Today Is the Day of Evangelism

oday is the day of evangelism. Today, My daughter, Celeste, and I were on a like no other day, is the day of family plane that was tossed like a rag doll in the Tevangelism. These two words are fierce, deadly winds of Hurricane Floyd. I rarely said in the same sentence. However, was on a plane that caught fire. My hus- fear of sharing Jesus with our loved ones band, Edwin, and I were returning from is, for many, like a fire-breathing dragon Florida when the pilot said, “We’ll need to that needs to be slain. make an emergency landing. There’s a crack Here’s how to slay the dragon. Think of in the windshield.” God’s protection is part family evangelism as a lifetime mega oppor- of His love toward us, and love draws. tunity to share. That’s it. Convincing anoth- I watched in amazement as our second Fear of sharing er of the truth is the Holy Spirit’s work; so son, Edwin (LeNe), exploded with confi- simply share your experiences and give dence in the face of rejection. As a recent Jesus with our God the praise. Since heaven would not be graduate from Andrews University he sub- grand or glorious without my family, I mitted his application to RIT only to loved ones is, evangelize them by sharing Christ whether receive a disappointing no. LeNe has been on the housetop or in the garden. evangelized all his life. He prayed to His for many, like My elder son, Donald, was diagnosed heavenly Father and then wrote the with hypertrophy cardiomyopathy almost department chairperson a compelling let- a fire-breathing two years ago. As the cardiologist told us ter. He was accepted and one year later is that he would not live to be an old man, I teaching in the very department that did thought, “Yeah, you know hearts, but I not see his potential until God intervened. dragon that know the Maker of hearts; and He’s our See how easy that is! Evangelizing our Protector.” Every day he breathes is an families is as easy as talking, signing, writ- needs to be slain. awesome magnet, to the sinner weakened ing, living with patience. My sister was by tragic illness, to Jesus. evangelized for 16 years before she joined Protection is nothing to sneeze at. On the God Family. Today is the day of evan- September 11 Donald was in his office at gelism (witnessing). Today is the day of the Pentagon talking on the telephone family. Put them together and in plain and with me at that very moment the terrorist- simple talk it means sharing Jesus as He driven airplane hit the building. God pro- manifests His love through our lives. tecting David from King Saul’s unwarrant- ed wrath is very believable especially Charlotte L. V. Thoms is director for disabilities when I tell my Donald’s story. Evangelism and women’s ministries in the Atlantic Union Conference. (sharing) coupled with protection is a powerful witnessing tool.

DITORIAL September 2002, Vol. CI, No. 9 The Atlantic Union GLEANER is published monthly by the Atlantic Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 400 Main Street, South Lancaster, MA 01561. Printed by Review and Herald® Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740. Standard postage paid at Hagerstown, MD 21740. Annual subscription price, $8.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ®

E Review and Herald Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740.

2 Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 insideSEPTEMBER2002 t seems as though it was yesterday that I sat through graduation programs for several DITORIAL Today Is the Day of Evangelism young people, and my daughter came home for the summer after completing her first E : 2 Iyear in college. Now, in what appears to be in the blink of an eye, it’s September— Back to School Time! 3 back to school time! As I am writing this I am thinking of all the children and young people who are begin- Our Communities Could Use a Life Jacket 4 ning new chapters in their lives. I wish them the best of everything and ask the Lord to keep them. Planting SEEDS for Eternity’s Harvest 5 I was fortunate enough to be present for the baccalaureate services in June at Greater A Modern Day Miracle (Part 2) Boston Academy (GBA) when Rhondi Aastrup, one of the teachers at GBA, shared words 6 of counsel that I believe are worthwhile passing on to all returning students. COVER STORY: A Story of Growth “Now is the time for motivation and discipline. They are too important to shrug off. and God’s Grace 8 What you let yourself get away with now sets a pattern for your lifetime. Don’t let your- self go. Listen to the little voice in your head that’s telling you to be tough, to hang in Helping the Blind See Jesus 14 there. Don’t depend on others to pull you out. Only you, and you alone, can—and must— take charge of your life. You can do it. You are tough. You will make it. I know. Planting Seeds for the Kingdom 15 “Don’t crumple in the face of self-doubt, which will always be a cloud on the hori- A Moral Compass 16 zon as long as you’re working with and for people. Think first before you act or speak. But then let it go. If you’re careful when you set things out, then there is no Youth & Relationships 24 need for transplanting, or thinning out, or taking back. Trust your intuition, your gut reaction. Use your eyes as well as your ears. Read body language, too. Don’t let your ¿Qué Está Pasando? 28 nose get out of joint if you’re not always included at the center of things. And don’t let it grow too long trying to find your way there either. Quoi de Neuf? 29 “Freedom. Independence. These words don’t mean letting go. They mean working OLLEGE EWS together, although apart; staying close, although separate; holding on, although walk- C N ing alone. Paradoxes. Full of contradictions. And space, room to grow. Let it happen. Atlantic Union College 12 Let your freedom, your geographical distance, be a time for discovery and growth. But don’t let it become a wall of partition, an excuse to rationalize and compromise. CONFERENCE NEWS Don’t give in to the “out of sight, out of mind” temptation. And trust the “no’s” you’ve been taught. Your uniqueness is a thing to cherish. A thing from which to draw Bermuda 11 strength. Give it up—in part or in total—and you are no longer unique. And can no Greater New York longer make a difference. Dare to be different. Dare to stand alone. Yet together. Free. 18 Independent. Apart. Northern New England 20 “Sometimes I fear I haven’t shared enough with you about Christ and our desperate need for Him in our lives. But I want you to know that I pray for each one of you, and Southern New England 22 will continue to do so. You’ve touched many lives. I know He is watching over you, keeping you in His plans—for this life, but also for the eternal one.” INFORMATION I encourage our readers, at every opportunity, to remember the children and youth of this union and the world church. Bulletin Board 27 Classifieds 30 Ednor A.P. Davison is editor of the Atlantic Union GLEANER. ABOUT THE COVER: The cover story,“A Story of Growth and God’s Grace,”features the history and work of the First Ghana Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bronx, New York. For information on upcoming events, news items, and the GLEANER online visit our web site at: ASI: To learn more about becoming a member of ASI contact your local conference ASI director.

Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 3 By Donald G. King CommunitiesOur Could Use a LIFE JACKET

“One who was there had been an invalid for deep waters. Our communities could sure use a life jacket. thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying I am happy to report that on May 22, 2002, a strategy was placed in motion to produce a life jacket for the teem- there and learned that he had been in this ing numbers in the Atlantic Union territory who need to be condition for a long time, he asked him, ‘Do rescued for the Savior. A plan was voted and supported by you want to get well?…‘Get up! Pick up your all six conferences to win between 9,000 and 12,000 new mat and walk.’ At once the man was cured; he souls for Jesus by the time of the next General Conference Session in 2005. This would increase our current number picked up his mat and walked”—John 5:5-9 (NIV). of believers from 91,000 to more than 100,000 by the tar- get date. Each conference has taken on the challenge of his story was not just about an invalid. The man in increasing their body of believers in ratio to their current our story isn’t nameless. He has a thousand names memberships. This is exciting news. Think of the many Tand a thousand faces—including yours and mine. new brothers and sisters we will be welcoming to the fold According to history the Pool of Bethesda was about 360 of Christ as a result of our efforts for Him. I challenge each feet long by 130 feet wide. It was a monument of wealth of you to take up the banner of Prince Immanuel and hold and prosperity much like the structures of our world today. it high. Let us raise up a standard against the flood of secu- But also, like today, its residents were people plagued with larism sweeping our nation so we can one day see heaven hopelessness, depression, and spiritual depravity. Bethesda populated with people from our communities. represents the huddled masses of the broken and hurt, the Jesus stepped up to the crippled man and stepped into poor and homeless, the sick and diseased. his world of sorrow and helplessness. He created an alter- Legend has it that the tips of angel’s wings, when they nate choice for this man. He slipped him a life jacket of touched the water, would cause the pool to bubble. The hope by healing him. We are called to do the same—to bubbles symbolized hope because anyone who got into the bring others into the presence of Christ’s healing grace. It’s pool first, after the bubbles appeared, would be healed. In the greatest life jacket of all! the midst of prosperity around us today there are bubbles of hope but still we are so powerless to get help. It seems Donald G. King is president of the we are out of choices like the invalid at the poolside. Atlantic Union Conference. But then enters a man named Jesus. He looks over the masses of sick and palsied people. Suddenly His eyes focus on the crippled man lying beside the pool. The man has been Proposed Goals for Souls by the Year 2005 lying there for thirty-eight years. He’s stuck. He has no one to help him into the pool when the bubbles of hope appear. Goal Super Goal This man represents our society today—stuck in trespasses Bermuda 360 480 and failures with no readily apparent solution to our predica- Greater New York 1,980 2,640 ment. There is economic and stock market turmoil, the esca- New York 450 600 lating crime rate, incurable AIDS, hate, greed, and war on Northeastern 4,590 6,120 every hand. Everywhere one looks today it seems people are caught on an endless treadmill of emotional trauma resulting Northern New England 450 600 in broken families, broken homes, and broken marriages. Southern New England 1,170 1,560 Today’s youth, many of whom are caught in the undercurrent Totals 9,000 12,000 of drug-related peer pressure, are up to their eyebrows in

4 Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 National Convention Coming to Southern New England

he single most effective evangelistic methodol- conduit for networking, encouragement, and prayer. “ ogy under heaven is planting new churches,” SEEDS does not advocate a single style of church, nor says C. Peter Wagner, author of CHURCH does it have a single target audience. It is as broad as the PLANTING FOR A GREATER HARVEST. All across North assignments God gives His modern-day disciples. The America pastors and church members are taking result in Southern New England has been a wide variety of Wagner’s words to heart by accepting God’s call to be a ground-breaking outreach ministries that are effective in church planter—one who starts new churches. winning souls for Jesus. One pastor has employed uncon- Church plants are not simply buildings to house ventional methods to reach out to people with the love of those who come to Sabbath morning worship services. Jesus. One way has been a support group he developed Church plants are people—people gathering to worship called TRRUST (Thoughts, Reliance, Responsibility, God, people in ministry, people Understanding, Stability, Tendencies) actively sharing the Gospel in their that has opened doors to developing communities and workplaces. relationships with some often Church planters come from all shunned by society. Through the walks of life using interesting meth- Lord’s blessings this work has resulted ods to sow gospel seeds. A dentist in one baptism, 26 current Bible stud- used his reception area to start Bible ies and an attendance of between studies, a music group began week- 6-10 at weekly services. ly meetings in the park, in Boston a That pastor says, “I learned at school to teach English to new SEEDS that I’m not alone. I learned immigrants was started. Church that the methods I am using and plants begin as family worships, developing are actually being tried small group meetings and Bible studies. Co-workers, successfully by others in this country.” To those who sports teams, community service groups, groups of all are thinking about church planting he adds, “Trust in kinds can become the basis of a church plant. God, do not fear. Show an interest in others’ lives and Where can you learn how to plant churches? The they will be interested in what you have to say and SEEDS Conferences, held every year in various loca- what you have to share.” tions throughout the United States and Canada, are a To learn more about SEEDS or the SEEDS New great place to start. The ultimate goal of the SEEDS England event this October at Camp Winnekeag in Conferences is to reach people for Jesus. The confer- Ashburnham, Massachusetts, call toll-free 1-800-255- ences strive to reach that goal by teaching the basics of 7568 or visit the web site at church planting, by serving as a resource center for those who are church planters and those who are Judy-Ann Neal is co-editor of the SEEDS Church Planting thinking of becoming church planters, and by being a newsletter.

Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 5 A Modern Day

This is the second part of the two-part story of thought my problems were solved but I could not have Channel 29 and God’s miraculous intervention on been more wrong. behalf of the Greater New York Conference On Wednesday, April 4, 2001, I called the salesman to get Community Services Van Center staff. an update and he informed me the antenna company now could not promise the antenna until April 12! We thought Transmitter and antenna crisis this was the last piece of the puzzle needed to put it all together. Now we faced another brick wall. I quickly called uring the last week of March the transmitter was the Oregon Conference for help and they referred me to a completed, but it became apparent the antenna large Adventist church in the town where the antenna was would not be ready on time. I made. After making several calls to told the company we were dealing Oregon, I contacted Juanita with I would not take the transmitter Kretschmar in Florida asking her to until the antenna was ready to be have prayer about this desperate situa- shipped. At that time Pastor David tion. She shared with me the name of Kobliska from Michigan, who worked Delmer Wagner, the one man whom at the Van Ministry and for Good “For with God she felt had the tenacity to see to it News Network (GNN) years before, that the antenna got to New York. came to volunteer for a week bringing Upon speaking with him, I discovered two church members with him—Keith nothing shall he was a representative of the same Sevener, a man who had more than antenna company and it was located twenty years of experience working near his home. I gave him the name of with antennas and transmitters and be impossible”— the customer representative and he Allen, an eighth grade boy who want- took over from there. ed to volunteer his time during spring The next morning I received a call break. Together they worked on get- Luke 1:37. telling me the antenna was ready to ting the station ready. Seven days be shipped. It had to be shipped via a before the deadline to broadcast, in a DC-8 from Portland Oregon which leaf of faith, we went ahead and was four hours away. Wagner told me picked up the transmitter. he knew of a man who might be will- We rented a truck, brought the ing to put the antenna on the back of transmitter to the site, and set it up. Then, I tried to obtain his pickup truck and drive it to Portland. The idea of a more information from the antenna company to no avail. 21-foot, 178 pound antenna strapped on the back of a When I mentioned the urgency of the project the customer 14-foot pickup truck was not a comforting thought. But I relations representative told me they would not commit to accepted Wagner’s offer. any specific day to send the antenna and referred me back We obtained authorization for the antenna’s delivery direct- to the company we were purchasing the antenna from. ly to us. I called the delivery company only to find that the When I spoke with the salesman at the company that sold plane schedule had changed. They were using a different us the antenna he informed me it was finally completed. I BY BILL BREMNER

6 Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 type of plane that could not carry the antenna. We were up was lifted in place by Jim Allen, an Adventist from the Rochester, against another impossible situation. Our only hope was in N.Y., area where I had previously pastored, who had more than God. Immediately we had four people on the phones trying twenty years of experience working with antennas. When the TV to find an air carrier that would transport the antenna. The station was in the process of becoming a reality, Allen encouraged earliest anyone would guarantee its arrival was April 11—one me to go forward with the project by offering to put up the anten- day after the deadline. na and donate about $3,000 in materials. He kept his promise. The computer company came the same day to install their God comes through again part of the system. While the computer technician was installing the equipment, he told us that the TV station takes n the next few hours the fate of Channel 29 would be the cake for being in the smallest space. We are essentially decided. At lunch we had another season of prayer and broadcasting out of a closet. Pastors Charlie Possenreide and asked God to intervene once more. While we continued to Maurice Vargas, and Kim Kjar all assisted in the technical set up search for a company, I felt God was impressing upon me of equipment essential for broadcast. Possenreide worked for that we would have the antenna on Monday, April 10 at the Van Ministry for almost fourteen years and was responsible 10:00 a.m. At 2:30 p.m. on Thursday we had a break- for setting up a large portion of GNN. through. The antenna company was back in the picture. They By 5:30 p.m. everything was in place and we were ready to found a trucking company headed for the New York area. turn on the transmitter. We flipped the switch and it worked! The challenge was to have the antenna in Portland by 5:30 After a few adjustments I turned on a portable TV in our van, p.m. to meet the trucker’s departure schedule. Later that set it for Channel 29 and it worked! It was the most beautiful evening Wagner informed me the antenna was on the truck test pattern I ever saw. I jumped for joy and praised the Lord headed for the New York. I asked him what company was for it was a dream come true. transporting it and he told me he didn’t know! Great a 21- While still rejoicing I called our lawyer, to have him send foot box in someone’s hands, somewhere! in our application to the FCC. He indicated to me we were After making some phone calls I was able to find out the still missing a piece of technical information for the license. name of the company carrying the antenna. I called them to Starting about 6:00 a.m., the next morning I began looking inquire when the delivery would be ready for pickup. The for an engineer who would give us the data we needed. time they gave me was Monday at 10:00 a.m., the same time Finally, at 2:15 p.m. that afternoon we were able to obtain the Lord had impressed me it would happen. In arranging to the information we needed. When I finished talking to the pick up the antenna I found out that packages could be attorney I looked at the clock and it was 2:30 p.m., nine picked up beginning at 6:00 a.m. hours before our permit was to expire. We now had two days to get the TV station up and running Jesus had come through for us just when we needed Him and the information in the office of the FCC. We rented a 24-foot most—on time. We’ve had a few additional challenges since Ryder truck to pick up the antenna and arrived at the freight the station began operating. However, God keeps coming pickup location outside Kennedy Airport about 5:45 a.m. As we through right on time. As soon as we began broadcasting the neared the location at the airport, the brake light on the truck calls started coming in. came on and the backup signal would not stop. After about two Every day people are discovering Channel 29. We have minutes, I decided to continue on to the pickup site anyway. We dreams of continuing and expanding this ministry for God’s arrived at the pickup location and one of the individuals with me glory. We know with God nothing is impossible. He was faith- spotted the box. Praise the Lord! Our antenna ful then, is faithful now, and will be forever faithful. had arrived. We were so excited that while the paperwork was being completed we carried the Bill Bremner is community services director for the Greater New antenna out and put it on the truck. During the York Conference. next several hours that 178-pound antenna

Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 7 COVER STORY by Alanzo Smith A Story of Growth and God’s Grace

t is in keeping with THE DREAM Ghanaian blessings that the (1972-1983) First Ghana Seventh-day Long before there was I a church building Adventist Church has three there were people. At more reasons to celebrate. first it was only one Firstly, by God’s grace they fin- person—Seth Boamah ished paying off the mortgage (1972). Then it on their building in six years. became two with the Secondly, their church has been arrival of his wife, instrumental in planting three Dora. Then it became eight with the addition Ghanaian churches on North of Goodfellow Adusei- American soil in Columbus, Poku, Knight Badu- Founding Mothers. Ohio; Newark, N.J.; and Nimako, Margaret was a realization that led them to start Worcester, Mass. And thirdly, Osei, Ampofo Mensah, Jonas Apau, planning for their corporate well-being. Baffour Tawiah, and Nicholas Fianu. this year marks the eleventh Consequently, the group constituted With time this small group was joined anniversary of the church. itself into a fellowship of Ghanaian by more Ghanaians as they worshiped at Adventists meeting every month and the Grand Concourse Choir members raise there voices in praise to God. contributing monthly dues of $1 to Seventh-day Adventist cater for their needs. In short, this was Church in the Bronx, the initial objective of the fellowship, N.Y. Then tragedy the forerunner of their present church. struck! It was the untimely death of THE PLANS (1984-85) Badu-Nimako’s moth- The initial objective of the fellowship er. But, as it turned was broadened in the years between out, the death was a 1984 and 1985 when Joseph Owusu- blessing in disguise. Frimpong, Kwasi Boamah Gyimah, and The tragedy of death Paul Adu-Gyamfi arrived in New York. made this group of Believing the needs of members of the Ghanaians realize their Ghanaian fellowship could best be met unique needs as within the context of a Ghanaian African immigrants. It

8 Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 COVER STORY

strategies a Twi Adventist Church was formally adopted Sabbath school class and there were sixty-seven baptized was established members. Again, in the summer of 1992 through the invaluable Pastor Owusu-Antwi, assisted by Pastor assistance of Majorie Emmanuel Osei, conducted another Campbell, the then evangelistic series which resulted in the Sabbath school super- increase of membership. In January intendent. In an effort 1993 Pastor Brempong Owusu-Antwi to implement the goal was appointed as the first Ghanaian pas- of organizing the tor of the church. Under his leadership, Ghanaian church, arrangements for the purchase of the Pastor Brempong present building were laid. As the name Owusu-Antwi was First Ghana suggests, second, third, and

Dennis Anderson, first elder of the First Ghana church. invited in the summer fourth Ghanaian churches are expected of 1989 to hold an to be established in the city of New York Adventist church, these new arrivals evangelistic campaign. This evangelistic by the members. emphasized a shift in the focus of the effort brought revival and more addi- fellowship toward the establishment of a tions to the fellowship. Thus, in 1990 THE VISION THAT KEPT church. Thus, in December 1985, at a the Ghanaian fellowship was officially THEM FOCUSED meeting in Chicago between Joseph organized as a company. One year later, The shared vision that kept them united Owusu-Frimpong, Paul Yeboah, and in November 1991, the company was through the years has been their desire Pastor Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, strate- accepted into the Greater New York to establish a church which will be: gies for the future Ghanaian church in Conference sisterhood of churches. The ✝ a home for all who are seeking a New York were laid. These included: name First Ghana Seventh-day meeting every two weeks instead of once a month, holding home meetings to promote social inter- action and spiritual fellowship, engaging in an outreach program of visiting non-church members every Sunday for Bible studies and prayers, worshiping and having programs in different New York Adventist churches once every quarter to advertise the existence of the fellowship, establishing a Tw i-speaking Sabbath school class within the Grand Concourse church which would employ a local Ghanaian language as its medium of expression.

THE IMPLEMENTATION (1986-1995) In an effort to execute the above First Ghana Choir.

Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 9 COVER STORY

Kuma was called by the Greater New Agyei Ofran, and Dennis Anderson. They York Conference to continue and consol- also remember fondly the mothers in idate the excellent work begun by Pastor Israel namely: Beatrice Owusu, Freda Brempong Owusu Antwi. It is quite a Gyimah, Grace Adu-Gyamfi, and Paulina daunting task to shepherd a flock of Dompreh. They have also been the recip- Ghanaians with varying backgrounds ients of invaluable help from others. and weld them into a formidable, spiri- Among these are Dr. Linford Martin and tual, and evangelistic machine for soul Pastor Roy Gordon who saw the nurtur- winning. But under the guidance of the ing and growth of the group, Dr. Alanzo Holy Spirit all things are possible. This is H. Smith who pastored them and led a time of settlement for the church. As them into church organization, and the was stated, evangelism is their watch former conference president, Pastor word and this has enabled them to plant Merlin Kretschmar. churches outside New York City. But their burning desire is to plant churches THE LORD HAS LED THEM in Queens and Brooklyn. There is a In reviewing the history of the First group which has already started meeting Ghana church, it can truly be said that it Herman Kuma, pastor of the First Ghana church. in Queens. The First Ghana church has is the Lord who has led them in the become the home base for these fledg- growth of the church from the initial one genuine place of worship, ling Ghanaian churches. to the now almost four hundred mem- ✝ a house of refuge for all Ghanaians bers. It is He who kept them during the in New York, THOSE WHO HAVE HELPED THEM difficult times. It is He who sustained Although this church started as a result them and kept them focused on their ✝ a safe haven for their children of the selfless efforts of dedicated lay peo- vision. It is He who helped them in the against the violent immoral and ple in New York several other individuals procurement of their sanctuary, and it is social storms, and assisted in this effort. They remember He who has blessed them so that this ✝ a repository of distinctive sanctuary could be paid for in Adventist heritage and full. authentic Ghanaian “It is the Lord who has led On October 27, 2001, they African culture. them…It is He who kept reached yet another signifi- cant phase of their history— Their music, under the able them during difficult times. the laying of a cornerstone leadership of Osei Boateng, and celebration of their tenth organist and composer, has It is He who sustained anniversary. It is their desire been instrumental in this effort. to transform their house of The First Ghana church is them and kept them worship into a real home, blessed with three choirs plus a focused on their vision.” and a true family of caring number of small singing groups! men and women. They To enhance their worship they intend to continue in the have acquired an Allen organ with deep nostalgic feelings the signifi- same spirit of unity, selflessness, and and a Yamaha baby-grand piano. cant contribution of their leading elders commitment as did the pioneers. who are still with them namely: Joseph WHAT WILL KEEP THEM GOING Owusu-Frimpong, William Bekoe- Alanzo Smith is the family ministries and The Road to Progress (1996–Present)— communication director for the Greater Boateng, Amos Boamah Gyimah, Kwaku On October 1, 1996, Pastor H. V. A. New York Conference.

