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~'Ourglass 1 5 at 1424 HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE 4~8 at 0742 6-20-69 3 9 at 2030 1 9 at 0118 ~'OURGlASS 1 5 at 1424 VOL 9, No 8427 KWAJALl: IN, MARSHALL ISLANDS Thursday, Jun: 19, 19691 Harriman Hopes Troop Withdrawal Nixon Confident Will Reach 100,000 by Year's End Fight for ABM WASHINGTON (UPI) -- W Averell Harrlman, Chlef U S Negotlaror At the ParlS Will be Won Peace Talks for PresldLnt Lyndon Il Johnson, sald today ne cerunnly hopes the WASHINGTON (LPI) -- Presldent Nixon Nlxon AdmlnlstraOon wLll wlthdraw at least 100,00C troops from Vlet '<m by the said tonlght that '~ew lntelllgence In­ end of the year, WhlCh lS a faster pace than lS now contemplated formation" on Sovlet weapons tests make Harriman, In an lntervlew wlth UPI, sald he recommended as fdr rd,k as last antibaillstlc misslles "even more im­ November that the Unlt"d States pullout 50,000 men as qUlckly as posslb]p be­ portant" than when he proposed them ln cause he belleved thls would have lnduced Hanoi and the Vlet Cong to r~gl~ Sln- March cere talks for a politLcal settlement N1xon said eVldence lndlcates that If He repeated thlS recommendatl0n to New US Policy Toward Russla contlnues developlng multlple­ Presldent Nlxon's ~dm1llstratlon when warhead mlsslles, It could endanger 80 lt came ]~to of [Ice H~rrjman sald But Latin America Expected percent of thlS country's 1000 Mlnute­ It recelved no more I_vordblL l' tlon man lntercontlnental ballistlc mlsslles from the Republlcans t'lan 1 t Iidd from ~As'nNrTO~ (UPI) -- The Un"Lted 'tdtes (ICBM) ln 1973 h1.S own Democratlc P~e,ldent w ~ expectei La announce tOMorrOW d Nlxon told his news conference that The 77-vear-old flndncler-dlplomat dC', i "Lon '0 end a tour-) ear-Clld re 50 to 51 U S Senators now favor his who served ln hlgh posts under every ot! ct10n on J S forei!,l aid trat har; proposed AB'1 system, called "Safeguard" Democratlc Presldent Slnce tran~lln 0 [',en a major 1 rlt~nt to L3t1i1 Am~ril", He sald 46 are agalnst and the rest Roosevelt, sald he dld not know whether natl0ns are undeclded the Hano] government w)uld ~espond fd­ The Nlxon ~dmlnlstratlon ~iJl 1 ft a Nlxon rebuffed a suggestl0n by Sen­ vorably now to a major troop wlthdraw­ regulatlon--knmm as "add It onallly" ator Edward W Brooke, (Rep -Mass ) and al as he felt lt would havp as recent­ that was intended to preve~t all reel other leglslators that the Unlted ly as last January Dlents wOll~WldL troIT us'n~ dld fund States suspend tests of its own mul­ Harrlm,n endorsed ln general term~ to J-,Uy U S a'L-flIlanLed exports t1 ey tlple warhead mlsslles ln order not to a oroposal by former Defense Secreta~y otl-lt::'I"W'~se wou'd hdVL purcr'-'sed cotn.-rne.l­ Jeopardlze arms talks Clark M Cllfford that Presldent Nlxon rldlly He sald thlS country lS conslderlng undertake a malor reductlon In mliltary The nile "as adopted 1" 19F~ '1& p rt H~ADY, WILLTNG AND ABLE Jpecs/5 Gregg the posslhlilty of a mutual ban on mul­ operatlons In V1Lt ~am and wlthdraw a of a Treasury llepdLtmc'1 r l'rogram to M7 chaud (left), St Lou~s, Mo , and tiple warhead testlng, but only as a ~arge numher of Amerlcan troops 1.n an ease tr~ lmpact of fore~r~ ald on the Ir01"1a3 N~ece, f!rnladelph~a, Pa , lost part of a U S -Sovlet arms control effort to create 3 better atmosphere natlOI"S b"lal re of paIments deflclts no t&me packLng thc"r gear after learn­ agreement for the ParlS Pedce lalks In w:Jrld trade "ng the~r 9th D~v~s~on Un~t w~ll be Nlxon sald the "new lntelllQ;enCe" Cllfforrl's proposal drew endorsements Announcement uf the decls1un wp ex­ leav~ng V~etnam as part of Pres"dent bearlng on ABM had to do wlth the foot­ today also from Senate Democrdtlc Lead­ t l cted to be made by Chal 1 es A "eyer-­ PlLI"on's 25,000-'lI!JYI czdbacp prlnt of Sovlet mult1ple warhead mis­ er Mlke ~,nsfleld and Senate Democratlc Ass1~tant SecretalY of State for In­ sile tests Th1S means the area ln WhIP Edward M Kennedy, who said tl'L, te "-A~krlran affairs--at Illln1sterial Jack Lynch Claims whlch the warheads land hoped the Admln1stratl0n woul1 glve ] evel dlSC'_ 1 JUs of thE Inter- Ameri- This "footprlnt" Nlxon said Just hap­ lt Serl0U& conslderatlon tOn hconomlc anu Soclal Cou~(.l now pens to fall 1n somewhat the preClse ~len questloned on the detalls of rt'e t1ng 11\ 1'ru ldad and Tr ",0 The Victory in Ireland's area in whlch our Mlnutemen silos are Cllfford's proposal, Harrlmd~ sald 'J (01m'll lS ,-"'posed of de.l' £;dtes the located " certalnl! hope th,t 100,000 t oops can Ur t' i States n,l 21 Latin Am2r1can na­ General Election Thls appeared to be an off-the- cuff De wlthdrawn by the end of the year " t] onLr.