EASTERCARDS Defiant Hof Fa Begins 8-Year Jail
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MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1967 Average Dally Net PreM Rim ’I% e W w id W , . Vyv fl)e Week Itaded Rain and sleSt, M sn h 4, IGGT snow and then' flui’flas' evening, cloudy,, The fourth in -the series of The advisory board of Man' I colder tonight, lOW Manchester Community Pine Chester Assembly, Order of 15,069 sunny, and whidy tomdiAPlPV Arts Films will be :diOwn to- Rainbow; for Girls will meet to Maifkh^tei^A City of Village Charm . Women’s Society of North orrow at 7:30 p.m. in room morrow at 8 p.m. at the home of IteUKMlbt Church will meet to A-7 at Manchester High School. Mrs. James Nichols, Rosewood PRICae SEVEN CKNIS (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 7, W67 (Classified Advertisiiig on rage 15) night at the church. Refresh The film, "Los Olvidadof,” is Lane, Bolton. Paul Taylor is TUESDAY ONLY SPEGIALI VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 132 ments wlU be' served by the ex directed by IaUs Bunuel. It is chairman. ecutive committee at 8 before the story of juvenile delinquency Robert P. Dohahue, son of Mr. and Mrs- Robert J. m showing of the film "Parable” in Mexico. The event is open Barbara Gifford Circle of Donahue of 90 Cooper Hill St., recently received one of U.S. CHOICE which was shown in the Prot to the public free of charge. Commundty Baptist Church will the military’is highest commendations, the Distinguish N o t F u n n y estant Pavllllon at the New York meet tomorrow at 8 p.m., at the ed Flying Cross. , World’s Pair. The event is open Gibbons Assembly, Catholic home of Mrs. LlUian Billings, First L t DOTahue received, m keeping with the highest HARTFORD (AP) — A lo members and guests. Ladies of Columbus will meet 114 Cambridge S t the medal for' heroic action traditions of the military serv- U.S, Commissioner wasn’t Defiant Hof fa Begins morrow at 7:30 p.m. in room while he was serving as pilot ice and reflect great credit amused when' told that an Reed-Eaton Circle of Com- Tlie executive committee of C Home. After a business meet with the U.S. Army Transporta- upon himself, his unit, and the SHORT • SIRLOIN incident at a West Hartford munli.y Baptist Cliurch will Oub Scout Pack 144 will meet ing, Miss Millie Bowers of Man tion Corps during an air force United States Army.” bwk was meant as a joke. meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the # PORTERHOUSE tonight at 8:S0 at the home of chester, who has done mission support mission in Bac Lie The 1956 graduate of Man Commissioner Thomas F. ary work in China, will speak. home of Mrs. Kenneth Easton, (We Reserve Right To I^mlt Quantity) Mrs. James Draghi, 32 Litch Province, Vletneun, in February, chester High School is also be Parker ordered Max Tra- Mrs. Eugene Bixler is chair 88 Bridge S t A film, "Making field St. 1966. ing considered fbr the Bronze ceski Jr., 23, New Britain Home a Happier Place,” will be <a man of the event. The citation states that on Star. He has receiveareceived oxnerother bound over to U.S. District 8-Year Jail shown. learning a friendly outpost was Commendations: The Air Medal HIGHLAND PARK MARKET (jourt Monday on a charge 1^ Manchester Kiwanis Club will RANGE under attack he volimteered aid. with 18 Oak Leaf Clusters, and of planning- a bank robbery. Ir meet tomorrow at noon at Man Mary Greene Circle of Com ll. He flew reconnaissance of the the Vietnamese Cross o f Gal Lt Robert P. Donahue "It was only a joke, I was AND chester Country Club. Donald munity Baptist Church will area and then "directed the fire lantry twice. only joking,” Traceski was Burns, basketball coach at East meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the was a student in Vermont, he FUEL OIL Donahue, who now lives at quoted as saying by an FBI Catholic High School, will be church to go to South Church, of an armed flareship on the and a companion crossed the hostUe forces. After one hour of Essex Junction Vt., was in com- agent after his arrest last Union Boss GASOLINE j guest speaker. Hartford for An Evening of country by bicycle. “The two Drama sponsored by the Fine accurate and effective fire, the TTiursday. Traceski entered the Park Reservations will close March Arts Foundation, Hartford. Aviation Co. He flew 900 com San Francisco In 37 days, a TUES.I Still Qaims tlon says. distemce of 3,400 miles. The TS y Avenue branch of the Con 23 tor the Army-Navy Club bat missions. stitution. National Banki and BANTLY OIL But the Viet Cong regrouped trip was made