Books by Raimon Panikkar

Panikkar, Raimon. Blessed Simplicity: The Monk as Universal Archetype. New York: Seabury Press, 1982.

______. El concepto de naturaleza: Análisis histórico y metafísico de un concepto [The Concept of Nature: Historical and Metaphysical Analysis of a Concept]. Ph.D. diss., University of Madrid, 1946; Madrid: CSIC, Instituto de Filosofía "Luis Vives", [1951] 1972.

______. The Cosmotheandric Experience: Emerging Religious Consciousness. Edited by Scott Eastham. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1993.

______. Los dioses y el Señor [The (Many) Gods and the (One) Lord]. Buenos Aires: Colomba, 1967; Die vielen Götter und der eine Herr. Weilheim: O. W. Barth, 1963.

______. L'homme qui devient Dieu: La foi dimension constitutive de l'homme [Man who Becomes God: The Constitutive Faith-Dimension of Man]. Paris: Aubier, 1969.

______. Humanismo y cruz [Humanism and the Cross]. Madrid: Rialp, 1963.

______. The Intra-Religious Dialogue. New York: Paulist Press, 1978.

______. F. H. Jacobi y la filosofía del sentimiento [F. H. Jacobi and the Philosophy of Sentiment]. Buenos Aires: Sapientia, 1948.

______. Kerygma und Indien: Zur heilgeschichtlichen problematik der Christlichen begegnung mit Indien [The Gospel and ]. Hamburg: Reich Verlag, 1967.

______. Kultmysterium in Hinduismus und Christentum: Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Religionstheologie [Ritual Mystery in Hinduism and 360

Christianity: A Contribution to the Comparative Theology of Religions]. Freiburg and Munich: Karl Alber, 1964.

______. Lettre sur l'Inde [Letter on India]. Tournai: Casterman, 1963; La India: Gente, Cultura, Creencias [India: People, Culture, Beliefs]. Madrid: Rialp, 1960; L'India: Popolazione, cultura e credenze. Brescia: Morcelliana, 1966.

______. Mysterio y revelación: Hinduismo y cristianismo--encuentro de dos culturas [Mystery and Revelation: Hinduism and Christianity--Encounter of Two Cultures]. Madrid: Marova, 1971. Maya e Apocalisse: L'incontro dell'induismo e del cristianesimo. Rome: Abete, 1966.

______. Le mystère du culte dans l'hinduisme et le christianisme [The Mystery of Ritual in Hinduism and Christianity]. Translated by B. Charrière. Paris: Les Editions du Cerf, 1971; Kultmysterium in Hinduismus und Christentum: Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Religionstheologie. Freiburg and Munich: Karl Alber, 1964.

______. Myth, Faith and : Cross-Cultural Studies New York: Paulist Press, 1979.

______. Ontonomía de la ciencia: Sobre el sentido de la ciencia y sus relaciones con la filosofía [The Ontonomy of Science: The Meaning of Science and its Relationship to Philosophy]. Ph.D. diss., University of Madrid, 1958; Madrid: Gredos, 1961; Madrid: Rialp, 1963.

______. Patriotismo y cristiandad [Patriotism and Christianity]. Madrid: Rialp, 1961.

______. Religión y religiones [Religion and Religions]. Madrid: Gredos, 1965; Religionen und die Religion. Munich: Max Hueber, 1965; Religione y Religioni. Brescia: Morcelliana, 1964.

© Gerard Hall. Raimon Panikkar’s Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism. Bibliography & Dissertation Abstract


______. Salvation in Christ: Concreteness and Universality--The Supername. Privately published. Santa Barbara: , 1972.

______. El silencio del Dios: Un mesage del Buddha al mundo actual. [The Silence of God: A Message of the Buddha for Today's World]. Madrid: Guadiana, 1970. The Silence of God: The Answer of the Buddha. Translated by Robert Barr. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1989;

______. Técnica y tiempo. [Technology and Time]. Buenos Aires: Columba, 1967.

______. The Trinity and the Religious Experience of Man: Icon-Person-Mystery. London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1973.

