P i h r a r s e s .

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TH M . O S . BLA F . GG . S A , .

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Ion b on :

[93 0 05 to r m : S U BSCRIBER S B l Lx mon E Cc . LTD . n p . , 1 2 H ANC ERY LA NE 4, C .

1 91 3.

P R E F A C E .

TH E present is a continuation of the tenth volume of the

V ~ 1 0 ol. X u H am pshire Series . , iss ed in 9 7 , contai ned the f a M arriages of the im portant parish o St . Thomas Becket , XV 1 6 1 00 . . Portsmouth , from 53 to 7 inclusive This , Vol ,

1 0 1 1 continues them from 7 to 7 7 5. At least another volume will be required to bring these Marriages down to the year

1 8 i o . 37 , when C vil Registrati n began

O f o 1 0 1 to 1 8 the abstracts here given , th se from 7 7 5

who we . . . re made by M r A T . Everitt and M iss G Barell , did

of the former volume . The proofs these have been checked with the origi nal Registers and the abstracts conti nued to

1 7 7 5 by M r . S. Andrews .

of The whole are printed by permission the Vicar, the i M dlcot . . . e t Rev. R S 1 37 9] It should be remem bered that previ ous to 1 7 52 the year

on 2 th of of was calculated as beginning the s March, instead

w t of u s o on the Jan ary, th at a marriage taki ng place say

z oth 1 2 on 1 2 6 o February 7 5, would be that date in 7 , acc rding to our reckoning ;but as the civil and ecclesiastical year were

z oth . 1 2 . both used , this is sometimes expressed by Feb 7 2

I n all cases where the marriage is stated to have taken

place by Licence , that fact is recorded , as the searcher thereby

to knows that further i nformation as the age , parentage , and vocation of the parties is probably recoverable from the Allegations i n the Archdeaconry or other office from which

the Licence i ssued .

After 1 7 53 it i s to be assumed that all parties not other

of wise described are stated to be the home parish , and

bachel or and spi nster respectively . “ It mig ht be we ll to reader the se p ri nted “ abstracts of the Re gis ters n ot legal evidence

r o m t o the loéa lc . ce tificates, applicati n us be made t l e rgy

B .

1 2 Cha n ce r La n Lon don 4, y e , ,

- Nove m be r 1 1 . , 9 3 ' ' ' - P A R ls u.

‘ a lBé C- i Thom as ket ,

POr- ts m ouztlji fin n e d

fiam pzlj ire iaarizh Re gis te rs .

M a r r ia g e s a t P or ts m outh ,

1 6 53 to 1 837 .


l 2 0 I 0 l w. O for d s . . Sam uel Barlow , , Elizabeth , p Apr 7 '

Tr us tOn lzc . 2 1 . John Elizabeth Woods, Apr '

Br i lc 2 8 . e t z . Philli p Davis g Thom pson , Apr


12C. 2 . Richard Moss Anne Rogers, 9 Apr ' '

ohn Godw n lzc . 1 J y Elizabeth Sanders , M ay Thomas Goodwyn Barbara Sm a le m a n



' Ca m m is s l zc. Joh n Fleet M ary ,


82 lzc. H enry Read Anne Weatherall , John Adams M ary Coles ' H i ke s r zc c S e a a l . J ames M ary g , H enry M itchel Edith Roe Joh n Reader Anne Moreman D b n e e 8: lie . Thomas y J ane Smi th , l' ze . George Fry M ary H eiring , l' zc. Peter M oberly J ane Wi se, Z ’ zc. Alexander M ay Anne Taylor, Elie n or Robert Fullerton Clear, souldier J ohn Denny Elizabeth Clark hill ' P ott lzc. John Penton Elizabeth p , l’ ze . William Longden Elizabeth M atthews , l' s ze . Daniel Day Frances Gibs, . , ' Bi n a l lzc Timothy g Anne H unt , . John Se x b y J oan S tur b rook l ie . Jeremy Boyn Elizabeth Smith,

lzc . J ames Adam s Jane Woodford , J ohn Wolg a te Elizabeth Perki ns

Luke Smith Margret Oliver, Joh n Gree ntree Jane Rowell — HANTs XV. Ha mps hir e P a r is /z Reg is te rs .

