TO: ALL MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of Findon Parish Council (FPC) to be held on Monday 9 August 2021 at 7.30pm in Findon Village Hall for the purpose of transacting the following business. THIS IS AN OPEN MEETING AND MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND If a member of the public wishes to comment in relation to any business to be transacted and would prefer not to physically attend, please can they email their comments to the Clerk no later than 4pm on Friday 6 August 2021 [email protected] .

Miss Fiona MacLeod Clerk to the Parish Council 3/8/2021

AGENDA 21.63 TO RECEIVE AND NOTE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 21.64 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS 21.65 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST ON ITEMS ON THE AGENDA Members and Officers are reminded to make any declarations of personal and/or prejudicial/pecuniary interests they may have in relation to items on this Agenda. The interest should be declared by stating: a) the item you have the interest in b) whether it is a personal interest and the nature of the interest c) whether it is also a prejudicial/pecuniary interest d) if it is a prejudicial/pecuniary interest, whether you will be exercising your right to speak under Public Question Time Members and Officers will then need to re-declare any prejudicial/pecuniary interest at the commencement of the item or when the interest becomes apparent. 21.66 TO SIGN AS A CORRECT RECORD THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD 28/6/2021 21.67 UPDATE ON IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTIONS NOT COVERED ELSEWHERE ON THE AGENDA To note the update report. 21.68 TO RECEIVE VERBAL REPORTS FROM COUNTY COUNCIL (WSCC) AND ARUN DISTRICT COUNCIL (ADC) COUNCILLORS 21.69 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME OF UP TO FIFTEEN MINUTES The Question Time is the only opportunity for the public to address the meeting, make representations, answer questions and give evidence in respect of any item within the remit of the Council, and not limited to matters of the agenda for that meeting. (Standing Order 1d). Where it is not possible to give immediate answers, the answers will be given at the next Meeting or, if preferred, sent direct to the questioner. 21.70 TO RECEIVE A SHORT PRESENTATION FROM THE PRE-SCHOOL 21.71 GRANT APPLICATIONS To consider grant application request forms. 21.72 FINDON VILLAGE HALL EXTENSION To consider a progress report regarding a Public Works Loan and any items for ratification/approval.

21.73 HOMEWOOD PLAY AREA To consider a progress report and any items for ratification/approval. 21.74 PROPOSED A24 CYCLE PATH To note the update report and any further progress/consultation update. 21.75 CLERKS REPORT To note the report and consider any items for ratification including 2022 meeting dates. 21.76 REPORTS FROM FPC COMMITTEES FOR NOTING/RATIFYING a) Planning b) Finance & Governance 21.77 REPORTS FROM WORKING GROUPS AND OUTSIDE BODIES FOR NOTING/RATIFYING a) 3-5 Year Strategic Plan Review Working Group b) Open Spaces Working Group c) Village parking/speeding Working Group d) Trees Working Group e) Allotment Gardens f) Nepcote Green Pond g) Village Hall Trust 21.78 FINANCE a) To note Receipts and Bank Reconciliation as circulated b) To approve Payments as circulated c) To review IT support d) Update on BACS payments and additional cheque signatories e) Update on Land Registry Direct Debit set up 21.79 ITEMS TO BE REFERRED TO NEXT AGENDA

Agenda Item 21.67

Report to Findon Parish Council Meeting Date 9 August 2021 From Fiona MacLeod, Clerk Title of Report Previous actions not covered elsewhere on the Agenda Purpose of Report To note (COVID restrictions lifted 19 July 2021)

1. Updates for noting

20.12 Clerk to liaise with Findon Village Hall re potential Carried forward. Will now use of flagpole as part of Protocol discuss the FVHT Chairman. 20.34 • Review of Standing Orders/Financial Regs To be taken to future Finance & Governance Committee meeting • Cllr Smith to write article in Findon News Carried forward re Community Transport scheme 20.36 a) Mobile Information Unit visit to be confirmed Carried forward Cllr Gear 21.26/21.40 Increase in dog fouling 1) contact Dog Warden/posters Carried forward 2) identify problem areas Ongoing 3) longer term action Carried forward 21.38 Clerk to send co-option documentation to Toby Completed Selves 21.44 Clerk to respond to government Call for Evidence Completed online and adapt approved governance docs to be FPC specific 21.48 Cllr Carr to keep a watching brief re sewage sludge Ongoing 21.58 Clerk to send co-option documentation to Sean Completed Hellett 21.60 Annual Governance and Accountability Return Completed (AGAR)

Agenda Item 21.73

Report to Findon Parish Council Meeting Date 9 August 2021 From Cllr Sean Smith Title of Report Update on Homewood play area regeneration Purpose of Report To note

1. Updates for noting 1.1 Arun District Council (ADC) has now completed a survey on the Play Area and subsequently compiled all public responses into a report. This is attached as Appendix 1 to the report.

1.2 Using comments from the report ADC has now created a Design Brief for the play area refurbishment (attached as Appendix 2 to the report) and a Quality Questions document that covers a number of elements to any tender allowing a weighted choice to help selection: • Start to program of works 15% • Play value and design style 40% • Health and safety Management 15% • Durability and maintenance 15% • Sustainability 15%

1.3 Councillors will be involved in the final selection process.

2. Issues for consideration and approval by full Council 2.1 Councillors are asked to agree the Design Brief (Appendix 2 to the report).

Homewood Play Area Improvements Survey Summary

Q1. How often do you visit the play area?

Q1. How often do you visit the play area? 35% 31% 30%

25% 21% 21% 20% 14% 15% 10% 10%

5% 3%

0% Everyday A few times a About once a A few times a Once a Less than week week month month once a month

Q2. What do you like about the current play area?

