USA West Province Newsletter • San Francisco, California February 26, 2017

sian Family attend and be enriched by this Ecclesial experience. I es- pecially enjoyed participating at one of the Saturday evening Liturgies presided by Bishop Robert McEl- roy, Bishop of San Diego. That particular Eucharist was celebrated in remembrance of immigrants, Ex- MARCH BIRTHDAYS iles and Refugees. While the entire Mass was inspiring with its readings Fr. Harold Danielson...... 01 from Scripture and beautiful music, Br. Joseph Reza...... 10 I was particularly moved by Bishop McElroy’s homily on the undocu- Fr. Bob Stein...... 11 mented and the present treatment Fr. Chris Rosales...... 17 of many immigrants in our country. Br. Joe Lockwood...... 27 Dear Salesian Sisters and Bishop McElroy reflected on a doc- Fr. Armand Oliveri...... 30 Brothers, umentary on the Rwandan Genocide Fr. Itchan Laygo...... 31 where more than 800,000 Rwandans I am still basking from the wonder- were methodically hunted down and PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK ful experience of the Los Angeles murdered by Hutu extremists while Religious Education Congress in most of the Western world refused Fr. Steve Shafran, SDB Anaheim, California, that took place to get involved and just kept silent. Br. Bruno de Pretto, SDB this last weekend. The theme this McElroy encouraged us not to do Fr. Mario Rosso, SDB year was: “Embrace Trust.” I was the same today as we see methodic blessed to have been able to attend operations to deport immigrants. Fr. Armand Oliveri, SDB the entire Congress – from Friday We are disciples of Christ and we Fr. Arthur Lenti, SDB to Sunday. While I did not attend must not be afraid to question and Fr. Larry Lorenzoni, SDB every workshop session, I was able even “disrupt” the staus quo which Fr. Jesse Montes, SDB to meet countless people, many who keeps silent because of fear. Unfor- I see only once a year at this event, tunately, many Church Leaders are REST IN PEACE spend some time at our Salesian keeping silent or barely mentioning booth, attend some great Liturgies what we see and hear taking place Doris Roche and enjoy good meals with friends. around us, as families are being torn Mother of Fr. John Roche. RIP on Jan.23rd apart and many good people are be- Fr. Amable Lorenzo, SDB I realize that not all of my Salesian ing deported without any consider- the of our Fr. Avelino Brothers and Sisters were able to at- ation of their situation. Not all those RIP on Jan.18th tend the Congress or remain for the deported are violent or dangerous Archbishop Patrick Flores three full days. But, I was happy to criminals. As Salesians we are chal- Archbishop of San Antonio, Tx see so many members of our Sale- lenged to teach our young people to He was a Salesian Cooperator RIP on Jan.9th

INTOUCH • February 26, 2017 1 make a difference in society and I will be in Bellflower all week until open to the Holy Spirit and be cou- make this a better world. While I Friday, when I start the official visi- rageous in what we need to do as we am no example of one who speaks tation of St. Parish. try to help the Province move for- out with courage, I often pray and I will be staying at St. ward. It has become increasingly reflect on what I personally can do High School and visiting the Parish difficult as we encounter less SDBs to make this a better and more just until Monday, March 6th. The fol- who can be fully active in our Sale- society. Let us continue to reflect, lowing week, on March 8th, I will sian ministry. Also, our financial pray, observe and take some action be attending the Members meeting resources present huge challenges. to support our brothers and sisters for St. John Bosco High School. On Many of our SDBs are getting older, who are afraid, suffering, treated in- Thursday, March 9th, I will drive up sickly and tired. I struggle with humanely or are vulnerable. to San Francisco and begin my visi- keeping and maintaining all of our tation of Bosco Hall, Berke- ministries to the young and caring I wish to thank Br. Al Vu and his ley on Friday evening, March 10th. for our SDBs who face a variety of youth ministry team for setting up Somewhere in-between those days, issues in their lives, whether it be a beautiful booth at Congress. I I hope to take a day or two of prayer physical, psychological or personal. heard that many people stopped by at the House of Prayer for Priests. The theme of this year’s Religious and were touched by the message of Education Congress, “Embrace Don Bosco. My thanks to all who On Monday, March 13th, the Pro- Trust,” challenges me, in particular, worked at the booth (SDBs, FMAs vincial Council will meet in Santa but all of us, to be men and women and Salesian young people and Cruz, at Villa Maria Del Mar until of prayer—true prayer—and trust members of our Salesian Family). Wednesday evening, March 15th. in God. Don Bosco, in his lifetime, Many Thanks! This particular meeting will be im- was challenged with many difficul- portant as we try to finalize the as- ties (even to the point of losing all Now we must come down the Moun- signments for next year. Please keep of what he had worked so hard to tain and back to the valley of work. us in your prayers that we may be build) but, while at times saddened

