A PUBLICATION OF THE SOUTHERN Fall 2017 ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY Volume E10, Issue 2 SAS Newsletter ANNOUNCING THE 2018 SAS 53RD ANNUAL MEETING INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2018 53RD ANNUAL MEETING SOUTHERN ANTHROPOLOGICAL Announcements……………...2 SOCIETY (SAS) Downtown Marriott, Chattanooga, TN Notes From the President..3 All sessions and events held on Friday and Saturday: April 20-21, 2017 Annual Meeting ……...5 2018 2016 Annual Meeting ........ 7 FINAL ABSTRACT DEADLIINE: MARCH 10, 2018 2016 Undergraduate Paper Winner………………………….11 Send Abstracts by email attachment to: Zora Neale Hurston Award …………………………………….23 Drs. Betty J. Duggan (
[email protected]) and Lyn Miles (Lyn- Proceedings/ SA…………….24
[email protected]). For Annual Meeting details, registration, hotel and James Mooney Award…….25 forms go to SAS website (http://southernanthro.org). 2016 Mooney Award Recipi- ents …………………………………….26 KEYNOTE SPEAKER 2016 Student Paper Awards……..………………….28 DR. ANN KINGSOLVER SAS Members’ Recent Publi- TOPIC: METHODOLOGIES OF CONNEC- cations…………………………29 TION:ANTHROPOLOGY’S EVERYDAY Student Book Reviews and POSSIBILITIES Teaching tips………………...30 Ann Kingsolver, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Kentucky, is a cultural anthropologist whose ethnographic re- search for over 30 years has focused on how people in rural areas make sense of global capitalist logic and policies in relation to livelihoods and identities. She started that work in her hometown in Kentucky, as work in tobacco and textiles was shifting to other regions, and then did fieldwork in Mexico and Sri Lanka. Most recently, she has been organizing and participating in comparative conversations across global mountain regions. Her books and co-edited volumes include: NAFTA Sto- ries: Fears and Hopes in Mexico and the U.S.