R/V ”Jan Mayen” in front of Chomjakovbreen, Hornsund, Spitsbergen, August 7th 2007; Foto: M. Forwick

on R/V Jan Mayen, July 2nd – July 8th 2007 by Matthias Forwick



Content Page

1. Summary 3

2. Background 4

3. Objectives 4

4. Participants 5

5. Equipment 6

6. Methods 6

7. Journal 8

8. Preliminary results 17

9. References 21

10. Tables of collected data 22

Remarks: Jan P. Holm and Trine Dahl from the Department of Geology, University of Tromsø, contributed with data processing and the creation of figures to this cruise report. They are hereby acknowledged!

2 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

1. Summary

From the evening of August 2nd to the afternoon of August 8th 2007, the Department of Geology of the University of Tromsø (UiTø), Norway, arranged a scientific cruise to West Spitsbergen fjords on R/V “Jan Mayen”. The port of departure and arrival was Longyearbyen. Investigated areas were Isfjorden, Sassenfjorden, Tempelfjorden, Nordfjorden, Dicksonfjorden, van Keulenfjorden, Hornsundbanken, as well as Brepollen and Samarinvågen in Hornsund (Fig. 1). In Sassenfjorden and Tempelfjorden, 8 conductivity-temperature-depth and turbidity measurements (CTDT) were performed. Furthermore, nine box cores (BC), one piston core (PC) and one gravity core (GC) were retrieved. Whereas one GC was retrieved in Nordfjorden, two PC and one GC were retrieved in Dicksonfjorden. In van Keulenfjorden, 4 CTDT casts were performed and three BC, two PC and two GC were retrieved, respectively. One PC and one GC were sampled on Hornsundbanken. In Brepollen, one CTDT cast was performed and 2 GC were retrieved. Swath-bathymetry surveys were carried out in Sassenfjorden/Tempelfjorden, van Keulenfjorden, as well as in Brepollen and Samarinvågen. A total of 100 high-resolution seismic profiles have been acquired in Tempelfjorden, van Keulenfjorden, Horsundbanken, Hornsund, Brepollen and Samarinvågen, respectively.

Figure 1: Map of (A) and map showing locations mentioned in the report (B).

3 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

2. Background

The cruise was arranged as part of the strategic university programme “Sedimentary Processes and Paleoenvironment on Northern Continental Margins” (SPONCOM). The overall goal of the project was to assess the changes in the physical environment of the sea-floor and the overlying water and ice of West Spitsbergen and North Norwegian fjords, as well as on adjacent continental margins during the last glacial – interglacial cycle.

3. Objectives

The objectives of the cruise were: - To collect swath-bathymetry data in Sassenfjorden, Tempelfjorden, van Keulenfjorden and the inner parts of Hornsund with the purpose of identifying morphological features on the seafloor that might provide information about subglacial conditions in the past. - The retrieval of eight box cores for surface sampling (0-1 cm), as well as CTD measurements in Sassenfjorden and Tempelfjorden in order to continue monitoring of the influence of environmental changes on foraminifera-fauna assemblages in these fjords (see Korsun & Hald, 2000). - To continue measurements of the physical properties of and sediment concentrations in the waters in Sassenfjorden and Tempelfjorden, with the purpose of obtaining repeated information about the influence of the river Sassenelva, as well as the glaciers and Von Postbreen on the water masses in these fjords. - To retrieve surface samples from Sassenfjorden and Tempelfjorden for biogeochemical, geochemical and mineralogical analyses, in order to investigate the influence of the river Sassenelva, as well as the glaciers Tunabreen and Von Postbreen on the sedimentation pattern in these fjords. - To retrieve sediment cores off a sediment lobe in Tempelfjorden, described by Plassen et al. (2004), in order to investigate the influence of the rivers Sassenelva and the glaciers Tunabreen and von Postbreen on the sedimentation at the core site in the past. - To retrieve sediment cores from Nordfjorden, Dicksonfjorden, van Keulenfjorden, Hornsundbanken and Brepollen in order to investigate sedimentary processes and to infer palaeoenvironmental conditions. - To retrieve surface samples from van Keulenfjorden for biogeochemical, geochemical, sedimentological and forminifera-fauna analyses.

