Harmonizer Vol21 No1 Jan1961.Pdf

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Harmonizer Vol21 No1 Jan1961.Pdf f I ~ I I NOW AVAILABL ON DECCA® r Official S.P.E.B.S. Q.S.A. Recordings 1960 International THE TOP TEN BARBERSHOP CHORUS WINNERS BARBERSHOP QUARTETS OF 1960 ( Official S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. Recording 011iciol S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. Recording Keep America Singing' Tears On My Pillow I'd Love To Fall Asleep And Wake Up In My • Rock·A·Bye Your Baby With A Dixie Melody Mammy's Arms' Dear Little Boy Of Mine' • Deep River' Roll On Missouri· (Here Am I) Mississippi Mud • Daddy, You've Been A '" Broken Hearted' Smile' Last Night Was The Mother To Me • In A Shanty In Old Shanty End Of The World' I Want A Girl (Just Like Town' Ivory Rag' Ain't She Sweet· Roll Out The Girl That Married Dear Old Dad)' "Wanna Of Bed With A Smile • There's Something Go Back Again" Blues' Coney Island Wash· Nice About Everyone But There's Everything board' Battle Hymn Of The Republic Nice About You' Oh How I Miss You Tonight DL 4067 • DL 74067 (S) • Looking At The Worid Through Rose Colored Glasses If You Were The Only Girl In The World DL 4069 • DL 74069 (5) TEN YEARS OF BRIGHTEN THE CORNER BARBERSHOP CHAMPIONS THE SCHMITT BROTHERS Ofl/dol S,P.E.S.S.Q,S,A. Recordings Roses Of Plcardy' Shine' loo·Ra-Loo-Ra· BARBERSHOP QUARTET Loo·Ral (That's An Irish Lullaby) • When Brighten The Corner Where You Are • . \ The Morning Glories Wake Up In The Saviour, Again To Thy Dear Name' Bring­ Morning (Then I'll KIss Your Two Lips ing In The Sheaves' Bless This House· Goodnight) • The Sweetheart Of Sigma Chi Standing On The Promises. Softly And •I Believe' Good·Bye, Dixie, Good·Bye • Tenderly' Were You There? • Abide With There's A Rose On Your Cheek • Last Me • Nearer To The Heart Of God' Lead, Night On The Back Porch (I Loved Her Kindly Light. Nearer My God To Thee' Best Of All) • That Tumble Down Shack in Jesus, My lord, My God, My All • Holy, u Athlono • Down By The Old Mill Stream' Holy, Holy, lord God Almighty' May The Hard Hearted Hannah (The Vamp Of Good Lord Bless And Keep You Savannah) DL 4022 DL 8997 • DL 78997 (5) ] anuary-February ( VOL. XXI 1961 No.1 Jntccnational Board of Dirccrofs THE HARMONIZER is the officlnl )lubliention of the Society for the Preserva· Imel'lllltiollrtl Officers tlon and Encouragl:'ment of the Barber Shop Qunrtet Singing In AmerlclI, Inc, It Is published In the months of Jnnunry, Mnrch, Mny, July. August, September Prc3ident, John U. Cullen, Investment and November al 100 N. Pine, Seymour, Indiana, and enlered as second-class Building, WAshington 6. D. C. matter nt the post office al Seymour. Indiana. undl:'f the Act of Mareh 3, is'!!). Immedintc Pasl President, Clarence L. Editorinl and Advertlsin~ otrices are at Internationnl Headquarters. Notice of Jnh'ing. 36-38 Enst I'~ighth St.reet, change of nddress should bc submitted to the editorial orfices of THE HAR· lIollnnd, Michigan MONlZER, 6315 THIRD AVE., KENOSHA, WISCONSIN, at least thirty days 1st Vice President, LOllis Laurel, 4617 before the next publication dnte, Subscription price is $2.00 yearly and S.60 \VlI!tf'r Lalle, EI Paso, Texas an issue, 2nd Vice President, John M. Wnrd, 343 Hnile)' Avenue, Pittshurgh II, Penns)'I· vAllin Vice Pr('sltlcnt. Rud)' Hnrl, II 12 Ohio Features Street, Michigan City, IndianA Vice PI'(,.'lidcnt, S. WnYIIC Fool', 166 Del­ Gold In }'0111' B(lCk,'arcl ,,,,,,.,,' .. ,, ..