J ohn Whitebread Mary Ivy Thomas Tr ip p le c oc k Beatri x Davis

12a. William Baley Mary Leverett,

150. John Sugg Anne Privett , lie Edward Gary Elizabeth H art , . Joh n Treadwell Elizabeth Gaydon Joseph Joseph [s ic] M oun tifill H onour

Wetten 1 9 Oct . 2 0 John Slutter Elizabeth Collins Oct . '

l lze . 1 . Thomas Wha e Joan Hornsby, Nov '

Nov . lzc. M r . Charles Read M ary Vi ning his wife, 9

Thomas Martyn M ary Barton 4 Dec .

William Ireland Anne Stevens 7 Dec . ' lz 1 I) c. e o Stephen Randale M ary Peate , 4 l' zc. 2 . George Wise Jane M ills, 5 Dec

lie 2 . Joshua Smi th Anne Branden , . 5 Dec


lzc. 1 1 . 1 0 H enry Bolton Anne J en nings, J an 7 } lie 1 1 . John Seeton Ruth Every, . J an


Izc . 1 . . Joh n H ide Elizabeth Scott, 4 J an

illkin - s 2 William W Elizabeth M eads 5 Jan . 1 16 . 1 . Thomas James Sarah Cole, 3 Jan l ' D le m ar e l 1 . e ze . George M ary Lovell , Feb


lzc. 1 . John Dawes Sarah Cham bers , 5 Feb

1 . Nicholas Wright Deborah Sheppard, 7 Feb

N icholas Royall Em ma Enton 8 Mar .


lzc. 0 . 1 0 2 George Marsh Anne Bevors , 3 M ar 7

lie . . William Symms Elizabeth Snow, 5 Apr


11C. . John Bennet Mary Child , 5 Apr

° Elli e r M i k a c Izc. o Richard g Mary g , , fr m Chi[che]ster Jonas Warren Mary H ill George Peckham Sarah M oor Whiche r Zi William Anne Bagley , a James Reynolds Jane Combs


lze . Peter Moor Elizabeth Willis ,

' Iz c. John Knight Mary Watts,

lie . Richard Hewes Jane Hawkins, l ic. Thomas Bridger Lidia Cole, l U s da e lie . Ralph King Elizabeth p ,

° e 11 Thomas Richer M ary K nner, C. 1 7 03] P o-r ts m out/z M a rriag e s .

George Pelly Mary Mori ng

lie . Rob e rt James Elizabeth Seymour,

lie . John Wright Susanna Parks , Francis H utchinson Anne Robinson ' l f lz H ows On Cha r e c r o t c. J ames Jane , John H arwood Jane Williams l ' I Be fie ld lze . William Black sabella , Blocks on lie Joh n Sm ith Mary [Bloxham .

Will iam Johnson Eliz . Andrews, souldier

lie . Stephen Curtis M ary Playford , William Stephens Elizabeth Russel Edward Bolton Mary Lorance l Zia of Bod c oa . J ohn y Eliz Knell , , Gosport J ohn H O W Elizabeth Palmer Thomas Baston Elizabeth H umphrys


lzc. Isaak Alford H annah Alford , '

b lzc. John Leston Eliza eth Sumpter, Daniel Parker Rebeka Johnson '

lzc . William Terry Anne H all , Thomas Bail Elizabeth Smith


Tr e m le tt lzc. John H arlock M ary ,

a lie . Joseph Gardener M ry Godden , Thomas Waldron Anne Cole ' Elion e r lze William Calloway Croucher, . ' lze . William Alton J ane Harwood , J ames Erwood Susann a Gard ' L s c rn b lzc o . William Reynolds M ary yp , ' Joseph Cains Anne R u[s zc] ' '

Bus s he r lze . John Mary J udson , '

Ba s lor lzc. John Elizabeth Scott , B un ke r lie r o . M arti n Fountai n Margaret , Robe rt J ames J ane Wickham '

lzc. William Barry Anne Overy ,

lie . John Shaw Elizabeth Price, J ohn M arshall M ary Binsted '

lzc. Matthew Alton Sarah Long, Robert Leger Margaret H olin s lie George Mandes Elizabeth Summers , .


lzc. Edward H uxley Francis Garrett , H e a s le r l . M ark Anthony Barnard E i z , ’ ’ r H a m p s /zzr e P a r is /z R eg zs le s .


