PLP 2016-17 Chhotaudepur


The Theme of PLP 2016-17 continues to be “Accelerating the pace of capital formation in agriculture and allied sector” Chhotaudepur is the newly carved out from the district. The new district is pre-dominantly tribal, with 76.81% of its population being Scheduled Tribe. The literacy rate is at 37.58%. The workforce in the district is engaged in agriculture and also migrant labour. Sankheda is famous for its ethnic furniture and is an industry in itself. About 68% of land holdings are with small and marginal farmers and the average size of their holdings is 1.00 Ha. The major crops grown in the district are cotton, maize, sugarcane, tuwar and paddy. Banana, mango, guava and sapota are the main horticultural crops. NABARD has been laying special focus on this district by implementing its Tribal Development Programme and has sanctioned 8 projects of 1000 Wadis each to three Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs. The agencies have started planning and moving towards e-marketing of vegetables and fruits, produced from the WADI projects. Shortly, the farmers Producers’ Groups/ Federations would be formed and they would be linked to the market to get better price for their agricultural produce.

Projections for 2016-17 The Potential Linked Credit Plan (PLP) for 2016-17 has been prepared aligning with the revised RBI guidelines on Priority Sector Lending (PSL). PSL has got a big push through inclusion of Medium Entreprises, Export credit and credit for Social infrastructure into its fold that has broaden the canvas for the banks. The potential for extending bank credit in the district of Chhotaudepur (06 Blocks) for the year 2016-17 has been assessed at ` 2,24,379.36 lakh vis-à-vis the potential for the previous year (2015- 16) which was assessed at ` 1,78,104.42 lakh an increase of 26.00%. Considering the importance accorded for increasing food production and productivity the potential for Crop Loans for 2016-17 has been assessed at ` 62,481.90 lakh. The potential for Agricultural Term loans for 2016-17 has been assessed at ` 35,171.69 lakh that forms 36.00% of the overall potential for Agricultural Credit [Crop Loans and Term Loans] for 2016-17 which has been assessed at ` 97,653.59 lakh. Potential under MSME has been assessed at ` 95,737.50 lakh, forming 42.66% of Total Priority Sector projections and ` 30,988.27 lakh has been estimated for other sectors like Exports, Education, Housing, Renewable Energy, etc. The activity-wise and block-wise assessment of potential is presented in Annexure I. The critical infrastructure required can be supported through private investment by setting up of food & agro processing units, and for scientific storage, construction of cold storages, rural godowns, cold chains etc. may be undertaken, private schools and hospitals may form the part of credit for social infrastructure. GGRC may aggressively propagate the combination of solar pumping with micro irrigation systems.

Area Based Schemes (ABS): The main objective of the ABS is to identify the activities and prepare a scheme which provides ‘end-to-end solutions’ and results in ‘ACTUAL CREDIT FLOW’ after grounding of activities in the district. Promotion of Food Processing industries – Mango, Guava & Pomegranate, Cotton cultivation with Drip and Banana Ripening chambers are the potential activities identified under ABS.

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PLP 2016-17 Chhotaudepur

BROAD SECTOR-WISE PLP PROJECTIONS YEAR 2016-17 Chhotaudepur (₹. lakh) PLP Projections Sr. No. SECTOR 2016-17 A Farm Credit i Crop Production, Maintenance and Marketing 62,481.90 ii Term Loan for agriculture and allied activities 25,629.25 Sub Total 88,111.15 B Agriculture Infrastructure 4,855.88 C Ancillary activities 4,686.56 I Credit Potential for Agriculture (A+B+C) 97,653.59 II Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises 95,737.50 III Export Credit 2,565.00 IV Education 11,160.00 V Housing 13,365.00 VI Renewable Energy 118.80 VII Others 3,104.48 VIII Social Infrastructure involving bank credit 675.00 Total Priority Sector (I to VIII) 224,379.36

Broad Sector-wise Projections 2016-17

Credit Potential for Agriculture (A+B+C) Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Export Credit Education Housing Renewable Energy Others Social Infrastructure involving bank credit

