'8pers of John Singietoo Copley and Henry Pelham, 1739-1776. Massachusetts Historical Society Col­ lections, LXXI. . 374 BIBliOGRAPHY Defoe, Daniel, The Complete English Tradesman, in familiar letters: directing him in all the several parts and progressions of trad •• Reprinted from the edition of London 1745 in vols. XVII and XVIII of .. The N ove1s and Miscellaneous Works of Daniel Defoe " (Oxford, 18(1). Franklin, Benjamin, The Complete Works of Benjamin Franklin. Ed. John Bigelow, 10 vols. (New York, 1887). --, The Writings of Benjamin Franklin. Ed. Smyth, 10 vols. (New York, 1905). Gage, Thomas, The Correspondence of General Thomas Gage. Ed. C. E. Carter, 2 vols. (New Haven, 1931). Hamilton, Alexander, Hamilton's Itinera.rium; being a Dlrrative of a journey from Annapolis, Maryland, through , Pennsyl­ vania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massa­ chusetts and New Hampsilire from May to September, 1744- Ed. A. B. Hart (SI. Louis, Mo., 1907). Amusing descriptions of people and places. Jolmoon, Sir William, The Papers of Sir William Johnson. 7 vots. (Albany, 192I-I93I). Kalm, Peter, Travels into North America (London, 1770-71). Lees, John, Journal of J. L. of Quebec, merchant (Detroit, 19U). Long, Edward, , 2 vols. (London, 1774). Useful as comment of an intelligent contemporary CD the trade between Jamaica and the North American colonies on the .... of the Revo­ lution. The copy in the British Museum, Additional Ms. 12_ has manuscript notes of Long inserted betw.... the pag... Quincy, Josiah, Jr., "The Diary of Josiah Quincy, Jr.," in the Proceed­ ings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, XLIX, pp. 424-481. Postlethwayt, Malachi, Universal Dictionary of Trad. and Commerce. 2 vols. A translation of Savary's Die/i_ire de Com","", adapted and corrected for English usage. Very valuabl. for comparison of English and colonial practice.. Smith, WiUiam, History of the Late Province of New York. :2 vols. New York Historical Society Collections (1829 and 1830). Stiles, Ezra, Extraets from IfIe Itineraries and Other Miscellanies of Ezra Stiles, 1755-1794- Ed. F. B. Dexter (New Haven, 1916). Upcott Col1ection, 2 vols. In the New York Historical Society. A collection of newspaper clippings.

SEa)NDA1lY Wou:s Aitken, William B., Distinguished Families in America descended from Wilhelmus Beekman and Jan Thomasse Van Dyke (New York and London, 1912). Genealogies provide useful bits of information c0n­ cerning particuJar fanillies, for example, where a younger son .... tablished himself in business in the West Indies. BIBUOGRAPHY 375 Atterbury, Catherine G., The Bayard Family. Publications of the

Boyer, Charles S., Early Forges and Furnaces in New Jersey (Phila­ delphia, 1931). Brandon, Woodthorpe, Treatise on the Customary Law of Foreign At­ tachment, and the Practice of the Mayor's Court in the City of London Therein (London, 1861). Brown, Abram E., John Hancock his Book (Boston, 11l98). Brymner, Douglas, Report on Canadian Archives, 1894 (Ottawa, 1894). Bullock, C. J., Essays on the Monetary History of the U oited States (New York, 1900). Channing, Edward, The American Board of Customs Commissioners. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, XLIII. --, The Bernard-Barrington Correspondence. Harvard Historical Studies, XVII. --, A History of the United States. 6 vols. (New York, 1910-1925). aark, Victor S., History of Manufactures in the United States, 1607- 1860 (Washington, D. C., 1916). Coke, Daniel Parker, The Royal Commission on Losses and Services of American Loyalists, 1783 to 1785, beiug the notes of Daniel Parker Coke, M. P., one of the commissioners during that ".riod. Ed. H. E. Egerton (Oxford, 1915). Columbia University, General Catalogue for 1912 (New York, 1912). Cunningham, William, Growth ot English Industry and Commerce. 