2668 Care Volume 37, October 2014

Lawrence S. Phillips,1,2 Robert E. Ratner,3 We Can Change the Natural John B. Buse,4 and Steven E. Kahn5,6 History of Diabetes Care 2014;37:2668–2676 | DOI: 10.2337/dc14-0817 PERSPECTIVES IN CARE

As diabetes develops, we currently waste the first ∼10 years of the natural his- tory. If we found and early diabetes when they first presented and treated them more effectively, we could prevent or delay the progression of and the development of complications. Evidence for this comes from trials where lifestyle change and/or glucose-lowering medications decreased progression from prediabetes to diabetes. After withdrawal of these interven- tions, there was no “catch-up”dcumulative development of diabetes in the pre- viously treated groups remained less than in control subjects. Moreover, achieving normal glucose levels even transiently during the trials was associated with a substantial reduction in subsequent development of diabetes. These find- ings indicate that we can change the natural history through routine screening to find prediabetes and early diabetes, combined with management aimed to keep glucose levels as close to normal as possible, without . We should also test the hypothesis with a randomized controlled trial.

Diabetes is the major cause of failure, blindness, and nontraumatic leg amputations in U.S. adults and a leading cause of stroke and heart disease (1). Diabetes cost the U.S. $176 billion in direct costs in 2012, amounting to 11% of U.S. health care dollars (2), and is a critical public health problem in other countries as well (3). Moreover, National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) from 2003–2006 and 2007–2010 show that while there were slight improvements in the percentage of U.S. adults with diagnosed diabetes who had A1C levels .9% 1Atlanta VA Medical Center, Decatur, GA 2 (75 mmol/mol) (decreasing from 13.0 to 12.6%) and those who had A1C levels ,8% Division of Endocrinology and , De- partment of , Emory University School (64 mmol/mol) (increasing from 78.0 to 79.1%), there was no improvement in those of Medicine, Atlanta, GA with A1C ,7.0% (53 mmol/mol) (decreasing from 56.8 to 52.2%) (4). We believe it 3American Diabetes Association, Alexandria, VA does not have to be like this. 4Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, De- The ongoing “epidemic” of diabetes, which currently affects 11% of U.S. adults partment of Medicine, University of North Caro- and 27% of those over 65 (1), is mostly type 2 diabetes and largely reflects the lina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC 5VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle, “success of society.” We are living longer, we eat too much, and we are inactive. Being WA older, overweight, and sedentary makes us resistant to , and if our bodies cannot 6Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nu- make enough insulin to compensate, glucose levels rise (5). trition, Department of Medicine, University of The earliest stage of type 2 diabetes is prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance [IGT] Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA and/or [IFG]), where glucose levels are higher than normal but Corresponding author: Lawrence S. Phillips, not in the diabetes range (1). Prediabetes tends to progress to diabetes, and over time, [email protected]. persistent hyperglycemia leads to the complications that are the major source of Received 2 April 2014 and accepted 1 June 2014. morbidity, mortality, and cost (Fig. 1A). This natural history reflects underlying loss This work is not intended to reflect the official of b-cell function (6,7), due in part to factors such as elevated glucose and lipid levels, opinion of the Department of Veterans Affairs or the U.S. government. inflammation, amyloid, and oxidative and endoplasmic reticulum stress. fi ; d © 2014 by the American Diabetes Association. Unfortunately, we waste the rst 10 years (8) of the natural history when the Readers may use this article as long as the work disorder is easiest to treat. There are 79 million Americans with prediabetes and is properly cited, the use is educational and not 7 million with early type 2 diabetes (1) who are largely unrecognized, because we do for profit, and the work is not altered. care.diabetesjournals.org Phillips and Associates 2669