______. The Trinity and World Religions. Madrid: The Christian Literature Society, 1970.

______. The Unknown Christ of Hinduism, 1st ed. London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1964, 1968; Christus der Unbekannte im Hinduismus. Luzern & Stuttgart: Raber Verlag, 1965; El Cristo desconocido del hinduismo. Madrid: Marova & , 1970; Le Christ et l'hinduisme: Une présence cachée. Paris: Les Editions du Centurion, 1972. Il Cristo sconosciuto dell'Induismo. Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 1975.

______. The Unknown Christ of Hinduism: Toward an Ecumenical Christophany, 2d. rev. ed. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1981.

______. The Vedic Experience: Mantramanjari. An Anthology of the for Modern Man and Contemporary Celebration. London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1977.

© Gerard Hall. Raimon Panikkar’s Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism. Bibliography & Dissertation Abstract


______. Worship and Secular Man: An essay on the liturgical nature of Man, considering Secularization as a major phenomenon of our time and Worship as an apparent fact of all times. A study towards an integral anthropology. London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1977.

Selected Articles by Panikkar

Panikkar, Raimon. "Advaita and Bhakti: Love and Identity in a Hindu-Christian Dialogue." Journal of Ecumenical Studies 7:2 (1970): 300-309; reprint in Myth, Faith and Hermeneutics, chap. 9. New York: Paulist Press, 1979.

______. "Aporias in the Comparative Philosophy of Religion." Man and World 13:3-4 (1980): 357-383.

______. "El átomo de tiempo" [The Atom of Time]. Arbor (Madrid), no. 49 (1950): 1ff.; redaction ("La Unidad fisicomatematica de tiempo" [The Physico-mathematical Unity of Time]) in Ontonomía de la ciencia, chap. 8. Madrid: Rialp, [1958] 1963.

______. "Biomatemática y biopoiesis" [Biomathematics and Biopoetics]. Ontonomía de la ciencia, chap. 5. Madrid: Rialp, [1958] 1963.

______. "The Category of Growth in : A Critical Self- Examination." Harvard Theological Review 66:1 (January 1973): 113-140.

______. "Chosenness and Universality: Can Christians Claim Both?" Cross Currents 38:3 (Fall 1988): 309-324, 329.

______. "Christianity and World Religions." Christianity, collective work. Patiala: Punjabi University, 1969.

© Gerard Hall. Raimon Panikkar’s Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism. Bibliography & Dissertation Abstract


______. "A Christophany for our times." Theology Digest 39:1 (Spring 1992): 3- 21.

______. "La ciencia biomatemática" [Biomathematical Science]. Arbor (Madrid), no. 3 (1944): 349ff.; redaction in Ontonomía de la ciencia, chap. 5. Madrid: Rialp, [1958] 1963.

______. "Colligite Fragmenta: For an Integration of Reality." From Alienation to Atonement. Edited by F. A. Eigo. Villanova: Villanova University Press, 1977.

______. "Common Patterns of Eastern and Western Scholasticism." Diogènes (Paris), no. 83 (July-September 1973): 103-113.

______. "Le concept d'ontonomie" [The Concept of Ontonomy]. Acts of the Eleventh International Congress of Philosophy Brussels 20-26 August 1953, vol. 3. Louvain: Nauwelaerts, 1953.

______. "La Confidencia: Análisis de un sentimiento" [Confidence: Analysis of a Sentiment]. Revista Española de Filosofía (Madrid) CSIC (1963): 43-62.

______. "Confrontation between Hinduism and Christ." New Blackfriars (December 1968): 197-204.

______. "Contemporary Hindu Spirituality." Philosophy Today 3:2-4 (Summer 1959): 112-127.

______. "Cristiandad y cruz" [Christianity and the Cross]. Arbor (Madrid), no. 82 (1952): 336-367; reprint in Humanismo y cruz, chap. 8. Madrid: Rialp, 1963.