•.•... ,, .• , .. ,., •.• ,. 2 meade Hond, Rochester 17, New York 'I'rensurcr, George 11. Chomblill, 208 South Bllrbenboppillg IIlId Ibe S. S. HOPE .....•......•.•......•.•.. 3 High Street, Columbus 16, Ohio I';xecutivc Director. Robert G. Hnrer, 6316 Ollr New I1JIefJuiliollfll PrcJide11t .. ", ..•......•.•..•.•.•. ,.. 4 Third Avcnut'. Kenosha, \\'iseonsin Ho/v To Lellm To Woodsbet! ..........•......•.•......•.... 5 Dislricl RepreSenlrlli·ves Dis/riet QI/rlr/et Cbllmps ...............•.•......•......•.... 23 Celltrnl Sinies. C. Herbert Wnll, P. O. lIox 1416. SSS. Silringfieid. Missouri DiJ/ric/ CborJIJ Cb(llltpJ ... , ...• , •.. ,, •.•.•... ,, .•..... ,•,, .. 27 Dixie, John Dnwson, 238 Hawthorne Rond. N. W., Willston-Snlem, North Cnrolinn E\'en~I'een, Frnnk Gmhnm, JnS)ler, Oregon Fnl' We.'ltern. George Dohn, 3520 Domieh Comment Wn)', Snernmento, Californin Illinois. Chnrles Snyder, 438 Crescent Tbe WilY I See II ... .....•.•..........•........•......... .. 8 DOllle\'nrtl, Lombard, Illinois Indinlla-Kentuek)', Leslie Emmenlon, 3206 Sbllrps 1I1It! FIIIls ..........•..........•.•......•........... 9 Parnell A\'enue. Fort. Wnyne, IntliRna Johnn)' AII)lleseed. Charles W. Linker, COlllidelllirdl)' YOllrs ....•......•.•......•........•......... 26 7300 Timberland Drh'e, CincinnRti 43, Ohio Ll'ntl O'Lnke.'!, Dnn Wnselchuk, 14l.f Uel­ meret Street, Green Dny, '\'iscollsin Departments Miehll'lIn, Lou Hnrrington, 2361 Fir.'l! Nlliionni Uuihling, Detroit 26, Michignn Sbllre Tbe WCIII,b ...........•...•....•...•....•......•.... 13 Mill-Atlantic, John Nelmer, P. O. Dox 25. I.nnellsler. PCllns)'I\'nnln NeW! Aboll/ Qllllrieis .........•.•...........•.•.•....•.... 19 NOI·theaiitern, Charles Ricketts. 2227 Crans­ ton Street, Cranston 10, Rhode Island Brlrbmbop CTIIlt ............•.•.•......•.•................ 21 Onl:nlo, Hugh Palmer, 4G William Street, Orillin. Onlnrio, Canada Wbll/'s Tbe Piteb? ...........•........•.•........•......... 31 Senecll Lond. James Steedman. GIG Dela· wnre Hond, Kenmore 17, New York Southwesterll. Hank Lewis, 4320 South· Miscellaneous we.'ltcl'rl Uoule\'ard, Dnllas 26, Texns SUllshine. F. StirlillJl: WII.'IolI, 4808 Urond· New Cbllplen 10 hl'ook Drive. Ueth<"ldn 14, Mnr)'lnnd Joint S/alelllellis 01 PoIiej' (SPEBSQSA alllt Sweet Adelilles) 11 Pml I/llenlllliollf,1 /l/1d i\(id-IY/infer COlwell/ion Reserllttlion For-m ", .. ,, 15 Presidents ('/IIiIlJo/l1 '/iO/e) CO/1ling E'venls .. ,, ,., .•.........•... , ..•..... 32 Exewti/le Director NOlewo"by Cbapters 32 Robert G. Hafer CellllllY CIllb .....................•.•.•................... 32 Expansion Fllnd Score BOflrrl " .. , ••.