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1 Derek W. Loeser, admitted pro hac vice Gretchen Freeman Cappio, admitted pro hac vice 2 KELLER ROHRBACK L.L.P. 3 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 3200 Seattle, WA 98101-3052 4 (206) 623-1900; Fax: (206) 623-3384 [email protected] 5 [email protected]

6 Jeffrey Lewis (Bar No. 66587) 7 KELLER ROHRBACK L.L.P. 300 Lakeside Drive, Suite 1000 8 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 463-3900; Fax: (510) 463-3901 9 [email protected]

10 Attorneys for Plaintiffs


21 I, Shannon R. Wheatman, declare as follows:

22 1. I am president of Kinsella Media, LLC (“KM”), a nationally recognized 23 advertising and legal notification firm in , D.C. specializing in the design and 24 implementation of notification programs to reach unidentified putative class members, primarily 25 in consumer and antitrust class actions, and claimants in bankruptcy and mass tort litigation. My 26 27 business address is 2101 L Street, NW Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20037. My telephone 28 number is (202) 686-4111.


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1 2. I submit this declaration in connection with the above referenced matter, Jabbari

2 v. Wells Fargo & Company and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. My credentials were previously 3 submitted to the court in the Declaration of Shannon R. Wheatman, Ph.D. on Adequacy of the 4 Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement and for Certification of a 5 Settlement Class (“Notice Program Declaration”), filed on April 20, 2017 (Dkt. No. 109). The 6 7 Notice Program Declaration described the Notice Program designed by KM, and the Court 8 subsequently approved the Notice Program on July 8, 2017. This declaration describes the

9 implementation of the Notice Program and measures taken to provide the best notice of the Class 10 Settlement that was practicable under the circumstances. 11 3. This declaration is based upon my personal knowledge and upon information 12 provided by Class Counsel, Defense Counsel, and my associates and staff. The information is of 13 a type reasonably relied upon in the fields of advertising, media, and communications. 14 15 I. NOTICE PROGRAM OVERVIEW

16 4. The Court-approved Notice Program, designed and implemented for this case,

17 achieved each of the planned objectives. 18 5. Each element of the Notice Program approved by the Court was implemented. 19 6. In my view, the Notice Program provided the best notice practicable under the 20 circumstances of this case and satisfied due process. The details of the Notice Program and the 21 22 basis for my opinion on its adequacy are outlined below. 23 II. NOTICE PROGRAM SUMMARY

24 Direct Mail Notice

25 7. Specific information regarding the Direct Mail Notice portion of the Notice 26 Program is provided in the Declaration of Joel K. Botzet Re: Claims Administration Process, 27 which is being filed concurrently with this Declaration (“Botzet Declaration”). 28


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1 8. In developing the Notice Program, it was determined that a comprehensive list of

2 potential Class Members could be created, so it was reasonable and appropriate to reach them via 3 direct mail in the form of a Summary Notice1 with Claim Form (“Direct Mail Notice”). 4 9. As detailed in the Botzet Declaration, Rust Consulting, Inc.2 (“Rust”) mailed a 5 Direct Mail Notice to pre-Identified Claimants. 6 7 10. The Direct Mail Notices provided an overview of the Settlement benefits and 8 directed readers to the Settlement website and toll-free number where they could download or

9 request the Long Form Notice. 10 11. As detailed in the Botzet Declaration, the Notices that were returned as non- 11 deliverable were re-mailed if a new address was available through standard and customized 12 tracing or through a forwarding address provided by the United States Postal Service. As of 13 January 17, 2018, 401,397 mailed notices remain undelivered. Based on this data, 86.6% of the 14 15 mailings were delivered.

16 12. Starting November 21, 2017, Rust sent an email (in English or Spanish) about the

17 Settlement to potential Class Members who registered on the Settlement website. The email 18 provided a short overview of the Class Settlement and directed Class Members to the Settlement 19 website. 20 13. Starting August 31, 2017, Wells Fargo sent a Statement Notice email about the 21 22 Settlement to all current and former customers who provided a valid email address to Wells 23 Fargo. Starting September 2017, Wells Fargo included a Statement Notice in monthly (or

24 1 25 The mailed Summary Notice and Summary Notices on the website (English and Spanish) included the updated opt-out and objection deadlines and Final Fairness Hearing date. The 26 Publication Notice contained the original approved dates because by the time the change was Court-approved, the notices had been printed in their respective publications. All the notices 27 directed Class Members to visit the website (or call the toll-free number) for the most current deadlines and Settlement information. 28 2 KM is a subsidiary of Rust, a consulting and administration firm.


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1 quarterly) statements for Wells Fargo consumer and small business checking and savings,

2 unsecured credit card, and unsecured line of credit accounts. Specific information regarding this 3 portion of the Notice Program is provided in the Declaration of Chris Mathews in Support of 4 Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlement. 5 Paid Media 6 7 14. To supplement the Direct Mail Notice and reach Class Members who had not 8 been identified by Wells Fargo, KM designed a paid media program to reach Class Members

9 who did not receive a Notice via mail. 10 15. As described in the Notice Program Declaration, KM used GfK MRI’s 2016 11 Doublebase Study3 and comScore4 to select a target audience. The target audience selected was 12 adults eighteen years of age or older who have a Wells Fargo Account (“Wells Fargo Account 13 Holders”). KM utilized media outlets based on their ability to provide effective and cost- 14 15 efficient penetration of the target audience.

16 A. Publication Notice

17 16. The Publication Notice provided important information regarding the subject of 18 the litigation, the Class definition, and the legal rights available to Class Members, and it 19 directed readers to the Settlement website to find more information. Attached as Exhibit 1 is an 20 example of the Publication Notice as it appeared when published. 21 22 23

24 3 GfK MRI produces an annual Doublebase Study, a study of more than 50,000 adults providing two full years of data. The sample includes over 26,000 respondents. Fieldwork is done in two 25 waves per year, each lasting six months and consisting of 13,000 interviews. At the end of the interview, the fieldworker presents a self-administered questionnaire that measures approximately 26 500 product/service categories, 6,000 brands, and various lifestyle activities. 4 27 comScore, Inc. (“comScore”) measures Internet usage and other activity through monitoring software installed on the computers of a panel of approximately two million people. Active in 28 170 countries, comScore tracks more than three million unique websites.


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1 17. The Publication Notice appeared as a color advertisement in the magazine Time

2 and the following national newspapers: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and USA 3 Today. 4 18. To reach populations in California and Arizona who may have a large proportion 5 of Class Members, the Publication Notice appeared as a color advertisement in the daily edition 6 5 7 of the following local newspapers: Los Angeles Times and The Arizona Republic. 8 19. The Publication Notice also appeared as a color advertisement in the weekly

9 edition of the following local Hispanic newspapers: El Clasificado (Los Angeles, California) and 10 TV y Más (Arizona). Attached as Exhibit 2 is an example of the Publication Notice, translated 11 into Spanish, as it appeared when published in the Hispanic newspapers. 12 B. Digital Notice 13 20. In addition to published notice, KM used Internet banner advertising to provide 14 15 potential Class Members with additional notice opportunities beyond the print placement. The

16 banner advertisement was designed to alert potential Class Members to the Settlement using a

17 bold message and graphics. The simple message enabled potential Class Members to quickly 18 determine if they might be affected by the Settlement. When visitors clicked on the banner 19 advertisement, they were connected directly to the Settlement website. Samples of the banner 20 advertisements as they appeared on several websites are attached as Exhibit 3. 21 22 21. Banner advertisements appeared on the following sites/networks between October 23 9, 2017, and November 12, 2017:, Pulpo Media (Hispanic Network), Collective,

24 Conversant, Facebook, Time Inc., USA Today Network, Yahoo!, and The Weather Channel.

25 Each network partners with websites to distribute online advertisements. 26 5 The advertisement was set to appear once in Los Angeles Times on October 11, 2017. However, 27 after reviewing the tearsheet (or advertisement printed in the publication), KM noticed that the top portion of the notice appeared larger than in the final layout provided to the publication. As a 28 result, Los Angeles Times re-published the notice on October 13, 2017 at no additional cost.