3 vols. (Cambridge, 1910-1912). Duer, William Alexander, The Life of William Alexander, Earl of Stirling. Collections of the New Jersey Historiea1 Society, II (New York, 1847). Not a very satisfactory biograpny. Daly, Charles P., The Settlement of the Jews in North America (New York, 1893). Davis, J. S., Essays in the Earlier History of Americau Corporatioos. 2 vols. (Cambridge, 1917). The outstanding study 00 tile organi­ zation of business in the colonies in the eighteenth century. Dexter, Franklin B., Biographical Sketches of the graduate. of Yale College, with annals of the college history. 6 vols. (New York, r885-1912). Drake, Francis S., Tea Leaves (Boston, 1884). An old and fam""" collections of correspondence concerning the tea .hipments of 1773. Dunlap, William, History of tile rise and progress of the arts of design in the United States. Ed. F. W. Bayley and C. E. Goodspeed (Boston, 1918). Edwards, George W., New York as an Eighteenth Century Municipality, 1731-1776 (New York, 1917). Good chapters on municipal regulation of trade. BIBUOGRAPHY 377 Eliason, Adolph 0., Rise of Commercial Banking Institutions in the United States (Minneapolis, 19o1). A little book containing one of the few discussions of banking in the colonial period. Flick, Alexander C., Loyalism in New York during the Americau Re­ volution (New York, 1901). An able and indispensable monograph. Foote, Henry Wilder, Annals of King's chapel (Boston) from the Puritan age of New Enl/land to the present day. 2 vols: (Boot"", 18112-g6). Includes sketches of prominent members of King's Chapel in the period of the Revolution. Giesecke, Albert Anthony, American Commercial Legislation before Il89 (Plhilade\phia, 1910). Goo., John Dean, The History of Tariff Administration in the United States from Colonial Times to the McKinley Administrative Bills (New York, 19U). Hamm, Margherita A., Famous Families of New York (New York, 1902). Hall, Hiland, .. New York Land ." Vermont His- Society CoUections, I (1870), pp. 147-1'59- . Hill, William, First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States. Publications of the American Economic Association, VIII. Houghton, George W., Coaches of Colonial New York (New York, ISgo). Hic:kcox, J. H., A History of the Bills of Credit or Paper Money Issued by New York from 1709-1789 (Albany, 1866). A old work on New York currency. Hough, Charles M., Reports of Cases in the Vice Admiralty of the Province of New York and in the Court of Admiralty in the State of New York, '715-'788 (New Haven, ,gaS). Hu

Kraus, Michael, Intercolonial Aspects of American Culture on the Eve of the Revolution with special reference to the Northern Towns (New York, 1928). Kohler, Max J., II The Jews in Newport," American Jewish Historical Society Publications, VI. --, .. Phases of Jewish Life in New York before lBoo." Ibid., II and III. Lang, Ossian, History of Freemasonry in Slate of New York (New York, 1922). Lecley, W. E. H., History of England in the Eighteenth Century. 8 vols. (New York, ,878-,890). A famous and standard work ofter­ ing excellent chapters on life in England during the reigns of George II and George III. Levermore, C. H., CI The Whigs in Colonial New Yark." American His­ torical Review, I, .pp, 238-250. Livingston, E. P., The Livingstons of (New York, 1910). An interesting study of an important family. MacBean, William, Biographical Register of the St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York. 2 vols. (New York, 1922-2S). MacPherson, David, The Annals of Commerce. 