October 23, 2020 Volume 3 Issue 19 Phone: 734-636-6577 Hamilton guardiannewspapersmi.com facebook.com/APGuardian Fax: 888-355-0629 Publishing CARSON LEARNS FACE TO FACE Dave Merchant
[email protected] Carson Brad- ley was a new face at Cabrini High School this season. The soph- omore transferred from Allen Park High to Cabrini. “I transferred be- cause of face to face learning,” Carson said. He cannot play football until next school year because he played at Allen Park. He plays quarter- back, corner, outside linebacker, and re- ceiver. “Getting pulled up to JV as a freshman last year at Allen Park was my favorite mo- Photos By Brian Bradley ment,” he said. His favorite class ter). Cabrini football is Math, and Brian Goals for future Coach Brian Obrycki Uniroyal Giant Tire Obrycki is his favorite are to have his own looks forward to hav- coach. heating and cooling ing Carson in the fu- gets lit for Metastatic Other sports for business after college. ture. him are basketball, College/sports: “He is very athlet- Breast Cancer baseball, and track. Michigan State Uni- ic,” Obrycki said. “He His parents are versity for football, can practice and work Brian and Erica Brad- basketball. on the scout team. His Awareness Day ley, and his sibling is Favorite part of dad is also a coach.” Jordan Bradley (sis- football is tackling. Uniroyal Giant Tire lit up green representing the triumph of spring over winter, life over death, and symbolizes renewal, hope, and immortality, teall symbolizing healing and spirituality. The thin pink ribbon overlay signifies the metastatic cancer originated in the breast.