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Download the Agenda Regulatory Committee Monday 17 August 2015 11am Council Chamber Runnymede Civic Centre, Addlestone Members of the Committee Councillors D W Parr (Chairman), Mrs M Roberts (Vice-Chairman), J Broadhead, Mrs D V Clarke, and Mrs M T Harnden. In accordance with Standing Order 29.2 any non-member of the Committee who is considering attending the meeting should first request the permission of the Chairman. A G E N D A Notes: 1) Any report on the Agenda involving confidential information (as defined by section 100A(3) of the Local Government Act 1972) must be discussed in private. Any report involving exempt information (as defined by section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972), whether it appears in Part 1 or Part 2 below, may be discussed in private but only if the Committee so resolves. 2) The relevant 'background papers' are listed after each report in Part 1. Enquiries about any of the Agenda reports and background papers should be directed in the first instance to Miss C Pinnock, Democratic Services, Law and Governance Business Centre, Runnymede Civic Centre, Station Road, Addlestone (Tel: Direct Line: 01932 425627). (Email: [email protected]). 3) Agendas and Minutes are available on a subscription basis. For details, please ring Mr B A Fleckney on 01932 425620. Agendas and Minutes for all the Council's Committees may also be viewed on 4) In the unlikely event of an alarm sounding, members of the public should leave the building immediately, either using the staircase leading from the public gallery or following other instructions as appropriate. 5) Filming, Audio-Recording, Photography, Tweeting and Blogging of Meetings Members of the public are permitted to film, audio record, take photographs or make use of social media (tweet/blog) at Council and Committee meetings provided that this does not disturb the business of the meeting. If you wish to film a particular meeting, please liaise with - 1 - V:\agendas\Regulatory Committee\2015\08\Regulatory 170815 Agenda.doc the Council Officer listed on the front of the Agenda prior to the start of the meeting so that the Chairman is aware and those attending the meeting can be made aware of any filming taking place. Filming should be limited to the formal meeting area and not extend to those in the public seating area. The Chairman will make the final decision on all matters of dispute in regard to the use of social media, audio-recording, photography and filming in the Committee meeting. - 2 - V:\agendas\Regulatory Committee\2015\08\Regulatory 170815 Agenda.doc If you need help reading this document please contact the Council on 01932 838383. We will try to provide a reading service, a large print version, or another format. - 3 - V:\agendas\Regulatory Committee\2015\08\Regulatory 170815 Agenda.doc LIST OF MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION PART I Matters in respect of which reports have been made available for public inspection PAGE 1. FIRE PRECAUTIONS 5 2. NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES TO COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP 5 3. MINUTES 5 4. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 5 5. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 5 6. EGHAM HACKNEY CARRIAGE STANDS 5 7. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC 7 PART II Matters involving Exempt or Confidential Information in respect of which reports have not been made available for public inspection. a) Exempt Information (No reports to be considered under this heading) b) Confidential Information (No reports to be considered under this heading) - 4 - V:\agendas\Regulatory Committee\2015\08\Regulatory 170815 Agenda.doc 1. FIRE PRECAUTIONS The Chairman will read the Fire Precautions which set out the procedures to be followed in the event of fire or other emergency. 2. NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES TO COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP 3. MINUTES To confirm and sign as a correct record, the Minutes of the meeting held on 4 June 2015, which were in the July 2015 Minute book, previously circulated. 4. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 5. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST If Members have an interest in an item please record the interest on the form circulated with this Agenda and hand it to the Legal Representative or Democratic Services Officer at the start of the meeting. A supply of the form will also be available from the Democratic Services Officer at meetings. Members are advised to contact the Council’s Legal section prior to the meeting if they wish to seek advice on a potential interest. Members who have previously declared interests which are recorded in the Minutes to be considered at this meeting need not repeat the declaration when attending the meeting. Members need take no further action unless the item in which they have an interest becomes the subject of debate, in which event the Member must leave the room if the interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest or if the interest could reasonably be regarded as so significant as to prejudice the Member’s judgement of the public interest. 