for "experience Auxilary Mystery Ride, April 5, Marcia Neubert Circle of He is a graduate of the Uni (OMI’ANY. INC. ' before daylight ard again at was alleged to. have told a ^Conspiracy’ and may be made with Mrs. Community Baptist Church 'will versity-of Vermont with a B.S. and exercise.” FAIRWAY femaile teller, whem he had :;:ii MAIN SI'lMOKT tempted to overrun the outpost. At present Donahue Is em Prank Bedell, 44 Griswold St.; meet tomoiTOW at 12:30 p.m. at degree In engineering. He F/RST met b^ore, that , he wanted WASfflNGTON (AP)— The citation continues: “ Again ployed as an Industrial engineer ONLY ■ Mrs. A. L. Oatrinsky, 182 Bissell the church. A film, “Greater trained under ROTC and en money to, finance opera Teamsters Union President St, or Mrs. Scott McCann, Lt. Donahue flew In, and, with with IBM In Vermont. He Is Things,” will be shown. tered the service as a second tions for his parenta HockNilli- K7r.-:i27l complete disregard for his per James R. Hoffa, finger# Volpi Rd. Bolton lieutenant, after compleUng the married and he and his w^e. OUR ENTIRI STOCK He left, the teller notified sonal safety while receiving in printed and handcuffed, Immaculate Conception Moth university. Lynnette, have two som, M1- the manager of the Incident, tense ground fire, fired spotting was whisked off to prison The Rev. Kasimar Molloy of ers Circle will meet Wednesday In June 1961, while Donahue chael, 6, and Joseph, a. and the manager called jx)- today to begin serving hii St. Anselms Abbey, Manchester, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. rockets and dropped flares to llce. Traceski was arrested N. H., will speak tonight at 7:45 Bernard Fogarty, 281 Porter St. direct the fire of the flareship later near the bank. eight - year federal jury LECLERC at a meeting of the St. James' Mrs. John Allison will be co With high precision, he directed tampering sentence. Holy Name Society at St. hostess. the fire to within a few meters EASTERCARDS The short, burly 64-year-ol4 FUNERAL HOME James’ School. His topic is "The of the outpost. Now Open Hoffa had a weak smile and q FUNERAL Function of the Eastern Catholic The executive board of Man "After the Viet Cong attack Red Mortars brief Interview olaiming a "con Church and It’s Participation in chester Republican Women’s ceased, Lt. Donahue flew at low I spiracy” to put Wm brtiind the Ecumenical Movement.” Club wl'll meet Wednesday at '8 VERNON BIKE SHOP bars, then made a last defiant level, determined that the Viet EXPERT REPAIRS SERVICE The event is open to the pub p.m. at the home of Mrs. John spitting motion toward news Cong were escaping in sampans ALL ON a l l a i n Shell lic. Fletcher, 76 Irving St and plaoed more suppressive men as he started by car for th« WALTER N. iMAKES BICYCLES fire on them. Despite having OTm RT. SO VERNON, CONN, Federal Penitentiary in Lewli^ The Hockanum Dog Club will "Music and Springtime flown the entire night, he re Across from Vernon Elementary School Marine Guns burg, Pa. ' Director meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at ]/2Price! Around the World” is the theme mained over the outpost until 1 Mile from Manchester lin e Etoffa’ looked long and hari Wapplng Community Center. CHARGE rnmii Call 649-5869 of the Chaminade Musical Club daylight to maintain its securi TEL. 872-3169 GOOD AT BOTH STORES SAIGON (AP) — Communist from the back seat, flanked by 23 Main Street, Manchester Dr. Monte Freizier, associate From Manchester call two marshals, as the car passed meeting tonight at 8 in the Fed ty. mortars hammered again at the professor of animal diseases at Enterprise 4146 2 LOCATIONS: Downtown Main Street and East Middle thd ,blg, friurti marble Team eration Room at Center Con The citation concludes: “Lt. big American guns just sou^ of the University of Connecticut, Open 1:30 - 6:30 DaUy Tpke., Next to Popular Market. _____ sters Union headquarters tiwt gregational Church. Mrs. Donahue’s personal bravery and Storrs, win give an illustrated 1:30 - 9:30 Fridays the demilitarized ^ n e today was his seat of power for George W. C. Hunt, program outstanding flying ability were iS chairman, will show slides and speech on ’’Parasites in Dogs.” with 500 shells in three - attacks years. serve as narrator during the After the program plans for the , as they kept up pressure on U.S. He still is president of tiie l.G ANNE CAMPBELL'S club’s AKC sanctioned B-OB Marines operating in the area. million-member Teamsters, program. Refreshments will be Rescue workers inside a Poston elevated train help injured woman onto a served.