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1 22. Targeted Internet advertising was used to reach potential Class Members using

2 several tactics on various digital network platforms: 3 TACTIC DESCRIPTION 4

5 Banner advertisements delivered to websites that were 6 being visited by people who have been identified as Third-Party Targeting Wells Fargo banking customers. This targeting used 7 third-party data sources (such as Experian or Nielsen 8 Financial).


10 Banner advertisements displayed on websites that Content Targeting contained content about the Wells Fargo litigation or 11 news about the Settlement. 12

13 Banner advertisements targeted people who downloaded 14 the Wells Fargo banking app or self-identified as Wells Fargo customers. Advertisements were delivered to 15 Mobile Advertising (smartphones, tablets) other apps that these individuals downloaded. 16

17 Banner advertisements targeted people by location. 18

19 Newsfeed advertisements targeted people who expressed an interest in or “liked” pages related to Wells Fargo. 20 Facebook Targeting Also, KM used email addresses from website registrants 21 to target potential Class Members on Facebook.6

22 23 24 25 26 27

28 6 A sample of the Facebook advertisement is attached as Exhibit 4.


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1 2 Sponsored keywords and phrases were placed with all major search engines, including: Google AdWords, Bing 3 Microsoft Advertising, and their search partners. Sponsored search ads appeared when searchers entered 4 Search Advertising certain terms (e.g., "Wells Fargo Settlement"). Initial 5 keywords began on July 10, 2017. Expanded keywords 6 launched on October 7, 2017. All keywords ran until December 5, 2017. 7 8 9 23. Targeted Internet advertising allows a banner ad to reach a specific audience.

10 Audiences are segmented into groups by geography (location), interests, demographics, and 11 other factors based on data collected from their online browsing and other information collected 12 on the Internet and by third-party data providers. Although this advertising is not measurable 13 against a standard target audience (and cannot contribute to reach7 and frequency8 14 measurements), it often can be more effective at getting a response from Internet users. 15 16 24. KM used a third-party ad management platform, Sizmek, to audit the digital

17 portion of the Notice Program. The digital campaign that KM designed, planned, and

18 implemented measured impressions across all platforms for accuracy. 19 25. An Implementation Report for the Notice Program is attached as Exhibit 5 and 20 confirms that the paid media portion of the Court-approved Notice Program was implemented. 21 The report details each print publication and the date and page number upon which the 22 23 Publication Notice appeared. The report confirms that KM has received a true and correct copy 24 of the advertisement, or “tearsheet,” from each publication.9 The report also shows the Internet

25 7 Reach is the estimated percentage of a target audience that is exposed one or more times through 26 a specific media outlet or combination of media outlets within a given period. 8 27 Frequency is the estimated average number of opportunities an audience member has to see the notice. 28 9 Copies of the Publication Notice as it appeared in each publication are available to the Court


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1 advertisements delivered 140,851,755 gross impressions.10 Internet advertising generated a total

2 of 201,468 clicks to the Settlement website. 3 Notice Program Delivery 4 26. The Notice Program (Paid Media Program in combination with Direct Notice) 5 provided Class Members with multiple exposure opportunities to media vehicles carrying the 6 7 Notice and is estimated to have reached over 90% of the Class. 8 27. The reach of the target audience and the number of exposure opportunities is the

9 best notice practicable under the circumstances, and the Notice Program was consistent with the 10 standards employed by KM in notification programs designed to reach identified and 11 unidentified members of settlements. 12 Earned Media 13 28. The Notice Program featured an earned media program to amplify the paid media. 14 15 All materials contained a message that highlighted the benefits of the Settlement, encouraged

16 potential Class Members to file a claim, and featured the toll-free telephone number and website

17 address. The earned media program included: 18 a. A press release distributed on PR Newswire’s US1 National Circuit on 19 November 13, 2017 to coincide with the notice mailing. The release was republished across 196 20 news websites. A total of 68 journalists engaged with the press release. This engagement 21 22 contributed to coverage of the Settlement in major national outlets. Attached as Exhibit 6 is the 23 Visibility Report.

24 b. Media outreach to 238 targeted media outlets, reporters, bloggers, and

25 other websites to solicit their interest in the story and generate free media coverage beginning on 26 upon request. 27 10 Gross impressions are the total number of times a media vehicle containing the Notice is seen. This figure does not represent the total number of unique viewers of the Notice, as some 28 viewers/readers will see the Notice in more than one media vehicle.


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1 November 13, 2017. KM contacted these organizations and individuals and asked them to share

2 information about the Class Settlement with their viewers. 3 c. Class Counsel also separately designed and implemented several social 4 media campaigns to encourage participation in the Settlement. 5 29. There was media coverage of the Settlement. Between June 13, 2017, and July 7, 6 7 2017, news coverage generated an estimated 62 pieces from media outlets in the United States. 8 From preliminary approval (July 8, 2017) to January 18, 2018, an estimated 957 additional

9 pieces of news were generated.11 Approximately 81.1% of the total coverage (between July 8, 10 2017, and January 18, 2018) came from online and print news sources, 17.6% from blogs and 11 online discussion forums. 12 Website 13 30. A website was established at to enable Class Members 14 15 to get information on the Settlement. On or before July 10, 2017 (prior to the implementation of

16 the Notice Program and availability of online claim forms), the website was updated to allow

17 Class Members to register to be notified when the claims filing module would be available. As 18 detailed in the Botzet Declaration, the website received 633,799 registrations. The website 19 includes links to Court Documents, such as the Long Form Notice and the Settlement 20 Agreement. 21 22 31. The website was later updated to allow Class Members to review frequently asked 23 questions; view the website and Long Form and Summary Notices in Spanish; file a claim

24 online; download the general Claim, Opt-out, or Objection Forms; and view the updated Long

25 Form and Summary Notices. 26

27 11 These results were based on a search query which included all articles that mentioned “Wells Fargo” and “Settlement”, or “Wells Fargo Settlement”, “$110 Million Settlement”, “fake 28 accounts”, “bank account”, “Account abuse”, or “$142 Million Settlement”.


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1 32. More specific information about the website is included within the Botzet

2 Declaration. 3 33. As of January 17, 2018, the website had 3,079,316 unique visitors. 4 Other 5 34. A toll-free phone number with an interactive voice response system and option to 6 speak to a live operator (in English or Spanish) was established to enable Class Members to get 7 8 more information on the Settlement, call and request that a Long Form Notice or Claim Form be

9 mailed to them, or receive answers to frequently asked questions. More specific information

10 about the call center is included within the Botzet Declaration. 11 35. A post office box was established to allow Class Members to contact Class 12 Counsel by mail with any specific requests or questions. 13 III. PERFORMANCE AND DESIGN OF NOTICE PROGRAM 14 15 36. Objectives were met. The primary objective of the Notice Program was to 16 effectively reach the greatest practicable number of Class Members with “noticeable” Notices of

17 the Settlement and provide them with every reasonable opportunity to understand that their legal

18 rights are affected. This objective was successful. 19 37. The Notice reached Class Members effectively. The Notice Program, as 20 implemented, reached over 90% of potential Class Members. The supplemental paid media and 21 outreach efforts further enhanced coverage and reach among the Class. I can confidently state 22 23 that the Class was adequately reached with notice of the Settlement. 24 38. Notices were designed to increase noticeability. The Court-approved Notices

25 were designed to get Class Members’ attention by, for example, including bold and informative 26 headlines. 27 28


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1 39. The Short Form Notices (Publication and Summary Notices) were worded with

2 simple, plain language text to encourage readership and comprehension. The Summary Notice is 3 available on the website in English and Spanish. The Short Form Notices directed readers to get 4 more information via the Settlement website or toll-free number. 5 40. The Long Form Notice is available (in English and Spanish) via the website or the 6 7 toll-free number. The Long Form Notice provided substantial information, including specific 8 instructions Class Members needed to follow to properly exercise their rights and background on

9 the issues in the case. This notice communicated the required information about the Settlement 10 and complied fully with the Court’s Order of May 24, 2017. 11 41. The final appearance of the Publication Notice was on October 13, 2017, and the 12 initial mailed/emailed notices were sent between August 31, 2017, and November 22, 2017, 13 which allows plenty of time for members of the Class to see the Notice and respond accordingly 14 15 before the February 3, 2018, claims deadline. This timing ensured that Class Members were

16 allotted more than adequate time to act on their rights.