4 vols. (London, 180S). A chronological, year by year, description of the commerce of Eorope and America, emphasizing the trade of the , based in part on official records. Mageos, Nicholas, Essay on Insurances (London, 17SS). A mid­ eighteenth oentury English study of marine insurance. Marshall, Leon c., Business Administration (QUcago, 1921). A modern authority aD the conduct of business who discusses the historical development of the specialization of business activity and provides a good basis for comparison of modern and colonial business methods. Mason, George Champlin, Anaals of Trinity Chord!, Newport, R. I., 16g8-182I, 2 vols. (Newport, 1890). Sketches of prominent New­ port merchants on the eve of the Revolution. Mereness, Newton D., Travels in the American Colonies (New York, ·'916). Includes Lord Adam Gordon's Jonrnal which has an amus­ ing section on the province contrasting the inhabitants of Albany and . Morris, Corbyn, Essay towards illustrating the science of insurance (London, 1747). Namier, L. B., England in the Age of the (London, 1930). Interesting and useful; particularly fine dlapter showing the role of the merchants trading to North America in Parliament and in the contracts for the care of royal forces during the Seven Years' War. BIBLIOGRAPHY 379 New York Genealogical and Biographical Record (New York, 1870-).' Scattered among the volumes are aoc:ounts of most of the early New Yark families some of which give valuable biots concerniog 1he family ramifications. Osgood. Herbert Levi. The American Colonies in the Seventeenth Cen­ tury. 3 vols. (New York, 1904-07). Owen. William. "Narrative of Capt. William Owen. R. N." New York Public Library Bulletin, March. 1931. Pearse. Jobo B .• Concise History of Iron Manufacture in the American Colonies up to the Revolution and of Pennsylvania until the Present Time (Philadelphia. 1876). Pell. John, .. The Saga of Will Gilliland." New York History. XIII. Pp. 390-403· Pennsylvania University. Biographical Catalogue of the matricnlates of 1I1e college, together with lists of the members of the college faculty and trust.... officers and recipients of honorary degrees. 1749-1893 (Philadelphia. 1894). Perkins. Augustus T .• A Sketch of lite Life and a List of some of the Works of John Singleton Copley (Boston, 1873). Phillipovich von PhilUpsburg. Eugen, History of the Bank of England. Tr. by C. Meredith (Washington. D. C .• 19I1). Phillips. N. T •• "The Levy and Seixas Families of Newport and New York." American Jewish Historical Society Publications. IV. Pitman, Frank W.. Development of the British West Indies (New Haven. 1917). Presbrey. Frank S .• History of Advertising (New York, 11)29). Russell, Elmer B.. Review of Ameri..... Colonial Legisl.tioD by 1he King in Council (New York, 1915). Rutgers University. Catalogues of Officers and Alumni of Rutgers Col­ lege (originally Queen's College) in New Bl'I1JI&wick, New Jersey. 1766 to 1916. Compiled by the Rev. J. H. Raven. D. D. (Trenton, 1916). « Scharf. Jobo Thomas, History of Philadelphia, 16og..I884 (Philadelphia, 1884). Schermerhora, Richard, The Schermerhorn Genealogy and Family Olronicles (New York, 1914). Schlesinger. Arthur Meier. The Colonial Merdwlts and the Americall Revolution (New York, 1918). An indispensable study. Schuyler. George W .• Colonial New York: and his Family. 8 vols. (New York, 1885). Shoftield. Lord (Jobo Baker Holroyd). Observatioos on the Commen:e of the American states (LondOll, 17114). Has statistics 011 the trade of the colonies taken from ofticia1 doc:ameDts since ~ mislaid. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Singleton, Esther, Social New York under the Georges, 1714-1776 (New York, 19oo). Smith, Adam, The Wealth of Natioos. Ed. Edwin Carman, ~ vols. (London, 1925). Society of the New York Ho&pital, Charter of flhe Society and Laws relating thereto with the By-laws and Regulations of the Institution and those of the Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane (New York, 1833). Sombart, Werner, Der Moderne Kapitalismus, ~ vols. (Leipsic, ,goo). The only study dealing directly with the organization and speciali­ zation of trade and industry in Europe in the eighteenth century, and unfortunately untranslated. Spencer, C. W., .. The Land System of Colonial New York." New York State Historical Society Proceedings, XVI, pp. '50-'64- Stevens, John A., Progress of New York in a Century (New York, ,876). --, "Physical Evolution of New York City," American Historical Magazine, II, pp. 24-43, \)2"'28, 173-,86, ~. Stevens, Wayne E., The Northwest , '763-,800 (Urbana, III., '928). Stokes, Isaac Newton Phelps, Iconography of Island, ,498- '909. 