10 Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 B Bermuda Institute and Shammah Williams — Antonia Simons received the Performing Arts

Students are Among the Leadership. Eric Bean Jr, was ERMUDA award in the female Winners at the Annual nominated by his school, category. Teen Awards Banquet Berkerley Institute, for the Performing Arts category. At the Annual Teen Awards The winners included two stu- Banquet held at the Cedar Bridge dents from Bermuda Institute. Academy on April 28, 2002, sev- Danice Mapp, was the female eral students from Bermuda winner in the Community Institute were nominated in vari- Service category and one of two ous categories. The nominees winners in the Leadership cate- from Bermuda Institute were: gory. Antonia Simons was the Sharai Brunson and Torie Russell female winner in the Performing – Sports Award; Alexandria Bean Arts category. and Sheldon Johnston – Most The nominees and winners are Progress/Incentive; Antonia to be commended for their out- Franks-Simons and Stefan Furbert standing performance. Danice Mapp recipient – Performing Arts; Danice Mapp D. Randolph Wilson, correspondent BDA of two awards.

Bind Us Together us down in order to be prepared to various backgrounds and experi- receive the blessings the Lord wants ences created an awesome living After months of planning and antici- to give us. tapestry. However, Helen pation the “Bind us Together” Prayer Early risers put their time to good Lightbourne of Warwick church used Retreat became a reality on Friday, use by meeting in the hotel lobby at her gift as a quilter to bring the March 15 as women from across the 6:00 a.m. for the prayer walk. After group together while creating a sym- Island of Bermuda arrived at the praying together they followed a pre- bol of their uniqueness that will serve Fairmont Southampton Princess to pared route which was creatively as a special memory. The prayer quilt experience this remarkable event. developed for the walkers to stop at was unveiled during the Vesper serv- The retreat was the vision of Samuel each parish to pray for a specific area ice and served as a tangible U. Bulgin, Bermuda Conference presi- of concern. The route took them reminder of the theme, “Bind Us dent, and from there his wife, along the grounds of the Princess Together.” Prayers of women seeking Roseclaire, women’s ministry director ending at the beach where they healing for their bodies, restoration for the conference, the pastors’ offered three prayers of praise before in their families, protection for their wives, and the women’s ministry returning to the hotel for the morn- children, changes in attitudes, leaders from each church poured ing’s activities. release from the grips of addictions their efforts into this one objective. Pastor Ifeoma Kwesi-Hutton, the and other chains of bondage that The weekend began with a com- guest speaker, ministered to the can hinder them from having the joy munion service on Friday evening. A women present and on the radio and peace that they desire are repre- short sermon presented by Roseclaire through the Adventists In Focus pro- sented on this special quilt. Those Bulgin was based on the prayer of St. gram during the divine service. She who were unable to attend the Francis, “Lord, make me an instru- told the story of Mary Magdalene, retreat will have an opportunity to ment of your peace, where there is painting a descriptive picture of her see the quilt, as it will be displayed in hatred, let me sow love…” At the first encounter with Jesus and the each church for one month. core of the theme, “Bind Us scene at Simon’s house where she After the sumptuous food, the Together” is the need to lay aside the poured out her gratitude at her inspiring and informative work- weight of the things that easily bog Savior’s feet. She asked the question, shops, the sweet fellowship and Guest speaker Pastor Kwesi-Hutton is being interviewed by “How do we see people and act good old fashioned fun, there Pastor Mike Faison. toward them as human beings?” comes that moment when it is time “The answer to this question,” Kwesi- to say ‘good bye’ to new and old Hutton maintains, “depends on how friends, pack bags and go home. we see ourselves.” She shared her Where do they go from here? That’s personal testimony of her conversion up to each individual to decide. to Christ which gave each woman an Whether it will be falling back into extra measure of hope and inspira- the same old routine and habits or tion to continue the journey. falling on their knees to accept The assembling of women of all God’s leading, the choice is theirs. ages, different races, at every level of Sherma Clarke, women’s ministries coordinator their Christian walk, coming from Southampton church

Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 11 Europe: An Opportunity for Spiritual Growth

n Wednesday, May 15, 2002, the Chamber group would carry their luggage as well as some of Singers, Piano Trio, and String Quartet of the bags of others! In that instance we were a bless- Atlantic Union College boarded a coach ing to each other. The music ensembles from AUC O that went on this trip really became a family. We bus bound for Boston’s Logan International Airport. Destination: Europe—London and Paris. This was cared for and looked after one another. According the beginning of the Music Tour of Europe 2002. to Valencia Collins, first alto and violinist, “The tour The choir and string ensembles had been preparing provided me with hands on experience of the for this day since September 2001. After many European culture, history, and music history. It was rehearsals and a lot of hard work fund raising, the also a spiritual tour in which God kept answering day of the one prayer tour had final- after another ly come. when we Before leav- came together ing, everyone to pray. The thought of the Holy Spirit OLLEGE trip as an was in the opportunity midst of our C to perform, singing learn, and whether it witness. But it was on the is doubtful train or at a that anyone church serv- thought it ice. That is would be an something I NION opportunity will always for spiritual remember

U growth, indi- about the tour.” vidually and AUC Chambers Singers perform in Paris Adventist church. as a group. It was For many of the students on the tour it was their when the group reached England that unexpected first trip to Europe. After arriving in England we things started happening. However, no problem made our way to the train station to take the was insurmountable because the group had God Eurostar train through the Channel Tunnel to on its side. Immediately when something unex- France. On the way to the station we had the pected happened everyone prayed. Roy Imperio, a opportunity to experience traveling on the British piano teacher in the Music Department at AUC subway system called the Underground. That was and the accompanist for the Chamber Singers, quite a unique experience having to carry our lug- described it this way, “It’s great to see a group pray- ing together whenever there are difficulties and TLANTIC gage through the fast paced Underground. Many of us had very heavy bags. Some of the guys in the unforeseen obstacles.” What is even more beautiful A

12 Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 Park church. At Stanborough A Park we performed the Bach

Easter Cantata “Christ Lay in TLANTIC Death’s Dark Tomb.” And again, as in France, the string and gospel ensembles performed as well. Here again everyone loved the performance. There was even a little girl in the eighth grade who, after hearing us, said she wanted to go to AUC! God used us to be a blessing to everyone we met. Expressing his thoughts about the trip first tenor, Kion Simmons said, “The U trip was very educational and relaxing and I think the NION The AUC String Quartet. Chamber Singers really got to expand its ministry.” is the fact that the group was a witness to others The trip was quite an amazing experience for just by praying. Just think how many people, by everyone spiritually, socially, and musically. By the seeing a large group of young people praying time we all arrived back in the United States after together, were impacted. spending two weeks in Europe, we had all experi- This trip was also an opportunity to learn and of enced some growth and change for the better. God C course perform. In France, we visited the famous really blessed us all. Notre Dame Cathedral. It was absolutely beautiful! The sculptures in the front and the stained glass OLLEGE Bernedette S. Jackson, senior inside were stunning. We had the privilege of Atlantic Union College attending an organ concert in the cathedral which was wonderful. While in Paris we performed at the Neuilly Sur Seine church. The morning service was in French but we were blessed to have the sermon translated into English for us. When we sang the UPCOMING EVENTS people there thoroughly enjoyed our performance. I Atlantic Union College: believe that some people stayed that afternoon when we sang for Sabbath school for the Romanian con- gregation that meets in the same church. The SEPTEMBER – OCTOBER 2002 Chamber Singers sang a few pieces, the String EVENTS DATES Quartet and Piano Trio played, and also a small gospel group from among the Chamber Singers Fall Week of Prayer (Speaker - Lael Caeser) September 9-14 sang. Overall, that Sabbath was a blessing to all. Honors Core Weekend Retreat September 20-22 In London we went on a tour of Westminster Latino Heritage Week September 23-28 Abbey. The historical and musical significance was (Sabbath Speaker: Robert Ortiz) amazing. There are many great composers and many Health and Healing Through September 26-29 monarchs buried and memorialized there. The group Lifestyle Changes Conference also had the privilege of attending a service at St. Presenters include: Ivor Angus, Charles Conroy, Desmond Francis, George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle. While in England Leonard Gibbons, Herbert Goulding, Craig Jackson, Stacy Nelson, we stayed at Newbold College. The people there Lisa Paden, Stoy Proctor, June Smith, David White, DeWitt Williams were very kind and considerate. The Sabbath we International Health Food Fair September 29 spent there we performed at the Newbold church for 1:00 p.m - 6:00 p.m. both their early morning and 11 o’clock service. Family fun and lots of food from around the world. Games will also be available for the children. Vendors interested in Then we presented a concert in the afternoon where participating should contact Linda Gay in the Advancement we performed the Vivaldi Gloria. The performance Department at (978) 368- 2343. Limited spaces are still available. was well received and greatly appreciated by the peo- AUC Charity Golf Classic at October 14 ple there; so much so that a large group of young Kettlebrook Country Club, Paxton, Mass. people who attended the concert boarded our bus Black Alumni Chapter Homecoming October 18-19 and went with us to our next concert at Stanborough

Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 13 BY MICHELLE MIRACLE


ver 10 million people Jesusin the United States have ters. A study of visual impairments. For some, vision loss was Revelation is also avail- Othe result of an accident, others lost all or part able in braille. of their sight at birth, while many have vision prob- To receive any of lems resulting from disease. Christian Record’s mate- “The mission of Christian Record Services is to help rial free of charge, visual- the blind see Jesus. We do this by providing material ly impaired individuals in three formats: braille, large print, and cassette tape,” should contact a CRS explains Larry Pitcher, president of Christian Record representative or volun- Services (CRS). teer in their area, or they Bible lessons are a large part of Christian Record’s may contact the office in outreach. “The Bible school at CRS has been around Lincoln, Nebraska. A list for nearly 80 years and Maria Butler has been our of representatives is instructor for 12 of her 20 years with us,” said Pitcher. found on the CRS web “We have close to 300 people currently enrolled in site at A text-only choice may our Bible school,” according to Butler. “Around 90% of be selected and used with audio reading equipment so the students receive the large-print version while the the blind can access the web site. others use the braille version. The students are from CRS is the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s official many denominations.” The second largest group repre- ministry for the blind and visually impaired. National sented are Catholics, with Baptists being the largest Camps for Blind Children is sponsored by CRS and and Lutherans, Adventists, Mennonites, Mormons, currently operates over 25 camps for children and Methodists among others rounding out the group. adults around North America. “Through our camps, “Some of our students have been at the point of braille publications, audio books, as well as our despair and their lives were turned around by the large-print material, we have been helping the blind Bible lessons and the friendly touch of CRS,” noted see Jesus for more than 100 years,” said Pitcher. Butler. According to the instructor, students with no For more information on the services CRS provides Bible background or limited exposure to the gospel for the blind and visually impaired, please contact us start off with the series Come Alive with Jesus. Life at PO Box 6097, Lincoln, NE 68506-0097, (402) and Teachings of 488-0981, or e-mail us at [email protected]. Christ comes Also, check out our web site at the address listed next and is “the above to apply for services; find descriptions of our course people books, magazines, and tapes; follow links to helpful really take to.” sites regarding visual impairments; or to learn more The Discover les- about our camps and CRS as an organization. sons follow and deal with specific Michelle Miracle is a public relations intern at Christian doctrinal mat- Record Services. Photos courtesy of CRS.