© Gerard Hall. Raimon Panikkar’s Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism. Bibliography & Dissertation Abstract


______. "El cristianismo no es un humanismo" [Christianity is not a Humanism]. Arbor (Madrid), no. 62 (1951): 165-186; reprint ("La superación del humanismo" [The Transcendence of Humanism]) in Humanismo y cruz, chap. 6. Madrid: Rialp, 1963.

______. "Cross-Cultural Studies: The Need for a New Science of Interpretation." Monchanin 8:3-5 (1975): 12-15.

______. "De Deo abscondito" [The Hidden God]. Arbor (Madrid), no. 25 (1948): 1-26; reprint in Humanismo y cruz, chap. 7. Madrid: Rialp, 1963.

______. "The Destiny of Technological Civilization: An Ancient Buddhist Legend: Romavisaya." Alternatives: A Journal of World Policy (Delhi, New York), 10:2 (June 1984): 237-253.

______. "The End of History: The Threefold Structure of Human Time- Consciousness." Teilhard and the Unity of Knowledge. Edited by T. King & J. Salmon. New York: Paulist Press, 1983.

______. "La entropía y el fin del mundo" [Entropy and the End of the World]. Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 4:13 (1945): 285ff.; redaction in Ontonomía de la ciencia, chap. 6. Madrid: Rialp, [1958] 1963.

______. "Etiquetas cristianas, realismo teológico en nuestra cultura" [Christian Forms: Theological Realism in our Culture]. Arbor (Madrid), no. 64 (1951): 595-597; reprint ("El realismo teológico en la cultura") in Humanismo y cruz, chap. 5. Madrid: Rialp, 1963.

______. "La Eucaristía y la Resurrección de la Carne" [The Eucharist and the Resurrection of the Flesh]. Speech given at the International Eucharistic Congress, Barcelona (May 1952); published in Humanismo y cruz, chap. 9. Madrid: Rialp, 1963.

© Gerard Hall. Raimon Panikkar’s Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism. Bibliography & Dissertation Abstract


______. "The European University Tradition and the Renascent World Cultures." Christian Presence in Higher Education, collective work. Basel & Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1967.

______. "La evolución del patriotismo en Occidente" [The Evolution of Patriotism in the West]. Sapientia (Buenos Aires), no. 30 (1953): 283-293; redaction ("La Tradición Occidental") in Patriotismo y cristiandad, chap. 4. Madrid: Rialp, 1961.

______. "Die existensielle Phänomenologie der Wahrheit" [The Existential Phenomenology of Truth], Philosophisches Jahrbuch der Gorresgesellschaft (Munich), no. 64 (1956): 27-54; English translation in Philosophy Today 2:1-4 (Spring 1958): 13-21.

______. "Extra ecclesiam nulla salus" [Outside the Church No Salvation]. Neues Abendland (Munich) 10:5 (1955): 259-266; reprint in Humanismo y Cruz, chap. 5D. Madrid: Rialp, 1963.

______. "Faith--A Constitutive Dimension of Man." Journal of Ecumenical Studies 7:2 (Spring 1971): 223-254; reprint in Myth, Faith and Hermeneutics, chap. 6. New York: Paulist Press, 1979.

______. "Faith and Belief: A Multireligious Experience--An Objectified Autobiographical Fragment." Anglican Theological Review 52:4 (October 1971): 219-237.

______. "La faute originante ou l'immolation créatrice: Le mythe de Prajapati" [The Originating Fault or Creative Immolation: The Myth of Prajapati]. Le mythe de la peine: Acts of the Colloquium of the Institute of Philosophy of Rome (Istituto di Filosofía di Roma). Edited by E. Castelli. Paris: Aubier,

© Gerard Hall. Raimon Panikkar’s Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism. Bibliography & Dissertation Abstract


1967; reprint in Myth, Faith and Hermeneutics, chap. 4. New York: Paulist Press, 1979.

______. "Fe y creencia: Sobre la experiencia multireligiosa--un fragmento autobiográfico objectivado" [Faith and Belief: A Multireligious Experience- -An Objectified Autobiographical Fragment]. Homenaje a Xavier Cubiri, vol. 2. Madrid: Moneda y Crédito, 1970.

