2023 ラグビーワールドカップ フランス大会観戦ツアー RUGBY WORLD CUP 2023 TOUR 2023 10.18 - 10.29


The package starts and ends in France. 現地発着

JTB STH Images are for illustration purposes only. 株式会社 と グループの合弁会社 写 真 はイメージ です。 01 JOIN US FOR

ザ・ファイナル 4 観 戦 コ ー ス の 4 つ の ポ イ ント: Our packages oer:

2023 ラグビーワールドカップ 01 4 大 会 の 観 戦 チ ケット 試合分組込み Guaranteed Rugby World Cup 2023 match tickets

公式旅行会社として、観戦チケットの確保はお任せ下さい。 As an O cial Travel Agent, we ve got your match tickets sorted so all you need to do is turn up and enjoy. ’

STH 3 お 客 様 限 定プレマッチ イベント 回組込み 02 Invitation to exclusive pre-match events STH 観戦ツアーの醍醐味の一つとして、 グループの他国のラグビーファンと時間を過ごすイベントに

ご参加いただけます。ラグビーに関連した特別なゲストをお呼びし、軽食と飲み物をお楽しみください。 As part of your rugby experience, you will be invited to exclusive events for an opportunity to mingle with international fans.

3 お客様のご希望に合わせた コースをご用意 03 A range of packages to suit our customers' needs 7 ワインが好きな方にはボルドー、全泊パリ滞在、 泊のみパリ滞在など、 3 お客様が選べる コースをご用意いたしました。 We have a range of packages to suit our customers needs, whether you re a hardcore rugby fan, wine ’ lover or a fan – we have something available for you.

スペシャル観戦グッズ付 04 Comes with a special edition gift

観戦コースにはスペシャル観戦グッズがお一人様一つ付いてきます。 In addition to the above, our packages come with a special edition gift!

02 05 HOST リール 06

VENUES サン・ドニ


異なる魅力をもった 01 9 つ の 都 市 、ス タ ジ ア ム で ナント 熱 戦 が 繰り広げられます。 07 There are nine competition venues covering 03 France. Each city is filled with its own リヨン unique attractions providing something 02 サン・テティエンヌ dierent for each visitor. ボルドー 04 ニース トゥールーズ 08

01 マルセイユ ナント 09 スタッド・ドゥ・ラ・ボージョワール STADE DE LA BEAUJOIRE 35,322 (SEATS) 収容 人 02 06 ボルドー サン・ドニ

スタッド・ド・ボルドー スタッド・ド・フランス STADE DE 42,115 (SEATS) 80,056 (SEATS) 収容 人 収容 人 03 07 サン・テティエンヌ リヨン OL スタッド・ジェフロワ・ギシャール パルク STADE GEOFFROY GUICHARD PARC OL 41,965 (SEATS) 59,186 (SEATS) 収容 人 収容 人 04 08 トゥールーズ ニース

スタジアム・ドゥ・トゥールーズ スタッド・ド・ニース DE STADE DE 33,150 (SEATS) 34,615 (SEATS) 収容 人 収容 人 05 09 リール マルセイユ

スタッド・ピエール・モーロワ スタッド・ヴェロドローム STADE PIERRE MAUROY STADE VÉLODROME

50,095 (SEATS) 67,404 (SEATS) 収容 人 収容 人

03 2

1 3

4 5


1. ( ) Arc de Triomphe, Paris. This photo was taken during the summer season. / 2. Paris, France. © Paris Tourist Oce - Photographe : Amélie Dupont / エ ト ワ ー ル 凱 旋 門 、パリ。 夏季撮影 パリ、フランス。 3. A ( ) Vineyards, Bordeaux, Package A. / 4. ( ) Tour Eiel, Paris. This photo was taken during the summer season. © Paris Tourist Oce - ボルドーブドウ園 、 コース。 夏季撮影 エ ッフ ェ ル 塔 、パリ。 夏季撮影 Photographe : © Sarah Sergent / 5. ( ) Tour Eiel, Paris. This photo was taken during the summer season. © Paris Tourist Oce - Photographe : © Sarah Sergen / エ ッフ ェ ル 塔 、パリ。 夏季撮影 6. ( ) Basilique du Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre, Paris. This photo was taken during the summer season. © Paris Tourist Oce - Photographe : © Sarah Sergent サ ク レ・ク ー ル 寺 院 、パリ。 夏季撮影