14 Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 PlantingPlanting SeedsSeeds forfor thethe KingdomKingdom

Being the Right Models for Our Children

By Diane Thurber

s parents, one of the best gifts we family ceased to exist? can pass on to our children is the Answers to these questions can be used to gift of faith. While there are no write the reason for their family’s existence. In guarantees that this gift will grow addition to developing a mission statement, Ato maturity, we can, like careful gardeners, parents may spend time thinking about what a prepare the soil of their hearts so that God’s mature Christian faith looks like. Parents will Word can sprout and grow in it. The founda- begin to develop goals and hopes for their chil- tion we help lay and the gift of faith we leave dren as they envision all they can be. our children will then assist them as they nav- Your list may igate through life. look different from What is the most important In addition to making God’s Word the moral mine, but if time is compass for your home (see the article on page spent early on look- mission, or goal, for our 16), there are eight steps you can take to lay a ing at the end result family to work toward? solid foundation, pass on your spiritual her- of the time allotted itage to your children and help them begin to you to nurture your grasp the gift of faith. children, you will no doubt begin to chart a 1. Begin With the End in Sight course for development to take place—physical, Parents who are intentional about the direction mental, emotional, and spiritual. they would like their children to go will spend Like sailors, who navigate ships from one time developing a family mission statement. They continent to another, we too will face rough will ask their family questions like these: seas and strong winds. Looking ahead will • What is the most important mission or goal help us be prepared to encounter detours for our family to work toward? along the way, and it will help us realize we • What are our current priorities? need the wisdom of our Heavenly Father as we • Does the way we spend our time reflect our begin this journey. priorities? 2. Model Success and Failure • Why do we care about our family? Children are naturally great imitators. For • What does our family do to support and better or worse, they mimic adult behavior all strengthen its members and its community? the time. • What would be missing in the world if our Jesus said, “A student is not above his teacher,

Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 15 but everyone who is fully trained will be like • Annual traditions such as trips to visit that our message of love is more likely to his teacher”—Luke 6:40 (NIV). As par- grandparents, holidays, the last day of come through loud and clear when we ents, you and I are our children’s most school, camping trips, etc. express it in many ways. important teachers. And whether we like • Weekly traditions, such as family play 5. Broaden Your Child’s View of Life it or not, they will become like their most nights, worship times, and date nights Many times children appear to be important teachers—us! Our children are between one parent and one child. reared in a vacuum, with little exposure watching what we do and how we act. • Daily traditions, such as eating to the world around them and a lack of No parent is 100 percent successful as together, story time, morning devo- guidance to help them interpret their a model, but when we do fail to model tions, and evening prayers. experiences. You can enlarge your child’s successfully, we need to then model the 4. Express Your Love in Many Ways perspective of life by: proper actions to take after we’ve messed Spend time studying the ways Jesus • Involving him or her in acts of serv- up. Children will be given the opportu- said, “I love you” while on this earth. He ice. Help your child discover that nity to see Jesus’ strength working used many different ways. In the book faith is not just about head knowl- through our weaknesses. Teach your THE FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES, Gary Chapman edge or heart attitudes—it’s about children to interpret failures as learning divides ways of expressing love into five what we do with our hands, feet, experiences. If parents will also see fail- categories: resources and time. ures as learning experiences, we will • acts of service, • Pursuing activities to expand their more carefully determine the course of • words of affirmation, knowledge of other cultures. You can discipline we choose to apply as we • quality time, do this by modeling respect for peo- attempt to help our children learn from • gift giving, and ple of different races and establishing their mistakes. • physical touch. friendships with them. This will help 3. Establish Family Traditions According to Chapman, every person your children understand God’s Besides being fun, traditions preserve a has a dominant love language. And while pleasure in creating all humans simi- family’s heritage and give each family we may be well-intentioned in expressing larly, yet unique, and they will learn member a sense of shared identity. our love, it must be communicated in a to enjoy their place as part of God’s Through traditions, values are handed way the receiver understands. unique creation. down from generation to generation. As parents, we need to realize that say- • Helping your children discover that Traditions to celebrate include: ing “I love you” to children is not enough. they are uniquely equipped with • Milestones, such as birthdays, gradua- We need to become familiar with our many God-given talents and abilities tions, anniversaries, accepting Christ, child’s love language, look for unique and also ways they can use their tal- baptisms, etc. ways to express our love, and understand ents to help others. A Moral Compass for Your Home By Diane Thurber

“Troubled” youngsters are not always easy to spot. I know, because I ran into one during my senior year of high school. He came by one night while I was working in the yearbook office, and he couldn’t have been more helpful. Noticing that I was doing my work by the light of a single, underpowered bulb, he cheerfully fetched me a better light. Just a few days later, I was shocked and amazed to find he wasn’t the person I thought I knew. Beneath his jovial ways with classmates was a bottled rage that eventually exploded. That very weekend he ended the lives of his grandparents-turned- parents in a bloody killing spree reported by both local and national networks. His motive? To collect an insurance premium, thereby becoming independently wealthy. I can remember thinking many things then—like why didn’t we see this coming? What if he had taken out his rage at school? And, what if I had been the recipient of his anger that quiet night when I encountered him, alone? Tw enty years later, I look at that tragedy through different eyes—the eyes of a parent. And with the recent violence commit- ted by children in our nation, I ponder what might lead to these actions in children. How do children, who have so much to offer, turn down a violent path? How do children, with the capacity to extend kindness, transform into hateful and apparently remorseless human beings? What was their upbringing like? Did the parents have clues? How much of his violence is the result of personal choices? How much is a result of the self-centered society in which they are reared? What place does the media play in this—with the visual images of murders flashing on the television from early morning cartoons to late night action adventure shows? LOOKING FOR ANSWERS Children in today’s world are confused and looking for answers. Life is no longer cut and dried. Children have many

16 Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 • Teaching your children about to the successes, disappointments, ques- moments, and spend time sharing your nature. The experience children tions and crises they encounter. stories of faith with your children. have in nature and the opportuni- 7. Teach Your Children to Reach Showing them how God has blessed and ties parents take to help explain the Out to God led in your life will help them see God is mysteries of God revealed through “An adult’s attitude of reverence and real and an integral part of your life. His marvelous creation, will not sincerity is keenly felt by a child,” writes 9. Parenting With Confidence only instill in them the value of all Wes Haystead, author of TEACHING YOUR These eight steps will go a long way living things but will also point to CHILD ABOUT GOD. “Although the child toward preparing your children’s hearts His power, majesty and great love may not understand all the words, he for the Holy Spirit to work. I invite you to for us. senses that talking to God is a very real step out in faith and become partners experience.” with God in nurturing your children, According to Haystead, many of knowing that God, who cares for our Memorize Scripture with your a child’s feelings, thoughts and children even more than we do, will work children, and teach them to practices concerning prayer will be in their lives to mold them according to apply it to their everyday lives. determined by the adult models the His purpose. child observes. If your conception The apostle Paul tells us that we can of prayer is formal or vague, your work hard to plant and to water the seeds, 6. Bring God Into Your Children’s World child is likely to feel the same way. to provide every opportunity for our chil- Acquaint your children with the pres- Make your prayers conversational, and dren to know God—but it is God who ence of God in your home, and teach let your children see your relationship provides the growth. (See 1 Cor. 3:7.) And them that this is a natural thing—by with God through them. Help them to see He who has begun a good work in you establishing routines of spiritual discipline prayer as a relationship, not a memorized (and your children) will be faithful to in the home, such as family worships, per- ritual. Teach them that no concern of complete it. sonal devotions, mealtime prayers, bed- theirs is too insignificant for God. As partners with God, we can have great time prayers, etc. Church and church 8. Take Time for Faith Talks and expectations and parent with confidence. school opportunities are other important the Miracle of the Moment Happy planting! avenues for planting God’s Word in the Opportunities will arise throughout the hearts of your children. Memorize day that naturally provide times to speak Diane Thurber is communication director for the Northern New England Conference. Scripture with your children, and teach about God and to apply His wisdom to situations you encounter with your chil- The articles on pages 15, 16, and 17 were reprinted them to apply it to their everyday lives. from Hour Times, Vol. 1, Issue 1, a magazine distrib- They will soon realize it holds the answers dren. Take advantage of these teachable uted by the Michigan Conference.

choices available to them that greatly affect their future outcome. As parents, we have been given the formidable task of steering them through this maze of choices. It often seems overwhelming as we hear the barrage of parental advice flowing from our society. A SOURCE OF COURAGE In the face of these challenges, I have gathered courage as a parent from the fact that the God who formed our bodies— these complex structures composed of enough DNA to string from the earth to the sun and back more than 400 times—did more than breathe life into our bones. Thoughtfully, He left us with an instruction manual, a moral compass by which to live our lives. Of course, that book is the Bible. In the pages of this Book we can find the wisdom of the ages, imparted by God to help us understand life. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work”—2 Timothy 3:16 (NKJV). In the Bible, we learn that the God of the universe has an interest in each of us. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope”—Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV). It is the Bible that defines what our real responsibility is as parents, to “Teach these commandments to your children. Repeat them when you are at home and when you are away, when you are resting and when you are working”—Deut. 6:7 (TEV). And it is the Bible that gives us that glimpse of a better world, a world where there will not be any more sorrow or pain. There are so many answers in the Bible, but perhaps most important, there is hope—hope for the present, hope for the future and faith that God will see us through every situation we encounter in this life and the one to come. Our children are looking for answers and we can give them a clear compass by which to guide their lives by the simple sharing of Scripture from the book that alone contains the wisdom and insight they need to guide them through life.

Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 17 18 GREATER NEW YORK a levelofrendition thatwould in ordertopractice asongtoward sacrificed theirfreetime cheerfully labor oflove.Thechoral members but bymyawarenessthat itwasa sweetened notonlybythe melody transported usheavenward. Lord foritwasofthatquality with oneanotherbutthe ence notonlyinourfellowship body. Thismusicmadeadiffer- the Lordasonesmallbutcohesive our Sabbathjoyasweworshiped duction ofmusicthatheightened each other. reallyknows pens wheneveryone the kindoffellowshipthathap- church, itssmallnessaffordedme When IjoinedtheBayanihan hrsMusic Shares Bayanihan Church My Sabbathexperiencewas Fondly, Irecallitwastheintro- Atlantic Union G LEANER , September 2002 your service. In thatcaseweare your service. facilities toincorporate musicin help churches inourowncity? gave usanidea.Whydon’t we out adequatemusicfacilities. This churches, particularlythosewith- get invitedtosinginout-of-state They frequentlyholdsongfestsand children’s choirandanadultchoir. to prospersuchproportions. causes Bayanihan’s musicministry gifts totheLord’s that service Casmelyn’s consecrationofher from ManhattanSchoolofMusic. holds amaster’s degreeinmusic organized thechoralgroup.She Quicoy, theyoungladywho brought toourfoldCasmelyn singing to. really honortheOnetheywere Some ofyou maynothavethe The choirnowhastwogroups,a More thanthesecredentials,itis I willneverforgetthattheLord the Bayaniahanchurch. music theyprovidecontactusat the Bayanihanchoirsand you wouldlikeinformationabout ings arenotmeantforusalone.If We choir singisaforetasteofheaven. Bayanihan church, tohearour attention. ices. Justbringyourneedstoour voices tograceyourSabbathserv- ply wantanothersetofsinging a pianist.Orsomeofyoumaysim- willing toprovideasongleaderor Seventh-day Adventists, theonly South BayJunior Academyof Bayanihan church Andy Garcia, communicationsecretary colinLongIsland School Adventist Elementary Inauguration ofNew For mybrethrenandme,inthe

are convincedthatthesebless- GREATER NEW YORK 19 , September 2002 LEANER ker, presented a sermon on presented a sermon ker, Mike Martling, teacher at the teacher at Mike Martling, spent a week These young adults Atlantic Union G Sonya Natiello, communication department Manor Road church was blessed with a visit by stu- a visit blessed with was Columbia Upper from the dents in Spokane, Washington. Academy and a former New academy Yor people in love for sharing God’s hope. His need and just spreading inspiration to the students were an sharing their Manor Road church fortunate they testimonies on how help the needy. were to be able to feeling they The joy and warmest at shared was just smiling a smile back strangers and getting in return. of their time in the Safe Horizons, Project Hope, and Red Cross Disaster Relief for people in despair and at Ground Zero in New York, were blessed just to be able to help others and give them hope with their kind words. thank God for the strong sup- thank God for the

rres and Emilia Ramos. We Upper Columbia Academy Visit Youth Manor Road Church port of the conference administra- port of the conference of tion, the reliable collaboration pastors, the the constituent church’s of the ethnic timely cooperation the devoted serv-coordinators, and and ices of Helene Mattenson This project Pastor Angel Rodriguez. unity among vividly illustrates that for people is a powerful force God’s the advancement of His work. Bordes Henry Saturné, superintendent of schools Conference Greater New York Manor Road church Last March José Cruz and Edward Mejia; Edward Cruz and José Pastor Franco-Haitian, Canaan Métellus and Grace Louis B. Ephraim Franco- Charitable; Louis B. Métellus Haitian, Pastor Damas; Patchogue and Martine Cruz Pastor José Spanish church, Wyandanch Toussaint; and Norma Pastor Ricardo Spanish church: To

esday, September 3, 2002, with 3, 2002, September esday,

Antioch church: Pastor Orette Antioch church: Here is the list of the constituent The school and church are locat- The school and church Brentwood Spanish church, Pastor Brentwood Spanish church, Angelica Blanco and Hada Cabral; Spanish: Pastor Ricardo Torres, Karleen Edwards; Bay Shore Zabaletta, Barry Edwards, and Babylon church: Pastor Daniel Babylon church: Mitchell and Marva Murray; on the board: churches and their representatives churches University is the board chair. University is the board certification dean at Hoffstra certification dean Heights school. Karleen Edwards, Heights school. Karleen transferred from the Jackson transferred from The principal, Veronica Quinones, The principal, Veronica 321-0857, fax (631) 321-0821. 321-0857, fax (631) Babylon, N.Y. 11702, phone (631) 11702, Babylon, N.Y. through fourth grade. Avenue, ed at 150 Fire Island Tu registered in kindergarten students day of school is scheduled for is scheduled day of school at the Babylon church. The first The church. at the Babylon September 7, 2002, at 4:00 p.m. 7, 2002, at 4:00 September tion ceremony on Sabbath, tion ceremony Long Island, will have its inaugura- will have Island, Long Adventist school in Suffolk County, in Suffolk school Adventist Riverview Memorial School Raises hold a bottle drive. The students knew they would Funds for Bethel Orphanage be part of a miracle! The students thought they would be able to raise $1,000, however, the adults Jessie Brodis from Putney, Vermont, is currently involved expected maybe $500 would be raised. serving in Zambia as a student missionary from The fund raising began in earnest. The hot lunch Southern Adventist University. During the month of was served, the bottles collected, and a donation March, her family went to Zambia to see her and box placed in the hall at school began to fill up. upon their return Jessie’s mother began a series of Karen Cobb, the Home and e-mails to friends and family describ- Jean M. Brodis School leader for Riverview, ing their African adventure. contacted the Brodises and One of the e-mail recipients asked them to come and give was Janice Grant, Jessie’s for- a presentation in the mer teacher. Janice decided Norridgewock Seventh-day to share these exciting e- Adventist Church. The mails with her students so she Brodises consented to come, began reading them for wor- bring pictures of the ship in her classroom at orphanage, and share their Riverview Memorial school in African experience. Norridgewock, Maine, where Three weeks later when she teaches Grades 5-8. Gary and Jean Brodis came Jessie’s mother, Jean, told of to make their presentation, visiting an orphanage with 56 the students presented children. children whose parents died of Jessie Brodis with them with a check for AIDS. She explained how there $702! During the church service an offering was is no funding and that often the children are also taken for the project making the total raised without food. When Grant shared this e-mail with $1200! With the exchange rate to Zambian curren- her students, they immediately responded. “We cy, these students raised a little over $5,000,000 have to do something!” was the general consen- for the Bethel Orphanage. Everyone involved was sus. truly blessed by God and it was exciting to be part It was decided that the 13 students in Grades 5-8 of a miracle! would hold a special hot lunch at their school and Janice Grant, teacher donate the funds to the orphanage; they would also Riverview Memorial school NGLAND

E West Lebanon, Heritage and the Spirit of N.H., received Prophecy in Bible class, the stu- word in May they dents were fascinated with the had won an “Gathering Fruit” vision described Honorable in GOSPEL WORKERS and also THE

EW Mention Award in PATH TO HEAVEN. The students paint- the Spirit of ed a 4' x 4' mural on canvas using Prophecy Art mixed media and entered the art N Contest sponsored project in the contest hoping to by the Ellen G. win and raise funds for Estabrook’s White Estate and school renovation project. The Southwestern Honorable Mention Award provid- Adventist college. ed Estabrook with a $50 check

Ed Runnals The artwork was which will be used towards the entered into the school’s exterior building project. Youth Category Estabrook’s 16 artists send masterpiece to Spirit of Prophecy Art Contest. Students: Ellen Busl, principal Jeffery, James, Jeanna, Kristin, Ben , Victoria, Matthew, Ashley, Gracie, Ivan, Brenna, (12-14 years) since Estabrook school Karolline, Jonathan, Kristin, Keenan , Amber. the majority of the work was done by Keene Church — Farewell Estabrook Elementary School the students in the &Welcome to Pastors upper grades; however, all stu- ORTHERN Students in Grades 1-8 at dents contributed to the painting. On Sabbath, May 11 Pastors Art Estabrook Elementary School in Following the study of Adventist Miller and Mark Harris were at N

20 Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 N ORTHERN


L. to R.: Pastor Art Miller, Lillian Curtis, age 98 and the oldest member of the Keene Honor Classes: ‘27, ‘32, ‘77, ‘82, ‘87, & ‘92 church, and Pastor Mark Harris at the farewell to Miller and welcome to Harris. N Featured Guest Speaker: Leclair Litchfield church in Keene, New Hampshire, In a special seated in the congregation await- moment of Weekend Overview: EW ing Peggy Schauffler’s sermon. appreciation, Friday Evening Bonfire Vespers - 7:00 p.m. Schauffler, the oldest member of Schauffler pre- Sabbath Church Services - 10:00 a.m. (PTA gym) the Keene Seventh-day Adventist sented each Mission Spotlight Vespers - 4:30 p.m. pastor with a Church, presented a sermon enti- Talent Show/Basketball Games - 6:00 p.m. laminated pic- E tled “Commandments - Plus Sunday - 4th Annual Golf Tournament - Val Halla Golf Course Love.” During the sermon, she ture with the 8:00 a.m. thanked Pastor Miller for his guid- signatures of NGLAND Alumni Closing Banquet - Val Halla 1:00 p.m. ing in building the new church the members. Miller and and also his wife, Judy, and daugh- For more information and to place your reservation today call Harris both also ters for sharing him with the (207) 865-4747 or register online at received gifts church family. She then welcomed certificates. We hope to see you there! Pastor Harris and his wife, Kathy, Miller will con- encouraging the congregation to tinue to serve work together with them to finish the Mountain the church and to be a shining View Seventh-day Adventist Church Townshend, Vermont, churches. light to the community. in Vernon, Our prayer is that God will contin- Vermont. Harris ue to bless and we will all continue to will pastor the work together to finish His work and LEGAL NOTICE Keene and show love to one another to win Washington, souls into His soon coming kingdom. Northern New England Conference New Hampshire, of Seventh-day Adventists and the West Margaret C. Smead, communication secretary NOTICE is hereby given that the second quadrennial session of Keene church the Northern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists will be held at Pine Tree Academy, Freeport, Maine, on Sunday, October 6, 2002. The first meeting of the session is called for 9:30 a.m. The purposes of this meeting are to elect officers, an LEGAL NOTICE executive committee, and the departmental directors for the Northern New England Conference of Seventh-day ensuing quadrennial term; to receive reports; and to transact such Adventists, Inc.., and Maine Conference Association other business as may properly come before the session. Each church is entitled to one delegate for the organization and one NOTICE is hereby given that the second quadrennial session of additional delegate for each fifteen members. The large commit- the Northern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, tee shall meet on Sunday, September 15, 2002, at 10:00 a.m. at Inc., and Maine Conference Association will be held at Pine Tree the Portland Seventh-day Adventist Church. The purpose of this Academy, Freeport, Maine, on Sunday, October 6, 2002. The first meeting is to select the nominating committee to serve the con- meeting of the session is called for 11:00 a.m. The purpose of this stituency, constitution and bylaws committee, and any other meeting is to receive reports; and transact such other business as committees as may be necessary. The nominating committee may properly come before this session. The delegates chosen for shall meet on Sunday, September 29, 2002, at 10:00 a.m. at the the regular session of the Northern New England Conference shall Portland Seventh-day Adventist Church. serve as delegates to the corporation session. Gary Thurber, President Gary Thurber, President John G. DePalma, Secretary John G. DePalma, Secretary

Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 21 The Teachers I Want for Your Child demic progress is quality time on task for each student. They implement a productive blend of structure and flexi- Our children have grown and flown the nest, so their bility, and they encourage similar traits in their students. mother and I have few remaining worries about their The teachers I want for your child are not one-song education. From time-to-time, however, I am still people. They are capable of teaching multiple subjects asked the question: “What sort of teacher would you and levels. They adapt easily to changing circumstances. want for your very own child?” My answer has They are team players and communicate that spirit to changed little through the years, because the charac- and through their students. teristics of good teaching remain relatively constant. Finally, and most importantly, the teachers I want The teachers I wanted for my children are, in fact, the for your child effectively integrate Christian faith and very same teachers I covet for your child. Please let doctrine with traditional subject matter. They recog- me elaborate. nize that all of life is a spiritual journey and they The teachers I want for your child are driven by a downplay the artificial distinction between spiritual sense of mission. They feel called to the ministry of and secular concerns. They enthusiastically participate teaching and take frequent steps, through specialized in non-school aspects of church life. They are training and in the normal course of their work, to pre- unabashedly proud of our Adventist heritage. They are pare for and accomplish their mission. willing to share with students, on a personal basis, The teachers I want for your child possess a very what Christ has meant in their lives. They are comfort- strong personal belief that their students can and able with inviting students, again on a one-to-one want to learn. They are absolutely convinced that basis, to accept Christ and develop a growing rela- teachers can have a significant impact in the life of tionship with him. Most of all, they are growing in each student. They do not transfer blame to society, grace themselves and provide strong Seventh-day television, parents, or other influences when things do Adventist Christian role models. not go well; instead, they deal efficiently and effec- You may wonder, can any teacher measure up to tively with learning and behavioral problems as they these criteria? Are the teachers I want for your child occur in the classroom. really available? And, if so, are they human? The The teachers I want for your child are highly sensitive answers are Yes! Adventist classrooms throughout the to the feelings and attitudes of others, particularly those Southern New England Conference, and indeed, of students and parents. They encourage and accept throughout the Atlantic Union, are staffed by many student expression; they understand and empathize fine teachers who possess most, if not all, of the quali- with others. They are masters of the art of listening. ties I have outlined. Granted, no teacher is perfect, The teachers I want for your child are determined but neither is any parent or child. We have all come to establish meaningful rapport with their students short of God’s ideal. So what about those teachers and parents. They approach teaching from a who do not exhibit every desirable trait? Let’s uphold high-support, high-control perspective. They recog- them in thought, prayer, and deed. After all, they’re NGLAND nize that healthy classroom relationships are built growing too! one-on-one. They do not seek to be one of the kids, Merle A. Greenway, superintendent of schools E preferring to relate as a counselor and friend. They Southern New England Conference maintain firm, yet kind, control of the classroom and playground environment. The teachers I want for your child perceive each stu- Merle Greenway, dent as an individual possessing unique traits, abilities, Doctor of Education, is

