Liberalisation and Growth in Telecommunications
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LiberalisationLiberalisation andand GrowthGrowth inin TelecommunicationsTelecommunications -- HongHong Kong,Kong, China'sChina's ExperienceExperience TT FF So,So, AssistantAssistant DirectorDirector OfficeOffice ofof thethe TelecommunicationsTelecommunications AuthorityAuthority HongHong Kong,Kong, ChinaChina AgendaAgenda KeyKey MilestonesMilestones inin LiberalisationLiberalisation ¾ IndependentIndependent RegulatorRegulator ¾ LocalLocal FixedFixed NetworkNetwork ¾ ExternalExternal FixedFixed NetworkNetwork ¾ MobileMobile NetworkNetwork ¾ InternetInternet AccessAccess ServiceService LiberalisationLiberalisation BenefitedBenefited HKCHKC’’ss economyeconomy BackgroundBackground InformationInformation aboutabout HongHong Kong,Kong, ChinaChina SpecialSpecial AdministrativeAdministrative RegionRegion ofof thethe PeoplePeople’’ss RepublicRepublic ofof ChinaChina AreaArea 1,1001,100 sqsq kmkm PopulationPopulation 6.9096.909 millionmillion NumberNumber ofof HouseholdsHouseholds 2.237million2.237million GrossGross DomesticDomestic ProductProduct perper capitacapita inin 20062006 –– US$US$ 27,00027,000 ServicesServices constituteconstitute aboutabout 91%91% ofof economyeconomy KeyKey TelecomTelecom StatisticsStatistics Telephone line density 56% by population Number of local fixed operators 10 Broadband penetration 75% by households Mobile penetration 143.4% Number of mobile operators 5 (four 3G operators) 2.5G/3G customers as a percentage 26 of mobile customers Public Wi-Fi access points 5288 Annual revenue US$ 6.6 billion (2007) Annual capital expenditure US$ 0.8 billion (2007) IndependentIndependent RegulatorRegulator LegalLegal basisbasis –– TelecommunicationsTelecommunications OrdinanceOrdinance TelecommunicationsTelecommunications AuthorityAuthority (TA)(TA) –– IndependentIndependent regulatorregulator empoweredempowered byby thethe OrdinanceOrdinance toto regulateregulate thethe telecommunicationstelecommunications industryindustry 19931993 • Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) established as the executive arm of the TA • paved the way for liberalisation LiberalisationLiberalisation inin LocalLocal FixedFixed NetworkNetwork andand ServiceService 19951995 EndEnd ofof domesticdomestic telecommunicationstelecommunications franchisefranchise ThreeThree newnew companiescompanies licensedlicensed • New World Telephone Limited • New T&T Hong Kong Limited • Hutchison Communications Limited to compete with the incumbent operator, Hong Kong Telephone Company InterconnectionInterconnection rulesrules establishedestablished LiberalisationLiberalisation inin LocalLocal FixedFixed NetworkNetwork andand ServiceService 19971997 FixedFixed numbernumber portabilityportability introducedintroduced 20002000 –– furtherfurther liberalisationliberalisation 55 wirelesswireless locallocal fixedfixed networksnetworks licensedlicensed CableCable TVTV operatoroperator allowedallowed toto provideprovide telephonetelephone servicesservices LiberalisationLiberalisation inin LocalLocal FixedFixed NetworkNetwork andand ServiceService 20032003 –– fullyfully liberalisedliberalised NoNo limitlimit onon numbernumber ofof licenceslicences TechnologyTechnology neutralneutral NoNo restrictionrestriction onon foreignforeign ownershipownership ServicesServices fullyfully privatised,privatised, nono governmentgovernment subsidysubsidy NoNo controlcontrol onon tariffstariffs CompetitionCompetition provisionsprovisions introducedintroduced MarketMarket driven,driven, propro--competition,competition, propro-- consumerconsumer policypolicy TelephoneTelephone LinesLines 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 No of Lines 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 B usi ness Residential Total 0 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 TrueTrue CompetitionCompetition DevelopedDeveloped inin MarketMarket Market Share of incumbent in 2006 -2007 Business lines 69.4% Residential lines 65.9% Incumbent Incumbent new entrants new entrants LiberalisationLiberalisation ofof ExternalExternal NetworkNetwork andand ServiceService HongHong KongKong TelecommunicationTelecommunication InternationalInternational (HKTI)(HKTI) heldheld anan exclusiveexclusive licencelicence forfor externalexternal servicesservices inin 19901990’’ss InIn 1998,1998, HKTIHKTI receivedreceived HK$6.7HK$6.7 billionbillion cashcash compensationcompensation fromfrom thethe governmentgovernment toto surrendersurrender itsits exclusiveexclusive licence,licence, eighteight yearsyears earlierearlier thanthan thethe scheduledscheduled expiryexpiry inin 20062006 LiberalisationLiberalisation ofof ExternalExternal NetworkNetwork andand ServiceService 1999 External service-based competition introduced 2000 External facilities-based competition