Transcript of Rachel Anne Ketton’s Diary

MS/109 1863

1870 January Saturday 1st January Prissy and Margaret and Bobbie went to lunch at Beeston. Met H Upcher. Mr Cooper called.

Sunday 2nd January The girls went twice to church.

Monday 3rd January Anna came in the morning. The girls went to . Mr Cooper called.

Tuesday 4th January Prissy, Margaret and Ellen went to dinner at Beeston. Met Digby Pigott and ‘Little Frost’. John and Minnie and Gertie went to Cromer to hear Sir F Buxton lecture on ‘The Spanish Armada’.

Wednesday 5th January The 4 girls went to a dance at Colne House.

Thursday 6th January Mrs Anderson called to see church; two of the girls went with her. Mr Beauchamp came ‘to know if it was true that John had lost a great deal of money’ – how pleasant!! Major Ind and A Jodrell came to rub brasses at the church.

Friday 7th January Margaret and Ellen drove to Aldborough to pay the Clothing Club and to get some bacon for ‘Crane’.

Saturday 8th January Rained all day – still very ill.

Sunday 9th January The girls went to Felbrigge and to Aylmerton.

Monday 10th January 3 of the girls went to a dance at .

Tuesday 11th January John went to . Anna and Dodd came to tea. Mr Fish and Miss Shepherd called.

Wednesday 12th January John came back from Norwich

Thursday 13th January Margaret Minnie and Gertie went to an Xmas Tree at Mr Mortimer’s – an ugly affair.

Friday 14th January Mr Beauchamp came to fish with Cremer; they caught 4 pike. The girls went to an Xmas Tree at Mrs Fishers.

Saturday 15th January The girls went for a walk.

Sunday 16th January The girls went to Felbrigge Church. Mr Cooper came.

Monday 17th January Anna called. We went to a juvenile party at Metton in the evening.

Tuesday 18th January Margaret and Minnie went to lunch at the ‘Old House’. They meant well but why ask them?? Very cold.

Wednesday 19th January Mrs Feilden called. Abused all the neighbours but otherwise amiable! Dodd and Anna came and went with Margaret and Minnie to dinner at . Met Mrs Beales (an old bore!), Mr Fairar! Mr Trotter and young Shuckborough! A low set. Never met anyone worth meeting there – generally cads!!!

Thursday 20th January Anna and Margaret went to call on Mrs Fisher and Mrs Anderson. Dodd caught 8 pike

Friday 21st January The girls went to the Aylmerton Practising!

Saturday 22nd January Ellen and Margaret, Prissy and Gertie went to see Miss Custance. Anna and Dodd called.

Sunday 23rd January The girls went to Felbrigge and Aylmerton

Monday 24th January Jimmie and Willie Anderson came to fish – caught 2 pike. The Dodds called

Tuesday 25th January The girls drove to Cromer. Prissy went to Beeston.

Wednesday 26th January Margaret and Ellen went to lunch at Beeston; met Mrs Winter. Lady Buxton and Mrs C Buxton called.

Thursday 27th January Mrs Walker and party came to see the house; did not get in! Gertie and Minnie went to Beeston.

Friday 28th January All the Andersons to skate and to lunch. The Buxtons called.

Saturday 29th January Mr Mills called. The Andersons and Buxtons to skate and to lunch. Mrs Beauchamp and Mrs Beals came uninvited to lunch. A great bore! Anna came to lunch.

Sunday 30th January The girls went to Felbrigge and Aylmerton.

Monday 31st January Miss Custance’s birthday – 89. Anna came to lunch. John went to Norwich. Mr Cooper came.

February Tuesday 1st February Prisy and Ellen went to call on the Fullers.

Wednesday 2nd February Anna came in the afternoon.

Thursday 3rd February The four girls went to lunch at Colne House. Mr Mills called.

Friday 4th February Still ill. Mr Fish and Miss Shepherd called. Had 5 o’clock tea. Anna and Dodd came.

Saturday 5th February Prissy and Margaret and Ellen went to Cromer in the morning; the girls took Mrs Hern some ‘mange’ in the afternoon.

Sunday 6th February The girls went to Felbrigge church in the morning. Prissy and the girls went to Aylmerton.

