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Comparing Early to Middle Miocene Terrestrial Climate Simulations with Geological Data

Comparing Early to Middle Miocene Terrestrial Climate Simulations with Geological Data

Comparing early to middle terrestrial climate simulations with geological data

N. Herold1,*, R.D. Müller1, and M. Seton1 1EarthByte Group, School of Geosciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006,

ABSTRACT ent. Of these, the largest source of uncertainty EXPERIMENT DESIGN arguably arises from model boundary condi- The early to was signifi - tions, where values for large areas of the globe Simulations are conducted using the National cantly warmer than present, particularly at are predicted or interpolated from relatively Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) high latitudes. Relatively few climatic details few data points (e.g., for vegetation or sea- Community Atmosphere Model 3.1 (CAM; are known about this time period compared surface temperature [SST]). Collins et al., 2006) and Community Land with earlier (e.g., /) and In atmosphere only General Circulation Model 3.0 (CLM; Vertenstein et al., 2004). Both later (e.g., ) intervals. In this Models (GCMs), SST is the most infl uential CAM and CLM are confi gured for T31 resolu- study terrestrial proxy data are quantita- boundary condition on the simulated climate, tion, representing 3.75° in longitude and ~3.75° tively compared with three simulations of as oceanic responses to the atmosphere are in latitude. CAM uses a hybrid sigma-pressure early to middle Miocene climate (20–14 Ma) precluded. Over the past decade, increasing vertical coordinate with 26 levels. CLM carried out using the National Center for evidence of diagenesis in low latitude simulates temperature and water variables for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community of planktonic have revealed a sig- ten layers of soil and up to fi ve layers of snow. Atmosphere Model 3.1 (CAM) and Com- nifi cant cold bias in δ18O derived temperatures Each land grid cell is prescribed up to four out munity Land Model 3.0 (CLM). Three dif- (Pearson et al., 2001; Williams et al., 2005). of an available 15 vegetation types, constituting ferent meridional sea-surface temperature This has called into question previous SST a biome. Each vegetation type differs in , gradients are prescribed in order to test a reconstructions (e.g., O’Connell et al., 1996; root distribution, aerodynamic, and photosyn- range of plausible climates. Our simulations Sloan and Thomas, 1998). Sensitivity stud- thetic parameters. CAM and CLM reproduce yield generally cooler and more arid condi- ies show that atmospheric and implied surface modern-day climate reasonably well and cou- tions than indicated by the proxy record. ocean characteristics can differ dramatically pled to the NCAR ocean and sea-ice models, Mean model-data discrepancies for precipi- with varying low and/or high latitude SSTs have been used to simulate deep-time paleocli- tation and temperature decrease from −320 (Huber and Sloan, 2000; Rind, 2000). There- mate intervals (e.g., Kiehl and Shields, 2005). to −170 mm/yr and −0.5 to −0.4 °C, respec- fore, as a second-order indication of accuracy, However, despite improvements over earlier tively, when tropical sea-surface tempera- it is useful to constrain reconstructed SSTs by versions, several biases remain in the models, tures are increased by ~4 °C from inferred comparing the terrestrial climate they force in including underestimation of implied ocean Miocene values to near modern values. The a model with the proxy record (e.g., Lunt et heat transport, excessive Northern Hemisphere poor agreement with respect to mean annual al., 2008a; Sloan and Barron, 1992). However, low cloud production, and anomalous continen- precipitation may be attributed to the pre- such a method assumes proxy data are accurate tal precipitation (Collins et al., 2006; Dickinson clusion of an interactive ocean model and/or to within the degree of error of climate models, et al., 2006). model bias. and representative of the grid cells they occupy This study analyzes results from three simu- in model space (discussed later). lations forced with newly constructed bound- INTRODUCTION Here we focus on three simulations of early ary conditions. Inherently, a trade-off exists to middle Miocene climate, a period of distinct between the spatial and temporal resolution of Numerical simulations of Earth’s past cli- global warming terminated by abrupt cooling proxy data and the limited information available mate are often compared with the proxy record in the late-middle Miocene. Each simulation is for the Miocene makes a longer time interval in order to determine the accuracy of the model forced with a different meridional SST gradient favorable. Therefore published information pri- solution. Despite the typically large uncer- based on plausible variations to published δ18O marily for the late-early to early-middle Mio- tainties associated with the reconstruction of and Mg/Ca data. To determine the meridional cene are utilized to reconstruct vegetation and boundary conditions, model formulation, and SST gradient that best matches terrestrial proxy SSTs (ca. 20–14 Ma). derivation of proxy data, this remains the only data we compare model-data discrepancies Each simulation differs only in regard to SST measure of a model’s ability to accurately between simulations. We subsequently discuss distribution. Twelve months of zonally vary- reproduce climates different to that of the pres- uncertainties in our results and draw compari- ing SSTs are prescribed in each simulation to sons with other studies of Miocene climate. replace a mixed-layer ocean model supported

*[email protected]

Geosphere; December 2010; v. 6; no. 6; p. 952–961; doi: 10.1130/GES00544.1; 7 fi gures; 2 tables.