6. EGHAM HACKNEY CARRIAGE STANDS (ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES) Synopsis of report: To make Members aware of the results of the consultation exercise regarding hackney carriage stands in Egham town centre. Recommendation: The Committee is asked to consider the establishment of hackney carriage stands in Egham town centre in light of the representations and petition received and make a recommendation for consideration by a full Council meeting on 22 October 2015. 1. Context of report 1.1 Under section 63 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 part ll, councils may provide hackney carriage stands (known as ranks). 1.2 Following the Committee meeting on 4 June 2015 Members gave their support to the proposal to establish new ranks in Egham subject to the proposals being advertised and consulted upon. 1.3 Although advertising the proposals to establish a rank is the only statutory requirement in relation to the advertising and consultation regarding new hackney carriage ranks, best practice is to seek as wide a view as possible, therefore a full consultation exercise has been undertaken. 1.4 People who responded to the consultation in August 2014 were contacted and made aware of the proposals along with Egham Chamber of Trade, Egham Residents Association, Royal Holloway University Students Union, all Runnymede licenced Hackney Carriage drivers / - 5 - V:\agendas\Regulatory Committee\2015\08\Regulatory 170815 Agenda.doc Private Hire Operators and businesses close by the location. In addition notices were placed around the immediate area of the proposed ranks advertising the proposal. 2. Report 2.1 The consultation period closed on 16 July 2015. A number of representations and a petition have been received. 2.2 The total number of representations received was ninety seven (97). Of these, sixty five (65) were against the proposals and thirty two (32) were in support of the proposals. 2.3 All 32 who supported the proposals are current Runnymede hackney carriage drivers. This represents 20.77% of the total of one hundred and fifty four (154) licenced hackney carriage drivers in Runnymede. 2.4 26 of the 32 drivers signed and submitted an identical letter in support of the proposals. The text of the letter is set out below:- ‘Regarding the proposals for the Runnymede Borough taxi ranks in the Runnymede Borough and Egham, I am in full agreement with the locations and would like to see them implemented’. 2.5 The content of the representations are attached for information:- • Appendix A against the proposals. • Appendix B supporting the proposals (the remaining 6 drivers of the 32 in support) 2.6 In addition to the representations, we have received a petition objecting to the proposed ranks from Egham Chamber of Commerce. This contains 1729 valid signatures, the majority of which are from local residents or businesses. A small number of entries were not counted (10) as they did not meet the petition scheme criteria. For example, no address given, no signature, or similar. 2.7 The petition prayer states ‘The Egham Chamber of Commerce wish to ensure that there is the maximum amount of short term parking in the High Street to enable customers to visit local businesses and shops. It is proposed by Runnymede Borough Council, to make some of the High Street parking into permanent taxi spaces. This is not a good use of space as many people now call taxis by phone rather than expecting a taxi to be waiting in the High Street. We, the undersigned, wish to advise Runnymede Borough Council that we object to the loss of the short term parking in Egham High Street.’ 3. Legal implications 3.1 The proposals were advertised in accordance with section 63(1) and (2) of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 part ll. They were published in the Surrey Advertiser on 19 June 2015 and notice was given to the Chief Constable of Surrey. The proposals were then subject to a 28 day consultation period from the date of publishing. 3.2 As the petition amounted to more than 1500 signatories, under the Council’s Petitions Scheme contained in the Constitution the matter must be heard by full Council. This meets on 22 October 2015. However, Officers considered it appropriate for this Committee to consider the matter first and to make a recommendation to full Council. 3.3 The lead petitioner was contacted and gave his approval for the matter to be considered by this Committee first before being submitted to the full Council where the petitioner will have the right to present the petition and speak to it for up to 5 minutes. 3.4 This Committee is asked to make a recommendation to be considered by full Council as part of the debate.
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