PISD, SJC to Start Early College High School Advertising and Copy Deadline for the Dec

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PISD, SJC to Start Early College High School Advertising and Copy Deadline for the Dec Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 December 16, 2010 E-mail: [email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 35, No. 46 Leader holiday closings set The Leader will be on a holiday schedule the last week of 2010. PISD, SJC to start early college high school Advertising and copy deadline for the Dec. 23 issue of the Leader is Friday, Dec. 17, at By James Bolen of Trustees at a Dec. 13 meeting. “And if we can overcrowded high schools right now that need have a lot of wonderful kids who have an abso- noon. Pasadena Independent School District offi - make that successful at Pasadena High School, some relief,” Lewis said. “And we have a career lutely outstanding desire to be more than what Items to be considered for publication may cials recently announced their plan to open an our intent is to put an early college high school tech program that serves far too few kids in our they are and to become better and better at who be sent to [email protected]. early college high school center at Pasadena program at each of our fi ve high schools so that district, and we need to expand that.” they were intended to be,” Lewis told the San Jac Emergencies may be directed to Marie High School. we can continue building that relationship be- If the new center becomes a reality, Lewis said board. “It’s our job, not just our job as a school Flickinger at 281-948-2714. Working jointly with San Jacinto College, the tween your institution and ours for the benefi t of it is essential to work closely with San Jacinto district, but ours as a community and partnership The Leader will be on a holiday schedule the program would allow students to take college- our kids.” College to ensure student success. with one another to make sure they have every last week of 2010 so there will be no Dec. 30 level courses simultaneously with their high This sentiment is shared by San Jacinto Col- “We have a lot of great things going, and we opportunity that they need to be successful.” edition. The next issue will be available Thurs- school classes. The classes would then be trans- lege Chancellor Brenda Hellyer. day, Jan. 6. ferable as San Jacinto College credits. “San Jacinto College is excited about this op- Items to be considered for publication may According to PISD Superintendent Kirk Lew- portunity with PISD,” Hellyer said. “This early be sent to [email protected]. is, students who accumulate enough credit hours college high school model is one innovation that Stuchbery donates books could conceivably earn an associate degree while provides another path for our youth to move CBC MUD sets holidays also earning their high school diploma. Lewis, through college and to earn a degree. As educa- however, said such a scenario would likely re- tional partners, San Jacinto College and PISD are The offices of the Clear Brook City quire a student to take summer classes. committed to working together on strategies for Municipal Utility District will be closed The program is similar to Clear Creek Inde- meeting the needs of our students and our com- Friday, Dec. 24, through Monday, Dec. 27. pendent School District’s Clear Horizons Early munities.” The offices will reopen Tuesday, Dec. 28. College High School. However, students in the Also being proposed by PISD offi cials is the CCISD program actually attend classes at San opening of a technical high school. Library sets holiday hours Jacinto College South, whereas students in the “It’s a dream of mine,” Lewis said. “A vi- The Parker Williams Library will close at 5 new PISD program would take classes at the sion.” p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 22, and will reopen Pasadena High School campus. Recommended by the district’s future fa- Monday, Dec. 27, for regular business hours. The superintendent said, however, the new fa- cilities committee, which is composed of both cility would be separate, rather than integrated staff and parents, the new school would provide Junk waste pickup set into the high school. skilled-job and career training. Lewis said he hopes similar programs could Ideally, Lewis said students attending the Junk waste will be picked up Thursday, be installed at all of the district high schools. school would graduate with an associate degree Dec. 16, for city of Houston residents living Pasadena High School was chosen as the pilot or a certifi cation. north of Beltway 8. campus because it currently has the least over- Lewis said the school would not focus solely Residents south of the beltway are sched- crowding, Lewis said. on vocational classes, adding there have been uled for Thursday, Dec. 23. For more