4 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

4. Participants

Crew R/V “Jan Mayen”:

Captain: Hans R. Hansen Vice captain: Per-Kristian Langaune Chief engineer: Atle Honningsvåg Second engineer: Sindre Myking Boatswain: Jan R. Dalsbø Boatswain: Jan A. Johansen Able seaman: Eivind Halsnes Able seaman: Rolf P. Halsnes Able seaman: Ronny Johansen Stewart: Børge Pedersen Galley assistant: Bente Mortensen

Scientific crews:

Participant Affiliation

Dahl, Trine (engineer) UiT Forwick, Matthias (Post. Doc., chief scientist) UiT Hedquist, André (teacher) TJC Holm, Jan P. (engineer) UiT Kim, Dongjin (student) CNU Kim, Yumi (student) CNU Lydersen, Kyrre (engineer) UiT Marienborg, Tove (director) SCNN Oh, Jongmin (student) CNU Park, Byungno (student) CNU Robertsen, Roy (engineer) UiT Roh, Yul (professor) CNU Sandaker, Knut (engineer) UiT Stenvoll, Trude (teacher) KSJC Szczuciński, Witold (research scientist) UoP Ørmen, Bianca (teacher) KBJC

UiT = University of Tromsø, Norway TJC = Tromsdalen junior college, Tromsø, Norway CNU = Chonnam National University, South-Korea SCNN = Science Centre of Northern Norway (Nordnorsk Vitensenter Tromsø) KSJC = Kvaløysletta junior college, Tromsø, Norway UoP = University of Poznań, Poland KBJC = Kongsbakken junior college, Tromsø, Norway

5 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

5. Equipment

Acoustic equipment - Kongsberg Maritime EM 300 multibeam echo sounder - EdgeTech 3300-HM hull-mounted sub-bottom profiler ("Chrip"); 4*4 arreys - Echo Sounder, Simrad EK 500, 38 kHz

Coring equipment - Piston corer (total weight c. 2200 kg; 2*6 m steel barrels; inner diameter of steel barrel: 11 cm) - Gravity corer (total weight 1900 kg; 6 m steel barrel; inner diameter of steel barrel: 11 cm) - Giant box corer (50*50*50 cm3)

Water properties: - CTD (Seabird 911 Plus) with compact rosette - Seapoint Turbidity Meter

6. Methods

Acoustic investigations

Seafloor mapping: Swath-bathymetry surveys in Sassenfjorden, Tempelfjorden, van Keulenfjorden, as well as in Brepollen and Samarinvågen, have been carried out using a Kongsberg Maritime EM 300 multibeam echo sounder. A sound-velocity profile of the water column for calibrating the equipment was recorded from CTD casts within the mapped areas. The equipment worked well during the acquisition and most of the data is of good quality. However, the estimated sound velocities from the CTD cast and the actual sound velocity of the water masses in Sassenfjorden and Tempelfjorden appear not the same so that the data are of somewhat lower quality. This problem is still to be solved. Because of too large data amounts, one hard drive of the multibeam echo sounder PC stopped working properly. This problem was solved by starting a new survey. The collected data are stored on DVD. Some preliminary data cleaning was performed using the software programme Neptune version 4.1.2. Gridding and visualising of the results has been carried out in GMT (The Generic Mapping Tools; Wessel & Smith, 1998).

Seismic profiling: High-resolution seismic profiles, using an EdgeTech 3300-HM hull-mounted sub-bottom profiler, were collected along several ship tracks during the swath-bathymetry data acquisition in van Keulenfjorden, as well as in Brepollen and Samarinvågen. Single lines were acquired in Tempelfjorden and on Hornsundbanken, respectively, in order to determine coring sites. The equipment worked well and the data are of good quality. The available data are stored on DVD.

6 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

Sediment sampling

The seafloors in Sassenfjorden, Tempelfjorden, Nordfjorden, Dicksonfjorden, van Keulenfjorden, Hornsundbanken and Brepollen have been sampled with a piston corer (PC), a gravity corer (GC) and a giant box corer (BC), respectively.

Long cores were retrieved with a 12-m long piston corer and a 6-m long gravity corer. Plastic liners with an outer diameter of 11 cm (inner diameter: 10 cm) were put into the steel barrels. After retrieval, the plastic liners were cut into sections of up to 100 cm length. They were covered with plastic caps, taped, labelled and stored at +4ºC.