INTOUCH • February 26, 2017 2 and discouraged, he never lost his minderProvince that we Calendar were formed 2017out of of Fasting. And, may these asceti- trust in Divine Providence and in ashesProvince (Genesis) of St. Andrewand into theashes Apostle and cal practices lead us to actions of . We too, dust weSan shall Francisco, return. CaliforniaWe recall that justice, kindness and reaching out as January,followers 2017of that dreamer, Don our bodiesAs ofbear February the April,imprint 22, 201 20177 of the to our brothers and sisters who are

Bosco, must not give up hope, no first creation when man and woman poor, desperate and suffering. January,1 SU 2017 Mother of God 135 -15 MO WE- WE ProvincialDirectors-Pastors Council Meeting, Meeting, matter 3-5 the TU-THresistance andProvincial misunder Council- were Meeting, fashioned from the dust. But, Villa 10:00 Maria AM to del Dinner, Mar, Santa Cruz standings.1 SU We must prayMotherSalesian for cour of Preparatory, God- in faith Richmond we remember,17 too, FRthat by WithSt.Corpus warm Patrick’s Christi, regards, Day San Francisco 3-5 TU-TH Provincial Council Meeting, 19 SU Salesian Family Province Day, age,4 wisdom WE and trust! Provincial Councilthe Presentation: new creation we6-7 also bear TH-FR the Provincial Council Meeting, SalesianCare of thePreparatory, Elders Richmond Bellflower, Provincial Residence, followed by San Rock Francisco Out 45 WE TH ProvincialProvincial CouncilCouncil:image Presentation: of Jesus who 11-17was raised TU-MO to Poverty,Provincial Bellflower Visitation, This Wednesday, we CareReportbegin of ontheour Novitiate Elders glory. In confident26-2 hope SU- weTH trust “Conjunto”, San Luis Rey, Cochabamba, Laredo Bolivia Lenten510-19 journeyTH TU-TH with AshProvincialProvincila Wednes Council:Visitation,- that Salesian one day God will 16 raise SU and Easter Sunday Report Community on Novitiate Bellflower April,24-26 2017 MO-WE North American Salesian Conference day.10-16 19 The TU- MO simpleTH symbolProvincila Martin of Luther the Visitation, King,transform Quarterly Salesian our Day mortal bodies. May Fr. TedNew Montemayor, Hampshire SDB ashes, 17 which TU are freely givenCommunity Province to all,Financial, Bellflower this Advisory Lenten Mtg. season be5 28a time WEof FR deep DirectorsBoard Meeting,-Pastors Bosco Meeting, Tech, saints1618 andMO WEsinners, is a signMartinBoard and MembersLuther re- King, @reflection, 1:30 Quarterly PM Day prayer and some form 10:00 Rosemead AM to@ Dinner, 10:00 AM 17 TU ProvinceSJB Bellflower Financial Advisory Mtg. 28-3 FR-WE CorpusProvincial Christi, Visitation, San Francisc Provincialo 1824 WE TU BoardSt. Francis Members de Sales, @ 1:30 Patron PM 6-7 TH -FR ProvincialResidence, Council San Francisco Meeting, 27-30 FR-MO SJBProvincial Bellflower Visitation, Corpus Christi, Provincial Residence, San Francisco 24 TU St. , Patron San Francisco 11May,-17 2017TU-MO Provincial Visitation, 3131Province TU TU St.St. JohnJohn Calendar Bosco,Bosco, FounderFounder San Luis Rey, Laredo 164 SU TH EasterMembers Sunday Board w/ Dinner February,February, 20172017 24 -26 MO -WE North @ 4:00 American PM Salesian, Salesian Richmond Conference 6 SA NewSt. Dominic Hampshire Savio 11 WE WE MassMass forfor DeceasedDeceased ConfrereConfrere 287-9 FR SU-TU BoardProvincial Meeting, Council Bosco Meeting, Tech, 11 WE WE MembersMembers BoardBoard w/w/DinnerDinner RosemeadSt. Luke’s, @ Stockton 10:00 AM @ @ 4:00PM4:00PM St.St. FrancisFrancis HighHigh SchoolSchool 28-312-14 FR FR-SU-WE ProvincialProvincial