4.3. Priority Two Flora 4.3.1. Persoonia Filiformis (P2)

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4.3. Priority Two Flora 4.3.1. Persoonia Filiformis (P2) Targeted flora survey – Trieste Project 15. 4.3. Priority Two Flora Three priority two flora species, as listed by the WAH (1998- ), were recorded within the Trieste 3D Seismic Project area (Figure 4.3). Brief descriptions of these species are provided below. 4.3.1. Persoonia filiformis (P2) - PROTEACEAE Persoonia filiformis is an erect to spreading lignotuberous shrub to 40 cm tall. It flowers from November to December and often occurs on sand over laterite (Plate 3a; WAH 1998- ). One-hundred and fifty-four plants were recorded scattered in heathland in the UCL. Persoonia filiformis was not recorded in any of the surveyed private properties. 4.3.2. Stylidium pseudocaespitosum (P2) - STYLIDIACEAE Stylidium pseudocaespitosum is a rosetted perennial herb with tufted leaves, to 30 cm tall. It flowers from September to November and occurs on sand over laterite, or on breakaways and hill slopes (Plate 3b; WAH 1998- ). Small populations of Stylidium pseudocaespitosum were recorded scattered in heathland, open woodland or isolated trees over open heathland in the central-northern UCL area. Usually less than five plants were recorded at a location. Stylidium pseudocaespitosum was not recorded in any of the surveyed private properties. 4.3.3. Micromyrtus uniovulum (P2) - MYRTACEAE Micromyrtus uniovulum is a low and spreading shrub to 40 cm tall. It flowers from September to November and often occurs on lateritic rises in sandy soil over laterite (Rye 2002). The specimen collected was from a known historic record south of Sundalara Road (PERTH 07305826; WAH 1998- ) and no plants were recorded along the Source or Receiver lines within the Trieste 3D Seismic Project. Furthermore, M. uniovulum was not included in any impact calculations or any subsequent sections in this report. a b Plate 3: Priority two inflorescences and habit. a Persoonia filiformis; and b Stylidium pseudocaespitosum. 330000 335000 340000 345000 6735000 6735000 ") ")") ")")")") ")")")") ")")") ")") ")")") ") ")") ") ") ") ") ")") ")")") ") ") ") ") ")")") ")") ") ")") ") ") ")")")") ")") ") 6730000 ") 6730000 ") ")")") ") ") ")")")") ") ")")") ")")")")")")") ")") ") ") ") ") ")")")")")")") ")") ") ") ") ")") ") EP 320 R5 ")") 6725000 6725000 R 25495 6720000 6720000 6715000 6715000 Priority 2 Flora ") Micromyrtus uniovulum ") Persoonia filiformis ") Stylidium pseudocaespitosum 330000 335000 340000 345000 Legend 0 0.75 1.5km Figure: Trieste 3D Seismic Project Exploration Permit EP320 Treiste 3D Seismic Survey Source Lines DBCA Estate Scale: 1:75,000 28 Central Road, Kalamunda WA 6076 ~ Tel: 9257 1625 ~ Fax: 9257 1640 MGA94 (Zone 50) Receiver Lines Author: E M Mattiske MCPL Ref: LEP1701 CAD Ref: a2505R004_03 Priority 2 Flora Locations ± Drawn: CAD Resources ~ www.cadresources.com.au Imagery: Landgate (Nov 2016) Date: Dec 2017 Rev: B A3 Tel: (08) 9246 3242 ~ Fax (08) 9246 3202 4.3 Targeted flora survey – Trieste Project 17. 4.4. Priority Three Flora Eleven priority three flora species, as listed by the WAH (1998- ), were recorded within the Trieste 3D Seismic Project area (Figure 4.4). Brief descriptions of these species are provided below. 4.4.1. Grevillea biformis subsp. cymbiformis (P3) - PROTEACEAE Grevillea biformis subsp. cymbiformis is a shrub to 1.5 m tall. It flowers between January to March, or August to December (WAH 1998- ). A single plant was recorded along a Receiver line in the central- eastern portion of the UCL. Grevillea biformis subsp. cymbiformis was not recorded in any of the surveyed private properties. 4.4.2. Guichenotia alba (P3) - MALVACEAE Guichenotia alba is a slender, lax, few-branched shrub to 45 cm tall. It flowers from July to August and occurs on sandy clay or gravelly soils, on low-lying flats and depressions which are winter-wet (Plate 4a; Keighery 1998; WAH 1998- ). Seventy-five plants were recorded at four populations in the central- and south-western UCL area. Guichenotia alba was not recorded in any of the surveyed private properties. 4.4.3. Hemiandra sp. Eneabba (H. Demarz 3687) (P3) - LAMIACEAE Hemiandra sp. Eneabba (H. Demarz 3687) is a straggly, erect shrub to 90 cm tall. It flowers between November and February and often occurs on sand (WAH 1998- ). Two-hundred and forty-three plants were recorded scattered in low numbers in the UCL, mostly in the south-west area and the south. Hemiandra sp. Eneabba (H. Demarz 3687) was not recorded in any of the surveyed private properties. 4.4.4. Hypocalymma gardneri (P3) - MYRTACEAE Hypocalymma gardneri is a shrub to 30 cm tall. It flowers between August and September and often occurs on sand or laterite on sandplains, upper slopes and heathland (Plate 4b; WAH 1998- ). Hypocalymma gardneri was recorded in the UCL at four locations, each of a single plant. 