The giant box corer has been used with the purpose of retrieving undisturbed samples of the seafloor in Sasssenfjorden, Tempelfjorden and van Keulenfjorden. After taking colour pictures, the uppermost c. one centimetre was sampled for biogeochemical and foraminifera-fauna analyses. The material was stored in prepared glass bottles and plastic tubes (biogeochemistry), as well as in plastic bottles (foraminifera). The foraminifera samples were preserved in alcohol (95%) with Rose Bengal stain immediately after sampling; they were subsequently stored at +4°C. The biogeochemistry samples were stored at room temperature.

Water properties

Water properties – temperature, salinity – were measured using a Seabird 911 Plus CTD. Additionally, the suspension contents in the water masses were measured with a Seapoint Turbidity Meter attached to the CTD. Data collection was performed during downcasts at a speed of 0.5 m/s. Water samples were taken in Sassenfjorden, Tempelfjorden and van Keulenfjorden. The water will be filtered in the laboratory in order to estimate the sediment concentration and in order to perform geochemical analyses with the purpose of identifying the nature of the suspended load. The data of selected CTD stations in Sassenfjorden, van Keulenfjorden and Hornsund were used to calculate sound-velocity profiles in order to calibrate the multibeam echo sounder system.

7 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

7. Journal

Monday, July 2nd 2007

Weather: overcast, periodically some light rain; calm sea; 7 ºC; wind: <5 m/sec.

Summary Departure from Longyearbyen at 16:00 UTC (18:00 local time), heading for Sassenfjorden, Start of a transect in Sassenfjorden and Tempelfjorden, including eight CTDT (conductivity- temperature-depth-transmissivity) stations, including water samples from close to the sea surface and sea bottom, as well as eight box-core (BC) stations.

Protocol of July 2nd (times in UTC) 1600: Departure from Longyearbyen 1840: Station JM07-141-CTDT (conductivity-temperature-depth-transmissivity) and water samples in Sassenfjorden (Fig. 2; Tab. 1) 1850: Station JM07-001-BC (box core) in Sassenfjorden (Fig. 3; Tab. 2) 1940: Station JM07-142-CTDT 2000: Station JM07-002-BC 2040: Station JM07-143-CTDT in Sassenfjorden/Tempelfjorden 2100: Station JM07-003-BC in Sassenfjorden/Tempelfjorden 2135: Station JM07-144-CTDT in Tempelfjorden 2155: Station JM07-004-BC in Tempelfjorden 2225: Station JM07-145-CTDT 2245: Station JM07-005-BC 2315: Station JM07-146-CTDT 2330: Station JM07-006-BC

Tuesday, July 3rd 2007

Weather: overcast, periodical sunshine; calm sea; 4-5 ºC; wind: <5 m/sec.

Summary Continuation of CTDT and BC transect in Tempelfjorden. Determination of the glacier-frontal position of Tunabreen in Tempelfjorden. Swath-bathymetry survey in Tempelfjorden. Acquisition of one seismic profile, as well as retrieval of one box core, gravity core (GC) and piston core (PC) in Tempelfjorden. Start of swath-bathymetry survey in Sassenfjorden.

Protocol of July 3rd (times in UTC) 0000: Station JM07-147-CTDT (Fig. 2; Tab. 1) 0025: Station JM07-007-BC (Fig. 3; Tab. 2) 0045: Station JM07-148-CTDT 0105: Station JM07-008-BC ~0200: Determination of the glacier-frontal position of Tunabreen, Tempelfjorden using the ship’s radar (Tab. 3) 0306: Start of swath-bathymetry survey in Tempelfjorden (Fig. 4; Tab. 6)

8 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

1439: End of swath-bathymetry survey 1544: Start of line (SOL) 07JM016 (Chirp) in Tempelfjorden (Tab. 7) 1604: End of line (EOL) 07JM016 1633: Station JM07-009-BC (Fig. 3; Tab. 2) 1713: Station JM07-009-PC (Fig. 5; Tab. 4) 1836: Station JM07-009-GC (Fig. 6; Tab. 5) 1950: Start closing gaps in the swath-bathymetry data from Tempelfjorden 2116: End of closing gaps 2123: Start of swath-bathymetry survey in Sassenfjorden (Fig. 4; Tab. 6)

Wednesday, July 4th 2007

Weather: overcast, some sunshine in the afternoon; calm sea; 4-8 ºC; wind: <5 m/sec.