17 IV. CONCLUSION 18 42. It is my opinion that the Notice Program and content of the Notices were adequate 19 and reasonable under the circumstances and provided the best notice practicable. The Notice 20 Program is consistent with the standards employed by KM in notification programs designed to 21 22 reach class members. The Notice Program, as designed, was fully compliant with Rule 23 of the 23 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

24 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in

25 Souderton, PA this 19th day of January 2018. 26 27

28 Shannon R. Wheatman, Ph.D.


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EXHIBIT 1 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-1 Filed 01/19/18 Page 2 of 2


From the Front Page

Water “On (the state’s) ledger, there’s not enough water for future Continued from Page 1A FALL development. Hindsight is 20/20. We sent such letters, but state should have probably been talking INTO officials say there is no reason to panic. about this three years ago.” Aquifers under the Pi- LUXURY nal County area aren’t STEPEHEN MILLER drying up anytime soon, PINAL COUNTY SUPERVISOR SALES EVENT stateand local officials say. They say there is plenty of water under- they can prove they have there’s not enough water ground to supply home- a 100-year assured water for future development,” owners and that thou- supply. Miller says. “Hindsight is sands of planned homes These zones, also 20/20. We should have can still be built. known as active-manage- probably been talking The problem, however, ment areas, have special about this three years comes when the state rules governing the use of ago.” looks long term — 100 groundwater to prevent And experts say what’s years out, to be exact. depletion of the state’s fi- happening in Pinal could Under state law, devel- nite aquifers. be a warning for the rest opers cannot build subdi- In the Pinal Active of the state. visions in some areas of Management Area, a Kathleen Ferris, a sen- the state unless they can roughly 4,000-square- ior research fellow at the prove they have an 100- mile zone that encom- Kyl Center for Water Pol- year water supply. passes much of Pinal icy at Arizona State Uni- 2017 LINCOLN 2017 LINCOLN State and county offi- County, the state’s current versity, says challenges in cials say the situation isn’t modeling shows that de- the Pinal active manage- MKC MKX SELECT as dire as it might appear. mand for groundwater ment area could happen in They say much of the wa- could exceed aquifer ca- other areas that become ter is allocated for devel- pacity if more develop- too dependent on ground- $ $ opments that exist only on ment occurs than already water. 279 431 paper — projects that is accounted for in the She says the area must were proposed during the state’s modeling. ultimately find ways to PER MONTH!!! PER MONTH!!! housing craze and might That means develop- get a more renewable sup- +TAX FOR 36 MONTHS +TAX FOR 36 MONTHS never get built. ers who haven’t already ply of water, such as sur- “It’s reserved for spec- received approval of their face water from the Colo- VIN #5LMCJ1C92HUL54349,Stk#7389. VIN #2LMPJ6KR8HBL52859,Stk#7437. ulative projects,” says 100-year water supply, rado River, to support sus- $3380 due at signing, includes $750 RCL $4285 due at signing, includes $1750 RCL Doug Dunham, legislative like Copper Mountain tainable residential Customer Cash, plus tax, title,license, Customer Cash, plus tax, title,license,dealer dealer installed options and fees. $0 security installed options and fees. $0 security liaison for the Depart- Ranch, might be unable to growth. deposit. Plus tax. 7,500 miles per year. deposit. Plus tax. 7,500 miles per year. ment of Water Resources. provide tap water for the “It has to be addressed On approved credit. Expires 10-31-17. On approved credit. Expires 10-31-17. “Right before the eco- homes they hope to build. with a clear vision for fix- nomic downtown, there Other parts of the state ing the problems rather was a huge boom of appli- governed by groundwater than just pretending that Easy to get to... right off US60 &Mesa Drive! cations in the Pinal rules, such as Phoenix and we’ve fixed them,” Ferris 1720 S. Mesa Drive in Mesa (area).” Tucson, have more access says. “That means that the Dunham says the de- to surface water from the growth that occurs is 480-813-4900 partment is looking at Colorado River and other growth that you can sus- whether it can free some sources. The Pinal area, tain.” tied-up water and tweak meanwhile, depends on its groundwater flow groundwater to supply modeling, which relies on much of its new develop- conservative assump- ment. tions, to more accurately One of the first pro- Official Court-Approved Notice –Wells Fargo Unauthorized Account Settlement reflect available water. jects where the projected He says homeowners to- lack of available ground- day use less water than in water has become an is- decades past. sue is a huge master- Did YouHave an Unauthorized Wells Fargo Water-policy experts planned community are discussing those is- dubbed Copper Mountain sues in the Pinal County Ranch. Account Anytime Since May 2002? area as part of broad- Late last month, the based talks Gov. Doug Du- Department of Water Re- cey has initiated to re- sources sent the letter no- shape water policy in Ari- tifying the developer of Youcould get apayment from a$142 Million zona. the project’s first 151- Ducey’s administra- home phase that the tion has cast the talks as a state’s newest model Wells Fargo Class Action Settlement chance to get ahead of the shows a possible shortage state’s water challenges. of groundwater. Pinal’s situation is a small “(Modeling) results in- piece of the policy discus- dicate that sufficient The Settlement includes customers who had certain unauthorized Wells Fargo sion, but it illustrates one groundwater may not be credit, checking, or savings accounts, or authorized identity theft protection type of hurdle that other physically available to areas could eventually serve Copper Mountain’s service, since May 2002. face. estimated water demand Some water experts when considered with oth- Go to to learnmoreabout how you could say the scenario should be er existing uses and ap- be included. a wake-up call for the Pi- proved demands in the nal area and other parts of area,” the state wrote. the state where the heavy At full build-out, Cop- Cash benefits include: reliance on aquifer pump- per Mountain Ranch is ing is a challenge that slated to have 12,466 •Apayment to compensate you for fees you may have paid in connection with won’t go away. homes, hundreds of apart- unauthorized accounts. David Snider, a former ments, an 18-hole golf Pinal County supervisor course and shopping cen- and chair of the Pinal ters. •Cash to compensate you for damages caused by harm to your credit. County Water Augmenta- Jordan Rose, a land- tion Authority, says the use attorney who repre- •Plus, any money remaininginthe fund, after paying the benefits above and area has a “definite scar- sents Copper Mountain city when it comes to sup- Ranch, is a member of the all costs and expenses, will be paid out as additional compensation on aper- plies of renewable water.” governor’s water-discus- accountbasis. Snider says while he sion group. She says the agrees there are likely situation in Pinal is no short-term solutions, the cause for concern and has long-term challenge re- an easy resolution. How It Works mains. “There’s plenty of wa- “It is not just enough to ter in Pinal County for rearrange the deck chairs decades to come,” Rose on the Titanic,” he says. says. “This is not a panic He says Pinal must situation. This is merely find new sources of re- an update to the model- UUUUUU newable water, whether ing.” it’s negotiating with tribal But others described communities that have the situation as a more se- excess Colorado River rious challenge for the Pi- water or pursuing more nal area, one that requires creative options like de- significant investment in Visit Your claim will be examined. If eligible, you’ll receive a salination of ocean water. renewable water sup- to fill out the simple claim form check in the mail. “When you have a fi- plies. in afew minutes. nite resource and you Pinal County Supervi- have a demand that con- sor Stephen Miller, who tinues and perhaps even represents Casa Grande, grows, at some point, you also is part of the gover- Your Rights, Next Steps, &Important Dates can figure out what will nor’s talks. He, too, is happen,” Snider says. hopeful the state can re- Under state law, devel- solve the issue but says a opers can build subdivi- fix should have come be- Youmay object or exclude yourself from the Settlement by December 5, 2017. sions only in areas with fore developers found historically significant themselves in limbo. Youmust submit avalid claim before February 3, 2018. use of groundwater if “On (the state’s) ledger, The Court will hold ahearing on January 4, 2018,todetermine whether to approve the Settlement. This hearing date may change, so check ./26@, 4/>B 06B for updates. If you areaneligible Class Member and stay in the Settlement, you will be '255-" (%# eligible for acash payment and cannot sue Wells Fargo. %'&'$"!"&# Attorneys representing the Class will request Court approval for attorneys’ fees '1"25" up to 15% of the Settlement Fund, plus costs. 5=A"-6-:CED& Visit for moredetails on the Settlement, to fill out a 6!C$#<= claim form, and to review your rights and options. Youmay hireanattorney at .'!"" 7"B@3:" )@3=?# 1,/4<(>( your own cost to represent you. .4" 133"#A 1:: 7"B@3:"C >?55@5D $! ,$A .4" 1:C$ 133"#A -$8AC+ 0$A$!3%3:"C & >7C .'?::% ;89 *"2?3A@6:" :D""?E)#!:CED"E+#!F 0=??* %3('8 1('-79;7 1-866-431-8549 0'255-"(%# '1"25" 1" &+./ %3 ,&#+%*&!1%*(%4*$&!1%*) AR-0008728216-01 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-2 Filed 01/19/18 Page 1 of 2