______. "Le fondement du pluralisme herméneutique dans l'hinduisme" [The Basis of Hermeneutic Pluralism in Hinduism]. Demitizzazione e imagine: Acts of the Colloquium of the Institute of Philosophy of Rome (Istituto di Filosofía di Roma). Edited by E. Castelli. Pastova: Cedam, 1962.

______. "The God of Being and the Being of God." Harvard Divinity Bulletin (1968): 12-16.

______. "The God of Silence." Indian Journal of Theology 21:1-2 (January-June 1972): 116-124.

______. "Have Religions the Monopoly on Religion?" Journal of Ecumenical Studies 11:3 (Summer 1974): 515-517; reprint in Interculture 23:2 (Spring 1990): 22-24.

______. "Herméneutique de la liberté de la religion: La religion comme liberté" [Hermeneutic of the Freedom of Religion: Religion as Freedom]. L'herméneutique de la liberté religieuse: Acts of the Colloquium of the Institute of Philosophy of Rome (Istituto di Filosofía di Roma). Edited by E. Castelli. Paris: Aubier, 1968; reprint in Myth, Faith and Hermeneutics, chap. 16. New York: Paulist Press, 1979.

© Gerard Hall. Raimon Panikkar’s Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism. Bibliography & Dissertation Abstract


______. "Honorabilidad intelectual" [Intellectual Honesty]. Arbor (Madrid), no. 87 (1953), 316-324; reprint ("El intellecto y su praxis" [The Intellect and its Praxis]) in Humanismo y Cruz, chap. 2. Madrid: Rialp, 1963.

______. "In Christ there is neither Hindu nor Christian: Perspectives on Hindu- Christian Dialogue." Religious Issues and Intrareligious Dialogues. Edited by C. Wei-hsun Fu and G. E. Spiegler. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989.

______. "El indeterminismo científico" [Scientific Indeterminism]. Anales de Física y Química (Madrid), 41:396 (1945): 573ff.; redaction ("La indeterminabilidad de la materia" [The Indeterminacy of Matter]) in Ontonomía de la ciencia, chap. 7. Madrid: Rialp, [1958] 1963.

______. "The Integration of Indian Philosophical and Religious Thought." The Clergy Monthly Supplement (May 1958): 64-68; reprint in Religion and Society (Bangalore) 5:2 (June 1958): 22-29.

______. "Intercultural Reflections on Philosophy of Language." Presença Filosófica 3:1-2 (January-June 1982): 88-92.

______. "The Invisible Harmony: A Universal Theory of Religion or a Cosmic Confidence in Reality?" Toward a Universal Theology of Religion. Edited by Leonard Swidler. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1987; reprint in Interculture 23:3 (Summer 1990): 45-78.

______. "Is History the Measure of Man? Three Kairological Moments of Human Consciousness." The Teilhard Review (special edition) 16:1-2 (1981): 39-45.

______. "Isvara and Christ as a Philosophical Problem." Religion and Society (Bangalore) (October 1959): 8-16; summary presentation as "The Isvara of

© Gerard Hall. Raimon Panikkar’s Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism. Bibliography & Dissertation Abstract


Vedanta and the Christ of the Trinity as a Philosophical Problem." Eighth International Congress of Philosophy Florence 12-18 September 1958.

______. "The Jordan, The Tiber, and the Ganges: Three Kairological Moments of Christic Self-Consciousness." The Myth of Christian Uniqueness: Toward a Pluralistic Theology of Religions. Edited by John Hick and Paul Knitter. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1988.

______. "Man and Religion: Dialogue with Panikkar." Jeevadhara 11:61 (January-February 1981): 5-32.

______. "Man as a Ritual Being," Chicago Studies 15:1 (1977): 5-28.

______. "Metatheology or Diacritical Theology as Fundamental Theology." Concilium 6:5 (June 1969): 370-383; reprint in Myth, Faith and Hermeneutics, chap. 11. New York: Paulist Press, 1979.