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PLP 2016-17 Chhotaudepur

SUMMARY Sector / Sub-sector wise PLP projections - 2016-17 NAME OF DISTRICT : CHHOTAUDEPUR STATE: (₹.lakhs) I Credit Potential for Agriculture A Farm Credit i Crop Production, Maintenance and Marketing 62,481.90 ii Water Resources 6,909.53 iii Farm Mechanisation 14,574.38 iv Plantation and Horticulture (including sericulture) 958.28 v Forestry and Waste Land Development 134.55 vi Animal Husbandry – Dairy 2,272.05 vii Animal Husbandry – Poultry 225.68 viii Animal Husbandry – Sheep, Goat, Piggery, etc. 118.35 ix Fisheries (Marine, Inland, Brackish water) 146.20 x Others – Bullock, Bullock cart, etc. 290.25 Sub Total 88,111.15 B Agriculture Infrastructure i Construction of storage facilities (Warehouses, Market 3,828.75 yards, Godowns, Silos, Cold storage units/ Cold storage chains) ii Land development, Soil conservation, 433.13 Watershed development iii Others (Tissue culture, Agri bio-technology, Seed 594.00 production, Bio pesticides/ fertilizers, Vermin Sub Total 4,855.88 C Ancillary activities i Food and Agro processing 4,236.56 ii Others (Loans to Cooperative Societies of farmers for 450.00 disposing of their produce, Agri Clinics/ Agri Business Centres, Loans to PACS / FSS/ LAMPS, Loans to MFIs for on lending) Sub Total 4,686.56 Total Agriculture 97,653.59 II Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises i MSME – Investment Credit 76,590.00 ii MSME – Working Capital 19,147.50 Total MSME 95,737.50 III Export Credit 2,565.00 IV Education 11,160.00 V Housing 13,365.00 VI Renewable Energy 118.80 VII Others (Loans to SHGs/ JLGs, loans to distressed 3,104.48 persons to prepay non-institutional lenders, PMJDY, loans to state sponsored organisations for SC/ST) VIII Social Infrastructure involving bank credit 675.00 Total Priority Sector 224,379.36

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PLP 2016-17 Chhotaudepur

DISTRICT PROFILE Chhotaudepur, the newly formed district is pre-dominantly tribal, with 76.81% of its population being Scheduled Tribe. It has six Blocks viz. Chhotaudepur, Pavi Jetpur, Naswadi, Kawant, & Sankheda. The literacy rate is at 37.58%. The workforce in the district is engaged in agriculture and also migrant labour. Sankheda is famous for its ethnic furniture and is an industry in itself. The district has a good network of rural and semi-urban branches of banks. Predominant economic activities of the district ‘Agriculture’ sector engages 65% of the workforce, while ‘Industry’ sector engages 35% of the workforce of the district. However, consequent upon availability of improved irrigation potential, ‘Agriculture’ sector is gaining advantage and people are taking up the farming activities with vigor. The rural households which fall under Below Poverty Line (BPL) category comprise of tribal population (77%) spread over in six blocks of the district. The district provides tremendous scope for horticulture and agro-processing activities. Many non-farm sector activities are also taken up as a number of SSI and ancillary units are required for supporting large industries, besides engaging labour force for repairs and servicing. Cash crops cover more area than food crops in the district. The major crops grown in the district are cotton, maize, sugarcane, tuwer and paddy. Banana, mango, guava and sapota are the main horticultural crops. Vegetables are grown extensively in Pavi Jetpur, Chhotaudepur & Naswadi blocks of the district. As monsoon continues to be erratic, need for greater focus lies in water resource management. Farmers need to be incentivised to save water by adopting suitable cropping pattern on their farms. There is a need for conserving soil moisture security so that “more crop per drop” can be achieved. As per the information of State Emergency Operation Centre, Revenue Department, , the average rainfall of Chhotaudepur district is 991 mm and it has received 463 mm i.e. 46.37%, till the end of July 2015.