Visitation,Visit, St. Bridget Provincial Parish, Residence,Los Angeles San Francisco 22 TH TH MembersMembers BoardBoard @@ 12:0012:00 PMPM Salesian, Richmond 13 SA St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello Salesian, Richmond 16 TU St. Louis Orione 2-62-6 TH TH-MO-MO ProvincialProvincial Visitation,Visitation, SSSS P&P,P&P, May, 2017 San Francisco 17 WE Members Board @ 10:00 AM San Francisco 2 TU Province St. Francis Finance High School Advisory 77 TU TU PiusPius IXIX 18 TH Committee,Board Members San FranciscoW/ Dinner @ 5:20 7-7-1010 TU TU-FR-FR Visit, Visit, Curatorium,Curatorium, Orange,Orange, NJNJ 4 TH Members @ 1:30 PM, Board SJB w/ Bellflower Dinner 99 TH TH Bl.Bl. EusebiaEusebia PalominoPalomino Yenes,Yenes, vir.vir. 24 WE @Mary 4:00 Help PM ofSalesian, Christians Richmond 1212-14-14 SU SU-TU-TU ProvincialProvincial CouncilCouncil Meeting,Meeting, 5-629 FR MO-SA Provin Memorialcial DayCouncil Meeting, Don Don BoscoBosco Tech,Tech, RosemeadRosemead Provincial Residence 1313 MO MO ProvincialProvincial CCouncilouncil Presentation:Presentation: 6June, 2017SA St. Dominic Savio SharingSharing thethe MissionMission withwith thethe LaityLaity 9-12 TU-FR ESA, Medellin, Columbia 1616 TH TH Trusts Trusts MeetingsMeetings 12-14 FR-SU Provincial Visit, St. Bridget Parish, 17 FR Board Meeting, Bosco Tech, 4-10 SU-SA Arrowhead Days, Arrive 3:00 PM 17 FR Board Meeting, Bosco Tech, 8 TH LosBl. StephanAngeles Sandor Rosemead @ 10:00 AM Rosemead @ 10:00 AM 1316 SA FR St.Board Mary Meeting, Domenica Bosco Mazzarello Tech, 17-20 FR-MO Provincial Visit, St. Mary’s Parish, 17-20 FR-MO Provincial Visit, St. Mary’s Parish, 16 TU St. Rosemead, Louis Orione @ 10:00 AM Los Angeles Los Angeles 1718-23 WE SU-FR Members Retreat at BoardThree @Rivers 10:00 AM 20 MO President’s Day 20 MO President’s Day 19-24 MO-SA St.SYLC Francis 2017, High Camp School St. Francis 23-26 TH-SU Religious Ed Congress 23-26 TH-SU Religious Ed Congress 1823 TH FR BoardSt. Joseph Members Cafasso W/ Dinner 2525 SA SA SS.SS. LouisLouis VersigliaVersiglia && CallistusCallistus @ 1:30 PM, SJB Bellflower Caravario Caravario,, SalesianSalesian ProtomartyrsProtomartyrs 19-22 FR-MO Provincial Visitation, Corpus Christi, July, 2017 San Francisco March,March, 20172017 24 WE Mary Help of Christians 294 MO TU Memorial Independence Day Day 1 WE Ash Wednesday 7 FR Bl. Maria Romero Meneses, FMA 1 WE Ash Wednesday 31 WE Trusts Meetings @ 9:30 AM 3-6 FR-MO Provincial Visit, St. Dominic 9-11 SU-TU Provincial Council Meeting 3-6 FR-MO SavioProvincial Parish, Visit, Bellflower St. Dominic Provincial Residence, SF 8 WE BoardSavio Parish,Members Bellflower @ 1:30 PM 17-21 MO-FR SUE-SUO Directors’ Workshop, 8 WE SJBBoard Bellflower Members @ 1:30 PM Berkeley 10 -17 FR- FR ProvincialSJB Bellflower Visitation, Don Bosco 30-4 SU-FR Retreat, San Juan Bautista 10-17 FR-FR Hall,Provincial St. Ambrose, Visitation, Berkeley Don Bosco Hall, St. Ambrose, Berkeley 13 MO Provincial Council Presentation: August, 2017 12-14 SU-TU OnProvincial-Going FCouncilormation Meeting Don Bosco Hall, Berkeley 13 MO Provincial Council Presentation: 13-15 SU-TU Provincial Council Meeting, On-Going Formation St. John Bosco HS, Bellflower 17 FR St. Patrick’s Day INTOUCH • February15 26, 2017 TU Assumption of Our Lady 3 19 SU Salesian Family Province Day, 25 FR Blessed Maria Troncatti Bellflower, followed by Rock Out 26 SA Blessed Zeffirino Namuncurá Poverty, Bellflower 28-1 TU-SA “Conjunto”, Cochabamba, Bolivia INTOUCH • February 26, 2017 4 INTOUCH • February 26, 2017 5 SCHEDULE OF THE DAY