Figure 1—Diagram illustrating the natural history of diabetes (progression from prediabetes to diabetes and development of diabetes complications over time) without interventions (A); with interventions such as lifestyle change or a glucose-lowering medication that are successful in decreasing progression from prediabetes to diabetes, but then are stopped (B); and with interventions that are titrated to keep glucose and A1C levels in the normal range and are not stopped (C). not screen to find these states of dysgly- associated with acute cardiovascular an A1C nadir of 7–8% (53–64 mmol/mol) cemia. Moreover, when we do make the events in a retrospective analysis of a were given another drug after 3 addi- diagnosis, we do not treat in a way that large health care claims database. Glu- tional years, but half of those reaching a lowers glucose levels to normal. Ameri- cose levels of 41 to 70 mg/dL (2.3 to 3.9 nadir of 6–7% (42–53 mmol/mol) were can Diabetes Association (ADA) guide- mmol/L) were associated with increased given another drug after 6.5 years, and lines call for adjusting therapy when mortality in the prospective Normoglyce- half of those achieving an A1C nadir of A1C reaches 7.0% (53 mmol/mol) (9), mia in Intensive Care Evaluation–Survival less than 6% (42 mmol/mol) were given which corresponds to glucose levels that Using Glucose Algorithm Regulation another drug after 7.5 years. In the Treat- average 154 mg/dL (10). And as adjust- (NICE-SUGAR) study (16). As NICE-SUGAR ment Options for type 2 Diabetes in Ado- ments in therapy are frequently delayed involved intensive care unit inpatients, lescents and Youth (TODAY) study (23,24), (11,12), many patients have glucose lev- the findings may not be generalizable diabetic youth were given and els that are well above normal. For exam- to outpatients. However, outpatients the end point was preserving A1C levels ple, Nichols et al. (13) reported in 2007 with type 2 diabetes who are treated below 8% (64 mmol/mol). Those who that over half of Kaiser Permanente with insulin and/or ex- failed or succeeded with treatment Northwest (KPNW) patients who initiated hibit an increased frequency of asymp- were comparable in age, sex, and BMI. metformin- combination tomatic mild and severe hypoglycemia, However, those who failed were begun therapy attained but failed to maintain and severe hypoglycemia is associated on treatment when their A1C averaged A1C levels below 8.0% (64 mmol/mol), with increased ventricular ectopy (17,18). 6.5% (48 mmol/mol), while those who and continued combination therapy for Severe hypoglycemia is also indepen- succeeded were begun when their A1C an average of almost 3 years before in- dently associated with QTc interval pro- averaged 5.7% (39 mmol/mol) and they sulin was added, with glucose exposure longationinbothtype2andtype1 had correspondingly higher measures of equivalent to 32 months of A1C levels of diabetes (17,19), and there are plausible b-cell function. Such retrospective analy- 9% (75 mmol/mol). Similarly, Khunti biological mechanisms through which hy- ses might be subject to length time bias, et al. (14) reported in 2013 that in the poglycemia could trigger acute cardiovas- but suggest the potential benefit of start- U.K. Clinical Practice Research Datalink cular events (20,21). ing treatment earlier. (CPRD) databasedrepresentative of the But this natural history is not inevita- Stronger evidence for early interven- U.K. general populationdpatients who ble. If we found prediabetes and early tion comes from randomized controlled were using two oral glucose-lowering diabetes when they first presented and trials: the Da Qing IGT and Diabetes Study drugs and had A1C levels of at least treated them more effectively, we could in China (25), the Finnish Diabetes Pre- 8.0% (64 mmol/mol) had a median time change the natural historydpreventing vention Study (26), the U.S. Diabetes of over 6.9 years before further intensifi- or delaying the need for the use of meal- Prevention Program (DPP) (27), and the cation of therapy, with a mean A1C level time medications and other drugs that multinational Diabetes Reduction Assess- of 9.1% (76 mmol/mol) when therapy was can cause hypoglycemia, as well as the ment With Ramipril and Rosiglitazone finally intensified. development of complications. What is Medication (DREAM) study (28). These As a consequence, the disease tends the evidence that we could do this? studies all showed that treatment with to progress, and patients need more Patients with diabetes who are given lifestyle change or glucose-lowering and more medications. Many patients glucose-lowering medications earlier in medications could reduce progression eventually come to need mealtime insu- their natural historiesdwhen glucose from prediabetes to diabetes. On follow- lin and other drugs that can cause levels are lower and/or lower glucose up after the studies ended and the in- hypoglycemiaditself a potential cause nadirs can be achieveddcangolonger terventions were stopped or reduced, of acute cardiovascular events. Johnston periods of time before another medica- additional study participants developed et al. (15) found ICD-9-CM coding for out- tion is needed. In another KPNW study diabetes. However, there was little patient hypoglycemic events in patients (22),halfofthepatientsinitiatedon “catch-up”dthe cumulative development with type 2 diabetes to be independently metformin monotherapy who achieved of diabetes in the previously treated 2670 We Can Change the Course of Type 2 Diabetes Diabetes Care Volume 37, October 2014