______. "El miedo intelectual y la prudencia de la carne" [Intellectual Fear and the Prudence of the Flesh]. Arbor (Madrid), nos. 67-68 (1951); reprint ("Microdoxia") in Humanismo y cruz, chap. 5. Madrid: Rialp, 1963.

______. "The Myth of Pluralism: The Tower of Babel--A Meditation on Non- Violence." Cross-Currents 29:2 (Summer 1979): 197-230.

______. "Le mythe comme histoire sacrée: Sunahsepa--un mythe de la condition humaine" [Myth as Sacred History: Sunahsepa--A Myth of the Human Condition]. Le Sacré: Acts of the Colloquium of the Institute of Philosophy of Rome (Istituto di Filosofía di Roma). Edited by E. Castelli. Paris: Aubier, 1974; reprint in Myth, Faith and Hermeneutics, chap. 5. New York: Paulist Press, 1979.

______. "The New Innocence." Cross-Currents 27:1 (Spring 1977): 7-15.

© Gerard Hall. Raimon Panikkar’s Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism. Bibliography & Dissertation Abstract


______. "Nirvana and the Awareness of the Absolute." The God Experience: Essays in Hope, vol. 2. Edited by J. P. Whelan. New York & Toronto: Newman Press, 1971.

______. "El patriotismo cristiano" [Christian Patriotism]. Estudios Americanos (Seville) 5:18 (1953): 241-260; redaction in Patriotismo y cristiandad, chap. 5. Madrid: Rialp, 1961.

______. "The People of God and The Cities of Man." People and Cities. Edited by S. Verney. London: Collins & Fontana, 1969.

______. "Philosophy of Religion in the Contemporary Encounter of Cultures." Contemporary Philosophy: A Survey, vol. 4. Edited by R. Kiblansky. Florence: La Nouva Italia Editrice, 1971.

______. "The Pluralism of Truth." Insight 26 (October 1990): 7-16.

______. "Quelques présupposés à la rencontre des religions" [Some Presuppositions in the Encounter of Religions]. Communio Viatorum (Praha), 6:4 (1968): 217-220.

______. "The Relation of Christians to their Non-Christian Surroundings." Indian Ecclesiastical Studies (Bangalore), 4:3-4 (1965): 303-348; reprint in Christian Revelation and World Religions. Edited by J. Neuner. London: Burns & Oates, 1967.

______. "La religión del futuro o la crisis del concepto de religión: La religiosidad humana" [The Religion of the Future or The Crisis of the Notion of Religion: Human Religiousness]. Civiltà della macchina (Rome), 27:4-6 (July-December 1979): 82-92, 166-171. Translated from the Spanish

© Gerard Hall. Raimon Panikkar’s Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism. Bibliography & Dissertation Abstract


by Roger Rapp, Yakshi Rapp and Mary Eastham. Interculture 23:2 (Spring 1990): 3-21.

______. "Religious Pluralism: The Metaphysical Challenge." Religious Pluralism, collective work. South Bend, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1984; reprint in Interculture 23:3 (Summer 1990): 25-44.

______. "Rtatattva: A Preface to a Hindu-Christian Theology." Jeevadhara 9:49 (January-February 1979): 6-63.

______. "La sécularisation de l'herméneutique: Le cas de Christ--fils de l'homme et fils de Dieu" [The Secularization of Hermeneutics: The Case of Christ--Son of Man and Son of God]. Herméneutique de la Sécularisation: Acts of the Colloquium of the Institute of Philosophy of Rome (Istituto di Filosofía di Roma). Edited by E. Castelli. Paris: Aubier, 1976.

______. "Le sens théologique du patriotisme" [The Theological Nature of Patriotism]. La Table Ronde (Paris), no. 183 (April 1963): 56-59.

______. "El sentido cristiano de la vida. II" [The Christian Meaning of Life. II]. Arbor (Madrid), no. 11 (1945): 261-282; reprint ("Su aspecto paradigmático en los primeros cristianos" [The Paradigmatic Vision in the First Christians]) in Humanismo y cruz, chap. 5B. Madrid: Rialp, 1963.