The equipment that it has is suitable for a range of different ages and abilities. It is fenced off to keep dogs out. It is generally clean and tidy and well looked after. We also just appreciate that it is there to be used, and it is somewhere for our daughter to meet other children. It is great for toddlers and my son really enjoyed it when he was small. It is clean and tidy. Very little rubbish and is quiet. The big swing outside the play area is suitable for slightly older children. The Family ball game of random catch Don't actually use the play area, the park is nice for walking the dogs though. It’s secure for small children It’s location as just down the road Feels safe, secluded from the road It has good things for pre-schoolers to play with, I like that it's enclosed and the bigger ones can have their own space on the net swing and the wider park area Roundabout in the middle of the park, spider swing, climbing frame Access to green space; reasonable spacing between play equipment The variety of equipment to play on. It's contained for safety. Swings Kept clean and tidy The separate area for people/children only where dogs are not allowed. Village setting. Never too busy Safe for children. Variety for ages. Fairly ok for young children. Nothing. Nothing. It's awful. In a safe area. The bridge and slide equipment is a favourite with the little children. Near to my home, good for younger children, near to open green and some trees to adventure in How spacious it is. The current equipment suits toddlers.

Q3. What do you dislike about the current play area?

It's not a dislike, rather we would just like to see more stuff!! Our daughter is growing fast, and ideally would really love to have a greater range of equipment to explore. It is limited to equipment for smaller children. My son has little challenge now so we now have to travel out of the village to find something a bit more interesting for him. Needs a revamp. Only seems suitable for small children. Needs to have other equipment for older children to enjoy. Perhaps 2 areas for toddlers and one for older kids. The swings are only provided for toddlers Don't actually use the play area, the park is nice for walking the dogs though. Nothing for older children especially teenagers All equipment is for babies and toddlers not primary school ages Outdated and scruffy appearance that gives a perception of a run down and not child safe environment Too many roundabouts! The children can open the gate by the net swing easily and get out and there isn't anything for school age children to enjoy. Too small climbing frame is for younger children. Swings only for babies and then the spider swing is inadequate if more than one family with one child Dated equipment; a lack of variety; limited seating A lot of it is outdated, it has been the same thing for many years. No zip wire. Not much for slightly older children. Limited parking. The lack of fencing all the way round, it is next to such a busy road and it is a worry. The current fence isn't very clear and isn't very country style. Equipment a bit run down. Equipment is quite old. Fencing around the site could be improved. Especially the fence near the A24 to keep children safer. There is nothing for young teenagers to do apart from the one swing. It needs to be improved with picnic tables etc so young people can meet together and then this will help stop the problems in other parts of the village e.g. around the Village Hall because they have nowhere else to go. Only for preschool children. It's babyish, awful and outdated Too young, out of date, too small. The grass within the area is pretty rutted and uneven. Equipment is dated. The surface of the whole area is uneven and the areas around the equipment would benefit from more modern safety surfaces. Not enough for “older” children aged 5-7 A bit tired now. The spring rides are all very weathered and some springs are wonky! the playground needs some stuff for slightly older children ie; swings or a bigger more universal play/climbing frame/ slide (like the one at the fox pub)..? A built in trampoline in ground?? maybe a couple more benches at the peripheries for parents? A wild area would be good... With bug hotels and a mud/outdoor kitchen maybe? Some stepping logs..??basically... Try to use nature as the basis for play, but with a few updated key items that are universal for children of all ages... Needs more equipment for children 5+

Q4. Would you like to see equipment for a range of different ages and abilities?

Q4. Would you like to see equipment for a range of different ages and abilities?



Yes No

Q5. Which new item of equipment would you like to see the most?

Q5. Which new item of equipment would you like to see the most? 30% 28% 28% 24% 25% 20% 15% 10% 10% 5% 3% 3% 3% 0% 0% 0%

Other: Normal swings not just baby ones, Small skate park, Outdoor gym for all ages similar to set up in Findon Valley gallops.

Q6. Would you like to see natural style equipment made of timber?

Q6. Would you like to see natural style equipment made of timber?



Yes No

Q7. Are there any other improvements that you would like to see in the play area or the wider open space?

More swings for bigger children would be great. And a seesaw. Along with a more traditional roundabout. It would also be great to bring more nature into the play area for children to explore. And perhaps a way to get adults more involved too. Lastly, more adult seating. Burpham Park sets a great example of how a small, village park can be wonderful for all age children. It was hard to pick one from above. There should be swings for older children. There should be an obstacle/climbing frame. Yes . Make the playground bigger and have more equipment for all ages The playground is very good for very young children but not very appealing to school age. One of the gates to the children's area gets stuck on the paving slabs Picnic tables Just somewhere for 5-8 year olds to enjoy Space for parents to sit and keep an eye on their children. Apparatus suitable for a range of ages 2 to 12 The fence by the A24 needs repairs Expanding the size would be great Perhaps some more (larger-sized) equipment outside of the play area To have more play equipment added both inside the play area and within the park for younger and older children. More parking Grass cut more often. Natural obstacles like logs and willow hides Fencing repairs to a24 side Picnic tables so older children can meet together and sit and chat. Anything would be an improvement. An area for younger children (under 4) and an area for 5 and up. It would be helpful if the equipment was set in 2 areas, one more suitable for younger children.. More seating areas for parents N/a Fitness equipment would benefit all and help tackle obesity.

Q8. Do you have any other comments about this project that you would like us to consider?

Just that we really hope any improvements go ahead. We value and use the play area a lot already, and would love to see it made even better. Skate park Gym equipment Safe enclosure to house equipment and prevent children running out into road. Dogs prohibited. Safe surface to minimise injury from falls etc. I think it's a really solid play park for its size and offers a good experience I wonder if expanding and adding rather than changing may be best.I We can't wait to see what's planned! The large net swing was a good addition to the park, I would like to see more things like that added! Lots of people walk their dogs there and with it being so close to the road it would be nice for it to be more secure. It would be nice to talk to some of the teenagers in the village and ask them what they think. Equipment for older children re older 10+ equipment. The sooner it’s done the better. The play area by Arundel Castle would be a great example to copy as it has a great range of equipment which is safely spaced out and there is seating for parents to watch over their children. Upgrading the playground and creating a space for more ages will be a huge benefit for Findon. It needs to be fit for purpose for the local community, but not so large that it brings in outside traffic to the residents of Homewood. However, I'm really very pleased this is being looked at. Thankyou. We are very excited about this and spending more time in the fresh air. Trees cut back around outside

Agenda item 21.73 Appendix 2


Design Brief for Homewood Play Area Refurbishment

Location: Homewood Play Area Findon West Sussex BN14 0XA


Arun District Council and Findon Parish Council are seeking design proposals for the refurbishment of Homewood Play Area.