showed that the lifestyle change group had a significant decrease in incident severe compared with the control group (Fig. 5) (34); after an additional 3 years of follow- up, the lifestyle change group had de- creases in cardiovascular and all-cause mortality (35). These are clinical bene- fits accompanying the glucose level benefit. In the DPP subject population, — Figure 2—Cumulative diabetes incidence in Figure 5 Cumulative incidence of severe di- achieving normal glucose levels ap- abetic retinopathy in the Da Qing study, show- the DREAM study, where subjects with pre- fi diabetes were given rosiglitazone or pla- peared to be particularly bene cial. ing subjects with prediabetes who were 1 cebo, including time points before and Among subjects who had not developed randomized to receive instruction in diet after the primary study was stopped (verti- diabetes at the end of the primary exercise or to be control subjects, including time points before and after the primary study cal dashed line). Adapted with permission study, those who achieved normal fast- from Gerstein et al. (32). was stopped (vertical dashed line). Adapted ing and 2-h oral with permission from Gong et al. (34). (OGTT) glucose levels at least once dur- groups remained less than that in the ing the average 3.2 years of the primary untreated control groups (29–32). The study had a 56% decrease in develop- HYPOTHESIS AND IMPLICATIONS follow-up findings of the DREAM study ment of diabetes during follow-up after Thus, evidence supports a logical hypothe- are shown in Fig. 2, and the pattern is the primary study ended (36). More- sis: In patients who are early in their natu- particularly clear with the DPP sub- over, it did not matter how normal glu- ral histories and already have prediabetes, jects who had been randomized to the cose was achieved, as the reduction 1) identifying the problem at such an early troglitazone arm (which was stopped in the tendency to develop diabetes stage, and 2) keeping glucose levels nor- after a little less than a year), as shown was comparable among subjects in mal or near-normal, will change the nat- in Fig. 3 (33). During 0.9 years of the lifestyle change, metformin, and ural history of the diseasedpreventing or treatment with troglitazone, the dia- control groups who achieved normal delaying progression from prediabetes to betes incidence rate was 3.0 cases/ glucose levels at least once. In addition, diabetes, and reducing the associated 100 person-years, considerably lower the risk of subsequent development development of diabetes complications. than the rate of 12.0 cases/100 person- of diabetes was decreased progres- What are the implications of this hy- years with placebo. However, during sively according to the number of pothesis? Among DPP subjects, who at the 3 years after troglitazone was times normal glucose levels were baseline had a fasting glucose level 95– stopped, the diabetes incidence was achieved; the risk reduction was 47, 125 mg/dL and a 2-h OGTT glucose level virtually identical to that of the placebo 61, and 67% when normal glucose levels 140–199 mg/dL, 50% of subjects in the groupdwithout evidence of “catch-up” were achieved once, twice, or three placebo arm had developed diabetes af- (Figs. 3 and 4). times, respectively. Attaining normal ter 8 years (and over 30% of the lifestyle These patterns are consistent with a glucose levels was predicted some- change group) (31). The hypothesis im- change in the natural histories of the what more strongly by better b-cell plies that instead of half of untreated subjects in the treated groups (Fig. function than by better insulin sensitiv- DPP-type patients with prediabetes devel- 1B). Moreover, in the Da Qing study, ity, although both were statistically oping diabetes over 8 years and develop- follow-up 14 years after the trial ended significant. ing complications over another 10–20 years (depending on the level of diabetes control), identifying those at high risk early and keeping glucose levels normal or near-normal will extend the natural his- tory. Patients with prediabetes should re- main in a prediabetic state for a longer period of timedand subsequent develop- ment of complications should be reduced (Fig. 1C). As prediabetes and early diabe- tes are a continuum, there might be sim- ilar benefits from identification and intensive management of early diabetes. Figure 3—Cumulative diabetes incidence in Figure 4—Cumulative diabetes incidence in As the natural history of diabetesdthe the U.S. DPP study, showing subjects with the U.S. DPP study, showing subjects with tendency for the disease to get worse and prediabetes who were given troglitazone or prediabetes who were given troglitazone or for complications to developdreflects placebo, including time points before and placebo, including only time points after the b after the primary study was stopped (verti- primary study was stopped on 4 June 1988. underlying loss of -cell function, which cal dashed line). Adapted with permission Adapted with permission from Knowler is due in part to glucotoxicity, treatment from Knowler et al. (33). et al. (33). that normalizes glucose levels should care.diabetesjournals.org Phillips and Associates 2671