______. "El sentido cristiano de la vida. III" [The Christian Meaning of Life. III]. Revista Española de Pedagogía (Madrid), 5:19 (1948); reprint ("La accíon misionera" [Missionary Action]) in Humanismo y cruz, chap. 5C. Madrid: Rialp, 1963.

______. "The Silence of The Word: Non-dualistic Polarities." Cross Currents 24:2-3 (Fall 1974): 154-171.

© Gerard Hall. Raimon Panikkar’s Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism. Bibliography & Dissertation Abstract


______. "Singularity and Individuality: The Double Principle of Individuation." Revue Internationale de Philosophie 111-112: 1-2 (1975): 141-166.

______. "Síntesis: Visión de síntesis del universo" [Synthesis: Vision of the Synthesis of the Universe]. Arbor (Madrid), no. 1 (1944): 5-40; reprint ("Visión de síntesis del universo") in Humanismo y cruz, chap. 1. Madrid: Rialp, 1963.

______. "Some Theses on Technology." Logos: Philosophic Issues in Christian Perspective 7 (1986): 115-124.

______. "Some Words instead of a Response." Cross Currents 29:2 (Summer 1979): 193-196.

______. "Sur l'anthropologie du prochain" [On the Anthropology of the Neighbor]. L'homme et son prochain: Acts of the Eighth Congress of the Society of Philosophy of the French Language. Paris: PUF, 1956.

______. "Technology and Time: Technochrony," Pax Romana Journal (Fribourg), special issue (February 1967): 3-6.

______. "Témoignage et dialogue" [Witness and Dialogue]. Le Témoignage: Acts of the Colloquium of the Institute of Philosophy of Rome (Istituto di Filosofía di Roma). Edited by E. Castelli. Paris: Aubier, 1972; translation and reprint in Myth, Faith and Hermeneutics, chap. 7. New York: Paulist Press, 1979.

______. "Le temps circulaire: Temporisation et temporalité" [Circular Time: Temporization and Temporality]. Temporalité et aliénation: Acts of the Colloquium of the Institute of Philosophy of Rome (Istituto di Filosofía di Roma). Edited by E. Castelli. Paris: Aubier, 1975.

© Gerard Hall. Raimon Panikkar’s Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism. Bibliography & Dissertation Abstract


______. "The Texture of a Text: In Response to Paul Ricoeur." Point of Contact 2:1 (1978): 51-64.

______. "The Threefold Linguistic Intrasubjectivity." Archivio di Filosófia 54:1- 3 (1986): 593-606.

______. "Time and History in the Tradition of India: Kala and Karma." Cultures and Time, collective work of UNESCO. Paris: Payot, 1976.

______. "Time and Sacrifice: The Sacrifice of Time and the Ritual of Modernity." The Study of Time, vol. 3. Edited by J. T. Fraser, N. Lawrence, and D. Park. New York, Heidelberg, & Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1978.

______. "Tolérance, idéologie et mythe" [Tolerance, Ideology and Myth]. Démythisation et idéologie: Acts of the Colloquium of the Institute of Philosophy of Rome (Istituto di Filosofía di Roma). Edited by E. Castelli. Paris: Aubier, 1973; reprint in Myth, Faith and Hermeneutics, chap. 2. New York: Paulist Press, 1979.

______. "Toward a Typology of Time and Temporality in the Ancient Indian Tradition." East and West 24:2 (April 1974): 161-164.

______. "Toward an Ecumenical Theandric Spirituality," Journal of Ecumenical Studies 20:3 (1968): 507-534.

______. "The Ultimate Experience." Indian Ecclesiastical Studies (Bangalore) 1 (January 1971): 18-39; reprint in "The Supreme Experience: The Ways of East and West." Myth, Faith and Hermeneutics, chap. 10. New York: Paulist Press, 1979.

______. "La unidad física del tiempo" [The Physical Unity of Time]. Acts of the International Congress of Philosophy Barcelona September 1948, vol. 2.