6 vols. (New York, '9'5-28). Valentine, David Thomas, Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York (New York, '842-,870). Villard, Oswald Garrison, .. Early History of Wall Street," in Historic New York (New York, '899). Vogl, Paul L., The Sugar Refining Industry in the United States (Philadelphia, 1906). The first dozen pages treat the beginning of sugar refining in New York. Wallace, David D., The Life of Henry Laurens, with a sketch of the life of Lt. Col. John Laurens (New York and London, '9'5). Includes generous quotations from the mercantile papers of Henry Laurens which may be supplemented by those reprinted duriog '928 in the South Carolina Historieal and Genealogical Record. Walpole, Horace, Memoires of the Last Ten Years of the Reign of George II. 2 vols. (London, ,822). Gossipy bits concerning a few important people, but not very useful for this study. Warren, Charles, A Hi.tory of the American Bar (Boston, '9Il). Weber, Max, General Economic History. Tr. by F. H. Knight (London, '927). Draws heavily on Sombart aod is the nearest thing to a translation in Eqrlish. Weeden, William B., Economic and Social , ,620-'789- ~ vols. (Boston & New York, 1890). -, .. The. Early African Slave Trade in New England," American Antiquarian Society Proceedings, new series, V. pp. 107-128. BIBLIOGRAPHY Westergaard, Waldemar, The , 171-1911 (New York, 1917). Chiefly concerned with the Dani.h West Indies dur­ ing the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Whitson, Agnes M., .. The Outlook of the Continental Colonies on the British West Indies, 176C>-1775." Political Scieoce Quarterly, XLV, pp. 56-86. An interesting and otimulating article. Wilson, James G., Memorial . 4 vols. (New York, 1892). A coOperative work, each cllapter written by an au­ thority in the field. Especially good are the chapters by J obn Austin Stevens on New York Oil the eve of the Revolution and em the Commerce of New York, and that by Bernard Fernow on Coins and Currency. Wynne, J. H., a General History of the British Empire in America (London, Ino). INDEX

A Arbitration, 94- Abeels, 136. 1311, 141, 151 Assize of victuals, 282 Abee~ John, 61 Astin, Thomas, 111 Abeel & Neils, 93 Atcheson & Thompson, 52 Account current, en Auction, 92. 93. S •• Vendue Acts of trade, 245, 318, 317, 332 B Act of 1764. 3", 332 Adams, John, 33, 44. '!?~ 339, 349 Baebe, Theopbylacte, 13. 52. 12 •• Admiralty Court, 27'" J20, 273 262, 338, 339. 349 Adolphus, Isaac, 224. :a:a6, 228, 334 Baker, Richard, 292 Adventures, ~I Baker. Sir William. 92. 129. 292. Advertising, IIJ II .tq. Advice!,86 B~cker. Otristopher Bancker. 132, Africa, 92. S .. Trade, with Africa 137 Agent, 69. 70, 76, 187 Bancker. Evert, 5'" 50. 96. 137. 180 Alexander, James, 232 Bancker. Richard, 60 Alexander, Mrs. Mary, 15 Banking, 67, II", 115 Alexander, William, .. Lord Stirl- Bankruptcy. 122 ., ..q~ 323 ing ", sketch of, 44-46; English Barbados, go, 91, 191 stocks, 127, 1:aS; founder of N.Y. Barter, 64. 91, IOJ, 104 Soc. Library, 35; mbr. of Am. Barre. Isaac, 43, 26 •• 3.0 Philos. Soc., 36 i iron mines. 8g, Bayard, Niebolas, 12, 23 149: land speculation, 137, 145; Bayard. William, credit in Eng­ partnership with Livingstoo, 51, land, 115; lawsuit, '''''; land 56; J>rovincial war contracts, 295 holding, '34; illicit trade, 263; " ~,' mentioned. 23. 41, 121, agent for paymaster, :ag8; mbr. 209.~290 Council, 41; mbr. Stamp Act Allen, Quef Justice William, 42. Congress, 325; Loyalist, J48, 106, 201, 22? 350; mentioned 19. lI3, 07. 29. 117 Alsop, John, 23. 225. J26. 3311. J48, Beekman, David, .g6 Beekman, Gerard G. general c0m­ A~~ Riebard. 220 missionaire, 60, 6g, 72; agent for Ancram Iron Works. 149 R. I., :ag6; bills of exchange, 112, American Philosophical Society. 36 113; bosiness methods, 77. 78, Am~erst, 0..... Sir Jeffery. 263. 074 debts, 122; flags of troce, 309; AntIgUa, 122 hard times, 290; insurance, .6.; Apprentice, 52 business relations, 22!/, 2J8, 240; Apthorp. Charles, Sr~ 211. 218, 293 merchantable goods, 80, 8I; on II Itq. Joseph Mica, 306; scarcity of Apthorp. Charles Ward. 24. 293. money, 333: social positiou. 12; 34. 36. J9, 41. 115. 143, ••So:a29, meotioned, 31, (ill, ?o. 90. 91. 294. 351 117. 121 • .ao. 225 INDEX