9:00 AM - 9:45 AM 12:45 PM - 2:15 PM


9:45 AM 2:45 PM


10:00 AM - 11:30 AM 4:00 PM


11:30 AM - 12:30 PM * No cost to attend LUNCH

INTOUCH • February 26, 2017 6 Jaryn Breakfield St. Luke Parish, Stockton Jenny Ho St. George Parish, Ontario Megan Kelly St. Francis High School, Watsonville Simone Lamboy St. Ambrose Parish, Berkeley Eligio Marquez St. Dominic Savio Parish, Bellflower Sofia Ortega St. Francis High School, Watsonville Tyler Paniagua St. John Bosco High School, Bellflower Vivian Pham St. Barbaras Parish, Santa Ana Katie So St. Francis High School, Watsonville

INTOUCH • February 26, 2017 7 St. Mary’s Chronicles


The gathering of the Regional Pastoral Councils occurs each year in order to share our common goals and focus on an Archdiocesan priority. This year the theme was Marriage and Family Life. Our San Gabriel was well represented in the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council. It also had the most attendees of all of the rest of the regions at this gathering.

St. Mary’s Church and Saint Dominic Church were represented by Anna Luna, Yolanda Gonzalez, Sister Debbie Walker, FMA (picture above with the archbishop), Fr. Jesse Montes, SDB, and Fr. Kristian Laygo, SDB (pictured left, sitting next to the archbishop). Also pictured giving the keynote address is Bishop David O’Connell.

INTOUCH • February 26, 2017 8

Guest Speakers

The objectives of the Interregional Gathering were: To identify new ways to witness to the beauty and realism of married life which is exclusive, permanent and fruitful; build a culture which lovingly invites and prepares men and women to accept ever more deeply in their lives a robust embrace of marriage in its fullness; build pathways to enhance the spiritual depth of family life in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles; minister caringly, effectively and authentically to our brothers and sisters who have experienced divorce. Partial list of noted guest speakers: Archbishop José Gomez, Bishop David O’Connell, Joan Yolanda Gonzalez showing off her autographed copy Vienna (Director), Ted & Terri Furlow, Graciela Villalobos, Kenny and of Archbishop José Gomez’ new book: Witness of the Roseanne Becker, Bobby Vidal, and Alma Islas. New World of Faith: A Study Guide of the Pastoral Letter of Most Reverend José H. Gomez, Archbishop.