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by CAM. While prescribing SSTs precludes seasonality during warmer climates—due to and (2) the extent to which proxy SST esti- important feedbacks between the ocean and ice-albedo feedbacks—the magnitude of these mates are preserved in the fi nal reconstruction. atmosphere we consider it more useful than differences is reduced by 30% (after O’Connell Using modern-day SSTs from CAM we cal- applying a mixed layer ocean model to approxi- et al., 1996). Finally, the east-west SST gradient culate mean annual values at locations where mate Miocene conditions. At the peak of Mio- from each modern-day month is applied to each Miocene proxy data exist (Fig. 1 caption; using cene warming, deep water and polar SSTs were respective Miocene month. Although modern- modern-day longitudes and latitudes). Using more than 5 °C warmer than present (Lear et al., day east-west gradients may not be represen- the least-squares method, a Gaussian curve 2000), implying that sea ice could only be sea- tative of Miocene surface conditions, zonally is fi tted to these values to reconstruct zonal sonal. Such conditions have proven diffi cult to constant SSTs may result in larger model-data mean SSTs, as is done for P-MIO (Fig. 2). reproduce using mixed layer or coupled ocean discrepancies (Sloan et al., 2001). Furthermore, A minimum value of −1.8 °C is applied (the models even when applying higher greenhouse the similarities between Miocene and modern- freezing point of seawater). The mean absolute gas concentrations (e.g., Huber and Sloan, 2001; day geography, along with partial reconstruc- difference between the reconstructed meridi- Steppuhn et al., 2007). tions of Miocene surface currents (Kennett et onal SST gradient and a zonal mean of the Our fi rst simulation is forced with SSTs based al., 1985; Wright and Thunell, 1988), imply modern-day CAM SST distribution is 0.9 °C. solely on published proxy data (referred to as large-scale surface conditions, such as boundary Therefore, given a limited number of accurate P-MIO). A Gaussian curve is fi tted to proxy currents, were similar to the modern. Therefore, SSTs we propose it is possible to reconstruct data using the least-squares method (Fig. 1). we believe modern-day east-west gradients pro- an approximate meridional temperature gradi- These values are extended zonally to produce vide a closer approximation to Miocene SSTs ent for a given time period. However, we note a global mean annual SST data set. Monthly than zonally constant values. Sea ice is assumed the current margin of error for proxy data, par- zonal SSTs are calculated based on modern-day to be absent in both hemispheres given mini- ticularly at low latitudes, does not allow a high seasonality. At each latitude, modern-day zonal mum SSTs are above freezing. degree of accuracy for this kind of reconstruc- mean SST for each month is subtracted from the To examine the validity of reconstructing tion (Crowley and Zachos, 2000). modern-day annual zonal mean from the same SSTs based solely on proxy data, we test two To determine the extent to which proxy latitude; these differences are then applied to sources of uncertainty in P-MIO: (1) the lim- SSTs are preserved in P-MIO we perform a site the Miocene data set to construct 12 months of ited number of data points used to constrain the comparison (Fig. 3). The absolute mean differ- zonally uniform SSTs. To account for reduced mean annual meridional SST gradient (Fig. 1), ence between proxy SSTs and the correspond- ing values in P-MIO is 3.5 °C. This is largely attributed to the variation in proxy SSTs around the reconstructed meridional gradient (Fig. 1). Assuming magnitudes of east-west temperature variation were similar in the Miocene as they are today, the range of proxy SSTs around the reconstructed meridional gradient should be up to an order of magnitude smaller (c.f. Fig- ures 1 and 2). Nonetheless, the mean difference between proxy SSTs and P-MIO is within the error predicted for pre- δ18O derived SSTs (Crowley and Zachos, 2000). P-MIO is characteristic of the low meridional SST gradients traditionally inferred for past warm climates (e.g., Sloan and Thomas, 1998). The implied ocean heat transport required to maintain this temperature gradient is signifi - cantly higher than modern and arguably unre- alistic (Fig. 4). Given the increasing evidence of diagenetic alteration of low latitude carbonate samples (Pearson et al., 2001; Pearson et al., 2007; Williams et al., 2005) and the inability of coupled models to simulate the ocean heat trans- port required to lower meridional temperature gradients suffi ciently (e.g., Huber and Sloan, 2001), such a low gradient is unlikely to have existed. To test the effects of altered meridi- Figure 1. Meridional gradients used to derive global SST distributions for each simula- onal gradients on model-data discrepancies two tion (see text for details) as well as modern-day mean annual zonal SST (dotted line). additional simulations are performed based on Miocene proxy data (triangles) from Devereux (1967), Pagani et al. (1999a), Savin et al. P-MIO. Our second SST distribution represents (1975), Shackleton and Kennett (1975), Shevenell et al. (2004), Stewart et al. (2004), and a temperate Miocene climate (T-MIO) and is Van der Smissen et al. (1996). A SST of 6 °C is applied for 80°S based on bottom water created using the same method as P-MIO except temperatures from Lear et al. (2000) and assuming bottom water formation occurred at with peak tropical SSTs fi xed at ~28 °C before high latitudes (Sykes et al., 1998). a curve of best fi t is calculated. This distribution