Beekman, William, 181, 186 Connecticut, 122, 166, 169, 255 Bernard, Governor, of Mass., 339 Consignment trading, 88--90, 179 Bills of exchange, I II, Il2, Il3. of 1774. 348 See Exchange Copley, John Singleton, 25. 28. 143 Bolting Act. 279 Corporation, 4B It seq. Bond, 130-132 Country-buying. 78 Bookeeping. 95-97 Court party. 39. 40 Booth, Benjamin, '17, 188, Zls, 346, Credit, 99, 101-103, 179, 318 351 Croghan, George, 144 Boston, 91, 169 Crommelin, Charles, 199 Boston Port BiD. 347 Crommelin, Daniel & Son, 199 Bounties, 288 Crommelin, Richard, 115 Branch businesses, 2:21 Crommelin, Robert, 121, 308 Brewing, 148 Cruger family, 22, 51, ,52, 153, JJ8. Broker, 68 349 Buchanan, Thomas, 51, 3SI Cruger & Gouverneur, 92 Buchanan. Walter. 51 Cruger, Henry, 13, 34. 39. 77. 132, Business COMedians, intercolonial, 185 218, 219 n seq., 228, 240; with Cruger, Henry, Ir .. 123, 186,326 Gt. Britain, 177, 184 n seq.; C~er, John, 13, 34. 297. 325, 326, with West Indies, 194 e/ seq. Business cycle, 28g Cruger. John Harris, 13. 39. 195. C 224. 339. 350 Canada. 310 Cruger, Nicholas. 13. 196 Capital investment, 53 Cruger. Robinson & Living.ton, ChaJllber of Commerce. 73-75. 95. 300 105. 106. 154. 230. 285. 335 • Cruger. Telemon. 13. 196. 138 Charleston, 166 Cunningham. Waddell. 265, 303 Clarke, Gedney. 15. 23. 117. 129 Cur~. 122, 166, 191, 192, 195, aarke. Gedney. Jr.• 194 251,254 aay. Midgely & Co•• 116 of 1764. 321, 335 Oubs,31 Currency. See Money Colborn & Barrell. 119 Curtenius, Peter T., ISO, 339, 349 Colden, Alexander. 272, 273 Customs, establishment, 271; regu- Colden. Cadwallader. on admiralty litions, 245 n leq. courts, 274; aD illicit trade, 254, Cuyler, Cornelius, 237, JOI Cuyler family, 12, 13, 14. 110, 24. 262. 264, 267. 268. 269. 271• 275; on currency situation, 104; on 34. 136 Stamp Act riots. 326. 348; land Cuyler. Henry. 64. 225. 297 grants. 140; N. Y. claim to Ver­ Cuyler, John. 196•• 96 mont, 139; mentioned, 12, 16, 19, Cuyler. Philip. bwin... practices, 59. 116. 102. 1110·183, 185. 224. Co1d'~Rfcru:.."t ::-3288, JOB. 322 300; intercolonial trade. 201, 211, Colebrook, Nesbitt, Thomlinson & 233, 238. 241; illicit trade, 222, Hanbury. 293 2s8-263. 275; flag-trueing. 266; Colebrook, George, 292 privateering, JCYl; mentioned, zS, Colebrook. Sir James, 292-293 99.219.303 College education, 34 Cuyler. Telemon. 93. 225 Commission merchant, 68, 77 D Committee of Correspondence. J24 Damage, 94 Committee of 51. 348 Debts, 119 e/ Jtq., 323 e/ Jtq., 116 Committee of inspection, 348 e1 seq. Competition with other colonies, D,Dogwo,d. 306-307 229 e/ seq. Deflation, 317 INDEX

Delancey family, II, 12, 140 40 Freemasons, 37 Delancey, James, 24, 41, 40, 291,326 , 29'; war DeLancey, Oliver, partnership, SI; contracts, 291-300 land speculation, 134. 137. 144: Fur trade, .64, 167, 232-237, 3.0 buyer of municipal bonds, 132; G . war contracts, ., 295. 299; political activities, 41, 36, 39- Gage, General, 321. 331, 337 351; mentioned 17, 18, 19. 34. 42, Gilliland, William, 60, '47 323 Glover, John J., .87 Depression, 290. 313 Golden Hill Affair, 34', 348 Desbrosses, Elias, 185, 257, 349 Gouverneur family, '56, 350 Devonshire, Reeve &: Uoyd, 181 Gouverneur, Isaac, 196 ., stq. Gouverneur, Nicholas, lSI, I!)6 Distilling, 148-149. 270 Gratz, Bernard &: Michael, 22<\, Dry goods, 60 ., seq. 226-228, 334 Duane, James, 24, 41, 326 Great Britain, trade with, 172 et Dunmore. Lord, 141, 144 Itq., Appendix B, C. D, F. G Duyckinck, Gerardus, 62, 85, 225 Greg, Cunningham &: Co., 51, 52, 64, 93, .2., 184. .88, 2240 225 Ii: Grenville legislation, 3.8 Elliot, Andrew, 272, 337 Groceries, 61 Erving, John, 2I1, 295 Guiana, 165 Exchange, loB, 109. 