Summary Continuation of swath-bathymetry survey in Sassenfjorden. Steaming to Longyearbyen in order to bunker water. One gravity core in Nordfjorden. Two piston cores and one gravity core in Dicksonfjorden. Steaming to van Keulenfjorden.

Protocol of July 4th (times in UTC) 0000: Continuation of swath-bathymetry survey in Sassenfjorden (Fig. 4; Tab. 6) 0518: End of swath-bathymetry survey in Sassenfjorden ~0700: Arrival in Longyearbyen ~1100: Departure from Longyearbyen 1215: Station JM07-010-GC in Nordfjorden (Fig. 6; Tab. 5) 1425: Station JM07-011-GC in Dicksonfjorden (Fig. 6; Tab. 5) 1510: Station JM07-011-PC1 (Fig. 5; Tab. 4) 1650: Station JM07-011-PC2 ~1730: Start steaming to van Keulenfjorden

Thursday, July 5th 2007

Weather: overcast, some sunshine in the afternoon; calm sea; 4-5 ºC; wind: <9 m/sec.

Summary Steaming to van Keulenfjorden. CTD cast in Keulenfjorden and swath-bathymetry survey. Retrieval of two piston cores, one gravity core and three box cores, as well as acquisition of Chirp profiles 07JM017 and 07JM018.

Protocol of July 5th (times in UTC) 0123: Station JM07-149-CTDT in van Keulenfjorden (Fig. 2; Tab. 1) 0158: Start of swath-bathymetry survey in van Keulenfjorden (Fig. 4; Tab. 6) 0919: SOL 07JM-017 (Chrip) in van Keulenfjorden (Tab. 7) 0923: Interruption on swath-bathymetry survey

9 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

0934: EOL 07JM-017 0938: Station JM07-150-CTDT 1016: Station JM07-012-PC (Fig. 5; Tab. 4) 1216: Station JM07-012-GC (Fig. 6; Tab. 5) 1251: Station JM07-012-BC (Fig. 3; Tab. 2) 1346: Station JM07-151-CTDT 1404: Station JM07-013-BC 1451: Station JM07-152-CTDT 1519: Station JM07-014-PC 1621: Station JM07-014-BC 1655: Station JM07-014-GC 1728: Continuation of swath-bathymetry survey in van Keulenfjorden 1742: SOL 07JM018 1846: EOL 07JM018

Friday, July 6th 2007

Weather: overcast, some sunshine in the afternoon; calm sea; 2-4 ºC; wind: <10 m/sec.

Summary Continuation of swath-bathymetry survey and acquisition of Chirp profiles 07JM019 and 07JM020 in van Keulenfjorden. Steaming to Hornsund. Acquisition of Chirp profile 07JM020-1 on Hornsundbanken, as well as retrieval of one gravity and piston core, respectively. Swath- bathymetry survey and collection of Chirp data (profiles 07JM021 and 07JM021-1) along the axis of Hornsund and in Brepollen. CTD cast in Brepollen.

Protocol of July 6th (times in UTC) 0233: SOL 07JM019 in van Keulenfjorden (Tab. 7) 0335: EOL 07JM019 0649: SOL 07JM020 0735: EOL 07JM020 1008: End of swath-bathymetry survey in van Keulenfjorden (Fig. 4; Tab. 6), steaming to Hornsund 1442: SOL 07JM020-1 on Hornsundbanken (Tab. 7) 1530: EOL 07JM020-1 1551: Station JM07-015-GC (Fig. 6; Tab. 5) 1644: Station JM07-015-PC (Fig. 5; Tab. 4) 1745: Start of swath-bathymetry in Hornsund 1745: SOL 07JM021 in Hornsund 2057: EOL 07JM021-1 2116: CTDT JM07-153 (Fig. 2; Tab. 1) 2156: Start of swath-bathymetry in Brepollen and Samarinvågen (Fig. 4; Tab. 6) 2156: Start of acquisition of Chirp lines 07JM022 to 07JM100 in Brepollen and Samarinvågen (along the tracks of swath-bathymetry data collection).

10 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

Saturday, July 7th 2007

Weather: some fog in the morninig, clearing up during the afternoon, sunshine in the night; calm sea; 2-3 ºC; wind: <10 m/sec.