© Gerard Hall. Raimon Panikkar’s Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism. Bibliography & Dissertation Abstract


Madrid: CSIC, 1949; redaction ("La Unidad fisicomatemática de tiempo") in Ontonomía de la ciencia, chap 8. Madrid: Rialp, [1958] 1963.

______. "The Unknown Knower: Five Crosscultural Theses on Consciousness." Concepts of Human Freedom. Edited by H. von Majar Svilar. New York: Peter Lang, 1988.

______. "Verstehen als Überzeugstein" [Understanding as Convincement]. Neue Anthropologie. Edited by H.-G. Gadamer & P. Vogler. Philosophische Anthropologie, vol. 7. Stuttgart: Thieme, 1975.

______. "La visione cosmoteandrica: il senso religioso emergente del terzo millennio" [The Cosmotheandric Vision: The Emerging Religious Consciousness of the Third Millennium]. Vecchi e nuovi dei: Second International Symposium on Belief. Edited by R. Caporale. Torino: Valentino, 1976.

______. "The Ways of East and West." New Dimensions of Religious Experience: Acts of the College Theology Society. Edited by G. Devine. New York: Alba House, 1970; reprint in "The Supreme Experience: The Ways of East and West." Myth, Faith and Hermeneutics, chap. 10. New York: Paulist Press, 1979.

______. "What is Comparative Philosophy Comparing?" Interpreting Across Boundaries. Edited by G. J. Larson and E. Deutsch. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988.

______. "Words and Terms." Esistenza, mito, ermeneutica, vol. 2. Edited by M. M. Olivetti. Rome: Istituto di Studi Filosófici, 1980.

© Gerard Hall. Raimon Panikkar’s Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism. Bibliography & Dissertation Abstract


Computer Discs of Panikkar's Gifford Lectures

The Gifford Memorial Lectures. University of Edinburgh April-May 1989. Entitled "The Trinity and Atheism: The Dwelling of the Divine in the Contemporary World." Edited for subsequent publication by Scott Eastham. Raimon Panikkar, The Rhythm of Being: The Gifford Lectures. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 2010.

Monograph of Panikkar's Works

Anthropos: Revista de documentación científica de la cultura, nos. 53-54 (1985). Includes the most extensive known bibliography of Panikkar's works 1942- 1985.

Critical Works on Panikkar

Capps, Walter. "Toward a Christian Theology of the World's Religions." Cross Currents 29:2 (Summer 1979): 156-168, 182.

Cousins, Ewert. "Introduction: The Panikkar Symposium at Santa Barbara." Cross Currents 29:2 (Summer, 1979): 131-134, 140.

______. "Raimundo Panikkar and the Christian Systematic Theology of the Future." Cross Currents 29:2 (Summer, 1979): 141-154.

______. "The Trinity and World Religions." Journal of Ecumenical Studies 7:3 (1970): 476-498.

Coward, Harold. "Panikkar's Approach to Interreligious Dialogue." Cross Currents 29:2 (Summer, 1979): 183-189.

© Gerard Hall. Raimon Panikkar’s Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism. Bibliography & Dissertation Abstract


Dean, Thomas. "Universal Theology and Dialogical Dialogue." Toward a Universal Theology of Religion. Edited by Leonard Swidler. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1987.

Dupuis, Jacques. Jesus Christ at the Encounter of World Religions. Translated by R. Barr. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1991.

Knitter, Paul. No Other Name? A Critical Survey of Christian Attitudes Toward the World Religions. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1985.

Kreiger, David, J. The New Universalism: Foundations for a Global Theology. Faith Meets Faith Series. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1991.

Lanzetta, Beverly. "The Godhead as a Theological Foundation of Interreligious Dialogue; Drawn from the Writings of Meister Eckhart and Raimundo Panikkar." Ph.D. diss., Fordham University, 1988.

Mitra, Kana. Catholicism-Hinduism: Vedantic Investigation of Raimundo Panikkar's Attempt at Bridge Building. New York: University of America Press, 1987.