313, 3140 316, Guinea Company, 252 H Ex~i~!"n against Niagara, 295 Hake, Samuel, 53, '32, '.p, 351 Exports, 167-172, 316, 343, and Hamburg, trade with, 166, .98 - Appendix B Hamilton, Dr. Alexander, 31, 32 F Hanoock, Thom... '25, '59 Factor, 68, 69, 76. 8g, 67, 177, 179, Handicrafts, 146 194 Hardy, Governor, ass, a6o, 271 Financial policy, 95 Harison, George, 23, 37, .48 Flags of truce, 266, ~J09 Hasenclever, Peter, lSI, 152 Hawxhurst, William, 87, 152 Flax.. eed tra~66, 169, 174. S •• Hodshon, John, '99 ~~~~':.t with and; with Con- Holland, .66, '97, 255 ., It•• Flour, 171-172, 147, 280 . Honduras, .65, '92 Fluyder, Sir Samuel, 293 Hutchinson, Thomas, .s!/, 343 Folliol, George, 33, 132, J04. 350, I 351 Illicit Trade, .66, 222, 350-276, JOB. Foreign attachment procedure, 120- .a. r.:~72~ $ttl., 3'2, 316, J4O. Forsey, Thomas &: Benjamin, 303 343 and Appendix B Forsey, Thomas, .88 Independence, threat of, 329 Forsey w. Cunn~ham, 337 Indebtedness of New Yorkers to Fowler. Samuel. 78. aoo British men:bants, .80, 182 Franklin, Benjamin, 13, 84. 109 Indigo, .6g Franklin, Walter, 22, 5', 52, 1400 Inspection of exports, Sa; of 141, 133, 338, 339. 349 lumber, 28.; of meat, 280; of Franks, David, 18, lI24 Sour Franks, Jaoob, 18, 18s, 186 Intraprovincial Trade, 2J2 " $ttl. Franks, Moses, 113, 116, .as, 1"9. • .8S, 186, 29l, 2911. 327, 329 .I:"~ ~1. ',a-','; ...... Fraud,94 factaring. 149-152 Freight, 66 Italy, 166 INDEX

J 308; political activities, 4[, 325, Jamaica, 190 327, 335, 348, 349, 351; men­ Jauncey, James, 23, 304, 326, 351 tioned, ]4, 24, 220 Jay, John, 14 Livingston, Robert R., 12, 22, 35, Jenkins, Robert, 55, 221 37, 325, 326, 348 Jewish merchants, 17 et seq. Livingston, Robert Cambridge, 24, Johnson, Sir William, 40. 139, 234 35, 11],224 Johnson, William Samuel, 35, 119, Livingston, Walter & Robert,S], 121 55, 56, 59, 96, 98. 185, 241 K Livingston, William, ]4, 35, 4], 326 Kalm, Peter, 18 Lloyd family, 220 Kelly, William, 345, 346 Lloyd. Henry, 195, 21I, 291 Kennedy, Archibald, 22, 273 Lloyd, John, 130, 222, 223, 257, 260 Keteltas, Peter, lSI, JSO Lloyd, William, S4. 194 Kilby, Christopher, 292 Logwood, 311 Kings' College, 33 Lopez, Aaron, 2]3. 219 Kortright, Cornelius, 196 Lott, Abraham, 34, 36, 136, 138, Kortright, Lawrence, 52, 141, 225, 225, 344. 345 262, :265, J04. 305, 350 Low, Cornelius, 221 Low, IS2ac, 132, 287, 338, 346, 339, L 348, 349, 351 Laight, Edward, 151, JJ8,339 Loyalist Party, 348 et seq. Land Speculation, 135 n seq .. Ludlow, Gabriel, ]99 Lansingh, Myndert, [g6, 237 Ludlow, John, S4. 55, 96, 98, 113, Lascelles & Maxwell, 116, 118, 129 12], 241, 257. 290 Laurens, Henry, 125 Ludlow William, 55, '57 Law, Richard. ]21 Lumber mills, 147, ]65 Leacocke, Godfrey, 183 Lechmere, Nicholas, 222, 263 M Leeward Islands, 91, 191 MacDougall, Alexander, 341 Legal tender, 105, 106, 333 Maer, Abraham. Sg, 117 Letter of credit, 92 Mahogany, 167 Levy, Hayman, 18, 237, J02, 336 Malbone, Evan and Francis, 161 Levy, Lyons & Co., 18 Manufacturing, ]45 n uq.; regu· Levy, Salomon & Co., 18 lation of, 230 et seq. Marine insurance, 153 et seq., 312 Li!~;r4£' ~~d. 3~, 36, 137, Marketing, 76 et seq., 83 141, 148, 325. 348, 350 Maryland, 208 , II, ]36, 34 McEvers, Charles, 338, 339, 349 Livingston & Alexander, S4, 55, McEvers. James, 24. JO, 119. ]32, 121, 29S d seq. 325 Livingston, Duncan, Rutherford & Mediterranean passes, 20() Phyn, 236 Merchandizing. 67 Livingston. Peter R., 44. ss. 221, Merchant. definition of, 19. s8; 262, 264. JJJ functions of, 66; education of. Livingston, Peter Van Brugh, busi­ 34·35; financial standing of. 16. DesS practices, 45. 51, 56, 195. ]9; intellectual interests of. 33. 209, 298; land holding, 1.17, 138. 35. 36: philanthropic interests of, 144; sugar refining, [48: war 36, 37; political position of. 37· contracts, 29S et seq.; mentioned. 42; social activities, 30-33; social 36 position of. II n seq., IS.JO Livingston, Philip, sketch of, 44 Merchantable goodJ, 80, 81. 94 et seq., 34·36; business. 51; land Merchant's Exchange, 72, 73 holdings, 134; illicit trade, 304. Middleman, 67 INDEX