NABARD Initiatives in the district

NABARD has been laying special focus on this district by implementing its Tribal Development Programme and has sanctioned 8 projects of 1000 Wadis each in the three blocks viz. Naswadi, Chhotaudepur & Pavi Jetpur. Under this programme, one acre of land is identified for wadi development of which 0.25 acre is earmarked for creeper vegetable under Mandva structure and 0.75 acre is developed with plantation crops, a mix of Mango, Guava & Lime/ Pomegranate. The Mandva structure helps in getting two-tier cultivation, the top structure is used for creeper vegetables and the lower land is used for sowing ginger, turmeric etc. The land between mango & guava plantation is utilized for intercrops and borders are used for teak/ drumstick plantation. Thus the available land is put to optimum utilization and helps in checking the migration. The farmer gets immediate returns from mandva & intercrop and long term recurring income from plantation. A Rural Mart has been functioning at Kadwal village of Pavi Jetpur. The outlet, supported by NABARD, can help the farmers in marketing their produce and fetch better price. The agencies have started planning and moving towards e-marketing of vegetables and fruits, produced from the WADI projects. Shortly, the farmers Producers’ Groups/ Federations would be formed and they would be linked to the market to get better price for their agricultural produce. An attempt would be made to setup processing units and start the value chain to enable the farmers for sorting, grading, processing and packaging of the produce, thus getting higher return for their hard labor. Concerted efforts are also being put in to cover all the excluded farmers under the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme, to ensure that low cost short term agriculture credit is purveyed at the grass root level. NABARD has been making efforts for credit linking all such farmers through Joint Liability Groups (JLGs).

