
12 two

---~------~~-~~~------+------EIGHTY-EIc'HTH YEAR .... ,.",,) '(,,~~ I',,~( '~r ,·,,1,1 ~, 1'"~I"ffl,·,,. ---- lI~l"r', '·,,~1"1t~ 1'""r,.,,"·rd KA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1962 '"",~b"" ..... Tb .....;;:-M~... ---~-- Weda ...cI." 'u 110 ~~._ ".~~~~~~_ _ . NUMBER 'IH:IRT~ Jaeger Youth Hurt 1t.nity lutheran School ., ... 'Secial Ceremony Opehed-· ,.• I • .J" H I~· S d i In Hunting Mishap De d ICOlteu en OSKiIOS un av ,,,,',i";;,': ;'::,~::;r J"~""'~:'''';:~';~:;'' Ne Wayne Disposal Plant lJ '.,,~ ill"fJ11;dJl!'d v,nth a ~~!lnshot I!O~klrl~ Tr 11111,1 1',1 ;,ng"lleal • ,,11111'1 II iiii<' hunlJrJ;": WJlh the: O\"{'r 50 pl'opll' ~~all){'t'(ill for ;L I,utll('ran ('hIJr('h Sllllli:,\' llh~I'1 \{'d BOil H hi· ~I l'l!lilil'l 11;lk, ~lll1da\ U Spl't'lal 1I('ril(';lill)11 (II Itlf' I ug es nlurea They were near' the famly I I Special Programs 1pI'" Cl'n'tl\ony dUHH'1" prior 10 IIH' illffu·ral 0ppT1lng of lill' IlIlw a(jrlltl()n t() 11-1 .~('h()()1 I,ulld farm home when Jaeger saw a Sl'\\"a~:" y 'dl!-oposal plant IlPl"I' TU('!Hlay. Bllild Ttli' 1*lor of ::1 0)11 ,d \11 ;1f1r1 'njuring him iust above the i 1IlIJllli' \f':lI"" :.rgo :\11' W;II].II (. 11(1~')I!"' \\,1,11' knee. D t· St ecora Ing arts hOilnl (If dlrl,ctor!"o of till' ('hut111wl" Shortly after th(l' first church 11)(" !lll"·( U/ (,ii'· ';111/1 11<<1[11'11 II. \,.,. 1:lluli til;( .... 1!)llX (·Ity uf COllllnt'rn' and otlit'r llll!-olfw ,~. was built a !>mall !.chool house ("01III~lfln III Ta, 'Jill;' \\.J .. I, ;'.11 I {"III1;,1 \\11(".1'· ),~. 1I!lIi('J"w"nl ~ur ~t·hool mll~I(·ICln'> was erected which r.erved the lIrila) V..lll! h 1<-/1 {,II'" rlf !>old .,tlrJlII,'r ('!WI all(jll 1;11(·r Ii) piau' il area \\ lIb Cl ~11f'("lal p[l)t:ralll n"\1 where a crowd had gatht'red ror and a new school WiI!) built, I" I rJi;oI,· III IIi!" liT ThlJr~Ja\ rngbl tho ribbon cutting, Prose t May. In tlu' fall or 1!1!",lj ,I l'iI"('Jll('nt I Till' p;()J.!raril \\,11 IWJ.!II\ al 'I p rn or B, J. Brandl>tottor and mmod. nddill()[J \\,I~ lullli'li hi till' f at the sarno time, ()pl'n huus,' was t hell Iwld al t Ii" sllp('r.~lrudlll·!~ \\ ,I, remaining open until 9 p.m. ~o rlt~l ;ludllor\um when' sl1ppill'r', all of 111(' wI)rk \\,1', resident!> can begin their fir,t and hlllldl'r~ .... I'rl' on -htlllhopping of tho Chrl~t· dl,>plil\~ and d;I\:1 to l'l\piain Ih(' mas s.oas.on. 'Ij)/"rullnn of tlH' plant. T1H' mayors. ("{Junclll m~mbt'r~ I )\11I'[ groups \\ III fllrnt~h IIlU and hoards of trUsl£'cs:' {rum all ~II' on ~I)(", I·'>~l\ I' "pI'n illglih k

A 'Iw£"ial nH'l'tlO1-: or tho \\';I} [l{' LI'~lnn Post ha~ be(>n scht'(hl~t'd for \londay at .. P Tn ttl the Vl't"r· an· ... ('Iuh Room:-. lh-partllll'nl, Jrp n' \\·llh p-bns for thp 19li..1 IlWUlll1'r ("cntly ('I('clt'd cotlllll1ttlli(',t" (II tl)( .. hIp pr'lgram TIl1'Y will also 1111\',· Wayne ("ounly Am('rH·iJll J.('/.~Ii­ dent and Mrii, George Vo!>!>, Win· side, secretary. i{('tinng ofrl{·"r:o, 11)"1· Thl' Wayne Boy's Choir, compo:. enberg, Wlnsl,k, was named co-captain of the l'd of 29 boys agps 8 to 13 year". {'J" and !\1 r~ /tlll h team. along with quarterback .... Jil 1)(' featured aL the Hope Lu l-ildt', c()lInty prt'SJdl'111 Don Meyer. tiH'ran Churl'h '·famlly hour'· J/l Omaha Sunday . • Thr· Wu}Cl" dl'/"Ihl Ihl' Yl'ar Itl'\!. H.. F ,Jpnkms. pal-il

A l:iI('llt .,,!r(lW all1l ,I danl·,' III 11](' performed miracles. Apparently I'\r'nll\).! wlil round IJut tl1(" Flin the points for a busine!>s score were mea!>ured by the distance • in feet thrown, And 115 the final Corlson Performs in buner blared, the score read 32·32. N.Y.C. Concert Debut Thl' f.t!l~ \\;lrlal1 Cdrl<;(ln ~IlTl (If I'ro/<', ""r "nil 'Jr~ .\ih{'rl (; (-;Irlson. \\ a~ n,· \\ II ~ litl' Ea~llllun 11,1 1[1 III(' '\-,.\\ York ('11\ {"olll','r! ,1.-11\11 11\ (~d r1\(· i..!1'> II a II I a,,1 \\ ('('k ,I .. Ifl1\,('rl III flor \,11',11, llll'k !l,lill·d !Of '\i..!'lln Iii" ~~\Jr('huard II," ,JIll" In '·1 III II '\d~"ll IIII( hd('lkl dll..:n,llli wtlh ,~II("h 1I1.1l"I\<. I' ,\ ~!)(·\·I:II C!ul·~h ~("!Hln ~h(ll h~ llt.'

A BUSY DAY, but a profitable one was re­ cor?cd by the ,~ospital Auxiliary Saturday at TRUCKS COLLIDE. theIr annua' bazaar. Abo'le, port of the crowd 15 shown ot tl-re lummage sale Under the directIon -- • Off·· I! Wayne Man Iniured ( ommunlst ICIO lAs Trucks Collide

, I>arold ()Itjenbruns. 23, \Ya\flP . Tto ectu re Here Wde nes doy i' ,uffmd fracture, of both l"gs :""d • multlple ('uts and brul~es 10 a ,',\·0· .\ f'lrll1lT offiCIal 'If til(" Com - ,tn.rl"k aClIdent about a mile nurth i Hervale Sale Sends 3 ~:J'~,~~"\t>/~~~~\ W~rl~~~ci~\dlpn~l~'::m of \\' rs from sen'n states paId an Starting at 8 p,m., Dr. Bella a\ er~gl' of SSOO for 85 head of cat Dodd. former party organizer I The other truck 'was drj" ... ~n by \1(' at Hen·alp Farm'~ fal1 sa1e of for the Communists, wlll give ! Florenz :'\clmann. 64, Winside Rf'gl~teJ"ed Poiled Herfords last. her views. and past experiences The shenff·" report said O!tj(·n· Thur~day. with Communism and education, I brUDS was traveling south and Top bull went to Oklahoma for n dd ct (' g i ~~if.'mann north. Niemann attempt· S1975; while the 2nd t-op bull '\;: Yor(~ ~tto~~;~ ~3U~~~ ~Oll~l': ; cd to make a left turn and thf' brought $1525 ·from Wisconsin. cal ~Clefl('e al Ilun·d.'r Co1L(>~e ~ \'ehldes collided on the west side The top heifer also went to Vw is· frilm 19Z5 to 1938 ~l'r\"lng a legiS' i of tbe road, consin at 5750, ~ ];I!I\{' rcprcsenta!l\c for the, Blgges! huyf'r \',a~ the :lerllng :\l11errcln FcderatlOn r>f TeachC'rs' • Polled Herford farm a~ l u:,hmg. and :\('w York Stall" FcderatlOn of ,\VIS. Thc Badger ran

,surpassed last year's sale. He said I ::: I DR. BELLA 0000 Paul Guh:man f1I!)w a herds- pa~:o:~:g ~;ifi~~a~i::; l II that about i50 buyers were present.! Senate Internal Security Com. turnmg to her law practice theD.' man m Camarillo" Calif... won jt I I mittee tof the Hoose Un-Ameri. Tickets to the lecture are 51.00, at. the Gr~~ ~ationa~ Li~e- i Markets I can Activities Committee State I and arc avallable ,at .both the Statel:'OC!t!:~I': lIlJ~.~ncl:2 Rules CommiHee--Department of :"atlOnal and First Natlonal Banks! of 'lk ew s, _ I (Prices in Willllyne Tueschy a,m.) Justice. ,m Wa)"'IIe =::i"';:;' fr~ t;wo ~ws In Oats $ .57 She returned to her church m Dr Dodd's appearance IS CD-I ' chairman of the building committee, Kfneth I DOOR OPENING CEREMONY Cream ___-=-=- --: _ . .57 11952 and IS the author of School of I s~nsored by the Wayne and the He 15 the son ofl~, and Mrs. construction at Groce Lutheran Sunday morning. Taking E. J, Bernthol, Corl Lueders Rev. Rol nd A. Cocks, lb•• _ _ _ _,04 Darkness 10 surrounding county chapters of Paul Gutzman and president of port in the ceremony are, left to ri~ht, Herbert Barelman, Edmond Grosse and Neil SGndahi. Hons, lb. __ _ ,.05 She Iben taught at St John',' the lIiebraska School Improvement the California HOrdsnian Associa.. Heithold. Don Echtenkamp, Adolph Claussen, Roy Langeme,er, • ,Law School from 1955 to 1961"" As,OC13UllD, -- !ion. - '--:rrt-:-_ .... --:

;. )711" I " J j!~! •.•• ~ - i- •.• _:, ... ..i -,~. ~c~-:.~~ ...... ·-,+·...::~~ .... -'.-:'..;:::-:,-:.::':.~o!E'·"if:...;~:~~~~f:··fti.~iI. , .

H raid, Thursday, Nayembbr 22, 1926 1 i,n t,he I Arthur IInn;(', i I\rtllur Kruse were I" n1H1' in tlll'l inr: n wrf'k ~,,~S(>hlimany ~mong gUI~sts ~mpp('r i~\'{'nln~(" ~u('~t I DavHI' City, sunr:,la . Iip the Arnold' Winter home, Nor· Wilt'tj.('r lk,'k hOIlll'1 ;\l.IJnlaY \'{'. ~1:lrUIil ;\trs. Duo Si(~dsl:blag, Norfolk. Colk! (I>r Verylc's birthday Thurs. ning. - I I' ~1r.s. . l'" ne Herald HOSKINS NEWS was a dinncr guest in the SU Sellel· daYi evening. ' Mr. and ~Ir)l. E\,:l'n~tt ('\vI~lnn, Nlincy. were The. Wa. ~ J . 'I' Ilrnbctg home ;\I?nday. 1 Mrs. Fred Brum.II. Mrs. Nor- irand .ran~i1Y WI'f(' ¥h'it()~. in Ih(' 11".l'f!~!('nnlt'Y('r Sorvlng Nort~e ..t Neb, .kl'. Gr•• t Fuming Ar~. Mrs. J. t' Pmgel - Phone 73 " !l-tr, and J\trs~ Howard Gd(,s.l rls! L.ngenberg. Mr. lind Mrs. I?l.l\'ln Seln It:t. hnl1l,{': Pil 'N, IJlst Un):I>" __ ~~======:jf'::":'--'-~:-+-_~=--_L _____ I . Rand~)lph, were dinner gU('sls, In ~ e,nry L, angenberg '1;'.. MrS.. ISunll,IY aCttfnooll. I --- .•... ~:"'.!,-: Award Winner I' I Wayn£, - Thomas, Arthur N arotz, Peace Evangelical and Reformed lhe Jehn Bohm 'lOme Thursday. I Ge rge Langenb.rg ahd Mrs. Mrs. Gorge lange It,. 0 r g, A·Toon I ~ .• , ': :'Ilr!l EdWin W1I1tl'r, .I. E. j~ing(>1 Church !\lrs. Clan'n!..'a. SChroedl'f was I Han, !'-smus .tter~led funeral Mrs. Hlt-n y Lange~be tJ and I :\ TII"'n E I I ~ , ~ Ii : Nt'xt medJlII( will he a no-host ,( J~n ~'. Sax.to~, pas~r,) ;)nl'oru; gue~ts ·ath.'nding LI 7~30: servlc s for Mrs. Kathryn Le· Mrs.. Hans Asmus- vISit Mrs. 1till' MI's. 01 I: NATIONAL EDITORIAL l(,hri~trn<1<; dirHIPr nnd gift {'X· ..sunda}, ~_()~. ~5 ~u,~da) Chur.ch buffet lunch~'on and persopal Ray, S n Bruno. Calif .• at Nor· Re';'ben. elker. San. Bruno. (olk. , "i1 rn ' 61 j ~ 12 ~ @ ('hange at II\(, I Wa)ne Thomas );(hool. 10 a.In., DI\lnc worship. sliow~'r for Bl'ttl' :".Ikhadson Sat~ folk, Tu sday afternOon. \ Calif" In t. Mrs, Lydl Fuhr· 11:\ IllPlllhl'I'S I ~J ." • I 1.:" A 5 ,C TIz:N I honw, Il('(" 12 It a m ,I urday cvcming

I. • ro. I r.1I --=--=I! ~:lel~hCi,~,,:':'n~·,.nrr;:~a~!r~ve~i~;; ~;~(~~:I Gr;(\~';,,~t~I~~:I:r:~ Mr. ~;oun:~s olw:;~s ~::~her~~ ",~ir~!~t: ~:,;~e.\i~~'::"~a~~ ~vecnr:::'n ro C I'\~r 1;oy, Hoh'k Chi ago. and 1 ;:,::'."''' • ,r , I '-,1 Wayne1, Nebraska Phone 130 !\smu~, !\JrH. Bill Nelson and Del. and Mrs. Ed Brumels, Mrs. Ernest andJim, :\hs. Bonnie Spital· Mr. and Mrs. Ilarry' Drens~n ~ his mother. :\lrs ~larlh:1 Hohrk~, Ehl(.!'s I' II - ----·f - -" --.. ---~------. , hprt liouver. :'\Jt'xt 1Tlf'f'ting wm' he ,Kollath . Pit'l/.~t'l TUt'~da , "III I .. I $~ oj r'f'r ''''It I 'lClO tU! ~I)( II" I" 11 ty at th~' Willard Kh'('nsang home Cedar Grove, Wisc., were over· Ma quanit, Mrs. Fed ·Grcl'u and Foster, were : :\lr. and ~Ir~ ErtI{'~t. Eckman I '0,,).1., 1,1,.,. 1~, ______1)1'(' !I night guuts Friday In the Mrs. Carl Uin7rman Were vl!'>itors the Kennard l&lnd :\lnrvlnlwprl' \"Isl~o'rs In the A~ I 1\ I,IIJI.H Jam." OW Mnr,,1r ~-. ,"" Frank Metrten home. They came in tIl(' J. E~~~Ph~g"1 home, TlH's:day nesday. Mr, herl J('nkll.!'> hunH', ('n roll. Frl I ) 10111" J V.d"'II1(IIlnl" rurllltf~" Hoskins Homemakers Club to attend funeral services for afternoon: li\,,;/~ schlag~r, Mrs, . day c\,('nlll:g. ;.. Mrs. Ita) ,Jodl('ns ('ntC'rtained Mn. Minnie Brueckner. Mr. lind ·1\tt!i.- l'~dwin nrc~~.:iC'. I 'Ir aid :\lr5. , Bev·: Lloyd .1 ~.'J·:;.~,\IN5 .'. I ' Inl'mh('rs of Iloskins Ilomemakers Mr and Mrs. Rcuben Puis, Mr. Mark and Eddie, Otto Kru~e lund werelpdtofds I. I! b iEili~~ "1,,h.1 ~ ~=a~Mn. E~~Um~·~-r ___~_-_··_-_-_-_- ___~'_·· ______~ ______~_------~-~~+-_~~, ',. ~I~ Keens ng· Lynn Re er I ~~~",;~:i'l'h" '~'~;~<'Iin~r:';';h ~;~~~.~ ~';I :f~ ~~;I ~;~~~lanS"~~:~~ I ' 1,11](1 read a Th.lI;llc·,glvln g poe.m. I !"Illna~arl' m. the Ed~1O Meier·! 1 I • IF.d ',Holl ("all was "1' a\'un!!' dresslOg Iwnry homf' Saturday mght. ~ ::~'~~Ml fIlt PT I carnlvo fl"Y 'I ~11~:";litl;;I)WI" .\11"'. ;.~.\~:;Jt a W:;:~l~'hl~: I \\"~J:;~, a~~iS~r. S~f'~:ri~r~.:ry ~~~~: I ~ '<~~~j£l~l Wt1! U TlI(' 1'(';ld tll(' con"!i~tl- I !lIght j:!Ul.'l:;t<; In the ErWin Ulneh, "II' I' 'l'A Iwld :1 "'('arni'al - - --~--.--.--.----- tum oj the A f n'('v. til ()iff'r- homf'. : at the pu iUC , g id" 0'. mQ W