Fa r e le lzc. George y Mary U pjohn , Edward Butler M ary Clotwor thy

110. Samuel Fermey M ary Gill ,

Ir on m un e r lie . John g Sarah M atthew , i a le . John Sl de Anne Colson , l' ze . William Rolf M ary Mattocks ,

’ lzc m . Tho as Barrow Anne Collins,

' lz c. Daniel Goldsmith Mary Sum ner,


8: R a e t lzc. Moses Holt Mary g g , P e ttis on lie John Antram Sarah , . ' lze Thomas Cook Margret Hodges, . ' lz c. Edward Tally M ary H ewett, P h A ttn e ve r e de t lie . Richard Mary ,

' Be tts r th wo lzc. Samuel Lee Elizabeth ,

lzc. Joh n Fellows Martha Kent , ' '

lzc. Robert Alexander Elizabeth Carr ,

' lzc Richard Young Rachel Richardson , .


lzc. Joh n Loader Susanna Ellis ,

lze . Ralph Smale Elizabeth J ames ,


lze . John Beacon Mary H arris , H ollin s b lie John y An n Brenn , . '

lze . Thomas Richards Anne Earley , r ' lze . John Smi th Joan Ba efoot ,


lzc. Thomas Seleg Sarah Williams , ' s ze Bur u n e h Lucy [ ] g y Judi t Yardley , both of the town of Warwick

Bur n e l le i . Robert Elizabeth Morris, i le . William H endry Anne Barber,

’ M ide lton lzc Thomas J ane Hobbs, . H enry Kennet M ary Keyser


lze . N icholas Stanbridge Jane Larking , Thomas Coles Sarah Perkins ' lze Joseph Harris M ary M arshall , .

' lze Joseph Newmark J ane Eastman , .

lie . John Checkley Mary Thom pson ,

lie . Joh n Trimbale Margret Barn ,


lzc. James Medcal f M ary Silver,

' M oun ts te h n s e lzc. William p Anne Wright, William Jeffry Elizabeth H e a s le r

' Cha m n z lc. William Burt Sarah py , t u r a 1 7 03] P or s m o i/z M a r i g e s .

Richard Burry Anne Price Bod ton N icholas Wilson , souldier, Mary y

To le lie . M armaduke y y Joan Whitehead,

lie . Thomas Guest Mary Stebbins ,

lie . William Snelling Elizabeth Glover,

Br i s b lie . J ohn g y Edi th Buston ,

lie . Samuel Every J ane Collins, l ie . H enry Tickner M ary Dawes,

lie . Simon Coward Sarah Wills , l I ie . saak Goldfinch M ary Young, Richard Wey h er Anne Fisher l ie . Edward Barber Anne Whitewood ,

lie . Benjamin Etherington Sarah Barman , l ie . Edmund Forest Margret J oh nson , i Bir dwa le . Thomas y Anne Orchard , Francis Benson Anne Tr a ddle Richard Chac kwr ig ht Martha Fa tc hyn lie Thomas Carter An ne Wyatt , .