Findon Parish Council has been awarded grant funding from National Park Authority to make the improvements and ADC are providing additional funding from their capital funding scheme. The budget for the improvements is £41.5K (including 10% contingency).

The play area is easily accessible to the local residents of Findon and is located to the north of the village centre between Horsham Road and the A24.

The play area is dated, and some items of equipment are showing evidence of deterioration. At present, the play facility is mainly focused on the younger age range and there are limited play opportunities for older children.

A public consultation of site users was carried out in May/June 2021 (See Consultation Summary Report). The majority of respondents visit the play area a few times a week and appreciate the provision of a secure play area that is separate to the wider greenspace. The limited variety in equipment for children in the junior age range was mentioned frequently as a negative factor regarding the play area, and there is local demand to update the equipment in the play area.

The vast majority of respondents (97%) would like to see the provision of equipment for a range of ages and abilities. The most popular items of equipment that people would like installed were a large climbing frame, a zip wire and an adventure trail/obstacle course.

Of the people surveyed, 89% would like to see the provision of natural style equipment made from timber.

Description of existing play area:

The existing play area is surrounded by bow top fencing. To the east of the play area is the residential housing on Horsham Road, to the south and west are the residential housing on Homewood and to the north west is the A24.

The play area currently comprises a range of basic units, including: • Small toddler unit; • Toddler swing set (with 2 no. cradle swings); • Free-standing slide; • Multi-spinner carousel; • Spinning bowl; • Three rockers. Outside the play area on the wider open space are a basket swing and a ball shoot.

Agenda item 21.73 Appendix 2

There is a mixture of surfacing within the play area, including wetpour surfacing under the swings and a bark pit under the toddler climbing unit and two rockers, and grass mats under the remaining items.

New scheme requirements:

Following consultation with site users it was identified that there are specific desires for the following items of equipment: • Large climbing unit; • A zip wire; • An adventure trail/obstacle course.

Bidders must demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to delivering the following requirements within their design proposals; • Replacement of play equipment to offer a challenging play experience for a range of ages, with specific provision for those in the junior age range; • To ensure that the play equipment and surfacing offers suitable opportunities for inclusive access and use by those with a range of abilities; • The proposed refurbishment should include natural timber units that are robust and suitable for the rural nature of the South Downs National Park.

There is the opportunity for the fencing to be extended to the west so that additional equipment can be installed on the grassed area. Alternatively, junior play items can be installed outside the fenced area.

The successful design will offer a scheme that provides good value for money whilst potentially providing the most satisfying and stimulating experience for a broad age range of users, especially those in the junior age range.

Please note: the improvements are subject to permitted development rights and units should be a maximum height of 4m.

All new equipment, surfacing and installation must conform to BS EN 1176 and BS EN 1177. Items can be relocated where necessary. There is the option to relocate items of existing equipment if required.

Works are to be carried out under JCT Minor Works with Contractor’s Design Conditions of Contract. All reinstatement should be carried out to a satisfactory standard as per Clause A34 540 Retained trees/Shrubs/Grassed Areas.

Agenda Item 21.74

Report to Findon Parish Council Meeting Date 9 August 2021 From Cllr Sean Smith Title of Report Update on proposed A24 cycle path Purpose of Report To note

1. Updates for noting 1.1 On 6 July 2021 a remote meeting was held with West Sussex County Council (WSCC) councillors, parish and Arun District Council (ADC) councillors and engineers to discuss the proposed schemes.

1.2 Outline The proposal was outlined using maps, photos and verbal description of the proposal: • Scheme runs from The Black Horse to Maytree Avenue on the east side of the A24; • The path will be 3m wide, with a few pinch points and will be shared between pedestrians and cyclists. The alternative which are dedicated paths cannot be supported by the A24 without major roadworks to change the road. There are also cost implications (£1M versus £10M ); • The acceleration lane from Findon High Street onto the A24 will lose part of its footprint to facilitate the cycle way; • Similarly, the filter lane onto Cross Lane will also lose some of its footprint; • Bus stops represents a pinch point and will have dedicated lanes for pedestrians and cyclists of a lower size; and • The lane will terminate at Maytree Avenue and cyclists use adjacent roads to A24.

1.3 Question and Answer Session • (Findon Valley resident) Very negative regarding the shared nature of the cycle way, only prepared to support a dedicated cycle and dedicated pedestrian separate lanes. Would rather have nothing than this proposal; • Daniel Humphreys (Local Councillor) Negative again on the lack of segregation and argued that WSCC should wait to get a better solution; and • Deborah Urquhart, Sean Smith, Paul Bicknell, Mike Clayton, Joy Dennis all spoke in favour of the proposal following that, although not perfect, it was a marked improvement on current provision and a pragmatic solution.

1.4 Next Steps • WSCC four week consultation to start on 19 July 2021 via website, 2000 resident card drop and some social media; A24 Findon Valley | Your Voice West Sussex • Evaluate responses and subject to feedback WSCC will make the decision; and • Following this look to tender end September 2021 and commence construction in new financial year.