hOllspplants, fa ('y L, Jochens Entertain I NC;S(~~th Va~~~~(,\,Ext::~~(i'~~ion cluh I, l\1 ~ata~('n,d v.~~:' F~~(~:~t a~~~r~~~~: .,'1.1 homemade ite s, M d M L J h . THIS WEEK'S TOP BOWLERS· r .. ~n rs. al.lrenct' .. 0(' en.~' 11]('1111)(')".., 1H'ld. a Illl'dmg flt, Ihe I' vislt( rs in the Erwin Ulirch home. Complete Line EA~,OUT:' 11101 \,Iridy of hoolhs.: pntf'rtamed at a party III th~lr hOIll!' 01 'II)"..,. lIans ili.lnsf'n, M and Mrs WT11iam Eckmann, MEN'S HIGH GAME WOMEN'S HIGH GAME , ' III 111(, booths w(~rt.' i·!rs. h.om(' Th~rsday lUg-ht Tpn,pOJ.nt I Pi('J"("I', Tllllr ... ddY aftrnooo. with: ('a\l( IIr, S D, Wl'rl' visitors in the of Merlound Lessman ~3S I Tootie Lawn 192 I., 1('Il, I\lr". fo:lnH'r Pl' er, pitch furlllshed entertamment WIth 12 ml'l1lhp!"~ pl'l'.~l'nt Mrs. Eml! (;ust \" Eekmann hom(' Tuesday 1,' \.t I'~ ('flnt H('iwl'. Mr. nd pnzt's going to Mrs. {:ilbt'rt .Jodi was a gu('st "and also ('allers in thf' Theodore MEN'S HIGH SERIES ) I WOME~'5 HIGH SERIES OFtEN!" Merlound LeS5mo1n 647 I Tracy Arett: 543 'I 1 '/1,' lH~lr ... SI ii\I(~:~II~',1 SP~~~ ~n"\~~r~i~c~I~~~~~k~rs ("lint Hl'I) :\I)"~ . :\!;ltlgds was. in; Eckl ann home. , 1 (r, , . dwrg(' 01 Ih(' bUslnPss ml'l'llng.1 1\1. and Mrs: (.llS Lamberty. I ".Sweet Lossy THE HOME OF \Ir, ;\;IIlII~ Langt'nh rg, j{oJl (' .. 111 \\,J; ·'.L..;oJllf'tlung We. Fn'rlOnt wer{' vl"itors in the Gust· LEAGUE ST~NDINGS ·,1, [ dngel1il{'1 g, r Young People League'" 1\\ ould I 11,\ (I) Ila\ I' InHnt('d" I nil :ckmann home ~1onday Feeds . GOOD BEEFY' JllIlglE; Mrs r.• ay Young People Leagu{' of tht'l A t hll~tllld~ no ho\\ {linnrr dnd \1 and Mrs Arnold Miller :\11" I L Ilngel, ~s Trlmty I... utheran rhunh h(ld a £..111 ('«(ildllg( IS pldnnl'd Dp{ 111\\l'r( \1..,llors In Ihf' r.('orgie Wlley W One Stop Service for all M~:~:,Y, Nite Ladi.. W Ilo( JIlin M,rs Myon moetmg last Wc!lncHdHY l'Vl'nWg ,J! tile )\IIS !Jon.lld [arson hOlllf' horn' :\Jorfolk, Fnday evenmg 30 14 C~~;I~~e st.', ;':1111'", 27 JtR~~fS - \11 I I WIl1 l Inch, II, at tho parochial b s{'tn{'nl l'1 1)1\ t ( ]( ( OUlIt Your r and Mrs Reuben Puis, ~ s~ho(J1 v ~"'(]JI Your Feed Needs "ill~llcs 30 14 ("()~( ITrdw :\0 2 '1111 \'11\1'11 BEhllwr ,lIld cv R('v G n Jed the devo Amps Illd \\,1" gl\l'n b) Mr, and Mrs, Carl Hingman l'~rank \\,1lt~ Lovps' Signs 28 16 Flr,,1 .\If'lh~~(IJ~l :\lJ 2 fi:! I ).I\I~ tlons Marilyn F'lll1,'man jll('<.;1 \11" 1IIIoid !\1.t,I~ I Mr and Mrs ErWin Ulrich and :\ & ?wi Oil 25 )9 Hf'1I('I'JllI'r !\"o. I ·10 EL RANCHq' 1'.Itll J(lhnson lind I'S dent conducted thp hllSinl'SS ~ Mr and Mrs. Ernest Schmidt, ROBERTS, LOCKER I I I Iotel Morrison 24 .20 'eoneOf(iJa ~\Il I .ili 411 J'ul ,,\\{'l'l' HI f'hal gc of Host's were Foy Marotz and nl( k I HoskinS Get Together Club Sc ttsbluff,. were visitors ;n the :\u Tavern 21' ~ Hprlt'Pnl{'r 1;\0 :1 44 ,I III 1 h{ t III mvui waH un'l PIIlg:€'i I ]\11... tt ttl I angf'llber was I Ed In Melerhenry 'home, Sat· ~ n & PRODUCE Hills Lock('r 23 \\'mslIlf' St_. I'a(d'" 1\ "I, 111(' dl£('( tlOij of till PTA ex -, I host('s" tt: t;1(' llo~lons Get To ur ay evening. FarmC'r~' 211 24 Fjr.~t .\ll'thlldht i\k. I 42 '. fu!e.:' 11\ I (OlllllHttt'(' I W. Gulzm.nns e"tertain \ gt'th{ r (luh fhursddY afternoon 1 M and Mrs Clarence Hamm S("hmodf'·Weihle IR 36 ('nnl"onl SI l'a(]ll~ :18 \ I l.lr and Mrs. Waller Gutz II (,U('5ts were \Irs Clarence John Wer VISitors 10 the Arnold MiUer State i\at'l Uank 17 27 ('rmeortlln );0. :\ .1' I ct' ftli',"ety m~\Dn entertamed Friday evenmg 8')n, Wayne, I\lrs Leo Kirsch, ho e Tuesday evemng k d Ik{'~' 141""2 2!JI:.: I'r(' ... h~ 1I'l"Ian ~~" ~ • • at "5{10", Mir andlMrs Albert neh.' M.TS Henry Langenherg Jr and !lir and Mrs Glen Frtn an Dahls' 14 30 (irl){'p L!Jtti('ran 21 (.' '5 j mer, Mr, and Mrs Ernest !\tach· \IJs J F Pmne! Pitch pnzes !'Ifr and Mrs Henry Asmus were IIJgh ~('()n's Tootll' I,ow(', 192 I I Igh ~('lIrl',,' ~lt'l~ In :'II:t gnu"' l' ",'r upper miller, Nor!olk, i 1\Ir and Mrs'l ~'('nt to l'Iirs. lI~nry Langenberg, VISlors III t~e Richard Bucken The Place 1.0 Meet Trncy An't!. 543; Gillette's, 80£, [SOil 21H ( II {.I'f,~JlI\ 'Hi <'rm dr :md I\lrs. II rry Eri"c M(:licrhenry Mr. and Mrs. Mn; Ie K" eh I\1r' CI ' dahl homf', Pierce, Thursday eve· :\ &. MOil. 2288. toni St Paul's nhl f'lrst :!~~~~:~' '1,1 .l:lnl't Kay and Mr. Oliver Kiesau" M'r. and Mrs. Lyle iIJr.hnso~.o .xtr~~s J1~nry ~smu~re;~~ ndl~t ~o 2 nIl r. and Mrs. Ernest Schmidt, When the Gam~s Marotz, Mr. and iMrs. Em,iI GutZ-I\~I.rs. Hans Asmtls. Next meeting IN ONE EAS.VSljOP- mann, Mr. \and~ Mrs. Clarence l"YIl1 tH' Ihl' Chntmas parly with a Sc ttsbluff, were weekend visit. Businessmen's Scratch W L Schroeder and M . and' Mrs. J. E. !gift ('xeilangl' at thf' I\lrs. Glen o s in the Edwin M~ierhenry Are Over Pioneer Seed Corn 69 19 I Pingel were gue. ts. Prizes were I:Frink hom\', Del'. 20th. h me. Friday they attended fu· Dahl's Nursing Home 65 23 i Community W L Fast, I;fficient, won by M,rs. Albtjlrt Behmer, Mrs. : ~ n ral services for Mrs. Minnie Investor's 58 30 I SupI~r Valu 31 la Complete Service L~le Marotz, Mr., E!,nest Mach· ~ark Brogie Honored Beckner. Your Refreshment Lessmann's 54 34 Langl'melt'r, Int"· 28 16 mIller and Mr. Elml Gutzmann, I [\'rs. Edwin Hrogic entertained 11'. and Mrs .... OrJin Kuchta and 1 Moller's Insurance 52 36 I We!>!,!. Barb!'!"" sillO p ,25 HI Mr, 'i'nd MT~, pustan ~c.kmann I'n!" her ~()n !\lark's birthday at D vid, pakland, WNe visitors in Center Coryell's 44 44 HJlI'-s Market Hasket ,22 22 - 1 ~rnold Miller home, Saturday and Ge~l'g~ Mashey left Friday to ~('f hotllt' Saturday afternoon, First National Bank 44 44 1Iotel ~Iornson . 20 24 M & S Service (el"tf)r Olng. visit relatives at Cavour, S.D. q;u('S!S weI'£' Bohby Langenberg, Tietgen Hatchery' 40 48 Carharl LumhlE'r 'Co. 191:.! 241:' I.' i l lr. and Mrs. Hans Asmus· were !\It-Donald's 38 50' HC'n Franklin, 19 25 Perry Ihn /l1;JIl, Roger and Billy n Itors in the Don Volwiler home, PI_hi, ClUb M,ets The Mint Bar Canada Dry 29 59 Coll{'ge All St~rs l;f 25 ~-'I-- Langcnllt'q;. Bohby Hartman, Jer· C rroll, Thursday evening. M.r. ~nd ~rs. Arthur Behmer ry, KPt'l"Y and :\[ark Luhr. State National Bank 25 63 Llttl(, Bill's j 19 25 IMr. and Mrs. John Bohm and 1 eD,terh\\~~d rin~chle club memo Fireslone 12 76 Gem l"ah~ 17 1 ~ 26 ... f~mily were dinner guests in the bere ,,1' \ht;'ir q.ome Wednesday High scores: Merlound Less·· High s('ore.~. fdfr.{'.d Sydow, 213; Bowling ,Instructi;"ns ~1rs. Matilda Bohm home, Nor· evetling; P.r~~e~ were won by Mrs. Is mann, 235 and 647; Lessman's Roo ~ag(', 584; Langl'rrwlPr In("., fOlk. for her birthday Wednesday ure es When Bowling ,~J77 and 2857. '878 ilnd 2449 Ch h andl ______~------i by A~pojntme~t Trinity Lutheran Ch:rc; • e~;l~in:~d Mrs. Walter Mentink, C~. Through, Come '., Wi..,l'on,in Synod dar Grove, Wisc .. were supper and Try Our 1 ! I 1(; B Frank. pastor) eVl'nin,g gucsts in the Fred Bru-I ,.....,·------ITue~day Nlte Handicap W L I 'AlsJ Th\lrs(i;)~. '(l\". 22: Thanksgiv'l me Is hom(' Saturday. . I I Wakefield Bcwling I Carr', Implelnenl 32', ::;'" ing 11a.; SPI"VIC(,S. 10:00 a.m.. ~1r. and Mrs. Arnold I\lJller PIZZA Complete Line S\lnd

. 1 Blue BUDDyl, j. ·16'1: 17 Rent A Jim & Nyla/s Cafe T%~;~JH;::e~t~ndiC.P i" ~~" Fi~~~:f~~t" ~~ ii 1 Emerson Liquid Fert. 28~ 15 .2 Herhs Honeys I ~~ 20 WATER; KING SOFTENER Schroeder's SerYlce 27 17 Cash Store,' T 1 Pioneer Hybrid 27 17 Thomsen Hdwe. t 24 Merchant Firestone Herb's Hoboes 2S 1,z 18h Sorensen Tr:ucking '. 24 From TIedtke's Tomeo 25 19 High s.core:,.TJ~.T. ~IoteL 2.5:7; Your Clements Fertilizer 21 23 e r b s Ho~et. $98; ].farlan • Clothes Las. Longer Tv-in Cylinders 1143"~' 30 1:->. r Keagle, 202 ardl 557.; • Soap Goes Farther BrunswIck Bowling Carpenter's ..,.'" N. E. Nebr. R.P.P.D. __ 13 31 II . ~ Easier, Dishwashing Hea~quarters 9 iil~ L~::~: 'Emerson Li~d , • No. ~orthlY Service Vi~its Line of All Fertilizer, 292.5; Thrifty Market. Complet~ 1009; ·.Maurice Johnson. 234 and Water King:® is ma~~' o. Lifetime Fiberglass that lasts forever. Br:unsw'ck B'owling We guarantee this i.~i,', 'ritins. 'EqVipm"nt ' • Balls: • ,Shoes, • Bogs . lrrEDTKE'S, Use Our 220 St .. I Phone 268

It .,

i I' II '. ,< • I I I,

• I I .1 . I . Jill ._- -~I-."~--.-+- __. __ --'_ I' rs. Harms Pre~ident r~~;~l'f~l~il!~::r~~~~s~~;~ifr~;~~~i,~hiP ml'fUn~ (A ~I), B p.m, /.ff) I I SOCIAL FORECAST an ' Llub neiif/ji ______- lln~s and t~lbow length slee\'¢s, fca.1 Imm"nuel Luther.n Church J f Sf. Paul's wol~en tll~ln~ ovcrskirts finistlCdl Withl i Missouri Synod , Friday, Nov. 23 laJ!()r~d !lows, The. hats I,,;,e~e cap· : (A,:, -God(.', pastor) ;110 ~ m., l\1Yblf.'ry Cluh, John GcHmans Mrs, Malilda Ham. '~s 'I~ 11)(' \l1<'ls In 11 rose dl!slgn nriuded With! Thurs4ay. OV,- 22: Tbanksgiv.' JUnior ewly t'\ceted pn'sld< It of St Illllllaturl" pearls. They carried col·, Duy scrv'~'(,' ]0 am! !'('hool WI AuxUiary W.elc' mes Mond.y" Nov, 26 ling W CS life Membership laul's Chur(-h women rs, Clara (;nlal houquels of bronze and gold! Sat'Urtliay, N ,/. 24:' Saturday :tIO~l, 1:30 New!, Members Mon ay MirlC'r'va ('Jub, H. II. K(~lton!l, lyers Is \,ke·presid4:ntl: !\Irs. 01 {K)m pons.. Iischool, -S:3()-1l :30 am, i Sund~y. M~r. (ierlrudl' (;ro!.kurt 1 lind 2 30 P Ul ' . ~ Mrs. Johnson' o Bai('r, s('('retary ; nd 1\11"s Hoy Hurd, Wayne. llcr'l'ed as 1 Sundhy, No\' , 25: Sunday school: :1Il.d Blbl~ ~.lrs11 Cltl.ra Obst \H'I'(' W('J.'Oml'd Tuesday, Nov, 27 ~ilul Baier, trcasu('re, Ill',lman. Thoma.'! ~'(J{'o,: ~1il"haell,9:3o iiL'ln.; wor~hiJ) s rVIC'e 111:30: ;.Iup ;'l'r\' as I'\~ memhl's at a WW Aux· 1 LJV(' und LI':Jrn Club, :\1rJoi. Oa ... ·' J"Ol'ly fn'(' I\('rl' pn's('nt a~ a Mrs, Harms wa~ in tharg:c of Lilley, TI'd Zk'IIllSkl, (;drdljln Har, '1___ 'I('(I of the IlilalY mt:'cling f\.'rr;nday. f \\S('S 1l]4'1'lltlg 1<1l~1 Wl'dnl!sday" th(' praisl' service I~t'ldl hursda!o­ l!l\\ alld John Abboud, OmHh~, : Flltst Baptist Chu h : ('om,~lUnio~.'. A !j<.'hrISlmHF party IS .r annl'd id Club, Mrs. fred i .\1 j.... 11('11)('1'1 Ni4'IlHltln YH'sl'nted 1 I,':)~7~~I~'~t!y ~y. TIle ON'. 13 m('('ttng 'III 1)(' a \\ ('rI' groomsmen. L'!.hcrl), were I:. (Russell 1\1. Da~kl'n, pasl() I M'S~;Orl. D(>CII 16 with a mvcn'd tI).~ I sup· tl<'rg- I l', m. . ~ :, {'.Ilrrord '/ohn:,ufj, f!)r liN work on ~:lj~~~r~::~iJF';::; ~~~l:~u,rrDckS 500 (pub, Mrs, Otl() Heithold I.allpy, Omaha, I'Thanksgiying Sl'I'\'ICC~ Pr{'sby-tt~r= 1 'lund,l .. 0\'. 2G. Duo 1114' ,"lrlor~!!I:-'hflrd lit(' Pilst two Wedne Inl'nt (lub',Mrs. AnthollY ~t('Corm· !Ike, 7 i[l,m; prayt'r llll'etmg ;IOLI lho.lr:: ! ,II) I> m. \\alth('ri IhflJlh Il!r blrlhdllY 1',1 ds and Boll -Review Hi9hl,ghts lI'k and Sandr~ Hahn \A'ere _ 1II !Bible :)tudy, 8. fI \.) P III {'IH ]I'. J. I ,\1'» ('011\ III ('()IlI~.II)(' { expressed :-.I(~:~::~ ~I rs. B. Brand· ~~ret,h~{':~~~\17k~I;:t:::~· a~(I;(';;';.l.: chilrgc of tht' J.:lftS. Otherls assist· ___ til t 1I'1;'1I~'" I()j' il l:('1 \~ ('II Cil rd (':Inl~'o Club. 1\11', .J H. ,Johnson I hlrC':-.t lians{'n J..:a\{' Il{' I(':-.-;on, Ing w('('(' Mr!. C. ,\1. Lallt-y, Mrs St, Mary's Catholic thurch lnllil til!' -.11( II I} _____ / ~l~x .\Idls. Mrs,_Don.ald Kelley, an,d (William Kldfman, l)astOl') Thursd'ay, Nov, 29 "\~U;alm:;(~'U~'I~~,:~i:~:J~I ;~a~~'~~lt~I~~ 1~11~. j',ldl)1l Jlull ,Illll ,~ll's. I':d St;, ~I~~~:'~ 1~,u~I,~ M '~~."" ~11~ Hll'han! Smollll!:kl" Thursda' Nm' -'2' I"¢ . ('i~illj\\4' n']ltlils Mr:-.. [van Illg Jf St Mary' .... {,lulrJ a 1(' fJls,AIO or tlw ));lkl'('111 Hal'('~ /'l'pl~ 11'11111 11111.~1l!' I' Vlnllll~' S4'(·n'lil1'V. from 011 <111((')' ('0111111 LaPOl'll' ('I.ub mt'l W('dnpsday 1 Pix()n-- Last sunda}1 uftt'rnol',f) 'I (dldd tlll'nl,>il(',j ( 111:1111:'> 'I'll{' I!II at lilt' Barr;, W('i't· homl' ('om 11 group II! Iric'lId.~ alII! It\,illll':' WI'dlH'~day, ::\ov. 28: Hihll' study :1'30·3 p.m., confes!:olOns, ".30-5 JO ,------+-+---==_ ,lIld f'ra~4 l' llH'('lmg, 8 p.m, and 7 :30·9 p rn pll'llon of tlw Lal'o1'tl' ('up()la \\:1.'> 1 /I()noJ'('1I l'al ,\1111-. ,\ U !lnd,!1 , Sunday, t\o\', 25: Low m (lj BEL L ! TrOll !ll'I', \I1'~ )\"11114'111 ilallglw! ratiH'r than hallnr..: a gilt 4'.\ v.11J!(' and hrOni(' I :\()\ LI: [k~lnm'r's ,selllor dWlr,. I() a.Ill, ('orpOl'all' I~'. \11)-. 11\1' Bpl'd, _\!r.~ ']4'IT,i­ l'hang(' tlll~ ypal' A ('hlldl'l'n'~ IJl'bl)\ l\uhl and l'a~1 \ 'I hOllla~ p.r~l; ConfIrmation communion Sunday for th(' Ilwn y I\ultl, .\11' li()\ IlilY, i'oJr:-. (;Ilr qUilt )~ fllHSIlf'o and rpudy tu ~() :-.cmg a' ull!'l I'all} 1'1:1";'('.-. .Monda , :\o\'. 25:, 1\lal-s .. chappl, DOD Df Ph~ Dl S J. :-;' 2°' F I 8 30 a.m.; lIoly Comntunlon diS Vf'rl~',hl, ,~11:-' \1/;11'11 {,llilialld and 141 il ('Il.lldn'n'.c l!()llW pl.ayed. Allan \\Il'~4'll Former Communist Jfficef )-./,'1 ,J. tributed :\Ionday through FrJda'}; I , Ikl4'Jl {,lllin,."j(ol'\4' " (k;,,,,('1'1 A po! luck dlnnpl' v,111 IH' h('Id Iglllill POt'IIi. :\lr~ ~:~::~~~ tH:~;j~l\' ~a rJHi~~'~~,I::es9 1(1111! !iI'(111 I', p\'!]ll!!'!! !kl I~ al LolllP Halp~ on Ikt' 12 and :'11'~ K('1ll1~ 1 III ~lIllila) ':l·lllOo[ III il tn. 'Iate (px{'('pt TtJ('<;day) at 7 a rn , l'happl. "Colnmunists Penqtrafion :4'nl;'4"S 11.' - , Tu('sday, :'\0\',27: EVl'IlIng mas;., III (!(H'nrng tilE' glfh -of Educotionr' P II(lst(,~~(,:-. J);114' ~I(On4ia'y_ :SOY. 12(i: :'Ilrs51On Study ,~~~~~~l~n 7 1Tl.~ {'onf.~~slOn.s for Mrs, MaLI Entertains Mrs. H. Auker Hostess d Kllhl.' ;\lr~ l'al~\ 4'(0\ ('11,41 ol!.h :-,uP(WI', 7 Pin.; ll1('cl' uh. S , Mar) sHall. G 30 "1'-' \IIILI :',t "II l'nll'l'lillrll'd Fortnightly Club 8:00 p.m. Lco (;(11'\ In. ,'.1 l'~ C;11 lilt.: H. Pill !"rlda\ \II' and .~lr~ liollarl '\lJkl'r v.a<; h();.I"~~ \ In. ,\1 r~ I.('~t "I l';1t 1I"!1 \11 ~ \':'pdn('~dav. :\o'v. 28· Youth ('hoir. 11,'11-' 1\('I!i\\ I' l'il TiH'Mla} II! 1114' Fllrlnigllth ('luI!. Grace Lutheran Church WedrlC!sday, Nov. 28 Paul Thllllla-. ,\11 ~ F1':lllk /'111' \\('111 III ,'V1r and :\Ir~. L I, lI:w, :\11'o.;·.J. H TUill ;\lis~:JlIri Synod ,,~on. :'Itr<.. LI'H()\ ('('(';11\]<,1'- 'II', .11111 :'III' alld :-; n lJ t II \~ 4- I I' (E. ,J. Bernlhul. ParlOr) City Auditori~m ,\lIkn SI'f\!'n, \il~ S1dll , .'\1 I'~ glll'~t~. t'l'li('S \\('nt lu ,\lr~ ,John \ an, !'II 1'.-' \nllrnrl\ ~eyan M~thodist Church I Th.ursday, No\'. 22- Y,."ofship WAYNE· ~on_ :\11';. ,John lir(, ... ~I('r, .11' .\11'~ Winqel'! Spca~s ot :'Ilr~. (l)1' And4'l<""rl, I,ll! \llih anrl (Wall.t'1' Steinkamp, pastor) Iscrvlcr: "Off£'f the S;I{'nfH'L'S of 1-'1 I'd \'.\ 1)('1'~, :u1d ,\1 r~ PIlt! I, PraIse to Gorl," !l"30 a m Acme Club Meets \1r:-.. \111-;(' Kn('lfl 5 Circle 'W' N\eeting ~\-I arch. Sunday, Nov. r : .sunda~ schoo,1. Saturday;, NOL 24 Cnmmunion :.______..., ___ -===:;;..-=~ :\( 11)(' ('lid) I))pl ,'\Io!lda\ \\111r ) I :\5 llwll\l,c'l':-' alH~ndl'd a Nlrs JU a.m.; worshl~PI 11; Chlldrens'I __ '~ ~ _ 1\.11-. ('I,~I('nIT l'rnlon "~Iukltlg St'r\IC(', 7:30 p;m.; Y.P.S., 7:30; ('lrl'll' W':, llH'I'tllirg :' alpm ,~fI\ 27 at lin· 500 Club in Honsen Home Tlay F(l1l ;\lr5. H 11. lian.<.en \\ClS h()s1(>s~ :\dult ~·tudy. 7:30; M('ssagc, 8 p.m. \\ 11)(' :lflr'rLWOll'!-o program a~ .'\11' ..., (;14'1l V'/lng4'tl spokp on to .'lO(j ('illb iast TW"llay I'rlz('s W('drwo.day, :';o\.'. 28: PrayC'r! 1111'0.; t '1;11'4'111'1' ~4J!'1'IIS0tl \\rll h0:iit I('ty HlI!r'c WIlIIr' 1!ICllldllt1;..: w('ol to Mrs. Otto HI'llil!)!!1 and hour, g pm. ~ I (( , II I' ( : \ III ( '( ,t III t.: Immanuel Lutheran Aid l' 1101'0.;('" '\11':-. \\'In'l'1\ \\ III 4 Re-elects All Officers ~!)~~' :JlIJt~~)~,lah(~~I:::~.:('~()~lr;7,H('Jl' --F-jfSf M~:fI1odist Church I ,1 '''' '~{'~':l ;.I;;I/·('n Jl:::l' :h:~ll~II~}r~ TIt(, foll(!\~lng (!ffl!'('rs wen' 1'(" 1V\lllwlll Silnmc'r, pastor) I ('11'I'I .. d hv I III ll1anlltll LutlH'I'Hn 1 Thusd.lY, r>;O\', 22: tlnion Thanks-I GIVE THE Lltj(,llt;, i gl\ Ing s e r v II: C' s, !'n'sbylenan! SHAVERS I~~";~; LI~~\,(~11 .r;I.),)\n(~:)/11~ \ ~~:'s/;;!~'I:II,:' 'Garry F. Koll Sunday I h~I~';'I~::d~Y~ m~O\ 2·1: Ctlildren's I