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tests the assumption that estimates of tropical SST are biased toward cooler values and are in reality closer to the modern day. Consequently, while tropical SSTs are increased, middle to high latitude SSTs are decreased relative to P-MIO (Fig. 1). The third distribution represents a warm estimate of Miocene climate (W-MIO) and is based on P-MIO except with low latitude SSTs (within 30° of the equator) smoothed to those calculated for T-MIO (Fig. 1). As in T-MIO, our third distribution tests the assump- tion that tropical SSTs were close to the modern day but that extra-tropical SSTs corresponded to those in P-MIO. The implied ocean heat trans- ports in T-MIO and W-MIO fall closer toward modern-day values than P-MIO though still vary by greater than 1 PW at some latitudes (Fig. 4) and are larger than that calculated by a coupled model of Miocene climate (von der Heydt and Dijkstra, 2006). Miocene vegetation is based on Wolfe (1985) with amendments from subsequent studies (Fig. 5). Most notable is the addition of a moderate size East (Lear et al., 2000; Pekar and DeConto, 2006); how- ever, West Antarctica and remain Figure 2. Modern-day meridonal SST gradient (dashed line) reconstructed from mean ice free. Other distinguishing features of Mio- annual SSTs at proxy data locations (fi lled triangles) and annual zonal mean of modern- cene vegetation, compared with the modern, day SST (solid line; see text for details). are the greater poleward expanse of tropical

Figure 3. Discrepancy between proxy esti- mates of SST and P-MIO (see text for details).

Figure 4. Implied ocean heat transport calculated for each simulation and modern-day ocean heat transport (short dashed line).

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vegetation as well as the absence of middle ner and Kothavala, 2001; Cerling, 1991; Fran- fl ora (the coexistance approach; Mosbrug- latitude deserts (e.g., the Sahara). We classify cois et al., 2005; Pearson and Palmer, 2000; ger and Utescher, 1997) or physiognomic analy- our vegetation types to a set of biomes modi- Royer et al., 2001), though there is some sup- sis (Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Pro- fi ed from Bonan et al. (2002) (Fig. 5). These port for higher (Kürschner et al., 2008; Retal- gram; Wolfe, 1993). Other estimates are derived

modifi cations include replacing C4 grass with lack, 2001; Sheldon, 2006) and lower (Pagani from paleosols and fossil . 2 m air tem-

C3 grass, since the former did not become et al., 1999a) concentrations. We therefore perature is used for comparison as it provides widespread until the (Pagani et prescribe a 1990 concentration of 355 ppmv. a closer approximation to canopy temperatures

al., 1999b), and creating a temperate broadleaf CH4 and N2O are set to pre-industrial values (Sloan and Rea, 1996). evergreen biome to more accurately represent (760 and 270 ppb, respectively). Obliquity, Wolfe’s (1985) middle latitude vegetation (c.f. eccentricity and longitude of moving vernal Climatic Variability and Error Wolfe, 1985; Bonan et al., 2002). equinox are set to 1950 values. The prescribed Miocene geography and topography are solar constant is 1365 W/m2. For each simula- Prior to comparing proxy data and model based on the rotations of a plate kinematic tion, the past 30 yr of a 70 yr integration are output, error margins for each are defi ned. Error model and published paleoelevation and paleo- averaged to form model climatologies. margins for proxy data are taken from their geographic data (Herold et al., 2008). While respective studies, however, where no values the magnitude of uplift of the Tibetan Plateau MODEL-DATA COMPARISON are provided conservative errors of ±1 °C and since the middle Miocene is controversial (Har- ±100 mm/yr are applied for temperature and ris, 2006), it is assumed that the plateau had Methods precipitation, respectively. achieved a near modern elevation of 4700 m. To account for climatic variability in each The northern, central, and southern are Mean annual 2 m air temperature and simulation we establish upper and lower bounds reduced from their modern elevations to 500, mean annual precipitation from each simula- of mean annual 2 m air temperature and mean 1000, and 600 m, respectively. For further tion are compared with terrestrial proxy data annual precipitation for each location, defi ned details see Herold et al. (2008). from the late-early to early-middle Miocene by the maximum and minimum mean annual

The majority of published Miocene CO2 con- (ca. 20–14 Ma; Tables 1 and 2). The majority of values calculated over the 30 used for anal- centrations range from 300 to 400 ppmv (Ber- proxy data are based on modern-day analogs of ysis (after Steppuhn et al., 2007). Accounting

Figure 5. Reconstructed Miocene vegetation based on Wolfe (1985) with amendments from published data (Bialkowski et al., 2006; Christophel and Greenwood, 1989; Ducrocq et al., 1994; Graham, 1987; Ivanov et al., 2002; Jacobs, 2004; Kemp, 1978; Lear et al., 2000; Martin, 1990; Martin, 2006; Mildenhall, 1980; Pekar and DeConto, 2006; Sluiter et al., 1995; Wynn and Retallack, 2001).