help preserve b-cell function. Evidence levels was qualitatively different from Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) study who for this is provided by several studies of the rise in A1C seen in the UK Prospec- had baseline A1C levels #8.0% (64 patients with newly diagnosed diabetes tive Diabetes Study (UKPDS) and in A mmol/mol) or who had not yet had a showing that several weeks of intensive Diabetes Outcome Progression Trial CVD event (46). Intensive treatment insulin treatment (titrated to normalize (ADOPT) (where glucose-lowering med- also tended to reduce incident CVD in fasting and postprandial glucose levels) ications were administered in a fixed the Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial improved b-cell function and was asso- dosage, without titration) (41,44). In (VADT) in subjects who had little coro- ciated with a high likelihood of being in ADOPT, mean A1C levels in the glyburide- nary artery calcification at baseline (47) remission 1 year later (37–39). In the treated group were approximately 7.3% and in those with shorter duration of study by Ryan et al. (38), patients were at baseline, 6.4% at 3 months, and 7.6% diagnosed diabetes, while it tended to given 2–3 weeks of regular insulin before at 5 years (56, 46, and 60 mmol/mol, increase incident CVD in those with lon- meals and NPH at bedtime, with target respectively), although A1C levels rose ger duration (48)dgenerally consistent glucose levels ,6 mmol/L before break- more slowly in the metformin and with the findings in the ACCORD study. fast and ,7 mmol/L 2 h after meals. Of rosiglitazone groups (approximately 7.3% In the ORIGIN study, subjects who had a the 16 subjects in the study, 7 who and 7.1% [56 and 54 mmol/mol, respec- baseline A1C $6.4% (46 mmol/mol) had mean baseline A1C levels of 12.3% tively]); only the rosiglitazone group was and were assigned to glargine had a (111 mmol/mol) remained in remission clearly still below baseline at 5 years. median postrandomization change in without pharmacologic therapy 1 year Evidence of the potential benefitfrom A1C of –0.65% (compared with –0.33% later. In the study by Weng et al. (39), earlier identification of disease and initi- in the standard care group) and a sig- patients given continuous subcutaneous ation of treatment comes from several nificant decrease in a microvascu- insulin infusions or multiple daily insulin clinical trials. In the UKPDS, subjects pre- lar composite outcome of kidney and injections, titrated to achieve fasting senting with initial fasting glucose 140– eye disease (49)devidence of the po- glucose ,6.1 mmol/L and 2-h postpran- 179 and $180 mg/dL appeared to be tential clinical benefit from keeping dial glucose ,8.0 mmol/L and then recognized 3 and 5 years later in their glucose levels as close to normal as maintained for the following 2 weeks, natural histories, respectively, than those possible. exhibitedimprovedacuteinsulinre- with fasting glucose ,140 mg/dL (45). sponses to glucose, decreased ratios of Earlier recognition was associated with HOW MEDICAL PRACTICE SHOULD proinsulin to insulin levels, and remis- slightly lower blood pressure, but the CHANGE sion rates of approximately 50% after groups were comparable in age and lipid If the hypothesis is correct, then medical 1 year. In these and other studies, the levels, and they were all treated similarly. practice should change in two ways initial benefit was less well sustained However, subsequent development of mi- (Table 1). when glucose normalization was achieved crovascular disease was less in both earlier First, screening to identify early dia- with the aid of sulfonylureas; such a lack of recognition groups, and the group recog- betes and prediabetes should become persistent benefits may reflect the ten- nized when initial fasting glucose was routine. The ADA guidelines currently dency of sulfonylureas to be associated ,140 mg/dL also had reduced mortality. recommend screening with OGTTs or with “secondary failure” (40,41), possibly Similar findings were obtained in sub- measurement of fasting plasma glucose by contributing to b-cell apoptosis (42). groups in more recent trials. Intensive or hemoglobin A1C (9). OGTTs are the Indirect evidence of preservation of treatment tended to reduce incident least convenient but most sensitive (50), b-cellfunctionisalsoprovidedby cardiovascular disease (CVD) in subjects while measurement of A1C