St Matthias & St George Parish Church. A member of “Christ the King” team ministry. Week commencing 6th December 2020, 2nd Sunday in Advent John proclaimed, "The one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to stoop down and untie the thong of his sandals. I have baptized you with water; but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit." Mark 1 v7-8 Fr Glenn Reading – Team Vicar We pray for those who are sick: Philippa, Rosie, Alex, Tel 01527 894436 or 07964 282278 Jean, Margaret Emms, Marion, Alexei, Dora, Margaret Curate: Mthr. Victoria Barlow email Savage, Nesta, Hazel, Heather, Carol, Carla, Carole, Tim,
[email protected] Jon & Naomi, Pastor Robin Baker, Colin, Steven, Mel Beynon, Lay Reader, on placement as a student Margaret Andrew. from Queen’s College, Birmingham until Christmas. Toys for the children of prisoners: Due to Covid19 We’re back, again! Today 6th December concerns, there will be no collection of toys for local we’re back in church- together - for our children of prisoners. HOWEVER an alternative service at 4pm. Please come if you can to system has been set up to ensure that such children share in the resumption of our communal can receive presents. Members of the Worcester worship. Please let Fr Glenn know on 0796 Diocese Mothers Union organising the project, are 4282 278 if you plan to attend the service as collecting donations with which they will buy this will greatly help in the organisation of vouchers for children to exchange for books in chairs for worship in line with the current shops.