Lincoln Memorial WASHINGTON, D
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Lincoln Memorial WASHINGTON, D. C. east and west sides is 256 feet 10 inches long and 187 feet long on the north and Lincoln Memoriae south sides. The walls of the Memorial are enclosed by a continuous colonnade 188 feet 4 inches long and 118 feet 6 inches WASHINGTON, D. C wide. The 38 columns in the colonnade, IIHTOV. COUNTRYMEN \l THIN SECOND AND THE OTHER WOULD ACCEPT WAR RAT HI It IF Wi SUA! L SUPPOSI IHAI \v including the two standing in the entrance, WTt LRING JO lAkl THE OATH Of THI PRES- THAN LET IT PERISH AND IHE WAR CAM I SLAVERY is ONI Ol I Host Ol I I NSFS are 44 feet high, 7 feet 5 inches in diameter Had Lincoln been an ordinary ruler— Congress for such a monument, or me IDENTIAI OFFICE HURT IN LESS OCCASION ONE EIGHTH OF THE WHO! 1 POPUI ATICSN WERJ WHICH IN THF PROG DISC I Ol GC even an ordinary hero—an ordinary morial, was made in December 1901. FOR AN EXTENDED ADDRESS rHAN THERE COLORED SLAVES NOT DISTRIBUTED GENERAL NEEDS COME Bi I WHICH HAVING CON at the base, and the shafts are composed of \\ AS AT I HI URN! THI N A STATEMENT LY OVER THE UNION BUI LOCALIZED IN I HI TINUED "THROUGH HIS APPOINT ID ITME HI 11 drums each. monument would have sufficed and doubt Numerous additional efforts were made in SOMEWHAT IN DETAII Ol A COURSE TO lit SOUTHERN PART OF IT-THESE STAVES CONSTI NOW WILLS IO REMOVI AND THAT HE less would have been built quickly. More si ED SEEMED I ITTINC AND PROPER TUTED A PECULIAR AND POWERFUI INTl REST- GIVES TO BOTH NORTH AND SOUTH THIS Greek Ionic columns 50 feet high and the following years, but it was not until TERRIBLE WAR AS THF WOE DUI IO HIOM BY NOV Al I Hi EXPIRATION OF FOUR YEARN ALI KNEW THAT THIS INTEREST WAS SOMEHOW 5 feet 6 inches in diameter at the base than half a century elapsed before a fitting February 1911, with the passage of a bill DURING WHICH PUBLIC DECLARATIONS THE CAUSE OE THE WAR • TO STRENGTHEN PI R- WHOM THE OFFENSE CAM! sHAl I Wi DIS HAVE BEEN CONSTANTLT (AILED FORTH PFTUATE AND EXTEND THIS INTERES1 WAS THI CERN THEREIN ANY DEPARTURI FROM divide the interior of the Memorial into memorial was dedicated to this simple, "To provide a Commission to secure THOSE DIVINE ATTRIBUTES WHICH THI ON EVERT POINT AND PHASE OF THE GREAT OBJECT FOR WHICH THF INSURGENTS WOULD three chambers. The walls of the interior heroic man whose name has penetrated to plans and designs for a Monument or ( ONTEST WHK H STILL ABSORBS IHE AT REND THE UNION EVEN BY WAR WHILE 1HI GOV BELIEVERS IN A LIVING GOD ALWAYS AS< RIBS TO HIM.FONDLY DO WF HOP! -FERVENTLT the ends of the earth and universally Memorial to the memory of Abraham TENTION AND ENGROSSES THE ENERGIES ERNMENT CLAIMED NO RICH I IO DO MORE are Indiana limestone, and the ceiling, 01 Fht NATION LITTLE THAT IS NEW THAN TO RESTRICT THE ILRRIIORiAL ENLARGE DO WF PRAY-THA1 I HIS MIGHTY SCOURGI called to mind with reverence and hope Lincoln," that these efforts were crowned COULD Bt PRESENTED • THE PROGRESS Ol MENT OF IT-NEITHER PARTY EXPECTED FOR Ol WAR MAY SPEEDILY PASS AWAY - Ul IF which is 60 feet above the finished floor, GOD WILLS THAT IT CONTINUI UNTI1 ALI wherever aspiration kindles the heart of with success. OUR ARMS UPON WHICH ALL ELSE CHIEFLY THE WAR THE MAGNITUDI OR lit! DURATION is designed with bronze girders orna DEPENDS IS AS WELi KNOWN TO THF PUBLIC WHICH IT HAS ALREADY ATTAINED • NEITHER THI WEALTH I'll ID BY IHI BONDSMAN'S youth, or tyranny oppresses mankind. The Commission created by the act ANTICIPATED IHAI IHE (AIM Ol IHI CONFLK I rWO HUNDRED AND III IY YIARs Ol UN mented with laurel and pine leaves. The AS TO MYSELF AND II IS I TRUST REASON REQUITED I OIL SHAH BI SUNK AND The Memorial, neither palace nor temple held its first meeting on March 4, 1911. ABLY SATISFACTORY AND ENCOURAGING TO MICH I CEASE WITH OR EVEN HI I OKI I Hi CON UNTII IVIRY DROP OF BLOOD DRAWN Willi panels between the girders are of Alabama FLICT ITSELI SHOUT I) CEASI - EACH LOOKED FOR ALLWITH HIGH HOPE FcSR THE FUTURE NO IHI LASH SHAH BF PAID BY ANOTHER marble saturated with melted beeswax to nor tomb but partaking of the nature of At its tenth meeting on February 3, 1912, PREDICTION IN REGARD TO IT IS VENTURED- AN FASI1R TRIUMPH AND A RESULT LESS EUN- DRAWN Will) IHI SWORD AS WAS SAID IIIRFI all, seems to gather within its marble walls, ON THE OCCASION CORRESPONDING IO DAMFMAI AND ASTOUNDING-BOTH