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Vol. Vol. Vol. 79, No. 1 Spring 2017 79 , No. 1 THE WESTMINSTER THE WESTMINSTER THEOLOGICALTHE WESTMINSTER JOURNAL THEOLOGICAL JOURNAL published by WESTMINSTER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY chestnut hill philadelphia, pennsylvania 19118 Spring 2017 issn: 0043-4388 CONTENTS — Continued CONTENTS REVIEW ARTICLE HISTORICAL AND THEOLOGICAL STUDIES Catholic Retrieval and Theological Transformation: An Assessment of Michael Allen and Scott R. Swain’s John Calvin and the Early French Reformation: Christian Dogmatics: Reformed Theology for the Church Catholic Political and Theological Responses to Persecution, 1533–1562 Ryan M. McGraw . 147 Ryan J. Ross . 1 Francis Turretin on Human Free Choice: Walking the Fine Line BOOK REVIEWS Between Synchronic Contingency and Compatibilistic Determinism HyunKwan Kim . 25 David Willgren, Like a Garden of Flowers: Created to Know: A Comparison of the Epistemologies A Study in the Formation of the ‘Book’ of Psalms of Michael Polanyi and Francis Schaeffer Michael G. McKelvey . 161 Adam Lloyd Johnson . 45 Allen P. Ross, A Commentary on the Psalms: Volume 2 (42–89) Do You See How I See? The Trinitarian Roots of Human Perception Kaz Hayashi . 164 Pierce Taylor Hibbs . 59 Allen P. Ross, A Commentary on the Psalms: Volume 3 (90–150) Michael G. McKelvey . 166 BIBLICAL STUDIES Francis Watson, The Fourfold Gospel: A Theological Reading of the New Testament Portraits of Jesus The Cardionomographic Work of the Spirit in the Old Testament Joshua E. Leim . 168 Steven R. Coxhead . 77 Mikeal C. Parsons, Luke Genesis 1:1 Is the First Event, Not a Summary Mark Stephen Giacobbe . 173 Vern S. Poythress . 97 Craig S. Keener, Acts: An Exegetical Commentary: 24:1-28:31 Messianic Expectation in Isaiah 11 Mark Stephen Giacobbe . 175 Greg Goswell . 123 Bruce W. Longenecker, The Crosses of Pompeii: Ashurbanipal’s Peace and the Date of Nahum Jesus-Devotion in a Vesuvian Town Gregory D. Cook . 137 B. G. White. 177 Stefan Lindholm, Jerome Zanchi (1516–1590) and the Analysis of Reformed Scholastic Christology (continued on inside back cover) Ryan M. McGraw . 180 Bradley J. Gundlach, Process and Providence: The Westminster Theological Journal, published twice annually, is edited for the faculty of The Evolution Question at Princeton, 1845–1929 Westminster Theological Seminary by Vern Poythress, Editor; K. Scott Oliphint, Co-Editor; Paul Kjoss Helseth. 182 Brandon D. Crowe, Book Review Editor; Mary Wells, Copy Editor; Dieter T. Roth, Proofreader; Janice Van Eck, Typesetter; and Randall J. Pederson, Managing Editor. Thomas H. McCall, An Invitation to Analytic Christian Theology Contributors K. Scott Oliphint . 186 Contributors are expected to consult and comply with the “Instructions for Contributors” Archie J. Spencer, The Analogy of Faith: The Quest for God’s Speakability and “Book Review Guidelines” that can be found at http://www.wts.edu/resources/wtj. K. Scott Oliphint . 191 Manuscripts must conform to The SBL Handbook of Style (Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 2014). An abbreviated style sheet for footnotes can also be found at http://www.wts.edu/resources/wtj. Paul R. Hinlicky, Divine Simplicity: Christ the Crisis of Metaphysics Contributors are to send an email attachment to the managing editor at [email protected]. K. Scott Oliphint . 196 Subscriptions Peter Leithart, Delivered from the Elements of the World: Annual subscription rates are $50 for institutions, $30 for individuals, and $25 for students. Atonement, Justification, and Mission Single current issues may be purchased at $15 per copy. Inquiries concerning subscriptions Roy McDaniel . 201 and back issues should be addressed to the managing editor. Stephen J. Wellum, God the Son Incarnate: The Doctrine of Christ © 2017 Westminster Theological Seminary Mark Jones. 204.