Monday 7th February Prissy, Margaret and Ellen went to call at Beeston. Very cold. Magistrates day.

Tuesday 8th February Snowing and hailing all day; sharp frost.

Wednesday 9th February Ellen went to stay at Beeston – snowing.

Thursday 10th February Margaret, Minnie and Gertie found a seagull; they went to see Mrs Hern. The seagull named ‘Gulnare’.

Friday 11th February Snowing all day. The girls and Prissy went to the Aylmerton practising – snowing – very cold.

Saturday 12th February Snowing and a high wind. Poor little ‘Burgo’ found dead in his cage; frozen I am afraid. The most miserable weather I ever remember.

Sunday 13th February High wind and snowing – weather too bad for the girls and Prissie to think of going to Aylmerton. Prissy, Margaret and Gertie went to Felbrigge church in the afternoon only. Carson and Catton there. Piggie said he would read prayers but hoped they would dispense with the sermon, which they readily agreed to!!! Very sharp frost.

Monday 14th February Very cold; the girls went to the garden.

Tuesday 15th February Mr Cooper called. Anna and Dodd and Ellen called. Young Fitch and a friend called to ask if they might skate on the pond – ice very good!!!

Wednesday 16th February Prissie and Margaret went to call at Beeston. The Dodds were going to dine at Metton! The Rogers called at Beeston. They had no news except that Capt. Sharp had fallen into the water while skating – no harm happened. ‘Those who are born to be hung so’

Thursday 17th February Prissie and I and Crane went to Norwich in the morning to see Mr Cadge. John did not go. I hope the girls will be able to take care of him, he is such a trouble. Ellen still at Beeston. Minnie and Gertie spent the morning on the pond skating.

Friday 18th February Mr Mills called. 3 of the girls skating.

Saturday 19th February The girls skated in the morning; Anna and Ellen came to lunch.

Sunday 20th February Margaret and Minnie went to church at Felbrigge, sacrament Sunday. Minnie and Ellen and Gertie went to Aylmerton.

Monday 21st February Ellen and Margaret drove to Cromer, Anna Cremer came to lunch. Prissie and I still at Norwich. John went ‘justicing’ – inclined to be very fussy has got some ‘crochet’ in his head.

Tuesday 22nd February Anna and Dodd called in the afternoon. Margaret, Gertie and Ellen went to see Mrs Cable at the Lodge. Very cold – snow still on the ground. Still very ill at Norwich.

Wednesday 23rd February Margaret, Ellen and M Gertie went to see Mrs Hern, took her some pudding. Mrs Anderson and Mary called, no one at home!

Thursday 24th February Aunt came home in the morning. Anna Cremer came in the afternoon. Mr Rogers and the girls called. Did not see them. Fine day.

Friday 25th February Aunt left by the ½ past 10 coach. We went to Cromer to see Miss Smith;s trousseau and presents. Some of them were v good ones. A good deal of plate.

Saturday 26th February (Mama and Aunt went to Cambridge). Ellen and Gertie went to call on Miss Custance. Minnie went for a ride. Dodd and Anna called.

Sunday 27th February Ellen and Minnie went to Aylmerton in the morning. Sacrament. Papa, Minnie and Gertie went to Felbrigge.

Monday 28th February Margaret, Ellen and Gertie went to call on the Spurgens and Fishers, both out. Minnie went for a ride.

March Tuesday 1st March Margaret, Ellen, Minnie and Gertie went to Cromer to see Miss Smith married to Mr Richards. They met Anna Cremer, she came home to lunch with them. They went to call at Wickmere in the afternoon. Saw Mrs Beauchamp, she talked about her servants and chilblains all the time!

Wednesday 2nd March – Ash Wednesday The girls went to church at Felbrigge in the morning – called on Anna Cremer in the afternoon – found her out.

Thursday 3rd March Thick fog all day. John kicked up a row!

Friday 4th March Gertie and Margaret went to Cromer, saw a shipwreck. John gave Bunting warning. Ellen and Margaret went to Beeston.

Saturday 5th March Margaret, Ellen and Gertie went to call at Metton and at Aylmerton. Anna and Dodd called in the afternoon.

Sunday 6th March Ellen, Minnie and Gertie went to church.