EXHIBIT 2 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-2 Filed 01/19/18 Page 2 of 2

7 Aviso oficial aprobado por el Tribunal - Acuerdo de conciliación por cuentas no autorizadas de Wells Fargo ¿Ha tenido usted una cuenta no autorizada de Wells Fargo en algún momento desde mayo de 2002? Podría obtener un pago mediante un Acuerdo conciliación de demanda colectiva de Wells Fargo de $142 millones

El acuerdo incluye a clientes que han tenido determinadas cuentas no autorizadas de crédito, cuentas de cheques o de ahorro, o un servicio de protección contra robo de identidad de Wells Fargo desde mayo del 2002. Visite para obtener más información sobre cómo puede ser incluido. Los beneficios en efectivo incluyen: • Un pago para compensar los cargos que podría haber pagado en relación con cuentas no autorizadas. • Dinero en efectivo para compensar los daños causados por el impacto en su crédito. • Además, todo el dinero restante en el fondo, después de pagar los beneficios antes indicados y todos los costos y gastos, se distribuirán entre las cuentas como pagos compensatorios adicionales.

Cómo funciona


Visite Su reclamo será evaluado. De ser elegible, recibirá un cheque para llenar el formulario de reclamo. por correo postal. Solo toma unos minutos.

Sus derechos, próximos pasos y fechas importantes

Usted puede objetar o excluirse del Acuerdo de conciliación antes del 5 de diciembre de 2017. Debe enviar un reclamo válido antes del 3 de febrero de 2018. El Tribunal realizará una audiencia el 4 de enero de 2018 para determinar si aprueba el Acuerdo de conciliación. La fecha de esta audiencia puede cambiar, así que visite para obtener información actualizada. Si usted es un Miembro elegible del grupo y no se excluye de la demanda colectiva, será elegible para recibir un pago en efectivo y no podrá demandar a Wells Fargo. Los abogados que representan al Grupo que presenta la demanda colectiva solicitarán la aprobación de honorarios legales hasta por el 15 % del Fondo del acuerdo de conciliación, más costos. Visite para obtener más detalles sobre el Acuerdo de conciliación, llenar un formulario de reclamo y revisar sus derechos y opciones. Puede contratar a un abogado por su propia cuenta y costo para que lo represente. 0073-4117 1-866-431-8549

El Clasificado (800)242-2527 Encuentre más anuncios en Zona 48 - 10/11/2017 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-3 Filed 01/19/18 Page 1 of 9

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Desktop 728x90 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-3 Filed 01/19/18 Page 4 of 9

Desktop 300x250 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-3 Filed 01/19/18 Page 5 of 9

Data Segments - specific to Wells Fargo_300x250

1 1 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-3 Filed 01/19/18 Page 6 of 9

Contextual & Search Targeting_728x90

3 3 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-3 Filed 01/19/18 Page 7 of 9


Placement: Desktop Size: 160x600 ScreenShot URL: ScreenShot date: 10/12/2017 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-3 Filed 01/19/18 Page 8 of 9


Placement: Desktop Size: 728x90 ScreenShot URL: ScreenShot date: 10/12/2017 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-3 Filed 01/19/18 Page 9 of 9


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Implementation Report

Jabbari v. Wells Fargo January 3, 2017


Print Media Issue Date Ad(s) Page # Tearsheet Unit Type/Size Date Ran of Ad Received Magazine Time Full Page Color (7" x 10") October 23 Issue October 13, 2017 108 Yes

Newspapers - National New York Times 7.65" x 14" Color October 11, 2017 October 11, 2017 A7 Yes USA Today 7.97" x 16.34" Color October 11, 2017 October 11, 2017 6B Yes Wall Street Journal 7.19" x 14.25" Color October 11, 2017 October 11, 2017 B14 Yes

Newspapers - Local Arizona Republic 6.625" x 13" Color October 11, 2017 October 11, 2017 12A Yes Los Angeles Times 6.61" x 13" Color October 11, 2017 October 11, 2017 A7 Yes Los Angeles Times 6.61" x 13" Color October 13, 2017 October 13, 2017 A10 Yes

Newspapers - Hispanic El Clasificado - Los Angeles 7.625" x 9.4375" Color October 11, 2017 October 11, 2017 9 Yes TV y Mas Entertainment (La Voz Arizona) 9.99" x 12.5" Color October 13, 2017 October 13, 2017 7 Yes

Digital Media Ad Type/Size Est. Delivered Impressions Online 140,851,755 728x90, 300x250, 160x600 Collective 728x90, 300x250, 160x600 Conversant 728x90, 300x250, 160x600 Facebook Text and Image Pulpo Media (Hispanic: National and Geo-targeted) 728x90, 300x250, 160x600 Time Inc. Network 728x90, 300x250, 160x600 728x90, 300x250, 160x600 728x90, 300x250, 160x600 Yahoo! 728x90, 300x250, 160x600 Other Digital Platforms (Third-Party Targeting, 728x90, 300x250, 160x600 Content Targeting, Mobile Advertising)

Earned Media and Outreach Status Keyword Search Completed Press Release (National) Completed Media Outreach Ongoing

Page 1 of 1 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 1 of 34

EXHIBIT 6 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 2 of 34

Customers with Unauthorized Accounts from Wells Fargo Can Now File a Claim in $142 Million Settlement English PR Newswire ID: 1947553-1 Clear Time Nov 13, 2017 10:00 AM ET

Pickup Where did my release get picked up? 196 68,832,919 total pickup total potential audience

Traffic What traffic did my release generate? 843 992 release views web crawler hits

Audience Who are the audiences viewing my release? 68 136 media views organization views

Engagement How are people engaging with my release?

51 total engagement actions

51 click-throughs Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 3 of 34

Industry Benchmarks On a scale of 1 - 100, how this release performed compared to other similar releases.

37 total visibility

20 28 62 pickup traffic audience

100 engagement Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 4 of 34




Exact Match 193 Postings Exact Match 68.8M Visitors/Day

Twitter 3 Tweets Twitter 2.6K Followers

Total Pickup Over Time Total pickup since your content was distributed 1000


10 TotalPickup Count


0 13 Nov 14 Nov 17 Nov 01 Dec Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 5 of 34

Total Pickup by Source Type Total Pickup by Industry

Broadcast Media (116/59.2%) Media & Information (172/87.8%) Newspaper (40/20.4%) Financial (14/7.1%) Online News Sites & Other Influencers (11/5.6%) Retail & Consumer (4/2.0%) Financial News Service (8/4.1%) Business Services (2/1.0%) News & Information Service (6/3.1%) Health (1/0.5%) Other (15/7.7%) Other (3/1.5%)

Exact Match Pickup Exact matches are full text postings of your content which we have found in the online and social media that we monitor. Understand how it is calculated. Your release has generated 193 exact matches with a total potential audience of 68,830,317.