is most con- the Outcome Reduction With Initial in the Action to Control Cardiovascular venient but least sensitive (51). As Glargine Intervention (ORIGIN) study, in which long-acting insulin was titrated Table 1—Changing the natural history of diabetesdhow medical practice should to keep fasting glucose levels in the nor- change 1. Screening to identify early diabetes and prediabetes should become routine. mal range (at 95 mg/dL or less) (43). In Oral glucose tolerance testsdmost sensitive, least convenient patients with prediabetes, treatment Fasting plasma glucosedlowest cost, intermediate sensitivity and convenience with glargine insulin decreased progres- A1Cdmost convenient, least sensitive sion to diabetes by about 30%. More- 2. Patients who are at high risk and have health prospects justifying improved glucose over, in the combined treatment group control should have management aimed to keep glucose levels as close to normal as (diabetes 1 prediabetes), the amount possible without causing hypoglycemia. of insulin needed increased by only a Begin with lifestyle change d Include medications if appropriate small amount over 4 years from a me- Begin with metformin for patients with diabetes dian dosage of 0.31 units/kg at 1 year to Consider metformin for patients with prediabetes if there is: 0.40 units/kg at 5 years, equivalent to a c IFG and rise in dosage from 28 to 36 units for a c IGT and subject weighing 200 pounds. Such titra- c At least one risk factor for progression to diabetes (age ,60 years, BMI $35 kg/m2, tion resulted in very little deterioration a family history of diabetes, elevated triglycerides, reduced HDL cholesterol, . in A1C, with median levels of 6.4% at hypertension, or A1C 6.0% [42 mmol/mol]) Other medications that may be appropriate (DPP-4 inhibitors, SGLT-2 inhibitors, baseline, 5.9% at 1 year, and 6.2% after GLP-1 analogs, a-glucosidase inhibitors, and possibly basal insulin and 7 years (46, 41, and 42 mmol/mol, re- ) spectively). Such relative stability of A1C 2672 We Can Change the Course of Type 2 Diabetes Diabetes Care Volume 37, October 2014

Table 2—Stepped care strategy c Insulin is typically added relatively late in the natural history. c Use of home glucose monitoring to guide management varies and often is not initiated until patients are treated with insulindrelatively late in the natural history. 1. All patients with prediabetes and early diabetes should have management of cardiovascular risk factors, use of aspirin (if appropriate), screening for eye and renal complications, and education in medical nutrition management. 2. If lifestyle change is insufficient to achieve glycemic goals, initiate pharmacologic therapy; usually begin with use of metformin as recommended by ADA guidelines. 3. If metformin is insufficient, add another pharmacologic agent. c Sulfonylureasdinexpensive and cost-effective, but carry a risk of hypoglycemia c Alternatives with less risk of hypoglycemia (GLP-1 analogs, DPP-4 inhibitors, thiazolidinediones, SGLT-2 inhibitors, a-glucosidase inhibitors, colesevelam, bromocriptine, and glinides) 4. If glycemic goals cannot be attained with two or three such agents, add insulindeither as basal insulin alone, basal plus mealtime insulin, or a premixed insulin preparation.

demonstrated in the Screening for Im- peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors, sodium alone, basal plus mealtime insulin, or a paired Glucose Tolerance (SIGT) study, it glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT-2) inhibi- premixed insulin preparation. With the may also be possible to use two-step tors, GLP-1 analogs, and possibly basal stepped care strategy, insulin is typi- screening, similar to screening for gesta- insulin and thiazolidinediones. Many cally added relatively late in the natural tional diabetes mellitusdglucose mea- patients are likely to need such medi- history,andinpractice,oftenwhenpa- surement 1 h after a 50-g oral glucose cations, as over 40% of the subjects in tients have had elevated A1C levels for a challenge (at any time of day, without the DPP lifestyle change group devel- substantial period of time (13,14). In a prior fast), followed, if abnormal, by a oped diabetes after 10 years of follow- addition, with this strategy, use of 75-g OGTT (52). Having every patient fill up (31). High-risk patients should also home glucose monitoring to guide man- out a brief diabetes risk questionnaire to have appropriate management of agement varies widely and may not be identify individuals who are at particularly other CVD risk factors. initiated until patients are treated with high risk might reduce the need for every Our recommendations may involve a insulindagain, relatively late in the natu- patient to have screening by measure- qualitative change in the approach to ral history. ment of glucose levels. However, it may management. Many practitioners may In