,;25' ChLrch school,! WITH I ~:',(/'I;\::,I~\ll:~:,l;~ ,~';:.ls~· R::~I~;~'c~ ~~~~:: (h~~I~d~Y P'~~\' ('I'. \11"0.; \\'Is('hhlll atTd '\Ir.~ ('on ,9'30 a,lll; mOljn~~g worship,. Rev,! ad W('I('l'shawi('1' \\{'f{' nam('ll 1o, L. .\1. Embree, DIstnd, Supermten' El{CLUSIVE :. 11](' ('I!mmlttee and dpnt. t',lll'st -.pdlk{'r, 10.45, .\Ir.~. Ilo\\t'r ('hall' \\'C'drt('.~day, !,\'ov. 28': Ruth ROl~ER CllMBS mat) clC'. ;\Irs B, ,/. BranrlHetter, Hp\ ,\ W. (;ode II'd dC\'ollons Pill; :\Ipha. ]\11'5. Earl .\lerchant; , §§~~ and til(' tOPIC. "SC'l'onci }\civpnt :-.Jaomi, chuch parlors;, Mary, r-.lrs.., or Corning oj Chnst' i\lrs. 8er- ~ Walter SUnonm, and Esther, M,rs'l tha tlt('cht was a gu('st T,be la I (;rtIC(] nawsorl, 2 llm.; SCOIorl "1E~'INGTON di('~ ;'('C'('i\'ed an mntat'ion 'frol~' JIJ!~11 ~lYF, ,1-:10; Junior High I UKTRONICJI Wim'idl' for till' Lutheran Cbild !'I!VF, 7; Chancel choir, 7:::10; I , .... SHI\VI (l ren's S('I'\'I(,l" ]\'(1\ 27 at St.: Ekcta Cirrle, ]\Irs. J!\'an Freese; WI III 2 kinds of ",lUI's Wltlsld{' Omega. l\lr~. D()rothw ,Jorge>nsen; ,\ potlt(('k luncili'on IS slat4'd \\{~,,!e:)all S(,I~\'i{'C (;uild, ;'Ill'S. Jk(' 11 Inslp;ld (If a girt I'XJ ~~{, \\';1111'1' TI'llll;11l ,mel JunlOl' Iltgh ('hang{', ('aell 1l11'11l11P)' wtJI /-!I\'q "~< '\11'11', R P III I $1. to Ilf In'a-.ury Shut'lns \\tll 'i: :ir' II(' l'l'I1l~'llllll'rt'd al Chn;'\Il1(l", "j', United Presbyterian Church :'IJr.~ ]{1'1I1)('n anll~' (OII\!T n 'i'I'(){'lt, mHllsIl'r) Al'l1old Ho('il('r hI' In ~'",~:'~:, Thllr,ila:. .\'()\ 22. Un i 0 tl I 01 (1)(' Llltlw1'[lll cillthing dl'l\'{'. ~, Thank'>~I\ Ill).! <..('n ict'$. 9 a.m ; puh DAR Met Friday t .'," 1\1~~11:~:;~)J1l~()\ .. 2.';: Church schoo\. DAT\. nwt Friday at Ih(' IIntd H4'len Ann .\hIHllld of q'15 a ;11: nUl'~('ry, \1: ,~orship. l\IorrH,n for alp m luntlll'll)). ::l~'lah':lll(ian~ir~;IJI]l. 7 fUll: l'holr llH'l'tlng 8 •Wallace Hughes' Mark Th(' bl'lnl' \\ orC' a 1:]('(' and Theophilus Church I floor If'ngtll L;OI\ n. T)w L;O\\ n [POl \rt'(lTH'~da~, :\0\'. 21 SpC'ri:i[ turC'd a sahl'lna I1t'('klllll'. lon~ lap TlnnL ~'I\ Illg SPrll('l'. "Thl' ]\Ican . Silver Anniversary 4'l'l'd and j1llltlt{'ct sl('('\ 4'S and a In'~ ('I Thallk.'gl\ Ing." mll~lC' h) I S\\{'('P IfalJl of a ('\-". (lmoha. 1 :'.0 Sunbeam choir, \l IS l' lUre 1I. 'mauj of honor Bridl'smald~ dlldr. 2 -!-1 They are the pan'nts (If. til!'(jp ! P"triC'la DC'r1'\', Pall1f'i;r SUlld;)\'. ;\41\' 25' ChurC'h !;C'hool. dllldn'o, .I a llIP:-.. IrI till' liS :\:a\'y. ! I'1'1.a.!~ I..llD­ nie Rire, Mrs. Ross James and • T U RK EYI Remington RolI"o~motic! :\Irs. J. R. Johnson. !\'OL 28 meet· ing will be \~ lth :'IIrs, Johnson_ $18 88 ;1 BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY I Jolly Eight Club Ii Me~ts THANKSGIVING TO TH, I Th~~;:da~~h:rn~~t: t:a~h~o~~~~; ! ta~:~p.~YI:ng FELBER PHARMA(~ / I Eight Club. Priz(' winners were I Peoples is one of your larger 56 Years of prescriPtio,~is~rVit;.~: I 1\1rs, Adolph Claussen, )'lrs.' HOTEl MORRISON taxes help pay school T.f

I, I ,.! I I J i I II I jl 1 '

Tho W,,", ,","", ,j .. ", Th.""" ,-./.. n, "" ,,,"_,,' .M""";", .. I tternoon -'"" was spent in the Carlson~ [ P t' G t Add" Y J:I 2, a cottage depict,lng a hou'e Wakefield hpme. They also called in the Reu· ue z e s eu earl yard and all accompliwyjll~ story. ben Nelson home.

I o i . :1:1 e/lart rcpre:'le~ting the or· By Mrs. Lawrence Ring ~~~<;e w~~:j~n 06~~~~n/~~nd:~a~~~~ 1 Of Eligibility; Sevear I' ' Ka,Ufm ..J,' Vice pres,' ,'and Karen EV('flOgham were m m, enting the Warren Helgren fam. were in Sioux City for BI banquet nesday evening t resided In LeslIe years housmg lll.'lOlllodntluns. are arrang. nc. I I fl· Conferenc(' CI);]dJ{'" at thl.! rlil'(I t I. n.t· 'II' a r y .J um ~Uf man, sec·, th e cast. I y. last Tuesday evening. They were Funeral serVIces were held Mr and Mrs Burhoop, cd _ in" sell'ded tlll'ir ;il! "tar t('.un"-" r E'tary; :lnd Alan ,Tl )msen, trea- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sumk!l went Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dahlgren Sunday dinner guests in'the Bob day at Pender for John Albert on, :\Yr and Mrs ArVid p .. u .... "u .. amI Mrs. Frank Griffith I.ft. Tu•• day D ~' I 11 r 1 he purpr I of 0 I h t Y kt S d t t M Ed d M d ME' k G J h Stanley home, Wayne. 81 sons Were Sunday sl ...... guests for SIOUX Falls to spend T~lanka. including sev,cn \\/a.\ nt· p]ay('J'~. I I ~ IT ,. . )S('1 ur e u 0 an on. un ay .0 ge rs:. - an. r· a~ r~. rr~ .. 0 nson The Roy Habrock fam~Y sper.t lit the Henry Korlhs ~"'I''''l 1giVing ",!th h!'1 dnu"htcr an (am. Five of them rated the offen· IS 10 ]r drn parham Qtary proced- gar Blodgett who Will be assisting enJoyed dmner 10 a SiOUX City cafe 1 ~ sive honor' Stan SChaulisj end~ II un" and how to b(' ~ood eilizen~. with arrangernen~, for their fortieth S~turday evening. The children Sh I" ., Thursday evenmg at Da Dol.,hs Ily, Mr and Mrs .Janlf's Br~dy, Plfeh, -gua~di Fox, conter Bu~t Those I~aving pdl'fect attend- wedding anniVl'rsary observance on w('re wIth their grandmother, Mrs. A~lIe re~aI~1ed U~IlbSat ~aYf Mr. and Mrs. W,lIliam Finn and I 0 es I S B ThlJl! H ld ,Matthies and' Pllt Sh modJ, ;JI]('l' Ihl' irrst ten w~'~~ks of school Sunday. Hose Dahlgren. : r. an. rs. 0 ert a,:!s.en, Y Uii ~1] IIn(] MIS Waltl'r'Clunn ,Uend. 1 ee era ! backs Wildcat~ named on'th are Ann!' Leonard, S~Jkan Leonard, Mrs. Carl Sundell and Mrs. Pastor and Mrs. Robert V. Joiln· By Mrs. Mar~in Ma~sen I Mr. ~d ~!llY J:lansen and famliles. C l'd the Auxlliary..... urlhday dl~ncr at-- def.e.n~ive star list were Bi" nt'iJra Mei£'r, 1\I('~lf Kaufman, Mauritz Carlson representing the son and family wl.!re Sunday sup· Phone 48·R14, Randolph ~rs. ~ab ~d C~nk~~beardM Mr,tnd Uandolph SUndll)1 evcning. I . • Whalen linebacker and Gen'e Hi('ky Korth, and M~cia Leonard, service committee of Salem AL p~r guests 10 the Stanley Dahlgr~n ].... ,.~~. S ~no d ru. ~ga~"ld/·s. Men. Mrs, Art Auker a~. Mr~, LUr)': Harold Hatfield at;ld Chlldre~/P~f Hlnrlch~en, halfback.' Slisan Leonard, 'ebra Meier, CW took exhibits to St, Paul's UL home, .! Mr. an~ Mrs. Darr~1I ~raf were ~~rdone ~~:s:rera~ndc clhilder~n la~sd Lindsay attended So lal Sircle ati a~la, url' .plannlO.g. til spend T,~Qnk!!lf Puetz and Vox ("oliid wC'1i have JI//('rI" Kaufman anrl ~arCia Leon· CW meeting Thursday afternoon Th,e Boh Burgs were Sunday Monday drnner guests In ~he Donald M d M J h S h d did Mrs Ralph Prince's WlOsid('. ,~Ivmg With Mr!>. Hertha. H tfield~ l. I l' J f 0 ~ h II' 'h . "" . Winkelbauer home Pa~la Young _I". an rs:. 0 ncr e er an' I! Th' d 'II d" been inc!lldl'd on the tf·JIOl ,Kahil.r am,l Mr. JlIlct 1\-1.r, 5\ Glar,. Tho Nee representn,tivl! ,. We (In' plnnnlll.g t ,make a tflP Dixon, Sunday af1l'rnoon. 1\11'. and At a LaPolrte club meetmg With Mr. an.d Mrs. Juhus OJberdm~ Mount Olive Lutheran churc 'in in the Gilbert Da~berg home.' l'nee Kuhn ,! \\((k ",ere Mi(. an~ I]on for Puetz' eligihility, 'he J~!~('('~ .Thoms{'~,. R[~ck.y Korth, Allen, \H'rp Wednesday afternoon --- guests ]n the Roy Granflel~ Elwood Sampson dnd .Jani('c at. Hansen and Larry, 'Irs. EI~le MIi.IMrs ..F,. Ii. .1 utt('~ a,nd.M~s!:.OIlJ~ eonierense abo approved anot~er rtog( I' (,ustnf~on, tlnd Sus~n L.eon- guests in the Leonard Hobert$ Mr. and M.rs. ~Iarry Wert spent ~ome, In the afternoon the Gran kneed .the birthday observan('~ of ler and Jack Voss, I Holstcln, la.,: HaWkinS. H,lpul (]t~. S.D. 1hura $1'1I"80n f()r.Hastings Halfback Dkk a~'d, h;I\'('. trp,dud fjJf lhplr brrth· home. The Roherts famlly werQ Sunday evenmg III the Ben Meye,r fields and the. ~a.smushns w~~ Delores Bush at Waterbury S'lD,da y a~d Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Hansen, I, day .af,I~'rnoon •.\'I!OI~~:~ ;vcre. M~. Wl):lf, injured in the oPC'ning ga~n(' ,<1.(',.." Illr:, fall., among the r{'lat]v{'s m thp Alden I home. . , to Laurel to VISit In the Guy PIP f'\( nlIlg. WHmer. I ~ and Mrs . .IanH S L( \\lS and ,J;.md.o •. Ihil' full. But a request for an iX' ,foh~ ,('PI'we and ~:harles Leon- Dunklau hom(' Sunday afternoon Wednesday evenmg Mrs. Bor~ at- p'ett home. . Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Korth .1rs Ed Doescher v,ere Dana, New York City, at the Mrs. sister, Dorothy and a n('p~ew WI][ l Phone AT 7-2972 Wakefielll- NE 5-2490, ," possess,. We art' thanl,rul V,{re 'v1"ltOiS tillS ast v.e{'k church, Wayne Sunda} Nell has Wednesday supper guests m the Pearl ~attingly homEf. ~o.ve to C?lorado and manage al AII~n opportunities whieh our We h<1\e lealne a lot of ne .... served on the blllldmg committee MelVin Johnson home The Chfford Mr an~ Mrs N G McFadden fllIlOg statIOn. These folks havel erations did not enjoy, this year, ard hope to use Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lund were Stalling family, Concord, were Sun· were FritIay dinner' guests in t.he _ .. ------,-- -- .-~-- pOl1tunities will be the , some for rhythm ,Iband. with relatives in th~ Ben Lund day supper guests in the Doescher Lloyd MciFadden' home :to help Ii.in·, .. one oral report and pne , ten In art we are mhking paper bag home Thursday evenmg to eele- home. da celclJrate her birth

home, 1 CORLON I , Sunday, Nov. 25 th!I~~~n~~o~~~s~su~~~~a;·a:t a~:~~! I This smart looking, long·wearing Rings. Merle ,vas organ! a~com-I floor eovering keeps your bath· WE SALUTE WAYNE COUNTY panist for the Wakefield o~'enantl room always presentable and at a Tickets Available at Your I ~~~an~~ntata Sunday ev nlOg at I minimum eost. Resists splashing, cleans in a jiffy. Wide choice of Local Merchants , Mr. and Mrs. Emil Tar ow and RBA"IlES Mr. and MrsJ Henry Brudigan and handsome colors and styling, sta:, it Mor~,1 traction lWhkn snows. , • : daughters spent W¢dnesday eve·! Exclt~sive Su urbanite tread design digs down into Ding at Herman Bakers in Wayn·:. j deep I snow to ;pull you thrmigh, grip~ surely in slush! Ed Krusemark and Wilbur Utecht . ser\'ed at ~1e, n's club ,I meeting I[ ! I • . Morb mileag when it doesn't .. ,' Monday evenmg. I c~. The LeRoy Giese family. pender'l '. HAPl:: ~~s ~no~j~~ '~~~~1: :e~vi~~: ~!~~~n:eio; S~OOe~l~:' were Friday evening y~sjtors at Emil Tarnows. Mrs_ Alma Gewee entertained B. W. Club Thursday. . ,

Mr and Mrs. Carl Brudigan and I .: "~;~DI'iEAR I R&y~ond, Gladys Stollef. Henry I 'h t;- i,~~\~di1:::,P~~!~a~~d\'!~f:::'~i , ' 'I' ily were oy-ster sllPJ?er g~ests sat-I r" a r ' urday at Ed Krusli-'marks. [ Mrs. C. W. McGUire end Mrl'. L U M B E R CO~, '~&~'~""Oi["Co. t TONY BRADLEY George Buskirk were Tuesday I luncheon visitors in i the Mrs. John ,I, ~ Ph L~A" AND HIS ORCHESTRA Nuernberger home, 'Wisner. I 105 Main Street W,a ne antfuL".'" , ayne 7th and Mainl A musical program was held at '-..:.=...:.:=::.:..:.:.:.::.::;.. ______...;,;....~------~.;..,-*-::_-""~"t,irl·i·II'~'",I'~'>i"~'.~ , the open house in DllistriC; 25 Wcd- 1 ! 1.1'1 'I' if ·1 I I I ( i · J{1)q@

~ " !l' I /~ i .fa1tJw~. .:; ~ "liW~@~

, I T~Voice of Wayne High School , \' I Volume NoJember 22, 1962 Numbe, Kolenkoy (Rob Levin) gives ballet' I ') right lire Mary Wert. Ho.1rriron, Terry Much, dudng a rehearsal of "V.OU Can't De-Wayn~ I Myra Walker and Na!'\cy de- F~.es •. I WH'$' Senior StllGents '10"" 1',L~::~:'n, \~~~~,I:UI'a%I~~~ Band' Awarded '2' L~~:~ ~i7h~' ;':~~.~s"ar ~hcn. Wayne JaliDiior m"SS Play the Wayne 4 Ncb .. , Herald, Th~lrsdoy, ql)('b.[(,Hl, ./aYnf! Hughes, Iltij I lu Attend College Night ,klllk",", HIlY Korth, Patty AI SI t (I·· grucery ,'01"', an' ,'ock"d ,,,'h' I '