Logo Outlet Name Location Source Type Industry Potential Audience

Yahoo! Global Portal Media & 66,181,000 Online  View Release Information visitors/day United Trade Publications Financial 363,000 Online  View Release States visitors/day, Inc. United Newspaper Media & 324,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

Morningstar Canada Financial Data, Financial 156,000 Online  View Release Research & Analytics visitors/day

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette [Pittsburgh, PA] United Newspaper Media & 108,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 6 of 34

PR Newswire United PR Newswire Media & 103,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

Biotility United News & Information Health 70,000 Online  View Release States Service visitors/day

Oklahoman [Oklahoma City, OK] United Newspaper Media & 55,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

KOTV-TV CBS-6 [Tulsa, OK] United Broadcast Media Media & 51,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WISTV-TV NBC-10 [Columbia, SC] United Broadcast Media Media & 44,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WFMZ-TV IND-69 (Allentown, PA) United Broadcast Media Media & 39,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

KAIT ABC-8 (Jonesboro, AR) United Broadcast Media Media & 38,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WAFF-TV NBC-48 [Huntsville, AL] United Broadcast Media Media & 36,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WBBH-TV NBC-2 [Fort Myers, FL] United Broadcast Media Media & 34,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

KMOV-TV CBS-4 [St. Louis, MO] United Broadcast Media Media & 34,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

KPTV-TV FOX-12 [Beaverton, OR] United Broadcast Media Media & 33,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

KWTV-TV CBS-9 [Oklahoma City, OK] United Broadcast Media Media & 32,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

KHNL-TV NBC-8 [Honolulu, HI] United Broadcast Media Media & 32,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

KCTV-TV CBS-5 [Kansas City, MO] United Broadcast Media Media & 29,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WSFA-TV NBC-12 [Montgomery, AL] United Broadcast Media Media & 28,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 7 of 34

WWBT-TV NBC-12 [Richmond, VA] United Broadcast Media Media & 28,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WLOX-TV ABC-13 [Biloxi, MS] United Broadcast Media Media & 26,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WBTV-TV CBS-3 [Charlotte, NC] United Broadcast Media Media & 26,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WAFB CBS-9 (Baton Rouge, LA) United Broadcast Media Media & 26,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WMC-TV NBC-5 [Memphis, TN] United Broadcast Media Media & 24,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WAVE-TV NBC-3 [Louisville, KY] United Broadcast Media Media & 24,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

KOLD-TV CBS-13 [Tucson, AZ] United Broadcast Media Media & 24,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WXIX-TV FOX-19 [Cincinnati, OH] United Broadcast Media Media & 22,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WRAL-TV CBS-5 [Raleigh, NC] United Broadcast Media Media & 21,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

Townhall Finance United Financial News Service Media & 21,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

Tamar Securities United Online News Sites & Financial 21,000 Online  View Release States Other Influencers visitors/day

FinancialContent - PR Newswire United Financial News Service Media & 21,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

Tribune [San Luis Obispo, CA] United Newspaper Media & 21,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

The Sacramento Bee [Sacramento, CA] United Newspaper Media & 21,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

News & Observer [Raleigh, NC] United Newspaper Media & 21,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 8 of 34

Island Packet [Bluffton, SC] United Newspaper Media & 21,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

The Bellingham Herald [Bellingham, WA] United Newspaper Media & 21,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

Rockford Register Star [Rockford, IL] United Newspaper Media & 21,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

Value Investing News United Financial News Service Financial 21,000 Online  View Release States visitors/day

Daily Penny Alerts United Online News Sites & Financial 21,000 Online  View Release States Other Influencers visitors/day

Benefit Plans Administrative Services United Online News Sites & Financial 21,000 Online  View Release States Other Influencers visitors/day

Boston Herald [Boston, MA] United Newspaper Media & 21,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

1st Discount Brokerage United Financial News Service Financial 21,000 Online  View Release States visitors/day

KVVU-TV FOX-5 [Las Vegas, NV] United Broadcast Media Media & 20,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WFIE-TV NBC-14 [Evansville, IN] United Broadcast Media Media & 20,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

Daily Herald [Chicago, IL] United Newspaper Media & 20,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WECT-TV NBC-6 [Wilmington, NC] United Broadcast Media Media & 19,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

One News Page Global Edition Global News & Information Media & 19,000 Online  View Release Service Information visitors/day

WTOL-TV CBS-11 [Toledo, OH] United Broadcast Media Media & 18,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 9 of 34

KLTV-TV ABC-7 [Tyler, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & 18,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

KHQ-TV NBC-6 [Spokane, WA] United Broadcast Media Media & 17,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WBRC-TV FOX-6 [Birmingham, AL] United Broadcast Media Media & 15,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WVIR-TV NBC-29 [Charlottesville, VA] United Broadcast Media Media & 15,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WLBT-TV NBC-3 [Jackson, MS] United Broadcast Media Media & 15,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WCSC-TV CBS-5 [Charleston, SC] United Broadcast Media Media & 15,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

KAKE-TV ABC [Wichita, KS] United Broadcast Media Media & 15,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WALB-TV NBC-10 [Albany, GA] United Broadcast Media Media & 14,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

KFVS-TV CBS-12 [Cape Girardeau, MO] United Broadcast Media Media & 14,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WMBF-TV NBC-32 [Myrtle Beach, SC] United Broadcast Media Media & 13,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WFMJ-TV NBC-21 [Youngstown, OH] United Broadcast Media Media & 13,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WOIO-TV CBS-19 [Cleveland, OH] United Broadcast Media Media & 13,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WTOC-TV CBS-11 [Savannah, GA] United Broadcast Media Media & 12,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

KFMB-TV CBS-8 [San Diego, CA] United Broadcast Media Media & 12,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WTVA-TV [Tupelo, MS] United Broadcast Media Media & 11,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 10 of 34

KSLA-TV CBS-12 [Shreveport, LA] United Broadcast Media Media & 11,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

KCBD-TV NBC-11 [Lubbock, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & 11,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WRCB-TV NBC-3 [Chattanooga, TN] United Broadcast Media Media & 10,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WBOC-TV CBS-16 [Salisbury, MD] United Broadcast Media Media & 10,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

KTRE-TV ABC-9 [Lufkin, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & 10,000 Online  View Release States Information visitors/day

WBOY-TV NBC-12 [Clarksburg, WV] United Broadcast Media Media & 9,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

WVUE-TV FOX-8 [New Orleans, LA] United Broadcast Media Media & 9,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

KPLC-TV NBC-7 [Lake Charles-Lafayette, United Broadcast Media Media & 9,000 visitors/day LA] States Information Online  View Release

WDAM-TV NBC-7 [Hattiesburg-Laurel, MS] United Broadcast Media Media & 8,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

WOWK-TV CBS-13 [Charleston, WV] United Broadcast Media Media & 8,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

WTVM-TV ABC-9 [Columbus, GA] United Broadcast Media Media & 7,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

Spoke United News & Information Business 7,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Service Services

KXXV-TV ABC-25 [Waco, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & 7,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

KITV-TV ABC [Honolulu, HI] United Broadcast Media Media & 6,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 11 of 34

KSWO-TV ABC-7 [Lawton, OK] United Broadcast Media Media & 6,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

KAVU-TV ABC-25 [Victoria, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & 6,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

KTVN-TV CBS-2 [Reno, NV] United Broadcast Media Media & 5,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

WSIL-TV ABC-3 [Carterville, IL] United Broadcast Media Media & 4,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

WAND-TV NBC-17 [Decatur, IL] United Broadcast Media Media & 4,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

Ticker Technologies United Financial News Service Financial 4,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States

KHSL-TV / KNVN-TV / CW-TV / United Broadcast Media Media & 3,141 visitors/day [Chico-Redding, CA] States Information Online  View Release

FirstRain United News & Information Media & 3,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Service Information

WKTV-TV NewsChannel 2 [Utica, NY] United Broadcast Media Media & 3,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

KFDA-TV CBS-10 [Amarillo, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & 3,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

KRGV-TV ABC-5 [Weslaco, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & 3,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

WICU-TV NBC-12 / WSEE-TV CBS-35 United Broadcast Media Media & 3,000 visitors/day [Erie, PA] States Information Online  View Release

WTRF-TV CBS-7 [Wheeling, WV] United Broadcast Media Media & 2,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

KUSI-TV IND-51 [San Diego, CA] United Broadcast Media Media & 2,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

KULR-TV NBC-8 [Billings, MT] United Broadcast Media Media & 2,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 12 of 34

KEZI-TV ABC [Eugene, OR] United Broadcast Media Media & 2,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information [Sonora, CA] United Newspaper Media & 2,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

The Chronicle Journal [Thunder Bay, ON] Canada Newspaper Media & 2,000 visitors/day Online  View Release Information

KOAM-TV CBS-7 [Pittsburg, KS] United Broadcast Media Media & 2,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

IANS India India News & Information Media & 2,000 visitors/day Online  View Release Service Information

KWES-TV NBC-9 [Midland, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & 1,326 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

WVNS-TV CBS-59 [Ghent, WV] United Broadcast Media Media & 1,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

RFD-TV [Nashville, TN] United Broadcast Media Media & 1,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