Images are for illustration purposes only and sights can be visited in your free time. 写真は全てイメージです。フリータイムにお楽しみにください。 04 4 B THEザ・ファイナル FINAL 4 ( Package( コースB ) ) 3 11 Semi-final,準決勝、 bronze位決定戦、決勝 final and final観 戦コースpackage ( (11 nightsパリ in Paris泊 ) )

2023 ラグビーワールドカップフランス で最も熱くなる4試合と、憧れの街パリ滞在コースをご用意しました! 11 2023 泊、優雅なフランスの街並みを堪能しながら、ラグビー会場では 年最大級のスポーツイベントの観戦席が確保された 2023 STH Japan ラグビーワールドカップフランス 公式旅行会社の だからこそご提供できる観戦コースです。 4 パ リ で の 宿 泊 、激 戦 を 勝 ち 抜 い た チームが頂点をかけて闘う試合の観戦チケットがセットになったツアーです。

The biggest rugby matches plus a bucket list city – what a combo! 11 nights. Incredible rugby. Stunning sites. Your place guaranteed at the largest sporting event in 2023. Sports travel doesn’t get much better than this and you can experience it all with STH Japan, your Ocial Travel Agent for Rugby World Cup France 2023. This package oers a classic ‘Taste of France’ and a once in a lifetime experience with guaranteed match tickets, accommodation and travel services.

Package inclusions: パッケージに含まれるもの Match tickets 観 戦 チ ケット 3 4 We've got your match tickets secured to semi-final 1 準決勝1、準決勝2、 位決定戦、そして決勝戦。これら 枚の 2023 and 2, bronze final and the final. Watch the drama チケットを含んでいます。ラグビーワールドカップフランス unfold at the biggest matches Rugby World Cup 大会で最も盛り上がる試合をお見逃しなく! France 2023 has to oer.

STH Exclusive pre-match events お客様限定プレマッチイベント 4 Every four years Rugby World Cup brings people 年に一度開催されるラグビーワールドカップは、世界中から情熱 together from all over the world, united in their に溢れるファンが集まります。当コースでは、STHグループのオール enthusiasm for travel, camaraderie and sport. As part ブラックスツアーズ(ニュージーランド)、ワラビーズトラベル of your incredible rugby experience, you will be (オーストラリア)の参加者と一緒に、プレマッチイベントで、試合 invited to exclusive events for an opportunity to 前に一緒に興奮を分かち合える絶好の機会を用意しています。 mingle with international fans.

11 Accommodation in Paris ( 11 nights ) パ リ:ホ テ ル 宿 泊 手 配( 泊) France's capital, arguably one of the most beautiful 自由に観光を楽しめるよう cities in the world. Paris oers class, romance and is 48時間ホップオンホップオフバスチケット付! engulfed with world-class sites. A not to miss tourist フランスの首都であり、世界で指折りの美しい街でもあるパリは、 destination. Explore Paris at your leisure with the 48 48-hour hop-on, hop-o bus pass that will be 絶対に外せない人気の観光地です。 時間有効のホップオンホップ provided to you as part of the package. オフバ スチ ケット付きなので、ご自由にパリ散策をお楽しみください。

エ ッ フ ェ ル 塔 、 パ リ 。( 夏 季 撮 影 ) エ ト ワ ー ル 凱 旋 門 、パ リ 。 Tour Ei el, Paris. This photo was taken during the summer season. Arc de Triomphe, Paris.

Images are for illustration purposes only and sights can be visited in your free time. 写真は全てイメージです。フリータイムにお楽しみにください。 05 This Rugby World Cup France 2023 package will start and end in France. THE FINAL 4 ( Package B )

Package B : Semi-finals, bronze final and final package Land Only Package ( 11 nights in Paris )

Course No. Package price per person ( based on double occupancy and match tickets (category 4) )

Adults and children pay the same price. No infants (under two years old) can participate RWCSFFL-B in this tour. 1,045,000 JPY

Additional fee for match ticket upgrade applies *Please note that if a ticket upgrade is chosen, all match tickets included ● in this package must be upgraded. Additional fee (per person)

Adults and children pay the same price. Category 1 match ticket No infants (under two years old) can participate in this tour. 350,000 JPY

Adults and children pay the same price. Category 3 match ticket No infants (under two years old) can participate in this tour. 50,000 JPY

Additional fee applies for single occupancy ● Adults and children pay the same price. Additional fee for single occupancy No infants (under two years old) can participate in this tour. 370,000JPY

Please make your own arrangements for round-trip flights to France. If you would like us to help with the arrangements, ● please enquire from October 2022 onwards.