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PLP 2016-17 Chhotaudepur

District Profile District - Chhotaudepur State - Gujarat 01. PHYSICAL & ADMINISTRATIVE FEATURES 02. SOIL & CLIMATE Total Geographical Area ( 3,437 Agro-climatic Zone Gujarat Plains & Hills Region - Middle Gujarat No. of Sub Divisions 0 No. of Blocks 6 Climate Semi Arid No. of Villages (Inhabited) 888 333 Gram Panchayats + Soil Type Loamy, Medium Black soils No. of Panchayats 218 Group Panchayats 03. LAND UTILISATION [Ha] 04. RAINFALL & GROUND WATER Total Area Reported 343,606 Normal 2012 2013 2014 Actual Forest Land 75,704 Rainfall [in mm] 991 1,570 889 Area Not Available for Cultivation 15,358 Variation from Normal 579 -102 Land for non-agricultural use 24,046 Availability of Ground Net annual recharge Net annual draft Balance Permanent pasture and grazing land 13,302 Water [Ham] N.A. N.A. N.A. Cultivable Wasteland 4,642 05. DISTRIBUTION OF LAND HOLDING Current Fallow 5,298 Holding Area Classification of Holding Land under miscellaneous trees cover - Nos. % to Total Ha. % to Total Net Sown Area 208,866 <= 1 Ha 37,249 35.03 21,312 10.57 Area Cultivated More than Once 39,778 >1 to <=2 Ha 35,226 33.13 50,287 24.95 Gross cropped area 248,644 >2 Ha 33,845 31.83 129,968 64.48 Cropping Inensity [GCA/NSA] 119.04 Total 106,320 100.00 201,567 100.00 06. WORKERS PROFILE [in '000] 07. DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE [in '000] Cultivators 165 Category Total Male Female Rural Urban Of the above, Small/Marginal Farmers Population 1,072 545 527 1,000 72 Agricultural Labourers 138 Scheduled Caste 25 13 12 23 2 Workers engaged in Household Industries 3 Scheduled Tribe 857 434 423 848 9 Workers engaged in Allied Agro-activities 44 Literate 508 305 203 454 54 Other workers 197 BPL 08. HOUSEHOLDS [in '000] 09. RURAL HOUSEHOLD AMENITIES [Nos. in '000 Households] Total Households 907 Having brick/stone/concrete Having electricity Rural Households 463 Having source of drinking water Having independent BPL Households 183 Having access to banking Having radio/tv sets 10. VILLAGE-LEVEL INFRASTRUCTURE [Nos] 11. INFRASTRUCTURE RELATING TO HEALTH & SANITATION [Nos] Villages Electrified 888 Anganwadis Dispensaries 40 Villages having Agriculture Power Supply Primary Health Centres Hospitals 8 Villages having Post Offices 193 Primary Health Sub-Centres Hospital Beds 340 Villages having Banking Facilities 12. INFRASTRUCTURE & SUPPORT SERVICES FOR AGRICULTURE Villages having Primary Schools 874 Fertiliser/Seed/Pesticide Outlets Agriculture Villages having Primary Health Centres 40 Total N/P/K Consumption [MT] Pumpsets Energised N.A. Villages having Potable Water Supply 888 Certified Seeds Supplied [MT] N.A. Agro Service Centres 10 Villages connected with Paved Approach Pesticides Consumed [MT] N.A. Soil Testing Centres 3 13. IRRIGATION COVERAGE [Ha] Agriculture Tractors [Nos] Plantation nurseries Total Area Available for Irrigation (NIA + Fallow) 63,439 Power Tillers [Nos] N.A. Farmers' Clubs [Nos] Irrigation Potential Created 56,075 Threshers/Cutters [Nos] Krishi Vigyan 1 Net Irrigated Area(Total area irrigated at least 53,499 14. INFRASTRUCTURE FOR STORAGE, TRANSPORT & MARKETING Area irrigated by Canals / Channels 8,302 Rural/Urban Mandi/Haat [Nos] 112 Wholesale Market Area irrigated by Wells 38,650 Length of Pucca Road [Km] Godown [Nos] N.A. Area irrigated by Tanks 1,099 Length of Railway Line [Km] N.A. Godown Capacity[MT] N.A. Area irrigated by Other Sources 5,448 Public Transport Vehicle [Nos] Cold Storage [Nos] N.A. Irrigation Potential Utilized (Gross Irrigated 73,951 Goods Transport Vehicle [Nos] Cold Store N.A. 15. AGRO-PROCESSING UNITS 16. AREA, PRODUCTION & YIELD OF MAJOR CROPS Type of Processing Activity No of units Cap.[MT] 2013-14 2014-15 Yield Food Crop N.A. N.A. Area (Ha) Prod. (MT) Area (Ha) Prod. (MT) [Kg/Ha] (Rice/Flour/Dal/Oil/Tea/Coffee) Sugarcane N.A. N.A. Maize 29,081 53,799 29,682 55,297 1,863 Fruit (Pulp/Juice/Fruit drink) N.A. N.A. Paddy 23,200 43,848 18,815 35,184 1,870 Spices (Masala N.A. N.A. Tur 30,942 34,036 22,108 23,987 1,085 Dry-fruit N.A. N.A. Udad 11,697 9,357 10,036 7,928 790 Cotton N.A. N.A. Cotton 78,050 51,057 92,330 54,474 590 Milk N.A. N.A. Castor 6,430 11,895 4,630 8,621 1,862 Meat N.A. N.A. Animal feed N.A. N.A. Production of Cotton(lint), Jute, Mesta & Sanhemp are in Bales(177.8 kg per bale in ) 17. ANIMAL POPULATION AS PER CENSUS 2012 (**) 18. INFRASTRUCTURE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ALLIED ACTIVITIES Category of Veterinary Total Male Female 10 Animal Markets [Nos] N.A. animal Hospitals/Dispensaries [Nos] Cattle - Cross Disease Diagnostic Centres Milk Collection 29,814 6,567 23,247 14 N.A. bred [Nos] First Aid Centres Centres [Nos] Cattle - Artificial Insemination Centers Fishermen Societies 472,597 253,552 219,045 14 12 Indigenous [Nos] [Nos] Buffaloes 789,629 50,969 738,660 Animal Breeding Farms [Nos] N.A. Fish seed farms [Nos] N.A. Sheep - Cross Animal Husbandry Tng Centres 855 484 371 N.A. Fish Markets [Nos] N.A. bred [Nos] Sheep - Poultry hatcheries 4,401 2,242 2,159 Dairy Cooperative Societies [Nos] 524 N.A. Indigenous [Nos] Slaughter houses Goat 361,923 106,540 255,383 Improved Fodder Farms [Nos] N.A. N.A. [Nos] Pig - Cross bred 58 37 21 19. MILK, FISH, EGG PRODUCTION & THEIR PER CAPITA AVAILABILITY