Summary Continuation of swath-bathymetry survey and Chrip-data collection in Brepollen and Samarinvågen. Retrieval of two gravity cores in Brepollen.

Protocol of July 7th (times in UTC) 0000: Continuation of swath-bathymetry survey and Chirp data acquisition in Brepollen (Fig. 4; Tabs. 6 & 7). 1354: Interruption of the acoustic surveys 1417: Station JM07-016-GC (Fig. 6; Tab. 5) 1503: Station JM07-017-GC 1525: Continuation of the acoustic surveys ~1755: Interruption of the acoustic surveys due to harddisk problems of the multibeam-echo sounder PC 2009: Continuation of the acoustic surveys

Saturday, July 8th 2007

Weather: sunshine in the night, changing to overcast before noon; calm sea; 2-3 ºC; wind: <10 m/sec.

Summary Continuation of swath-bathymetry survey and Chrip-data collection in Brepollen. Steaming to Longyearbyen.

Protocol of July 8th (times in UTC) 0000: Continuation of swath-bathymetry survey and Chirp data acquisition in Brepollen (Fig. 4; Tabs. 6 & 7). 0425: End of swath-bathymetry survey 0425: End of acquisition of Chirp lines 07JM022 to 07JM100 in Brepollen (Tab. 7). ~1500: Arrival in Longyearbyen ("Kullkaia")

11 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

Figure 2: Conductivity-temperature-depth-transmissivity stations.

12 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

Figure 3: Box-corer stations.

13 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

Fig. 4: Areas of collected swath-bathymetry data.

14 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

Figure 5: Piston-corer stations.

15 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

Figure 6: Gravity-corer stations.

16 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

8. Preliminary results

Preliminary results from the swath bathymetry surveys in Sassenfjorden/Tempelfjorden, van Keulenfjorden and Brepollen are shown on figures 7 to 9, respectively. The figures show data that have been processed to a limited amount and that therefore occasionally comprise artifacts. These artifacts are sub-parallel to parallel features in the directions of the vessel's tracks. They are the results of differences between the sound velocities in the water masses and the sound velocities applied in the programme during the data collection.

8.1 Sassenfjorden/Tempelfjorden

The swath bathymetry data from Sassenfjorden and Tempelfjorden show that these fjords comprise a sinuous-shaped basin with maximum water depths of c. 110 m (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Swath-bathymetry data from Sassenfjorden and Tempelfjorden. For location see Fig. 4. 17 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

Ridges oriented almost perpendicular to the fjord axis can be observed in both fjords. They are assumed to be moraines that have been deposited during a period of general glacier retreat at the end of the last Glacial (Forwick & Vorren, 2005A, 2005B). Similar deposits in Billefjorden have been assumed to be annual recessional moraines deposited at the end of the last glacial (Baeten, 2007). If one assumes that the two moraines marked with arrows in the inner parts of Tempelfjorden in fact are annual recessional moraines, the retreat rate of the glacier front has been in the order of 350 m per year. This compares well to an annual retreat rate of 330 m inferred for Billefjorden (Baeten, 2007). A sediment lobe can be observed in the inner parts of Tempelfjorden. This lobe is related to the maximum glacier extent during the Holocene and has been described by Plassen et al. (2004). A sinuous-shaped ridge occurs in the southern parts of Sassenfjorden. It is assumed that this ridge is an esker. Because the glaciers in Tempelfjorden and Sassenfjorden did not extent to the location of this esker during the Holocene (based on Plassen et al., 2004), it is suggested that it was formed underneath the glacier that covered the fjords during the last Glacial.

8.2 Van Keulenfjorden

Van Keulenfjorden comprises one basin with up to c. 175 m water depth (Fig. 8). Several NW- SE oriented shallow areas / ridges occur in the outer parts of the fjord. They are assumed to be related to the bedrock geology that is characterised by NW-SE oriented lithological boundaries and faults (Dallmann et al., 2002).

Fig. 8. Swath-bathymetry data from van Keulenfjorden. For location see Fig. 4.

