© PO Box 48, Bucklin MO 64631 (877) 787-2467 email: [email protected] Website: whiteriverproductions.com

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE © AUGUST 29, 2014 White River Productions Acquires and About the Carstens’ Publications Railroad Model Craftsman magazine was founded Railfan & Railroad magazines from in 1933 by Emanuele Stieri as The Model Craftsman, Carstens Publications aimed at all areas of scale modeling. Ownership of the publishing company passed in 1934 to Charles Penn. (Bucklin, Missouri) – White River Productions has ac- In 1949 the name of the publication was changed to quired Railroad Model Craftsman and Railfan & Rail- Railroad Model Craftsman, with a focus on the scale road magazines, effective September 1, 2014. The asset model train hobby exclusively. Hal Carstens joined the purchase agreement between Carstens Publications publishing firm in 1952 and purchased the company in and White River Productions was completed Thursday, 1963, renaming it Carstens Publications. August 28, 2014. Railfan & Railroad in concept goes back to 1968 Carstens Publications’ final issues of the two titles when future Railroad Model Craftsman editor Tony are the June issues, and future issues will be produced Koester along with Jim Boyd pitched the idea to by White River Productions. Staff assignments for the Carstens for a “railfan’s” magazine. By 1971 Jim Boyd two publications have not yet been determined. Includ- had joined Carstens to work on Flying Models, and ed in the agreement is the Books Division of Carstens in 1974 Railfan was born as a quarterly publication. Publications, which will continue under White River It went to six times a year in 1977, and monthly in Productions. Not included is Flying Models magazine. 1987. In 1979 it was merged with the defunct Railroad “We are excited to welcome these two Carstens magazine (which began in 1906 as Railroad Man’s titles to our family of White River Productions publica- Magazine), becoming Railfan & Railroad. The maga- tions,” said Kevin EuDaly, president of White River zine was edited by Jim Boyd from its inception until his Productions. “These magazines are an important part retirement in 1998, after which Steve Barry took over of railroad publications and White River Productions as Editor. looks forward to continuing their legacies.” Subscribers will be pleased to know existing sub- About White River Productions scriptions are to be honored and fulfilled by the new Founded in 1992 by Kevin EuDaly, President, ownership. Fulfillment will be based on the number White River Productions is currently producing 22 of remaining issues in existing subscriptions. Due to historical society magazines plus calendars, books, and the need to get the magazines’ cover dates current, a other peripheral items such as membership brochures, combined issue scenario will likely be employed, but advertising rate cards, annual meet announcements, and the number of issues owed to each subscriber will be ballots. The company also publishes Model Railroad adjusted accordingly. News, Railroads Illustrated, , “If you have six issues left on your subscription, The Railroad Press magazine, and now Railroad Model you will receive six issues,” EuDaly said. Craftsman and Railfan & Railroad magazines. The The magazines’ new mailing address for all sub- company began when owner Kevin EuDaly decided scriber, reader, and industry communication is the to write and publish the book Missouri Pacific Diesel Bucklin address. Power. He produced The Eagle for the Missouri Pacific Advertisers should contact Mike Lindsay of White Historical Society from 1993 to 1996 and picked up the River Productions at 800-282-3291 or via email at editor’s reins again for the MPHS in 2010. In between, [email protected], [email protected], or ads@ he has edited and produced numerous historical society modelrailroadnews.com. Mike will be managing adver- publications. His wife, Nadean, manages day-to-day tising for the new titles. operations at White River Productions.