Last updated June 2017 Bodleian Libraries Broad Street Oxford OX1 3BG (01865) 277162 Map of
[email protected] Libraries in Oxford Parks Road Library information and opening hours Rare Books and Manuscripts Reading Room, For Library opening hours, contact details and further information please Charles Wendell David Reading Room, Readers’ see Café Sir Charles Mackerras Reading Room Guidance on Library provision and materials by subject can be found on t Reader Kings Arms Oxford LibGuides at entrance Pub Weston Library HolywellHolywell Street Street SOLO Admissions Use SOLO to search for printed and electronic books, journals and other materials in Oxford Libraries. SOLO covers the Bodleian Libraries and most College and other Libraries associated with the University. To access SOLO visit or for more information see Public entrance Catte Street OxLIP+ Individual e-journals and databases may be accessed via both SOLO t Bridge of Sighs and OxLIP+. However, OxLIP+ offers some additional functionality Gate Broad Street Clarendon Building including the ability to browse lists of databases by subject. Access OxLIP+ NewNew College College Lane Lane t t at or for guidance on finding and Gate Gate Disabled access using e-resources see 730mm wide Clarendon Quad Sheldonian New to Oxford? Theatre Library Assistant for Oxford Freshers provides guidance for undergraduates on which libraries to use, understanding your reading list, how to find and Great Gate borrow books and journals, key passwords and how to use our print, copy Disabled access and scan services.