•••. , •.... , [wide Back Cover Associrlte [ntel'llfltio?1II1 Secretflr)' w. L. (Dill) OltO ON OUR COVER I'IIlerllflliollfd Office Thousands of Barbershoppers who have toured Harmony Hall 6315 Third Avenue will recognize our January cover as the original first print copy of Kenosha. \o/isconsin "Sweet Adeline" which is on display at the Headquarters (a gift Olympic 4·9111 from Sam DeVincenc of Fort \Vaync, Indiana). So many have Ie· quested a nostalgic type HARMONIZER coyer that we receutl)' CNrlis F. Hockell, Editor asked Kenosha artist WM. BLOOr-I to scan our Old Songs Library for props for such a reproduction. Our cover is a highly realistic CO'lllribNlinf!. Editors trompe·l'oeil oil painting, measuring 20" x 24". BLOO~I is cur· Jl:'llrl Uonrdmnn rend}' painting a series of originals pertajning to the Barber Shop James F.win and Early American subjects. His portraits are done in keeping Roherl G. Hnrer n. M. Hockenbrough with the tradition and technique of the Old Masters, and he is Il('ac Mnrtill W. I•. Otto one of the few artists successful in the Fine and Commercial art SlnHonl Tn)'lor field with this type of greatly detailed work. The original painting F. Stirlin~ WI];l;On of "S,veet Adeline" is for sale and interested persons may inquire concerning its price by writing to The Editor, HAH.l\10NIZER, EditOfird Committee 6315 Third Avenue, Kenosha, \Visconsin. n. M. Hock(,I\"~ough, Chnirman PRINTED IN U.S.A, ruti, can be so much stranger tilan fiction as this s[Q!~' wiii now ;;Twin Town~' chapter of \'\farcrioo and. Cedar 1':al'ls wa~ T attest, recently written but started man}' years ago Just an formed Jll)' name was on the Chauer Roster. hour's drive from "Harmon}' Hall". The music office and srudio at After a visit (0 OUf chapter b), Flo)'d Connett, 1 learned the need ( 2529 Nonh Robel' Street, Chicago, owned b)· one .Miss S)'lvia E. for old songs and then jt hit me. S)'lvia Hall Cope had a lot of old Hall W:lS-to play-a role in Barbershop H~umon}'----a role that she music, bULshe had moved ~1CJL(O California. Letters and more did-not, nor COUld_OOl then kno-.W. This was the Gal' Nineties l?crj~o..d__-,lc(ters to find her and no luck. Then b}' chance on a hot summer and Miss HaIL was a talented and famous harpist, as reads from a (Ia)', while on vacaiiOi11 fC1urnca-w La-kc-Cit}rfor-a-visit. I learned- brochure of that era: "Miss S)'lvia E. Hall is a new star in the that the long sought for :Mrs. Cope was in town to sell the propert)' musical world, and destined to shine with the brightest of them all. left b}' her sister and brother·in-law. After a pleasant visit with her, Her )'outh, queen I)' appellfance and sweeping enthusiasm in her she gave me the now "Hall-Cope Collection of Old Music" pre- chosen profession, coupled with her pronounced talent, all combine served for all time in the "Old Songs Librarr of Old Music" at in making her a great and attractive artiste". Harmony Hall in Kenosha, \'<Iisconsin. Not only was .Miss Hall an accomplished harpist but also an It is this writer's opinion that more music Jike this can come excellent pianist as well. It is herein that Miss Hall came to pia)' (rom )'OU, .Mr. & Mrs. Barbershopper, if )'ou will but look around. a role in Barbershopping. Being the auraetive and beautiful artist There can be gold in rour own back yard, just remember back that she was, man)' men were to lay roses at her feet, but having a where )'OU might have seen some and dig. heart (or only one who loved the popular music of that era, she I am reminded of these words on the face of an old brochure, chose her one and only because of his remarkable voice. It was he printed man)' )'cars ago and given to me by Mrs.
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