Animals legislation by the Ministry of Agri- The Ministry of Health and Social Services hereby culture and applications for such importations gives notice of the appointment of Dr. George must be made to that Ministry. Official Robert Garvin of Benburb, Dungannon, as Appoin- Certificates for public health purposes in ted Factory Doctor under the above-named Act for accordance with the Imported Food (Northern the Caledon district with effect from 28th May, ) Regulations, 1968, do not confer 1971. any exemption from these restrictions or prohibitions. WAGES COUNCILS ACT () 1945 BAKING WAGES COUNCIL (NORTHERN FACTORIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1965 IRELAND) The Ministry of Health and Social Services in pur- The Baking Wages Council (Northern Ireland) here- suance of the requirements of Section 115 of the by gives notice of its intention to submit to the Factories Act (Northern Ireland) 1965 hereby pub- Ministry of Health and Social Services proposals lishes the following list of factory occupiers who, for fixing statutory minimum remuneration in sub- during the month ended 31st May, 1971, made appli- stitution for that fixed by the current wages regula- cation for and obtained Special Exemption Orders tion order relating to workers in respect of whom for limited periods from certain provisions of Part the Wages Council operates. VI of the Act. Particulars of the proposals may be obtained from Bass Charrington (Ireland) Ltd., Ulster Brewery, Glen the Secretary of the Wages Council at the address Road, Belfast given below. Beecham Food, 564/568 Falls Road, Belfast. The Wages Council will consider any written re- presentations with respect to the above-mentioned Berkshire International (U.K.) Ltd., proposals which may be sent to it within twenty-one Road, , Co. . days from llth June, 1971. Any such representation Blackstaff Ltd., Springfield Road, Belfast. should bear the writer's address and signature and be British Enkalon Ltd., Randalstown Road, Antrim, sent to the Secretary, Baking Wages Council (North- Co. Antrim. ern Ireland), Lindsay House, Callender Street, Belfast, BT1 5DT. It is desirable that persons making objec- Braid Water Spinning Co. Ltd., Ballymena, Co. tions should state the precise nature of their objec- Antrim. tions. Cigarette Components Ltd., Alanbrooke Road, C. W. B. McCormick, Secretary, Belfast. llth June, 1971. Courtaulds Ltd., Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim. Donaghadee Carpets Ltd., Donaghadee, Co. Down. Elastic Knitting (N.I.) Ltd., Galgorm Industrial REGISTRATION OF Estate, Ballymena, Co. Antrim. Falls Flax Spinning Co. Ltd., Cupar Street, Belfast. PLACES OF WORSHIP Grundig Works (N.I.) Ltd., Dunmurry, Belfast. FOR MARRIAGE King Packaging Ltd., Gilford Road, Portadown, Co. Armagh. Notice is hereby given that on the 1st day of June, 1971, the building known as Baptist Church, Killyleagh Flax Spinning Co. Ltd., Killyleagh, Co. situated at 11 Downshire Place, Newry, in the Parish Down. of Newry and County of Down, was duly registered Oneida Silversmiths Ltd., Bloomfield Road, Bangor, for the solemnisation of marriages therein pursuant Co. Down. to the Marriages (Ireland) Act, 1844, section 28, in Spence Bryson (Carpets Division), 152 Albertbridge substitution for the building formerly used and Road, Belfast. known as Fivemilehill Baptist Church. Spence Bryson & Co. Ltd., Markethill, Co. Armagh. Standard Telephones & Cables (N.I.) Ltd., Doagh The Registrar General hereby gives notice that on Road, Monkstown, Co. Antrim. the 1st day of June, 1971, the building known as the Apostolic Church situated in Conway Street, The Metal Bo* Co. Ltd., Carrickblacker Factory, , in the Parish of Blaris and County of Portadown. Antrim was duly registered for the solemnisation of The Metal Box Co. Ltd., Brownstown Road, Porta- marriages under the Marriage Law (Ireland) Amend- down, Co. Armagh. ment Act 1863', as amended.