Join us on Twitter @TheCalaisAdv Like us on Facebook "For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light." VOL. 185, NO. 2 JANUARY 9, 2020 © 2020 The Calais Advertiser Inc. $1.50 (tax included) 105-Year-Old Says Secret to Longevity is to Follow Doctor’s Orders By Jayna Smith lish. Ms. Muller did not under- I said to my mother, ‘Mom, they
[email protected] stand them or her teacher. don’t know anymore that I am Recess time for the young Ms. German. I can talk English just Ruth Muller just celebrated Muller was difficult at first, too, like they do.’” her 105th birthday. This likely being unable to communicate She added, “One day, I under- makes her the oldest person in like the other children. Each stood what the teacher said. It the City of Calais, possibly even time, she would stand back was coming to me, my [English] in the state. and watch, carrying all of her language. I was very happy.” Born in Germany on January class belongings with her. She At home, Ms. Muller contin- 3, 1915, Ms. Muller immigrated recalled keeping her items with ued speaking German with her to the United States with her her because she never knew family, but at school, she spoke parents and two sisters through when going out the door if it her newly-learned language. “It Ellis Island. Like others at that was for recess or if it was time came, and it came well,” she said time, her parents were in search to go home.