RCP completed in June; Approved by WCMC in September 2014  Six new Candidate Programs identified: ▪ , , , American ▪ Guanaco, Bactrian  One phase in : vicuna (imports)

 Global Species Management Planning: Anoa and Banteng  7.7 (15) in 8 AZA institutions  @70 in 3 private institutions  Yellow SSP - zoo population ↓ Endangered – wild population ↓  Challenges that affect program:  Lack of space - more holders needed  Population in AZA decreasing due to species management challenges  What can TAG/holders do to help program & improve ? Program Leader  Encourage AZA institutions to create  space for species and commit to Telena Welsh conserving anoa and other wild  Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium  Reasons to get them: Small adorable Phone: 253-404-3684 species, easy day-to-day husbandry, [email protected] and mix well with other Asian Species: , otters, siamangs, etc. Photo credit: Brent Huffman, Ultimate Ungulate  Photo credit: Brent Huffman, Ultimate Ungulate   Anoa  Banteng  Others ideas? Education Advisor • Continue work with other Ungulate TAGs to build website content, social media awareness, and other marketing initiatives. • Add content to new joint Ungulate TAG Website: www.AZAUngulates.org

Veterinary Advisor • Monitor Disease issues affecting Cattle and Camelid species (Tuberculosis, Brucellosis, Johnes, MERC-CoV in , etc.) • Update veterinary protocols as needed. • Determine what research needs are for the TAG going forward.  Come in a variety of size, shape, color and can fit in 4 different Zoogeographic schemes!  Quite a few mix with and play well with others!  Can add critical mass to an exhibit!  Generally hardy/healthy species!  You can link educational messages to the wild or to agriculture!  Some species are highly recognizable to the public!  Easy day-to-day husbandry!

 Steering committee members:  Conrad Schmitt, Jeff Holland, Mike Quick, Amy Roberts, Tony Fischer, Andy Blue, and Dan Beetum

 NEEDED: Studbook keepers for Gaur and African Buffalo, if interested please apply!

 Looking for Banteng or Bison – there are out there needing immediate placement – just contact Lisa Smith for more information!

 Recent TAG accomplishments:  Regional Collection Plan approved and published in September 2014.  New Studbook keeper applications for the TAG are currently under review: Bactrian Camel, Guanaco, Bison (pure stock only), Banteng  Program Leader  Current TAG initiatives:  Championing a Bison initiative to get interested institutions to  Lisa Smith, TAG Chair DNA test their American Bison and potentially partner with  National Parks and others for reintroduction efforts. Contact Zoo Tony Fischer if interested: [email protected] [email protected]  Participation in the Global Species Management Plans for Banteng and Anoa (605) 367-8313 ext. 119  IUCN Asian Wild Cattle Specialist Group Conservation Projects

 Greatest Challenge for this TAG is Sustainability - due to lack of space and interest! We are desperately looking to change that where we can. Any ideas and suggestions are welcome!