At Sf t' !~l':::~::'"iL.:;,I~I~;:"k~~:C~'en~~O~Id; Aratin~ O~"2" (!x~~~nli wa, ~e~~~.:,:~;:"::,:nd",ba,:'.,:f :~;' To Bel G:~ftK Ne,L~ r"esday 'Tuples l/i;l! \\(>1"1' dht'U~~('d al 1:)\1' an on \'1"/ lion ~).~wald ..Iudy Hearn, Nancy awarded to lh(' Wayne High Servol Thahv•• nk','gk;.vn;ngO,vel" ;',he"um•• "hn.;n,g'ho•f Ii W{9B'ri I" I U Ip{~I'!ml' \" n' tl1I' IIIIPOr!iltH'(' or a , , ,'., HI'!'d, {'",'ruJd Sl'flnoor. Jane tch. marching band at the St3tC March "al'(,pl" d~','1 1111 Til" p'lrpo",' (lf~ 11H 1111 ... I{li ( rl~ 11 1° ) I' II ,'(' (II10, "1"- I);1111. ],JiIC I a Thompson, Bar,ar,a mg Band Clinic at Lincoln Satur PUgrims had a huge and plenti. The junio: C'lass play. "You Can'l . " "fu'ur"~....., ',"u,','",.' ('1,,1., ,I", :"""""",'_ . I \ flel' (raWl1\;':I .Ip .~ Night PHll'l Illl \I'.I~ Iwld Itl SIan 'Walk!ll~, ~1l'iHn W('rt John IWH- day 'ful feast after their crops were ~ake It wlt~ You" h.Y lIart andl J, H. h FHA M ~or nurs~·!. lIlt' O(tllp.lljllflal dll'a ... f'1(·(llnJ..!: "Offill"'" and Ion Nm I, 111'IJl'" 11t'ITlrJ WI~( hhof ,md Kathie The band members bouded thi! bl!'ought in for the winter, perhaps: Kaufman, Will h(.' gl\'('n Tue"day. iT. 19 eets rn .. :'\( 1l11hhl (;..pIOl ( \\ ,11 riH Pl(Jf'I,!111 \\,1\ it,lt! Pllllldrlvl1w(I()(iS buses Satt.1rdav morning at 7:30 wb have the feast and forget .l'iov. 27, at the clly auclJloflurn li'Ik wl!h.Hi n){'m~)('r~ .pn'spnt. I ~h~sC' Inpl( ~ \\ (I ( \\ 1m;) \'lJrJ;} It II( Ipl'd slllril Ilh !II I III!' Illl I I Ii Jidflll d 1)\ l\lr DeaD Pershing Municipal Auditorium fact that .... C' had a plentIful han lsI I played by Nancy de Freese, Ter- :. P&m. S~) mOll.r .. \ IrgmJa J.oh.ns~n fD(mna. El"tlt."1l(UII:P \!111 II;. _I' lPg(' lilt \ 1l1lL'liI Id(1 10 III, lid '-,1, JI... • for their noon rehearsal which thiS year Wp should takl' the tlmei ry March, Carolyn Koskan and landl,Barb,dra .Ja(()b~on .... cn takln ~)r~JOk and I.('s"" [011\1" ton SIIPI I JIll ( 1)(1, II! III S, lifl II 'v lasted ten mmutes. After the re- to give thanks to ttl(' One rc~pons Gary Lorenzen. Others in the i In ts nl'w mC~lll)('r.s. _ ,! i l;j",'",lIrilnr.;lflll 111111\(11 1111 II II hearsal the members were pre-Ilhle r _ cast are Mary Wert, Betty Har- 1\ ka \\<1::; 1.(l\t'l\ b) Iht' :-,('\enlb g r.'W'ftsh Cheerleadets ,------...;:+--:-, Iry V mitfed to have the rest of the • i rison, Jerry Granquist, Myra i ~rall(' gIrls to Ihl' PIgbth gradp The schools In the Cornhv .. l< r Ei d M d afternoon free I Walker, DeWaynei Harrison, ". ' COen,f.e,eL"Y'Oen<,P"Mi'."d'P,,-t 11,,' In'~hlllan t'hl,t'rlf'admg tryouts ,III,y',lity , r,rlCClslon and playrng abl! II To A vise Teachers kb~n':,r, Phil Reese and Mick At- .... ~uture Nursss Meet Tar~$tont Point, WiJrier and Wayne. \\1 1~'r~~I('~hl~1 ~:~~;)~~(~;o::~. tried " Al.ong \\"111i 1111' 1"!')lI'("('IlI;III\('~ (il' out, ~iy. were -::hosen to chee,.:the At 6:15 they met in the audItor' A ~'('fll'~ of dC'rnonstratlons All llH'mlwrs of til(' .IlHlIOr {"I,I~, The fir~t Fulurt' .\·ur,,'s' Club {'(!ucnlltillal In~tll(lllllll.~. ium once I,gam in preparation forl('oil1fef('!H'('S \\111 lJ{' held In will have lll"~el.s JOI' sal(' from nflW'H,q'ilng was lwld .'\"o\". 9. Ty,enl\'-,I .~f/&;II¢iT¥ IIV('5 ,Jlld J"('("I(I·"III·r·... fref-hlnon team on to victory. th£'ir, performunc,e at 7,:46 p.m. The!WaynC' EIl'mentary School W('(,ln('s .. until prodlli"llOn dati'. TU'kl'!:-, mayl, ",X .L: \\'ere pn'wn! at the orga~'I' They are Mary Jane Kern, Char- f I I J1b i\rlll!'d I·'nlll'" .. \1 "iI"IIII1", ,1I1,'nil lene Wendt, Kathy Voorhies, Ka- routme lasted Clg!lt minutes WhlChlday, Ntn. 28,. as a part 0 ~lclaso be purchased at the door !'/3tl0!1,al me("tin g. -I Winter Treads ed ki Christensen, Cher I Lessman s.e!;me? an etermty to those par· sehool S In ser\"ll'e trarnrnWI • j 1tlH' for tht' FK(' systc~ ~'c!lool spon~(]r Applied on sound tire Till' .,lllljl'lIl, 11i;\1 i(111'1I11"lj \\1'11' ad E y lIClpatlng: hecause of the hundreds program. RI('~ard D ..oxt'nford, r 'W liS 1\11 'D!'an TIlt' Waynl' 1I()~pltall H G'I k bodies or on your own tires "Joann 1\;1I1!'1"I11"lcl"1 \11\, )\1'1111 a~d 5 ,nlr~,,{,yn.~n..ls . . of spcelators. jl'lernenlal"Y prrncipal IS m charge ome r;C Ii? 5 or Wlflwn's AuxJ!lar:.- \~l!l ~('r\l' as zyn:,kl, K,lI'('1l {'l\n,I"Il,j'll 1.('.,1]1' \,llln~ 1( •. gt mto their ne~ After their pcrform,ance the hand of thC' arran.g('m('n!s for th(' meet· a (~()1ll1IlUI1It\' sponsor. I)(I~III.OI.I,... 1,.\"1'1 (' t 1(' A and 8 squa .~tayed to observe the other bands I: ings on spf'lilng. On R I nt IThel e ,"l;C O"e,. 3,000 nurses' I"IH'I'I h oatl( i"S and the freshman III their class and to hear their ra- 'I Phyllis Carter, language arts oom mproveme dubs in' the United States. The g(~ !." .ting. Then they b('gan the long ride consultant from Charles E. Mer· p~rposc r.f an FNC is to bring 2 for Ill(' ar,l' IH:W rf'ady ~(), chhoose ~(lIne whieh concluded their marCh'j rill Books, ,Inc., will conduct the r()~::~(' :~~{~(;tt\'llt;~II~:;~~~,(' /;lt~,~;:a.:;~ t~gelher, in hi,9h school, young :1 III and .... orlk up nev.. c eers \mg sen son for 1962 demonstrations and conferences. peep Ie interuf,tcd in careers in fOI fIrst gam('. • Their purpose is to contribute to a nt'w look. Tlw girl, I!;l\d 111'1'fl ~ursing and health. FNC also • improve language arts Instruction studYing a unir on Intt'nnr d{'('nr;I' makes It ptsc,lble for them to 24~~' !.'Ii'(hamber Visitation A Place f~r the Kids in the classroom. Miss Carter is ~~n!~l ~~~~r:l~~n~) ~~~I:/~~~~l~; k~~~~(' ~hare Iheir interests and explore BlacScwalll To Call Their Own :~ri:~:e;i:~:en~a::al~~:~S. at the ledge. :::so:t~~:~.:.s ;~s;e::~;:;;;~t~;I~ L "Wh d 't h k'd d ' One room was given to each of I~ ~ Built with the same high quality tread 'pI rOVes Sutcess fu 1 y on lose ISO som~'· She received her B.A. and M.A. g6 c'w as individuals by working as new Firestone Town & Country tires. I: "Tiltl ('harnl)!'!' of Commerce ~:i~g c~~~:~t rt~aa~ isth~ft:~r~~!~'~dl ?r~~'cesM~nre~~~;en~~:te E~~'I~~~o; ~~:ss~~V:;;:ed ~il:i~s:~. i~t~e~h:~: ~p~::~it~nl~fe~~lw~~a;~he;b;~~ I ',I Jillol. \ I.' dallOn has been consid- among the adults. Well, here s our I Morehead, Ky., and has done ad- committees: walls,lcenterpieces, sbol part;cipate as informed citi. ALL WINTER TO,PAY "That's not necessary _ ¥ou I H b t T C and window treatment. E"ery- l'I"I'd 'I .'lIt"(""SS m~lng to th(~ fine an~~er. ow a ou a cen. ~n- v~n{'ed. wor~ in reading at C;olum·. thing put into the two rooms was ·Plus I~x and two recappable tires can return for more, as' many r('~ponll' fl'um til(' Chamber mem- teen. It seems to be the oplnJon!hla Umv('rslty. She taught m the ;JI'"'li I' times as you like, and the 1>1'1'''. ,~(lp(,l"in1r'IHI('nl Westergard of many students that such a pro- r Lpxington, Ky., suburban area and ::~~~h~rr :h:ng~~:~'in:f~d~:: r;:I~; I::.J: ,'" /~ :~~.~l !T I~ , p ric e is still 0 n r y $1.75 I(children under 10 - $1.00). I at Wayne used. ' ,'Y:' ','n.-.r'jo"',,[j • ' ;;;~,d al~:r:II;?~U';li;b~l~ :~~\ aattte~~e~ °i~ jeC~~i~~a~~Cceoe:~~elorH' h h 'h', b , :~ !~;b~~~a~~~~i~n~~~O~hi:~stem As a cll.max 10 the unil Ih(' ;;11'1.. ~. t":b"~'::~'~, ",'~'~""."'-, .. ~ I "Choose prime rib ot beef " IlI!lng taken .and t\1is will be av..all. I~! _ as I.~, o. say. a. ~u _ a • " ' 'Dr ham, bfi,.bequed Iribs, fried , "I 'I I gave a tea for two of the, G('rmnnl I abl(' f)r pu.hlication when teachers can e,en_ am I,n avor 0 any Q By " ,chicken, and fish. pen House Given Phone 99 i "Then select from an array r(,p~~ll e~~~~' w~~~:~e °t~ ~!~~tz;:' :;~:It: :~;ti':~!~:P;:~:O~:Up~;~: ·f~a~~~~~. :f~i~h~i~-\·~{'~.I~~I~:)li~h~':11rt7t~"1 i ~1fAtlJT IaD§ of pot .lito e s, "egetables, aIIC~ambermem~rs'andthe~ P~vid~,~at,~e ac~v~ does ~omeEcGirls ,_~~~~~ __ ~~~~~~ __ ~_.~~~~._~~~'~~_<~~~~'~~~_~~~~~~~~--~-, salads, relisj1es, ... 0 II s, and i~ al possibility that someone n~t confhct With school board or I Id~ssert. COUI~ not be re]

I _ For the holidays, 1 Vite~" Pam Hughes has thiS to say, "I and !\"lISS Kant and Mt'5. Elkins.1 , G;"e Our" Gift Certificates Tt', cllt'l' ('xpl'e5spd ('nthusiasm think it would br a pretty good ~he st udent teachers The purpose Write or Call al lit ~ flnr response tllf'Y' received d~aL It would be a place that th(, (If tI~(' open house w~s to show the; :lI1d \'f'['('. g.lad to I~a\"(' 111(' OPpo~'lun- kmds could call t.hl:'lr. own. We ('ould drap{'s mad(' fOI tll(' se .... mg loom 11.\ Il~ \'ISll With Wayn(' bUSlllt::SS ~lave card tables, ping-pong .. d~~c- and th(' (urtalns made for the kltch-; I llH'n I'm lhc tcacher's natural sur- mg, and a lot of other actrV!tle,~ en. S(~me of the girls made deco~a·I' !'ounJlings, High school studpnt;, as that would really be a lot of fun. tor pillows which were also dls- , , Sioux City, Iowa 1 I \' t'lll'as clenH'ntaTv student~ look· An interested mother has this to plav('d , l"'I," 38th and ~ummit ('(I ft )"\\"<1, r~ 'to havi-ng the mtn visit say about the cantee~. "I feellthat The 'Ihird and Slxt~ period Ger· He'll be ,please~, ~efll Ill,' 'l, Oi'wh nf'~1 ;;.nr] Irlm m ~~lHn~: ,ivy I · laundry" (orne true ~::h~:sbr~: :~ ::irsu~:~~~Zbe:~ i The. Hunqry Waters. NOW styling 1!1 ~jal"kl'ltjt' SJZf: 6·12 $16.95 Size I Wool is not required if cotton I Pamc! The sec~nd hand IS abo~lt, lJ·iU 529.J5 would serve better. I to complete the Circle. Tense, aglt­ po..y for if while you Mrs. Chambers said she expected I ated hearts pound wjth .~xpectan,~Y. enjoy !he benefits. the girls would be busy dur-I Th~ . room seems to \ Ibrate \I, Ith ing Thanksgiving vacation purchas- waltmg I . ing their patterns and material. ! Now. T~e bell rtngs, and sho~ts Sj)crt co ... t::, and :\!a~cr.2ng S!::.cks for all: • and shOVing take over. Chairs I se2.sons wear. S!:lJrI ("o .. t;., S10.95. Slacks! crash madly to the floor. The '5,9\ ' ~7,95 ' ': Varsity Team Views ;.r;:'.mw;;::nl~o~~·.:d ~~:k:: ~::~ : Arrow Boys Dre~- S!l.I:-tS. F.~mous pame, and; OUi.Jll:\ WJth the q\'I(' he Will love tl) wear. ~ the echoing hall, rounding the : ~iz:> (; Zu $2.95 - 53.65 ' I

Corn husker Playoff I ~o:tnet~s~ ~~~~ini~ ~~;:~s:~~e~:~~ I ~port Shl!1.:s fllr comfort and ease of lifing. Knt,-~ ('f buttlm do"" n Jvys. $2.98 -. $5.00: : The Wayne football varsity at-I louder and faster. It hits its sec- I tended the Cornhusker Conference cond wind and breaks again. Rac- I ~~I~O~~ ~r:r~~,,' i~v~::.i;~n~t;a~~~·b\~~k;~~~~: p}ayo(f at West Point Nov. 12. Ne- !;Yitsfuri:~~IY ~~::~ t~~e~~'iet!: i oII\·e. plaids. to,). Size 6 - 12 S3.~. Size I ~~ghwt~~ ';~f~t,di;'~:io~:~~nn;i~;i;~Os~ Nothing, nothing can stop it. , 1-1 - 18 $4.98. Husky;., $4.95. i _i I. winner by a score of 7 to 21. It reaches its destination and I For romplete line of -jackets. caps, g)o\tes: The varsity and cOaches were calms. Pools of water quietly gur­ and all other aec~s.'!oone.s ior that ChrLqroaS'I! give~ tickets to attend the game. gle. The students are waiting glVlng_ See L,'\'R.SOX-KliH~·S complete line",l Neligh was elassified eighth in lunch. of BO'·5· We2:r_ i 'I ~Iass B and West poh,. stood • < ,; II ',I: numbe-r one- in class c. Freshman Basketball . Th~ boys who attended 'were Ken· 'The freshman basketball team ny tdS. Ji~ Pryor, Jim Baier, has started ha\-ing: s:plit practices' Deon Schmitz, Jerry Granquist. because of lack of space. not tol Jim ern, Rich Helgren. Don Hel- diyide the players as to their skill.'" S'C' N fI - I t A~ N'> gren,,1 Gary Lorenzen. Phil Rees, says Coach Lon'rrhcrk. These di- ·tfU -I Rodney Jorgenson, Doug Harrison. yjded practicE'S will probably con- GOOD CLOTHES FOR MEN &. BOYS < I 203 Main Rand~' Milnes, Dean \Veibl~, Duane tinttE' until about De('. 12, whC'n I B)omjenkamp, Jim Mau and Ralph 'will start practicing together ,1.-~---~---~~r~======ir=====;;;;;;;;';"''--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'''';'---'''''''''1":jj:;t:;; Forbr: just before their first ~ame. i I

'1/ 1 ! 'I ,II !, I I. ., . I 'I I ",.,t':t. 6 -I The Wayne I Nebr.) Herold, Th,ursdoy, Noy~mbcr 22, 1962 7 .. ,"",!,Ohp'.I,u Y.' j\ov. 2G. Pioncl'l' Cirlll, l'vcnmg J\II and Mrs CIiHord I tended th~ Stat<· Farm c~mv{'n. F rph "I 19~" to h,;:gc, tTl TI . I . ",',. I n IS. .,tallmg <- flnconl, were Friday Iliun They stopped m Ollliha tal unera ervlces (otlph:'"p('nt 1l10S; or tlH'l;a:t::lrn~~ I 'I S B' Th II i. I ; I a I "'EFII--[' D N E', C(~~~;~~a}~iinn~t" nl~;~or~:,rv~?(~lt~~ \f'flIng gU(,f>ts ,\15It Paulette FI~('her. Id '. Ilfl' III the CurroU VIC'nlt~f I ee Y . e:ner , \Ir and Mrs Gordon Lundin I Mr and Mrs £eonard ~crsch e In Carroll SUI \ 1\'01 S IIld~I(lc hl'r III !.bund J ' . City. MUct CIt ('hur('h, /j 00 fP.1r1 I f I SId I tn tn h 1. ' I 1 1rl[ iJtJlJ ~ W('f(' ,line ay lOner were among e any 0 e~s W 0 a <;on, WIllis, Ca"rl,II, lhr '{' ,1",,"1, Mr. 'n" Mr •. Frod D' nkl •• r WAK. WS W('(lrl(',~dHy. Nov. 28: 110 " ... Bri· 't d d th d d ' '" .., , 'I , B M 0 N'j Ph 2872841'1 guth', B'O(j pm.; "p<'<,wl church :uc~{;., of J\1~run Olsons a~ en e e e cahan at Grace F MEL lers, Mrs M.anln Kn'll"l T\nrth pl.ln 10 !l1/"nd Thllnkiildl/~lIg Hh y rs. tto son - one . 'I"" Mr and Mrs David Bengston, Lutheran church, Wayne, Sf nday Bt'nd., Mrs DouJ!lus Sct nt'HIt'r Ililt'll' so" ~"I"I fUII"ly 11'1 U" I b~('HS fIl('etUl~:.• B:()O Jl.m . I M ... ".to.. G B d 0 rs.. age ' " 1011, ._._ and Kerry, Fort Morgan, Colo., r aQ\! ..... J.!HS eor.se. a g an 1 . Collon t:uh£ ulid Mrs 1Ml'rhn ('nlll I I' ' ~entr31 Club Meet, li lng S('rVH~(' HI 1)0 III OJ S J h ' l came Sunday to Vlilt oyer Mr and Mrs David Borg \fcnt to ICarroll- uneral s('rvi( es for :\1rs TnJ.[) PIlger. l'lref' sIster \lr~ Md' 'I' (~ ( pn1i III {lull 111('1 at HII" h( me I S,lfurduy. Nov 124 Conflrm,l t, 0 n ~\f"EV, ~~her~n II Church Thanksgiving In the John Ben Ithe Warren Borg: home qmaha, Eggert L 'C, 5~. w(,l"e held Suu Ll'nll YOlln" I'renlonl il (i I\l.~ t • r. an rs. Jilek Ande!"O" I 111 (If M I f'I 1 1\' rn rn'dfll'liison liOn (las,,;, \) 00 II 111 I (Sa rn·1J/.~)o,~~;'~k/no~st rJ ston hom g. 1Sunday to celebrate hiS t'hi~d ycar day aftl'l"no at the Carroll Mpth Fne.la Blbi;crt and ~trs D J )(' fhanksf.Jvlnl-: ~ll('st!l of MI'. nnd TllllJsd.J\ ,\ft(lnOon TIll' ~'XII SundilY r\(Jv 25 Cllun:h SdlOOI W('d~f'd' :"\ ';lP'I~hl k 1\1. anrle~trs Lawrence Nelsnnllpthe ministry 1 odlst ('hurdl Mrs Luge dwd Stapl'lman,jtHlIpert. IdalH. r~:I~IM~~ I"fltn~ lI('lnt' 1 1l)f!!Jng Will b,' .II AII)(lr1 "nJr'r 'l4'1 il Ill, wfJlslUf' SlrVI(', IIIJO ' mg WO;:h1';;-"~':~'\:~'c~o;. Re\/.n L~~;\)"J [>('nl Thursday evening In the Mr and Mrs FelIx J(llln~k went Thursday at hc {} 'mg brnthcrs~ L$l'nry and Fran~ COUll I ~nkl,gvlng DaV gue.t In the "[In" ...... llI II Sl (I( 1 "llo.;lI r1 wI1 tH'I.J III JllnlOr J\lh<..lOnary [llmlly Hitch('y. 8 p.m. Hoh('rt F;wan hnmf' Norfolk I to Verdel Monday to VISit 1 In the a long 1IIIlI'Ss ('II Bluffs, Bernard, Soutij' SIOU~ .onn t' ,cfcgar home Mr, :1'1;\I,:iJlp(:ir!l1.tll~ ",III HI' !It( (hIJ~t "nw""I'lh\",7s:\,:lr\~~'~)' ('[)operativ(' lunch Sunday. Nuv. 2.')' Chrisli:!n Ed ('ora Ilagiund IS staYing ..... llh Olto Barta home I Rev Mehm Irelalld'oifJ<:lated at 'itY, ... tlfld John, l.Qretto. M~'nn and,;nd Mr- non '!ngan. ."ond , ,~ ucation Hour, 9 :\0 a m.; \Vor!'hiIJ \Irs flos(' l kmark l'onvalescmg • 1 Ithe r,tos Mrs Thomas .Hob~rts. l () gl anddllldrcri I IJ~~~I~;I~let~~{"n~(P ~:J~~ Nfr$, I I 'Ium her n'(('nt ~p{'ralJon ~ Mrs Robert Johnson MIS ClaIr • II T'hursdllY Club at (undins:' Christian 'Church servlc('s WJlh J/oly Com.rnunl'ln. Mr. and Mrs Te.d Jon&s end' Mrs. G. Kvl Dies in owa Swanson and Mrs Verme Hurl . ~'~. I nn Mr~ dt' Lo;~c, NI' . LI M %8 Thubday Cluh 1I1~'( ;j( {;oidorJ ("f'din V'lri,.:!lt, pastor) 10:30 a.m. 1 Mrs Olive Lamb left Monday to Mrs George Kyl Blo mfICld bcrt sang 'Ahltle With "Ie" andlFormer Dixon -r;esldent 1 r. a~ r~'Tlmk ~ ij~ I~' I.llrldinh on Tlllr ... rlay Holl I('all W['dnl'sr Bloomileld hospital Mrs Kyl had i Whitney was a('(ompartlst I all Dlxlon - FunQrJI sef\)CCs- for Mr. an~ Mn. Art AuJtr. wort '"',',.',I:IIII,,'rnsn,,,~ .,0: '1,,', I",.II',',n ,7." ('.It'I,'.i,.',',I, 'I S~""""I,:I,',h,\1r~;,I,""Y 2~v."nl"in"hgle (sl~hsso'CO'I", al the lPrry Turnf'l' h' 1 1\1 ''':\I(sl or \11" (harlotte Echtln ~p{'n hOSPitalized since Wedn('s 1 bearers ,were Rohert, Hod(,D!';tadt IAdam I...mg:len, 7Z,l form t'f Dlxlon Stll}llllV f'HIlIIlJ.: I-!U£'PtK o(!\I1' lind ,f" ".,1 l L~;)'" Reta Du'rr, ()nawlI.la,O;a(:·h~f~~ Iwrnn \\a\n(, Sunday day follOWing a heart attauk Harold Stoit('nhl'rJ.! <.lLfh'n Thom resJdl'nt, \\('rf' h¢Jd Saturdal' ,If ~tfs fIlil(ld QUinn WU1Hde I III".., IUlld~('!ln l\lJl 1)(' ~lr~. r ~J .J,) 01. m .. fllorninM 'fVorship, 10:55 for hC'r mothp]"s JHrthrJ:ty , 'lr n~ll .\Ir .... Dpwa}ne Klausen. Survlvor.s Include ht'r husbarkl, I a~,. Arliold .J~n.('k. W:nlt('~ ,Rt'th I t~rnoon at Shelton, Mr. LItI~gn'n: Mr", BtrdJe Mltch •.II. I-N~rfolk, J'n'd 1,1Inriw'" JIlIIlj(' 'a Ill, I'V('fllng h!:r;vice, 7:30 p.m. Mr and Mrs l,m1l Ll1l1d Mr )rnilha ..'I)(,flt tilt' weekend at the her mot~cr, Mrs. Helen Taylor,' wls~h nrH~ I-I"~ lIO?O a.m. Thur~d I) t~'" !-op: ~l(d( 1I11 !)(( \ ~ ~:~(, 111

