University of Washington


Acknowledgment of Emergency Evacuation Plan

In conducting academic programs and exchanges abroad, the University of Washington makes every effort to protect the welfare and safety of the participants. However, the University is not able to assume responsibility for damage to or loss of property, personal illness or injury, or death of a participant while engaged in this field study program or as a result of involvement in the program.

To be completed by IFSP-Indonesia participants

I acknowledge that I have been given a copy of the IFSP-Indonesia emergency evacuation plan (attached) that outlines a course of action (and contact names and phone numbers) in the event of a need for emergency evacuation. I have read and understand this emergency evacuation plan.

______Signature Date


University of Washington



The usual port of entry for the IFSP-Indonesia is . Our flights arrive at the Sukarno Hatta Airport in Jakarta and then we take the “jalan tol” (toll road) straight to (to the homestay/ lodging and or the Bogor Agricultural Univ. – IPB, and their Primate Research Center – PSSP).

This route avoids all secondary roads in Jakarta and, in most cases, should be safe - even if there were demonstrations in Jakarta (city areas).

In the event that travel to the airport in Jakarta is deemed unsafe, the following evacuation plan could be implemented.

 From Bogor

Travel east along Java by motor vehicle (rented car/taxi) to () and take a flight to Singapore or to Denpasar, . Singapore Airlines flies from Surabaya to Singapore several times a day and a number of international flights depart Denpasar daily. Although the Bali bombing of Oct 2002 was a devastating event, Bali is typically considered a safe location. During the political unrest that prompted President Soeharto’s resignation in May 1998, Denpasar, was designated a main congregation point for American citizens in the event that a US military-assisted evacuation was required.

 From Tinjil Island

If the situation in Indonesia is such that return to Bogor/Jakarta is deemed unsafe (extremely unlikely), fishing boats will be used to travel east along the south coast of Java to a safe port to obtain motor vehicle transport to Surabaya for a flight to Singapore or Bali. If needed, the boats could be used to travel directly to Bali.

In all cases, one should attempt to avoid demonstrations and large gatherings that could turn violent.

UW’s 24-hr Emergency Phone Line: +001-206-632-0153

UW Emergency Website:

On Call International Insurance: +001-603-328-1358 3 Following the completion of the IFSP-Indonesia, individuals planning to travel around Indonesia are advised to travel together and to establish similar evacuation plans relevant to locations they plan to visit. If the situation in Indonesia should become dangerous, you are advised to contact:

UW’s 24-hr Emergency Phone Line: +001-206-632-0153

UW Emergency Website:

On Call International Insurance: +001-603-328-1358

US Embassy in Jakarta (Address: Jl. Merdeka Selatan 3-5, Jakarta 10110, Indonesia; Phone: (62) 021-3435-9000; Email: [email protected], and Web address: for information on possible evacuation measures.

Consulate General in Surabaya is. Phone: (62) 031-295-6400; Email: [email protected]

Consular Agency in Bali is. Phone: (62) 0361-233-605; Email: [email protected]

If you have a radio, tune to the Voice of America (VOA) for updated information.

Indonesian Contacts and phone numbers The following list of names and numbers represent close personal contacts of Dr. Kyes who could be contacted in the event of an emergency to assist you with safe transport around/out of Indonesia. They all speak English. BE SURE TO LET THEM KNOW YOU ARE A STUDENT OF DR. KYES’ (“MAS RANDY”) AND THAT HE HAS INSTRUCTED YOU TO CONTACT THEM FOR EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE.

On Java ()

Dr. Imung Pamungkas (Director, PSSP- IPB) Home (Jakarta): 0251-8374-306 Cell Phone: 08128433208 Office (Bogor): 0251-8313-637 (this is the main office number to PSSP) Email: [email protected]

Dr. Entang Iskandar (IFSP Coordinator, PSSP) Home (Bogor): 0251-8666-367 Office (Bogor): 0251-8313-637 Cell Phone: 08129933057 Email: [email protected]

Note: Calling from outside Indonesia, use the country code: (62). Calling in Indonesia, do not use zero (as the first digit of the number) if you are calling within the same town. Ex., If you are in Jakarta and calling someone in Jakarta, dial 21-xxxxxx. If you are in Bogor and calling someone in Jakarta, dial 021-xxxxxx.

IFSP 03/15