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(2003); 22—Sheldon (2006); 23—Retallack (2004); 24—White and (2004); 23—Retallack 22—Sheldon (2006); (2003); t al. , 22, 23, and 28. -0.5 (-0.1) -1.1 (0.5) -0.4 (-0.2) correction) (°C) (with topographic P-MIO–Proxy MAT MAT P-MIO–Proxy -0.8 (-0.2) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) -4.0 (-3.4) -2.2 (-1.4) -0.8 (0.0) -2.7 (-2.1) -0.7 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 25 25 26 § 0.0 (0.0) -2.7 (-0.7) -3.7 (-1.7) 0.0 (0.0) 1 -5.3 (-3.3) -1.7 (-0.3) -4.1 (0.0) -3.8 (-2.5) 13 -1.5 (-0.1) 24 19 20 10 17.6 17.2 Mean: Proxy MAT (°C) MAT Proxy 17 18 8 15.6 15.2 10.2 12.2 Lower Higher † (°C) TABLE 1. COMPARISON OF LOWER AND UPPER LIMITS OF MEAN ANNUAL TEMPERATURE (MAT) FROM PROXY DATA AND EACH SIMULATION AND EACH DATA PROXY FROM (MAT) TEMPERATURE AND UPPER LIMITS OF MEAN ANNUAL OF LOWER COMPARISON 1. TABLE Model-data discrepancies in columns 6–8 represent differences between ranges of proxy MATs (columns 4 and 5) model-predicte MATs between ranges of proxy Model-data discrepancies in columns 6–8 represent differences Where precise latitudes and longitudes of proxy locations are not provided, we assume a topographic error of 300 m = ±1.95 °C ( locations are not provided, Where precise latitudes and longitudes of proxy in bold). in the literature, an error of ±1 °C is applied (shown Where no error margin is provided 5—Mosbrugger and (2002); et al. 4—Ivanov (2006); 3—Uhl et al. (2000); 2—Utescher et al. (2005); 1—Mosbrugger et al. References: Note: Note: *Where paleolatitudes and longitudes are not provided, values are calculated using modern a plate kinematic model, values coordinates, *Where paleolatitudes and longitudes are not provided, † § # Weisselster and Lausitz Basin, NE Germany Weisselster NW Germany Embayment, Lower Schrotzberg, Southern Germany NW Bulgaria NW Germany Rhine Embayment, Lower Schrotzberg, Southern Germany 7/52 al Kovago-old locations) for Southern Germany (see ref. Ukraine 7/52 Bigadic, Turkey Samsun-Havza, Basin Pannonian 7/52 1.95 Serbia Popovac, 6/47 8.9/47.3 SE Australia Valley, Latrobe 1.95 Gippsland Basin, SE Australia Gippsland Basin, SE Australia 6/47 Central Australia Well, SW China Province, 1.95 Yunnan 0.53 15.5 China Shanwang, 1.95 China Shanwang, China Shanwang, Tibet 15.7 Namling Basin, Southern 1.95 21/42 21 17.4 America N. Picture Gorge Subgroup, 15 America Eastern Oregon, N. 33.3/40 17/47 America Alaska, N. 146/-45 16.2 144/-45 129.7/-29.7 America N. Cape Blanco, 14.4 25.1/38.3 20.5 146/-45 America N. Waeaverville, 18.5/44.55 16 1.95 America Cook Inlet, N. 0.0 (0.0) 20.5/47.6 18.3/42.9 Bolivia Potosi, 2.63 95/22 16.5 Ethiopia Fejej, -114.7/44.8 1.80 0.0 (0.0) 1.95 1.95 0.71 1.85 0.0 (0.0) 1.95 16 1.95 86.9/30.8 0.0 (0.0) 7.07 17.2 0.41 116.5/38.5 14 3.06 15 0.0 (0.0) -1.2 (0.0) 12 116.5/38.5 17.2 1.95 246/45 13 14.1 116.5/38.5 18 7.31 -1.4 (0.0) 20.8 15.6 -3.6 (-3.1) 14.4 -116.25/45 8 20 1.30 21.3 22.3 -116.25/43 14 18.8 16.4 0.86 -135.6/69 -1.2 (0.0) 18 1.30 1.95 3.4 18.4 -0.6 (0.0) 21.3 0.0 (0.0) -147/62 1.5 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.65 15.3 20.5 16 0.65 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 10.9 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 2.2 (0.2) -0.2 (0.0) 1.35 9.5 0.0 (0.0) 7.7 10.2 -62.8/-21.7 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 17.2 0.0 (0.0) 1.32 33.6/2.3 14.5 2 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 11.2 0.0 (0.0) 17.7 -8.1 (-0.8) 5 8 11.90 -0.8 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) -1.6 (-0.3) 0.8 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 1.47 3 -0.3 (0.0) -1.4 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.5 (0.0) 19.4 0.0 (0.0) 6 2.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) -4.3 (0.0) 0.4 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 23.5 -3.1 (-1.8) 23.8 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 1.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 28.5 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 10 4 2.8 (0.9) 0.0 (0.0) 10 -4.5 (0.0) 7 0.0 (0.0) 16 11 -2.5 (-1.2) 14 -2.4 (-0.9) 15 9 12 0.0 (0.0) 17 21 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 22 18 1.7 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 19 20 23 1.3 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 27 28 Location long/lat* Paleo error Topo topographic error (column 3). A zero value indicates overlap. All proxy data are derived from fossil fl ora except references 16 references ora except fl from fossil data are derived All proxy indicates overlap. value A zero topographic error (column 3). 8—Bohme et al. (2007); 9—Syabryaj et al. (2007); 10—Akgun et al. (2007); 11—Erdei et al. (2007); 12—Utescher et al. (2007); 13— (2007); 12—Utescher et al. (2007); 11—Erdei et al. (2007); 10—Akgun et al. (2007); et al. 9—Syabryaj (2007); 8—Bohme et al. 21—Spicer e (2002); 20—Sun et al. (2007); et al. 19—Yang (2003); 18—Liang et al. (2004); 17—Zhao et al. (2004); Megirian et al. (1999). 28—Wiemann et al. (1998); et al. 27—Gregory-Wodzicki (1994a); 26—Wolfe (1994b); 25—Wolfe Ager (1994);