INTOUCH • February 26, 2017 9


Every month, Fr. Beto Chavez holds a week long course for our parishioners. A total of sixty parishioners attend the classes. For the month of February the classes discussed Why we are Christian? Fr. Beto is a dynamic teacher (illustrated by the photos to the left). He keeps the classes exciting and entertaining for all that attend.


The Salesian Cooperators, who set up the hall and prepare the refreshments for the formation classes for Fr. Beto S.D.B., were introduced to the parishioners. The Salesian Cooperators along with Fr. Beto invited everyone attending the classes to consider signing up to become a Salesian Cooperator. The two year program will begin shortly to allow parishioners to become new members Left to Right: Don Lupe Castaneda, Mari Castaneda, Rosa of the Salesian Cooperators. Flores, Fr. Beto, and Ana Anguiano.

INTOUCH • February 26, 2017 10

Aladdin: St. Mary, Patron of the Arts Casa 101 located in the heart of our parish is dedicated to promoting the arts in our neighborhood. They have an excellent children’s and teen’s program. Eddie Padilla, actor and president of Casa’s board, was master of ceremonies at the 2015 Don Bosco Celebration at St. Mary’s. Above are: cast members; Jose Huizar, L. A. council member and family, who helped to produce the production; and, Fr. Ted, our provincial, who was on official visitation of the St. Mary’s Community. St. Mary’s promotes Casa at the parish. It sponsors the yearly PASTORELA Christmas production starring Eddie Padilla, as the good angel. Some of the youth group and confirmation students take part in Casa’s programs. And, our staff attends some of Casa’s productions.

Going to the Cathedral! All the confirmation students went on a field trip to visit the Our Lady Queen of Angels Cathedral in downtown. The students were given a tour by a professional docent. Teachers Danny Robles (Bosco Tech alum) and Leo Imbert accompanied Idaelia “Yeya” Preciado, director of the program here at St. Mary’s. Just before their departure, using public transportation, leaders at the Salesian Boys and Girls Club visited our group (see picture to the left).

Lights! Camera! Action! St. Mary’s was host to a movie filming crew. The scenes took place in the parking lot, in front of the rectory, and in the alley. It was a music video about two young adult crooks who, guilt ridden, leave the stolen money in the Church. A popular Canadian singer starred. Lately, St. Mary’s has been a favorite among location scouts.


--Middle School Girls Will Be STEM School’s Special Guests

ROSEMEAD, CA. – February 13, 2017 – National En- “Because Bosco Tech is a STEM-focused campus, Engi- gineers Week is an important event on the campus of neers Week is a natural fit for us,” said President Xavier Don Bosco Technical Institute (Bosco Tech’s) because of Jimenez. “Our students always enjoy learning about ca- the school’s focus on the science, math, engineering and reer fields that many are considering pursuing in the fu- technology (STEM) fields. On Wednesday, February 22, ture, and having seasoned professionals in a variety of Bosco Tech will share its annual celebration with middle fields offering knowledgeable advice is an invaluable school girls from Academia Avance, a Los Angeles Uni- opportunity. This year, we hope our special guests from fied School District charter school. Academia Avance will also benefit from the experience.”

The younger students will sit in on presentations given Celebrating its sixty second year, Bosco Tech is an all- by respected scientists and engineers, many of whom male Catholic high school that combines a rigorous are Bosco Tech alumni. The guest college-preparatory program with a speakers will cover a variety of top- technology-focused education. The ics related to the interesting world innovative STEM curriculum al- of engineering and science, high- lows students to exceed university lighting the many exciting and di- admission requirements while com- verse professional opportunities pleting extensive integrated course- those fields offer. work in one of five applied science and engineering fields. Each year “It’s so important for students--and for the past several years, one hun- especially girls--to meet and listen dred percent of the graduating class to scientists and engineers who are has earned college acceptances. impacting the STEM professions Visit for more and our world,” said Bosco Tech information. President Xavier Jimenez. “Cur- rently, women make up only 29 percent of the science According to, Bosco Tech ranks in the top and engineering workforce. By hosting the Academia three of all-boys schools in the Los Angeles metro area Avance middle school students, we hope to inspire these and among the top 100 all-boys high schools in America. young ladies to consider the STEM fields as they plan for Founded in 2002 by Carnegie Mellon University stu- their university studies and future careers.” dents as, Niche provides reviews from everyday experts on neighborhoods, colleges, and Representing companies like Northrop Grumman, Lock- K-12 schools to provide students, families and profes- heed Martin, and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, sionals with insight into important life decisions. the speakers will cover topics as diverse as developing partnerships between engineering and business, creating Academia Avance is a charter school located in Highland space flight mechanisms, and designing cinematography Park. For more information, visit www.academiaavance. special effects. Students, who will select the presenta- org tions of their choice, can ask questions about the speak- ers’ companies, career pathways and university course work. INTOUCH • February 26, 2017 12 FEBRUARY SALESIAN INTENTION IN THE LIGHT OF THE HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTION

For Salesians in the Americas

That they may keep alive in their hearts the love of Jesus for poor youth.

This is the crucial challenge for all Salesians: to have the courage to open our eyes and hearts to learn about the needs of the poor, refu- gees and marginalised. They are the fruit of our selfishness. This will also lead to open our structures, our homes and communities to rec- ognise the person of Christ in each of them.

INTOUCH • February 26, 2017 13 MEET THE PROFESSION CLASS OF 2016 (Source from Vocation Office of Conference of Catholic Bishop website)

We asked some of our newly professed men and women religious to tell us something about themselves that others might find surprising. Their answers below provide some insight to how each discovered their vocational call. Congratulations to the Profession Class of 2016!

People might be surprised to know that I was voted "most likely to be a " by my senior class in my public high school which was a shock to me! I didn't consider religious life until I was 21 years old and sitting in the church one day when a religious sister just asked me, "Have you ever thought about becoming a nun?" I immediately said, "No. I want to get married and have children." God delights in surprising us! She planted the seed that day and six years later I became an IBVM with great joy and peace.

Sister Christa Parra Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary

People might be surprised to know that I considered religious life as a junior in High School but put it off. I wanted to mature and grow both in age and in faith to give a definitive answer to the Lord.

Maximilian Avila, OFM Conv. Conventual Province of Our Lady of the Angels

People might be surprised to know that I wanted to be a wife and mother. Jesus took this desire and raised it to Himself by being himself, its fulfillment. He made me His bride and gave me a heart open to become the spiritual mother of all whom I encounter and pray for. Sister Immaculata Rowe Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist

People might be surprised to know that I wanted to become an architect but at the same time I found my vocation at 12 while playing /celebrating mass with my friends in my room. I knew that I wanted to live in community but the Church was persecuted in Cuba and we had no religious around.

Asiel Rodriguez Order of Saint Benedict Benedcitine Abbey of Newark (Newark Abbey)

INTOUCH • February 26, 2017 14 People might be surprised to know that I play the trumpet. I played throughout middle school and high school and now continue to play as a religious sister, especially on and Feast Days. Psalm 150:3, 6: O Praise Him with sound of trumpet...let everything that lives and that breathes give praise to the Lord!

Sister Teresa Morlok, O.C.D. Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Carmel, Alhambra, California

People might be surprised to know that I decided to become a Salesian and joined the consecrated life. I never thought about a vocation until I began to work for the young people and especially the poorest. The love of God inspired me to follow Jesus and to serve the young people.

Vien Nguyen Salesians of Don Bosco Province of Saint Andrew the Apostle, USA West

People might be surprised to know that my missionary vocation started selling bananas. When I was 9 or 10 years old I loved to sell bananas, going to the houses of the people of my town. Visiting people in their homes caused me much joy and if someone did not have money to buy I gave bananas. I returned home without bananas and without money. As a Franciscan Missionary visiting people in their homes is the most I like to do.

Sister Isabel Berrones Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls, Minnesota

People might be surprised to know that I earned a black belt in Tae Kwon Do before I was a teenager. I have forgotten most of it now, but it gave me an appreciation and love of languages and cultures different than my own.