Hotel accommodation: Please refer to the itinerary page. Rooms include a shower and no bathtub. ● Minimum of 20 participants required for The Final 4 package B and C. ● Tour escort is not provided. A local guide or our sta will accompany you for the exclusive pre-match events. ● This package includes breakfast (11 meals), lunch (none) and dinner (none). ●

This package comes with an exclusive gift! (One gift set per person) *We will send this to you before your departure date

You will be given a 48-hour pass for the hop-on, hop-o bus, as well as a travel pass that will be valid for four days *Detailed information will be provided in the final itinerary.

Stadium MAP

Category 1 Along the side of the pitch between the try lines

Category 2 A corner of the stadium

Category 3 Behind the posts in the mid-tier

Category 4 Behind the posts either in the lower or upper tier

06 Itinerary Package B

Meal Date Itinerary Breakfast Lunch Dinner

/ / Please check yourself into the hotel. You will be given a 48-hour hop-on, hop-o bus pass, as well as a travel pass 1 2023 10 18 Wed that can be used over four days (this is intended for use on match days).

2 2023 / 10 / 19 Thu All day: FREE Optional tours will be announced from early October 2022 onwards.

Afternoon: Exclusive pre-match event (light meal and drinks will be provided). The day/time of the event may be subject to change. We will announce finalised details of the event from April 2023 onwards. 21:00 Kick-o, Rugby World Cup France 2023 semi-final 1 (category 4 ticket) 2023 /10 /20 3 Fri Winner quarter-final 1 v Winner quarter-final 2 【 】 *Can be upgraded to category 1 or 3 ticket upon request (additional fees apply). Please use the provided travel pass to make your own way to the stadium (our sta will be available on site to guide you to the venue if you prefer).

Afternoon: Exclusive pre-match event (light meal and drinks provided). The day/time of the event may be subject to change. We will announce finalised details of the event from April 2023 onwards. 21:00 Kick-o, Rugby World Cup France 2023 semi-final 2 (category 4 ticket) 4 2023 / 10 / 21 Sat Winner quarter-final 3 v Winner quarter-final 4 【 】 *Can be upgraded to category 1 or 3 ticket upon request (additional fees apply). Please use the provided travel pass to make your own way to the stadium (our sta will be available on site to guide you to the venue if you prefer).

5 2023 / 10 / 22 Sun All day: FREE Optional tours will be announced from early October 2022 onwards. Paris

6 2023 / 10 / 23 Mon All day: FREE Optional tours will be announced from early October 2022 onwards.

7 2023 / 10 / 24 Tue All day: FREE Optional tours will be announced from early October 2022 onwards.

8 2023 / 10 / 25 Wed All day: FREE Optional tours will be announced from early October 2022 onwards.

9 2023 / 10 / 26 Thu All day: FREE Optional tours will be announced from early October 2022 onwards.

21:00 Kick-o, Rugby World Cup 2023 bronze final (category 4 ticket) Runner-up semi-final 1 v Runner-up semi-final 2 【 】 10 2023 / 10 / 27 Fri *Can be upgraded to category 1 or 3 ticket upon request (additional fees apply). Please use the provided travel pass to make your own way to the stadium (our sta will be available on site to guide you to the venue if you prefer).

Afternoon: Exclusive pre-match event (light meal and drinks provided). The day/time of the event may be subject to change. We will announce finalised details of the event from April 2023 onwards. 21 00 2023 4 / / : Kick-o, Rugby World Cup France final (category ticket) 11 2023 10 28 Sat Winner semi-final 1 v Winner semi-final 2 【 】 *Can be upgraded to category 1 or 3 ticket upon request (additional fees apply). Please use the provided travel pass to make your own way to the stadium (our sta will be available on site to guide you to the venue if you prefer).

12 2023 / 10 / 29 Sun Please check out by yourself.

