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WELCOME PULASKI YANKEES - PLAY BALL! Distributed Free Each Friday Since 2009 June 23, 2017 www.pcpatriot.com Locally Owned And Operated Middle school decision likely still a month away By MIKE WILLIAMS allowing voters to settle the issue. The Patriot The passage of the resolution brought to an end much of the school board's work on the proposal, While the proposed construction of a new con- but - according to McCready - the supervisors' solidated middle school for Pulaski County is on work is now just beginning. the agenda for Monday night's Board of McCready said, now that the board of supervi- Supervisors meeting, don't expect any final action sors has the cost information and the rest of the on the issue for several weeks. information it needed from the school board, super- Supervisors Chairman Andy McCready, R- visors anticipate working through the month of July Massie District, told The Patriot this week the before a decision is made. board of supervisors has placed the middle school He said it is entirely possible the supervisors may issue on the agenda for Monday. hold work sessions during July to receive and "The board does anticipate receiving the resolu- develop all the information they need to make a tion during the meeting," McCready said. final decision. Last week the school board adopted a resolution "I do not see a final decision being made prior to calling on the board of supervisors to do one of two the July meeting of the Board of Supervisors," things - either directly approve funding for con- McCready stated. struction of a new consolidated middle school, or "Now we have to do our work," he continued. ask the Circuit Court to order a referendum be placed on the November General Election ballot See SCH00L, page 2 WEEKEND WEATHER SATURDAY SUNDAY Showers and possibly a thun- Mostly sunny, with a high near derstorm before 8am, then a 79. chance of showers. High near 82. West wind 8 to 10 mph. Sunday Night: Partly cloudy, Chance of precipitation is 80%. with a low around 58. PLAY BALL! Nearly 200 people - a record - turned out Wednesday to Calfee Park for the Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce’s Welcome Back Yankees Membership Luncheon. The annual event was held in the park’s new 300-seat pavilion. The theme of this year’s event was “Salute to Calfee Park’s Greats.” The event featured an introduction of this year’s team, owned by David Hagan (left). The Yankees were scheduled to open the 2017 season at home last night against the Princeton Rays. Chamber of Commerce Photo Page 2 - The Patriot - Friday, June 23, 2017 School Pulaski Council approves budget Continued from page 1 By MIKE WILLIAMS allow for take-home vehicles, at this point the town does not core services we need to focus "We have to review all of the cost The Patriot and that in the past three years have green space available for on." information, and we'll be receiv- vehicle maintenance costs for the industrial uses, and the industrial As for Jones' comments last ing additional information from a Pulaski Town Council com- department have decreased over space that remains from the tex- week on speeding on Route 99 number of parties. We'll have a pleted action Tuesday on its 15 percent. Utt said in a written tile / furniture era are difficult to (East Main Street) and disposal report come in from our bond 2017-18 budget, but not before response to council that there are re-use with the new high-tech of old police cars, Utt said sur- counsel concerning the financing hearing responses to issues a number of reasons for the industrial prospects due to low plus police vehicles are sold at - there's just a number of areas raised by speakers at last week's decline - including an updated ceilings, location in flood plains auction. that require information and public hearing on the spending fleet and lower fuel costs. He and other issues. "If we get $1,000 or $1,500 for review by us." plan. also believes that employees take In response to Jones' concerns one we're doing good. Usually at McCready noted he is hopeful Council approved the $14.8 better care of the vehicles they about the salaries in the Parks that point they're pretty well used all that additional information million budget proposal on a 4-1 are assigned, which also tends to and Facilities Department, Utt and there's not much left in will be ready by the supervisors' vote, with Councilman H.M. reduce maintenance costs. said two of the positions are them," Utt told council. July 24 meeting. However, he Kidd voting against. Councilman Utt continued that only employees at Gatewood specifi- Police Chief Gary Roche said, "Should that information be Joseph Goodman was absent. employees who are deemed to be cally and are responsible for the noted the "radar box" had been running a little late, it would be Kidd also cast the lone dissent- on a 24/7 emergency on- work at the park. placed on East Main Street in possible to have a called meeting ing vote on both a 4 percent call/response need are allowed "I do understand his (Jones') response to Jones' complaint on sometime after the 24th to take water service increase and a 4 take-home vehicles. concerns and as Council knows, speeding. care of it in time to still meet the percent sewer service increase. As for McPeak's concern we have plans to address the Mayor Nick Glenn told coun- window if necessary." The capital improvement plan about a bicycle lane on Route 99 budget needs associated with cil he had strong feelings about The "window" McCready is passed on a unanimous 5-0 vote. - from the "triangle" downtown Gatewood and other areas the budget and the "methodolo- speaking of is the Aug. 18 dead- Prior to the votes, Town to the signal at Bob White around town during the coming gies" used to create the budget, line for referendums to be added Manager Shawn Utt responded Boulevard - no such lane will be budget year," Utt said. which he said are the same used to the November ballot. to questions posed at last week's added because a VDOT grant As for Jones' statement that the for the past 40 years. "I don't want us to be in a posi- public hearing on the budget by that would have paid for the proj- town's assistant park manager tion where we're walking the Terry McPeak and John Jones. ect was not funded. makes more than "five of your Glenn said he would come [referendum] request to the judge McPeak had expressed con- Utt said the real idea behind police officers," Utt said the back to council in July with rec- on Aug. 18," McCready said. cerns about Police Department seeking the grant originally was upcoming compensation study ommendations on how he'd like "I'd like to see it get over there personnel driving department so that the town could use some- will likely cure any concern that to see council and staff tackle the [courthouse] a day or two in vehicles to and from work, even one else's money to pave the may be out there regarding 2018-19 budget. advance so the judge can review when some officers live outside street. staffing and salary comparisons. "Hopefully we'll get a very the wording - if that is the pleas- the town and county. He also On the lack of new industry "It is difficult to compare posi- early start on the process," Glenn ure of the board. We have to give quizzed council on a proposed coming to the town since James tions in one department to anoth- said. "There are a number of the judge time to do his job as bicycle lane on Route 99 and the Hardie arrived, Utt pointed out er when the duties are quite dis- questions on various parts of this well," said McCready. lack of any new industry in the Falls Stamping has since moved similar," Utt stated. budget that a number on council "The school board took town since James Hardie's to town and he reminded council "That being said," he contin- and in the public have had com- months to do their work, now we arrival several years ago. of the Pulaski Furniture industri- ued, "the position as a law ments on. It's time to start exam- have work we have to do - by Utt responded that the town's al incubator project that as of enforcement officer is one that ining those parts and make what- law, by code," he said. Police Department policy does now hosts 11 businesses of vary- we need to ensure remains a high ever corrections or tweaks we ing sizes. priority as law enforcement have to to get the budget at a bet- Utt reminded council, too, that along with fire and utilities are ter point." PC School nurses to begin using the CareDox health info system Pulaski County Public School the school district's previous longer be required to complete nurses will begin using CareDox health information system. the paper form annually. Pulaski in August, when the new school CareDox will allow County Public Schools priority is year begins. parents/guardians to complete always student safety. CareDox is a digital version of health information for their stu- dents online. CareDox will assist in safety, All information is stored as instant notifications will be securely and is HIPAA and sent from the school nurse if FERPA compliant.