contrast, bringing glucose levels as be more practical to use near-universal currently use a “stepped care” strategy close to normal as possible while minimiz- glucose screening, similar to what many (Table 2). With stepped care, patients ing the risk of hypoglycemia in patients countries do to identify gestational diabe- with prediabetes and early diabetes with prediabetes and early diabetes is tes mellitus. would have management of cardiovas- likely to require a qualitatively differ- Second, patients who are at high risk cular risk factors, use of aspirin (if appro- ent approachd“pattern care” (Table 3). (53) and have health prospects justifying priate), screening for eye and renal Pattern care management differs from improved glucose control (54,55) should complications, and education in medical stepped care management in two major have management aimed to keep glucose nutrition management. If lifestyle change ways: both glucose monitoring and basal levels as close to normal as possible is insufficient to achieve glycemic goals, insulin may be needed relatively early in without causing hypoglycemia. Manage- pharmacologic therapy would be initi- the natural history. ment should begin with lifestyle change ated, usually with use of metformin as A1C levels are strong predictors of the and include medications if appropriate. recommended by the ADA and the Euro- development of both micro- and macro- The ADA recommends use of metformin pean Association for the Study of Diabetes vascular disease (61,62), and it may be for patients with diabetes and consider- (EASD) guidelines (55,58). If metformin is possible in some patients to guide man- ation of metformin for patients with pre- insufficient, another agent would then agement with lifestyle change, metfor- diabetes who have both 1) IFG and 2) IGT be added. Many practitioners would min, and addition of a second drug and 3) at least one risk factor for pro- use a sulfonylurea as a second drug. largely on the basis of A1C levels. Keep- gression to diabetes (age ,60 years, Although such agents carry a risk of hy- ing A1C levels ,5.7% (39 mmol/mol) BMI $35 kg/m2, a family history of di- poglycemia, they are available in inex- (based on ADA guidelines [58]) would abetes, elevated triglycerides, reduced pensive generic forms, there is wide provide assurance that in most patients, HDL cholesterol, hypertension, or A1C experience with their use, and they may glucose levels were unlikely to be in the .6.0%) (56). The great majority of pa- be more cost-effective than other, newer range of diabetes or prediabetes. Across tients who have both IFG and IGT have drugs (59,60). Alternatives with less of a the NHANES and SIGT data sets, 60–70% such risk factors, and a substantial per- risk of hypoglycemia include GLP-1 ana- of subjects had normal glucose toler- centage of patients with minimal IFG logs, DPP-4 inhibitors, thiazolidinediones, ance when A1C levels were ,5.7% (39 (fasting plasma glucose 100–109 mg/dL) SGLT-2 inhibitors, a-glucosidase inhibi- mmol/mol) (50); keeping A1C levels also have IGT (57). Other medications that tors, colesevelam, bromocriptine, and ,5.5% (37 mmol/mol) (based on the might be appropriate (in our opiniond glinides. If goals cannot be attained with Norfolk prospective study, where higher not necessarily supported in each instance two or three such agents, insulin would levels were associated with increased by clinical trial data) include dipeptidyl then be addeddeither as basal insulin CVD, cancer, and all-cause mortality care.diabetesjournals.org Phillips and Associates 2673

Table 3—Pattern care strategy c Earlier use of home to guide management c Use of basal insulin earlier in the natural history 1. Home glucose monitoring and A1C measurements: c Keeping A1C ,5.7% or ,5.5% (39 or 37 mmol/mol) may be sufficient if these goals can be met by management with lifestyle change 1 metformin. c In patients requiring additional medication treatment, some home glucose monitoring will likely be needed to determine whether therapy in individual patients needs to be directed toward fasting vs. postprandial glucose levels. c Target glucose levels: fasting ,100 mg/dL, 2-h postprandial ,140 mg/dL c Early in the natural history, some monitoring of fasting glucose levels along with measurement of A1C levels is likely to be sufficient. 2. Management according to glucose patterns: Fasting glucose ,100 mg/dL Postprandial glucose ,140 mg/dL Metformin DPP-4 inhibitors Basal insulin given in the evening GLP-1 analogs c Glarginedbefore supper Pioglitazone c Detemirdat bedtime SGLT-2 inhibitors Glipizide (1.25–5.0 mg) at bedtime a-Glucosidase inhibitors Glinides before meals Short-acting insulin analogs before meals 3. It is difficult to achieve near-normal glucose levels with the use of either mealtime insulin, long-acting sulfonylureas, or premixed insulin, due to problems with hypoglycemia.