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TABLE 2. COMPARISON OF LOWER AND UPPER LIMITS OF MEAN ANNUAL PRECIPITATION (MAP) FROM PROXY DATA AND EACH SIMULATION Location Paleo long/lat* Proxy MAP (mm)† Model-Proxy MAP (mm/yr) Ref.§ Lower Higher P-MIO T-MIO W-MIO Lower Rhine Embayment, NW Germany 7/52 1250 1450 -674 -302 -584 2 Schrotzberg, Southern Germany 6/47 1200 1400 -410 0 0 3 NW Bulgaria 21/42 1100 1300 -486 -57 -123 4 Lower Rhine Embayment, NW Germany 7/52 1231 1355 -655 -283 -565 5 Southern Germany 8.9/47.3 931 1360 -141 0 0 8 Ukraine 20.5/47.6 1122 1213 0 0 0 9 Bigadic, Turkey 25.1/38.3 1217 1322 -642 -539 -412 10 Samsun-Havza, Turkey 33.3/40 1217 1322 -265 -339 -453 10 Pannonian 18.5/44.55 916 1232 -341 -21 0 11 Popovac, Serbia 18.3/42.9 1255 1613 -680 -360 -334 12 Latrobe Valley, Australia 146/-45 1600 1800 -531 -222 -189 13 Gippsland Basin, Australia 146/-45 1400 1600 -331 -22 0 15 Kangaroo Well, Australia 129.7/-29.7 300 600 0 0 0 16 Yunnan Province, Mangdan coal mine, SW China 95/22 1170 1300 183 0 0 17 Shanwang, China 116.5/38.5 996 1281 -148 0 0 18 Shanwang, China 116.5/38.5 1107.3 1880 -260 0 0 19 , Picture Gorge Subgroup -114.7/44.8 500 900 0 0 0 22 Eastern Oregon -114/45 604 1098 0 0 0 23 Mean: -319 -129 -171 Note: Model-data discrepancies in columns 5–7 represent differences between ranges of proxy MAP (columns 3 and 4) and model-predicted MAP (not shown). Zero indicates overlap. All proxy data are derived from fossil fl ora except references 16, 22, and 23. *Where paleolatitudes and longitudes are not provided, values are calculated using modern coordinates, a plate kinematic model, and the rotations of Müller et al. (2008). †Where no error margin is provided in the literature, an error of ±100 mm/yr is applied (shown in bold). §References as in Table 1.

