DIRECTORY.] WORCESTERSHIRE. FECKENHAM. 973 FECKENHAM, with the Hamlets of ASTWOOD BANK, HUNT END, and CALLOW BILL. FECKENHAM is a parish and polling-place for the Eastern arable, and the rest wood and pasture; rateable value, division of the county, 8 miles south-east from Bromsgrove, £15,093; the population in 1871 was 3,850. 7~ east-by-south from Droitwich, I) south-west from Red- Parish Clerk, ltlartin Greenhill. ditch railway station, and 14: north-east from Worcester, in The parish comprises Feckenham, Astwood Bank, part the Upper division of Halfshire hundred, Alcester union, of Crab's Cross, which is given under a separate heading, a Redditch county court district, Pershore rural deanery, and part of Headless Cross, and the hamlets of Hunt End and archdeaconry and diocese of Worcester. The church of St. Callow Hill• .John the Baptist is an old stone building, originally Gothic,. .. but has been much altered· it consists of chancel nave Callow HIll, Ham Green, and Silhns form a north aisle with gallery, and· south porch: the low ~quar~ dis!rict. o~ s~ttered ~ou~es in Feckenham. parish, from tower, containing clock and 8 bells, is part of the original which It IS distant 22 mIles north. There IS a Wesleyan building: there are several monuments: there is a hand- chapel at Ham Green. ilome stained window ill the chancel to the memo:~ of Hunt End is a village in the parish of Feckenham, George Webb, esq., ofAstwood Court, and one, beautllully from which it is 2! miles north-east, and about 2 south from .executed, at the west end of th~ nave, to the memory of Redditch. Needles and sewing machine needles are ex­ Mrs. Luey Haywood. The register dates from the year tensively manufactured here 1538. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £380, with • !'esidence, in the gift of trustees, and held by the Rev. Astwood Bank is a large and pleasant village and Zebulon 'Vri~ht Hinton, B.A., of Trinity Colle~p., Dublin. hamlet, in the parIsh of Feckenham, 2 miles north-east There is a Free Grammar school, endowed by Sir Thomas from Feckenham, 3 south from Redditch, and 4l north­ Cook with £56 13s.4d. yearly: the recipients, to the num- west from Alcester. The liews towards the east from this ber of 12, are now taught in the National school. The place are much admired; the continual recurrence of hill, National schools, for boys, girls, and infants, were erected at dale, and meadow combines to delight the eye of the a cost of £1,800, and opened ill 1859; H. Day, of Worces- beholder. There is a well-attended commercial boys' school ter, wall the architect. A School Board was formed here in in the villal'!:e, and a ladies' school. The Baptists have a November, 1874, composed of 5 members: a Board school, to handsome place of worship here, and the Wesleyans also IJOld,1lbont 250 children, will shortly be erected at Astwood have a chapel. There are several needle manufactories, Ban14 The Bapti"ts have a place of worship here, al30 the and the manufacture of sewing machine needles is carried 'IEtt4Ddists. Here are the following charities :-John on to a large extent. Studley and Astwood Bank (one Hohl1aa, former rector, left the interest of £10; Henry station) is the nearest railway station, 4 miles east from HUlIhes, 52s. yearly; Waiter Smith, the interest of £50; Feckenham, and 1~ from A"twood Bdnk and Studley• .tiir John Hanbul'y, knt., 58. weekly, for bread; .John Wig-gett, 20". ~'early; Mrs. Rudge, the interest of £30; Robert Hunt. esq., the interest of £]00, to the poor; POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, OJri3topher Hunt, esq., the interest of £100, to the poor; Savings Bank & Govl'rnment Annuity & Insurance Ottice, bamuel Watt!", the interest of £30 yearly; Mr. Butler, the Feckenham.-Miss Mary Hall, sub-postmistress. London interest of £',W yearly. The chief trade of :Feckenham & other letters received throu~h Redditch, & are delivered eonsists of the manufacture of pins, needles and fish-hooks, about 7 a.m. daily; dispatched at 5.55 p.m.; sundays, which has been carried on here very successfully for a con- 10.35 a.m 'Siderable period, Rffordin~ employment to some hundreds of WALL LETTER Box at Callow Hill, cleared at 6 p.m. 011 persons: the principal factories are those of l\'1essrs. John week days only En~li!lh and Co. and W. W. Gould & Sons. 