2. Issues for consideration/approval by full Council 2.1 Consider response to consultation A24 Findon Valley | Your Voice West Sussex

Agenda Item 21.75

Report to Findon Parish Council Meeting Date 4 May 2021 From Fiona MacLeod, Clerk Title of Report Clerk report Purpose of Report For information/consideration

1. For information/action 1.1 Following an urgent request from Andrew Griffith, MP, a response from Findon Parish Council (FPC) was submitted on line to the 2023 Review of Parliamentary constituencies proposals. The deadline for the response was before the FPC meeting on 9 August 2021 and input was therefore sought from parish councillors via email. The response is attached as Appendix 1 to the report. 1.2 The Findon Tree Warden has responded to Arun District Council (ADC) regarding the proposed ADC Tree Planting Strategy & action plan. This is attached as Appendix 2 to the report for information. 1.3 West Sussex County Council has confirmed that the Joint Arun Area Committees have now been disbanded pending the outcome of the trial new approach. Councils are being asked to submit any views on the new approach of County Local Forums as per the letter from Tony Kershaw attached as Appendix 3 to the report. 1.4 A request for support has been received from the Mayor of Arundel asking for FPC’s support for aa Arundel-Ford pathway (documents circulated to councillors by email on 9 July 2021). The request from the Mayor is attached as Appendix 4 to the report. 1.5 The public consultation for Rampion 2 proposals for an offshore wind farm off the coast of West Sussex has started Consultation - Rampion 2. The closing date is 16 September 2021 and councillors are asked to review the documentation for any potential impact on Findon in readiness for consideration at the FPC meeting on 13 September 2021. 1.6 WSCC Active Travel Plan consultation for the proposed A24 cycle path between Findon Village and Findon Valley closes on 16 August 2021 A24 Findon Valley | Your Voice West Sussex . Having had a quick look at the online survey it is aimed at members of the public rather than organisations. I have emailed Active Communities to see if they can provide a ‘paper’ format of the survey questions that I can bring to the meeting for FPC consenus. 2. Issues for consideration by full Council 2.1 Councillors are asked to ratify/consider the following items: 2.2 Formally ratify the FPC response to the Boundary Commission as per Appendix 1 to the report. 2.3 Does FPC wish to respond to WSCC as detailed in para 1.3 of the report ? 2.4 Does FPC wish to respond to the Mayor of Arundel as detailed in para 1.4 of the report ? 2.5 Does FPC wish to respond to the proposed A24 cycle path consultation

Agenda item 21.75 2022 meeting dates

Findon Parish Council Meetings 2022

Planning Committee Full Council (Monday unless otherwise (Thursday unless stated) otherwise stated) 20 January 2022 31 January 2022 17 February 2022 28 March 2022 17 March 2022 11 April 2022 Annual Parish meeting (7pm) 07 April 2022 9 May 2022 Annual Parish Council meeting 23/05/2022 (Monday) 20 June 2022 23 June 2022 01 August 2022 21 July 2022 12 September 2022 25 August 2022 24 October 2022 22 September 2022 05 December 2022 27 October 2022 01 December 2022

All meetings will start at 7.30pm unless otherwise stated and will be held in Findon Village Hall

Miss Fiona MacLeod Boundary Commission for Clerk to Findon Parish Council 35 Great Smith Street 34 Normandy Lane London East Preston Village SW1P 3BQ West Sussex BN16 1LY Submitted online

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01903 877225


Response from Findon Parish Council to the 2023 Review of Parliamentary constituencies proposals

Findon Village is situated at the foot of the South Downs in West Sussex and is wholly within the boundary of the South Down National Park Authority footprint. Its presence and contribution to maintaining that National Park via the South Downs Local Plan and as a subset the Findon Neighbourhood Plan are testament to the rural nature of our village.

Historically Findon has a strong agricultural and equine legacy, one that Findon Parish Council ( FPC ) strives to maintain through a large annual gathering known as Findon Sheep Fair and our support to horse breeding/training and livery businesses around our village. We further encourage that rural nature by support of the Village Hall, a community owned Post Office created by FPC and our whole- hearted commitment to the Dark Skies Initiative.

Rural needs are undoubtedly different to Urban needs and it is key that both are represented and discussed at the Parliamentary level. Mixing these represents a significant risk that those rural needs will be under-represented and discussion of the concentrated urban needs will dominate the dialogue.

The current Arundel and South Downs constituency allows our MP to understand and focus on those different needs, such as greenfield development and new housing, sustainable tourism, support of smaller local shopping, sustainable transport links and various village initiatives.

The absence of rural representation and the proposed urban focused approach will limit our necessary rural voice in Parliament and therefore FPC would like to express its strong opposition to these changes.

Findon Parish Council

CC Andrew Griffith, MP, Arundel and South Downs

Agenda item 21.75 Appendix 2

Tree Planting Strategy for Arun’s parks & open spaces Town & Parish Questionnaire

Thank you for taking the time to consider the below questionnaire which will help Arun in the development of its tree planting strategy and associated planting plan. If possible, please answer all questions, indicating as needed where your response is nil or not applicable.

Q1. The draft aims of Arun’s emerging tree planting strategy include the following. Please state if you agree, disagree or neither agree or disagree with the following aims;

• To offer a sustainable approach to maximising resources in respect of tree planting and future maintenance requirements.


• To mitigate the long-term effects of climate change on our tree population and improve resistance to pests and disease.


• To diversify the tree stock through new plantings and appropriate species selection.


• To ensure the principle of ‘right tree right place’ underpins all planting proposed under the strategy


• To create a tree planting legacy in Arun for decades to come.


Agenda item 21.75 Appendix 2

Q2. Are there any Arun managed parks or open spaces within your Town/Parish boundary that you feel we should consider for inclusion within our 10 year planting plan? Please identify sites below;

Homewood play area, corner of Horsham Road

Findon Cemetery

Green at bottom of Lime Road

Q3. If you listed any sites above, does your Council have any specific view or ideas concerning the type of planting you feel would be appropriate for these areas? Please detail this below;

Mostly indigenous but in the cemetery there is scope for evergreens as is traditional in burial places.

Q4. Does your Council have any aspirations for tree planting on land under your own control in the next 5-10 years?


Q5. If you answered yes above please detail as far as you can below.

We plan to plant trees around the basketball court near the village hall and around Nepcote Green.

Agenda item 21.75 Appendix 2

Q6. Does your Council have any aspirations for tree planting on land owned by others - for example in partnership with WSCC on highway verges in your area?


Q7. If you answered yes above please detail as far as you can below

We are hoping that WSCC will replace trees lost on verges.

Q8. Would your Parish/Town Council wish to support Arun with any tree planting projects delivered by Arun on its parks and open spaces within your Town/Parish in either of the following ways?