Pig - Indigenous 475 215 260 Fish Production [MT] Per cap avail. [gm/day] N.A. Horse / Donkey / Per cap avail. 3,901 2,491 1,410 Egg Production [Lakh Nos] N.A. Camel [nos/p.a.] Poultry - Cross 1,290,224 Milk Production ['000 MT] 117.05 Per cap avail. [gm/day] N.A. bred Poultry - 355,465 Meat Production [MT] 0 Per cap avail. [gm/day] N.A. Indigenous Sources (if not Item Nos. 1, 6, 7, 9 & 10 - Census 2001, District Statistical Handbook 2013-14; Item Nos. 2, 3, 5, 12, 13 & 14 - District Statistical Handbook 2013-14, mentioned Statistical Abstract of Gujarat State 2010; Item No. 4 - GSDMA website, Statistical Abstract of Gujarat State 2010; Item No. 8 - BPL Survey 2002; Item against the No. 15 - District Ind Centre/Dir. of Eco. & Stat.; Item No. 16 - Dist. Agri. Officer; Item No. 17 - AH Census 2012 (**)For erstwhile, undivided Vadodara; respective item): Item Nos. 18 & 19 - Dir. of Animal Hus./Dir. of Eco. & Stat.

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PLP 2016-17 Chhotaudepur

बकℂ कं ग प्रोफा셍ल Banking Profile

जिला District : Chhotaudepur रा煍य State गुिरात GUJARAT अग्रणी बकℂ Lead Bank : Bank of Baroda

1. नेटिकध और पहुंर् Network & Outreach (Position as 31/03/2015 की जस्थतत) बकℂ ⴂ / 셍ससे िुडी हु셍ध अनौपर्ाररक एिᴂमसयⴂ की सं奍या प्रतत शाखा पहुंर् Per Branch शाखाओं की सं奍या No. of Branches सममततयⴂ की No. of non-formal agencies assoiated Outreach एिᴂसी Agency सं奍या No. of अर्-ध शहरी सूविसं/सूविसंगठन स्िंसस/ बीसी / बीएफ पररिार कु ल Total ग्रामीण Rural शहरी Urban गांि Villages Banks/Soc. Semi-Urban mFIs/mFOs संदेस BCs/BFs Households िाणण煍य बकℂ Commercial Banks 13 63 43 20 114 क्षेत्रीय ग्रामीण बकℂ Regional Rural Bank 1 3 2 1 जिला मध्यिती सहकारी बकℂ 1 10 6 4 सहकारी कृ वि और ग्रामीण विकास बकℂ 1 4 0 4 प्राथममक कृ वि सहकारी सममतत 141 अन्य Others सभी एिᴂमसयां All Agencies 16 80 51 29 2. बकाया िमारामशयां DEPOSITS OUTSTANDING खातⴂ की सं奍या No. of accounts िमारामश Amount of Deposit [셁.Rs.'000] एिᴂसी Agency िवृ ि िवृ ि 31मार्2013ध 31मार्2014ध 31मार्2015ध शये र Share(%) 31मार्2013ध 31मार्2014ध 31मार्2015ध शये र Share(%) Growth(%) Growth(%) िाणण煍य बकℂ Commercial Banks 541241 #DIV/0! 14153800 12921100 88.65 क्षेत्रीय ग्रामीण बकℂ Regional Rural Bank 1866 #DIV/0! 36700 45000 0.31 सहकारी बकℂ Cooperative Banks 19215 #DIV/0! 913300 1071400 7.35 अन्य Others #DIV/0! 538400 3.69 सभी एिᴂमसयां All Agencies 562322 0 #DIV/0! 15103800 14575900 100.00 3. बकाया ऋण और अग्रग्रम LOANS & ADVANCES OUTSTANDING