W ilcoc ks lie . Thomas M ary Turner, ' ‘ l zc. Thomas Grigg J ane H ambleton ,

r itts on lie . William C Elizabeth Warren , John Lane Elizabeth Collier

lie . Hewes Rebeka Wells , lie George Andrews J ane J ones . i n dl w e o lie . Edward Page Elizabeth F , li e . John Smith M ary Walker, Samuel Savage Elizabeth Snorton William Wade M ary H ow

lie . John H ewet Elizabeth Den_nis ,

H a r fie ld lie . William Seth Carter,

lie . Thomas Munday Alce Powell ,


lze . Robert Prince Sarah Pope, V n d r o e vou lie . Wm . Noseworthy Katherine ,

lie . John Carter Anne Gilbert, i a We dda e le . Rich rd Anne Richards, li e . Thomas N ewton Elizabeth Moor, ie Richard Blatchley Mary Batten , l . Jonathan H argrove Anne Guy William Ward Mary Francis i ll C r tte lie . James Bradley Elizabeth , ’ 1 0 6 [Va mp s /tir e P a r zs é R eg is ie r s . [ 7 3

li a c. Richard M eckel Mary Broadw y,

lie . Thomas A us tyn Elizabeth Phi pps, David Dove Mary Tr e dde ll Edward Edwards J ane Tanne r

K lie . Robert Martyn Martha night , li e . H enry Anthony Elizabeth M ason ,

lie . Christopher Batchelor Sarah Merril ,

lie . George Langrish Jane Lee , Edward Druce Elizabeth Mason

S e we tt lie . John Welch Katherine ,

lie . Edward Burgess J ane H unter, lie Digary Stroud Jane Fisher, . Thomas Bryer Rebeka Ne w

lie . David H all Elizabeth Crew , Thom as Den t Susanna Bennet

lie . Robert Curry Anne Phillips ,

lie . J ames Lange Susannah H oll , l P uc ke tt lie . John Fisher Elizabeth ,

H enry H iggens Elizabeth Wilki nson, T o lie . Christopher Burg ett Anne y, l' zc. Richard Bill M ary Cane , D e v ie ll lie . John Anne Waller , m Wils in li e . Willia H opkins Anne ,

lie . William Gudger M ary M ott ,

lie . Thomas Damram M ary Bennett , Joh-n Loving Susannah D udde r e dg e 8: lie . William Cloyd DorothyHoddy,

le . Peter Summer Mary Snook , i

lie Charles Duckett Lydia M olton , . Richard Little fie ld M ary Welch William Parke Anne Eaton D Tobias rake Elizabeth Garret, lie . Christopher Masters Deborah Widows

l . John Couch Joan M atthews , ie

li . John Whi te Sarah Clear, e

lie . Charles Taylor Anne Adams , P r itt l oon ie . Edward Scarey Jane ,

lie . William Nevell Mary Brewer , '

lzc . Richard Durham M ary James ,

81. r H r m r . James Pal mer Ma y o e , lie t 1 7 04] P or is m oa fi M a rr iag e s . 7

lie . John Stiles Anne Snow ,

lie . Philli p M arty n Elizabeth Baker,

lie . John Hall J ane Robinson ,

I lie . William bbs Elizabeth Parker,

lie . Peter Guy Sarah Austin , lie We s tfie ld . John Dorothy Bedford,

Charles Cla r be ry Elion e r Gurnett, lie .

lie . Thomas Kemp Elizabeth Warren ,

lie . William Brown Sarah Godden , l D r r ie . Robert g y Bridget Casey ,

a x on lie . Joseph J J ohanna Sadler,

l lie . Richard Noice Mary E lis, li o e . William Wats n Anne Barnard , John David Sarah Smi th

lie . James Cary Mary Street, lie Benjamin Merritt Mary Bulman , .

lie . J ohn Bogar Elizabeth May, b l h r W H a e t o lie . William ood Thomison p ,

lie . John Whi ting Martha Thompson ,

Litta n lie . Thomas Smi th Elizabeth y,

lie . H enry Hilman Johannah Edwards ,

Pilfold lie . Richard M ary Scott , C lie Samuel Sam pson Elizabeth oad, . h m li Ch t a e . Joh n Gillard Sarah y , i le . J ohn Scott Elizabeth Pollington ,

lie . John Renew Anne Elson , Arthur Wallace Anne Tesker

lie . Thomas Block Anne Starkey,

a Fox lie . Thomas Fane M ry , l ie . Richard Knight Mary Bishop, i le . Tristram Roberts Susanna Petersen ,

Be lfix lie . Job Elizabeth Way ,

lie . Robert Mayner Elizabeth J udson ,

lie . Barnaby Piler Elizabeth Eaton ,

lie . William Downs Catherine Goddard , lie John H utchens Jane Morris, . 1 ’ i 0 1 O Br e n 81. o Charles Bryan [ ] Alce Crampt n ,

2 2 Mar.