[63]) would provide greater assurance the evening. The use of insulin carries a hyperglycemia, some tend to produce that glucose levels would be normal. risk of hypoglycemia, but the ORIGIN greater absolute falls in postprandial study showed that glargine insulin can glucose levels. These include DPP-4 in- GUIDING MANAGEMENT BY be used with little risk of hypoglycemia hibitors, GLP-1 analogs, pioglitazone GLUCOSE MONITORING in patients who are early in their natural (for which there has been extensive de- To the extent that the goal of manage- histories (43); there tends to be less hy- scription of use early in the natural his- ment is both to attain A1C goals and to poglycemia with use of either glargine or tory), a-glucosidase inhibitors, and maintain glucose levels similar to those of detemir than with NPH, and the risk of SGLT-2 inhibitors, and as they act by dif- the DPP patients who had normal glucose nocturnal hypoglycemia can be mini- ferent mechanisms, all of these can be levels when OGTTs were performed (36), mized by giving detemir at bedtime and used in combination except DPP-4 inhib- some home glucose monitoring will likely glargine before supper. Although in the itors and GLP-1 analogs. If such drugs are be needed to determine whether therapy ORIGIN study there was more hypoglyce- insufficient, many patients can attain in individual patients needs to be directed mia with the use of glargine compared near-normal postprandial glucose levels toward fasting versus postprandial glu- with standard care (mostly metformin by further addition of a glinide before cose levels. Target glucose levels might and sulfonylureas), it is not clear whether meals. Only if such approaches fail would be similar to those that are normal by glargine was given before supper or use of short-acting insulin analogs be- ADA guidelines (58)dfasting glucose at bedtime, and A1C levels were also fore meals be recommended, due to the ,100 mg/dL and 2-h postprandial glu- 0.2–0.3% higher in the standard care increased risk of hypoglycemia with cose ,140 mg/dL. The normal range of group compared with the glargine group. such agents (67). In our opinion, it is dif- postprandial glucose levels is not well es- Detemir insulin has a different time ficult to achieve near-normal glucose tablished, but random plasma glucose course of action (64) and reduced vari- levels with the use of either mealtime in- was measured 1.5–2.5 h after a meal in ability (65) compared with glargine insu- sulin, long-acting sulfonylureas, or pre- 705 subjects with normal OGTTs in the lin, which can sometimes allow it to be mixed insulin, due to problems with SIGT study (52); only 3.7% had values used successfully in place of glargine if hypoglycemia. .130 mg/dL and only 2.1% had values problems with hypoglycemia are encoun- Because of the complex underlying .140 mg/dL, suggesting that a 2-h post- tered with glargine, although it has not responsible for the prandial glucose target of ,140 mg/dL is been used in a trial comparable to metabolic abnormalities of type 2 diabe- reasonable. However, for most patients ORIGIN. The new insulin degludec also tes, combination therapy may be re- who are early in their natural histories, has less variability compared with glargine quired very early. Fortunately, even in some monitoring of fasting glucose levels insulin (66). As an alternative to basal in- the context of diabetes prevention, along with measurement of A1C levels is sulin, some patients may be able to low-dose combinations can provide likely to be sufficient. achieve target fasting glucose levels good efficacy with low rates of adverse by taking a small dose of glipizide (1.25– effects, as shown with rosiglitazone and MANAGEMENT ACCORDING TO 5.0 mg) at bedtime, but the use of this metformin (68). It is possible that path- GLUCOSE PATTERNS agent must be cautious because of the ophysiologic phenotyping aimed at re- With pattern management, fasting glu- risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia. storing and preserving b-cell function cose is best targeted with metformin While most glucose-lowering drugs and identifying disease evolution in in- and, if needed, basal insulin given in reduce both fasting and postprandial dividuals will be useful beyond pattern 2674 We Can Change the Course of Type 2 Diabetes Diabetes Care Volume 37, October 2014

management (69,70). Individuals with found little evidence that screening [37 mmol/mol], based on the Norfolk study higher A1C levels may have them be- causes short-term harms. Screening also [63]), without hypoglycemia. The feasi- cause of longer duration of disease involves costs, but over 10 years, treat- bility of our recommended approaches and/or more severe underlying patho- ment with lifestyle change or metformin to glucose lowering will be partly ad- . In both the TODAY study in the DPP was found to be cost-effective dressed by the ongoing Restoring Insulin and the DPP, starting treatment when or cost-saving, respectively (75). In addi- Secretion (RISE) study (79) and A Study A1C levels were lower (in TODAY) and/ tion, Chatterjee et al. (51) have also pro- to Compare Combination Regimen With or b-cell function was better (in both jected screening plus treatment to be Vildagliptin and Metformin Versus Met- TODAY and DPP) was associated with cost-effective or cost-saving, particularly formin in Treatment-na¨ıve Patients improved outcomes (23,24,36). Alterna- in high-risk groups (76). Additional cost- With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (VERIFY) tively, DeFronzo et al. (71) have recom- effectiveness analyses will be needed to (80), and such management has been mended beginning management with help determine the extent to which the used in the clinical practice of one of the combination of metformin, pioglita- expense of testing and