Important notes *Please check yourself in and out of the hotels. *The dates/times of the exclusive pre-match events may be subject to change. Details of the event will be announced from April 2023 onwards. Furthermore, fans from other countries participating in tours organised by STH Group (New Zealand and Australia) may also be part of the event and may share transfers to and from the event. You may also be joined by others who have purchased other packages. *Even if you do not use your 48-hour pass for the hop-on, hop-o bus, refunds do not apply for unused passes. *Our sta will be available on match day to guide you to the match venue. Please come to the meeting location at the agreed time if you wish to take advantage of this service. *We will be taking public transport using the provided Travel Pass to get to the exclusive pre-match event venue. The local guide or our sta will accompany you there.

Hotels in Paris (double occupancy)

4-star hotel You will be staying at one of these hotels: Pullman Paris Eiel Tower Hotel, Pullman Paris Montparnasse Hotel and Pullman Paris Centre - Bercy Hotel.

*Check-in/check-out times will be provided in the final itinerary. *Rooms include a shower and no bathtub. * Children 11 years of age or under cannot stay in a hotel room on their own. However, children aged 12 to 18 can stay in a room by themselves as long as they are accompanied by an adult who are also staying at the hotel.

Approximate timings Approximate timings based on arrival and departure times of transportation. Please note that the time indicated in the itinerary is transportation departure time and not the time that you will leave the hotel.

Before dawn Dawn Early morning Morning Afternoon Evening Late night Midnight

0:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 12:00 16:00 18:00 23:00 24:00