Monday 7th March Margaret, Ellen and Gertie called at Beeston.

Tuesday 8th March The four girls went to lunch at the Pigotts.

Wednesday 9th March Margaret, Ellen and Gertie went to call at Beeston. Took the ‘Luard’ To stay there!

Thursday 10th March Margaret went to stay at Beeston. Mr Wiseman came to Aylmerton in the evening. The girls went to hear him.

Friday 11th March Anna Cremer and Margaret came to lunch. John gone to Norwich for the day. Came back in the evening. Saturday 12th March Ellen, Minnie and Gertie went to Beeston for a walk.

Sunday 13th March The girls went to Aylmerton at Felbrigge church.

Monday 14th March Anna, Margaret and Minnie. Norgate came in the afternoon.

Tuesday 15th March Edith and Blanche Pigott came to lunch, Anna M Norgate and Margaret came to lunch Dodd came to fish – 8 pike.

Wednesday 16th March Minnie and Gertie drove to Cromer in the afternoon.

Thursday 17th March Ellen, Minnie and Gertie went to lunch at Metton. Margaret came home from Beeston.

Friday 18th March Ellen and Margaret went to Norwich to see Mr Cadge.

Saturday 19th March Minnie and Gertie went for a walk.

Sunday 20th March Minnie and Gertie went to church.

Monday 21st March Anna came in the afternoon.

Tuesday 22nd March Gertie and Minnie went to lunch at Beeston

Wednesday 23rd March Anna Cremer came in the afternoon.

Thursday 24th March Minnie and Gertie went to Beeston.

Friday 25th March (Aunt and Mama gone to Norwood!) Minnie and Gertie went to the Aylmerton practising.

Saturday 26th March Anna and Dodd came to 5 o’clock tea.

Sunday 27th March Minnie and Gertie went to Aylmerton and Felbrigge.

Monday 28th March John went to Norwich. Dodd and Anna came to stay. Tuesday 29th March Helen and M Anderson came to lunch. The Rogers called. John, Margaret and Ellen came back from Norwich.

Wednesday 30th March Dodd and Anna went home. Mrs Mortimer and Mrs Bosworth called.

Thursday 31st March Ellen and Margaret went to call on the Pigotts. Mr and Mrs Beauchamp called.

April Friday 1st April May Rogers came to lunch. We all went to Cromer in the afternoon. Anna Cremer came to tea.

Saturday 2nd April We went to Beeston in the afternoon Papa at .

Sunday 3rd April The girls went to church.

Monday 4th April Went to call on Miss Custance. Minnie went for a ride.

Tuesday 5th April John gone to a meeting at Cromer. Anna came to lunch. Went to call on Mrs Fisher (too ill to see any one); saw Mr Fisher, his eyes larger than ever and his hair longer. Called at Barningham.

Wednesday 6th April Mr Rogers and May came to fish, he caught 1 pike. Anna and Dodd came in the afternoon. Warm day.

Thursday 7th April Ellen and Margaret went to lunch at Beeston. Mrs Anderson and Mary there.

Friday 8th April The four girls went to Cromer. Saw Dodd and Anna.

Saturday 9th April Margaret and Ellen went to Beeston in the morning to bring Anna back to lunch. They went to call at in the afternoon. ‘Waspie’ and ‘dear John’ at home. ‘Waspie’ had got – what she called ‘the Tic’, in consequence, was not so spiteful as usual. When the girls got back they found ‘Old Fish’ and Miss Shepherd had just arrived. Lord Orford’s name played a conspicuous part in the conversation, so did Lord Hastings. Miss Shepherd had prepared the usual amount of ‘verbiage’ and said the ‘Amens’ to all Old Fish’s anecdotes. He asked us all to go to lunch at next Wednesday. (Brought us a ‘Hoger’).

Sunday 10th April The girls went to Aylmerton and to Felbrigge.

Monday 11th April John and Margaret went to Norwich, Ellen and Minnie drove to Cromer. Dodd and Anna came to stay.

Tuesday 12th April The Johnsons of called. John, Prissie, Bobbie and Margaret came back from Norwich. Anna, Ellen and Gertie went to call on Miss Custance. Minnie rode over to Wickmere, saw Mrs Beauchamp and Miss Weald.