IUAI) IMF mOUSAND YIARS ADO SO MIFF i! MUSI produce translucency. The interior floor the Commission decided to locate the SAME BIBU AND PRAY IO IHI SAMI GOD AND THIS FOUR YEAR5.AGO AIL THOUGHTS WERE BI SAIIV | HI JUDGM1 NTS ol Hit LORD and the wall base are of pink Tennessee the very essence of his upright character Memorial in Potomac Park on the axis ANXIOUSLY DIRECTED TO AN IMPENDING IACH INVOKES HIS AID AGAINST Mil OTHER- ARI IRUF AND RIGHTEOUS ALTOGETHER" steeped in tolerance and the belief that of the Capitol and the Washington Monu C IVII WAR- Ai.L DREADED IT-ALL SOUGHT IT MAY SFLM STRANGE IHAI ANY MEN SHOULD WITH MAI 1(1 TOWARD NONF WITH CHART! T marble. The central chamber, contain TO AVERT IT - WHI1F THI INAUGURA1 AD DARE TO ASK A JUG GOD'S ASSISTANt I IN FOR AH WITH FIRMNESS IN THE RIGHT As T ing the Lincoln Statue, is 60 feet wide and all people should be free—free to think, ment, as recommended by the Commission DRESS WAS BEING DELIVERED FROM THIS WRINGING ["HEIR BREAD FROM HI sW LAI Ol GOD GIVES US TO SEI THI RIGHT LET US free to express themselves, and free to of Fine Arts. After viewing designs pre PI Ac I DEVOTED Al !OU IHFR 1"0 SAVING OTHFR MENS (ACTS BUT LET US JUDGE NOi STRIVE ON TO FINISH THE WORK WF ARE IN 74 feet deep. The side chambers are THE UNION WITHOUT WAR INSURGENT TELA! WF BF NOT JUDGED THI PRAYERS Of BOTH TO BIND UP TFIF NATION'S WOI NDSTCM apply themselves to various enterprises. pared at its invitation by Henry Bacon AGENTS WERE IN THE CITY SEEKING TO DE COULD NOI BE AN.SWERH) -THAI Ol NEITHER (OR HIM WHO SHAH HAVE BORNI THE BAT-, each 63 feet wide and 38 feet deep. STROY IT W1THOU1 WAR-SEEKING TO Dis- HAS BFIN ANSWERED FULLY- IHI ALMIGHTY 111 AND FOR His WIDOW AND HIS ORPHAN^ The two tripods on the two buttresses and John Russell Pope, architects of New bOLVI THI UNION AND DIVIDf EFFECTS BY HAS His OWN PURPOSES-WOI UNTO IHI WORLD IO DO AH WHICH MAY ACHIEVE AND O-IKj Inception and History York, the Commission at its fourteenth JEGOTIATION • BOTH PARTIES DEPRECATED BECAUSI 01 OFFENSES FOR II MUSI NIIDS BF ISH A JUST AND LASTING PEA< L AMONOJ flanking the steps leading up to the AR BL 1 ONI CAT IDEM WOULD MAKI WAR THAT OFFENSES COME BUT WOI PO IHAI MAN OURSELVES AND WITH ALL NATIONS- entrance to the Memorial are each 11 feet meeting selected Henry Bacon to prepare LATHER IHAN Ifl THI NATION SURVIVE BY WHOM THE OFFENSE COMI IH-" The first concerted effort looking to the a final design, which Congress approved high. Each is cut from a single block of erection in Washington of a monument January 29, 1913. Ground was broken pink Tennessee marble. The carving in honor of Abraham Lincoln appears to for the foundations of the Memorial on upon them was done by Piccirrilli Brothers have been made about 2 years after his February 12, 1914, and the cornerstone Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address—North Wall of the Memorial. of New York. The decorative carving death by an act of Congress, approved was laid February 12, 1915. At sub on the stonework of the building was March 29, 1867, which incorporated the sequent meetings, Daniel Chester French executed by Ernest C. Bairstow of Lincoln Monument Association. An was selected as sculptor for the Lincoln The Architecture tuary containing three memorials to There are some architectural refine The Building Washington. appeal for subscriptions was sent out. statue, and Jules Guerin as architect to The exterior of the Memorial symbol Abraham Lincoln. The place of honor ments not common in modern buildings. The foundations of the Memorial rest Plans were submitted, but no practical design and execute the murals for the end izes the Union of the United States of is occupied by a colossal marble statue of The columns are not vertical, but are upon bedrock from 44 to 65 feet below The Statue results appear to have been accomplished walls and the ornamentation on the bronze America. Surrounding the walls of the the man himself, facing the Washington slightly tilted inward toward the building, the original grade. The superstructure from this legislation. ceiling beams. The Memorial was dedi Memorial Hall is a colonnade of the States Monument and the Capitol. On the north and the tilt of the corner columns is even of white Colorado-Yule marble is approxi The outstanding feature of the Memorial The next effort to secure authority from cated on Memorial Day, May 30, 1922.