Your Hometown Lima Stations [Lima, OH] United Broadcast Media Media & 1,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

WLNE-TV ABC-6 [Providence, RI] United Broadcast Media Media & 1,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

WZVN-TV ABC-7 [Fort Myers, FL] United Broadcast Media Media & 1,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

WICZ-TV FOX-40 [Binghamton, NY] United Broadcast Media Media & 1,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

KAUZ-TV CBS-6 [Wichita Falls, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & 1,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

KNDO-TV NBC / KNDU-TV NBC United Broadcast Media Media & 1,000 visitors/day [Kennewick, WA] States Information Online  View Release

KTEN-TV NBC-10 [Denison, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & 1,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 13 of 34

KEYC-TV CBS-12 / FOX-12 [Mankato, MN] United Broadcast Media Media & 1,000 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

WFXG-TV FOX-54 [Augusta, GA] United Broadcast Media Media & 850 visitors/day Online  View Release States Information

Daily Maryland News United Online News Sites & Media & Online  View Release States Other Influencers Information

360WiseMedia United Online News Sites & Media & Online  View Release States Other Influencers Information

WV Illustrated [Morgantown, WV] United Online News Sites & Media & Online  View Release States Other Influencers Information

WNKY-TV NBC-40 / CBS-40 [Bowling United Broadcast Media Media & Green, KY] States Information Online  View Release

WFLX-TV FOX-29 [West Palm Beach, FL] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

KVPH-TV FOX-29 [Lake Charles, LA] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

WBCB-TV CW-21 (Youngstown, OH) United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

WLWC-TV CW-28 [Providence, RI] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

Our Good Life United Blog-Parental Retail & Online  View Release States Influencers Consumer

Telemundo Lubbock [Lubbock, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

Telemundo Amarillo [Amarillo, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

SWX Right Now [Spokane, WA] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

Telemundo-20 [Midland, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 14 of 34

SNJ Today [Millville, NJ] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information United Blog Media & Online  View Release States Information

Greater Severna Park and Arnold Chamber United Industry Association Business Online  View Release States Sites Services

96.9-FM Rock FM [Lubbock, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

ProfitQuotes United Financial News Service Financial Online  View Release States

One News Page Unites States Edition United Online News Sites & Media & Online  View Release States Other Influencers Information

Oldies 97.7 FM [Lubbock, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

NOTICIAS ETX [Tyler, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

KNBN-TV NBC-21 [Rapid City, SD] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

KMYL-TV MyLubbock-TV [Lubbock, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

KXTQ-FM 106.5 Magic [Lubbock, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

KLCW-TV Lubbock CW [Lubbock, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

WHDF-TV The Valley's CW [Huntsville, AL] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

KUAM-TV NBC-8 / CBS-11 [Hagatna, United Broadcast Media Media & Guam] States Information Online  View Release

KFBB-TV ABC-8 / FOX-TV [Great Falls, MT] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 15 of 34

KASA-TV Telemundo-2 [Albuquerque, NM] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

Juniata County Radio United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

KJTV-TV FOX-34 [Lubbock, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

WBOC-TV FOX-21 [Salisbury, MD] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

KFJX-TV FOX-14 [Pittsburg, KS] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

KTTU-FM 97.3 Double T [Lubbock, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

KJTV-AM 950 / KJTV-FM 100.7 [Lubbock, United Broadcast Media Media & TX] States Information Online  View Release

KTMF-TV / KWYB-TV [Missoula, MT] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

KLBB-FM 93.7 The Eagle [Lubbock, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

KFMB 760-AM [San Diego, CA] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

KLZK-FM 107.7 YES FM [Lubbock, TX] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

US Press Association United Industry Association Media & Online  View Release States Sites Information

KQCW-TV CW-12/19 [Tulsa, OK] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

Fat Pitch Financials United Online News Sites & Financial Online  View Release States Other Influencers

My Silly Little Gang United Blog-Parental Retail & Online  View Release States Influencers Consumer Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 16 of 34

Money Savvy Living United Blog-Parental Retail & Online  View Release States Influencers Consumer

The Angels’ Portion United Blog - Spirits, Cocktails, Retail & Online  View Release States Beer & Wine Consumer

Winslow, Evans & Crocker United Online News Sites & Financial Online  View Release States Other Influencers

Pettinga Financial United Financial News Service Financial Online  View Release States

Penticton Herald [Penticton, BC] Canada Newspaper Media & Online  View Release Information

Kelowna Daily Courier [Kelowna, BC] Canada Newspaper Media & Online  View Release Information

Manhattanweek United Online News Sites & Media & Online  View Release States Other Influencers Information

KMIR-TV NBC [Palm Desert, CA] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

KLKN-TV ABC-8 [Lincoln, NE] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

KFMB 100.7 FM [San Diego, CA] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

KFVE-TV MyNetworkTV-5 [Honolulu, HI] United Broadcast Media Media & Online  View Release States Information

Wall Street Select United Financial News Service Financial Online  View Release States

CRWE World Global Trade Publications Media & Online  View Release Information

Company News United Online News Sites & Financial Online  View Release States Other Influencers

Wapakoneta Daily News [Wapakoneta, OH] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 17 of 34

Valley City Times-Record [Valley City, ND] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

The Post and Mail [Columbia City, IN] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

The Pilot News [Plymouth, IN] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

The Evening Leader [St. Marys, OH] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

The Antlers American [Antlers, OK] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

Sweetwater Reporter [Sweetwater, TX] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

Starkville Daily News [Starkville, MS] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

The Daily Press [St. Marys, PA] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

Ridgway Record [Ridgway, PA] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

The Punxsutawney Spirit [Punxsutawney, United Newspaper Media & PA] States Information Online  View Release

Poteau Daily News [Poteau, OK] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

The Observer News Enterprise [Newton, United Newspaper Media & NC] States Information Online  View Release

Minster Community Post [Minster, OH] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

Mammoth Times [Mammoth Lakes, CA] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

Malvern Daily Record [Malvern, AR] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 18 of 34

The Kane Republican [Kane, PA] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

Inyo Register [Bishop, CA] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

The Deer Park Tribune [Deer Park, WA] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

Decatur Daily Democrat [Decatur, IN] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

Daily Times Leader [West Point, MS] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

Borger News Herald [Borger, TX] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

Big Spring Herald [Big Spring, TX] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

The Saline Courier [Benton, AR] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information

The Morning News [Blackfoot, ID] United Newspaper Media & Online  View Release States Information Global News & Information Media & Online  View Release Service Information Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 19 of 34


Overview Total Release Views & Web Crawler Hits 1.8K


Media Views 68 views

Public Views 775 views Partner Sites 130 views PR Newswire Channels 645 views

Release Views Release Views Over Time


1000 354 52 95 100 15 31 3032 2623 22 11 3 4 8 182018 14 1014 12 5 15 2 8 7 6 1 11101111 9 10 10 5 5 7 2 1 1 3 6 5 6 ReleaseViews 283 2 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 23 2524 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 13 14 11 1 9 7 9 9 9 7 5 6 4 6 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 2018-01-04 2018-01-08 2017-12-01 2017-12-03 2017-12-05 2017-12-07 2017-11-13 2017-12-09 2017-11-15 2017-12-12 2017-11-17 2017-12-14 2017-11-19 2017-11-21 2017-12-17 2017-11-23 2017-12-20 2017-11-25 2017-12-27 2017-11-27 2017-11-29

Cumulative Media Views Partner Sites PRN Properties

Media Views on PR Newswire for Journalists Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 20 of 34 Top 10 Outlets

Koncept (2) 2

LexisNexis (1) 1

MMP, USA (1) 1

Clearwind Media… 1

NewsRx (1) 1

rubenv (1) 1

KOCO-TV (1) 1

Great Lakes Ba… 1

Clear Wind Medi… 1


0 1 2 3


Views on Partner Sites Top 10 Sites (… 87




FirstRain (4) 4

Not Available (3) 3





0 25 50 75 100


Traffic to PR Newswire Properties

Type of Views Views

Type Views

Total Views on PR Newswire Properties 645 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 21 of 34

Type Views

Desktop Views 496

Mobile/Tablet Views 149

Total Views on PR Newswire Properties 645

Desktop Views Mobile/Tablet Views

External Traffic Sources Understand how viewers found your release.