'.1 1;) 01 Ill., ~ovmonlln~ Z>, Sund:tys(·hool.lwllhworshIp, 10.15 I Mr. Il{'nand I~,t~rr~ ..0,r,\Tal:rill. J)~ f,'I,I" !!/:,l,rll~\on' !r-~::~::::~-:-:~-~~i'~~~~:"~~~~-:~~~~~--~~~~~-:~~~-§~~---'~~~~-~~~~-~-~-~;~;;~=1~F~ ~ 111, ) I !'Ji' and .'\1/" and \lr~ ('h:'rl!-~ 1'11'1"""111 C~!l3.\yIll:LLrs :J~;:;J1l~(~~(/~Jlt1g0Ilva~.;~~'[)n.22 or 23 w('nt II) ()JlI,ltla for (')11:1"("11 YiI'\,i r; I I"!'i, ~II 1', I, .\1 I'~ t· r"d \11> nll'OIl 11"1 don Ann()IJI1('l'nJenl Ifor Communion' ~~;I;J~.I/;~':-' TIi/'~t H!'lh!['('I('/I;.l,\\J(I.('t;~~:~ I l'I'('rill('k"'rl tit .~(·h(Jol on SalurtlilY ("arl.~['n·" fltl:llW ;![Ht ,IIHII\"j' <11'\ : (~ : : t J.' 1"1 II. t J! • r I . ;1 \ ,. III I . rJ I 2(;' WaltlH'J" ;In(~(/;~I~~'~MI;~[:r~I:~::;:II~:~~~\evc FAIRLAN~500 CH I ROPRACTORS IE. G. Smltlit . 1957 BUICK SUPER 4·,DOOR HARDTOP V8, automatic tra'lsmission, only 16,000 I\\-". L ElliS SEWING MA¢HINES M29A-Radio, heater, Dynaflaw, 2-tone and miles. List new $3,,10...... NOW . $211195 A D. LEWIS, D. C. f)il\'Ld Ewing white sidewalls. Was $895 ... NOW $795 .',11 l'1111~()1'1L.\("n)H ChriS Til'lgen T,edtke Plumbing (Est. Eli·l) Kent Hall BH2 Heating and Appliances 1957 CHEVROlET BEL AIR 4-DOOR DOWT MISS TH~SE TRUCK SPECIALS 1l N('UI"O(·.ljOI1l('kr St'rvice PlJLIl'E' Call Op('rator A \JEnIC:\:\ ST.\::\""IlAHi, 1955 . FORD 2· TON JRU(k ' j I' ·:l:-.t 4th Str('l't E12A-V8, radio, heater. Overhauled. 'I (;"1'[11 Dawson S. Thompson (a-~!\'l-:R.\L ELl-jenne PhilliP HI '\\"1~ tH', ~t'hr E L. Hatley K('lth lteed $835 , Phon(' :.oSR Waynr. i','('br X16B--2.speed axle, V8, good tires. Will $.~I'4. 5.- FIRE Call. 300 carry 14·ft. box. Was $895...... NOW : . r INSURANCE , I 1I0S"IT."L ~OH5 PHYSICIANS 195B:2~~EV~~t~d,~,I~~!~,"~;~~R;. 1957 CKEVROLET 2-TON TRUCK .. ~'i , EQUITABLE LIFE WAYNE COUNTY OFFICI/l.LS :S $995 BENTHACK CLINIC' Was $1045 .... _ ...... , ...... NeO'W") X31A-V8, 2.s!>eed axle. Will carry 16·ft. $lf.. 5.. ; ASSURANCE SOCIETY As~('s"nr' JIijonry Arp 1198 box. Was $1435 ...... _NOW .', ':' ' OF TlJE l'i'\I'J'FD STATES ('If'rk: C A. Bard :18 21.1 \\' :?nd S~n:('t 1958 PONTIAC 4·DOOR HARDTOP SEDAN .Iud.E!t'· f)a\"id .I. Hamer 258 KllTH JECH Pilone Hl(jn D64B-Hydamatic, radio, heater, 2·tone. 1960 GMC TRACTOR . J . .' . Stll'riff: f)on Weible 233 Ph :lGI-\ I I.W.· \\"(';;( ~lh \\'a:'llc. Xdll' .NOW $1095 D('puly: E. L. Hailey 7;)"O-\\' , Was $1295 V6, 2-ton, 2-speed axle. Excellent conditia!'. $1.95 t·- - SUP! : Gladys Porler rll-t Has fifth wheel, ready to go ...... , .. NOW 'II ,- Dependable Insurance Treasurer: Leona Bahde I 232 GEORGE L. JOftjN, M. D. 1958 FORD FAIRLANE 4-DOO~ FllH .. \1.1, YOl'll. :\~mDS ('lrrk of ni$trict Court: I E1A-V8, Fordamatic, radia, heater. One John T. Bressler, jr. I 347 PHY:;lClAJS: A;S;O ~UHGEO;S; Agri"C'uitural Agent: 114 Ea;;1 31'1 StrCE't owner. Was $995 . NOW $895 . ,NOW Dc'on C. PIerson Agency Harold Ingalls ... 1.564 ~~ 1961i.{~~;~!~T~~~I~~;~~ner $.1_~5 111 WI'sl :ll'l! Wayn(' Assistance Director: Office Phon~ 712 1959 OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 4-DOOR HARDTOP , Mrs,. Ethel MarteIle I . 'I,.JI I --~--~-.--~-~ ~ Attorney: N7 A-Radio, heater, power steering, brakes, ~~J~crsl nsur:nce ~r~=; Charics McDermott ~~ ELECTRIC ANS $1795 .,.i, .. - .~------.---.- tinted glass. One awner. Was $1895. ,NOW OTHER CARS TO -CIlOO~~ FRO,..., ALI~ VOllR I;'II"SLTHA':'-!CE !\;"'EEDS Veterans Service Officer: : , FAST FAIR FRLE~rnLY Chris Barghot'l 888·W TIEDTKE EL!.· CTRIC 1958 Oldsmobile 2-door Har~t~ With full poYieti~,." ' C'LAI;o.I SERVICE I Commh:,c;ioniers: I CHRIS E, BARGHOLZ DisL 1 Lee Sw~me:.y WIRIJS:G COI\'T ACTORS 1959 Oldsmobile Sup~r 88 4-door Hardtop withfutr·:;I"~, n Dist. 2 George iStolz Farm· Home· ommercL ' Ph(1~:.~:~\T__ . _____ . \\. ay~ MEET 1959 Chevrolet Impala V8, DisL 3 Henry Hotj.neke Phone 26" 4-doorhardto~, POW~~~"lld~. District Prqbalion Officer~ INSURANCE - BONDS I CLARENCE GIESE 1«160 Oldsmobile 88! 4-door Holiday hardtop William Eynon .. j; g.\V .----~---q-- ... ~ se~Cln~: To Fit ,~ll YOlll' ~('('ds In Ih'li;lble Companies ---~-----'----FI'NANCE _~ __S_E~"I_IE~_ -~- ' Our New Shap Manager 1961 Oldsmobile Su~r 88 4-door h~rQtop -'.' ' II' State Notional Bonk ~-----r-~ I SWANSON n! & APPL_ He has vast experience in 1961 Chevrolet Bel ~r 4-doOr, 6-cyI., s,tandard .sh'-~d., Phone 100 122 Main Moi..LER AGENCY'~ ;e~:~:fL_E ~~~f~~ ,':~~~I~:o;~ T~:;i~~: ~:~i~:~e~a~~~g a~c~u~~ 1961 Rambler Clas11C: 4-11oor WagOn.A.utom.a~I.f.~~L11~~' and Automobile Ltns Phone 751 ,I. Wayne 1946. A native of Wayne, One-Year Nation-ride G&W Warra~rr an All C'a~\ , , 'Phone 7,97 105 :1.'. 2nd _____A_MBU~ N~E he is waiting to serve your 0,. th~ Spot GMAC Financing f -; j I' (I;) 1 RELIABLE SERVICE First National Bdnk' '.~ ~~;~::t~:iSn~~:;in~Sth~ (:, C-o',:AUTO ------cOMMEiRCIAL BANK*G I e first 10 customers each ORYE' LL ------W~\~~~s~Vjl~~n;rtO;i~~e;~;~se INVESn!ENTS SA>VINGS First Aid and On en Equipped I ,_ ' day un,til Dec. 1: a family Ph 'I~SURANCE I AMBULANcE I ERVICE < sized 'pumpkin pie_ , Your Che\.rolet~, 'Oldsmobile Deale,.!," one 7 IW87e_Phone292 , I Wayne I 112 ,E. 2nd w.ayne, Nebr. " , )~~~~~~==:::~\~~~~~~~~~§I'~~f~!i~I~' ~~~"==:::~==:::==:::==:::~"~I,itl-":-! -,-,,-, ,... , ----....,M~--...;i..-...,....,...-:---:---~:..,;=-:..'4------...:~--_-i---~-:-:-;-;...--:-===I~ J-,'l ...... ;... , .!. , , , .~ .. : " ,., , "---.. ~~~~~~~~"""'..,.-

·1 l}ll1('l.lllllC'i('], ;'1 Ij<; , Tilly. Arv('r" I rl"j.ol~ :Of "".-1 ... ,j,1 '''".ol,~ !1\'I~.t lor !'!F.:':" ~::T:... c:.()~.\T, •.nr::.r •.. m:~:r:":,T\lnEl~~ JAl\!"TE~.: Part, lim(' 54tC5. I I' I'll' .1.. II M' F k [II", "I, ,,' 1>"('Ii" t I,,· 1111 !III)' "I I J \ .:1:.. \1.1. (.'.III.t.l. ! .L!::' ,.'., I ladll's il \ Holiday Sf'8liOn, • -' , .' I.~ ~ ror r. 1 O n: ~.. ""~@"~:~;: ~~,I ~::.~.~ ~ :~ ',Ill,In. "Jlj\lil, IS, ran II I"": '" I" r,q.·\", 1o",p",1 111[.1.-1\11.'>1 fll JI t f· k f gift .. ·\"IS.11 T() . lh,' . I WINSIDE'. . .' NEWS . ""''''''''11:~Ii'> nnd M,.,. Ho"n Iloff'iI~lu.p ;",,' ,,,","" ,," ,,.,,,,," '"'" ,,, "'IT"1'.TI.I(I·.~rl.'fJ'. ""I'ln: ",,""'.'"'' '''''''': u 'an, par line ,WO~ or, MOVING SOON? ~E . 'rnAN~'.1 - /llan. I' I ""n " • Irl ! hi .. ",u,r t "Il. ~"\,,,,:;Io"r :-: \ )11';;-'. I'S h.~i 'w .... ·. ., ',. I\\'rapp,ng. La r son 5 epartl en rrll'nd~ nnd n('i~hhor ~1.r Ow ( 1 ! Mr "nd II". (;arl IlI,.nng and ;'; ",,',,,;. ,,"'''' ,," "",,', ", :"" .. "', i'~;',· '.,'~I:·*:·~~·,~'i.~~,'~'.: ~;',,,' .. ~.',~',.:,Slor",LWayne._ .. ___ , n22 ~~g'~.i::~ ~~vf~g_ 't.~~ln~~' c '~1: eal'd. nnd off"rln • iij~ help . 8y'Gladys Reichert - Phone 2682 IChn~tl atL'n:/!.'d rUllera.1 "prVIC<'S 1·,1",1 I),'H ~lTII d." "I """\.,.,,,],,., I~.~.'I.TII\\I~:-::r,:f.): \~~:r~·:~t 1.',1· !-'.'~:'>IFACrr2H;Y O~ENINGS for cXIcJ"i. C ~ St i Iv c t f h~ I "Os 111 thcfho PI~il nnd ---.! at ,Hildrl'lh I'nclilly !or Mrs. Duer· I'", 1,,,\1<1 .r "",,"'r ~I,i:;~ ;.~v~;~~,~:.~.~~~,:t· :./(:'J:\~I'·i,·.1 en~e~ prod 'lion wcl~l~rs. Iso Am~3Van cr"~~: wor'd'SnLa~ge~r~s~n J hnve bef!n hunt(' . "1 ' D~~~ --.,...---..:..-..:..------r---:\I.r land :\11' ... · (;oltl1ilr .ra('~(>r rarnily "lJJlJl~'r uod patty.., D('(' .. H,n/.!: H unciI' JOh.11 Slllhm.lln. ,~r:\I" ,""n,t\' 1",111" , ..\' ..... :.-; O~I.:. r':n,T of 'fill': ~I:\TH openings fOT. we e,r~ WIth pr cU· Most Trusted Van Lines llnd \111' :lnd .\lr" William .lank!' ill 1111' LI'I!lon. bal.1 Card pl'I~!esl 1\lr .. ,Inri ~Irs.. /kiUllS llow~rli r·I"'II.·~ I' \1, I"·rt/,,,Il. A'I,· ."1;01.11' Itl ..... "rl .•"., lH;HIIIIA.", , ...... \\'.\Y;-;I.! cal ~£ipCCT1ng a Illty for de ign H In~~\RTF"VL ~TliA -'{$ t~ j~ll In til!' \wnl 10 Mrs 1I:lny III'inf'P1ann fwd 'Joan '{wnl ('vcl'nlDg ______XI·:!i!1:'.:''''''\'. d velopment w rk. Autonatic Who l'xll'ndcd \'omIOIh .; •. l~lht'r gIH'~t~ TIIt'~day (·:'(·~T~·. ,.:.:I·~~I'-r:.and BRADY MOVING & I !m,~a1 'IHlI1H'. Nt)'r[olk, Vfl ,ilnd ,\lr~ HfHH' Hoffman. . Jf) 1/)(' ,~?r·. HI) ... [J·lloffl~<1n home. ~_ GALPiTBLICA~_. ___ ~'::'~\";/EJ'·\'.I!I\L~rl!ll~I··~.~:~~I'JII~(J~~:::IEqujp ~nt Mfg. Co., ender. N br. t y nJ h{"l1 In our rt.'ccinl $. rr(l'\ ' III 11!Jl1tJr 01 .\11' '1'111' /lI'XI mf'{'llng v.:'I~)(' 'W!tll .1\11'l; Sa I HI~lc'h{'rt C,lad!,5 and ., " . _ " !ooI ....'VJtH':-;/{\ I;!:,\]. "\;\\H:S l'S I' t3 STORAGE .:or~h~bl'IlUtl£UIF('r\Jc(.;':'r~~I'nlol' , ""·I,,t,·,.y. ,'\11' ..... IIJi!" .. I':{'ki'rl. Ilf'f' 17. WJlli .. and Mrs. A. ugust r'ranz(ln '" f( ,., 1'41 (11""1114111. I~-";'l\\·i\·! If~ I 11 f ttl knll '-, " I I ] 'I fl" II 8 i'lll:' I Ii (60 years onl ,,)xpericnce) r n,::s. m(lmor n s ant (1 ,( 1111<1 !'II'" Ver'llon :"Ildl!'r ;J/HI sJIf'n! [:1-1 !Sun~l;JY.m, thlJ. T. L. R\J· 'Jf I\~/' ]lr_'}~""I'.~!III\~I~(~\" J',I ~\~II tNOT CE Siouxtfty la. l n'sses, \\l'arcd~cph gl' lq(tl. rh~' I \11 ~f,','"r,',',", ',.~," ,'I',' ,',',',T,' ," """. :,',1'- _ -~ ------noon Churc es " I .~fllh Ttl<·~da~ !'~('Illng- '.v;"ll i 'v\1!l1 !'II~ht J./)j!'llllwr'; pn'.v'nt - • • • '" I I'Ir,'" I-Il! -It rl,\\' ... IIII' n\I!'o:- Will share our home \ut h'sev ra -~~---- {' r:::1\l'unty nc:ommbt~ionl'rs spo[':jul thankl'l :lnl,,',.o Ij .. lIWI1« . !l1~ \',·rJHHI .'\llll\'r hIlP.II' IUolJ (';ll! \\,r". "SliJwr-trtion" Ann:' Immanuell Ev. Reformed Church I . ~ I. ,I, ., 11 11.,,1 ",11" 1111:11 "JlITIl H\'\'1J Il\;l elderly ladles for "mter mo ths Forth Best in 'P 1 ' ,.,,,1, ,I ,.all 'Hr",. "111"1 ' , 11 [ "2 the peojplc whn dunnti ,'n"o{wy, III" .<.,1"11011 ...;!l1 1 1r<'IJlI",~UPP{'rk NIJrfol In , ('nr"I{'n~1,','1'1'1' In !hurgl'and ,'\Irs .,f thl'Sum If:o.;C,(lO. U{'I("h'~'r! i\lr~ SIUJII tt,r"I'\" 11Th ha(rod.....,J,,} 'I ~1;:~l;[;:;\',T~I~- ~;;~~~(.~I'/~,'I 1..... ~\ Call 1158 _~~ ____~ ... _ Radio an.d Repair tlnu' 1It!d ('Ill'(Iurng"nw...- l. -fO~., RI.1.'l •. :\11Jlld",} \\~!I{' 1\11'. alld Mn. I)('n· Hlt'{'J)f'r! lind \Ik~ HaIry S[IoI'hl v_uP. U :',IJI I 'n'''>I "r,,,·I"'.\I", ('"<"!>,,,, <""1(1" - 11,' " \I"" "".' 11 \\" ,,' " "" i We Service All Make. ie' _ .'. _.' .., ... ",... +__ .. \I.r~ jl·.dwlfl Hro p'Il" ~I.~·j anr),!·rh;lrJk'igi\I./lg slury It V.'le, not.ed TheophjJu~ Ev. Reformed Church, .,' II \ I 1 1,1 \,\ 1'1 I I I ~ I I .... I'JI"-:I . 1 WISH TO TUAlXK ('HI')'~tlr. ('un" ,\11''' ~t{Jl'i'rl SI('d~('liJ:l~ :\Ir 10 glvr' l'u'Ih gifts 10 til!' fu]JrJl.\Ir." 1/\.1". \\'t';~J.;I' .. PU!ltor), I·~I 1""'1' ::~'r,~.'r~ 111~,I:,l!I~II!I;r;~I~ 'I"~I'~... SWANSON TV ~ndl,tedlnanYWaY~\.lIh:~IUr'Wa-YIW_" 1' "I h,.,. hll·II, '''"',,,', .\11'., Slid" ","1 \1" AI' '""0" II" 11'0,,1111' .""';"1', 111)1) ,,:.;:;':,;,".',;. ~;',.,."'''''''''T".I"T {'(,I·,:T "FI )1,,' uh"v .. """,,·,1 ""'I.l.i~'~('.'"".d oI, ~601 Calvert Street. Lmcoln recommended mover. WE WISH TO TIlANK (I']' our ~~("Ill-' til \Ir :llld·fl.1rs. Ed il!f'ptmg WIll Ill' \~II.I,1 !\I.r~ [lon] -- I ~'\\II" ....·I. l'ril"TY ....·l.;I:IIAq~.\ 11" "hJ""1 ~t~"11J1'''''' "I ]~5tf , \11 :l1ld \'1 .... {'hn'il Hill!'. t\ 110 11(I~t ('IIVI't';(·d rl1.~h IlJrll'lt Trinijty lutheran Church I 1\"1'\ \ 1i1'1,ltT l'I,,",llfr, 01"1'·111<111" 1~1if.f~l!ih'I' ------t----. ______1_ •• _ For a Free Estlm,\tc, Call friends nnd r('iul1\'es 'who :ihJ1V(" . . "on I\J!. lJf' ~('rv!'d and gifts ~\ ill IH .r 1I ]0'1 (J!!\), .'1. 1If'.llp." p,ast.o".. ,', ,",." ,',.," ".' "., ,'r ~.".'" '".,.'. ',',',.' """ "" ,,',',',',',',',",._~"".,,::,(Jj~.,~, 11,;1'""",. ,'. i"OR SALE: Three bcdro. om hqmc Abler Transfer Inc, ~{llp{'d LIS su m~dl nnd w~. : nrt! ,,\11' ;1I1t! .'\In.. L W {'x,·I"·,n,,.,.,I ..\!r~ W.\·lit· "('I'~pd h hb 1 ' 08 $1'11 hI' All "'[1('('! h;ilil' S;ilIJnlyt .."'In. 24. CatcchL!;m ..... KIJ1'Y:\1 ,\ ..... 1' (;II.I~I:I:T'. II"" "r'''1 "rll" ""I,~',', "h"" nearelementary~ndhlg sc o. Norfolk. Nebr. PhoneFRl- 15.1 epmr::usslnll'{', .nkn.!i,' .. -'" ,d:I',.. \!).,(u tHlr \'~ 10. SOCial Circle M;ets ~itY'lut~eran Aid II no al~l I, III!!,IIT WI 1"1" r)J.' )'1.\1'\'1'1 I" "1 II", ""lill"" I,,.,,,,r. :,~ 1--·' , --_~._ nil who Ilt'lp('d pil'k lh~ Cl)fl,l,lIlS~ 11 (' I \1r~ Pn'd Wi!!lr't" 'Lnl! \11''' FI, Sllndll}j. :\\)V 2S: Sunda.y school. :~I},'!I~I(\,I: r, ~lILI:t// \\ \"~~"::II;~,,'.''';,I,I'I:''lr''\..j''I~.,, .,,,,,~,, ~o1l~.11 TO BUY TO "SELL CARDS of THANK',S w["erndln'"'h·s,~,t,n.)'lln"~HII"I"I""I,,lI'J'vll:I'lri(,:."',~. \~:~I"'; 1"~:::"" I,,,:,:,:.' I;; ... ::,',';.'",,',~y ";~""n:::::' ,,";"'~I""I, ",.,'" ,,,,,,,:,,,,.,' ,,' iJ-,.,·" , II< "" " '1' . ",,,,.,h'p ,en 11"', " 001 '·1'" '''', '"' ,,,'" ,,," "" '" ,.. I,,, ".. ,,' ,'" never' "x""," what we eel, honk .\Il~ \i;rlpli'I'rI!!ct, ,I", 11!).~1 ilv LlIllrl'r;Jt1 1.,)(III''i 1\111 SOH!I'(~ 1',1,",\\-.:; "r 1)"""1,,)," .,1"·"1", REAL ESTATE , I ' 'JI ~2 . ~ I , \"'>1",.,"',, .,[1,.,."""" TII""IH",' - ..~ I,':;~',,'·\'~::I.,,~,'I: """", . I ' "'IYOu.TheAlla~~I'I'"~"_:_~.,,!.~:,,n 11011 ';1,:,-; ';:"':'11:;::' ~ \",:',:"i'·"';;';\: ",,'mll>"'; ,«;" 11 '''''',' \1".' ';,,-l1,' St, P~u"s Luth."n Chu"h 1 '"" , " .. "" ,"."", .. , Property Exchange I THANKS TO friend, nnd rolnt,"e, ", ,.1 ',. Kran)('r. \H'rf' pn'~I'n1. .\Irs. ,HoYI ( 1\1. IIJlpl'rt, pastor) .1:~:~:·"'\I·~llii~1,1.1·;"';\·Ic.:r.r:" ,.H,;\-I 117 Main Phone 197 (or their {'ar~s a.nd .visits d~:lng! For Washer.. Dryetr ~'~I;:·r,I;I.:,\~I:'llt~;:t .~;~: J!;~:I(ll!~':; ~:~:'. f('nkitl~ and I\lrs. VI I tf my re{'£'nt hospltaltzulion and sln{'(', S E R V ICE 1. 11111"".'1) l,·r/.I\I'rI 111'111'-'; I'h.r!ll.~ /):II!,\'Otl fll('PUI:-·('1 ANT ADSII!O~IE-FM-sALI;;-~n --P;ncll:~i~ell~;turnh(Jrne )'lrs i\1antnH~;2 "III"II:III:r' :~e"w' I nings. weekend. n15tf 111<' :'111',1 Pll!(' \lr~ \\"'1'1\1'1' Ykln.~ !I«( I Pender, N('br. ,~J) I ... ___ -'~ _ _~ __ ... + I ,.J:iIlNI' 1\'11'1\ I,d tht' I l(iI, .\Jr~ :'III''' v('rr;1,.' 11",.11 'MIC;'C SERVICES: HOME FOR SALE ,,,,,I \',. ,,,,,,,' \1.,n<>,I1,"nd" 10" ;i:"",. 'I,·, TI,i",. ,,,,:"'s"\';;'H,,~;,1 ;::"';,, ";1 ,~I'" ":111";' I~~:;':'; EQUIPMENT 1 J. .1 , N,, FOR RENi ·c. ,','''n"y s",''''y Me.t, 1')'1 ilnd .\Ir'i !ionald Kt'lll('. World In dnd Ion f)1I I ::h('d nndrt np ,t for ('au pIe or ,\(ot 1(1/ i\lr dnd )'Ill~ v\'IIIlH'! D('(k'i PU BLIC N TI CES I hest buy on used heaters $t I man. Cio~c to ca.:m;r!ls. 908 Wa,lnut.! ~;l:;~lf ~~~:; 11\:~ V.llb~::{,II::~~ ,r'oast.to'~'oasl. Oil: gas, coal o.r 1._ _ _od2SIf '\ r11 Ilt J)( I 1\~'OOd-Wllh or WltllOl~t blower,l', FOB RE:\,T·. ;) roo Iii hOLlse, 92f) - I I -- ~Cl' our selectIOn nov. at Coast· WalnuL. 1'11011<' ;)(j2·\V. . nlSt3 I , )1 L-EGAl PUBLICATION to·Const S(OfC'S, Waynf'. n8t31 Deh 2, "Pack 179 Every government officllal or - -- I---~ ------.--~: I FUH HE:\T: Two bt'droom house LlQ~IDATION SALE quh S(Oi!1 l>tn.: l'd{k 17') Ill/I board that handles public mon- 1 'Oil I 01 \'" \I '"1'1'''1; IHEADQUARTER.S for Phllco·HI :1 With attaehed garage, Opc'.1.

