The Wireless Networking Starter Kit, Second Edition
TheWireless Starter Kit Second Edition The practical guide to Wi-Fi networks for Windows2 and Macintosh By Adam Engst and Glenn Fleishman Peachpit Press Index 64-bit WEP standard, 299 Linksys BEFW11S4 gateway, 802.15.1-2002 standard, 36 195–201 # 802.3 standard, 444 long-range connections, 397 104-bit WEP, 298, 299 802.15 standard, 36. See also Blue- overview, 10, 12–13 128-bit WEP, 299 tooth packet overhead, 12 10Base-2 cable, 445 802.15.4 standard, 36 throughput, 10, 12 10Base-5 cable, 444 802.16 standard, 46–47 Wi-Fi certification, 11 10Base-T cable, 445–446 802.11 standards, history of wire- wireless gateway support, 178–179 100Base-T cable, 446, 448 less networking, 9–10 802.11d standard, 44, 46 1000Base-T cable, 448–449 802.16 (WiMax), 46–47 802.11e standard, 43, 44 1xRTT (Radio Transmission 802.11 Wireless Networks: The 802.11f standard, 44 Technology), 2.5G networks, 41 Definitive Guide, xxi 802.11g standard and networks 2.4 GHz band 802.15.3a standard, 36, 53 channels, 18 802.11b standard, 12 802.11a standard and networks compatibility among standards, 10, Bluetooth, 35–38 channels, 14 15, 17–18, 178–179 Fresnel zone, 431 compatibility among standards, 10, determining need for, 178–179 and solid objects, 5 15, 178–179 frame bursting technology, 16–17 troubleshooting interference, 274 cost of equipment, 15 history of wireless networking, 9, unlicensed frequencies, 4 determining need for, 178–179 ixx Wireless MAN (Wireless FCC regulations, 430 interference, avoiding and trouble- Metropolitan Area Networking) history of wireless networking,
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