Wednesday 13th April Anna, Margaret, Bobbie, Minnie and Ellen went to lunch at Erpingham to see the Camellias.

Thursday 14th April Mr and Mrs Mills came to lunch. Anna and Dodd went home.

Friday 15th April – Good Friday Went to Felbrigge and to Aylmerton

Saturday 16th April Prissie, Margaret, Ellen and Gertie went to Beeston in the afternoon. Minnie and Bobbie rode to .

Sunday 17th April Prissie and the girls went to Felbrigge in the morning – sacrament and to Aylmerton – sacrament.

Monday 18th April Prissie and Margaret went to Cromer in the morning. Mr Fish and Miss Shepherd came to lunch. Mr Fish talked about his complaints all lunch time. After lunch we went to Felbrigge church and saw Stanly putting up a monument to ‘Young Windham’. Very cold day.

Tuesday 19th April The Pigotts called, the Andersons called. Aunt, Margaret and Ellen went to dinner at Beeston. Met Mr and Mrs Mills and the Bosworths. The ‘Morth’ was staying at Beeston, looking very well, had shaved off his whiskers and grown a beard.

Wednesday 20th April Anna and Robert Morth came to lunch. John, Margaret and Ellen went to dinner at Baconsthorpe. Met Mr Dolphin. Mr Mott and Gertrude, Mr Wilson, Lord and Lady A Churchill, Dinner very good but slow.

Thursday 21st April Ellen, Minnie and Bobbie went to play cricket at Holt. Prissie, Gertie and Margaret went to Beeston to see ‘Morth’.

Friday 22nd April Prissie went to Norwich with Anna and Dodd. The 4 girls went to call on Miss Custance and John went to dinner at Metton.

Saturday 23rd April Mr and Mrs Feilden and Lord and Lady Alfred Churchill came to lunch, rather nice people. Lady Alfred had on a wig! and was otherwise rather ‘got up’.

Sunday 24th April Prissie and the girls and Bobbie went to church. Monday 25th April Margaret and Ellen went to see Miss Somers at Overstrand (dressmaker). Prissie and Margaret went to Beeston. Saw Mr Fish and Miss Shepherd who were calling there. Old Fish was unable to drink cold tea. Miss Shepherd said ‘oh’ more than ever!!!

Tuesday 26th April Mrs Anderson and Mary, Sir Louis and Lady Mallet came to lunch. Dodd and Anna came in the morning ‘Black Rat’ fell down near the Aylmerton gate. Dodd and Anna both thrown out. Anna rather bruised. Dodd not hurt. Stayed the night.

Wednesday 27th April Prissie, Ellen and Minnie went to call on Mrs Mills; Anna and Dodd went back to Beeston.

Thursday 28th April Prissie and Margaret went to call on the Pigotts. Mrs Pigott said that Mr Buxton of Daresbury had sailed for Natal. Mrs Buxton was very ill, had lost her voice again. Mrs Pigott asked Margaret to go and stay a few days at the ‘Old House’.

Friday 29th April Margaret and Prissie went to lunch at Beeston. Mrs Pigott and Blanche called while we were there. Mrs Bosworth called. John gone to Norwich.

Saturday 30th April Prissie, Margaret and Ellen went to call at Metton in the morning, saw Georgie. Anna and Dodd came in the afternoon. John came back in the evening.

May Sunday 1st May The girls went to Aylmerton, Prissie and Bobbie went to Beeston.

Monday 2nd May Gertie and Margaret went to Overstrand to see Mrs Somers (a dressmaker).

Tuesday 3rd May Prissie, Bobbie and John went to Norwich. John came back in the evening. Ellen and Margaret went to Cromer. Georgie Pellew and Mary Anderson called to say Arthur had got scarlet fever.

Wednesday 4th May The girls went to call at Beeston. Minnie rode over to Holt to get tickets for the shows.

Thursday 5th May Georgie and Mary came to lunch. The girls took them down to Beeston. John in a very bad temper.

Friday 6th May Anna came to lunch. The girls took her home.