18 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

A sediment lobe occurs in the inner parts of the fjord. It is suggested that this lobe has been deposited during the maximum Holocene glacier extent (compare with Elverhøi et al., 1995; Plassen et al., 2004). Numerous depressions occur on top of the lobe. Unpublished high- resolution seismic data indicates that the sediment lobe covers another sediment lobe and that both lobes have been deposited on approximately 25 m of acoustically stratified sediments. Acoustically transparent "chimneys" occur within these lobes, terminating in depressions on the present seafloor. Because the depressions are limited to the extent of the sediment lobe, it is assumed that they are dewatering features indicating a rapid deposition of the lobe. Several straight to sinuous-shaped ridges of up to c. 10 km length occur beyond the sediment lobe. The orientation of the longest ridge is sub-parallel to the fjord axis. However, minor ridges branching off this ridge are partly oriented perpendicular to the fjord axis. It is assumed that these ridges are eskers. Because the maximum glacier-frontal position during the Holocene is assumed to have been located East of the eskers, it is suggested that they have been deposited during the last Glacial. Several minor ridges, with an orientation perpendicular to the fjord axis, cover the eastern parts of the long and comparatively straight esker. These might be recessional moraines deposited at the end of the last glacial.

8.3 Brepollen / Samarinvågen

Brepollen and Samarinvågen were covered with ice around AD 1900 (Fig. X). Since then, the glacier-fronts retreated up to 15 km. Both locations have a threshold at their mouths. Brepollen comprises a central basin of up to c. 130 m water depth that is surrounded by several comparatively large shallow areas in the North and the Southeast. Samarinvågen, on the other hand, is up to c. 150 m deep and is not surrounded by larger shallow areas. The most characteristic morphological features at both locations are glacial lineations and recessional moraines. The moraines partly cover the glacial lineations. A crag-and-tail occurs in Brepollen. The occurrence of approx. 20 ridges between the glacier-frontal position in AD 1983 and the limit of the survey off Storbreen indicates that the moraines can be regarded as annual deposits (compare e.g. with Boulton, 1986; Ottesen & Dowedeswell, 2006). The variable spacing between the annual moraines in the shallow parts of Brepollen, as well as in Samarinvågen, indicates that the glacier fronts retreat with different speeds (compare with Jania et al., 2003).

19 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

Fig. 9. Swath-bathymetry data from Brepollen and Samarinvågen. For location see Fig. 4.

20 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

9. References

Baeten, N., 2007. Late Weichselian and Holocene sedimentary processes and environments in Billefjorden, Svalbard. Master's Thesis in Geology. University of Tromsø.

Boulton, G.S., 1986. Push-moraines and glacier-contact fans in marine and terrestrial environments. Sedimentology 33, 677-698.

Dallmann, W.K., Ohta, Y., Elvevold, S. & Blomeier, D., 2002. Bedrock map of Svalbard and Jan Mayen. Norsk Polarinstitutt Temakart No. 33.

Elverhøi, A., Svendsen, J.I., Solheim, A., Andersen, E.S., Milliman, J., Mangerud, J. & Hooke, R.L., 1995. Late Quaternary sediment yield from the High Arctic Svalbard area. Journal of Geology 103, 1-17.

Forwick, M. & Vorren, T.O., 2005A. Late Weichselian and Holocene sedimentation and environments in the Isfjorden area, Spitsbergen. In: Forwick, M. (ed.): Sedimentary processes and palaeoenvironments in Spitsbergen fjords. Dr. Scient. Thesis, University of Tromsø.

Forwick, M. & Vorren, T.O., 2005B. Late Weichselian deglaciation history of the Isfjorden area, Spitsbergen. In: Forwick, M. (ed.): Sedimentary processes and palaeoenvironments in Spitsbergen fjords. Dr. Scient. Thesis, University of Tromsø.

Jania, J., Głowacki, P., Kolondra, L., Perski, Z., Piwowar, B., Pulina, M., Szafraniec, J., Bukowska-Jania, I. & Dobiński, W., 2003. Lodowce otoczenia Hornsundu. In: Kostrzewski, A., Zwoliński, Zb., (ed.): Funkcjonowanie dawnych i współczesnych geo-ekosystemów Spitsbergenu. Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich, Poznań-Longyearbyen. 94-117.

Ottesen, D. & Dowdeswell, J.A., 2006. Assemblages of submarine landforms produced by tidewater glaciers in Svalbard. Journal of Geophysical Research 111, doi: 10.1029/2005JF000330.

Plassen, L., Vorren, T.O. & Forwick, M., 2004. Integrated acoustic and coring investigation of glacigenic deposits in Spitsbergen fjords. Polar Research 23(1), 89-110.