Source Source Type Instances

Direct Direct 280

Google Search Engine 204

Bing Search Engine 13

Yahoo! Search Engine 2

AOL Search Engine 1

Twitter Social Media 50 Direct Search Engine PR Newswire Properties 12 Social Media PR Newswire Properties Other Sites 3 Other Sites Other Sites 2 Other Sites 1 Other Sites 1 Other Sites 1 Other Sites 1 Other Sites 1 Other Sites 1 Other Sites 1 Other Sites 1 Other Sites 1 Other Sites 1

Total 577 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 22 of 34

Search Engine Keywords The search terms that visitors to your release use to find it. Note that Google increasingly does not make this data available.

Google keywords not available: 204

Search Engine Search Term Instances

Bing Not Available 10

jabbari v wells fargo 1

wells fargo unauthorized account settlement 1

wells fargo latest nov 2017 1

AOL 1 jabbari v wells fargo wells fargo unauthorized ac... Total 14 wells fargo latest nov 2017 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 23 of 34


68 136 Media Views Organization Views

Audience Summary Media Demographics A break down of the industries covered, the media types and the locations of the journalists & bloggers accessing your release on PR Newswire for Journalists.

Top Industries Top Media Types Top Countries 60 25

50 20

40 15

30 10


5 10

0 0 United States India Blogger Media United Kingdom Newspaper

Healthcare Canada France Technology Freelance/Writer Public Issues Trade Periodicals The rest Financial Services Web/On-Line Service

Geo-segmentation See where views of your release originated. Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 24 of 34

Views by country > 0 1 - 10 10 - 30 30 - 100 100 - 300 300 - 1 000 > 1 000

Views by state

> 0 1 - 10 10 - 30 30 - 100 100 - 300 300 - 1 000 > 1 000 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 25 of 34 Views by province

> 0 1 - 10 10 - 30 30 - 100 100 - 300 300 - 1 000 > 1 000

Views by country

> 0 1 - 10 10 - 30 30 - 100 100 - 300 300 - 1 000 > 1 000

Media Views See the details of each media outlet from PR Newswire for Journalists that viewed your release.

Views Outlet Industry Source Type Country 

Koncept Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Newspaper India 2 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel

Total 68 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 26 of 34

LexisNexis Other Trade Periodicals, Web/On-Line United 1 Service States

MMP, USA Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Television United 1 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial States Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel

Clearwind Media Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Television United 1 Environment, Features, Financial Services, General States Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Other, Technology, Transportation, Travel

NewsRx Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Web/On-Line Service United 1 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial States Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel rubenv Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Blogger United 1 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial States Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel

KOCO-TV Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Television United 1 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial States Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel

Great Lakes Banker Financial Services Trade Periodicals United 1 States

Clear Wind Media Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Freelance/Writer, Television United 1 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial States Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel

II MIROSHNYCHENKO Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Web/On-Line Service United 1 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial Kingdom Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel prnewswire Auto Other United 1 States

Mergermarket Healthcare Web/On-Line Service United 1 States

CouponDaddy Consumer Products, Financial Services, General Blogger, Freelance/Writer India 1 Business, Media, Technology, Travel

Gonzo Today Public Issues Freelance/Writer Germany 1

Reuters Other Wire Service United 1 States

Total 68 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 27 of 34

HSFC Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Blogger United 1 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial Kingdom Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel

Principal Group Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Blogger United 1 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial States Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel

Argus Media Group Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Web/On-Line Service United 1 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial States Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel

Freelancer Public Issues Freelance/Writer United 1 States

South Valley Review Consumer Products, Energy, Entertainment, Newspaper United 1 Environment, Features, General Business, States Healthcare, Other, Public Issues

Connected to India Auto, Broadcast, Energy, Entertainment, Features, Blogger, Freelance/Writer, India 1 Financial Services, General Business, Healthcare, Newspaper, Web/On-Line Media, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Travel Service c21 Student Resoucres Financial Services Blogger United 1 States

Tofield Mercury Media, Public Issues, Sports, Technology Newspaper, Other Canada 1

Freelance Energy, Features, Financial Services, General Freelance/Writer Singapore 1 Business, Heavy Industry, Public Issues, Technology

She Prevailed Media Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Blogger United 1 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial States Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel

Outside 435 News Public Issues Blogger United 1 States

Udaipur Kiran Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Blogger, Consumer Periodicals, India 1 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial Freelance/Writer, Newspaper, Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Other, Radio, Television, Trade Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Periodicals, Web/On-Line Technology, Transportation, Travel Service, Wire Service

My Triangle News Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Blogger United 1 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial States Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel

PR Newswire Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Blogger, Consumer Periodicals, Canada 1 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial Freelance/Writer, Newspaper, Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Other, Radio, Television, Trade Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Periodicals, Web/On-Line Technology, Transportation, Travel Service, Wire Service

Total 68 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 28 of 34

Wise Bread Consumer Products, Financial Services Web/On-Line Service United 1 States

Lawyer Monthly Media, Public Issues Blogger, Trade Periodicals, United 1 Web/On-Line Service Kingdom

Freelancer Energy, Financial Services, Healthcare, Heavy Freelance/Writer United 1 Industry, Technology States

The Boulevard Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial Freelance/Writer, Newspaper, United 1 Services, General Business, Healthcare, Media, Web/On-Line Service States Public Issues, Technology

NouvelObs, Le Petit Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Blogger, Consumer Periodicals, France 1 Journal, Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial Freelance/Writer, Newspaper, Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Other, Radio, Trade Periodicals, Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Web/On-Line Service, Wire Technology, Transportation, Travel Service

Latitudes & Attitudes Features, Financial Services, General Business, Blogger, Consumer Periodicals, France 1 Public Issues, Technology, Travel Freelance/Writer, Trade Periodicals, Web/On-Line Service

MarketWatch Financial Services Web/On-Line Service United 1 States

Express Computer Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Freelance/Writer India 1 Entertainment, Features, Financial Services, Healthcare, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel

Dow Jones Newswires Features, Financial Services, Media, Public Issues Wire Service United 1 States Consumer Products, Entertainment, Environment, Blogger, Freelance/Writer India 1 Features, Financial Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Public Issues, Technology, Transportation, Travel

Women in Business Consumer Products, Entertainment, Environment, Blogger, Consumer Periodicals, United 1 magazine Features, General Business, Healthcare, Media, Freelance/Writer, Other, Trade States Other, Public Issues, Technology Periodicals, Web/On-Line Service

Sampark Public Reations Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Other India 1 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel

PRESS TRUST OF INDIA Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Wire Service India 1 Entertainment, Features, Financial Services, Healthcare, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel

Wolters Kluwer Health Healthcare Trade Periodicals United 1 States

Mealey Publications Other Trade Periodicals United 1 States

ResourceShelf.Com Entertainment, Financial Services, Media, Other, Web/On-Line Service United 1 Technology States

Total 68 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 29 of 34

The Woman's Newspapers Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Newspaper United 1 Entertainment, Features, Financial Services, States Healthcare, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel self Other Freelance/Writer United 1 States

National Underwriter Financial Services, Healthcare Trade Periodicals United 1 States

USA Today Financial Services Newspaper United 1 States

NA Financial Services, Other, Public Issues, Other India 1 Technology Broadcast, Energy, Entertainment, Environment, Other, Web/On-Line Service India 1 Financial Services, General Business, Healthcare, Media, Public Issues, Technology

Quartz Business Media Auto, Consumer Products, Energy, Environment, Trade Periodicals United 1 Features, General Business, Media, Technology, Kingdom Transportation

The Washington Daybook Public Issues Other United 1 States

UNI TV Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Television India 1 Environment, Features, Financial Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Public Issues, Technology, Transportation

Freelancer Broadcast, Consumer Products, Entertainment, Consumer Periodicals, India 1 Environment, Features, Financial Services, General Freelance/Writer, Newspaper, Business, Healthcare, Media, Public Issues, Trade Periodicals Technology, Transportation, Travel

Global Legal Group Financial Services, General Business Trade Periodicals United 1 Kingdom

SNL Financial Broadcast, Energy, Financial Services, Media Web/On-Line Service Philippines 1

Sing Tao Daily Toronto Other Newspaper Canada 1 Edition

Castleford Media Pty Ltd Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Web/On-Line Service Australia 1 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel

DS News Financial Services, General Business Trade Periodicals United 1 States Entertainment, Other, Public Issues, Travel Blogger, Web/On-Line Service United 1 States

IB Times Auto, Consumer Products, Energy, Entertainment, Newspaper India 1 Environment, Features, Financial Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Public Issues, Technology, Transportation

Total 68 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 30 of 34 Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Web/On-Line Service India 1 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel

Business Standard Auto, Consumer Products, Energy, Environment, Newspaper India 1 Features, Financial Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Public Issues, Transportation, Travel

Next-finance Financial Services Web/On-Line Service France 1

Spenta Multimedia Auto, Broadcast, Consumer Products, Energy, Newspaper India 1 Entertainment, Environment, Features, Financial Services, General Business, Healthcare, Heavy Industry, Media, Other, Public Issues, Sports, Technology, Transportation, Travel

Formula 4 Media / Sports Broadcast, Consumer Products, Entertainment, Blogger, Consumer Periodicals, United 1 Insight Extra Healthcare, Media, Sports Freelance/Writer, Other, Web/On- States Line Service, Wire Service

Total 68

Organization Views See which organizations have viewed your release

Views Organization Headquarters Country Location Parent Organization Industry 

A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. 420 Montgomery ST US UNITED Wells Fargo Advisors , Financial Services 34 STATES LLC

Lason Corporation 1305 Stephenson Hwy. US UNITED HOV Services Limited Business Services 21 STATES

Munger Tolles & Olson LLP 350 South Grand Avenue 50th Floor US UNITED 6 STATES

Alacriy Net System Service Private IN INDIA 4 Limited

State of 650 W State St US UNITED Idaho Transportation Government 3 STATES Department

Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP 655 West Broadway UNITED 2 STATES

Los Angeles Unified School District 333 S. Beaudry Avenue 10th Floor US UNITED Los Angeles Unified Education 2 STATES School District

FTI Consulting Inc 50 California St UNITED 2 STATES

NBCUniversal 30 ROCKEFELLER CENTER US UNITED NBCUniversal, Inc. Media & Entertainment 2 STATES

Disney Worldwide Services, Inc. 500 South Buena Vista Street US UNITED The Walt Disney Travel, Recreation, and 2 STATES Company Leisure

California State University, Office of 401 Golden Shore US UNITED California State Education 2 the Chancellor STATES University

Schreiber Foods, Inc. 425 Pine Street US UNITED Schreiber Foods , Inc. Manufacturing 1 STATES

Total 136 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 31 of 34


KrollDiscovery 9023 Columbine Road US UNITED 1 STATES


US Department of the Interior 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive US UNITED Department of the Government 1 STATES Interior

University of Western Ontario Information Technology Services Rm 108 CA CANADA University of Western Education 1 Ontario

Century park east 2170 century park east US UNITED 1 STATES


Discover Financial Services 2500 Lake Cook Rd US UNITED Discover Financial Financial Services 1 STATES Services LLC

Federal Deposit Insurance 3501 N. Fairfax Drive US UNITED Federal Deposit Government 1 Corporation STATES Insurance Corporation

The Health Alliance of Greater 3200 Burnet Ave US UNITED The Health Alliance Healthcare, 1 Cincinnati STATES Pharmaceuticals, & Biotech

Northwestern University Leverone Hall #G-166 2001 Sheridan Rd US UNITED Northwestern Education 1 STATES University

HENINGER GARRISON DAVIS 2224 1ST AV N US UNITED Heninger Garrison Law Firms & Legal 1 LLC STATES Davis LLC Services

Emory University 1762 Clifton Road US UNITED Emory University Education 1 STATES

EDELMAN PUBLIC RELATIONS 1875 Eye St NW UNITED 1 STATES sunrise CH SWITZERLAND Sunrise Telecommunications 1 Communications AG

CPM Federal Credit Union 1066 E. Montague Ave. US UNITED CPM Federal Credit Financial Services 1 STATES Union

UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 340 MACARTHUR BOULEVARD NE US UNITED United Parcel Service Transportation & Storage 1 STATES Inc.

College Delta 416 Boul. de Maisonneuve CA CANADA CDI College Education 1

Sutter Health 3707 Schriever Ave. US UNITED Sutter Health Healthcare, 1 STATES Pharmaceuticals, & Biotech

Wachovia Operational Services 420 Montgomery ST US UNITED 1 Corporation STATES


REGIONS FINANCIAL Information Security Technology Governance US UNITED Regions Bank Financial Services 1 CORPORATION 2090 Parkway Office Circle STATES

Facebook, Inc. 1601 Willow Rd. US UNITED Facebook Software & Internet 1 STATES

Smith Moore Associates 700 R ST US UNITED 1 STATES

Cuc International 40 Oakview Drive US UNITED CardCops Inc. Financial Services 1 STATES

Total 136 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 32 of 34

HOGAN HARTSON 555 NW 13TH ST US UNITED Hogan & Hartson LLP Law Firms & Legal 1 STATES Services

Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive US UNITED Cisco Systems Inc Manufacturing 1 STATES


Red Apple Group 800 3rd Ave. US UNITED Red Apple Group Inc 1 STATES

The Vermont 3150 Wilshire Blvd US UNITED 1 STATES


Software Technology Parks of India IN INDIA 1


MINS Technologies Private Limited IN INDIA 1

Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg Am Hauptbahnhof 2 GERMANY DE GERMANY 1, Inc. 1 Market Street US UNITED Salesforce.Com Inc Software & Internet 1 STATES

AMT 8115 A ALTOGA DRIVE US UNITED American Tower Manufacturing 1 STATES Corporation

Model and Talent Agency LLC 5556 Centinela Avenue US UNITED Model and Talent 1 STATES Agency LLC

Georgia Institute of Technology 258 Fourth St NW Rich Building US UNITED Georgia Institute of Education 1 STATES Technology

Tribune Company 435 North Michigan US UNITED 1 STATES

TEGNA Inc. 7950 Jones Branch Drive US UNITED TEGNA Inc. 1 STATES

MORNING CALL 101 N 6TH ST US UNITED The Morning Call Media & Entertainment 1 STATES

Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc. 400 North Broad St. US UNITED Philadelphia Inquirer Media & Entertainment 1 STATES

U.S. News & World Report, L.P. 1050 Thomas Jefferson Street US UNITED U.S. News Media & Entertainment 1 STATES

United Nations World Food SD ITALY 1 Programme

Florida Dept. of Transportation 605 Suwannee Street MS 14 US UNITED Tri-Rail Transportation & Storage 1 STATES

E.M. Warburg, Pincus & Co. Inc. 450 Lexington Avenue US UNITED Warburg Pincus LLC Financial Services 1 STATES

Providence Health & Services 1801 Lind Ave. US UNITED Providence Health & Healthcare, 1 STATES Services Pharmaceuticals, & Biotech

National Archives and Records 8601 ADELPHI ROAD US UNITED The National Archives Government 1 Administration STATES

State of Florida, Department of 501 S. Calhoun St. Rm. G27 US UNITED Florida Real Estate Government 1 Revenue STATES Commission

Total 136 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 33 of 34

Close To My Heart 1199 West 700 South US UNITED Close To My Heart Cultural 1 STATES

United States Senate 2 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, N.E. 6TH US UNITED United States Senate Government 1 FLOOR STATES

Covington & Burling, LLP 825 10th St NW US UNITED Covington & Burling Law Firms & Legal 1 STATES LLP Services

AVIATION INSTITUTE OF UNITED Aviation Institute of Education 1 MAINTENANCE (347038-1) STATES Maintenance

SunTrust Service Corporation 250 Piedmont Ave. NE US UNITED SunTrust Banks , Inc. Financial Services 1 STATES

Total 136 Case 3:15-cv-02159-VC Document 183-6 Filed 01/19/18 Page 34 of 34


51 51 Total Engagement Actions Click-throughs

Engagement Summary Engagement Timeline See when your audience engaged with your release. 100



4 3 3 2 2 2 2 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 201… 201… 201… 201… 201… 201… 201… 201… 201… 201… 201… 201… 201… 201… 201… 201… 201…

Cumulative Click-throughs Shares Downloads

Engagement Details A break down of click-throughs, shares and other engagement actions. Click-throughs The number of times your release sent visitors to the pages you linked to

URL Click-throughs 51

Total 51

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