खातⴂ की सं奍या No. of accounts बकाया ऋण और अग्रग्रम Amount of Loans & Advances [셁.Rs.'000]

एिᴂसी Agency िवृ ि िवृ ि 31मार्2013ध 31मार्2014ध 31मार्2015ध शये र Share(%) 31मार्2013ध 31मार्2014ध 31मार्2015ध शये र Share(%) Growth(%) Growth(%)

िाणण煍य बकℂ Commercial Banks 46618 #DIV/0! 7963300 6881400 85.76

क्षेत्रीय ग्रामीण बकℂ Regional Rural Bank 46 #DIV/0! 46400 56900 0.71 सहकारी बकℂ Cooperative Banks 225 #DIV/0! 585100 645100 8.04 अन्य Others #DIV/0! 441000 5.50 सभी एिᴂमसयां All Agencies 0 46889 0 #DIV/0! 0 8594800 8024400 100.00 4. ऋण-िमा अनुपात CD-RATIO 5. वि配तीय समािेशन के तहत कायतध नष्पादन PERFORMANCE UNDER FINANCIAL INCLUSION

ऋण-िमा अनुपात CD Ratio During 2014-15 के दौरान समेककत Cumulative

एिᴂसी Agency एिᴂसी Agency 31मार्2013ध 31मार्2014ध 31मार्2015ध िमा Deposit ऋण Loan िमा Deposit ऋण Loan

िाणण煍य बकℂ Commercial Banks 56.26 53.25 िाणण煍य बकℂ Commercial क्षेत्रीय ग्रामीण बकℂ Regional क्षेत्रीय ग्रामीण बकℂ Regional Rural Bank 126.57 126.44 Rural Bank सहकारी बकℂ Cooperative Banks 64.07 60.21 सहकारी बकℂ Cooperative

अन्य Others 81.91 अन्य Others

सभी एिᴂमसयां All Agencies 56.90 55.05 सभी एिᴂमसयां All Agencies

6. राष्रीय लक्ष्यⴂ की पूतत ध हेत ु कायतध नष्पादन PERFORMANCE TO FULFILL NATIONAL GOALS (As on 31/03/2015 की जस्थतत) प्राथममकता प्राप्त क्षेत्र ऋण कृ वि क्षेत्र को ऋण Loans कमिोर क्षेत्रⴂ को ऋण डीआरआ셍ध योिना के अतं गतध महहलाओं को ऋण Loans to

Priority Sector Loans to Agr. Sector Loans to Weaker Sections ऋण Loans under DRI Women

एिᴂसी Agency रामश Amount कु ल ऋण का रामश कु ल ऋण रामश Amount कु ल ऋण का रामश रामश Amount कु ल ऋण का % कु ल ऋण का % [셁.Rs.'000] % of Total Amount का % of [셁.Rs.'000] % of Total Amount [셁.Rs.'000] of Total Loans of Total Loans Loans [셁.Rs.'000] Total Loans Loans [셁.Rs.'000] िाणण煍य बकℂ Commercial Banks 5961100 74.29 4071600 50.74 2677300 33.36 0 0.00 621300 7.74

क्षेत्रीय ग्रामीण बकℂ Regional Rural Bank 40300 0.50 25600 0.32 5000 0.06 0 0.00 6100 0.08

सहकारी बकℂ Cooperative Banks 398400 4.96 391900 4.88 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00

अन्य Others 200600 2.50 106500 1.33 68500 0.85 0 0.00 15100 0.19

सभी एिᴂमसयां All Agencies 6600400 82.25 4595600 57.27 2750800 34.28 0 0.00 642500 8.01

7. िाविकध ऋण योिनाओं के अतं गतध एिᴂसी-िार कायतध नष्पादन AGENCY-WISE PERFORMANCE UNDER ANNUAL CREDIT PLANS