monitoring, office the authors (L.S.P.) for the past several zone, and exenatide to provide “patho- visits, and glucose-lowering medications, years. A1C differences between the genic” targeting, but some patients may used as we recommend, might be justi- groups would likely be sufficient to per- require less and others more than this fied by potential savings from any reduc- mit evaluation of clinically significant combination to obtain normal glucose tions in the micro- and macrovascular end points such as retinopathy and levels. Further, it is possible that other complications that account for the major microalbuminuria, as well as b-cell func- combinationsmaybeasorpossibly portion of diabetes-related health care tion. Inclusion of CVD as an end point even more effective. system expenditures (2). would require a larger, longer study. There are potential concerns with Implementation of our management Such a trial should be a high priority, as both the screening and the manage- recommendations by individual practi- positive findings would speed a change in ment that we recommend. With respect tioners and health care systems also medical practice. to population screening, the U.S. Pre- should be cautious in view of the find- ventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) ings in the ACCORD study, which was CONCLUSIONS currently recommends screening only stopped early because intensification We believe we are at a time when we for diabetes and only in patients with of management in subjects with type 2 can change the natural history of type 2 sustained blood pressure (treated or un- diabetes led to increased mortality (46). diabetes. Doing so should benefitthe treated) greater than 135/80 mmHg However, the ACCORD subjects were health of millions of patients and might (72,73). While the USPSTF found “con- overall relatively late in their natural his- also benefit health care systems, by re- vincing evidence that intensive glycemic tories (median duration of diabetes was ducing resource use and costs (51,76). control in persons with clinically detected 10 years) and many ACCORD subjects (as opposed to screening-detected) dia- already had CVD. In the ACCORD study, betes can reduce progression of micro- the increase in mortality appeared to be Funding. This work was supported in part by vascular disease,” it found “inadequate limited to those who were assigned to National Institutes of Health awards DK066204 evidence that early diabetes control as a intensive treatment but unable to achieve and UL1 RR025008, VA award HSR&D IIR 07- result of screening provides an incre- A1C levels below 7.0% (53 mmol/mol) 138, and a Cystic Fibrosis Foundation award mental benefit for microvascular clinical (77), and increased mortality was not PHILLI12A0 (L.S.P.); the National Center for Ad- vancing Translational Sciences (UL1TR000083) outcomes compared with initiating found in subgroups who were earlier in (J.B.B.); P30 DK017047 (S.E.K.); the U.S. Depart- treatment after clinical diagnosis” (73). their natural histories (46). Moreover, in- ment of Veterans Affairs (L.S.P. and S.E.K.); and However, the evidence that prompts our creased mortality was not found in the the ADA (R.E.R.). recommendations is more recent than ORIGIN study, where average duration The funding organizations had no role in the the evidence upon which the USPSTF of diabetes was 5.5 years (43). design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the recommendations were based (72), and The hypothesis that such manage- data; and preparation, review, or approval of the the clinical trial we outline below should ment can change the natural history manuscript. provide evidence that addresses the also should be tested in a randomized Duality of Interest. Within the past several USPSTF’s concern. The studies of long- controlled trial. The trial could involve years, L.S.P. served on scientific advisory boards term outcomes in the Da Qing study high-risk subjects with baseline A1C for Boehringer Ingelheim and Janssen, and has or – – had research support from Merck, Amylin, Eli Lilly, (34) and both short- and long-term out- 6.0 6.6% (42 49 mmol/mol) or higher, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, PhaseBio, Roche, and the comes in the UKPDS (44,74) also provide who are all given support for change in Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. He is also cofounder some reassurance that outcomes would lifestyle. The control subjects might not of a software company, be positive in the study we propose, and be given medications unless their A1C Diasyst. In the past, he was a speaker for Novartis the ADA currently recommends more ex- reached 7.0–7.5% (53–58 mmol/mol), and Merck, but not for the last several years. J.B.B. is an investigator and/or consultant without any tensive screening (58). (similar to the ongoing Glycemia Reduc- direct financial benefit under contracts between Although population screening could tion Approaches in Diabetes: A Compar- his employer and the following companies: Abbott, in theory lead to adverse effects such as ative Effectiveness Study [GRADE] [78]), Amylin, Andromeda, AstraZeneca, BD Research “false worry” about having abnormal test whereas the treatment subjects would Laboratories, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers “ ” Squibb, Catabasis, Cebix, Diartis, Elcelyx, Eli Lilly, results and false reassurance in those be managed with medications titrated Exsulin, Genentech, GI Dynamics, GlaxoSmithKline, with normal results (potentially leading to maintain glucose or A1C levels in Halozyme, Hoffman-La Roche, Johnson & Johnson, to less healthful behavior), the USPSTF the normal range (e.g., A1C ,5.5% LipoScience,Medtronic,Merck,Metabolic care.diabetesjournals.org Phillips and Associates 2675

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