Wessel, P. & Smith, W.H.F., 1998. New, improved version of Generic Mapping Tools released. EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 79(47), 579.

21 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

10. Tables of collected data

Time Latitude [N] Water Station Date Location Comments (UTC) Longitude [E] depth [m] JM07-141- 78°21.57' 07/02/07 1840 Sassenfjorden 50 Water samples from bottom and surface CTDT 016°28.12'

JM07-142- 78°22.10' 07/02/07 1940 Sassenfjorden 97 Water samples from bottom and surface CTDT 016°40.26' Water samples from bottom and surface. JM07-143- Sassenfjorden/ 78°22.05' Used for sound-velocity profile for swath- 07/02/07 2040 103 CTDT Tempelfjorden 016°51.08' bathymetry survey in Sassenfjorden and Tempelfjorden. JM07-144- 78°23.53' 07/02/07 2135 Tempelfjorden 99 Water samples from bottom and surface CTDT 016°58.44'

JM07-145- 78°25.05' 07/02/07 2225 Tempelfjorden 67 Water samples from bottom and surface CTDT 017°08.26'

JM07-146- 78°25.42' 07/02/07 2315 Tempelfjorden 37 Water samples from bottom and surface CTDT 017°13.00'

JM07-147- 78°26.00' 07/03/07 0000 Tempelfjorden 40 Water samples from bottom and surface CTDT 017°17.00'

JM07-148- 78°26.20' 07/03/07 0045 Tempelfjorden 35 Water samples from bottom and surface CTDT 017°19.75'

JM07-149- Van 77°35.17' Used for sound-velocity profile for swath- 07/05/07 0123 104 CTDT Keulenfjorden 015°00.92' bathymetry survey in van Keulenfjorden

JM07-150- Van 77°35.00' 07/05/07 0938 100 Water samples from bottom and surface CTDT Keulenfjorden 014°59.83'

JM07-151- Van 77°33.99' 07/05/07 1346 81 Water samples from bottom and surface CTDT Keulenfjorden 015°24.27'

JM07-152- Van 77°33.39' 07/05/07 1451 84 Water samples from bottom and surface CTDT Keulenfjorden 015°35.90' Used for sound-velocity profile for swath- JM07-153- Brepollen 77°00.15’ 07/06/07 2116 127 bathymetry survey in Brepollen and CTDT (Hornsund) 16°27.36’ Samarinvågen

Table 1: Conductivity-temperature-depth-transmissivity stations. See also Fig. 2 for locations.

22 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

Time Latitude [N] Water Station Date Location Comments (UTC) Longitude [E] depth [m] 78°21.57’ Subsampling for micropalaeontological JM07-001-BC 07/02/07 1850 Sassenfjorden 50 016°28.12’ and geobiological analyses

78°22.10’ Subsampling for micropalaeontological JM07-002-BC 07/02/07 2000 Sassenfjorden 97 016°40.26’ and geobiological analyses

Sassenfjorden/ 78°22.05’ Subsampling for micropalaeontological JM07-003-BC 07/02/07 2100 103 Tempelfjorden 016°51.08’ and geobiological analyses

78°23.53’ Subsampling for micropalaeontological JM07-004-BC 07/02/07 2155 Tempelfjorden 99 016°58.44’ and geobiological analyses

78°25.05’ Subsampling for micropalaeontological JM07-005-BC 07/02/07 2245 Tempelfjorden 67 017°08.26’ and geobiological analyses

78°25.42’ Subsampling for micropalaeontological JM07-006-BC 07/02/07 2330 Tempelfjorden 37 017°13.00’ and geobiological analyses

78°26.00’ Subsampling for micropalaeontological JM07-007-BC 07/03/07 0025 Tempelfjorden 40 017°17.00’ and geobiological analyses

78°26.24’ Subsampling for micropalaeontological JM07-008-BC 07/03/07 0105 Tempelfjorden 45 017°19.16’ and geobiological analyses

78°24.69’ Intrusion of two plastic liners. JM07-009-BC 07/03/07 1633 Tempelfjorden 79 017°07.16’ Recovery: 42 cm each Subsampling for micropalaeontological Van 77°35.27’ JM07-012-BC 07/05/07 1251 102 and geobiological analyses; Intrusion of Keulenfjorden 014°59.35’ one plastic liner: Recovery: 25 cm Van 77°34.02’ Subsampling for micropalaeontological JM07-013-BC 07/05/07 1404 84 Keulenfjorden 015°24.66’ and geobiological analyses Subsampling for micropalaeontological Van 77°33.36’ and geobiological analyses; JM07-014-BC 07/05/07 1621 83 Keulenfjorden 015°35.56’ Intrusion of one plastic liner: Recovery: 26 cm

Table 2: Box-corer stations. See also Fig. 3 for locations.