Nelson, Benjamin. "A New Science of Civilizational Analysis: A Tribute to Panikkar." Cross Currents 29:2 (Summer, 1979): 135-140.

Siguan, Miquel, ed. Philosophia pacis: Homenaje a Raimon Panikkar [Philosophy of Peace: Homage to Raimon Panikkar]. Madrid: Simbolo editorial, 1989.

Slater, Peter. "Hindu and Christian Symbols in the Work of R. Panikkar." Cross Currents 29:2 (Summer, 1979): 169-182.

© Gerard Hall. Raimon Panikkar’s Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism. Bibliography & Dissertation Abstract


Smet, Robert. Essai sur la pensée de Raimundo Panikkar: Une contribution indienne à la théologie des religions et à la christologie [Essay on the Thought of Raimundo Panikkar: An Indian Contribution to the Theology of Religions and Christology]. Louvain: Centre d'histoire des religions, 1981. Includes extensive bibliography of Panikkar's works till 1979.

______. Le problème d'une théologie hindoue-chrétienne selon Raymond Panikkar [The Problem of a Hindu-Christian Theology according to Raymond Panikkar]. Louvain: Centre d'histoire des religions, 1983.

Wei-Hsun Fu, Charles. "A Universal Theory or a Cosmic Confidence in Reality? A Taoist/Zen Response." Toward a Universal Theology of Religion. Edited by Leonard Swidler. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1987.

Yadav, Bibhuti S. "Anthropomorphism and Cosmic Confidence." Toward a Universal Theology of Religion. Edited by Leonard Swidler. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1987.

Supplementary Bibilography

Barillo, Renato. Rhetoric. Translated by Giuliana Menozzi. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989.

Barnes, Michael. Christian Identity and Religious Pluralism: Religions in Conversation. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1989.

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© Gerard Hall. Raimon Panikkar’s Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism. Bibliography & Dissertation Abstract

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Raimon Panikkar's Hermeneutics of Religious Pluralism

Author: Gerard Vincent Hall Major Professor: Stephen Happel

Postmodern theology is confronted with the challenge of radical otherness. Spanish-Indian philosopher-theologian Raimon Panikkar (1918-) takes up this challenge by interpreting the christian mystery within multidisciplinary, interreligious and cross-cultural contexts. This dissertation explores the principles, themes and methods which emerge in Panikkar's writings on religious pluralism (1942-1992) and suggests a dialectical, hermeneutical and rhetorical reading of his cosmotheandric project. The opening chapter introduces such key concepts as hermeneutics, religion and pluralism. It also provides a narrative and conceptual framework in which to situate Panikkar's contributions to the theology of interreligious dialogue and christian theological method. The major part of this study offers a systematic presentation of the historical unfolding of Panikkar's thought. In so doing, it identifies elements of continuity and growth in his approach to the meeting of religions and cultures. Chapter two investigates his interdisciplinary foundations (1940s and 1950s) in philosophy and theology as well as the physical and chemical sciences. Chapter three examines his initial hermeneutics of interreligious dialogue (1960s) which is developed with reference to christian,

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388 hindu and buddhist traditions. Chapter four focuses on his encounter with secular humanism (1970s) which radicalizes his understanding of religion. Chapter five provides a comprehensive analysis of his post-secular hermeneutics of religious pluralism (1970s and 1980s) according to his own categories of mythos, logos and symbol. The final chapter argues that Panikkar is an important, postmodern theological voice. This conclusion is reached through a number of strategies. First, there is investigation into the internal coherence and outside critiques of his theological claims and methodological procedures. Second, there is discussion and assessment of his hermeneutics of otherness, testimony and trust in conversation with hermeneutical theories of Martin Heidegger, Hans- Georg Gadamer and Paul Ricoeur. Third, there is an attempt to establish that Panikkar fulfills David Klemm's requirements for a rhetoric of postmodern theology. This rhetorical reading explores the four master tropes (metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche and irony) that govern Panikkar's use of religious discourse.

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