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PRESS RELEASE BRYAN ADAMS EXPOSED 16.11.2015 – 31.01.2016 The exhibition make! "art o$ the CAMERIMA'E Fi)m Fe!ti*al +#,ani!e#!- Tumult Foundation and the Arts of the World Foundation Exhibition o#,ani!e. in coo"e#ation 0ith %#o!!o*e#1 2amb3#, %3#ato#!- Anke Degenhard and Mat Humphrey Exhibition o"ening- 16 November !15, 6 $M (free admission) Narratives can make us understand. Photographs do something else: they haunt us. 'usan 'ontag# Regarding the Pain of Others# London !!)# p*+1 Thi! 4ear5! %AMERIMA'E $i)m $e!ti*al 0i)) be accom"anie. b4 an ext#ao#.ina#4 exhibition o$ "hoto,#aphs b4 B#4an!. The exhibit1 made 3" o$ t0o uni6ue !et! "#e!ente. unde# one tit)e- EXPOSED1 0i)) o$$icial)4 o"en on 16 No*embe# 2015 at 6 PM 7 the admi!!ion i! $#ee8 at the To#uń Cent#e o$ Contem"o#ar4 A#t Znaki %;as31 0ith the a#ti!t him!e)$ in attendance. E<P+SED The first selection consists of a retrospective of portraits of some of the biggest names in pop culture, including- 'ir Ben /ingsley, Mickey 0ourke, 'ir Mick 1agger# Lana Del 0ey, /ate Moss# Tilda 'winton and Amy Winehouse. 34$5'3D is a collection of 130 captivating portraits of famous figures# now rediscovered through Adams6s lens* Almost all of the photos here come from various commissions from magazines like the 3uropean based 8oo Magazine (which he co-founded&* However# some of these photographs are being e:hibited the first time in public. =+>NDED- T2E LE'ACY +( =AR The second set# entitled W5;ND3D- TH3 (3<A=> 5F WA0 comes from the book of the same name. It features moving photographs of scarred British veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This project took four years to complete % !!B9 !12& and is a remarkable tribute to the courage and fortitude of the surviving servicemen and women 2ho experienced great pain and suffering* The photographs e:pose their scars and disabilities# bearing silent witness to the brutality of modern warfare. PRESS RELEASE Both selections 9 W5;ND3D and 34$5'3D# were released as books by 'teidl and e:hibited in prestigious galleries and museums around the 2orld# garnering a number of awards and rave reviews in the top photography magazines* Both albums 2ill be available for purchase during the exhibition at CoCA's bookstore. The exhibition, "#e"a#e. b4 the Tum3)t Foundation 7o#,ani;e# o$ the %AMERIMA'E (i)m Fe!ti*al8 and the A#t! o$ the =o#). Foundation, 0i)) be on .i!")ay $#om 16 No*embe# 2015 to 31 Januar4 2016 at the To#39 Cent#e o$ Contem"o#ar4 A#t @Znaki %;as3A B the coBo#,ani;e# o$ the e*ent. The To#39 exhibition o$ "hoto,#aphs b4 B#4an! 0i)) be the $i#!t e*e# !ho0case o$ hi! 0o# in the Cent#al and Easte#n E3#o"e and the onl4 o""o#tunit4 to !ee it in Po)and. TICKETS- Adults- 10 pln Concessionary: 5 pln Families % adults and ,hildren aged 18 and younger&- ! pln FREE ADMISS&+N +N T2E +PENIN' N&'2T 716.11.2015, 6 PM8 $ress&Media 0elations- /asia Toczko tel* + 48 "6 61 !G + ) mob* + 48 666 B+1 6 F katar7yna.toczko@cs2* PRESS RELEASE.