Saturday 7th May Margaret, Ellen and Gertie went to call at Wickmere; they saw Mrs Beauchamp. ‘Young Bernard’ was staying there. He was gone with Mr Beauchamp to call at Metton. Papa went to lunch and dinner at Beeston.

Sunday 8th May The girls went to church

Monday 9th May The girls called at Mrs Mortimers and Mrs Bosworths, both out and at Beeston saw the Mills and Miss Hall.

Tuesday 10th May The girls went to Beeston in the afternoon. Dodd gone to dinner with the ‘Odd Fellows’ at Cromer.

Wednesday 11th May The girls all went for a walk with the Buxtons in their own woods to gather primroses. Miss Rudge and the Fitches there, rather a seedy lot! Very much excited at the primroses.!

Thursday 12th May Anna and Dodd came to lunch. Went to call on Mrs Mills.

Friday 13th May High wind and raining all day.

Saturday 14th May Went to Cromer in the morning and to Beeston in the afternoon. Saw Mrs Rogers and May.

Sunday 15th May The girls went to Aylmerton church and to Felbrigge.

Monday 16th May Margaret and Gertie went to Cromer and Overstrand in the morning. The Motts and Freddy Upcher called in the afternoon.

Tuesday 17th May John went to meet the Bishop and Mr Dolphin at Felbrigge church in the morning. The girls went to call on the Pigotts and saw May Wilson there. Mrs Mortimer and the Bevans; then they went to Beeston, saw Mrs Bosworth!

Wednesday 18th May Mr Mills and Miss Hall came to 5 o’clock tea. Minnie rode to Baconsthorpe. The girls went to see Mrs Reynolds.

Thursday 19th May 3 of the girls went to tea at Beeston. Minnie called at Metton.

Friday 20th May ‘Hand’ came. Mama left Norwood. Margaret and Minnie dined at Colne House, a pleasant party; 3 gentleman and 15 ladies. Bevans, Fitches and Mrs Mortimer.

Saturday 21st May Went down to the farm; Mama and Aunt came home.

Sunday 22nd May Went to church, Aunt and I drove to Beeston. Monday 23rd May Anna and Dodd came to call in the afternoon.

Tuesday 24th May Went to look for Rhododendrons at .

Wednesday 25th May Aunt went to spend the day at Beeston

Thursday 26th May Heard Mr Anderson was ill again. Mrs Mortimer and Mr Bevan called, Anna and Dodd came. Minnie went for a ride with the Buxtons. We went to church at Aylmerton in the evening.

Friday 27th May Went to Metton and to Miss Custances to call. Saw Mr and Mrs Mott.

Saturday 28th May Anna came to lunch and to high tea. John went to spend the day at Beeston. Prissie and Anna drove to . The girls drove to Cromer. Mr and Mrs Beauchamp and Miss Wedd called, they found no one at home. Mr and Mrs Fisher called. Rather cold but quite fine; rain wanted!

Sunday 29th May Mr Mills lost his father, both gone to Norwich. Sacrament Sunday at Felbrigge. Charity sermon in the afternoon at Aylmerton. Mr Mac Arthur!

Monday 30th May Prissie and the girls went to the Aylmerton village.

Tuesday 31st May John went to Norwich. Margaret and Ellen went to Cromer in the afternoon.

June Wednesday 1st June Anna came to spend the day. Dodd came for her in the evening. Lady Buxton and the Fitches called; the Andersons called; Mr Anderson better.

Thursday 2nd June John came back from Norwich. Minnie and Ellen went to Cromer.

Friday 3rd June John went to Kelling; Prissie and the girls went to the village.

Saturday 4th June Letter from Anna, Edith Pigott engaged! to a Mr Draper! Hope he’ll like his sisters in law!

Sunday 5th June Sacrament at Aylmerton

Monday 6th June Prissie and Margaret went to Beeston in the afternoon.

Tuesday 7th June John, Prissie and Margaret went to Norwich.

Wednesday 8th June Margaret went to to stay with Mrs Soanes. John and Prissie came back from Norwich.

***************************The diary not kept till July 14th****************************

July Thursday 14th July The Holt show. Prissie and 3 of the girls went. We took 6 prizes. Dawson and Cable very pleased.