introduced ¾ New Technologies lowered operating cost ¾ Substantial reduction in IDD tariffs ¾ No limit on number of operators ¾ Mandatory interconnection between external and local fixed networks IDDIDD TrafficTraffic 10,000,000,000 9,000,000,000 8,000,000,000 7,000,000,000 6,000,000,000 5,000,000,000 No. of Minutes 4,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 Outgoing IDD 1,000,000,000 Incoming IDD Total - 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 IDDIDD TariffsTariffs LiberalisationLiberalisation ofof externalexternal fixedfixed networks/servicesnetworks/services broughtbrought aboutabout substantialsubstantial reductionreduction inin IDDIDD tariffstariffs InIn 19991999 –– 20022002 (4(4 years)years) alone,alone, estimatedestimated consumerconsumer savingsaving reachedreached HK$HK$ 25.525.5 billionbillion (much(much higherhigher thanthan thethe compensationcompensation grantedgranted toto thethe incumbentincumbent operator)operator) InternationalInternational privateprivate leasedleased circuitscircuits priceprice alsoalso droppeddropped substantiallysubstantially (eg.(eg. inin 2001,2001, priceprice ofof IPLCIPLC forfor US/HKUS/HK droppeddropped byby 50%)50%) LiberalisationLiberalisation inin MobileMobile NetworkNetwork andand ServicesServices 1984 First mobile network introduced 1985 – 1989 Four analogue licences issued, later switched to GSM 900 and CDMA 1996 Additional 6 licences issued to provide GSM-1800 1999 Mobile number portability implemented, triggered acute market competition LiberalisationLiberalisation inin MobileMobile NetworkNetwork andand ServicesServices 2001 Four 3G licensed issued through spectrum auctioning; First MVNO licence issued 2007 One additional licence for CDMA 2000 issued Now 152% subscriber penetration rate Near future Several licences for broadband wireless access to be issued through spectrum auctioning LiberalisationLiberalisation inin MobileMobile NetworkNetwork andand ServicesServices AllAll liberalisationliberalisation policiespolicies forfor fixedfixed networknetwork applyapply NaturalNatural limitationlimitation onon numbernumber ofof licenseeslicensees duedue toto limitedlimited availabilityavailability ofof spectrumspectrum SpectrumSpectrum auctionauction -- toto ensureensure open,open, fairfair andand efficientefficient useuse ofof spectrumspectrum SpectrumSpectrum tradingtrading toto bebe consideredconsidered CellularCellular TelephonesTelephones 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 Number of Subscribers 4,000,000 2,000,000 Cellular Telephones - 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 InternetInternet AccessAccess ServiceService OpenOpen toto fullfull competitioncompetition sincesince launchedlaunched inin 19901990’’ss No/LowNo/Low marketmarket entryentry barrierbarrier LowLow licencelicence feefee (HK(HK $750$750 perper year)year) LightLight--handedhanded regulationsregulations NumberNumber ofof LicensedLicensed InternetInternet ServiceService ProvidersProviders 300 250 200 150 100 50 Li censees 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 InternetInternet TrafficTraffic VolumeVolume (Customer Access via Broadband Networks) 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 Terabits 400,000 300,000 200,000 via 100,000 Broadband - 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 AllAll SectorsSectors NowNow OpenOpen toto CompetitionCompetition PagingPaging servicesservices –– sincesince 19701970’’ss ValueValue--addedadded servicesservices –– 19851985 MobileMobile phonephone networksnetworks andand servicesservices –– 19851985 LocalLocal fixedfixed networksnetworks andand servicesservices –– 19951995 ExternalExternal servicesservices –– 19991999 ExternalExternal facilitiesfacilities –– 20002000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Wireline-based fixed 7 9 9 10 10 10 carriers Wireless-based fixed 2 2 1 1 1 1 carriers Satellite-based external 5 4 5 6 6 6 fixed carriers Cable-based external 18 18 19 20 21 24 fixed carriers External telecom 213 217 230 226 248 252 services operators LiberalisationLiberalisation BenefitedBenefited HKCHKC’’ss EconomyEconomy ConsolidatedConsolidated HongHong KongKong’’ss positionposition asas aa telecommunicationstelecommunications hubhub inin thethe AsiaAsia--PacificPacific RegionRegion HighHigh quality,quality, lowlow priceprice servicesservices enhancedenhanced competitivecompetitive advantagesadvantages ofof otherother sectorssectors ReducedReduced costcost ofof telecommunicationstelecommunications toto businessbusiness andand residentialresidential consumersconsumers CompetitionCompetition drovedrove serviceservice innovation,innovation, whichwhich inin turnturn enhancedenhanced productivityproductivity (increase(increase inin capacity,capacity, decreasedecrease inin unitunit cost)cost) FacilitatedFacilitated thethe rolloutrollout