07 Please read this carefully. Guidance and Notes

Guidance Hotel and Room This tour course is an agent-organised tour which begins with the checking in at a local hotel at the destination and Porter ● ■ ends with checking out from the hotel. The arrangement of airline ticket, transfer between airport and hotel, No porter services at an airport, station or hotel are included in the services of this tour. You need to carry your ● lodging at waypoints and any other travel services not provided for in the tour itinerary are not included in this baggage by yourself. course. Please arrange these services by yourself. Further, any part in the tour itinerary which does not involve Repair of Hotel ■ lodging during the course shall be outside our responsibility. Repair work may be performed with the hotel which you are scheduled to stay, without any prior notice. In such a ● case, certain noise may occur and part of the facilities may become unusable. If it is found that any main facilities of the hotel which you are scheduled to stay cannot be used due to the repair work, we will notify you thereof. Please Content of Tour note that such a hotel may operate as usual even under repair work in many cases. Content of Tour Information of Hotel ■ ■ The content of this tour is subject to change. Accordingly, please confirm its content on our website at each time of application. Information of hotels posted on our website is the information as of 1 March, 2021 and is subject to change without ● Tour Fare any prior notice. Accordingly, please confirm any change in such information (if any) when you use the hotel at the ■ The tour fare of this tour course includes the accommodation fees for one person on the assumption that two destination. ● Europe-styled hotels are generally located in the center of a city and accordingly convenient for sightseeing, but persons use one hotel room. If one person uses one hotel room, additional accommodation fees for such use will be ● necessary. We do not accept the sharing of a room with any member of another group. Any lodging and/or other because their buildings are old, there are areas where they are not necessarily functional. For example, there may be travel services not specified in the itinerary are not included in this tour. Please arrange such services by yourself. no TV, minibar, dryer, etc. provided in a room. You may find a loose faucet, badly drained bath or some other issues of There is no child fare setting, and any children are subject to the same fares as those applied to adults including inconvenience. ● Baggage various additional fares. No infants (under two years old) can participate in this tour. ■ Application Some hotels may refuse to keep your baggage after your checking-out, due to security reason. Please confirm with ■ ● The application for this tour must be made in your alphabetic name shown in your passport. If the alphabetic name a hotel sta by yourself when you arrive at the hotel. ● Room used in application for this tour is incorrect, the procedure for correction need be performed with the relevant public ■ Except as otherwise provided, you cannot designate the view from or floor of the room you will use. agency and you may be required to pay an additional charge for such procedure. Depending on the circumstances set ● Please note that, even among the participants in the same tour, some hotels may provide them with rooms of by the relevant accommodation facilities or games ticket agency, there may be cases where the correction of name ● is not accepted and, accordingly, you need to cancel your tour contract and enter into a new tour contract under the di erent types or on di erent floors. At hotels, you may be requested to show your credit card with the same name as that shown in your passport or correct name. In such case, you will be required to pay an applicable cancellation charge set by us. ● Please be aware that, under the operation rules of a hotel, there may be the case where we cannot accept the lodging deposit some amount of bond in cash, as guarantee for your personal use of hotel equipment such as international ● of a minor not accompanied by any adult or the use of a room by a minor(s) only. call and/or minibar in your room, etc. When a physically handicapped person, person in ill health, expecting mother, person using a guide dog, or other The change of linen (towels, sheets, etc.) and/or cleaning in your hotel room may not be performed unless ● ● person needing any special arrangement participates in this tour, please notify us of such condition when applying specifically requested. A hotel room for this tour will be equipped only with a shower, not equipped with a bathtub. for the participation. We will provide any necessary arrangement for such person as far as possible; provided, ● Bed Type however, that the costs for such special arrangement we have provided based on the request shall be borne by you. ■ Formalities for Travelling Abroad For hotel rooms for use by two persons, there are two types, "twin bed room" equipped with two single beds and ■ ● It is your responsibility to confirm whether or not your current passport is valid for participation in this tour and to "one-bed type room" equipped with one large-sized bed. We will endeavor to secure twin bed rooms as far as ● obtain a new passport and/or a relevant visa, etc., as necessary. possible. However, in some cases, we may arrange a one-bed type room with an additional simple bed (extra bed or For Japanese nationals participating in any course listed in this brochure, please note that the information contained in this sofa bed) as a second bed. In addition, for two persons who are honeymooners or other couple (including a couple ● pamphlet is current as of 1 March 2021 when this document was created. (Non-Japanese nationals need to by themselves participating as part of a family or other group), we may arrange a one-bed type room with large-sized bed only. enquire to their own countries embassies or immigration oces for relevant information.) The "twin bed room" includes a room where two single beds touch each other, a room with two bed mats set in one ’ ● Passport and Visa bed frame and a room with two beds of di erent sizes and/or di erent types. ■ A passport valid during a period specified in the table below is necessary. Further, depending on a transit occurring, The "one-bed type room may be a room with one large-sized bed, or where the bed is formed as one set using two ● ● a passport with a residual valid period applicable to the country other than the destination may be required. bed mats. Case where one person uses one room Accordingly, it is recommended that you carry a passport with a residual valid period also e ective for such transit ■ In the case where one person participates alone or an odd number of persons participate as one group in this tour, country(-ies) ● With respect to travelling to Europe with no visa (entry or transit), the application to and acquisition of permission by such person cannot share a room with another single participating person or a person belonging to another group. ● the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) through the Internet will be required for travel A participant singly using one room needs to pay an additional charge for such single use of a room. In the tour from 2021 (which may be changed to 2022) (on a charged basis and to be acquired in advance). The starting date, courses posted on our website, a person singly using a room will be provided with a twin bed room or a one-bed type process of acquisition of permission, amount of charge and any other details of such requirement is TBD. Please room, and such room may be comparatively smaller than a room used by two persons. Case where two or more rooms are used check the latest information on the following website: http://etias-euvisa.com (as of April, 2021) ■ With respect to a visa, there are certain countries which is currently suspending the issuance of tourist visa, mutual In the case where a family or any other group use two or more rooms, such rooms may not be next to each other or ● ● visa waiver arrangement, etc. due to entry restriction. For the time of resumption and any other details, please not on the same floor due to the circumstances of the hotel. Case where three persons use one room (triple room) confirm the latest information announced on the webpage of the embassy of such a country. ■ The number of triple rooms is limited, so the use of such triple rooms shall be arranged only after application. The Conditions of a passport and a visa for a Japanese national by destination country (as of 1 March, 2021) ● ● response regarding availability of such triple room will be given just before the departure, and it may not be available Country as the case may be. In such case, a separate room will be provided to the third person and an additional charge for / Region Need of Visa Residual Valid Period Required for Passport single use of the room by the person will be charged. No visa is required for Three months or more at the timing of departure from any member nation of the The triple room is formed by additionally setting a simple bed (extra bed or sofa bed) in a twin bed room for use by ● the sightseeing of 90 Schengen Agreement three persons, so the spaces in the room will be limited. In some cases, a one-bed type room with a larged-size bed or less days during At least two unused facing pages for visa are necessary in a passport. France and a simple bed may be provided as a triple room. The setting of a simple bed and preparation of amenities in the any consecutive It is necessary to carry an airline ticket for departure from the country, and desirable to triple room may be late at night (even in such case, the tour fare is not discounted). period of 180 days carry an overseas travel insurance certificate and a certificate for staying expenses.

