( -- • Off·· I! Wayne Man Iniured
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12 two ---~- ------~~-~~~---------+------ EIGHTY-EIc'HTH YEAR .... ,.",,) '(,,~~ I',,~( '~r ,·,,1,1 ~, 1'"~I"ffl,·,,. ---- lI~l"r', '·,,~1"1t~ 1'""r,.,,"·rd KA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1962 '"",~b"" ..... Tb .....;;:-M~... ---~-- Weda ...cI." 'u 110 ~~._ ".~~~~~~_ _ . NUMBER 'IH:IRT~ Jaeger Youth Hurt 1t.nity lutheran School ., ... 'Secial Ceremony Opehed-· ,.• I • .J" H I~· S d i In Hunting Mishap De d ICOlteu en OSKiIOS un av ,,,,',i";;,': ;'::,~::;r J"~""'~:'''';:~';~:;'' Ne Wayne Disposal Plant lJ '.,,~ ill"fJ11;dJl!'d v,nth a ~~!lnshot I!O~klrl~ Tr 11111,1 1',1 ;,ng"lleal • ,,11111'1 II iiii<' hunlJrJ;": WJlh the: O\"{'r 50 pl'opll' ~~all){'t'(ill for ;L I,utll('ran ('hIJr('h Sllllli:,\' llh~I'1 \{'d BOil H hi· ~I l'l!lilil'l 11;lk, ~lll1da\ U Spl't'lal 1I('ril(';lill)11 (II Itlf' I ug es nlurea They were near' the famly I I Special Programs 1pI'" Cl'n'tl\ony dUHH'1" prior 10 IIH' illffu·ral 0ppT1lng of lill' IlIlw a(jrlltl()n t() 11-1 .~('h()()1 I,ulld farm home when Jaeger saw a Sl'\\"a~:" y 'dl!-oposal plant IlPl"I' TU('!Hlay. Bllild Ttli' 1*lor of <I ('hl'lsll; n In Two .. Car Accident pheaslInt, He picked up the gun School In 1114' lI(l.~lun, and it accidentally discharged, i onned Christmas "'r" nnd SlJPplil"f.~ hosh'd. tl1(' I)I"I·.~ PI , ,'n\ ilnd for Ill"'· c-OlTllnll1wn and tion goP" hack tl) 11](' lJtl\~' Jt~ Hili IJllldw,>::1 0)11 ,d \11 ;1f1r1 'njuring him iust above the i 1Il<l;.·()r-.; of \ViI;.·nl'. alo!lH witl! !I)i' founding .'>IJllli' \f':lI"" :.rgo :\11' W;II].II (. 11(1~')I!"' \\,1,11' knee. D t· St ecora Ing arts hOilnl (If dlrl,ctor!"o of till' ('hut111wl" Shortly after th(l' first church 11)(" !lll"·( U/ (,ii'· ';111/1 11<<1[11'11 II. \,.,. 1:lluli til;( .... 1!)llX (·Ity uf COllllnt'rn' and otlit'r llll!-olfw ,~. was built a !>mall !.chool house ("01III~lfln III Ta, 'Jill;' \\.J .. I, ;'.11 I {"III1;,1 \\11(".1'· ),~. 1I!lIi('J"w"nl ~ur ~t·hool mll~I(·ICln'> was erected which r.erved the lIrila) V..lll! h 1<-/1 {,II'" rlf <ld ,,1111 \\111 Iwlp Iii,· Iklall ('utnrnlti,·p Following the dinner the group congregation until 1924, At that 1\\fJ (Jlllf")~ (·rllH <llh 11I111r<·d ';;:';I('~I(',Jrl ~:'::I""""lf(.~h~~ill a~;lld('~~~ I (Ip'·n IJw ('hnqma~ ~t'a~()n for Iht, went to the dispos..al plont ,ito time the old building wa!> !>old .,tlrJlII,'r ('!WI all(jll 1;11(·r Ii) piau' il area \\ lIb Cl ~11f'("lal p[l)t:ralll n"\1 where a crowd had gatht'red ror and a new school WiI!) built, I" I rJi;oI,· III IIi!" liT ThlJr~Ja\ rngbl tho ribbon cutting, Prose t May. In tlu' fall or 1!1!",lj ,I l'iI"('Jll('nt I Till' p;()J.!raril \\,11 IWJ.!II\ al 'I p rn or B, J. Brandl>tottor and mmod. nddill()[J \\,I~ lullli'li hi till' f<lll of on .