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The Empty Mirror screenplay by Barry Hershey and R. Buckingham Story by Barry Hershey Walden Woods Film Company, Inc. June 5, 1995 THE EMPTY MIRROR - final production script - June 5, 1995 p.1 FADE IN: 1 PROLOGUE - (ACCOMPANIED BY A WAGNERIAN OVERTURE) A SERIES OF GRAINY IMAGES Snow blows over dead soldiers in a road. A grainy image: A woman drags an emaciated corpse, its foot leaves a shallow furrow in the sand. A grief stricken mother caresses the face of her dead child. The images dissolve into a gray, swirling, grainy abstraction. 2 SWIRLING, OUT-OF-FOCUS SHAPES, BLACK AND WHITE On the sound track: VOICES, distorted, animalistic. The TITLE comes up over the abstract images. Some of the letters are runic, mystical. The title fades out. The VOICES distill to one familiar VOICE. The swirling shapes begin to focus as we MOVE back. We're watching a "screen" suspended in space. ON THE SCREEN: An impassioned man speaks to a rapt crowd of Hitler Youth. ADOLF HITLER, at the peak of his power. HITLER (German, no subtitles) We will pass from the scene, but for you, Germany will live on. And when we are gone, it will be your duty to hold high in your clenched fist the banner which we raised out of nothingness. And I know it cannot be otherwise, for you are flesh of our flesh and blood of our blood, and the same spirit that rules us burns in your young brains. Today, standing on this stage, I am but a tiny part of that which extends beyond, over the whole of Germany, and we want you, German boys and German girls, to absorb all our hopes for the future of that Germany.
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