• Financial contribution towards the purchase/planting/aftercare of trees

Yes, subject to Parish Council approval

• Volunteer or ‘in kind’ contribution to help deliver tree planting schemes or aftercare requirements Yes, we have an active volunteer group involved with village conservation

Agenda item 21.75 Appendix 2

Q9. Do you have any further comments you wish to make? If so please detail these below.

It is good to see that Arun Council is actively creating a tree planting strategy and hope to be involved with resulting initiatives.

Please keep me informed of any projects planned for Findon Village.

Matthew Ward, Findon Village Tree Warden

[email protected] 07453394577

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Please return to [email protected]

Tony Kershaw Director of Law and Assurance County Hall [email protected] West Street Chichester West Sussex PO19 1RF 01243 777100

To: All Town and Parish 21 July 2021 Councils in the Arun area

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thanks to all of you who provided comments on the proposal of the County Council for a new approach to local community engagement to replace CLCs. Several town and parish councils in the Arun area gave feedback which was considered by the Council’s Governance Committee on 28 June. At this meeting, the Committee supported the removal of County Local Committees, including the Joint Arun Area Committees, and their replacement with more flexible and informal County Local Forums for a one year trial from the Autumn.

This proposal was endorsed last Friday 16 July at the full County Council meeting and therefore the Joint Arun Area Committees will now be disbanded pending the outcome of the trial of new approach. An outline of the arrangements for the new County Local Forums will be considered by the Governance Committee on 6 September.

The aim is to have a forum around three to four times a year, based on a District geography (so the whole of Arun District) to enable local county Councillors to discuss current local issues related to County Council business, helped by County officers and to have interaction with local residents about County Council services and activity that may affect them. It is intended to be flexible in terms of format and how residents participate. The main aim is to provide an opportunity for local councillors to engage local community groups and residents in a more informal and flexible way.

If you have any comments on how town and parish councils might be involved in such a forum, please forward these to me no later than 16 August, so they can be reflected in the report to Governance Committee (although feedback already received will be taken into account in the development of the new approach).

Yours faithfully,

Tony Kershaw Director of Law and Assurance

Arundel Town Council Town Hall Maltravers Street Arundel West Sussex BN18 9AP

5th July 2021

Miss Fiona MacLeod Findon Parish Council 34 Normandy Lane East Preston West Sussex BN16 1LY

Dear Fiona,

I am writing to ask for your support and the support of Findon Parish Council for our campaign to secure a safe cycle path between Arundel and Ford Station, as described in the enclosed report ‘Making Cycling and Walking Safer’.

Although our Town Council has been asking for this pathway for some years, the present campaign began in February 2021. It was triggered by the belief that the existing route would become more dangerous with the major housing development planned for Ford, and also by the belief that the project was perfectly aligned with the government’s new emphasis on walking and cycling, for both environmental and health reasons. The initial letter to West Sussex and Arun District Council (enclosed) was signed by 56 local community leaders, including the Duke of Norfolk and our MP Andrew Griffiths.

Since then a number of positive things have happened. West Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park Authority have expressed support for the scheme. Arun District Council have completed their Active Travel study, and as a result of this they have adopted the proposed pathway as a top priority, identifying an advantage in extending the pathway beyond Ford to the National Cycle Route 2, which will enhance connectivity right across Arun District and the south coast. This is important because research indicates that Arundel is the most popular visitor destination in the district for Arun residents. The petition for the pedestrian and cycle path has in excess of 1,200 validated signatories. Finally a steering group has been formed including members of WSCC, ADC and Highways England to prepare a bid for ‘Designated Funds’ with which to design the pathway in 2022/23.

As with all such projects, we are being encouraged to believe that demonstrating the support of neighbouring Towns and Parishes can be a key factor in tipping the decision-making balance. We would therefore be grateful for the support of Findon Parish Council for this project.

Arundel Town Hall T 01903 882954 Maltravers Street, Arundel E [email protected] West Sussex BN18 9AP

If you would like to discuss this please call me on 07802-755214.

All Best Wishes Tony Hunt

Tony Hunt Mayor of Arundel

Arundel Town Hall T 01903 882954 Maltravers Street, Arundel E [email protected] West Sussex BN18 9AP

Agenda Item 21.77b

Report to Findon Parish Council Meeting Date 9 August 2021 From Cllr Robin Carr Title of Report Update on Open Spaces Purpose of Report To note/consider/approve

1. Updates for noting 1.1 It has been active time for Open Spaces . There is a lot to report on since my last Report dated 4th May 2021 [ over restrictive rules meant I could not submit a Report for the 28 June Council Meeting ] . Matters sorted or pursued since my last Report include : 1. The removal of a dangerous branch overhanging Nepcote Lane [ at junction of Paddock Way ]; 2. The Landowner has promised to remove dumped material next to the footpath adjacent to the northbound carriageway of the A24 near the Findon Roundabout . We are waiting for this to be done; 3. The removal of a dangerous branch overhanging the footpath and also threatening to fall on the carriageway of the A24 at its junction with the road leading to the Crematorium; 4. A mattress fly tipped on the bank opposite the pond on Nepcote Green was reported to Arun District Council (ADC) and removed; 5. A section of new fencing next to the carparking area at the top of North Green clearly impacted by a vehicle , has been repaired; 6. There is a need to improve road drainage at the junction of Findon Park Road and the A24 and an approach has been made to West Sussex County Council (WSCC) to see if it can be included in an Operation Watershed scheme; 7. A resident at North End has generously agreed to donate a seat to be placed at the site of the former bus stop at North End . This needed WSCC consent , which after a 28 day notice displayed on site , was obtained by Findon Parish Council (FPC) and the seat is likely to be installed in about six weeks' time . It should prove to be a welcome resting place for walkers emerging from the Downs; 8. Issues including deficiencies regarding road drainage cleaning work carried out on the A24 earlier in the year and the messy road surface signs at the centre of the Village continue to be pursued with WSCC; 9. The fence between the play area at Homewood and the A24 is broken in places . ADC have been asked to carry out the necessary repairs; 10. Negotiations with ADC have continued regarding fencing at the Cemetery . It looks as though ADC will be prepared to fill in the missing section in the fencing between the Glebeland and the Cemetery and to extend the fencing right up to the southern boundary of the Cemetery; 11. We have helped ADC by watering the line of beech saplings planted on the south side of the Cemetery access road; 12. It was necessary for a large beech tree next to the Cemetery and in the verge adjacent to the A24 to be felled by WSCC for safety reasons and WSCC have been asked to plant a replacement;