M a ckle e n lie . 2 Charles M i tchel J ane , 3 Mar. Str tc hl e e lie . 2 1 0 William y Sarah Wheeler, 5 M ar . 7 4 H a mp s kir e P a r is k Reg is te r s .

Win da le Ba r kle t lie . Wal ter An n ,

lie . Robert Sparks Rebeka Symms ,

lie . John Green Anne H owgate ,

I lie . Jacob Carlisle sabella Lambe rt , ‘ l Sha r on lie . Thomas C lark Elizabeth ,

lie . William Haswell M ary Clapham , George Butte r fie ld Jane Gla s p ool

Ev e r e n a Sor il lie . John Greenwood ,

lie . Richard Pollard Sarah Tombs ,

lie . J eremiah Wal ton M ary Cole , l ie . Robert Carleton M argrett Brooks,

lie . George Dominicus Eli zabeth Woodward ,

ie l . Arthur Bolton Ruth Baker ,

S uffie ld lie . John Field J ane ,

lie . Joseph Langer Sarah Randale ,

Gu e lie . William p p y Rebeka Perren ,

Moor s e d lie . John Parnell Orchard , Francis H a r g e n y Elizabeth Collinwood Edward M artyn Pri silla Nuke

lie . Reuben Bennett M artha Russell ,

Bos s ha w 8: lie . Elisha Sarah Gough , P f r d l a o ie . Thomas Rook J ane , lie John Ni cholson Elizabeth Low, .

lie . John Loving Elizabeth Adams, John Loyn Elie n or J a x on li e . Charles Ford Grace Friend,

lie . J ohn Adam s Elizabeth Hewe tt , P owde n lie . Joh n M ary Adam s , S a le de n lie Robert Garret Margrett p , . fi F e ld lie . Benjamin Osburn Elizabeth y , Samuel Smi th Hannah Powde n l Thomas Freeman Lucy Cotten , ie . J ohn Dod Mary R ichards

lie . William Parsons Mary Brookhouse , Ed dr in ton lie . John Woodford Sarah g , lie James West M ary Gardner, . i le . John Peachy Mary Barton ,

lie . Thomas Smith Mary Richards,

i . William Mail Elizabeth Parker, le

Lin n i ton li n e . Francis Sadler Elizabeth g , 1 7 04] P or ts m oa tk M a r r iag e s .

J ohn \Bucks ton e Mary Reynolds William H odges Elizabeth Blissett

Dudley D a n wic k Francis D un m id lie . Thomas Porter Elizabeth A le m un d

lie . John Elis Margret James , li e . Thomas Artis Anne Lockyer, William Drudge Elizabeth Lackey

' & lie . Thomas H arrison Anne Veales ,

lie . William Stiles Elizabeth Forster, i M a s s n le . J oh n y Jane Watts,

m lie . Elisha H o er M argret Sai nt ,

Rutte r f r d lie . John o J ane Allen , Robert H arrison Anne Merri t

lie . Joseph Jepson Elizabeth Churchill , l ie . Joseph Ward Elizabeth Plant , li e . Daniel Grove Barbara Arnold .