EW and interests. They consciously and conscientiously per- the new Superinten- sonalize the teaching and learning process to meet the dent of Schools for the needs of each student. Southern New England N The teachers I want for your child have a pronounced Conference. Merle has interest in self-improvement. They are constantly seek- taught at every level ing ideas, materials, and experiences which will make except Kindergarten their teaching more effective. Creativity and innovation and has also been in are not strangers to these teachers; rather, they are administration at the walking depositories of the tried-and-true plus new. elementary, secondary, They studiously avoid getting in a rut. collegiate and confer- The teachers I want for your child are predisposed to ence levels. He has deliberate, careful decision making, based on a full Judy Thomsen also taught both examination of any situation. They do not fly off the undergraduate and graduate courses—a variety of handle or make snap judgments. In other words, they educational experience in varied settings. Most are emotionally stable. recently he served the Alaska Conference as super- The teachers I want for your child are organized and intendent of schools and treasurer. He is married

OUTHERN goal-oriented. They know what they want to do and how to Ruth and they have two adult children. they want to do it. They recognize that one key to aca- S

22 Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 S

Ordination Service for Chaplain Paul Poyser OUTHERN

The ordination service for Paul Poyser was on Sabbath, June 1 at the College church. Poyser was born in the Republic of Panama and migrated to the United States at the age of 18. Shortly after, he was drafted into the Army and served for twenty years, retiring in 1982 at Fort Devens, Mass., as master ser- geant. He completed a degree in psychology from Saint Leo College in Norfolk, Va., a theology degree from Atlantic Union College and a master of divinity degree from Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Pictured are: front row, Gilbert Vega, conference secretary, Elba Vega who Mich. Poyser has been employed by the welcomed Genoveva to the wonderful group of pastors’ wives in Southern Massachusetts Department of Corrections since New England, Paul and Genoveva Poyser; back row, Larry Becker, minis- 1986 and for the last six years has been chaplain at terial secretary, who gave the ordination sermon, Hal Thomsen, confer- N MCI Shirley. ence president, and Tom Verrill, conference treasurer.

Currently he is also serving as interim pastor of the EW Evangelical Congregational Church of Lancaster. The choir from the church sang for the service and the senior deacon, Bryan Locke, joined James Scarborough, pastor at Fitchburg and Gardner, in an Affirmation of Ministry. Poyser has held various posi- tions in the Adventist church and the Lord’s blessing E is evident by the more than one hundred individuals who have committed their lives to Christ through his NGLAND ministry. It was in recognition of his call to ministry that he was ordained. Judy Thomsen, correspondent SNEC James Scarborough and Bryan Locke.

Southern New England pices of the Southern New England the nations, baptizing them… Pastor Evangelizes Abroad Conference as a gesture of support Matthew 28:19 (NKJV). for this brand new conference in Judy Thomsen, correspondent SNEC From May 16-26 Wilson Roberts, Southern Mexico. pastor of the Hartford and Meriden The last meeting of the series OFFICIAL NOTICE Spanish churches, held a ten-day coincided with the Victory Day cele- Southern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists evangelistic series in Cardenas, bration in which close to 1,000 Special Meeting Tabasco, Mexico. Here he stands people were baptized. The meet- NOTICE is hereby given of a Special Constituency Meeting of the Southern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, to before an audience that ranged ings in Cardenas resulted in 204 meet in the Multipurpose Building at Camp Winnekeag, 257 Ashby Rd, Ashburnham, MA 01430 on Sunday, November 10, from 2,500 to 3,500 who attended baptisms. Pastor Julian Gomez, pres- 2002, at 9:00 a.m. The purpose of the meeting is to make further decisions every meeting. Roberts traveled to ident of the field, officers, and regarding the purchase of land and to transact such other busi- ness as may properly come before the delegates. the Olmeca Mission under the aus- members of the conference in Lunch will be provided. Mexico sent thanks to Halvard B. Thomsen, President Southern New England Gilbert Vega, Secretary for having a part in this event. OFFICIAL NOTICE Participation in this Southern New England Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists exciting venture fits so Special Meeting well with the watch- NOTICE is hereby given of a Special Meeting of the Southern New England Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists, a word energizing the Massachusetts corporation, in the Multipurpose Building at Camp Winnekeag, 257 Ashby Rd, Ashburnham, MA 01430 on Sunday, life of the churches November 10, 2002, at 9:00 a.m. concurrently with the con- stituency meeting session of the conference. and members in The purpose of the meeting is to consider amendments to the Bylaws of the Association and to transact such other business as Southern New may properly come before the delegates. Delegates of Southern New England Conference will be the delegates for the Southern England—evangelism! New England Conference Association. “Go therefore and Lunch will be provided. Halvard B. Thomsen, President make disciples of all Gilbert Vega, Secretary

Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 23 YOUTH&Relationships

A Letter from a Reader hurt but yet helped me to find myself. This professor made a deep impact on how I look at things. I will always be grate- e recently received a letter from a reader in ful for a Seventh-day Adventist Christian education.” response to the March 2002 Youth & Relationships Wtopic “How Do I Choose?” Sincerely, The question centered around choosing between attend- ing a Christian college versus a non-Christian college. This A Grateful Student is what the reader had to say. Lois King is a family life educator. “I am 21 years old and have enrolled in different col- leges, trying to find a way to achieve my goals and to find myself. “I always believed that it did not make a difference Coming in the November Issue whether I attended a Seventh-day Adventist College or not until, as a last resort, I attended one. I am writing Your responses to the question, this because I trust that my experience will one day “What Should I do?” become your experience. “I did not have a close relationship with my professor Letters are still being received in response to the but she has said many things that have affected me. question, “What Should I do?” posed in the July 2002 She was big on consequences to every action and deci- issue of the GLEANER. In an attempt to include as sion. The truth is that I hated her class… for all the many as possible, responses will be printed in the good reasons. Many days I left her class crying because “Youth&Relationships” column that will appear in the she, unknowingly, hit on things that were the center of November issue. my little world. Those are selfish words, “My little world,” but sometimes that’s what it seemed like. “Among many things my professor said that I should freely express myself and speak to God about my needs and watch Him work because there is nothing from which The “Youth&Relationships” column will discuss aspects of He and I cannot bounce back. I felt I had been bounced our youth and their relationships that will help them in too much already and was not willing to be bounced their spiritual growth and development. If you have around anymore. However, I was impressed with the con- questions you would like answered in this column please fidence and commitment with which my professor spoke. refer them to the Atlantic Union Conference GLEANER I was willing to give God a try to help me get over the Office. We hope our youth of all ages will find this col- unstableness in my life and to find a better way. umn useful. “Yes, it is obvious that I was reaping the conse- These are questions being posed by the youth, therefore, it quences of the wrong choices and decisions I had made. is also our hope that those who are involved in training youth I needed strength to stay away from the wrong people will utilize the material printed in this column as a “spring- and to be dedicated and committed to the right things. board” for discussion in their youth groups. “I wish I had attended my professor’s class many more times, but it was amazing the hurt that evolved from a lot of what she taught. I feel that I deprived Atlantic Union Conference myself by not attending all the sessions. PO Box 1189 “As a result of her straight lectures I came face to So. Lancaster, MA 01561 face with reality… something I was running away from. However, I was able to team up with God and face life Phone: (978) 368-8333 with more confidence and trust in Him. Fax: (978) 368-7948 “I thank God for our colleges and for a Christian profes- E-mail: [email protected] sor who helped me to see some of the things that made me

24 Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 Coming this Fall Union-Wide K-12 Educators’ Convention Live the Vision… Integrating Faith with Learning October 13-16, 2002 at the Royal Plaza Fitchburg, Massachusetts Sponsored by the Atlantic Union Conference Office of Education For information contact the Office of Education in your local conference. Bermuda Conference (441) 292-4110 Greater New York Conference (516) 627-9350 New York Conference (315) 469-6921 Northeastern Conference (718) 291-8006 Northern New England Conference (207) 797-3760 Southern New England Conference (978) 365-4551


COMING SOON! September 26-29, 2002 on the campus of Atlantic Union College South Lancaster, Massachusetts Sponsored by Atlantic Union Conference and Atlantic Union College For more information contact the Atlantic Union Conference Health Ministries Department: (978) 368-8333 ext. 3013 • [email protected] or visit the web site at for registration information.

Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 25 there at any time, we would like to invite you to come “home” for our special homecoming Sabbath the first weekend in September. The current pastor, Warren Ruf, is scheduled to speak. We hope to see you there! GREATER NEW YORK CONFERENCE Greater New York Academy Alumni Reunion, October 25-27, 2002, at BULLETIN BOARD Greater New York Academy. For more information call (718) 639-1752.

Sunset Table Eastern Daylight Saving Time October 2002 4 11 18 25 Bangor, ME 6:08 5:55 5:43 5:32 Portland, ME 6:15 6:02 5:51 5:40 Boston, MA 6:19 6:07 5:56 5:45 South Lancaster, MA 6:21 6:09 5:58 5:48 Pittsfield, MA 6:27 6:15 6:04 5:54 Hartford, CT 6:25 6:14 6:03 5:53 New York, NY 6:31 6:20 6:09 6:00 Union-Wide Call for a Day Albany, NY 6:28 6:16 6:05 5:54 Utica, NY 6:35 6:23 6:11 6:01 of Prayer and Fasting Syracuse, NY 6:38 6:26 6:15 6:05 Rochester, NY 6:44 6:32 6:21 6:10 Wednesday, November 6, 2002 Buffalo, NY 6:49 6:37 6:26 6:16 Hamilton, Bda 6:57 6:48 6:40 6:33 The Atlantic Union Conference administration has set aside Wednesday, November 6, 2002, as a day of prayer Spot News and fasting for God’s intervention and guidance. In these times we need an anchor. Events occurring in the Atlantic Union territory In these times we need the Lord. Prayer and fasting is a means of connecting SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND CONFERENCE The Athol Seventh-day Adventist Church on 3200 South Athol Road, us to the divine source—Jesus. Athol, Massachusetts, is having a homecoming on Sabbath, September 7, We invite you to join us. 2002. If you have ever been a member of the Athol church or have attended

Adventist Communicators to Meet in Southern California Three events planned for fellowship, professional growth, and networking.