-ad rlimaril{ ~lt hemi- DUBLIN (UPI) -- Pre!n1er J,ck Lync" to­ way of saylng that the "footprlnt" 1S Eut he declIned to say whether \r r LY2e L u omlL ~~~ues day clalmed v1ctory for hIS llanna Fall to U S offlclals flttlng the spaCIng proved Cllfford's suggestl0n that .A 109 uf ~td Iest.Lictlons wac a ma­ Party ln Ireland's generdl electlon and of U S Mlnuteman mlsslles other 100 000 to 150,000 ~hould .om l( [ 'l"1t 11' lecommenr'dtlons coubmltted predicted hlS government w()u'd nave a U S multlple warhead mlsslles are out by the end of 1970 WhlCh would to Presld~nt Nixon l-st week by repre- maJorlty ln the new parliament deslgned to hlt cltles hundreds of leave only Amerlcan 10glStlC support s~ntat1v' o~ 21 Jut 1 countrle~ who "The rpStU ts have been very satlsfac­ mlles apart But lntelligence offlCl­ [u ::es al,1) air "upport for the !': .... .,,, .... .::"r ><-c _ -::::.J of tIl fgir U S t!"!Jc1e and tory Fianna Fail has held its own gen­ als say the Soviet warheads are 1"00 government aid pollcies erally and we will have a majority in closely spaced when they land to serve The lmportant th1ng, Harrih. ~ixo'1 sald last Frjdcl) that th~ parliamenl," Lynch sald that purpose was to reduce "t'''' level of "flr"t fTU_ t " )f hl- AamHllstratlon 's At 6 pm returns showed Flanna Fail Also, offlclals belleve, each Sov1et actlon and vl01ence on both <ades," il new latin-~erlcd POI"Lcy ~ould emerge ~ad won 29 seats to 10 seats for the warhead is so blg that lt would be un­ a f1rst step with polJtlcal nLgot~d­ at the councll mr tlng tnls weekend oppositlon party, Flne Gael, and four necessary to bracket a number of them tlons taklng plac~ after thlS has been Meyer P '"rla] ne'] the change in ald re­ seats for the La~or Party around a U S clty Therefore, they dccompl1shed gulatl0ns dt a 90-mi'I' ,t closed seSSlon The returns showed that there had not conclude the Sovlet weapons are a real The Nlxon Admlnlstr ,tion IS seek1ng of the HO'Js~ Intel-Amerlcan AftaHs Sub been a Shlft ln trailtlonal alleglances threat to Minuteman to accompllsh both at the same tlme or Committee jesteraay lespite predlcllons of an lncreased la­ lf ncces&ari nove flr t on the polltlc­ bor vote President's News al front bv holding flee ele::tions In SDS Members Hurl In the outgoing parllament, Flanna the South Fail had 74 of the 144 seats,Flne Gael Conference Highlights HarrIman contended that a golden op Barbs at Each Other had 46 and Labor three Independents port unity was lost la t ~ovember after held three and three were vacant WASHINGTON (UPI) Here are thp Johnson's actl0n endlIlg all bomblng ln During Convention Flnal results wl11 not be In unt1l hlghlights from Pres1dent Nlxon's news the ~orth At that t G'e, he s'lld, the tomorrow mornlng although deflnlte conference North Vietnamese 'pul Led out 90 perc. ~r (HlC}(\' (I fI, -- Met1L:':"s of tue StlJ- trends could be ascertalned by late to- Vlet Nam Njxon expressed the hope of thelr troops from I he two 10 t ,1il nents _ ... mocrati' S.)c L"tV today day but dld not promIse that U S forces provlnces of South Vi, t Hrlm" n~""ng htrlcd i~.~ 0g1cal ~arbs at each other ln South VIet Nam could be reduced half of its troops as far north as tr,e lnslJe d v nuke-clouded ChlC830 Collscum~~--~~---------------------------------' faster than the wlthdrawal timetable 20th parallel, which lS more than WO and wrang.1.t'd wHh newsmen and taunted IATFR USIcD 33J,800 gallons put forward by war crit1c Clark rlif­ miles north of the Demll1tarlLed Zone pollcemen OutSL 8 the convention hall ford, the former Defense Secletary He then urged an end to the "search Mlchael Jllonsky, Ctllef Natiunal Se::- ,1f,TER IN STORAGE 7,230,000 gal101 s Cllfford has recommended wlthdra\lng and destroy" strategy--contending that rctar; of SDS dnd leader of ltS doml- 100,000 U S troops by the end of the HanOl was probably reldy to negotlate ndting factlun, drew wild cheers when TS~ t ~t a pleasant s~ght to see our year and all but alr and lOglStlC sup­ In sincerity 1£ the Amerlcara took the he called r or a "revolutionary strug- ' "'ater ~n storage' ga~n from day to port by the end of 1970 pressure off them gle agdlns I 1 mper 1 ,llsm" dnd branded ~.!L?The cond~ t~on ~s yellolL' Paris Peace Talks "I am not peSSl­ as "whae supremacists" all SDS mem- mlstlc about the outcome" He sa1d bers who ao not belleve Negroes should that whlle the two sides still are far "secede" flom the nation apart on rost Issues, '~e belleve the T oday's News HundrpQr of motley-garbed youths Ban Against Literacy time wlll come for dlScuss10ns of sub­ chanted "Mao Mao" and c:tdmped tre1r stance and we hope w1thln the next two teet in approval ~hen lUl kJ, t1 e Tests Being Considered or three months to see some progress ln fo m 1e.
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