I,ISI Wt'rilH \t!,I\ '11l( Jnt'('lmg \\t' inter~als an accolJntlMg of It I \1,':: \1 , 1\' II I 'I"::~d I~I rlnlstmas . glfl.. So~ethmg., tl~e 'south. aIlf' w(':! of \\a~nl'. n22 Ho~l (;tIl \\,1~ tl II lh< (Ilh S(out shOWing where and how each I" 1"" [Iwhole famIly Will enJoy. MeNa,t ______(To" Be Sold Prior To Our. Auction) IIUjito WI on i\(hlt'\Pllwnt dollar 1s spent. We, h~ld.thls to I ,t ';1 II" ~,t;'''!. ~ II~ \ CEfAI--PD-e-C,cAT'ON --- of a!J nall0na~ly kno~ brand guns dri~kerasm F'or information write to H ~. nn\ I~ Thursday af\pr~()on 1\11'.'" 1"'\1"1' I .,,, \\ , d a mUOIlton Don t delay stop Mufflers - 55-58 Fords - $3.50 to 1$6.00 : I' SllIlh'y I!ansoll and Ml'.s Adolph'"'" 1" ITJ, : '\o'd, I·: TO '111:111'1"011"\ I'n,,(' ~~n ~nn at ~oast.to.C~ast Store, W'ayne. Box 83, Wayn{', ~('b~ ___~~ 1\1~'y('r \\('1'(' gU('sts. Roll call, 1>1.1, "f 1'1'11" I·",· !Io _,_. ~I---W-- -ANTED '. \\hs. "What most Thankfllf:"IITI " orr ,',j" ... hl. \1.1 \;,1"1,,.1,.-- . _. Rubber Floor Mats - reg. $6.95 - ~ow $4.25 to~ .. Plans \1'('1'('I. riHlde to han' a '1""'1.1 I I \1 1'", k I\'-- FO~ SALE: Black Labrador ~e· Dead or Disabled livestock' I ,.... ,'" J', ,'-'" , tflC'ver. 41~ months old. RegIst· ' Ph Wa ne 29F20, Collect Seat Covers at Dealer's Cost .,. 1 ,,~, \1' cr{'d. Bob Pancoast, 414 Douglas, one y . I 1\1 d I, I' 11"11 Phone 156. n22 I Wayne Rende.rrng Co, Heater Hose - 15e a foot i" sixnply I "" "r YOl'I:i--/;EVER-:-WAXFLOORS I Yaur Used Cow Deal~~tf sa;3 ,,~I . I, I again after usmg Seal G~oss, ___ ~ ____ ._ Pick-up Chains - 35 % off , , ',I I' ') ,11'~ . ',I"I~ I' ~~'~~I~~t f;f~~~~aI:~~ ~oan~:~:~IO~~~~: I, ~~~Th~.Dt:he Bda;~·, :\~~t;.in~h~~n Ca":;' Delco '1"'\1" 'I" n221Phone 929W.· , n2213 ender Skirts for 1959 Ford - $3.50 ~i \,.,." .. ,, , ~"~:~ yOU I~~ow ~,I' I.' J,:,,~_ =LI=VE=ST=O=CK==-j-HELP- 'WA-NTED -- - d Falcon Radiator - $ ) 5.00 that it costs less ,to run la full- PUBlICATIO~_____ ~_I! I ~-­ Us d TIres - 670x15, il0x15, 760x15, 750x14 ~~~tl) caa(~dtt\,~n ili:1 ~~:s /eoil;:;sd o~ II' \I "1''1111 1II 'rl ~~~==~~~=~~... ~~...... ====~~=-~ The Wayne Horald. I ! \\"!I' I FOR SALE Purebred Registered -:'\urse for ~ DELCO ~andr~ce WA~"ED: DRY CHARGE ~ I boars From Wayne SIX mIles part time work. Hours 11 p.m. $4.00 i,and up ~ BATTER,Y - r II" !'SI~!' • ~ I east and 1'14. mIles south. Walt Ito 7 a m two daYS weekly at. "n~ I Chi.nn. \Vakefield. S20tf Wa"ne Ho·~pital. Apply in person Various Brands Engine Oil, reg. weig~t ....:... 31e quart ~ ' GE' F OR SALE Purebred Duroc , • ~ All We~ther Weight, 38c quar' . OD , II:I~ b",'" f,r",1 [n, f,n 11 II boars Top quality McQuistan 1 WANTED Full time male clerk ••• AND GET , f Brothers, Pender, Nebr Phone Appl m person at Safeway, 1 >111(114602 SIX south and 9 :! East of W y n15tf ~RESH STARTS! Automatic Tra~smission Fluid - 3ge IqUl!rt The Great NaJe 1,,,,,1 :I. "ul:>("I:~:1 Wayne s2~ I. a~ne EK OR WOMEN fori Be-sure of sure starts with \\,,1 l;~>"/;I~hl;~~l\- FOR SALE Purehred Duroc J'\~;r~;n~Z l'l:oule \\ork :\1c:\:CSS.! Radiator Hose - $1.00 for 3-ft. length the batteryjhat'.~ in ALltonlobile~ \ :II. . 1 B~ars. Robert ErWIn, Carroll, 7 Box 152 Madrid, la. £12213 I 1.1 .I. IirlTlH'r miles west of Wayne, IV.. north. ' , • deSigned li)

) II II ' 1/ J il' I """"'1 \' ...... '.' ...." .. I

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Runless, s.eomle.ss nylons. seamles~ S T-R E T-C H nylon tights 70/ 00 100 % nylon hose priced 2 Plaids, prints and a. full array of colors 00 denier, 2 ply reinforced crotch, 6jasllc, 9 in first quality boys' flannel shirts. Com­ $1 so low With th IS coupon . waist band Slight Irregular, but plentyl that you can't afford to ' pare With $1.98 value shirts. With this of w~ar In each pair , pass it up. AII'first qJality pre coupon only $1.00. $1 hose. $1.65 Main Floar - With aut Caupan $1 Budget Bosement ~ Without C~upon $1.98.

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~; . Ie'

i I ,', :;1," ·11 ," .. , 1 - T T - .,.--r-~"Tl------~l------~------~--r-~~~~~~~~~""'~,,~,~~~~~~~~~"~~"'II~,~~~~~o~o~~"~~~~"",,,,~o"""~I~$~·'f".$""~I'~'~'~}~t~;~J~J~;~;';'';ij'$'''r",,~111 : ,I fI'? "':{';I!":' " coNC'd----r~RD-N-EW-S- THE1jWAYNE; Hk"; Ai' :::1 Mrs. Wilfred Nob~e _ Phone JU 4-2520 " ':' i!1 ' • ' , ' , .I.~D I 88th Year-No. 30 ayne, Nebraska, Thursday, Noyember 22. 1%2 i Sect' 2-P~. I to 4

Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Erick onilla Magnuson Everung guests were . I -1------I , I .tld Ivan Johnson and RogN w re Mr and Mrs Wmton Wollin and .Mrs M(.'rle Rubeck and famIly anti were Sunday tcrnoon gUf'~.t<; 10 I hlr and Mrs. GUs Mal8u~. Mr.. , Saturday dinner guests 10 the K Ith1famtly Mr and Mrs Qumten Er Mr and Mrs Robert BlCrshenkli~he G~rgc Volle 8 home land Mrs Matsukis will vi~it until C T l.: R~'-~" d l!:rlckson home Win and lamlly. Mr. and Mro an~ daughters 1r,Mr ~nd Mrs II' Id Durns and Friday ars·' ruc"s 'IIsf.r. and Mark Koch-w"re W.·d (eorge J\Iagnu80:l. :'Iir. and Mr.~. osG~est.s Sunday afternoon In the I)nald were Tuesda evenms, IS- Mr nnd )!rs. Kenneth 01 on and guests oC t~clrlGlen Ma~!'lU80n and Glofla, Ml. we r Lundahl home, Wakefl(~ld" tors mlthe Paul Stople lome family attended church Sf iccs at I ".nd,'ar:r\in Kraemer nn Joni. 190 .•nd Mr,. Kertneth Ol ••n, l'l home and WE'drPHday In the I e DIS Anderson spent Sunday e\emn~ Mr and ~trs Norman Anderf-Dn :'t1nr BIll S~allml:: ;:,nd hfn 'Wilbur Henry Asmus, ltoskina Ford Mr and Mrs. Roy Johnson, MI. nfJ \ Creamer home In the Vern Carlso," home Iand (amlly were Sunday ait("rnoon RakE'r \\en' !huMiday nnc" on l'nl Gerald Bruggoman. \tOjl,kilb ,n IMn. Ostar P.anon, Mr. and I Wednesday .lwests In the W G hir a~d Mrs F ntz Reith were ~ue5ts In the Mrs N 0 Ander Ilers III til(' C.llronce nu~tt'd hotn~ tJodge • Mr.~ T.d Johnson, Mr. and M;".t, Henkel home, Norfolk, were Mr,.; I nday {'\enmg \lsltors In the BIll on hom(' Wayne. Mn N 0 '\n I ,~lr nnd Mrs Cliff StalItng \\ere Donald Echtenkamp, Wayne, Fyd Dunklau. Ran'dolp~; .Ford oyster supper guests In 1m Mrs Roy Johnson, Mrs Geor~e I hO't II to d '~I Y I ~np ~~r.s. teorge IVollers ?nd fa~l" Young Pl'ople SerVlt'l' 'to the Rohert E. Johnson, Carroll, Cb •• Magnuson hOme were I ~na~er~:ndt'~~~ ~~(;;l J~hr~sonT~;;)f' I M~s~ I:e~m:~ Sto~leu~:II:~' in the; ~rf v~~~~r~~n~~ ~~~s~~gin V.~l~~; Chuf('h: ?'tlrs. Walla('(' MagnUlJOn'l: Pkup . 1959 , M ~ I Ot~Ha Magnuson. Mr. and I Johnson. ,~Iart>nce Holm home Friday morn I,'.tit Doescher home Wakefield. 1 , rs. h,or Anw.'rwn .. Mrs. Kenneth R d 1] K ',1.1 k'" Li ArVId Peterson, Mr. ami Mrs. .' . I mg. .. . " I Olson and "1rli. VIrJ~II P.car~on us·j an a r~uljc. J OS.l~~.. D Magnuson and Mr. a~d,! ~ Gu('s~s Fnday aftt'rnoon In t;~(', Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Reith wt"'e,' Mary H~'lslck. pmaha. and !l~r~.1 ~Istt'd I~I till' progru'm. Th~nk!J~i\",1 Hot.1 Morrtson,' Waync! ,Old, in Magnuson and family .Clarence Tuttle home w('re M._. Sunday dinn£'r guests in th(' Char IJIm Corhlt .. ~a~n~. wore Sund3} Img dt'votlOns \H'rC ~i\'t'n by Mrs I , 1957 , " Deo IEO~ spent th£' n1,;l George ~nde~son. ~~s. Roy Joh.n~ les Soderberg home. Wakefif'ld ... afternoon \']Sltot·S mOle Tcd Cun.! K£'itit F.t'lckson and ~ll's. T~d John.1 Donald 1\. ,I Owlev .... ~VI~~.hl~: Chry in the Dick Stalling home, ~~~el~~~ ::2 v~'~dci E~~~~ ~l~~'1t' Mr. and Mrs. Tony Stock em wcr£' nCf<'on home. ! s~1O TIll' lundU'on wn~ S('rved byi Golthiir Ja«gc'~'56W·iJl~ldc·j :ClW'Y City, . i Q1Jinten ir'.... lin: Mrs. Glen Magn~: Friday supper guests in t!;c Gen-I C' h h :~ four 1;55 t" and Mrs .. Earl Dirks ~Jl.dlson. Mrs. Millie Nelson. Mrs. Carll eya Sullivan home .. ' ure. es • • • ' l'()\\1'!J'G: Kimble, 'Wayne, Ford were Friday evenmg VISI· Koch Mrs. Fred Johnson and Mrs' Oyster supper guests Fmhy In.' . I Merry Homemaker 5 Club Ray Lob(>rg Wayne 'Ford the W. E. H~n8on h0t;le. : Nor~an Anderso~. . ,the Ernest Sw~nson homt' wer(' Mr C(lncurd EV!lRgeliclIl Free C"ur~'h: l\1('rry Hom('mnkl'T!'I. (,I~b m('t: Floyd JonnloD, Pender; _W1U1' and Mrs. Dick StallJn~ andl M N 0 Ad L'I land Mrs. EmIl Swanson and Mr (A. J. C-OUtns. pastor) . iWedn('sday aflf'rnoon m the Ern·.Jc<'p SLIMS Friday evening visitors I' rs. d' M' nJe~son Sand I' and Mrs. Evert Johnson and !am .. Thursday. Nov! 22: Thanksgivingl('st S\.\'an~-o~ home, Roll (,'all WD8 ~ 1954 Deo lsorp home, : Ian an rs., 0 n wan-son,' ily. ~er\'i{'es, 7:30 p.m. I answ£'rf'<1 \\:Ith different C'tmstmasl Velmn D Dolfne WI . Bujak and Mr!l. Elray Hank andi ?mah~1 w~re hy';dnesda~ ~~r~. I Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Swanson Friday, No\,. 23: N.E. Nebraska I ideas. The club donated Sll5 to tbe . ~~I • riC' $5 tO spent Sunday 'n '"g ers t e. Iwere Sunday afttrnoon visitors in Christian Fellowship. Logan GoodIeHows in Omaha and Orvllle Raabe1. HOIkiM a(ternoo~ c~ I~ aym~n ~fen·.s ~I'ord rs i I'DANCE· TIME" CONVERTIBLE' Doescher home, Wak£'flCld. l ;;n o;e,;. v~~~ng ca n: were I the Milton Johnson home.. .J. Ce-nfer EVB Church. !I the TB fund. New officers were I ita' Mrs. Harold (;unnf'rson. r. an rs. ert A e,.~on. I Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wall w'('re Sljln. i Sunday, Nov. 25: Sunday ~chool. ~Iected as f~)lIows: Mrs. Keith Er- Donald Greenwald Wa,,,, Stud in the Mrs. Hildur Car.lson i M~. and Mrs. Jack ErWin and Iday dinner guests in the Stan swan-.lO a.m.; Morning worship. 1l; Eve'II~~son, pr.esldent; Mrs. Paul Bose, I 1"7 ~ ~ " ' . Kardell homes Fndny fnmliy w('re. Thursday oyster sup- sor. qome.. ,fling gospel hour, 7:30. vice preSIdent; Mrs. Evert John· Larry Johnaon, WaYDe, dbu . BY LOVABLE per guests LO the .Max Holdorf Mr. and Mrs. Fred H£'rrmanfh ._Wedt;lesday. Nov. 28: Prayerlson. secretary·treasurer. and Mrs. . . and Mrs: Willis .Johnson (' ~!. 1 home. .. and ~eny w~re Friday evening c-al-Ilne£'ting and Bible study, 7:30 p.m.:! Pat ~rwJn and. Mrs. Jim Nelson. ;Gr .. s I In the MI~ton Johnson hamel. Mr. an~! Mrs. F.ntz Reith J.nd1 lers In the Laverne Clarkl'1on ,hOmf' .. ~,unday School starr meeting. 8:30.l u.nshme committee. Tbe membersi c M~ .. ".:.l'. There's: beautiful figuring in this zip-front torsolette,~ suay evpmng. ,Mrs. Cecil Clark SPl'Ot Thursday Mrs. Laverne Clarkson and Tam·' ~ 1 Will serve lunCh at the Raymond I ~.J'.~ Ml. and Mrs. I\rt F('~'('y, Lyons,. In ~i~ux City. . I my spent Friday. afternoon Hl the' Concordia Lutheran Church i Erickson fa:1n salc in the ncar fu·l V~ aJtcrnalcly paneled with airy leno elastic. There's high ~Jl4 Mr. and Mrs. Merle WhitC'.! VISitors Wl'dt'sday evenmgln 'h"iJim Clarkson home, . (5. E. Peterson, pastor) Itur£'. A .Chrlstmas luncheon wtll b~1 perm. t' fashion~ 100, in lhelow, low back that plunges naughtily I ~~nurel. ~(>re .Sunday supper gu!"'st,:; Vern Carlso,n, home werl"' i\1T. and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cla."I'~on afl{l ~ TllU, rsda.y, Nov. 22: Thanksgiving: ~£'rvf'd In Del'cmb£'r. ' aDen -, tothe waist.,.yetcan't gap,ever! Lacy,foatn-contolrred : III the Jim Klrchnf'r hom£'. ,}!P·. Bob CL.lk. sons spent the weekend In the !);)t Day s£'rvlC·('s. 10 am. - . · Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Ander· Mr and Mrs. Roy Johnson spent Evert home. Frf'mont. Fn?ay, Nov. 2,3' Junior ('hoi I' Concordia Couples League I CHALLENGES cups. Light torso boning. Ask for Style 4078. $7.50 I sofn and Shelly, Mr. and Mrs, EI· ,Sunday aflrrnnon In th(' Georg!"' I Mr. and Mrs. Louie Reuter and pradH't'. 3:30 pm.,; Thanksgivin;:! Con('ordia Couples met Sunday I' THEM' f I m~r Knapp and family, Mr. and Andf'rson homl'. Mrs, Alice Steele, Allen, were I' pilowship supper sponsored by the e\'ening in the church basemenL I Mrs. Wilfred Nobbe and son!, I ~lInday dinnpr gUf'sts in th(' Mor· Sunday afternoon callers in the' ALCW. serving begms at 5:30 p.m ,Eleven mf'mb£'rs were' present. I I Mr. lind Mrs LeRoy Koch ,1n;1 ri·, Stalnak('r 110 IIH'. Norfolk, wert' I Fred Mathies home. Evening cal. Saturday. Nov. 24: Confirmation ElEction of offIcers for the com· ALL! fa'tnily and Mr. and Mrs. Don Mr. and i\lrs. K('ith Erickson and) lers were Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph class. 10 am. mg year are Mr. and Mrs. Verneal Shlerry wore Friday evening Idaughlers and ill 1". and Mrs. StaLl Swanson. ; Sund.ay, :"JOY. 25: Sunday srhool.Peterson. pr<'sident; ::'Ilr. and Mr-s. "tIe!.ts In the Bob Sherry home Iley SodC'n and famIly. Winside. Mrs. In!'r Peterson and children!!,?d BIble c.lasses, 9:45 a.m.: di· ~arl('n Johnson. vice president; .Tb.,.,.uutwHII...... If:Y..el Saturday afternoon In thel (Juests Saturday t'venmg m the were Monday afternoon caU('rs inlvme worship. 11 a.m.: Lutherl! r and Mrs Verdel-Erwln, sec __I, I Magnuson home to helplHalOld Burns home to help cele the ArVid Peterson homC' ILeagu(' 8 ~m Iretan 'Ir and Mrs Wmton Wdl eMlUJolWir.Ifuttl.:TGDJCPJrmanenlJ the hostess' bIrthday v,{'rc 113tf' Donald s birthday were Mrs Mr and Mrs iClarence Ha:-.t('de l Mondav Nov 26 Churcb Board<; lin trf'asur£'r proJrrt commIttee I &lvenla -.utY.~.t$:20·ando.r I 8pm ::~:=:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2~~~~~~~~·~W~.~'~b~n~a~nd~M~r~.~o~'e~l~e~'~p~u~'~r~m~m~a~n~d:K~ar~e~n~.~u~a~n~d_fu~~_~~~i______Witte and family. Mr and Mrs Wednecday Nov 28 Cbolr re I MrMr~d~n~~_~ and :\'Irs Pat Erv.:Jn and pro • ~~~~~~I .. ', .. I't!nMs ~OIl~4. Marvm Reuter and family and l\1r hearsal 8 pm I gram plannmg ('ommlll('(' Mr and \I UP ~ and Mrs. Jack Myers and family' --- . 'jl\lrs. Ernest Swanson. Mr. 'and Mrs:. IS I ••. were Friday supper guest., in .·thel Jerene. Peterson, Conme Schroed: H,arlcn Anderson and Mr. IIlnd !Ma. Fredrick Kraemer home. Mr. and i er. Cheri Hank. Patty Pearson .ann I\\ allace Anderso~. A ThanksglV, mg ,....."...... ,., ...... ,~: ~ ,'Mrs. Die~ Stalling and.Kim jOinedfJOYC~ Bose were guests of Linda program. was gIVen by ;!"r. and the group 1ater,' M~rtmda:le .at a slumber party! Mrs. MeM~ Magnus-ott .artd Mr. FEL" '8> E"R'"P"'H" ARM' ACY Sunday evening visitors in the 1 friday evenmg. ,and Mq. \ ('rneal Peterson. Mrs. -,. Meredith Johnson home were Mr. Mrs. GJen Paul and Neil were i Wallace Anderson sa~ a solo. and Mrs., Fritz Reith. jWednesday evening visitors in thclHosts were Mr. and Mrs, Clayton 56 Years of PrelCriptlon Sarvtee Sunday afternoon guests in the I,'«rry Martindale home ..Hnrt Vol· ~~~I~:~on and 'fro and Mrs. Vprl 216 Main St. Phone J1 Clarence Rastede home to help llrrs was a Tuesday evemng guest.I __ ... __ ,,~ ______.~_. ______,....--- _____. ____ _ celebrate Johnny's birthday· ..... ere .. Mrs. Thomas Erwin and Mrs. :-______.... ~.." .... ':. Mr. and Mrs. Quinten Erwin and: Millie N£'lson were Monday aft('r· I f .. mily, -Mr. and Mrs. Verdel Er· I' noon. c:lll('rs in the Mrs. wymor,e win and sons, Mr, and Mrs. Clar· W:dl!r. home. ence Pearson, Mrs. Henry Ras· I Blanch Harrison is' sp('nding Ihl~ . ' tede and Mr. and Mrs. Marlen" wt;<,k in the Raymond Malcom' Johnson and family. h0m(' I Tuesday dinne-r gue,<:ts in thC' .To,' ~Hr,<: Roy Pearson callf'd in ~h'" I Piper home. Norfolk. were Mr. 8!lrl ErVin Kraemer home Sunday af· ! :\1rs. Virgil Pearson. trrnoon. , Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Pearson and, My. and Mrs. Orville ~falcor.1 family, Mr. and Mrs. Har\'ey Tay··~nllth SIOUX City. were Sunday \i5' lor and Mr. and Mrs Boh Tavlor Ibr" in the Raymond Malcom SM'ORID and family were Friday C'vening h')m(' ,l:'lIests in the Joe Piper home>. ~or· Sunday dinner guests in the Os- I folk car Johnson home in honor of the I Mr. and Mn;. Harold Burns .;.nd hostess' birthdoy' w~e Mr. and PICNICS ! ~~~li~rr:·e~:s~\;~d~:~~ayh;·~s~~d~~~n ~~:: ~.rv~~ ~:~:~~on;ndM;~m~~v~ 4 to a-lb. overage I dOteh~rgia VollC'rs attemif'd the mu. :nr~. ~::.liaLa~~:~~;onBaac~t::~ i SIC ('linic at !\'0rfolk last ,.\·C't'k llnd family. Afternoon guests Center or loin I Mr. and Mrs. James ;\lat<;I'kl~ we,.e Mr. and Mrs. George M~g· and :-.lancy attended a prc-Thanks·, nus on, Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar well trimmed. 59 I gh'ing dinner at the Greek Ortha· i Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Hans cut dox Church. Omaha, Sunday. Jo nson and family. or ops a~y ~hicknib~ C Mr. and Mrs. Norman Anderson 1111. and Mrs. James Matsukis' P k Ch and Alvenia and Lillian Anderson and r\a ('v left Saturday for Oma­ were Thursday supper guests in ~~ to ce - ate V;rr,in.ia St ...... ens·j th(· John Swanson home. Omaha mrthday an the anniversary of Crisp Head Carl Vollers and :\lrs. SophiC' Myers and Winston, Pender. :orr' READ THE Buttoer-~uFtAFII PEurPEose$l ;69 and Mrs. Meredith Johnson and j LETTUCE ...... lh.1Sc family and Mr. and Mrs~~v~~~~D WANT ADS C ...... 3-lb. can California Solid Heads ORANGES .. doz. 49c Biggest Selection 'in Town Pender CABBAGE ...... lb. 5 c BUTTER ...... Ih. SSe Super'Vatu Vegetable BE SURE TO REDEEM COUPON NO.4 SHORT'ING for your ~~5 STAINLESS STEEL SILVERWARE Here's the newest, sweetest little longline strapless that you've seen I in a long time. LoVeIl'Jace~ pver All Makes and Models gleaming satin fOl!Jll contoured cups, cushioned UIfder­ We Give 100 FREE wiring for comfortable support. Altematin, pan~1s of S&H: GREEN STAMPS REMING:rON Ja:ce and stretchy,e1astic with light ~~ trims your • midriff with an touch. ! S & H Green Stamps ~.1ight Spccia11lp'fIolI~ and . • SMITI1, CORONA that low-v·low back (almost to the Wl!ist), give; you On the purchase of any Per· ._ • UNPERWOOD fed Plus or Plume Nylon an all-around ~ of eleg.. .11.' Shopping Ho,:,rs LOWEST PRI~ES AN~HERE Mon'b' Tues., We"., Here Is All You Do! 8:0, a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Return the wrapper' from WAYNE BOOK STORE and any pair of Perfect .Plus or I ~ Thurs., Fri., Sat., , Plume Nylons to Super Valu AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT t.:il before Dec. 8, 19&2, and cot­ 8:0~ a.m. to 9:00 p.m. lect 100 S&H Green Stamps. Phone 110 ~ayne. Nebr.,