Friday 15th July Mr and Mrs Oliver and Mrs Bolston called. All the Buxtons and Edmund Gurney came to tea under the Cedar. Dodd and Anna came; Margaret came home in the evening.

Saturday 16th July Heard that Sir M Harvey had shot himself because his affairs were in such a state in consequence of speculating. The girls went to Beeston, Mrs Bosworth came to tea there.

Sunday 17th July Prissie and the girls went to Felbrigge church.

Monday 18th July Maria Lynes brought a young jay. Anna and Dodd came to 5 o’clock tea.

Tuesday 19th July Ellen, Minnie and Gertie went on the sea with the Olivers. Mr and Mrs Anderson called, ‘Guz died’

Wednesday 20th July Prissie and Margaret went to lunch at Beeston. John and Prissie went to Norwich.

Thursday 21st July They came back from Norwich

Friday 22nd July The Olivers and Mr and Mrs Bolston came to tea and croquet.

Saturday 23rd July The girls went to Cromer in the morning. Anna and Dodd came in the evening.

Sunday 24th July ‘Harsez’ (the Jay) found dead. Went to Felbrigge and to Aylmerton.

Monday 25th July Anna came to lunch. Dodd came for her.

Tuesday 26th July Edith Piggott married; engaged 6 weeks! Achsah (the bullfinch) died. The Napean, Fishers and the E Gurneys came to 5 o’clock Wednesday 27th July The girls went to Cromer to spend the afternoon with the Olivers.

Thursday 28th July Prissie, Ellen and Gertie went to an entertainment at Mrs Mortimer’s. Mrs M made a sacrifice (?) [sic] to Jupiter!! How pleasant.

Friday 29th July Prissie and Ellen went to spend the day at Beeston.

Saturday 30th July Prissie and the girls went to Cromer and called on Mrs M Pigott and on the Olivers. Bobbie came home.

Sunday 31st July John and the girls went to Felbrigge church. Mr Nepean and Evan there; John asked them to come back to 5 o’clock tea. Bobbie and Prissie at Beeston.

August Monday 1st August Bobbie and Minnie rode to Beeston. Anna just going out for a drive. The girls went to Cromer.

Tuesday 2nd August Prissie and Gertie went to Beeston, found Mrs Smith ill and Anna rather worried.

Wednesday 3rd August Mopsa’s birthday. ‘Mopsa’ is a little boy! Anna very proud of him; a very pretty child, weighed 10 pounds with his clothes. Prissie at Beeston. Think he will be like Anna.

Thursday 4th August The Metton school feast. Bobbie and Margaret went to Cromer. Ellen and Minnie went to Beeston. Minnie and Gertie went to Metton.

Friday 5th August All the Buxtons called. Went to Beeston and to Cromer, the girls called on Miss Duncan and on the Olivers to bid them goodbye.

Saturday 6th August Went to tea on the lawn at Northrepps about 40 ladies, 2 boys and 3 old men. How pleasant. The Buxtons sat round the table and stuffed! The outsiders got what crumbs they could. Everyone played cricket afterwards.

Sunday 7th August The girls went to Felbrigge and Aylmerton.

Monday 8th August Mrs Rogers and the Murrays came to 5 o’clock tea.

Tuesday 9th August Mrs Dolphin and Mary called.

Wednesday 10th August Ellen and Margaret went to Norwich, went to Bracondale.

Thursday 11th August They went to call on Mrs Heaviside and on Professor Sedgewick. Bobbie went to play cricket at Holt.

Friday 12th August Bobbie went to Bayfield. Miss Duncan called.

Saturday 13th August Prissie came to spend the afternoon. The E Gurneys and Buxton came to tea. L Hoare came too. A most objectionable child. Shan’t ask her again.

Sunday 14th August The girls went to Felbrigge and to Aylmerton. Bobbie and papa went to Beeston.

Monday 15th August Went to Beeston to see ‘Mopsa’; liked it very much. The girls went to Cromer.

Tuesday 16th August The girls went to call at Northrepps and on the E Gurneys. A very queer letter from Mrs Anderson.

Wednesday 17th August Margaret, Ellen, Bobbie went to Mrs Fishers entertainment; the Andersons, Miss Custance and Mr Mills there – rather ‘British’.