for error in climate simulations is more chal- tive, indicating our simulations are on average W-MIO have mean model-data discrepancies of lenging. The most common source of error in too cool (Table 1). The locations of model-data −1.2 and −1.0 °C, respectively. studies utilizing global models relates to differ- discrepancies are generally consistent between Data from are derived from three loca- ences in spatial scale between the model and simulations though vary in magnitude. Tem- tions. W-MIO shows the greatest agreement with proxy data. While the terrestrial proxy record peratures from P-MIO are consistent with or proxy data from Asia, having a mean model- may refl ect extremely localized conditions, cooler than proxy data, except in NW Bulgaria, data discrepancy of −0.8 °C. P-MIO and T-MIO such as from a valley or wetland, each grid cell the Pannonian Basin, and Shanwang (China) have mean discrepancies of −1.9 and −1.1 °C, in our model represents up to 405 km2. This (Table 1). Mean model-data discrepancy for respectively. Namling Basin (Tibet) exhibits the results in smoother model topography and con- P-MIO is −0.5 °C. T-MIO is cooler than or largest model-data discrepancy in this study; sequently inaccurate elevations at proxy sites; consistent with proxies at most locations, but as great as −8.1 °C in P-MIO (Table 1). How- this is particularly signifi cant in topographically is warmer at Kangaroo Well (Australia), Potosi ever, this site has one of the largest topographic complex regions such as the Tibetan Plateau (Bolivia), and the Yunnan Province (China). uncertainties, which when applied reduces and Andean Cordillera. We calculate error due Mean model-data discrepancy for T-MIO is model-data discrepancy for P-MIO to −0.8 °C. to topographic uncertainty based on Sloan et al. −1.1 °C. W-MIO is cooler than or consis- Discrepancies at Namling Basin are signifi - (2001). For each proxy location we compare the tent with proxy data at all locations except cantly lower in T-MIO and W-MIO (−4.3 and modern-day elevation between a high-resolution NW Bulgaria, the Pannonian Basin, Potosi −4.5 °C, respectively). The latitude of the Nam- topography (5 km × 5 km) and a model gener- (Bolivia), and the Yunnan Province (China). ling Basin is approximately that at which SSTs ated topography (3.75° × ~3.75°). The global Mean model-data discrepancy for W-MIO increase equatorward in T-MIO and W-MIO, mean lapse rate (−6.5 °C/km) is then applied to is −0.4 °C. Thus, globally, W-MIO produces compared with P-MIO (Fig. 1). these differences to produce a model error mar- temperatures most consistent with the proxy Data from originate from gin for temperature at each location (Table 1). record (Fig. 6). coastal locations at latitudes greater than 40° N. Where simulated ranges of temperature or Proxy data are concentrated mostly in P-MIO shows the greatest agreement with this precipitation do not overlap with proxy values . Of the 13 proxy locations in this region, data, having a mean model-data discrepancy we consider model results too cool/warm or T-MIO shows the least agreement, differing to of −0.4 °C, despite featuring identical extra- too wet/dry, otherwise we consider model and proxy data at eight locations and having a mean tropical SSTs to W-MIO. Model-data discrep- proxy data to agree (Tables 1 and 2). As sum- model-data discrepancy of −1 °C. P-MIO and ancies from North America are up to 1.0 °C ming model error margins and ranges of climatic W-MIO differ to proxy data at two and three greater in W-MIO than P-MIO. variability would lead to a spurious comparison, locations, and have mean model-data discrepan- The only proxy temperature close to the we compare only the climatic variability of each cies of −0.3 and −0.1 °C, respectively. equator is from Fejej (Ethiopia) and is under- simulation to proxy data and consider model Data are sparsely located throughout the estimated by more than 2 °C in P-MIO. error margins separately. rest of the world. Of four proxy temperatures Temperatures in W-MIO and T-MIO show reported for Australia (three of which originate closer agreement. Mean Annual 2 m Air Temperature from SE Australia) one is consistently warmer than all three simulations (Sluiter et al., 1995) Mean Annual Precipitation In this section we compare simulated 2 m air (Table 1). P-MIO shows the greatest agreement temperature with proxy data. The mean model- with proxy data from Australia, with a mean Not all locations yielding temperature data data discrepancy for each simulation is nega- model-data discrepancy of −0.9 °C. T-MIO and provide estimates of precipitation (Table 2).