!. ,', .. , j . I , .•••.. , '.1' "!" i I

:The Woyne (Nebr. I Herald, Thursday, November 22, 1962 firms protested vigorously at a sure to follow them. Han. Asmus farm, Hoskins, Monday In harvest.' --:'"-....----______:.. --- ! recent water pollution meeting in -U a commercial preparation lDii hIs com. MI'. Asmus suffered ,injuries' in a Maryland. was used' to stuff your bird, \- com. picker machine accident recently •• ~About make sure the stuffing is com· 3,opo Wayne county cars were registered tor gaB C01fboys. and Engines .by Irwin Caplan Redistricting Opinion pletcly cooked before it is­ ra~oning Friday" ,C I arc nee Llveringhouao' State Sen. Fern Hubbard Ol'1me served, bo/Jght the Wakefield trucking business tl;'om J,' Leafy Vegetables on the Menu of Lincoln will ask the attorney E.I Bergerson nnd hus tnken possession. He' will general for an opinion on whether All leafy vegetables can be Douglas and Lancaster county ,held under moist conditions at ~if:::eo~e o:e~!~~ei.n, c.~~nx~t~~r~it~ah~~eli~~lI~~ or near 32 degrees F. This is a scnators could fun at large with· tyjs newly elected county clerk, has ~et his flU'm good safeguard against loss of' out a change in the state (:on- s~lc for Dec. h. The Bards plno to move to Wayne stitution. . nutrients. Keeping 'them in cov­ . ;Ncighbors and friends hUsked about 60 acrc~ Mrs. Orme is in favor DC ('¢lun­ ered containers or film bags 10 Years Ag o~ corn last W{~dnesday for George' Post Who is tywide election of legislators in helps to prevent evaporation relcoverinq: frc.m a recent necldt'nt in a local hos. the stale's two most populous and withering. Nov. 20, 1952:/Innity Luthera hurch, Hoskins, pltal counties. There are some, how Trimming lettuce or cabbage - dedicated U1e nt;\\.' parsopage last day,,. .Rev. c\'er, who believe such a proce· heads is necessary to remove Floyd Lauer,.scn, 'p[es.i?e~t .of Luther llege, Wa· dure wou'Jd require a constitu­ damaged leaves and spoiled hoo, spoke at the d.istrlct luther Le;:tgue -ally held tional amendment. _parts but all trimming should at Concor~ia Lu~e~n chlffCn! ~on~ord. 5t Sun­ 25 Years* * Ago There are others who believe be conservative. The outer day evemng ...A.r.ec!!ptiBn. ~r. Dr. and s. G. the constitution might not pro­ leaves, if good, should be used W. Henton, WB;kefield dentis,t, will be held in Nov. 25, 1937: PEO chllpter g:ave two Thnnk~' hibit senators from being nomin­ b e c a use they generally are the Presbyteri~r. r firpmen .aHSisted by f mittee on Manpower Dev{'lop­ single servings of various dish­ urday night and Ed claimed this they collided at 4th and Logan ...Mt. and Mrs. Allen fm:>mf'n pn'vl'ntcd th(' .... prf'ading offlamelt I ment and Training. es. StudelJts in food buying was very encouraging news C.arl Sundelllobserved their sliver wedding an- which destroy(>~ Arthur Oelke's restauran~ and The five include representatives classes at the University of Ne­ from Washington. Ed figgered nlversary Sunday. Overboe Trucking Company. The Crystal Hatch. Siale Agencies to Request cry and back entranc(' of W. S. Rakow drug store of labor, managE'ment, education, braska haw' determined that as that if we kept on using a mil­ was b::\dly damagt'd ... ,r. P. Jensen, Winslde, . agriculture and government. much as $.06 may be saved on lion pounds a year fer 9 years * The appointee;; are: Fred Gor· rach serving of certain dishes and di(ln't buy n'o more, we'd 20 *Y A wa.s assisted MondaY With IllS corn picking by t don, Omaha, labor; Van Dunham, ears .go, nelgh.bors becallse of u broken arm received"When~. Budget Increases in 1963·65 In on£' instance thcy substituted git this item caught up and __ Nov, 26, 1942 A group of 35 men assisted at the hIS team ran away. f Omaha, management; Dr. Glen d.ry milk solJds and oleomarga­ could close out the storage ('osts. LlNCOLN-AlI of tht' state a· csking $46.5 million, up $6.2 mil­ Lundstrom, Grand Island, super­ fine for whole milk and butter But Sam allowed as how Ed ~{'neies have submittl'd theIr bud­ lion, and the Department of In­ intendent of srhools, education; in a cream()d pea recipe. waS mighty ignorant on how '\~l ~~me af~~r -~h-=-·fir~;:-t~--;~o~~~~~~ -~n-;e~e.mb(,~ -:1).' - +df'("ilne by 10 to 1;-:ent5 in Nov; ~. gel requests £01' the 19G3-65 bien­ stitutions is requesting $38.5 mil; Rob Rauen, Minden farmer, ago According to Ruth Ganshorn things was operated in Wash· y ar.. - 29 million less than last year. I'mlH'r .'Iln("(' g£'neral frost and 1 'Oium-and if all of them were ap­ lion, up some $4 million. Each riculture; and Sen. Fern Orme, llmversity of Nehrask.a food~ ington. Clem perdieted that Turkey prIces to growers are "The seasonal price risC' III drlt'r W('lltlH'r 10 lute October \ proved, ~t would take ,Ill increase of these two departments would Lincoln, government. and nutrition diviSion, the less them boys in the Pentagon wa;, e~pected. to be about 5 cents -wheat will be IC'!I.~ than usual .~pl'('~ll'd up Ih(' ~orn harvest," tl of SOrTH' $.12 million o'l-er 1961-63 get some $15 millton from thli! This special committee was set expf'nsivp dish was considered already busy replacing the .mil· higher thiS fflll as compared to this fall and winter unless the thp C('OnOllllst r('ports. j appropriations. genera! fund, If their budgets up to assist the Departmen! of to he as acccptable as the more lion pouliCJs they was usmg m a year ago. This year's pro· in 1 ern aHonal situatIOn wor:. ~'

The variolls dl'partments havc were appruved as submitted. Labor and the Department of Ed· expensive one. 1962. I I duction is dowll 15 pcr cent from ens," Peterson states. "Sur ... 010 YOU' KNOW II llskNI for Iwarly $:17:l million On(' of the last hudgf1tS recctv· ucation in carrying out their con­ All the f£'llf'r-; was agrrNI that the high leve.l of a year ago. pluses could become strategic that it costs less to run _ full. The total supply will be only r£'serves rather quickly. page ad than it doe, to lend. fruln all funds for the next 1\.... 0 NI WtlS frum the Stalc Nr),'m:li traded r('sponsibililJ('s WIth the in another four months the De· year ppriod. Of thIS h~tal ~om,' Board. It asked for a total of fcd('ral gov('fnment in connection fense Department was liable to Ii per cent less because of large "Market prices of corn and post card to all the r ••ders of $10:1 mJillOn would ('onw from th(' some $13 millIOn, whIch inl'lude:-: with the Manpowf'r D('v('lopm('nt come out with a piece tei!mg ('01_(~ __ ~~-=-k==-~60 mil. grain sorghum a~:~d_~~_ The Wavne Herald. _I and st<~tc's gt'IH'l"al fund, which ~t' $9.2 million from tlw gl'fwrmJ Traininj..( A('t rf'("f'ntly adopt­ how much they was paying fer ed hy Nf'hraska. Cl'lves much (Jf ll'i sUppOJ"1 flOIll fund-up 51 pt'f{'l'nt from ·the cur· them Chinese feathers. Charlie tl1<.' f)J"(IjH'rty lux rent tlrprOprlutwll Til£' ad provicif's for thp train· even perdicted tha t in a year ing of workf'r'i who hav£' hef'n 'I'll(' U"klllgs If"()lll tilt' ~:("wr known some old hoys, who Washington, I sec where, 10 Uf's. Fortunately for declarer, brasl{a State School Boards As­ Just about ran the gamut of all Weekly Bridge Tip - sociation; County Superintendents 1961. the Department of Agn· Korth refused the slam invita­ the county offices ava!lable to culture sent Soil Bank checks to tIOn Association; Nebraska Congress them. They withstood the on­ BROWNIE SUPER 27 Timely Solution of Parents and Teachers; Lay 2 colleges, 2 penitentlarics, 3 air· West's opening spade lead was slaughts of a lot of polItical cam­ Citizens Committee; Nebraska ports and 4 golf courses. 181m I North taken in South. Had declarer paigns and finally the only thing to glt my cemet('ry lot on the been abll:' to .rea·ch dummy he Rurnl School Boards Ass.()ciation; that dislodged them was the grim .10 Nebraska ('ounc]l for Better Edu­ list fer next yeaar. .,QJ752 wouln ha\'e had no problem on reapcr. TillS condition isn't Just Yours truly, 00 cation; LegIslative Steering Com endemic to the "mmor" leagues .65;12 til{' hand. Faced with the prob­ O"·ittec for Education; Teachers Uncle rJcD19 a ble loss of three club tricks of politics-fmd the same thing Bujlt-in flash oloK53 College of the Univcrsitv of Nc­ West .!~, shOUld East hold the club ace, v.hen you get up lOtO the "maj­ braska~ and the State Board of ors." 4KQ.J9Rfi2 declarer sought a safer way to Education. "10 93 make the' bid. In an attempt to Fuqny too, In looking back at place the lead with East, the cr.:mpaigns you notIce that the FREE $2_95 boys, who can "dish" it out are Co.Agent -1-t~IO H a ce of dia monds was led at trick Key Case .' East number two. When West did not not so good at taking it. Mr. .10 94 follo\1;' to tile trump lead, East, Extension N;xon has always been known unaware of South's difficulty. as a pretty rough and tough ad­ Column' 47543 by ~~~:~ ,,864 played the four spot. The king Myrtle versary in a campaign. Plays Mognetel by Mottel.. . $6_98 pretty rough politics, but he real­ oloAJ8 of diamonds was led next; then Anderson Notes Keep Selling Hogs at 220-240 $8.90 value S5 ' South the ace and king of hearts. The ly squealed like a pig under a $2_98 Tinker Toy No_ 1 $2_07 Both Fer 9S gate, when they trimmed him Pounds in N~ 30 Days, seven of diamonds was now play­ Thawing Turkey this time, didn't he? (Now before Economist Suggests "AK""A ed. as East was forced to win $2_98 Ploy Doll Set . $1.50 For many Americans Thanks­ you get all "het" up over what J It will not pay to sell hogs .AKQJ87 with the ten. East was helpless giving without turkey is like -1-7842 to do anything about defeating say about Nixon, please know at light weights even though bread without butter, Turkey is that I too am a Republican, but prices will be declinmg dUrIng See Our Complete Timex "Kei\lH'r sid~ \'ulnera bIc>; West the contract. much more readily available deals A spade return would give de­ not a case hardened one). November, a University of :\"e- HOBBYCRAFT SECTION today and preparation time for braska farm economist Bidding: darer aU the remaining tricks, As far as he was concerned. CLASSIC THIN the homemaker is cut consider­ the old Abe Martin saying "There ports. WRlsrw",rCH West allpwing him to score an over . .49c to $10_98 North East South ably with the modern market­ is nothing so becoming as a shut Everett E_ Peterson suggests trick on the bid. A heart return ing processes. with leather $6 3 spades pa~s pass 5 diamonds would let South discard three of mouth" would have been most ap­ that farIl,lers k~ep selling ho~s Sfrap 95 Frozen ~rk('T is available in Lorge Selection of Point, pass pa~s pass his clubs on dummy's hearts. plicable. Believe it was Harry at 220-240 pounds in the next 30 conSiderable quantities and in Opening lead-k\ng of spades The return of a club, other thqn Truman who once said about pol- - days. P ric e s by numbers and up diff£,rent weights suitable to the may de c I ~ n e An experience player will look the ace, wo~dd also result in tile itics, "U you can't stand the in d i \' idual homemaker's de­ foJ.' more than one solulion \v'hen loss of all remaining tricks. East heat, you better get out of the somewhat. but Fun for All! mands. For those planning to ,., faced \vith the task of bringing reluctantly played the club ace, kitchen." the sea son a I - use frozen turkey a word of low will be a­ , in a difficult contra(:t. This is after which he conceded the re­ Ne,-ertheless there was one af­ caution is needed; for proper $27.00 CONTINENTAL especially t.rue if the logical line mainder of tricks to declarer. termath . of' this· campaign to bove t hat of thawing to preserve the temper­ last year since 1 of play C,\O lead to defent. which I took violent exception South, by throwing East in ature and taste of the bird, Tronsistor West llre·empt~'d with a bid of with a trump lead, cannot be and that was the ABC pro­ the spring crop three sp'Uies in today's hand. -Do not thaw a turkey at gram carrying the comments rel­ in 1962 was 2 Electric Hair Dryer. _ . _ . . .. $8.95 up deJeated. Had a low club been h Ea:>t, not holdin~ enough values led by declarer, the defense room temperature or in warm ative to Mr. Nixon. his cam­ per cent below the 1961 crop. Rodio to carryon to four spades, pass­ would take three club tricks to water. Allow the bird to thaw in paign and career_ We must be .M 0 d era t e improvement III Dormeye ... Electric Mixer ...... _ . $22_95 ed. South, it is seen, could have defeat the contract. its original wrap'fler in the re­ hard put in the country for talent prices is expected in Decem­ 95 Schick Electric Razor. _ ...... $12.95 $17 j safely bid three no trump~, but It is noted that West's pre­ frigerator. And keep in mind when we ha,,-e to enlist the ser­ ber and J anual)', but prices in ..... lacking a club stopper he de­ erntive spade bid almost certain­ that it takes an 18r27 pound tur· "ices of men of t,he ilk of Alger the first hall of 1963 should Compact'with washoble shoving head cided to go directly to ga ei in ly places. the club ace in East's key two to thr:ee ~ays tQ thaw Hiss. That I couldn't stomach_ show considerable stability. diamonds. This might seem like hand. It is unlikely that West in the refrigeratdr_ ' Mr. Nixon may have been a "Prices of fed cattle should doubtful strategy since South would open with a bid of three -If you must thaw the bird self seeking tough opponent, who be mostly steady to a little spades if he holds seven spades , in a hurrY, place it; in its orig­ was even at times a bit unscrup­ weaker for the next 6 to 8 1:'::; i~ac~~b:i;~g~~~l::sm~f ~;~~t headed by the king and queen, __ inal wrapper, under cold run­ ulous in his battles. but at no u'eeks," Pet e r son states. the final con~r:aet might be. plus the ace of clubs. Declarer ning water. time did he ever resort to tactics "Weights of cattle on feed and S~v-Mor Drug~ In, However, by lll11ding five dia­ took advantage of the implica­ -Don't run water over an that would redound to the dis­ length be· time in feedlots indi­ fREE PICK-UP AND DELIV ERY Of ALL PRESCRIPTIONS monds, he felt he l11ight induce tions of West's ,opening bid to unwrapped bird to thaw, credit of his country or result in eate that .t:narketings in Novem· North to carryon to slam should find a logical solution to his -Once thawed, uncooked tur­ danger to her very safety. That ber and December will be only Duane A. Mines, R.P. Lillian M. Mills, Registered Pharmocim . I . North have the necessary val- . problem. key meat should not be refrozen. you cannot say of Mi. Hiss., slightly above a year ago. The _ -If the packer has furnished No truer words were ever spok­ main inerea.se ht marketings 10221 Main 4 •• ••• "' ••• '" direction.."'l the package be en than those incorpor.:lted ill the' and. Ulc.reiore. price decline J••• ~4 I