13. It was necessary for a large beech tree next to the Cemetery and in the verge adjacent to the A24 to be felled by WSCC for safety reasons and WSCC have been asked to plant a replacement; 14. Considerable confusion and frustration has been caused in the Village by reason of the delay which has occurred in the emptying of brown bins . Subscribers to this service have been informed by the MD of the bin collection company that the underlying problem concerns the shortage of h.g.v. drivers . The problem will continue and one effect is that the tidiness of the Village is ruined by the brown bins having to be left out for days because of the uncertainty; 15. The annual Salt Bin survey has been completed [thanks to Cllr Wilson] and submitted to WSCC; 16. The owner of number 2 & 3 The Square has again applied to FPC to purchase the part of Pond Green which is little used . I am researching the position [ there are complications ] and I will report fully on the subject at the next Full Meeting; 17. There is the framework of a dumped trampoline in the northeast corner of the field to the south of the Village Hall . Steps are being taken to try and get this eyesore removed; 18. The Working Party [the Findon Village Volunteers] has been active mostly clearing the A24 footpaths . Also , the footpath running through the North Wood [ popular with dog walkers ] has been cleared; 19. There are 2 diseased ash trees on the north side of the Nepcote Green pond which are due for felling . FPC's contractors have been delayed because assistance is needed from the Electricity Supply Co due to the proximity of cables; 20. The lamppost at the junction of Steep Lane and High Street has developed a serious lean. A contractor has been called in to check whether it is safe; 21. The repair of the Basketball Court has been completed with areas of mesh on the east side replaced and two extra metal posts added . Thick wooden boarding has been bolted in at the bottom . All of this should prevent future damage; 22. A request has been lodged with WSCC Highways to add to their long -term Schedule of Works , the resurfacing of the footpath adjacent to the southbound carriageway of the A24 from a point to the south of the junction with Findon Park Road to a point at the southwest corner of the Cemetery . This stretch is the best part of a mile and the top surface of most of it has been worn away . The remaining footpaths are just about in an acceptable condition; and 23. Ten months ago our WSCC Councillor enquired whether there were any road signs within the Parish needing attention because WSCC then had a team to carry out cutting back and cleaning to make the signs [more] visible. FPC compiled a list of some 10 road signs along the A24 between North End and the Findon Roundabout and submitted it to our WSCC Councillor stressing that work was urgently required because of safety issues . However, FPC were told that the work could not be done because of Traffic Management issues. With recent night closures on the A24 southbound , it prompted FPC to raise this subject again stressing that after 10 months the situation with overgrowing vegetation was even more urgent but our WSCC Councillor declined to pursue the matter [which after all she first raised with FPC 10 months ago ] . It means that FPC with get in touch with Highways.

2. Issues for consideration/approval by full Council 2.1 It has proved necessary to purchase a petrol driven hedge cutter . FPC’s approval is sought for the cost of £288.89

Agenda Item 21.77 c

Report to Findon Parish Council Meeting Date 9 August 2021 From Cllr Sarah Jewell MBE Title of Report Update on Parking and Speeding Working Party Purpose of Report To note and ratify

1. Updates for noting

1.1 Survey The data from the hard copies are now being added to the 70 completed online making a total of 323 responses. A spreadsheet will then be created enabling the data to be filtered to obtain statistics e.g. number of requests for School Hill to be one way, Nepcote Lane speed limit reduced from 60mph to 20 mph etc. The comments are more problematical and will be filtered into areas of the village. It is anticipated that this will be completed within the next month. School Parents Survey A survey was carried out by the School primarily asking details of how the children are taken to and collected from school, as well as problems they encounter. This data will also be collated and reflected in the main survey. 1.2 Nepcote Lane Data from the survey above plus photographs will be submitted in support of the Traffic Regulation Order. Decisions are made in November by West Sussex County Council (WSCC) for implementation in 2022. 1.3 School Entrance Discussions are ongoing with the Headmaster to consider changing the entrance for pupils to the back of the school. The proposal is for the children to walk the path beside the Village Hall, across Parish Council land, and entering through a back entrance. This would alleviate the congestion and parking problems around School Hill and the crossroads. A site meeting is arranged for the 31 August 2021 and with the results of both surveys it is anticipated will make a strong case for the change. It is also a question of practicalities as to the structural changes that would have to be made. 1.4 Entrance signs to the Village Discussions have taken place with the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) as to the construction and design, which also has to be agreed with the Highways Authority. A test case with cooperation from both Authorities is taking place for new signage with Fittleworth Village. It was agreed to wait for the outcome, which is anticipated within the next few weeks, before progressing ours. 1.5 Homewood Once the results of the Village Survey are completed, further representations will be made to WSCC Highways regarding the parking problems.