\laln ..,111',·1 1)1'1\\(·'·n ~,'("ofld .111'] iate pad MayOT Alfred, Koplin 1950 a ,,('(·01111 ThIrd ,..,111','!.' cut the ribbon officially ~penil1g to tlw ja(ulh Wayne merchant-s wilt open the plant. lr~ A!J~'.IJ~t ilj Ilrh \{·dl their ~torel> at the sarno time, ()pl'n huus,' was t hell Iwld al t Ii" sllp('r.~lrudlll·!~ \\ ,I, remaining open until 9 p.m. ~o rlt~l ;ludllor\um when' sl1ppill'r', all of 111(' wI)rk \\,1', resident!> can begin their fir,t and hlllldl'r~ .... I'rl' on -htlll<f \\\111 evening !>hopping of tho Chrl~t· dl,>plil\~ and d;I\:1 to l'l\piain Ih(' mas s.oas.on. 'Ij)/"rullnn of tlH' plant. T1H' mayors. ("{Junclll m~mbt'r~ I )\11I'[ groups \\ III fllrnt~h IIlU and hoards of trUsl£'cs:' {rum all ~II' on ~I)(", I·'>~l\ I' "pI'n illglih k<ld ~lIrro\lndlng towns wert' I invilt'd. Ing lip 10 rhn!-otma<; making up a Sizable part of Ih .. l"n'I' ~h(]ws are sl"iH'duh·d for onlook!'r!!, Ih(' aft('rno()n~ of lJI'~ 1-1, 15 and 22 • , Special Membership Meeting Set for Vets A 'Iw£"ial nH'l'tlO1-: or tho \\';I} [l{' LI'~lnn Post ha~ be(>n scht'(hl~t'd for \londay at .. P Tn ttl the Vl't"r· an· ... ('Iuh Room:-. lh-partllll'nl, Jrp<l and distl"ll"1 (j(fl("!·r~ WIll h(' rln hand Itll nS:-'I~t G('orgl' \'U~~. Wltl~ldt', Wi!'> n' \\·llh p-bns for thp 19li..1 IlWUlll1'r ("cntly ('I('clt'd cotlllll1ttlli(',t" (II tl)( .. hIp pr'lgram TIl1'Y will also 1111\',· Wayne ("ounly Am('rH·iJll J.('/.~I<I)[ or npw mformatlon ro'gllrding vl'\I'r ganlzulHl1l /{onald· ;"'Ldil, I ·,lll·nll an IJI'nl'fIL.. , was nallH'd \'\("{' (·onllnallrli'r Mrs. Levi Roberh, Carroll. wu • elected county 8uxiliMY pre!>i dent and Mrii, George Vo!>!>, Win· side, secretary. i{('tinng ofrl{·"r:o, 11)"1· Thl' Wayne Boy's Choir, compo:. enberg, Wlnsl,k, was named co-captain of the l'd of 29 boys agps 8 to 13 year". {'J" and !\1 r~ /tlll h team. along with quarterback .... Jil 1)(' featured aL the Hope Lu l-ildt', c()lInty prt'SJdl'111 Don Meyer. tiH'ran Churl'h '·famlly hour'· J/l Omaha Sunday . • Thr· Wu}Cl" dl'/"Ihl Ihl' Yl'ar Itl'\!. H.. F ,Jpnkms. pal-il<Jr (If till" Airman Heaton Assigned IIITlIl,'d 11\ I' ("on[,'ro·n("(· IJPPUIll'nb Hup(' ehun-h, J<; lilt' fnUter of i!.aa{" \" a l{Jta] of :14 plJtnb ,.Jl·nkllls. the chOir director. A1I'I1l,W Thl! d ('Ia.~!-. Hlc.;h.uu j) 1I(,I1[on. ~Ol) of Mr llhd Mr .... lJu 0' \\an{' Ih"llon. Allen. I~ IWlng a ... Signed to Sch!l!tng AFC, Knn. training and. duly as a painter A l:iI('llt .,,!r(lW all1l ,I danl·,' III 11](' performed miracles. Apparently I'\r'nll\).! wlil round IJut tl1(" Flin the points for a busine!>s score were mea!