Mico, Jo.eph"IlII, 306 P Mola.... Act of 1733, 255, 319 Paper Mon~ Act, 3'1, 333 Mobile, 90 Partnerships, 50-5,6, 221 Monckton, General Sir Robert, 32, Peach & Pierce, lIS 43, 136. J2I, 323, 32 5, 329, 331, Peach, Samuel, 186 347 Perry, Hays &: Sherbrooke, 187 M.oney 104 If seq.,' paper money, Pearlash, 165, 1;'1 107 It seq., ,321-322, 332, 342, Petition of Nov. 1766, 331, 332 343; specie, 104-106; scarcity of, Petition of 1768, 337 314. 317j 318. 122. 323, 333-336; Philadelphi.. 223-228, 255 U New ersey i'i and II Pennsyl .. Phyn &: Ellice, 236; Phyn, Elice &: vania It money, no It seq. Inglis, 236 Monte Christi, 192, 261 Pigou &: Booth, 344 Montreal, go Pitt, William, rn, 274, 3J2 Montserrat, 91 Popular party, 40 Moore, Sir Henty, 106, 141, 332, Portugal, 166 336, 337, 349 Potash, 165, 171, 317 Moore &: Lyn$en, 93 Prices, 100, 283, 312, 316, 317, 322, Morris, Roger I 26, 39 Morris, Lewis, 274. 295 Pr~~~~~03-307 Mortier, Abraham, 23, 2g8 Profits, 98. 100, 300 , 192 Prosperity, 312 Municipal bonds, 132 Providence, 213 Murray, Robert, "'" 51, 52, ISS, Provoosts, 136, 131. 141 338. .339 Provoost, John, aBo Mutiny Act, 333, 336 Purchase at a distance. 78 N Q Napier, James, 42, 43, 139. 140. afq Naval stores, 168 Quincy, Josiah, Jr. 29 Navigation Act., 251. S" Acts of R Trade Rebates, 94 Neate, Pisou &: Booth, g8 Regulation of trade, by Chamber Neilson, William, 18g, 286, 349. of Commerce, aSs

Robinson, Beverly, 134, 13S. 29S Stocks, English, 127-J2g; U funds ", Roosevelt family, I", 34, 350 j, annuities", 128 Roosevelt, Jacobus, 146 Stuyvesant, Nicholas & Co., 93 Rotterdam, 166, 19B Sugar retining, 147-148, 165, 168 Rowe, John, 125. 211 Sugar Act, 319, 320, 322, 336, J48 Rule of 1756, 306 Surinam, 254 S T St. Andrew's Society, 36 Tariffs, provincial, 231, 246, 276 St. Augustine, 239 of 1773, 3440 345, 347 St. Croix, 191 Tea Party, Boston, 34S St. David's Society, 36 Templeton, Oliver, 16 St. Eustatiu5, 251, 254 Templeton & Stewart, 16, 93 St. George's Society, 36 Thomlinson & Hanbury, 293 St. Patrick's Society, 36 , 335, 336, 342, 348 St. Thomas, 191, 251, 254 Trade: with Africa, 166, 202; with Sample system, 82 Albany, 237 It seq.; with Amster­ Schermerhorn family, 24, 6", 65, dam, 166, 19B, 199; with the 210 Baltic, 166, IgS; with Boston, Schuyler, Myndert, 237 212; with the Carolinas, 166, 168, Sootland, 174 16g,209, 210; with the Caribbean, Scott, John Morin, 23, 35, 41, 326 189. 190, 193; with Charleston, Sears, Isaac, 349. 339, 350 209-210; coastwise trade, 24J: Sharpe, Richard, IS, 31, 137, "ISO, with Connecticut, 213-216; with 154 Dutch and Danish neutral ports, Sheffield, Lord, 204 191, 196;. with East & West Sherbrooke, Miles, 187, 351 Florida, 239; with Gt. Britain, Ship-building, 65, 146, 165 165, 167 ., seq.; with Holland, Shipping, 65. 17S, 311 166, ]97 j with the Indians, 233 Shirley, General William, 45, 55, et seq.; with Ireland, 166, 174; 295 with Massachusetts, 21I j with Simson, Sampson, II7 New Jersey, 128, 217; with Nova Single-handed business, 57 Scotia, 238; with Philadelphia, 223-229; with Rhode Island, 212- Slave trade, 166, 202, 276 Smith, William, Jr., 35, 39, 41, ISg, 213; with Scotland, ]74; with , 208; with 275, 313, 326, 345 southern Europe and the Wine Smuggling: see IJlicit trade Islands. 166, 200, 201; compared Society of the New York Hospital, with other colonial ports, 204: 36 total value of trade, 202; with Society for the Encouragement of the West Indies, 165-168 Arts, Agriculture & Oeconomy, Treasury Notes of Mass., ]32 146, 331, 334 Treoothick, Barlow, 219, 293 , 325, 3Z1, 33 1, 341, Trend of affairs; 2B9 rt seq. 346 Tryon, Governor, 141, 142, 203, 271 South Carolina, 208 Turnover, g8 Spain, ,66 Specialization, 58 d seq., 61, 63. 64, u 174 Specie: set Money B~ft'~'t~~;!;,:~f New Jersey, Stamp Act, 324-331, 348 217 Standardization, 79, 80 United Wh2ling Company, 49 Sterling, Earl of: su William United Whale Fishery Company, Alexander 288 INDEX