4.4.5. Mesomelaena stygia subsp. deflexa (P3) - CYPERACEAE Mesomelaena stygia subsp. deflexa is a tufted, perennial sedge to 50 cm tall. It flowers from March to October and occurs on a variety of soils in heathland (Plate 4d; Wilson 1981; WAH 1998- ). Mesomelaena stygia subsp. deflexa was often recorded in dense numbers on the cream-yellow sands on undulating plains associated with open heathland in the Trieste 3D Seismic Project area. It was not recorded in any of the surveyed private properties. The single historic record from Robb Road in the UCL was relocated, and the population numbers expanded. 4.4.6. Persoonia rudis (P3) - PROTEACEAE Persoonia rudis is an erect, often spreading shrub to 1 m tall. It flowers from September to December (January) and often occurs on sand over laterite (Plate 4e; WAH 1998- ). It was recorded mostly in the central and south-western areas of the UCL as scattered plants (1-2 plants at each location) in heathland. 4.4.7. Stylidium drummondianum (P3) - STYLIDIACEAE Stylidium drummondianum is a rosetted perennial herb to 20 cm tall. It flowers from August to October and often occurs on lateritic ridges and slopes with gravelly skeletal soils (Plate 4g; WAH 1998- ). It was recorded from the central-western lateritic ridges (west of Robb Road) and north-eastern lateritic ridges Targeted flora survey – Trieste Project 18. in the UCL, and the lateritic ridges in the Brickley’s and Morgan’s private properties. Stylidium drummondianum was often recorded in similar habitat to the threatened orchids, therefore a lesser impact is expected due to the deviations around the ridges and hand deployment along Receiver lines. 4.4.8. Stylidium torticarpum (P3) - STYLIDIACEAE Stylidium torticarpum is a caespitose perennial herb with tufted leaves, growing to 27 cm tall. It flowers from September to November and often occurs on sandy clay soils on winter-wet creek margins, adjacent watersheds and depressions or beneath breakaways (Plate 4h; Lowrie and Kenneally 1997; WAH 1998- ). Stylidium torticarpum was recorded in the damper areas or depressions between lateritic ridges in the south-east UCL as well as the creekline in the north-east UCL. 4.4.9. Synaphea oulopha (P3) - PROTEACEAE Synaphea oulopha is a compact shrub to 20 cm tall. It flowers from July to October and often occurs on lateritic breakaways and rises (Plate 4c; WAH 1998- ). Twenty-five plants of Synaphea oulopha were recorded in a confined area (90 x 20 m) in the south-west UCL along a Source line. 4.4.10. Verticordia luteola var. luteola (P3) - MYRTACEAE Verticordia luteola var. luteola is a slender shrub to 1.4 m tall. It flowers from November to December and often occurs on sand over gravel on flats (Plate 4f; WAH 1998- ). A single plant was recorded along a Source line just off Robb Road in the UCL. 4.4.11. Verticordia densiflora var. roseostella (P3) - MYRTACEAE Verticordia densiflora var. roseostella is an open shrub to 1.3 m tall. It flowers from September to December and often occurs on sandy gravelly soils (Plate 4i; WAH 1998- ). Seventy-eight plants were recorded as a single population along a Receiver line in the Mallee Tree Farm private property. Verticordia densiflora var. roseostella was not recorded in the UCL. Targeted flora survey – Trieste Project 19. a b c d e f g h i Plate 4: Priority three inflorescences and habit. a Guichenotia alba; b Hypocalymma gardneri; c Synaphea oulopha (photograph by L. Cockram); d Mesomelaena stygia subsp. deflexa (photograph by S. Ruoss); e Persoonia rudis; f Verticordia luteola var. luteola (photograph by L. Cockram); g Stylidium drummondianum; h Stylidium torticarpum; and i Verticordia densiflora var. roseostella. 330000 335000 340000 345000 6735000 6735000 ")") ") ") ") *# *#*#*#*#*#*# *#*# #* #####*#*##**# *#*#* *#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# # # ") *##* *# *# * ")")")")")")")") ")")") ")")")")")")") **#*#*# *# *#*#*#*#*#*# ") ") ") ") ") ") *#*# # *# *# ") ") ") ") ") *#* *# ")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")") ") *#*# ")")")")") *# ") ") ") ") ") ") *# *#") ") *# ") ") ")") ") *#") ") *# ") ")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")")") *# *#*#")*#")")")")")")")")") *# ")")")")") ") *# ")")")")")")")")")")")")")") ") ") ")")")")")") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") *# ") ") ") ") ") *# ") ") ")")") ")")")")") ")")") ") *# ") ")*#*#*# ")")") ") ") *# ") ") ") ") ") *#") ") ") ")") ")")")") ") ")") 6730000 ") ") ") 6730000 ") ") ") ") ")*#") ")")")")")")")")")") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") *# ") *#") ") ") ") ") *# ") ")")")")")")") ") ") ") ")")") *# *# ") ") ") *# ") *# *#*# ") ")") ")")")")")")")") ") ") *# ") ") ") #*#*# ") ") ") ") ") ") *#*# ") ") ") *# ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ")")")")")")")") ")")") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ")")") ") ") ") ")")")
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