Guidance before Departure ■ Please confirm those hotel(s) you will stay with the final tour itinerary which we will provide you fourteen to seven ● days prior to the departure (at latest, on the date immediately preceding the departure date). (The tour itinerary Sightseeing, Optional Tour indicated in a relevant brochure is subject to change. Please make sure you confirm the final tour itinerary which we Optional tour ■ will provide you before departure.) With respect to optional tours, we will later announce to the participant having applied for this tour (such Notification of Cessation of Tour ● ■ announcement is scheduled for late October, 2022). If the tour course which you have applied for becomes unavailable, we will notify you thereof (i) not later than 34 days Sightseeing ● ■ prior to the scheduled departure date for the tour of which scheduled departure date falls under April 27 to May 6, Your sightseeing and transportation may be performed jointly with participants in another tour planned and ● July 20 to August 31 or December 20 to January 7 of the next year, or (ii) not later than 24 days prior to the scheduled implemented by a company other than us. In addition, your sightseeing and transportation may be performed jointly departure date for the tour with other scheduled departure dates. with participants in another tour which our overseas group company plans and implements. In such case, your sightseeing, transportation, etc. with our Japanese-language sta may be performed jointly with participants in another tour served in a foreign language, including English, in the same vehicle. Means of Transportation With respect to certain sightseeing spots, a guide will conduct a group consisting of the participants in this tour ● Time Slot and Time course and participants in another tour course(s). ■ The term "Time Slot" indicates the time zone based on the arriving time and departing time of a bus transferring participants In some European cities, sightseeing spots may be closed on public holidays and accordingly, on such days, relevant ● ● to designated location. The term "Time" mainly indicates the arriving or departing time of a bus from a hotel. Each Time Slot optional tours may be unable to be held. Due to any sudden closing of facilities, specific trac regulation because of holding of a public event, weather or any and Time indicated concerning the transfer by a bus, train, etc. are merely the estimated time zone or time, subject to change ● due to season, weather, day of week, location of hotel, transportation condition, etc. The arriving and departing times from a other local circumstances, we may change the sightseeing route or an implementation date of the sightseeing. hotel will be announced again by a tour conductor in each destination country. In such case, please note that the length of free time, etc. may be a ected. Transfer by Bus In many cases, the specific date of a religious holiday will not be determined until the holiday comes near. Further, ■ ● sightseeing spots may be suddenly closed due to an event of a high-ranking government ocial or royal family ● The transfer hours and distances indicated in the tour itinerary are merely the estimated hours and distances, subject to change due to season, weather, day of week, location of hotel, transportation condition, etc. The detailed member. schedule at each destination will be announced again by the tour conductor there. In such case, we may be forced to change the sightseeing itself or the order of visit in the tour or skip some spots. Depending on the number of participants, a sedan, van or mini bus may be used and the driver may serve as a guide. Churches, museums, art museums and other sightseeing/observation spots are frequently under repair work, ● ● Further taxi, other public transportation, bus provided by a hotel, or the like may be used, as the case may be. whether large-sized or small-sized work. Due to such work, you may be unable to see part of the exterior and/or Your sightseeing and transportation may be performed jointly with participants in another tour planned and interior of such facilities. ● You may not enter some churches, temples, etc. which are incorporated in this tour during a Mass or ocial or special implemented by a company other than us. In addition, your sightseeing and transportation may be performed jointly ● with participants in another tour which our overseas group company plans and implements. In such case, your event is held. In addition, some churches, temples and other sightseeing spots may prohibit the explanation by a sightseeing, transportation, etc. with our Japanese-language sta may be performed jointly with participants in guide inside them, in which cases you will have to observe such facilities with no guide accompanying. There are many European countries which open their ruins, churches, museums, art museums and other sightseeing another tour served in a foreign language, including English, in the same vehicle. ● The streets surrounding a stadium will be subject to trac regulation, so we will request you to move to the stadium spots free of admission fee on specific days and/or during a specific period of time for the purpose of making the ● using public transportation by yourself. interest in and understanding of their cultures deepened. If the dates in this tour fall under any of such days or period, the relevant advance reservations may lose e ect and participants in this tour may be obliged to stand in lines for a long time with general sightseers whose number is more than on usual days. Accordingly, delay in participants' tour Local Sta and Our Sta itinerary may occur. The schedules of such cultural events and facilities involved with them do not become fixed until immediately before such events. You will be notified of such events as soon as the relevant schedule is fixed. Local sta have a good command of Japanese, but may not necessarily be a Japanese national. ●