'l'he wake is POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE &; on the first Sllnuayafter St.John the Baptist. Feckenham Savings Bank, Astwood Bank.-Edwin Perkin8, 8ub- is remarkahle as the birthplace of John de Feckenham, an postmaster. Letters through Redditch, arrive at 5.15 ~minent Roman Catholic divine, and last Abbot of West- a.m.; dispatched at 7.30 p.m minster. Dunstall Court. the seat of WiHiam Foster, esq., INSURANCE AGENTS:- is a modern erection of red brick with stone dressings, in the Imperial Fire, A. Ladlmry, Ham Green Elizabethan style; it commands some capital views, and is Royal, J. \V. Leacroft pleasantly situate a little north-east of the church, which Scottish Fi.re, E. Perkins, Astwood Bank furms a pleasing object from the mansion. The Earl of SCHOOLS:- Coventry is lord of the manor. The principal landowners British, Astwood Bank, William Rees John, ma'ltet' are E. W. Havwood, esq., William Foster, esq.• John No.tional, Charles Walker, master; vacant, mistre$S English, esq., H. F. Vernon, esq., Jame~ Smith, esq., the CARRIElls.-Arthur Davi8, jun. to Birmin~bam, tbu1'l!lo; Rev. R. H. Ingram, of Chelsea, and Mrs. Philips. The John Hicks, to Bromsgrove, tues.; to Worcester, wed. k soil is various, comisting of a strong clay, marl) J{r8vcl and sat.; td Redditctl, mono & fri.; Henry Handy; t" Brow8- sand. The area of the parish is6,77~A.3R. 3Op., two-thirds grove, tues Feckenham. Dolphin J oser:Jli, ~rol!er' &. btt'kel.' Palmer Henry, baker & grocer English Jollll DolpHin Thomas, cowkeeper Parker Joshua, brick maker Foster Geo. Webh, Bprrow Hili li~l1se Edkins Alfred, shopkeeper Peill'ttran CaWerfne (Miss), sh6pkee~ Foster William, Dunstall court English John & Co. needle, pin & fish Pearman WilIiatIt, fanner' Gould J. A. Brariley green hook manufacturers Pearse William, blacksmith Gould William Charles, Brook house Gould W. W. & Sons, needle & fish Perry J oseph (Mrs.). cowkeeper Hanson Geo. Parkes, Bradley green hook manufacturers; & at 4 Huggin Powell John, wheelwright Hinton Rev.ZebulonWright,B.A.[vicar] I lane, Wood street, Cheapside e.c Price Thomas, cowkeeper & coal dealer Lea Miss, The Rookery, Bradley green I Greenhill Martin, shoe ma. &parisu clrk Radford J oseph Harvey, draper, tailor Leacroft John William Hack Mark, horse breaker & boot & shoe warehouse Wilson James Thomas Hall Fanny & l\Iary (Mhses), drapers, Radbury Phrebe (Mrs.), shopkeeper COM MERCIAL. & post office Rouse George, shoe maker Allbuttl\Iargaret(Mrs.),frmr.Berrow III Handy Henry, carrier & farmer Shakells Joseph, eowkeeper _ AlIbutt 1'homas, farmer, Berrow hill Harris Ann Amelia (Mrs.), infant seh Spencer Thomas, farmer, Up. BerroW' AlIcott Arrniel, farmer, Brndley green Hicks John, carrier St)ler Edward, bricklayer Baker Henry, machinist, Bradley grn Hunt James, dairyman Vigers WilIiam J ohu, groc~ Baker William. beer retailer Hunt 'Villiam, farmer & miller Wheeler' Wm. butcher & shopkeeper BallingerAnn( M rs.),farmr.Bradley ~n J amesMartlIa (Mrs.), OldRose~'CrO?cn Willetts Thoma:t, butcher Barrett James Valentine, saddler Jeffs Ann (Mrs.), farmer Bennett Geol'g-e, cowkeepel' Jeffs Thomas, dairyman Ast1wood Bank. Bolton Thomas, farmer, Bean Hall row, Johnson Mark, farmer Remmin~Thomas Bradley green Laight George, Lygon ArmS', &: gr:nier Hill J a80tJ, A~twood "Villa Boulton Thomas, fllrrier Lea Stephen, bricklayer Hollington George, Astwood lane Bradley ErJwin, cowkeeper, Berrow bl JJeacroft Jhn. Wm. physician & surgeon HoJJington Mislf Drndley George, builder, contractor ok Leight William, farmer, Bean Hall roW' Mander Francis timher merchant Mason Thomas, tailor, Bradley ~reen Paice Thomas Bradley J oseph, cowkeeper )Ierre-ll Edwd.Chas.farmer,SburtlOck ct Pt'art Mrs. Astwood lan~ Driney Charles, blacksmith Milward John, bntcher Perkins Arthur, Ast",ood laM Brown Nestor, painter lIoore James & Thomas, farlnerS' Perkins J oseph, A!"twood lane' Court Enoch, farmer Morris David, cowkeetyer Perkins PhCFnix E. Ast",001 lan~ Davis Arthur, huilder Morrit; Fritncis, cowkp~Jje'rI Perkins Walti'lr E. A<;hvbod lane Veaken \Y m.beer retailer& t"est~· cler~ ~Iorril; Jarnes, shopkeeper & coal dealr PhiIJip9 Ret". John [Baptist] 63*.
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