2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 वपछले 3 ििⴂ मᴂ

लक्ष्य लक्ष्य औसत उपलजधर् एिᴂसी Agency लक्ष्य Target उपलजधर्Achmnt उपलजधर्Achm उपलजधर्Achmnt उपलजधर्Achmnt उपलजधर्Achmnt उपलजधर्Achmnt Target Target Average Ach [셁.Rs.'000] [셁.Rs. '000] nt [%] [셁.Rs. '000] [%] [셁.Rs. '000] [%] [셁.Rs.'000] [셁.Rs.'000] in last 3 िाणण煍य बकℂ Commercial Banks 0 0 #DIV/0! 6840900 3291900 48.12 13653424 3972874 29.10 #DIV/0! क्षेत्रीय ग्रामीण बकℂ Regional Rural Bank 0 0 #DIV/0! 10700 21500 200.93 256175 5076 1.98 #DIV/0! सहकारी बकℂ Cooperative Banks 0 0 #DIV/0! 1227000 530400 43.23 1464401 383310 26.18 #DIV/0! अन्य Others 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

सभी एिᴂमसयां All Agencies 0 0 #DIV/0! 8078600 3843800 47.58 15374000 4361260 28.37 #DIV/0!

8. िाविकध ऋण योिना के अतं गतध क्षेत्र-िार कायतध नष्पादन SECTOR-WISE PERFORMANCE UNDER ANNUAL CREDIT PLANS वपछले 3 ििⴂ मᴂ 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 औसत उपलजधर् लक्ष्य लक्ष्य 핍यापक क्षेत्र Broad Sector लक्ष्य Target उपलजधर्Achmnt उपलजधर्Achm उपलजधर्Achmnt उपलजधर्Achmnt उपलजधर्Achmnt उपलजधर्Achmnt Average Ach Target Target [셁.Rs.'000] [셁.Rs. '000] nt [%] [셁.Rs. '000] [%] [셁.Rs. '000] [%] in last 3 [셁.Rs.'000] [셁.Rs.'000] years [%] फसल ऋणCrop Loan 0 0 #DIV/0! 4149900 2577800 62.12 4964700 2871300 57.83 #DIV/0!

मीयादी ऋण (कृ वि) Term Loan (Agr) 0 0 #DIV/0! 1757700 605300 34.44 2531800 215100 8.50 #DIV/0!

कु ल कृ वि ऋण Total Agri. Credit 0 0 #DIV/0! 5907600 3183100 53.88 7496500 3086400 41.17 #DIV/0! कृ िीतर क्षेत्र Non-Farm Sector 0 0 #DIV/0! 1811200 302400 16.70 3012900 146200 4.85 #DIV/0! अन्य प्राथममकता प्राप्त क्षेत्र Other Priority 0 0 #DIV/0! 244700 315700 129.02 4864600 1128600 23.20 #DIV/0!

कु ल प्राथममकता प्राप्त क्षेत्र Total Priority 0 0 #DIV/0! 7963500 3801200 47.73 15374000 4361200 28.37 #DIV/0!

9. िसूली की जस्थतत RECOVERY POSITION

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 वपछले 3 ििⴂ मᴂ

औसत िसूली िसूली मांग मांग एिᴂसी Agency मांग Demand िसूली]Recover िसूली]Recover िसूली िसूली]Recovery िसूली Average Rec. Recovery Demand [셁 Demand [셁 [셁 Rs. '000] y [셁 Rs. '000] y [셁 Rs. '000] Recovery [%] [셁 Rs. '000] Recovery [%] in last 3 [%] Rs. '000] Rs. '000] years [%] िाणण煍य बकℂ Commercial Banks 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! क्षेत्रीय ग्रामीण बकℂ Regional Rural Bank 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! सहकारी बकℂ Cooperative Banks 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! अन्य Others 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

सभी एिᴂमसयां All Agencies 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

स्रोत : अग्रणी बकℂ और रा煍य स्तरीय बकℂ र सममतत Sources : Lead Bank & SLBC

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