Game Ticket Shopping, Tax Refunds The dates of games and combination of teams indicated in the tour itinerary are just planned ones. They may be Shopping at destinations should be made at your own choice and responsibility. Currently, it would take a period of ● ● changed or cancelled without prior notice due to local circumstances. If, due to weather or any other reason not three to six months at earliest to send purchased goods as separate baggage and, in addition, there is unfortunately attributable to us, any game is cancelled or the date or starting time of the game is changed, we will not refund the a high risk of loss or damage in such arrangement. We recommend that you should avoid sending purchased goods fee of the relevant ticket nor change the ticket for a ticket of another game, except for the case where we receive the as separate baggage as far as possible. refund of ticket fees from the organiser of the game. In the case of traveling to EU member states, the tax exemption procedure must be performed in the last airport in When two or more persons participate in a group, their seat may not be next to each other. You cannot designate the ● ● EU which you depart, in principle. You should perform the tax exemption procedure at your own responsibility. seat number or location of your seat. Please be aware that there are cases where the tax exemption procedure fails to be performed due to the The resale or commercial use of tickets incorporated in the tour course are strictly prohibited. ● overcrowded tax exemption counter. Please be careful that bringing certain goods (e.g. plants, etc.) to Japan needs the inspection certificate or is ● Meals, Exclusive Pre-Match Event completely prohibited. The tour fare include the charges, taxes and service fees for the meal specified in the tour itinerary. However, the ● charges of drinks, additional dishes, etc. which you order shall be separately borne by you. If any restaurant which is included in this tour is closed or has ceased to operate, we may take you to the restaurant Various Plans ● on another day or change to another restaurant of equal grade. Plans - Comprehensive Tour Course ■ Breakfast Each tour plan is planned and organised by us. Each plan is incorporated in the basic plan and constitute one single ■ ● With respect to breakfast, in principle American-type breakfast or bu et-type breakfast will be served. In some agent-organised tour as a whole. ● European areas, the amount of breakfast is generally small. Accordingly, in hotels in such areas, only bread, co ee, Plans - Cancellation Charge ■ juice, cheese, corn flakes will be served as breakfast, even in the bu et-type. In the case of early morning The cancellation of an application for tour is subject to cancellation charge set by us, of which amount is determined ● transportation, breakfast packed in a box may be provided. depending on the timing of cancellation based on remaining days from the starting date of the basic plan. In the case where only a certain plan(s) is cancelled, the cancellation charge will be levied depending on the timing of cancellation based on remaining days from the starting date of the basic plan, with the upper limit of the amount of cancellation Non-smoking and Smoking charge calculated based on the total tour fare of the whole agent-organised tour including the basic plan. As the result of the spread of non-smoking regulations, generally smoking at public spaces is prohibited in Europe. ● Legal punishment may be imposed on violation of the relevant regulations. When intending to smoke at a specific place, please confirm whether smoking is permitted at such place. At most hotels in Europe, the smoking room and the non-smoking room are distinguished from each other and the ratio of Maps posted on Our Website ● non-smoking rooms is very high. We cannot accept the designation of room. In some hotels, all rooms are non-smoking. Maps posted on our website show approximate locations, not representing accurate scales. ●

08 CONTACT US お問い合わせ先 / TRAVEL AGENT CREDENTIALS 旅行業登録票 / : 1 Email : [email protected] Business登録種別 scope 第Class種旅行業 1 Travel Operator Business Phone : 03 4520 6976 ( ) : 2115 日本語 Registration登録番号 number 観光庁長官登録旅行業第2115 号 +81 (3) 4520 6977 (English) : STH Japan 会社名 株式会社 Website : www.sthjapan.com/rwc-2023 Company name STH Japan K.K. : 160-0013 会社の所在地 〒 Company address 4 1 8F 東京都新宿区霞ヶ丘町 番 号 日本青年館ビル 営業時間 : 平日 10:00 – 17:00 Nippon Seinenkan Bldg. 8F Operational hours : Mon - Fri, 10:00 – 17:00 4-1 Kasumigaokamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0013 : 総合旅行業務取扱管理者 阿部一晴 Certified Travel Service Manager Kazuharu Abe


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