James Smith, C.PP.S. of the Precious Blood Cincinnati Province

“Direct every action to the Lord by saying, “Lord, I offer You this work, please bless it.” -Don Bosco-

INTOUCH • February 26, 2017 15 excess weight or obesity, or even at risk for weight- WeighWeight Matters: In On Reducingrelated conditions. This isRisks why it is so important for for you Your Health to realize that YOUR WEIGHT DOES MATTER! Type II Diabetes?Let me begin by going into the physiological compo- By Sheila Kun RN, BA, BSN, MS nent of a fat cell this week. From Wikipedia in its defini- (Salesian Cooperator) tion of Adipocyte: Adipocytes, also known as lipocytes and fat cells, are the cells that primarily compose I am approaching the subject of weight gingerly. Why? I adipose tissue, specialized in storing energy as fat. don’t want people to think that I am critical of you just because you might be on the “heavy” side. I want to have a deeper understanding of weight and how that affects your health. For the coming weeks, we will unravel how our weight could change our health and more importantly what can we do about it. I dare not offend you by making broad statements about weight or obesity. Hence I was extremely happy to come across thisBy website Sheila “Weight Kun, CooperatorMatters” in their introductory statement about why weight matters. It begins with an opening statement which reflects my belief and my motivation to begin our conversation on weight. If you have taken the Pre-diabetes Risk Test last week, Type 2 today’sThe issue report of weight on how matters to reduce to people the risks in many for pre-diabetes different would be very helpful to you. Per The Diabetes Prevention ways. It evokes many different emotions and can often Program (DPP) report, Wylie-Rosett of the New England be difficult to talk about with your healthcare provider, Journal Medicine 346:393, 2002 had an amazing finding Diabetes onspouse, the reduction friend, loved of risk one factors or others. for diabetes when life style you at risk? changesThe most occur. important A randomized reason whystudy weight of 3200 matters overweight is Are peoplebecause with of yourprediabetes health. was assigned to different groups: take metformin (a drug that lowers blood sugar) or a pla- overweight ceboThere or areto a many lifestyle health change implications –diet-plus-exercise). that accompany excess weight, such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep Inapnea 2001, and researchers others. Sometimes halted the studyweight a canyear even early affect because little to no exercise the difference between groups was so stark. The lifestyle emotional health as well. It is not uncommon for some- Your homework assignment from the Care Ministry this group had a 58% lower risk of diabetes than the placebo one dealing with weight issues to be affected by group. For the people over 60 in the lifestyle group, the week: get yourfamily weight and heighthistory ready. Next week we resultdepression was even or a more lack of stunning self-confidence. – a 70% drop. The Metfor- will need these measurements to know your BMI (Body min group was able to cut the risk down to 31%. Mass Index). Gaining excess weight and realizing the health implica- Conclusion:tions is not always weight the matters. easiest thingThe toparticipants, recognize. Inwho fact, lost The Care Ministrydoes this welcomes sound your like you? weight,most Americans even though do not they realize didn’t that lose they much, are affectedstill fared by bet - comments/suggestions:book an appointment [email protected] with your GP ter. INTOUCH • February 26, 2017 16 The exercise goal was 150 minutes a week, also mat- as you keep moving, it should not matter whether it is tered, but not as much. Weight was the most important swimming or walking. Just keep moving! determinant of risk reduction. But if you look at people who didn’t meet the weight-loss goal, physical activity Your homework assignment from the Care Ministry this had an effect. week: Start a weight control plan and exercise daily.

Since the study ended, many participants have regained The Care Ministry welcomes your comments/sugges- much of the weight they lost. But if you count the num- tions: [email protected] bers who now have diabetes, it is still 27% lower in the lifestyle group.

So what is the bottom line: do the best you can to con- trol your weight. A simple method guides me on a daily basis. I don’t have to memorize how many ounces of meat or the exact calories of the food group. Think of the Plate Smart method: half of your plate should be filled with vegetables/fruit, one quarter is animal protein and the other quarter is with whole grain. If you do not have a medical condition that restricts fluid intake, then 6-8 cups of water daily should be your best friend. Exercise is medicine. We have talked about this concept before. The Wylie-Rosett study is another example of how ex- ercise becomes one of the effective tools to reduce pre- diabetes risks. Pick some activities that you like; as long INTOUCH • February 26, 2017 17