FINDON PARISH COUNCIL 34 NORMANDY LANE EAST PRESTON VILLAGE WEST SUSSEX BN16 1LY TO: ALL MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of Findon Parish Council (FPC) to be held on Monday 9 August 2021 at 7.30pm in Findon Village Hall for the purpose of transacting the following business. THIS IS AN OPEN MEETING AND MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND If a member of the public wishes to comment in relation to any business to be transacted and would prefer not to physically attend, please can they email their comments to the Clerk no later than 4pm on Friday 6 August 2021 [email protected] . Miss Fiona MacLeod Clerk to the Parish Council 3/8/2021 AGENDA 21.63 TO RECEIVE AND NOTE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 21.64 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS 21.65 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST ON ITEMS ON THE AGENDA Members and Officers are reminded to make any declarations of personal and/or prejudicial/pecuniary interests they may have in relation to items on this Agenda. The interest should be declared by stating: a) the item you have the interest in b) whether it is a personal interest and the nature of the interest c) whether it is also a prejudicial/pecuniary interest d) if it is a prejudicial/pecuniary interest, whether you will be exercising your right to speak under Public Question Time Members and Officers will then need to re-declare any prejudicial/pecuniary interest at the commencement of the item or when the interest becomes apparent. 21.66 TO SIGN AS A CORRECT RECORD THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD 28/6/2021 21.67 UPDATE ON IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTIONS NOT COVERED ELSEWHERE ON THE AGENDA To note the update report. 21.68 TO RECEIVE VERBAL REPORTS FROM WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL (WSCC) AND ARUN DISTRICT COUNCIL (ADC) COUNCILLORS 21.69 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME OF UP TO FIFTEEN MINUTES The Question Time is the only opportunity for the public to address the meeting, make representations, answer questions and give evidence in respect of any item within the remit of the Council, and not limited to matters of the agenda for that meeting. (Standing Order 1d). Where it is not possible to give immediate answers, the answers will be given at the next Meeting or, if preferred, sent direct to the questioner. 21.70 TO RECEIVE A SHORT PRESENTATION FROM THE PRE-SCHOOL 21.71 GRANT APPLICATIONS To consider grant application request forms. 21.72 FINDON VILLAGE HALL EXTENSION To consider a progress report regarding a Public Works Loan and any items for ratification/approval. 21.73 HOMEWOOD PLAY AREA To consider a progress report and any items for ratification/approval. 21.74 PROPOSED A24 CYCLE PATH To note the update report and any further progress/consultation update. https://yourvoice.westsussex.gov.uk/a24-findon-valley 21.75 CLERKS REPORT To note the report and consider any items for ratification including 2022 meeting dates. 21.76 REPORTS FROM FPC COMMITTEES FOR NOTING/RATIFYING a) Planning b) Finance & Governance 21.77 REPORTS FROM WORKING GROUPS AND OUTSIDE BODIES FOR NOTING/RATIFYING a) 3-5 Year Strategic Plan Review Working Group b) Open Spaces Working Group c) Village parking/speeding Working Group d) Trees Working Group e) Allotment Gardens f) Nepcote Green Pond g) Village Hall Trust 21.78 FINANCE a) To note Receipts and Bank Reconciliation as circulated b) To approve Payments as circulated c) To review IT support d) Update on BACS payments and additional cheque signatories e) Update on Land Registry Direct Debit set up 21.79 ITEMS TO BE REFERRED TO NEXT AGENDA Agenda Item 21.67 Report to Findon Parish Council Meeting Date 9 August 2021 From Fiona MacLeod, Clerk Title of Report Previous actions not covered elsewhere on the Agenda Purpose of Report To note (COVID restrictions lifted 19 July 2021) 1. Updates for noting 20.12 Clerk to liaise with Findon Village Hall re potential Carried forward. Will now use of flagpole as part of Protocol discuss the FVHT Chairman. 