1.1 II ",/,;, ;; i, '4 1 I I I I I I GleDD ~agnuBOD and fa~IJY and ~hangp. Mr!>. VQrnon Grosvenor the mc(>ling the Logan Ce~tkr lad· Merlyn Nelson. and cbiljlren. AI- The w.ayne 'I Nebr.) Herald, Thursday, November 22, 191\2 ' Mr. and: Mr.. George ~gnuson . nd Mrs. ArmcmuS- Becker were ies served lunch. The nexd meet· len. and fam;U,. joined the gr up. Mr. ostcss(>s and .'>Cfved lunch at the ing will be Dec. 11 at theil, Dixon Mr. C I I Sioux City, 1\1rs. Koester returned Uennlngs{'n nnd Mrs. ~en lIan. and Mr•. Ted Johnson a 'familY -lose. Methodist church. I DIXON NEWS home with Mrs. Dirks to spend tien visited Elin Hnnsdn I",t M'eth~ Mrs. Sterling Borg _ Phone JU-4-2877 were Sunday evening Visitors. l- i the weekend, odlst hospital, Sioux City • ~unshine Club Meets Friday Mr. and Mrs. Clnrellce \ More Dixon-Page 4 I ------..;;.-..;;."I'"'.;...------.j Tara Hili Altu Society I Thursday afternoon 13 members Ch -h -Mr nnd I\:'fr!; Wayne Benjamin h'y Mr and Miff! Stanley Mitchell Thursday afternoon Tara Hill ~f Sunshine club met at the John I ur", eS.I •• Tina' and t}!;~id, On~aha, wen; a'nd Mr. and Mr·s. Kendall Smith altar society met at Daily Hall Thoms£'n hom(' c.uest'i weTe Mrs. Methodist Church I ~ last Slilurda~ vLSJturs JIl ttl!' .J L and family, Laurel. Christmas treats for the YOlIng· ~n Johnson. :\trs. Garfil'ld I (Mrs. C;twrlotte Dillon, pastor) Mr ...unci Mrs. SttUJJ.dpt~lClm(' Last Saturday afternoon Mr. sters of the parish were dlf;CUSS('d Johmon , 'JlH'k . '~terman S _·el Papa~, Partners Meet .JeO!, Kv()l.~ and family. LaurrL i Frank Thomas Sioux Citv was .houm.,.,. where she was a weeken~:1 were Sunclay aft(lrno(ln vlsJl()r.~ In Yo.. Friday evening Papa's Partner., ;"'lr and .i\lr~ Man'ln lIartm~n fa VIsitor In the p'aul Thoma~ 'home the Harold M of npbbi(' Kulll in lh(r Davl' 1,:1,,1 Slmday I'vpnmg Methodist The next meeting Will be a family I at the Logdn Ct"flter I· •. L B I Mafion llppolt hOIlJ(' Allen Mr. and Mrs. Tom Park and Kuhl hom(' YI!lltll j"('lIowshl[J met at the night program at 4he Schutte churdl . .'I1r~. W. E lian,;on wa.~~, ~ ." . . daughters, Sioux City, were Mr. and Mrs Cl'I"alrl ~toll(' :lnd' clllirl h parlors fol' a devotional schoolhouse Dec 7. : In charg(' of Ih(, program. B('lIe CI Cdn('sd~ ~venmhg guests Ifi t:le Inesday supper guests In the Earl DenniS. ':'-loulh ~1I!lJX .1·11y.. w('rl; i Llild ]"('(T('~dl/Jnal program. Mrs. ~. I ThIHnr .... on. SpokarH'. Wash, spok(' I;r~~:n~~(' b~st:;s' ~il~t~'d:o ~~~(: Ppterson I1ome. W~cs(hy !'v('nlllg VI ... ltlJ)":-' 1t1 till" i>lI"k (·tnmlwrs playpo a record· Dally Doers Club Meets IIJrldlY of 1]1'1' work among lhe 1\1 I' h Y d Monday Mrs. Norman Lubber. Eri~.;t' I~n/II'II hOIllI'.· )tlg of 1;](' f)1~OIl Church history Tue~day afternoon Daily Dors Indla;ls If! SOllth Dakota and 1\lon· ~lr. an~ 1\~'lrs'Lrr~d ,R o~e and stedtand Mrs. Soren Hansen viSit·' Mrs. Marlr.. n Kra('llll'r IJIld dlilr! that had h('en prepared by MIl! Extenston club memht.'rs met at., lana. 1\l!'JllI){'l".~ Wl'l"e rPlllmdt'd ~() dr. ~nl rs. oy Crom Ie an ed Elin Hansen at the Sioux City 'I ren wen' TU{'c.duy Vlsltor~ Jfl thl' Women· .... Soeiety of Christian S'er.. Daily Hall. i hring gifts to the Decemher mC'pt· a~g ters. . Methodist hospital. Alwin Andt'rson horYH'. VI("(' '1'11(' n('xt meeting will be Mrs! Carle Addison gave thelilng which will t)(' ~{'nt to Violet. Sunday dmnpr and lunch guests Mrs. Lowell Thompson, Danny Wednp~rlay m()rnlfl~ Mrs (;11'11 !)('c U lesson: on care of carpets. Mrs. Wh:-..·tr fill' dl"tnhutH1n to under· lfl lh~ Earl Mason home wen' and Brenda, were Thursday after I Macklem ("aJlI'd III 1111' Lynn KllhJ __ Giles 'Wilbur and Mrs. Jack Da}' privll!'gl'd chlldrf'll. 'thos{' pre!">ent 1\'£11' Carlson and Duane Prescott. noon guests in the J. L. Saundcr~ Griess Rexall Store home. I WSCS Attends Guest DaV were ~uests. Plans were made fOl: Vv('TP al.~() urgt'd to save theIr ('of., Sunday visitors in tbe ~larence hom~. . Wayne, Nebraska Monday I'v('ning Mr. n~d Mrc;,: Thursday afternoon a group of the D~c. 18 meeting which will he ~ fpc stnps and la1wls and usedl Nolson home were Mrs. Milo John· Fflda~. evening M:s. :=M~Y~rion~'1~===~~~~===iiiijiii~==t:: Dick Chamh('r." W('i"(' VJ~lt()r\ III I Wornl'n'S Society of Christian Ser. a Christmas program and gift ex· I C~nstm~~r.. (~" ... ~t thf' closr of I son, Monte and Bobby and Mrs. Dirks VISited Mrs. EIfIC Kocster. tho ~:t;~I~~a::~;t~ I~;;;~~ w" ad· i vi" p~~~~"bn~r~,t "t~~n~~~n ach~~~~t L . I d· Ius G Id Bond Stamps at '*11= i'¥W ~~tt~~s:~t:~e i~~~;d::ty Method· w<"kr,':":~~~'n~I;~cl~;~~~ r;:;':~ki:~~ _P.' , OW, OW every ay prices po... ~ .. __ .. ~ Mr lind J\Ir ..... Cla.\IOIl Stlllgit'Y I\Jr.~. Louis Ahts and Cheryl, Mrs. fS,~ ~Cl) and family w('n' Sunduv afkrnoon WllHam Eckf'rt. Mn. Dick Cham· ) ~ gu('sb lfl 11l{' J-:lwf)o;l ,'('arson Mrs. M('rlm Chambers, Mrs . . hom!'. I'r(',>r:ott alld Rochelle, Mrs. ~,.. MEAT LOAF RECIPE ••• Mr and !\lr~. Larr.> "i.llhlll'i",-t('ril .r'\'()(, and 1\1rs. Le .... lie Noe // and f,llllil) WI'I"/' ('\'('Illn~' l·lb.Ground IMf , ... 'Ij-lb.GreundPMk 1Jlcup ...... vi.~ltor... ]l) tll(' 1'/'11']" .... I Garden Club Elects I' .: . - J eggs, sOghtly IMmft 2,",,..,.,,.. hOllle ! \\'('Id]{'~dav aft('rnoon Garden 2fa PIP Hh bnad avmbs 'Iz IItCISpOOIISIIfII Mrs. Jay Mattes and Mrs. '{'jill! n1l'1 ·at til!' {;('ol"ge Monk ingredients and pack lightly ~to meat Leonard BI1:~clke left Saturday : hOIIl( Elglil ml'rnlwrs attended. .Combine all loaf pan. Bake in moderate oven (350G lY) for 1 for a few days visit in the Gil· .1\1 rs J);/ \'(' Kuhl won .the door hour. Serve with tomato sauce, mUlhroom aauce or bert Mattes home, Rocky Ford, r PI"lI/' Offll'prs l'leLled for the white sauce with vegetables added. Serves 4-6. Colo. ('(Illllllg wer(' pre5ldent. Mrs. l\1r and Mrs' TI'd .J(jhll~()n ,1I1d J);ll~:. VI('l'.pres ~d en t. family Sllnda.\ :ill{'rllO()n, [\Jr~ .'11 I' Kavanaugh and sccre callers in th(' Swan !'l'al .... On nnd [an tr!'O!:-.t.'lrl'r. Mrs. Frank Toma. S. Erick ,Johnson hOIlI(·.... \\'akl' ~(JI; '1'11(' n('x( rn('('ting wil~ be flPld [ll'(' I:! Mr. and 1\1rs. Arthur WJIlt·{ ,jfH! .Safeway's family. Stttnt(Jn. \\'('1"(' :"lInd,ty af Altar Society Elects t('rnnon IJnd Sllppl'J" ~:lIl'~t'l in thl' Thllrsday ('\'l'nlllg SI. Annp's Al Juicy ••• G(,OI"W' Wmtl hOHl(' tar Soci(,\y !l)t't at th(' Nl!ai Boc,~· famous 1\11"." (icon:I' Ha"I1I!lS~('1I WitS ;1 har1 IlIl!n~ 1\11'''. Lloyd I1eidy and TlII'Sdre assist WIIIlH'r f[erf('1 hOIlIl'. lH1I h():-,t('s~('s The society elected .. '(".. ',: quality FRESH Mr. and Mrs Al Huh('( \, WI'!'\' offlt'PI'S 101' tll(' coming year. They ~%,:.~ S,undu.\ :Iftcrrwon \'I"'I~I!I'" III till", ,11"(' ~Jr.~ (;erl'll' Kavanaugh, pres (,('rl'l(' h.:I>'III;IU~lT 1101111' IllI-l11 ..\11'''' Frallk Tomason, vicp Fnda,v ['\1'!1I11t..: ~III' ,I~ In 11)(' pn'~jd('llt. ,l\lr\ Lynn Kuhl, sec· Paul Bon: 11('llll' IIIT(' ~II ,md 11"f'1;lr~ .md LIIJ 1\I111s. treasurer. TOMATOES Mr!>. Crus ... OIlld :'Ill". and iV\I""'1 TIll' rl1'.'l.t Illc{'ting will be Dec. 6. Ground Beef Ah'ln (':11'01 ,uHJ HOg('!".\ __ W,lYI1l' Birthday Gathering 1\11" anI! ~lr:-. \\0111('1' ;.;(·hlltt., Wpdnl'sdaY afternoon guests in HoIdsyolumewellwhile cooking ·c· Wl'rl' Frida:. \ 1:-.ltOI" .... III til(' T (' I tlH' Clarence McCaw home to n 39· lll",enna I:OllW, Nl'~{'a"tl{'. I grc'f't the ho~tess on her birthday C Sunday (\]11111'1' gul's\-' In till' Ha:. WITt' 1\lrs. Clayton Stingley and S~ahl" hOll.W Wt'H' I\lr. and 1\lr.... Bandy, Mh, Lloyd Wendell, Grcg Vmc('n1 \\Jldlwlm . .IIJll ,md J\lar~ and Kuthy. Mrs, Sadie Briney, Lb. 21bs.35 Lou. MJ'S (;en'le Kavanau\lh, Mrs. Sunday afternoon Mrs. Allen .John Thomscn. Mr~. F'red Mattes. o.oose,.-f A E. Stmgley. The guests Meaty Spareribs~":'d~~~ Lb_ 39c MaXine Gadson and Glen!1 Hub- brought a ('oopC'ratlvc ~unch Delicious Apples bard at the Bethany Lutheran -~- Grapefruit Church, Hubbard, Observes ,Sunday Birthday Chopped Beef ~~~~,r;;:io~t .. t~: 29c or D'AN.lOU PEARS Sunday ftmncr guests in the Os· ("Ir .Johnson h0111e to obs('rve the !](Islcss' birthday were Mr and Piece,Lb.3ge.~ 1\11"" Bud Hanson and family, Mr. Chunk Bologna 49c c :~79c and. M,rs. Lawrence- Backstrom 31bs.49 and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Pett'ISOn and Mrs. OtE'Iia Magnu· In the afternoon Mr. and (Your Choice) :\lrs lIans Johnson and family, i\'lr. boIher-bake golden brown'n Huffy. Q. My daUlChrftr-in-'aw re/uses A. Since 1955, thousands of '0 br"'(ls'-/"',..Il her ballY bl'("'(lU!le women have taken "pregnancy "nf) onl1 f'lsp. dfJ~~." ,~ .his aui .. pills" without evident harm. A Tall Brownie Mix;;:"'~ ______~ 37e hHl,. gdin'inl! in popularir,.? statement credited to one of the - M-Ik 8 $1 00 Cans A. Probably not. The vast majority original investigators of such Carna t Ion I ...... Yeg.A1LYegetables. ____ .Z ~ 39c of doctors favor breast-feeding preparations implied that the in· Eoaporau:d-zIcal £or£onnulas and in p- .rill raU!8 canool' of .he Hlomb. profes~ional competeDty and Delergeat \ Sweet I """'" ~ Beaut; Par(9r Toy l'lhiti.lruO: price Calmess. Detergenl I I I ...... __amstmzs presout •• 1Eadl ~ \ I 2=29c _1. =39c ~~c~ ~59c ! -SO GOLD BOD stamps ! '-.. -~d -. I IPTION SERVICE I 1. p.... I-Ib_ PIes- s;"eway IIraBcI Potlllered Downy Fabric I Ox"'ol I PremillB Daz = Softener ! DefergeD.1 ! Detergenl BRICI[ CHILI SlticUpa SAFEWAY FELBER PHARMACY I j Offer good ihru No,""""", 2' I I S,' ~""~" 216 Mcin Pf'one]1 ~DI ~49c ~35G ~59c

, 1 L

, , I , . 1,1 I 1/ ...... '" ...... n .. J' , .\

4 The Wayne (Nebr.1 Herold, Thursday, November 22, J962·1 vlsitor~ in the C. V. Agler borne, spendin~ lb. week in the Vincen.t and family were Wedne ay eve· sioux City. In t~e afternoon Mr. In ui. E .... e.t KnooU hom.. AU .... wer. 1 M.onda¥ ~-.. ~uc.t". ;:;==;:======:r;:;:::;--:;::;~:;:-~;:::;: Wakefield. Ktvanaugh bome. DIng vi.itor. in the Ja Matt.. and Mts. Frode ~.".en and Har· Mn, Clarence Nelson was a in tbo Don~d Peters home ..Later : ' HWESt L1oy,.1 Wendell home 'Thursdayl waK.enanYWednBUersdeb.~~~V.bwln·a.tevr~l.'!toryr· Mr. and Mra. Charle, l'Otttt'. hom.! :t..)d Jobansen !o!neatbe \l1'~uP,. I Thursday a!tern_ \lisitor in the In' the ·eve I. Mr; o.d Mr •. ~;d HORT Mrs A E f ~ • •• Sioux City; were~ push bumper Friday evening Mr.' 'find Mrs. Sun Distrjbutor Testljr, less than 3 years old Generator tester SiO,~.4 h.p. bench grinder on stand Pipe' f1anger Lloyd Roeber and sond- were among Sun Com6tession Te$ter, Model 4B Fuel pump tester 2 , ep ladders Valve gapper the guests in the tBud Utemark New set Ammco ridge reamers homc to help Butch and Jeff c('le­ 2-6-12 ~olt timi"g :'ights 4 bench vises Bra e' iveter and grinder brate their birthdays. Sioux Y2 h,p. bench ilgrinder Air hammer with stand 2 bp ry water dispensers Ammco cylinder hone The Delmar Schwartens were Portable air tank Severa oil dispensers, all sizes Binks rir regulator Friday evening visitors In the Ar­ Doyle vaCuum clean!,r chie,Larsen home, Pender, Lincoln Drainmobile, Air hoses T~~r~p~tat tester Severa car and pick-up chains Ray Hingst, Emerson, was a Sun· Lincoln lubster withllpumps and lines Sioux Valve grinding machine, 1 year old Tor, I~on man Seyeral shop brooms day supper gu{'st in the Herman Several sets of mechanics fender. covers 2 steel work benches Sioux Valve seat grinder' 2 ~etpl rag containers Bose home. Tore hot pate her Sunday evening Mr. and Mr~, 4 wood work benche~ 20-tan hydraulic jack 2 ,eT;1 stands Joe Erickson and ...rwaine, Mr. and Set of-n~mber and letter stamps Walker 4-ton floor jack Bo'l c .rb~ret.or tools Several drain pans Mrs. Marvin Bor~.e and sons, Mrs. Dake Model 102 drill IIress 10 fire e"tinguisher~, all sizes 3 Walker mechanicc!l floor jacks ~-vplt Call tester ~ola~~~:;d ~~!m Mi1sr:na~ny ~~~;~~~ Voltage tester B&G 1 Y2-ton floor jack Ma!ny, shop manuals Wagner brake bleeder presented by thc ~tission Covenant Assorted' grea'se fitti'ngs 3-ton hyroulic jock 2 Rortoble heat lamps 2 engine overall standi church choir in' the Covenant Kol Tachometer Budgit 1-ton chain hoist Por,to~le Groyco chas'is lubster New A.C. radiator cap tester church, OaRland. 2 furnbce blowers Wayne 40-ft.hose reel 1 Y2-tan chain hoist 2 ~ioux electric polishers ·1 Read end stand 2-2Y2-ton cor lind truck air jacks, Sio~"; heavy duty electric grinder Dake press l portamatic EleFttic tire buffer Several funnels Dixon 3T heod.liqht ai"'e., Several sets cor stands (Continued frtm page 3) Electric ports woshclr, Model K530 Budgit gantry" A" frame SU!l volt-amp, tester, Model 20 less than 2 Door stand ' years old Sledge hammer 4 barrel pumps Hunter wheel balancer Mrs. Earl --: ~ke:r1t and daught('rs 2 gas milea'ge testers Pickup hand operated boom Sun battery-starter tester Model 10 less we-zre Sunday dinner guests in the Generator and starter lathe 36-ln. bolt cutter th n 2 years old McShane brake drum lathe :Mrs. Agnes Leonllrd home. Wakc­ 24-in. pipe wrench Marque e 6-12 Model AC-323 battery 6-12 volt leakage tester field, to observe t~e hostess' birth- Generotbr test box 2 boxes Ammco brake cylinder reamers day. I' 5 micrometers ,char Hydraulic transmission jack step-draulic 6-volt portable battery charger Last Saturday, supper guests Prestolite acetylene torch Set booster cables Marquett~ el 64 180-amp. electric in the Myron Oitks home were Electric solderin", iran Mr. and Mrs., Frank Koester, Set of thread cutters Set valve guide reamers , ! welder Two wheel cart' 2 Rqrta Powers, complete with attachments Acetylene welding outfit, complete sr., Sioux CitYi, Mrs. Mary Several sets of bits and nole sow drills 5 ",echanic creepers Heinz, Coleridge,! and Mrs. Wal· Grease' ~ispenser Several tire wrenches Fr~nt end frame straightener ter Bieg, DenYer!. Tools and other article! Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ankeqy Tire spreader 2 steel benches 2 BI/nder caster-chamber gauges Metal welding stand Lyons carburetor bench Benller front end machine 30 STEEL PARTS BINS ~e~~e ~~~~~y D:g~~'F~~onm('~iS~X~ Automatic transmission tools 2 Lvons steel cabinets ~ To,.r-ri gauge bard. 2 th'ree door wallloc:kers 4 Dinks paint guns PARTS & ACCESSORIES Mr. and Mrs. 11arpld Hucti~ and Meyer 6-12 volt battery charger, I family wpre Sunday evening visit­ Model 250 MT "I:. ors in the Earl,"vers home, ~

I "I I I