North East North East 78°27.189’ 017°18.856’ 78°26.516’ 017°20.591’ 78°27.041’ 017°19.019’ 78°26.441’ 017°20.774’ 78°26.985’ 017°19.187’ 78°26.397’ 017°21.475’ 78°26.892’ 017°19.376 78°26.398’ 017°21.843’ 78°26.861’ 017°19.734’ 78°26.292’ 017°22.903’ 78°26.835’ 017°20.135’ 78°26.366’ 017°22.467’ 78°26.605’ 017°20.141’ 78°26.333’ 017°22.191’ 78°26.533’ 017°20.377’ 78°26.252’ 017°23.721’

Table 3: Positions of the glacier front of Tunabreen on July 3rd 2007.

23 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

Water Time Latitude [N] Penetra- Recovery Station Date Location depth Comment (UTC) Longitude [E] tion [m] [m] [m] Tempel- 78°24.72’ JM07-009-PC 07/03/07 1713 77 ~10 3.41 fjorden 017°07.45’

Dickson- 78°40.74’ JM07-011-PC1 07/04/07 1506 88 ~7 0.63 fjorden 015°18.84’ Removal of the Dickson- 78°40.83’ sediments because of JM07-011-PC2 07/04/07 1647 90 ~6.5 ~0.40 fjorden 015°19.23’ very intense disturbance Van Loss of ~2 m(?) of the 77°35.07’ JM07-012-PC 07/05/07 1016 Keulen- 101 ~7.5 3.81 core top due to 015°00.73’ fjorden implosion of the liner Van 77°33.33’ JM07-014-PC 07/05/07 1519 Keulen- 82 ~10 5.47 015°35.29’ fjorden Removal of the Hornsund- 76°53.56’ sediments because of JM07-015-PC 07/06/07 1644 148 ~6 ~0.35 banken 014°41.33’ very intense disturbance

Table 4: Piston-corer stations. See also Fig. 5 for locations.

Time Latitude [N] Water Penetra- Recovery Station Date Location Comment (UTC) Longitude [E] depth [m] tion [m] [m] Tempel- 78°24.72’ JM07-009-GC 07/03/07 1836 77 ~7 3.15 fjorden 017°07.12’

Nord- 78°24.86’ JM07-010-GC 07/04/07 1215 207 5.5 3.24 See table caption fjorden 015°08.84’

Dickson- 78°40.64’ JM07-011-GC 07/04/07 1422 88 4.5 1.63 fjorden 015°18.70’ Van 77°35.12’ JM07-012-GC 07/05/07 1216 Keulen- 100 ~6.5 3.24 014°59.95’ fjorden Van 77°33.28’ JM07-014-GC 07/05/07 1651 Keulen- 82 >7 2.75 015°35.83’ fjorden Hornsund- 76°53.66’ JM07-015-GC 07/06/07 1551 148 >7 4.50 banken 014°41.17’

76°59.71’ JM07-016-GC 07/07/07 1417 Brepollen 129 ~7 1.55 016°23.51’ Sampling of dropstones and shell fragment 77°00.33’ JM07-017-GC 07/07/07 1503 Brepollen 131 ~7 1.16 from sediments 016°27.27’ hanging below the core cutter (c. 1.30 m core depth)

Table 5: Gravity-corer stations. See also Fig. 6 for locations. The water depth for station JM07- 010-GC was not available from the ship's log. It is based on the two-ways travel time (285 ms) obtained from a 3.5 kHz penetration echo sounder profile crossing the core location, as well as from an assumed sound-wave velocity of 1450 m/s for the water column. 24 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

the locations of the surveys and the collected data. of the surveys the locations

See Figs. 4 and 7-9 for log. Table 6: Multibeam-echo-sounder 25 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007

Table 6: Seismic-line log. 26 Cruise report – West Spitsbergen fjords, July 2007