2. Ratification by full Council 2.1 The change of speed limit from 50mph to 40 mph on the Findon Village A24 bypass will take place in October 2021. As a result WSCC have decided at the same time to improve the signage along this stretch of road. Discussions have taken place culminating in a site visit with David Jukes, WSCC Senior Engineer, Highways Improvements and members of the Working Party. The changes are as follows:

1. ‘Findon Village’ to be used instead of ‘Findon’ to delineate the difference between Findon Village and Findon Valley. 2. No directional signing to Nepcote or Cross Lane on both North and South bound carriageways. Currently Cross Lane has ‘Findon’ signage. Signage for Findon is already made at the Horsham Road, School Hill and High Street entrances to the Village. Using Nepcote as an entrance encourages traffic onto narrow lanes and inadequate parking at . 3. The proposed tourist (brown) sign for Cissbury Ring will remain as proposed to direct southbound users to the Storrington Rise car park instead of Nepcote. 4. Old and extraneous signs are to be removed or changed e.g. removal of chevrons behind trees between Cross Lane and Nepcote Lane. 5. There is a footpath crossing from the High Street across the two carriageways of the A24. This crossing point is not favoured owing to vehicle manoeuvres at this junction – pedestrians crossing the southbound carriageway have to watch for through traffic, left-turning vehicles from High Street and U-turning vehicles from the northbound A24 (the last is a prohibited manoeuvre). The crossing opposite the Garden Centre is the preferred pedestrian route across the A24; its eastern landing remaining as existing but with the remainder realigned away from the Garden Centre’s exit road. 6. The condition of the footpath alongside the A24 was noted, particularly where the surface is breaking up and vegetation is encroaching to restrict width and headroom, and consequently are being raised with the Area Highway Office. 7. The worn nature of the existing road markings were also noted although it was proposed to reapply markings at the Cross Lane and Nepcote junctions. The possibility of remarking the whole dual carriageway between the A280 roundabout and Nepcote has been raised for discussion with the Area Highway Office.

Agenda Item 21.77d

Report to Findon Parish Council Meeting Date 9 August 2021 From Cllr Robin Carr Title of Report Update on Trees Working Group Purpose of Report To note

1. Updates for noting 1.1 Further trees have been ordered from the Woodland Trust and will be delivered in the Autumn .

1.2 The plan is to plant additional trees behind the Preschool Building at the end of the year.

1.3 Pressure has continued to be brought on West Sussex County Council (WSCC) to replace the large beech tree next to the Cemetery adjacent to the A24 which had to be felled recently for safety reasons and also to encourage WSCC to adopt an active tree planting campaign in the County.

1.4 The 100 plus saplings planted by the Working Group over last winter are being weeded, mulched and watered [when necessary]. Great credit goes to our Tree Warden who has been very active in all of this.

1.5 Arun District Council (ADC) sent in a questionnaire regarding tree planting, which the Working Group answered in a very positive way with confirmation that Findon Parish Council fully supports all tree planting efforts.

2. Issues for consideration/approval by full Council 2.1 None.

Receipts Agenda item 21.78 a April 2021 08 21 Date Apr-21 Receipt ID From Details Precept Interest Allotment Sheep Fair Misc SDNPA SDNPA CIL tbc Total Gardens Play Area Receipts

09/04/21 BACS Arun DC 1st install 23500.00 23500.00 22/04/21 BACS SDNPA CIL award 3672.99 3672.99 29/04/21 cr HSBC interest 0.26 0.26 . 23500.00 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3672.99 0.00 27173.25 Payments Date Apr-21 Pmnt ID Paid to Details Salary & Admin BT & SSE Grants Subs Open Public Play Area tbc tbc Sheep Fair Web site Total Tax Spaces Works Loan Homewood and Payments Teams

01/04/21 101241 HMRC Clerk March 178.20 178.20 tax 101242 F MacLeod Clerk March 712.90 712.90 salary

101243 F MacLeod Clerk March 38.60 38.60 exps 101244 F MacLeod Clerk 65.00 65.00 storage 16/04/21 101245 L Martin exps 12.00 12.00 101246 WSALC Ltd WSALC 643.85 643.85 NALC 101247 Arun Mowers winter 567.95 567.95 service 101248 Greensmiths tree works 876.00 876.00 Tree Surgery 101249 AC Gardens grass cuts 360.00 360.00 (Sussex) Ltd 101250 Arun print 43.14 43.14 Business catridges Supplies 23/04/21 DD SECOM PLC WH alarm 135.26 135.26 DD SSE electrical 14.38 14.38 supply 22/04/21 DD BT Group PLC services 429.84 429.84

891.10 158.74 444.22 0.00 643.85 1939.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4077.12 Bank reconcilliation Balance as at 30/4/2021 Balance B/forward 51988.97 CA 45164.49 Receipts 27173.25 DA 30600.56 Payments 4077.12 75765.05 75085.10 Uncld chqs 1216, 1245, 679.95 1247 75085.10 Receipts Agenda item 21.78 a May 2021 08 21 Date May-21 Receipt ID From Details Precept Interest Allotment Sheep Fair Misc SDNPA SDNPA CIL tbc Total Gardens Play Area Receipts 23500.00 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3672.99 0.00 27173.25 14/05/21 cr various rental 75.00 75.00 16/05/21 cr various rental 15.00 15.00 24/05/21 cr various rental 15.00 15.00 . cr various rental 30.00 30.00 29/05/21 cr HSBC interest 0.25 0.25 23500.00 0.51 135.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3672.99 0.00 27308.50 Payments Date May-21 Pmnt ID Paid to Details Salary & Admin BT & SSE Grants Subs Open Public Play Area tbc tbc Sheep Fair Web site Total Tax Spaces Works Homewood and Payments Loan Teams 891.10 158.74 444.22 0.00 643.85 1939.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4077.12 04/05/21 101251 HMRC Clerk April 178.20 178.20 tax 101252 F MacLeod Clerk April 712.90 712.90 salary 101253 F MacLeod Clerk April 19.50 19.50 exps 11/05/21 101254 D Chaffe prof 120.00 120.00 services 101255 R Carr expenses 11.25 18.99 10.80 41.04 27/05/21 101256 L Martin expenses 12.00 12.00 101257 AC Gardens grass cuts 900.00 900.00 (Sussex) Ltd 101258 Arun sanitisers 20.92 20.92 Business etc Supplies 24/05/21 DD SSE electrical 33.24 33.24 supply 1782.20 222.41 477.46 0.00 643.85 2858.20 10.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 120.00 6114.92 Bank reconcilliation Balance as at 31/5/2021 Balance B/forward 75085.10 CA 43526.66 Receipts 135.25 DA 30600.81 Payments 2037.80 74127.47 73182.55 Uncld chqs 1245, 1256- 944.92 58 incl 73182.55 Receipts Receipts Agenda item 21.78 a June 2021 08 21 Date Date Jun-21 Receipt ID From Details Precept Interest Allotment Sheep Misc SDNPA Play SDNPA CIL tbc Total Gardens Fair Area Receipts 23500.00 0.51 135.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3672.99 0.00 27308.50 14/05/21 02/06/21 cr various rental 105.00 105.00 16/05/21 04/06/21 cr various rental 15.00 15.00 24/05/21 12/06/21 cr various rental 15.00 15.00 . 18/06/21 cr Sheep Fair reimbur 100.00 100.00 inv 29/05/21 29.6.21 cr HSBC interest 0.26 0.26 04/05/21 23500.00 0.77 270.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 3672.99 0.00 27543.76 Payments Date Jun-21 11/05/21 Pmnt ID Paid to Details Salary & Admin BT & SSE Grants Subs Open Public Play Area tbc tbc Sheep Web site Total Tax Spaces Works Loan Homewood Fair and Teams Payments