The Society of Adventist Communicators (SAC) will hold its third interna- tional convention in Ontario, California, October 10-13. Under the theme “Communicating Without Limits,” the keynote presentation will be given by Ted Baehr, editor of MovieGuide, a magazine and web site devoted to Christian reviews of current movies. Other highlights of the event include a tour to the newly redesigned Adventist Media Center, workshops in television production, web site design, getting published, and more; presentations of awards; and a Sabbath outing to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. The annual conven- tion is designed to bring communication professionals from all fields (such as editors, broadcasters, educators, graphic designers, web site pub- lishers, and public relations practitioners) together for fellowship, profes- sional growth, and networking. Tw o additional events will enhance the weekend for any who elect to attend. “When Bad Things Happen to God Organizations” is being spon- sored by the North American Division Office of Communication to provide principles for churches and church-related organizations facing a crisis. The SonScreen Film Festival, sponsored by the Adventist Communication Network, will give young Christian video producers (age 29 years and younger) the opportunity to be recognized for their talents. To register for the SAC convention and crisis seminar, call 1- 800-SDA-PLUS or visit To register for SonScreen, visit or call Stacia Dulan at 1-800-ACN-1119. For more informa- tion about SAC, visit: Sheila Elwin/Celeste Ryan

26 Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 27 ALREDEDOR DE LA IGLESIA MUNDIAL

Líderes Llaman a Orar Luego De La la mujer más grande que alguna vez se haya Rojano afirma que Ramírez se encuentra Tragedia Ferroviaria En Tanzania llevado a cabo en Tanzania. Más de 1.400 bien; en efecto, regresó a trabajar el 8 de Julio mujeres se habían reunido en Morogoro para y ha retomado sus estudios en la universidad. Julio 2, 2002, Arusha, Tanzania [ANN] — adorar y recibir capacitación juntas. “El Galindo, que todavía se encuentra desapareci- Los líderes adventistas del séptimo día de encuentro fue un gran éxito, y las mujeres do, fue secuestrado en las montañas cerca del Tanzania están solicitando las oraciones de la finalizaron las reuniones con un gran celo por distrito de San Jacinto. Su esposa e hijas esperan comunidad adventista mundial luego del acci- el ministerio”, afirmó Mbwana. Él afirma que a tener noticias de él. dente ferroviario del 24 de Junio en el que pesar de la tragedia, la participación de las Este año se han producido tres secuestros de perecieron 51 miembros de iglesia. Las 48 mujeres en el trabajo de la iglesia en Tanzania adventistas en Colombia: Ramírez, Galindo y el mujeres y los tres hombres eran parte de un continuará siendo importante. “Solamente Pastor Luis Narváez, que fue secuestrado a contingente de 360 adventistas que viajaban de sigan orando por nosotros”, agrega, “porque comienzos de año y liberado cinco días después. regreso de una conferencia del ministerio de la de seguro, Dios está con nosotros”. “Los grupos guerrilleros de Colombia recur- mujer que se había desarrollado durante el fin El accidente se atribuyó a una falla en los ren al secuestro como una forma de financiar de semana en el este de Tanzania. En total, frenos. El tren, que transportaba alrededor de la guerra”, explica Rojano. “Es por eso que más de 280 personas perecieron en el acci- 1.200 pasajeros, alcanzó velocidades de hasta vemos a tanta gente de escasos recursos caer dente, lo que constituye el peor accidente fer- 220 kilómetros por hora mientras se deslizaba víctimas de esta persecución. roviario de la historia de Tanzania. marcha atrás por más de 20 minutos antes de Desafortunadamente, nuestra iglesia ha sido “Esta tragedia nos ha golpeado”, dice Pardon colisionar con un tren de carga. golpeada por este flagelo”. Mwansa, presidente de la iglesia adventista para Bettina Krause “Hemos formado cadenas de oración y esta- África Oriental. “Todavía no hemos logrado Translation: Rolf Baier Schmidt mos muy preocupados por la familia Galindo”, recuperarnos porque el impacto ha sido muy agrega Rojano. Existen alrededor de 195.000 adventistas en grande”. Mwansa dice apreciar profundamente Víctima De Secuestro En los mensajes de condolencia y apoyo recibidos Colombia, país ubicado en la región norte de Colombia Liberada; Hay Sudamérica, y que limita con Panamá, Perú, de los adventistas de todo el mundo. Todavía Un Desaparecido Pastores adventistas han estado en el sitio Venezuela, Ecuador y Brasil. de la tragedia para consolar a los deudos que Jose Rojano/Libna Stevens Julio 9, 2002, Medellín, Colombia [ANN] — tuvieron que identificar a las víctimas en una Translation: Rolf Baier Schmidt morgue improvisada en el estadio deportivo de Después de estar ocho días en manos de uno Dodoma, y hubo voluntarios que trabajaron de los grupos guerrilleros más para que los sobrevivientes recibieran la asis- grandes de Colombia, Camilo tencia necesaria. Ramírez, alumno de la “Nuestra mayor contribución en relación con Universidad Adventista de la ayuda brindada a todas las personas–no sólo a Colombia, fue liberado el las adventistas—ha sido cocinar y entonces ali- pasado 4 de Julio, informaron mentar a los pacientes”, dice el Pastor Geoffrey los líderes adventistas de la Mbwana, presidente de la iglesia en Tanzania. región. Pero Dionisio Galindo, “Hemos alojado a los que eran dados de alta y auditor de la Iglesia los ayudamos a regresar a sus hogares. Estamos Adventista del Séptimo Día proveyendo agua potable para el hospital, para la costa atlántica colom- jabones, cepillos de diente y pasta dental, y algu- biana, fue secuestrado en nas sandalias para los enfermos”. Él dice que los Marzo pasado y todavía se miembros locales de Dodoma y Mpwapwa, los encuentra desaparecido. sitios más cercanos al desastre, “han trabajado a Ramírez, de 19 años, estaba contrarreloj siendo de gran apoyo”. regresando a Medellín en Un equipo de alrededor de 30 médicos, ómnibus cuando fue enfermeras y pastores adventistas, llegaron al secuestrado junto con otros sitio de la tragedia en los días posteriores al pasajeros por el grupo guer- accidente, y han estado ayudando a atender los rillero ELN. “El apoyo de cientos de heridos. Camilo a la iglesia ha sido El último fin de semana, los líderes de la igle- muy evidente desde que era sia local comenzaron a visitar las iglesias que un niño”, dice José Rojano, fueron las más afectadas por la tragedia, director de comunicaciones de reuniéndose con familias damnificadas en la iglesia en Colombia. “Él es Mwanza, Magu, Shinyanga, Maswa y Bariadi. un líder en el bien conocido Con la ayuda del gobierno, los cuerpos de todos Grupo Adventista de Rescate y los adventistas fallecidos han sido trasladados a Salvamento en Medellín, un sus lugares de origen para ser enterrados. joven voluntario que ayuda a Los adventistas que viajaban en el tren los afectados por los desastres regresaban de la conferencia del ministerio de y accidentes”.

28 Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 A TRAVERS L’EGLISE MONDIALE

Les dirigeants adventistes Dans les jours qui ont suivi le 24 juin, de ce pays, a été relâché le 4 juillet appellent à prier pour les une équipe de quelque 30 médecins, infir- dernier, annoncent les dirigeants d’Église victimes de la catastrophe miers et pasteurs adventistes est arrivée de la région. Mais Dionisio Galindo, audi- ferroviaire de Tanzanie sur les lieux du drame et a pu contribuer teur de l’Église adventiste de la côte atlan- aux soins dispensés aux centaines de per- tique colombienne, a disparu depuis le Juillet 2, 2002, Arusha, Tanzanie [ANN] sonnes blessées. mois de mars dernier. — Les dirigeants de l’Église adventiste du Le weekend dernier, les dirigeants de Ramirez, âgé de 19 ans, revenait sur septième jour de Tanzanie appellent à la l’Église locale ont entrepris une tournée Medellín en autocar quand il fut enlevé prière la communauté mondiale adven- des églises de Tanzanie les plus touchées en compagnie d’autres passagers par la tiste suite à la catastrophe ferroviaire qui par cette tragédie, afin de rencontrer les guérilla du groupe ELN. «L’engagement de s’est produite le 24 juin dans ce pays, familles endeuillées à Mwanza, Magu, Camilo dans l’Église a été dès son enfance Shinyanga, Maswa et Bariadi. Avec l’aide faisant 51 morts parmi les membres des plus évidents,» nous a dit José du gouvernement, les corps de tous les d’Église qui avaient pris ce train. Ces 48 Rojano, directeur de la communication de Adventistes décédés dans la catastrophe femmes et 3 hommes faisaient partie d’un l’Église en Colombie. «C’est un des lea- ont été ramenés dans leur ville pour y être groupe de 360 Adventistes rentrant chez ders d’une équipe bien connue, le Groupe eux après une conférence organisée, pen- enterrés. adventiste de secours (Grupo Adventista dant le week-end, sur les ministères pour Les Adventistes présents dans le train de Rescate y Salvamento) de Medellín, un les femmes. Le nombre total des victimes rentraient chez eux après la première jeune bénévole qui aide les personnes de cette catastrophe, la pire qu’ait jamais grande conférence sur les ministères pour frappées par un désastre ou un accident.» connue la Tanzanie, s’élève à plus de 280. les femmes jamais organisée en Tanzanie. « Cette tragédie nous a bouleversés, » a À cette occasion, plus de 1 400 femmes Rojano dit que Ramirez va bien. Il s’est déclaré Pardon Mwansa, président de s’étaient rassemblées à Morogoro pour des remis au travail dès le 8 juillet et a repris l’Église adventiste en Africa de l’Est. « moments de culte, d’étude biblique et de ses études à l’université. Nous n’avons même pas commencé à formation. « Cette réunion a été couron- Galindo, toujours manquant, a été nous en remettre, tant ce fut traumatisant. née de succès et les femmes en sont repar- enlevé dans les montagnes proches du » Mwansa a dit sa profonde reconnais- ties animées d’un zèle renouvelé pour le district de San Jacinto. Son épouse et ses sance pour les messages de condoléances ministère, » a dit Geoffrrey Mbwana, filles attendent d’avoir de ses nouvelles. et de soutien envoyé par des Adventistes ajoutant qu’en dépit de cette tragédie, la Cette année, ce sont déjà trois du monde entier. forte participation des femmes à l’œuvre Adventistes qui ont été enlevés en Des pasteurs adventistes se sont rendus de l’Église en Tanzanie ne se relâcherait Colombie: Ramirez, Galindo et le pasteur sur place pour réconforter les parents des pas. « Continuez seulement de prier pour Luis Narvaez, enlevé avant les deux autres victimes venus les identifier dans la nous, dit-il, car il est certain que Dieu est et libéré cinq jours plus tard. chapelle ardente installée au stade de avec nous. » «En Colombie, la guérilla utilise l’en- Dodoma et des bénévoles se sont activés Une panne de frein a été mentionnée lèvement pour financer sa guerre, pour que les survivants reçoivent l’assis- comme cause de cette catastrophe ferrovi- explique Rojano. C’est pourquoi on voit tance dont ils avaient besoin. aire. Avec quelque 1 200 personnes à bord, tant de gens qui n’ont guère de ressources « Ce que nous avons surtout fait pour le train a atteint 220 km/h en dévalant économiques et sont quand même vic- pendant plus de 20 minutes une longue aider tous les gens hospitalisés (et pas times de cette forme de persécution. pente en marche arrière, avant d’entrer en seulement les Adventistes) fut d’apporter Notre Église, malheureusement, a fait la collision avec un convoi de marchandises. des repas aux personnes alitées, » explique cuisante expérience de ces opérations.» le pasteur Geoffrey Mbwana, président de Bettina Krause «Nous avons formé des chaînes de l’Église en Tanzanie. « Nous avons assuré Tr aduction: Manuel Ferro prière à ce sujet et sommes très préoc- un toit aux gens quittant l’hôpital et les cupés par la situation de la famille avons aidés à regagner leur domicile. Nous Libération d’une victime Galindo,» ajoute Rojano. fournissons à l’hôpital de l’eau potable, du d’enlèvement en Colombie; Quelque 195000 Adventistes vivent en savon, des brosses à dent et du dentifrice une autre manque encore Colombie, pays situé dans la partie nord ainsi que des paires de sandales. » Il de l’Amérique du sud, et dont les fron- ajoute que les membres d’Église de Juillet 9, 2002, Medellín, Colombie tières sont communes avec le Panama, le Dodoma et de Mpwapwa, les plus proches [ANN] — Après avoir été détenu pendant Pérou, le Vénézuela, l’Équateur et le Brésil. du lieu de l’accident, « ont travaillé 24 huit jours par un des groupes de guérilla heures sur 24, apportant un soutien fan- les plus importants de Colombie, Camilo Jose Rojano/Libna Stevens tastique [aux secours et aux blessés]. » Ramirez, étudiant à l’Université adventiste Tr aduction: Manuel Ferro

Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 29 ing skills. Please return résumés before Pine Tree Academy. Fifteen miles to September 30, 2002. Interviewing will large shopping district. Woodstock, CLASSIFIEDS begin as résumés are received. Maine. Call (207) 665-2048. Qualified applicants send résumés to: All advertisements should be sent, together Northern New England Conference, FOR SALE—Downtown Keene, TX - with payment, to your local conference office Attn: Robert Sundin, 91 Allen Ave., Shopping Center, Post Office, 16 Apts. for approval by the communication director. Portland, ME 04103; fax (207) For advertisements originating within the Excellent Investment opportunity, next Atlantic Union the rate is $35 for each inser- 797-2851; e-mail: [email protected]. to Southwestern Adventist University. tion of forty words or less, and 50 cents for No telephone inquires, please. For details call Phil Hooten 1-800-366- each additional word. For all other advertise- 8001. ments the rate is $40 for each insertion of TEACHER WANTED: Ready to share 40 words or less and 50 cents for each word your expertise with youngsters over the 40. There is an 80-word maximum. FOR SALE–HEALTH FOOD STORE— Check or money order should be made between the ages of 6-13 in a warm, Keene, TX - Harvest Market, formerly GLEANER Christian, loving environment? Come payable to Atlantic Union or Atlantic LaLoma Foods. Exclusive rights to sale FINANCING AVAILABLE NATIONWIDE Union Conference. to the Linden Adventist School in vege-meat in the shopping center. For Advertising in the Atlantic Union GLEANER Laurelton, N.Y. Share your God-given for Mortgage Loans: Purchase, Re- is not solicited and appears as a service to details call Phil Hooten 1-800-366- finance or Construction. Business Loans: the membership of the Atlantic Union gifts as teachers in the areas of Physical 8001. Education, Mathematics, Spanish, and Purchase, Refinance or Equip-ment Conference. Advertising in the GLEANER is a Leasing. We also purchase and pay top privilege, not a right. Piano. Applicants need at least a bach- CAPE COD VACATION: An Adventist prices for, owner financed mortgages, The Atlantic Union GLEANER reserves the elor’s degree and a minimum of three family will rent weekly, biweekly, etc., right to refuse any advertisement. The rejec- years teaching experience is prefer- business notes, etc. Contact G. Eric tion of any advertisement should not be con- their lovely, fairly new, spacious and able. Mail or fax résumé to Beverly Charles: (954) 677-8394 or fax: (240) strued to constitute disapproval of the prod- semi-contemporary vacation home on 248-0866. E-mail: [email protected] uct or service involved. Cameron, Principal, Linden Adventist beautiful Cape Cod, MA. Three bed- or Classified and display ads appearing in the School, 137-01 228th St., Laurelton, rooms, one and one-half baths, jacuzzi Atlantic Union GLEANER are printed without NY 11413. Phone (718) 527-6868; fax tub, washer/dryer, cable TV, dishwash- endorsement or recommendation of the (718) 527-6650. ARE YOU THINKING OF BUYING OR Atlantic Union Conference. The Atlantic er, microwave, and a great room with SELLING A HOUSE? Need advice, guid- Union GLEANER makes every reasonable effort a cathedral beam ceiling and skylights; ANDREWS UNIVERSITY SEEKS ance, assistance? Get free tips on buying to screen all advertisements, but in no case an outdoor shower, a large deck and a can the periodical assume responsibility for FULL-TIME NEUROLOGY FACULTY or selling. Sellers…get a free market fenced-in backyard with a small swing advertisements appearing in its columns or MEMBER FOR PHYSICAL THERAPY analysis of your property. Contact set and a sandbox on one-half acre just for typographical or categorical errors. DEPARTMENT. Entry-level degree in Carmelo Calderon, an Adventist real 900 feet from a great beach. Call (301) physical therapy. Earned Advanced estate professional. Call toll-free 24/6 at 596-9311. Doctorate preferred. At least 2 years of 1-866-899-5335. E-mail: calderonreal clinical experience in neuro. Salary com- [email protected]. mensurate with experience. Adventists apply online: MERCHANDISE HISTORIC ADVENTIST VILLAGE in jobs.html. Direct contact: Wayne Perry: Battle Creek, Mich., is open daily, [email protected]. FOR SALE 10-5; Sunday, 12-5; Sabbath 2-5. Call for tour appointments and fees. Vol- ADVENTIST MEDICAL CENTER, RV’S!! Adventist owned and operated unteers are urgently needed for Portland, Oregon is seeking a Hospi- RV dealership has been saving SDA’s painting, landscaping, interior rest- tality Services Director for 302 bed, money for over 25 years. $8 million oration, handicap access, plumbing, acute care hospital to serve in a full- inventory—over 30 brands in stock. electrical, and cement work. Limited time capacity. Candidate must have a Courtesy airport pickup and on-site housing is available for volunteers. minimum of 5 years experience in hookups. Satisfied SDA customer list. Contact Stanley Cottrell at (616) institutional departmental manage- Call toll-free 1-888-933-9300. Ask for 965-3000. ment; 3 years as a director; must pos- Adventist discount pricing. Lee’s RV sess a bachelor’s degree in Adminis- City, Oklahoma City. E-mail: LeesRVs CONSIDERING SCHOOLING AT trative Dietetics and be a Registered HOME? Home Study International is Dietician. Experience must include the only Christian, accredited, course nutritional services, environmental provider for preschool through col- services, and laundry/linen services management. Relocation bonus avail- MISCELLANEOUS able. Contact Karen Kellar RN, Recruiter, toll free 1-877-261-6993 or ATTENTION: ANTIQUE, HEALTH e-mail: [email protected]. www.adven- FOOD, HEALTH PRODUCTS AND CRAFT VENDORS! Atlantic Union College is hosting an International Health and Food Fair on Sunday, NON-MEDICAL PROPERTY September 23, 2002, from 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 10 X 10 spaces are available. AVAILABLE If you are a vendor and would like NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND CON- more information, please call Linda at FERENCE is currently interviewing for the position of Departmental Sec- FLORIDA RENTAL HOME available (978) 368-2343 for registration infor- retary. Applicants must have strong from October to April, $650 per mation. secretarial skills and desktop publish- month plus utilities. One mile from beach and Gulf of Mexico. 2 bed- FREE rooms, fully furnished. Sleeps 6. You 14-day Trial! Join thousands of bring food only. Orange and grapefruit Adventists online. FREE Chat, Search, Successful Computer Dating trees in backyard. Call Norman Deakin Detailed Profiles, Match Notifications! exclusively for SDAs since 1974 (pastor/retired) (727) 942-9535. 2-way compatibility match, photos, ADVENTIST CONTACT voice profiles, confidential online MOVING TO THE COUNTRY? We mail. Love, pen pals, marriage, dat- ❤ P.O. Box 5419 ❤ have house lots and a five-room cot- ing, articles, resources. Matching Takoma Park, MD 20913 tage two miles from Adventist church Adventists since 1993! Adventist own- (301) 589-4440 and nine grade school. Fifty miles to ers. Pay-Per-Click Advertiser rates.

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ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE DIRECTORY LOCAL CONFERENCES AND INSTITUTIONS 400 Main Street, South Lancaster, MA 01561 Phone (978) 368-8333 Fax (978) 368-7948 BERMUDA: Samuel U. Bulgin, President; Sydney C. Gibbons, Secretary; Derek R. E-mail [email protected] Furbert, Treasurer. Office Address: Box 1170, Hamilton, Bermuda. (441) 292-4110. Web Site Web Site: President ...... Donald G. King GREATER NEW YORK: Dionisio Olivo, President; G. Earl Knight Secretary; Richard Secretary ...... Carlyle C. Simmons Marker, Treasurer. Office Address: 7 Shelter Rock Rd., Manhasset, NY 11030. (516) OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE ATLANTIC UNION Treasurer ...... Leon D. Thomassian 627-9350. Web Site: CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Treasurer, Associate ...... Trevor Forbes Vice President, Franco Haitian...... Luc F. Homicile NEW YORK: Steven Gallimore, President; Stan Rouse, Secretary; George Wheeler, Treasurer. Office Address: 4930 West Seneca Turnpike, Syracuse, NY 13215. (315) Editor Ednor A. P. Davison Vice President, Hispanic ...... Roberto D. Reyna 469-6921. Web Site: Layout & Design Haziel Olivera Communication/Health Ministries/ASI ...... Carlyle C. Simmons Cover Design Bill Tymeson Communication, Assistant ...... Ednor A. P. Davison NORTHEASTERN: Trevor H. C. Baker, President; Larry Bailey, Secretary; Larry Disabilities Ministries ...... Charlotte L. V. Thoms Word, Treasurer. Office Address: 115-50 Merrick Blvd., Jamaica, NY 11434. (718) Education...... Rosemary Tyrrell 291-8006. Web Site: CORRESPONDENTS Education, Associate...... Astrid Thomassian Bermuda ...... D. Randolph Wilson Family Ministries ...... William L. Wood NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND: Gary Thurber, President; John G. DePalma, Greater New York...... Alanzo Smith Family Ministries, Assistant ...... Roberto D. Reyna Secretary; Robert Sundin, Treasurer. Office Address: 91 Allen Ave., Portland, ME New York ...... Charé Gallimore Human Relations ...... Roberto D. Reyna 04103. (207) 797-3760. Web Site: Northeastern...... Clement A. Murray Ministerial ...... Donald G. King SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND: Halvard Thomsen, President; Gilbert Vega Northern New England...... Diane Thurber Ministerial, Assistants...... Luc F. Homicile Secretary; Thomas L. Verrill, Treasurer. Office Address: 34 Sawyer St., South Southern New England ...... Halvard & Judy Thomsen Roberto D. Reyna Lancaster, MA 01561. (978) 365-4551. Web Site: Atlantic Union College ...... Desiree Ham-Ying Plant Services ...... Manfred Suckert Parkview Memorial Hospital ...... James L. Brassard Public Affairs/Religious Liberty ...... Charles Eusey ATLANTIC ADVENTIST HEALTHCARE CORP.: Charles S. Ricks, President. PO Revolving Fund ...... Clifford Pope Box 1189 So. Lancaster, MA 01561. NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS: All material for publication must Sabbath School/Personal Ministries/ ATLANTIC UNION COLLEGE: Sylvan A. Lashley, President; 338 Main Street, be channeled through your local conference or institution. Community Services ...... Luc F. Homicile South Lancaster, MA 01561; (978) 368-2000. Web Site: Stewardship/Trust Services/Inner City/ Loss Control ...... Leon D. Thomassian NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS: Address requests should be sent to the treas- Women’s Ministries...... Charlotte L. V. Thoms urer of the local conference where membership is held. Both old and new Youth Ministries...... William L. Wood Member, Associated Church Press addresses should be given when a change of address is requested. Indexed in the Seventh-day Adventist Periodical Index

Atlantic Union GLEANER, September 2002 31 Nonoprofit Organization ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER U.S. Postage 55 WEST OAK RIDGE DRIVE PAID HAGERSTOWN, MD 21740 Hagerstown, MD Permit No. 261