20.34 • Review of Standing Orders/Financial Regs To be taken to future Finance & Governance Committee meeting • Cllr Smith to write article in Findon News Carried forward re Community Transport scheme 20.36 a) Mobile Information Unit visit to be confirmed Carried forward Cllr Gear 21.26/21.40 Increase in dog fouling 1) contact Dog Warden/posters Carried forward 2) identify problem areas Ongoing 3) longer term action Carried forward 21.38 Clerk to send co-option documentation to Toby Completed Selves 21.44 Clerk to respond to government Call for Evidence Completed online and adapt approved governance docs to be FPC specific 21.48 Cllr Carr to keep a watching brief re sewage sludge Ongoing 21.58 Clerk to send co-option documentation to Sean Completed Hellett 21.60 Annual Governance and Accountability Return Completed (AGAR) Agenda Item 21.73 Report to Findon Parish Council Meeting Date 9 August 2021 From Cllr Sean Smith Title of Report Update on Homewood play area regeneration Purpose of Report To note 1. Updates for noting 1.1 Arun District Council (ADC) has now completed a survey on the Play Area and subsequently compiled all puBlic responses into a report. This is attached as Appendix 1 to the report. 1.2 Using comments from the report ADC has now created a Design Brief for the play area refurbishment (attached as Appendix 2 to the report) and a Quality Questions document that covers a numBer of elements to any tender allowing a weighted choice to help selection: • Start to program of works 15% • Play value and design style 40% • Health and safety Management 15% • Durability and maintenance 15% • Sustainability 15% 1.3 Councillors will be involved in the final selection process. 2. Issues for consideration and approval by full Council 2.1 Councillors are asked to agree the Design Brief (Appendix 2 to the report). Homewood Play Area Improvements Survey Summary Q1. How often do you visit the play area? Q1. How often do you visit the play area? 35% 31% 30% 25% 21% 21% 20% 14% 15% 10% 10% 5% 3% 0% Everyday A few times a About once a A few times a Once a Less than week week month month once a month Q2. What do you like about the current play area? The equipment that it has is suitable for a range of different ages and abilities. It is fenced off to keep dogs out. It is generally clean and tidy and well looked after. We also just appreciate that it is there to be used, and it is somewhere for our daughter to meet other children. It is great for toddlers and my son really enjoyed it when he was small. It is clean and tidy. Very little rubbish and is quiet. The big swing outside the play area is suitable for slightly older children. The Family ball game of random catch Don't actually use the play area, the park is nice for walking the dogs though. It’s secure for small children It’s location as just down the road Feels safe, secluded from the road It has good things for pre-schoolers to play with, I like that it's enclosed and the bigger ones can have their own space on the net swing and the wider park area Roundabout in the middle of the park, spider swing, climbing frame Access to green space; reasonable spacing between play equipment The variety of equipment to play on. It's contained for safety. Swings Kept clean and tidy The separate area for people/children only where dogs are not allowed. Village setting. Never too busy Safe for children. Variety for ages. Fairly ok for young children. Nothing. Nothing. It's awful. In a safe area. The bridge and slide equipment is a favourite with the little children. Near to my home, good for younger children, near to open green and some trees to adventure in How spacious it is. The current equipment suits toddlers. Q3. What do you dislike about the current play area? It's not a dislike, rather we would just like to see more stuff!! Our daughter is growing fast, and ideally would really love to have a greater range of equipment to explore. It is limited to equipment for smaller children. My son has little challenge now so we now have to travel out of the village to find something a bit more interesting for him. Needs a revamp. Only seems suitable for small children. Needs to have other equipment for older children to enjoy. Perhaps 2 areas for toddlers and one for older kids. The swings are only provided for toddlers Don't actually use the play area, the park is nice for walking the dogs though. Nothing for older children especially teenagers All equipment is for babies and toddlers not primary school ages Outdated and scruffy appearance that gives a perception of a run down and not child safe environment Too many roundabouts! The children can open the gate by the net swing easily and get out and there isn't anything for school age children to enjoy. Too small climbing frame is for younger children. Swings only for babies and then the spider swing is inadequate if more than one family with one child Dated equipment; a lack of variety; limited seating A lot of it is outdated, it has been the same thing for many years. No zip wire. Not much for slightly older children. Limited parking. The lack of fencing all the way round, it is next to such a busy road and it is a worry.
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