.V War contracts, 291-299 Van Cortlandt, Augustus, 22, 13B Watt~. John, sketch of. 43 " s.q.; Van ~rtIandt, John, business busIDess practices, sr, 10, 78, 79. ~racllces, 59, 60, 72, 77, 79. 88, 81, 92, 98. 117, u8. 119. 207; S9, 90. 96, 98, 99. 102, 116, 122; extent of trade, lIS. 116, 122, extent of trade, 91, 92, 194, 208- 194, 208. 224, 241; personal 210, 22J, 241; land holdings, 134- fortune, 19; investments, 127, 137, 138: scarcity of money, 318, 128, 129, 132; war contracts, 292, 336; severity of customs regu­ 294, 299; political activities, 39. latiolUl. 319; Stamp Act 329' 4'1, 42. 44; on education, 35; on Sugar Act, 321, 322; suBar ~ ,fur trade, 3100-311; on illicit ~~iog. 148. 350; mentioned, 29. trade, 261. 267. 275. 276; on en­ forcem ...t of Acts of trade, 319; Van Dam. Anthony. 154, :a86 on land speculation, 139; on Vander Heyden, David. 238 ~rosperity in 17590 313; opposi­ Vander Heyden, J?irck, IBI, 186 tion to Paper Money Act, J21: Van Horn.. DaVId. 22, 211 _-J: opposition to Stamp Act, 327. 350 ' ."-,, 329. 3JO. 331 ; opposition to Van Ranst. Bowen &.196 Townshend Acts, 335 i reaction Van Ranst. Luke, 350 to Boston Fort Bill. 347; scarcity· Van Rannselaer, ·Stephen. 14 of money. tOO, 324. 3[8; men­ V~/andt, Jacobus~ '4'. 223. 225. tioned, ... 24, 36. 40, 227. 351 Wendell, Abraham. 21B Vendue houses. 86, 92- S •• Auction West Indies, 165. 166 ef seq.) 311. Verplanck, Gulian. 2OD, 211 338, 192 349 .' West India merchants. 6.l Verplanck, Samuel, 339 Wharton, Joseph, IB3. 223, 224, Vesuvius Furnace, lSI 225. 226, 259 Virginia, 122, 208 Wharton, Thomas, 258, 346 Wh.. lwright. Nathaniel, 31B W Whigs, 349- S .. Popular party Waddell. John. 183. 223, 241. 257 White, Henry. 16, 22, 34. 36. 390 258, 259 • 41, 134, 351; invesbnent 1.)2, IJ6, Waddell. Robert Ross. 188, 351 140, 225; navy contract, 2IJo4; Wallace, Alexander, 351, 2a4 agent for East India Co.. 344 Wallace, Hugh. 16, 190 36, 39. 41. Wholesaler. sS sr, sa. 61, 131, 224. 351 .. Wilkes of America", 341 Walton. Gerard, 138 Wilk:ocks, John, liB Walton. Jacob, 24, 51. 138. 346 Williams, Collector Olarl... 26g, Walton, Thomas, 136 272. 276 Walton. William, 30. 300 40, 51. Windward Islands. 91 ~I. 233 65. 8g, 138, 141. 3490 Wraxall. Peter. rs;, 64. 3JIS. Wright, William, 110 Wanton, Joseph, asS Y War busin.... 300 d ..". YO\D1& Hamilton, 188, 351 VITA

VIRGINIA DRAPER HARRINGTON was born in New York City on December IS, 1903. After a preparatory education in the city schools, she entered Barnard College from which she was graduated with the degree of A. B. in 1924. Upon graduation she began graduate work in history at Columbia University, and received her A. M. in 1925. In 1925-26 she taught in the Mt. Holly High School at Mt. Holly, N. J., and in 1926-27 was substitute instructor of history at Hunter College, New York City. She returned to COlumbia in the fall of 1927 to continue study toward the Ph. D. In 1928-29 she was Honorary Fellow of Columbia University, and in 1929 went abroad to do research in the British archives in London. From 1930 to 1932 she taught at the Fieldston­ Ethical Culture School, New York. Since 1932 she has been tutor and instructor of history at College at the College of the City of New York. She has published .. New York and the Embargo of 1807," Jountal of t"eNew Yo,.k State Historical Associatioll, 1927; .. The Place of the Merchant in Provincial Life," New Yo,.k History, 1932; .. The Colonial Merchant's Ledger," History of tM State of NftJI York, ed. Alexander C. Flick, vol. II, chap. 8 (New York, 1933); and jointly with Professor Evarts B. Greene, Amnicall POPMIatioll before tM Federal CeISSNS of 1790 (New York, 1932).