Thursday 18th August Bobbie and the girls were going to Holt but the horses met with an accident half way there. The Gurneys came to sketch. Mr Fish and Miss Shephard called and stopped about 3 hours – dreadful ‘bores’ both of them.

Friday 19th August Prissie and the girls went to the cricket match.

Saturday 20th August Prissie heard that Mrs ???? was dead. The girls went to Cromer. Prissie went to Beeston.

Sunday 21st August The girls went to church and to Beeston.

Monday 22nd August Mamma went to Beeston with Ellen and Margaret brought Aunt back.

Tuesday 23rd August John and Prissie went to Beeston with Margaret. The Girdlestones called.

Wednesday 24th August Margaret, Ellen and Gertie went to tea at Northrepps. Old Mrs and Miss Edwards there – queer people.

Thursday 25th August Margaret, Gertie and Bobbie went to lunch at Holt. Friday 26th August John and Prissie went to Beeston in the afternoon.

Saturday 27th August John and Bobbie went to Holt. I, Prissie and Margaret went to Beeston in the afternoon.

Sunday 28th August Raining. Went to Aylmerton in the afternoon.

Monday 29th August Anna Mary, Miss Carr and Mr Wilson called. Mr and Mrs M Pigott called. Mr Soanes, Alice and Lottie came to stay.

Tuesday 30th August The E Gurneys came to 5 o’clock tea. Alice and Aunt went to Beeston.

Wednesday 31st August Anna Mary and the Wilsons came to lunch and the Gurney, Barclays came to 5 o’clock tea and the Sibo?? September Thursday 1st September Took the lunch out to the shooters at Roughton.

Friday 2nd September The Rogers and Jodrells came to lunch. Raining. Mrs Jodrell behaved like ‘Charley’ the jackdaw.

Saturday 3rd September Raining. Mr Soanes, Bobbie and Dodd went to shoot at Kelling. Went to tea at Beeston in the afternoon. Anna Mary and the Mr Wilson and Ada came to lunch.

Sunday 4th September The ‘luard’ died; poison. Went to ‘Felbrigge and to Aylmerton Church.

Monday 5th September Mr Soanes went to London. Alice, Prissie, Margaret and Lottie went to lunch at Northrepps. Bobbie went to Holt to play cricket.

Tuesday 6th September Bobbie went to Bayfield to shoot; stayed to dinner. We all went to Cromer in the afternoon; raining.

Wednesday 7th September Raining; we had a party in our rooms.

Thursday 8th September Bobbie went to Kelling. We went through Sheringham. Had tea at Beeston. Mr and Mrs J Hoare called.

Friday 9th September Went to Cromer and to tea at Northrepps.

Saturday 10th September Mrs Gibb and boy and Miss Bevan came to 5 o’clock tea. Mr Soanes came in the evening.

Sunday 11th September Went to Aylmerton in the morning and to in the afternoon. Miss Custance gave us a ‘cup of 5 o’clock’. Mr Soanes much struck with Sustead!

Monday 12th September Went to lunch with the shooters at Cromer. Walked onto Cromer and had tea with the Enthovers at the Paris Hotel; very nice people, but they leave Cromer tomorrow. Came home in a donkey chaise as it was raining.

Tuesday 13th September Mr Soanes went back to London. Raining.

Wednesday 14th September Went to Cromer had lunch at Mrs Gay’s room. Called on Mrs Carter. Raining, very high wind.

Thursday 15th September Went to Cromer to see Sophia Cooper married. Went to the flower show at Barningham. Very cold.

Friday 16th September Went to tea at Beeston; fine day.

Saturday 17th September Mr Soanes came in the evening. Raining all day. Bobbie went to shoot with Dodd.

Sunday 18th September Went to Beeston church in the afternoon to see ‘Little Wyndham’ christened.

Monday 19th September Mrs Corsbie and her father Mr Haldane and a party of very queer looking people called.

Tuesday 20th September Bobbie went back to Eton. Mrs and Miss Duncan and Mrs Sedgewick called. Mrs S Gurney and Miss Carter called. Dodd and Anna came to call.

Wednesday 21st September The Soanes left by the 10-30 coach. The girls went to Cromer and called on the Ford Barclays and on Miss Duncan.

End of the diary entries.