1782.20 222.41 477.46 0.00 643.85 2858.20 10.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 120.00 6114.92 27/05/21 01/06/21 101259 HMRC Clerk May 178.20 178.20 tax 101260 F MacLeod Clerk May 712.90 712.90 salary

101261 F MacLeod Clerk May 175.06 175.06 exps #

24/05/21 101262 F MacLeod Clerk 70.00 70.00 storage 08/06/21 101263 AC Gardens grass cuts 360.00 360.00 (Sussex) Ltd

101264 Findon Hall hire 51.00 51.00 Bank reconcilliation Village Hall 101265 Came & Co mower 202.44 202.44 insurance Balance 28/06/21 101266 R Carr expenses 391.14 391.14 101267 R S Hall internal 420.00 420.00 audit 101268 AC Gardens grass cuts 900.00 900.00 (Sussex) Ltd

Uncld chqs 21/06/21 SSE electrical 31.35 31.35 supply 2673.30 938.47 508.81 0.00 643.85 4711.78 10.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 120.00 9607.01 9607.01 Bank reconcilliation Balance as at 30/6/2021 Balance B/forward 73182.55 CA 41416.71 Receipts 235.26 DA 30601.07 Payments 3492.09 72017.78 69925.72 Uncld chqs 1258, 1263, 2092.06 1266, 1267, 1268 69925.72

# includes new printer/scanner/copier Receipts Agenda item 21.78 a July 2021 08 21 Date Date Jul-21 Receipt ID From Details Precept Interest Allotment Sheep Misc SDNPA Play SDNPA CIL tbc Total Gardens Fair Area Receipts 23500.00 0.77 270.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 3672.99 0.00 27543.76 14/05/21 05/07/21 cr various rental 15.00 15.00 16/05/21 cr BT resolution 2985.36 2985.36 of ongoing dispute

24/05/21 23500.00 0.77 285.00 100.00 2985.36 0.00 3672.99 0.00 30544.12 Payments 29/05/21 Date Jul-21 04/05/21 Pmnt ID Paid to Details Salary & Admin BT & SSE Grants Subs Open Public Play Area Parking tbc Sheep Web site, Total Tax Spaces Works Homewood Speeding Fair Teams, Payments Loan WG P/O/L 1782.20 222.41 477.46 0.00 643.85 2858.20 10.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 120.00 6114.92 01/07/21 101269 HMRC Clerk June 178.20 178.20 tax 11/05/21 101270 F MacLeod Clerk June 712.90 712.90 salary

101271 F MacLeod Clerk June 78.92 78.92 exps

27/05/21 101272 L Martin expenses 12.00 12.00 101273 Kenads Ltd leaflets 233.00 233.00 101274 Arun print 63.36 63.36 Business cartridges Supplies 24/05/21 19/07/21 101275 Findon Hall hire 68.00 68.00 Village Hall 101276 Maidment basket ball 200.00 200.00 Constructio court n repairs 101277 D Chaffe prof 1220.00 1220.00 Bank reconcilliation services 101278 A C Gardens grass cuts 360.00 360.00 (Sussex) Ltd

Balance 29/07/21 101279 A C Gardens grass cuts 1020.00 1020.00 (Sussex) Ltd

101280 Travis materials 390.44 390.44 Perkins 30/07/21 101281 R Carr expenses 170.29 170.29 Uncld chqs 19/07/21 DD SSE electrical 32.14 32.14 supply 23/07/21 DD BT Group services 245.7 245.70 245.70 DD SECOM PLC WH alarm 135.26 135.26

2673.30 444.69 755.30 0.00 643.85 5134.19 10.80 0.00 233.00 0.00 0.00 1340.00 11235.13

Agenda Item 21.78 c

Report to Findon Parish Council Meeting Date 9 August 2021 From Clerk, Fiona MacLeod Title of Report IT Support provision Purpose of Report To approve renewal of services

1. Background 1.1 As part of the upgrade and migration in 2018 to Microsoft Office 365 for the Clerk and all parish councillors to meet the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements, JNR Computer Services were appointed to carry out the necessary work, including ongoing licencing arrangements. Part of the arrangements were for JNR to provide IT Support to the Clerk and all councillors, which they have done since then, at an annual cost to Findon Parish Council (FPC) of £1k i.e. approx. £20.00 per week (there are no call out charges).

1.2 Findon Parish Council agreed to continue the arrangement in 2019 (min 19.89 b) subject to a further review in summer 2021.

1.3 JNR have provided FPC with unbroken support and training during the COVID restrictions and the transition to Teams remote meetings, as well as supporting new councillors on Office 365.

1.3 I have now received the quote for the provision of services for the coming year and this and 2020 invoice has been made available to councillors for comparison. It should be noted that although the IT support cost has increased for the first time since 2018, the cost of each software licence has substantially reduced. In addition, there is a new patch management product that is a requirement for the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The cost of IT support/licences in the 2020 invoice was £2415.36.

2. Issues for consideration and approval by full Council 2.1 Councillors are asked to approve JNR Computer Services as the provider of IT support for FPC at an annual cost of £1.2k for support and approx. £1.3k for licences etc, for a total cost of £2501.28 (incl VAT) for a further two years (ending in 2023) at which time the provision for such services will be reviewed.