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T-MIO is most consistent with proxy data (Table 2). An increase in tropical SSTs of ~4 °C between P-MIO and W-MIO (Fig. 1) reduces the mean model-data discrepancy from −320 to −170 mm/yr. Given that most proxy locations reside in the extra-tropics, this supports tropi- cal SSTs as being the primary driver of global precipitation (Rind, 2000). Cool tropical SSTs may therefore contribute to the signifi cant pre- cipitation discrepancies experienced in all three simulations, particularly P-MIO. The east-west gradient of sea-surface temperatures are also not representative of Miocene conditions and given the proximity of the proxy data to the ocean may have a considerable affect on model-data com- parisons. However, simulated temperatures in Figure 6. Model-data discrepancies for mean annual 2 m air temperature, plotted as a W-MIO, our “warmest” simulation, show good function of latitude. Refer to Table 1 for values. agreement with proxy data and hence increasing tropical SSTs would likely decrease model-data agreement in this regard (Fig. 6). Each simulation calculates mean annual pre- T-MIO shows the least agreement (Table 1). cipitation consistent with or lower than the This is attributed to the steeper meridional SST Sources of Uncertainty proxy data, except P-MIO, which overestimates gradient in T-MIO (Fig. 1) and the concentration precipitation at the Yunnan Province (China) of proxy data at middle to high latitudes (Fig. 6). Model-data discrepancies in this study can (Fig. 7). On average all three simulations sig- Several middle to high latitude locations experi- be attributed to error in (1) the proxy record, nifi cantly underestimate precipitation. T-MIO ence cooler temperatures in W-MIO compared (2) model boundary conditions, and/or (3) model underestimates precipitation by an average with P-MIO (Fig. 6), despite the two simula- bias. The majority of proxy data used in this of −130 mm/yr, though it provides the closest tions having identical extra-tropical SSTs. The study is based upon assumptions of evolution match with proxy data. W-MIO and P-MIO lower temperatures at these locations are part of or physiognomic correlation with the environ- underestimate precipitation by an average of a broad cooling in W-MIO of up to 4 °C, relative ment. The coexistence approach (Mosbrug- −170 and −320 mm/yr, respectively. Locations to P-MIO, across parts of middle to high lati- ger and Utescher, 1997) presumes the nearest of model-data discrepancies are comparable tude and North America (not shown). living relatives of a number of fossil fl ora at a across simulations (Table 2). This cooling is manifest at the 850 and 500 mb single location have overlapping environmental pressure levels and is associated with a slightly tolerances (such as for mean annual tempera- DISCUSSION more pronounced ridge and trough system in ture and precipitation). This overlap is used to the upper atmosphere. This has previously been defi ne the paleo-environment of the fossil fl ora. Mean annual 2 m air temperature is on aver- noted in response to steepening of the meridi- A shortcoming of this method is that inherent underestimated in all three simulations. onal temperature gradient (Rind, 2000). taxonomical differences between fossil and W-MIO, our “warmest” simulation, provides Mean annual precipitation is signifi cantly extant fl oras ensure a decreasing accuracy with the closest agreement with proxy data, while underestimated in each simulation, though increasing age (Uhl et al., 2003). Errors in the identifi cation of fossils can also lead to inaccu- rate results and many taxonomic data are con- tinuously revised (Uhl et al., 2003), thus actual discrepancies between our model results and the paleo-environment are potentially more or less accurate than indicated here. Methods of leaf margin analysis, such as the Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (Wolfe, 1993), correlate present-day leaf char- acteristics and climate data to fossil leaves to reconstruct the paleo-environment. Therefore the reconstructed climate is not a function of taxonomy. However, since relatively com- plete leaf margins are required, this method is limited to areas of high sedimentation and precludes the use of microfossils. This high- lights a bias of all fossil fl ora records toward sediment rich areas such as lakes and wetlands. Figure 7. Model-data discrepancies for mean annual precipitation, plotted as a function Consequently, reconstructions of climate based of latitude. Refer to Table 2 for values. on fossil fl ora alone are potentially wetter and