informa- Roughly 60 students are expected to partici- discussions of including advanced courses, such tion, call 3-1-1. pate in the program in its fi rst year. as engineering. Lewis is enthusiastic about PISD’s relation- In addition to providing valuable training to Choral cantata at church ship with San Jacinto College. students, such a new center would also have the The multicultural choral cantata And the “We think (the early college high school pro- added side benefi t of alleviating the existing More than 300 books were recently donated to Stuchbery Elementary for its “Bee A World Rejoiced!, written, composed and gram) will grow over time, certainly at that cam- overcrowding at area high schools. Giver” book donation. “Giving” was one of the lessons Stuchbery counselor Tina Jo directed by Tyler Ruberg, assistant choral pus,” Lewis told the San Jacinto College Board “It does a great service for us in that we have Flotten has encouraged students to share with other children who are less fortunate. The director at Dobie, will be presented Sunday, books will be donated to Houston Independent School District’s Franklin Elementary Dec. 19, at 10:30 a.m. at St. Stephen School. Pictured are, left to right, (front row) Chelsey Uridales, Destiny Jackson, Justin Presbyterian Church, 2217 Theta in Houston. Dobie’s Academic Decathlon Lavinier, Jamarian Shepherd, (back row, Flotten, Patsy P. Cavazos of HISD-SIO Admission is free, and the public is welcome. Elementary Schools, and Franklin Elementary Principal Jilliane Raphiel. No December PIP meeting team wins district, Super Quiz There will be no Positive Interaction The Dobie High School Academic Decathlon scored 8,146, and Ed Gonzalez, who scored Program meeting in December. The next Team won fi rst place overall and fi rst place in 8,147. Melillo students give to needy meeting will be held on Jan. 18. Super Quiz at the district meet Dec. 9-10 with a Other team members, Tad Walters, Eddie Melillo Middle School is once again partici- group promoted the program by making posters score of 48,196. Nunez, Quinn Velasquez, Katey Miille, Julian pating in the annual South Belt-Ellington Leader and placing them around the school. PW Library sets events On the seven multiple-choice objective tests, Hernandez, Mark Admani, Paul Sabal, Ottmar Christmas program by collecting food and toys The student group also sorts and boxes the The following events are scheduled for the the team achieved the highest score not only in Montes and Cesar Romero, won several medals for needy families in the area. collected goods and checks for expired food. week of Dec. 16 through Dec. 22 at Parker Texas, but in the nation. This is the fi rst time and made crucial contributions to Dobie’s stellar While the school has participated in the pro- Past projects for the Hearts and Hands orga- Williams Library, 10851 Scarsdale Blvd.: since 2001 that any team outside of California performance. gram all three years it has been open, it has really nization include collecting products for soldiers The genealogy discussion group will meet has achieved the highest score on a test. Now the team will move on to Regionals, focused its attention on the drive the past two and local nursing homes, as well as participating at 2 p.m. Monday, Dec. 20. Top overall scorer on Dobie’s team this year which will be held at Clear Brook High School years. in the Hats for Hope campaign that collects and This meeting is open to the public. Also, was Jeremy Morris, who fi nished with a score of Jan. 28-29. In fact, two years ago, when the Leader was makes hats for cancer patients. Movie Madness will present a family friendly 8,497, and fi rst overall in the honors category. Additional information will appear in next falling short on its goal of collecting goods, the As an incentive for students to donate to the film at 2:30 p.m. Other highlights include Jessica Huynh, who week’s Leader. school came through at the last minute with doz- Christmas program, the school has set up a com- Preschool storytime is at 10:30 a.m. Wed- ens of boxes of food products and gifts, making petition between homerooms to see which can nesday, and toddler storytime is at 10:30 a.m. Christmas possible for many families in the com- collect the most. The homeroom that collects the Thursday. munity. most will win an ice cream sundae party. SVFD Christmas parade set Collection efforts are spearheaded by Jenny Vann is enthusiastic about the students partici- The Southeast Volunteer Fire Department will levard between Blackhawk and Sageglen, as Vann, Melillo’s reading peer facilitator, Heather pating in the program. Wood Meadow II contest hold a Christmas parade on Sunday, Dec. 19, well as down Blackhawk Boulevard between Wheeler, the school’s science peer facilitator, “It’s been wonderful,” Vann said.
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