>ured by the distance • in feet thrown, And 115 the final Corlson Performs in buner blared, the score read 32·32. N.Y.C. Concert Debut Thl' f.t!l~ \\;lrlal1 Cdrl<;(ln ~IlTl (If I'ro/<', ""r "nil 'Jr~ .\ih{'rl (; (-;Irlson. \\ a~ n,· \\ II ~ litl' Ea~llllun 11,1 1[1 III(' '\-,.\\ York ('11\ {"olll','r! ,1.-11\11 11\ (~d r1\(· i..!1'> II a II I a,,1 \\ ('('k ,I .. Ifl1\,('rl III flor \,11',11, llll'k !l,lill·d !Of '\i..!'lln Iii" ~~\Jr('huard II," ,JIll" In '·1 III II '\d~"ll IIII( hd('lkl dll..:n,llli wtlh ,~II("h 1I1.1l"I\<. I' ,\ ~!)(·\·I:II C!ul·~h ~("!Hln ~h(ll h~ llt.'<ln • ()\\ (·n \\ a ~ \\ or\ h ..1 j,-:I~t I'q.:111 Bll~lll\''''" I;H·lIi(~ Irl'(· Ihl"ll\\.~ "dI"lH'd tl1[(']' A BUSY DAY, but a profitable one was re cor?cd by the ,~ospital Auxiliary Saturday at TRUCKS COLLIDE. theIr annua' bazaar. Abo'le, port of the crowd 15 shown ot tl-re lummage sale Under the directIon -- • Off·· I! Wayne Man Iniured ( ommunlst ICIO lAs Trucks Collide , I>arold ()Itjenbruns. 23, \Ya\flP . Tto ectu re Here Wde nes doy i' ,uffmd fracture, of both l"gs :""d • multlple ('uts and brul~es 10 a ,',\·0· .\ f'lrll1lT offiCIal 'If til(" Com - ,tn.rl"k aClIdent about a mile nurth i Hervale Sale Sends 3 ~:J'~,~~"\t>/~~~~\ W~rl~~~ci~\dlpn~l~'::m of \\' <l,\ ne Friday afternoon. He was taken to the v..:ayne ho~. ITItJnlq Inftltratlon Int(1 ("(lucalwn pHal and then transferred to a Cattle to Seven States II thl' Wayn(' ell: 3udllnnum (SIOUX CIty hospital. 8u\"(>rs from sen'n states paId an Starting at 8 p,m., Dr. Bella a\ er~gl' of SSOO for 85 head of cat Dodd. former party organizer I The other truck 'was drj" ... ~n by \1(' at Hen·alp Farm'~ fal1 sa1e of for the Communists, wlll give ! Florenz :'\clmann. 64, Winside Rf'gl~teJ"ed Poiled Herfords last. her views. and past experiences The shenff·" report said O!tj(·n· Thur~day. with Communism and education, I brUDS was traveling south and Top bull went to Oklahoma for n dd ct (' g i ~~if.'mann north. Niemann attempt· S1975; while the 2nd t-op bull '\;: Yor(~ ~tto~~;~ ~3U~~~ ~Oll~l': ; cd to make a left turn and thf' brought $1525 ·from Wisconsin. cal ~Clefl('e al Ilun·d.'r Co1L(>~e ~ \'ehldes collided on the west side The top heifer also went to Vw is· frilm 19Z5 to 1938 ~l'r\"lng a legiS' i of tbe road, consin at 5750, ~ ];I!I\{' rcprcsenta!l\c for the, Blgges! huyf'r \',a~ the :lerllng :\l11errcln FcderatlOn r>f TeachC'rs' • Polled Herford farm a~ l u:,hmg. and :\('w York Stall" FcderatlOn of ,\VIS. Thc Badger ran<!l purchased I tt'achers, I Hand Milking (rown to 13 hf'ad , Silt' Jotnl'd the Communl"t party I In additIOn to Oklahoma and WIS-· In 1932 and was an annC' member I Former Hoskins Man consi~, cattlC' went to ~Im~('~ota··untll 1948 She s.er.ecl a.".leglS!a. MIchigan. South Dakota, 10\\3, and.