Descendants of Ottiwell Heginbotham in Marple, CELF and Stoney Middleton
Descendants of Ottiwell Heginbotham in Marple, CELF and Stoney Middleton Jeremy Greenwood Table of Contents .Descendants . .of . .Ottiwell . Heginbotham. .1 . .First . Generation. .1 . .Second . Generation. .5 . .Third . Generation. .9 . .Fourth . Generation. .15 . .Source . .Citations . .20 . .Fifth . Generation. .21 . .Source . .Citations . .35 . .Sixth . Generation. .37 . .Source . .Citations . .58 . .Seventh . .Generation . .59 . .Source . .Citations . .79 . .Eighth . .Generation . .81 . .Source . .Citations . .109 . .Ninth . .Generation . .117 . .Source . .Citations . .171 . .Tenth . Generation. .191 . .Source . .Citations . .276 . .11th . .Generation . .313 . .Source . .Citations . .394 . .12th . .Generation . .425 . .Source . .Citations . .462 . .13th . .Generation . .471 . .Source . .Citations . .477 . .14th . .Generation . .479 . .Source . .Citations . .480 . .Name . .and . .Location . .Indexes . .481 . Produced by Legacy Descendants of Ottiwell Heginbotham First Generation 1. Ottiwell Heginbotham Turf Lee was born Est _____-_____-1550 in N/K, was christened n/k in __________, __________, __________, __________, died circa _____-_____-1602 in Turf Lee, Marple aged about 52, and was buried _____- _____-_____ in Marple, Cheshire. Noted events in his life were: • Note: possible match, _____-_____-_____, __________, __________, __________, __________. Lambeth palace lib. Talbot Papers MS.3197 Folio 303 The Lords of the Council to the Earl of Shrewsbury, Earl Marshal, from Westminster, 29 May 1579. They have examined Otwall Higginbotham Turf Lee cottages touching his speeches for the assistance of the Earl's tenants in Glossopdale and find the case not proved, so they have sent him to crave the Earl's favour [cf. Acts of the Privy Council 1578-80, p. 145]. 2pp. Clerk's hand, signed. Endorsed. Address in sixth Earl's hand. • He signed a will in _____-_____-1602 in __________, __________, __________, __________.
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