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warmer than the large-scale environments they in Europe, are likely to be the most affected by warming, meridional temperature gradient, and are used to represent. the fi xing of SSTs. seasonality, while this study tests idealized vari- A signifi cant proportion of model-data dis- Bias in CAM and CLM has been discussed ations to a proxy derived meridional tempera- crepancies may be attributed to smoothed in detail previously (Collins et al., 2006; Dick- ture gradient. Consequently, SST gradients in topography in our model. This is exemplifi ed by inson et al., 2006). Of relevance to our simula- Lunt et al. (2008a) are steeper than in this study. the Namling Basin, where the model-data dis- tions are large biases over areas where proxy Lunt et al. (2008a) compare mean values of their crepancy is eliminated or signifi cantly reduced data exist. Surprisingly, CLM overestimates model output to midpoints of compiled proxy in each simulation with the application of topo- winter 2 m air temperature by up to 10 °C in data and therefore do not take climatic variabil- graphic error (Table 1). We note modern-day the present-day high latitudes of North America ity into account. To draw comparison with their simulations with CAM and CLM overestimate and Siberia, enough to signifi cantly affect mean study, we use the same method here and cal- snowfall and underestimate temperature over annual values (Dickinson et al., 2006). Thus our culate absolute mean model-data temperature Tibet (Dickinson et al., 2006), suggesting sim- model-data discrepancies at Alaska and Cook discrepancies for P-MIO, T-MIO, and W-MIO ulated temperatures at Namling Basin would Inlet could be considered conservative (Table 1). of 2.2, 3.5, and 2.4 °C, respectively. Lunt et al. be too cool even at correct elevation. Mean This is largely attributed to excessive low cloud (2008a) calculate absolute mean model-data model-data discrepancy for each simulation is production and downward long wave radiation discrepancies ranging from 3 to 6.2 °C for their reduced by more than half when topographic in CAM (Dickinson et al., 2006). Conversely, seven simulations. uncertainty is considered (Table 1). However, simulated temperatures over the Tibetan Plateau As noted in our results, CAM and CLM con- this is not an ideal measure of model accuracy are underestimated; for at least half of the siderably underpredict mean annual precipita- given that the calculated topographic errors rep- 2 m air temperature is ~5 °C cooler than mod- tion compared to proxy data. Using the same resent extreme cases and may in fact overesti- ern day observations, due to excessive low cloud method as Lunt et al. (2008a) we calculate mate topographic uncertainties for the Miocene, production and snowfall (Dickinson et al., 2006). absolute mean model-data discrepancies for and that the degree of overlap between model Combined with large topographic uncertainty for P-MIO, T-MIO, and W-MIO of 730, 400, and and proxy temperatures is not considered. As the Tibetan Plateau (Table 1), modeled tempera- 460 mm/yr, respectively. Discrepancies in Lunt methods of quantifi able error prediction develop tures are potentially more than 10 °C too cool. A et al. (2008a) range from 310 to 385 mm/yr. for various means of climatic reconstruction, caveat to these biases is the inherent modifi ca- Therefore, performance of CAM and CLM is more attention needs to focus on how they can tions required for paleoclimate simulations, such on par with HadAM3 when calculating temper- be integrated into model-data comparisons. as to aerosols, chlorofl uorocarbons, greenhouse ature; however, they signifi cantly underperform Unquantifi able uncertainties in our bound- gases, geography, vegetation, and soil param- with regard to precipitation. ary conditions also need to be considered. In eters, therefore these discrepancies serve only as Micheels et al. (2007) conduct a late Miocene excluding a dynamic ocean model we preclude a qualitative assessment of model bias. simulation using the ECHAM4 model. Their the oceans response to atmospheric forcing, in model setup is similar to ours with the exception other words atmosphere and continental tem- Comparison with Other Studies of that the authors use a mixed layer ocean model peratures can evolve during a simulation while Miocene Climate (i.e., they do not prescribe SSTs) forced with an SSTs cannot. The global mean residual energy adjusted Miocene heat fl ux. The ECHAM4 is fl ux at the top level of CAM for P-MIO, T-MIO, In this section we consider our results in the run at a similar resolution to CAM and CLM and and W-MIO is 7.8 , 0.08, and 0.3 W/m2, respec- context of recent Miocene modeling studies. In includes a Miocene topography and vegetation. tively. In a dynamic ocean model signifi cant an instructive examination of proxy data acqui- The present study uses the same method of model- SST responses to the prescribed boundary con- sition Lunt et al. (2008a) conduct seven simu- data comparison as Micheels et al. (2007), there- ditions might be expected. While T-MIO and lations of late Miocene climate using differing fore results are directly comparable. Micheels et W-MIO are close to a radiative equilibrium, SST distributions. Despite the abrupt cooling al. (2007) calculate a mean model-data discrep- redistribution of heat in the oceans would likely separating the early middle and late Miocene ancy for temperature and precipitation of −2.4 °C occur, particularly due to differences in Mio- (Lear et al., 2000), broad comparisons can be and −42 mm/yr, respectively. Similar to our cene geography such as closure of the Bering made with our experiments. Lunt et al. (2008a) comparison with Lunt et al. (2008a), our simu- Strait, opening of the , and use the HadAM3, which runs at a similar resolu- lations perform well with respect to temperature widening of the Indonesian Throughfl ow. The tion to CAM and CLM, as well as an adjusted prediction, however, signifi cantly underestimate Bering Strait is responsible for freshening North Miocene topography, which, with the exception precipitation (Tables 1 and 2). waters via North Pacifi c fl ow through of Tibetan Plateau elevation, is similar to ours Subtleties between the models and model the Arctic, and its closure has been demon- on the scale of global climate. The authors pre- setup used in Lunt et al. (2008a), Micheels et strated to increase North Atlantic salinity and clude a late Miocene vegetation profi le, opting al. (2007), and this study do not allow a detailed overturning, resulting in warmer SSTs (Wadley to prescribe globally homogenous vegetation comparison of results. Particularly, proxy data and Bigg, 2002). Coupled models demonstrate based on mean values of modern-day vegetation for the late Miocene generally indicate more that North Atlantic overturning decreases and and soil parameters. Vegetation is an important arid conditions than those for the early to mid- SSTs cool when the Panama Seaway is open boundary condition for simulating Miocene ter- dle Miocene (c.f. Table 2 and Micheels et al., (Lunt et al., 2008b). Additionally, the Indone- restrial climate (Micheels et al., 2007) and reduc- 2007). However, it is clear that improvements sian Throughfl ow was dominated by relatively ing the meridional temperature gradient (Dutton in CAM and CLM are required in order to esti- warm South Pacifi c waters prior to 4 Ma, due and Barron, 1997). However, the most funda- mate precipitation more consistent with proxy to the southward location of the Australian con- mental difference between this study and Lunt data. While the large precipitation discrepancies tinental plate (Cane and Molnar, 2001). Thus et al. (2008a) is the SST distributions tested. in Table 2 may also be an artifact of our cho- our comparisons with proxy data from areas Lunt et al. (2008a) derive a function which var- sen SSTs, which do not respond to atmospheric around the Arctic and North Pacifi c, as well as ies preindustrial SST with regard to mean global forcing, similar large discrepancies (on the order

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