W lie . illiam Wilmott Elizabeth Gardner, Rich ard Lynsey Jane Potter

o lie . John P well M ary Gest, Bi dha m 116 . Abraham Beeston Elizabeth ,

Golds e r lie . Joseph M ary J ones, John Kingen M ary Shi pton

lie . George Pemberton Elizabeth H att , Edward Felling M ary Flether

lie . John H arris Mary Hamond ,

Bilc lis t s ic lie . Peter Tarbuck M ack [ ],

s H a r v lie . William Wilkin on Katheri n y,

lie . Thomas Tyre M ary Russell , l ie . J ames Farr M argrett Biggs, I li e . John Porter sabella Robinson , i le . Jeremy Leaver Mary Atkins , ie l . Henry H all M artha Noble ,

lie . William Odes Christian Damram , William Westbrook Elizabeth H arling

lie . J ohn Stedman Catherine C oater, l c ie . Patrick Bado Bridget H arding,

lie . Matthew Daw Catheri ne Willis,

lie . Robert Ward J oan Bolt,

lie . John H arwood Alce Wigg, l ic. Joh n Triggs Holding, H a m p s é ir e Pa ris /i R eg is le r s .

hr le lie n T a w . Hugh Priest J a e ,

lie . H enry Boyle Sarah Stout ,

o i lie . H um phry Fisher H esther D r ng,

us e ll lie . Peter H o Mary Taylor,

o lie . Robert York Elizabeth Mo r, Joh n Robison Elizabeth Guy

lie . Jasp ar Williams Mary Snellings, li e . Griffith Sanderson Jane Every ,

W llis lie . Robert e Martha Waterman , Edward Thomas Elizabeth H a r fie ld

: 8 lie . William Trick Durance Cooly, r H e n n a s s Barba a y,

lie . Thomas White M ary Collins,

fie . Matthew H icks J udi th Dean , i le . Thomas Carter Elizabeth Pope, lie Thomas Clements Jane Curry, Daniel Waldron Mord M ason ' li w e . Robert Leonard Mary Ed ards, M lie . John artyn An ne Allen ,

lie . Joseph Street Elizabeth Noise, W lie illiam Pink Elizabeth H unt , . William Luke M ary Goddard

M a id m a n lie . Andrew Tomkins Mary , n l ie . Joh H ill M ary El ms , R m b oll L lie George u Elizabeth egg, S e ur lie Amos Clark J ane y, . lie Roger Pulman Margret Smith , . Sw n d n o lie . William y Mary Whi tfield , D e b r s in a lie . Benj ami n J ane M ansbridge, l ie . John Jacobs Jane Allen , David Fla n c ky Katherine Gest M e n n is i le . John M argret Coward , i Wilkins H arford Amy Peacock le . John Pryer Sarah H olloway

8: lie Abel Wakefield Francis Eastwood , . Low iice lie Robert M itchener Hannah a , .

lie . William Hobbs Jane Granger,

Vic. Thomas Cook H annah Wilkinson ,

lie . Ral ph Baker Mary Walters, 8: lie . J ohn Grigg Elizabeth Green wich,

H a m p s /iir e Pa ris /i Reg is te r s .

lie . Robert Langley M artha J ames ,

lie . William Gibbins Elizabeth Sanders , ’

O Br a n lie . John y Elizabeth M iller,

Br i e t lie . William Reeves g Prescott,

L bon e c lie . William y Anne An hor, li e . Daniel Dobson Abigael Fathers, i lc. Robert Rogerson Anne Courts ,

i lie . William Coll ns M ary Croucher, t Ar hur Banbridge Elizabeth Snowball ,

Clun e n lie . Stephen g Elizabeth Deal , Thomas Boyles Sarah Roland John H arris Elizabeth N orris

lie . James H arrington Sarah French , William Hol t H annah White

A dwoods lie . Joseph Hamond Sarah ,

lie . John Bennet Mary N orman , John Newman M ary Veal

lie . M ichael Bently Elizabeth Pool ,

lic. Samuel Brogden Katheri ne Orchard , li e . William Dan ce Mary Blatchford , x ton l a ie . Thomas J Sarah Batt , l E ie . John H ills lizabeth Barnes, W l ie . illiam J acobs J ane Rider,

E lie . Samuel Seal Kathri ne ngland ,

lie . Thomas Gilman Mary H olt, O r ood li e . Nathaniel g J ane Gent, P a ir tr e e lie . Robert Anne J am es , Thomas Alle n Anne Roy Wilm on th 81. o lie . Wal ter Elizabeth Borr r, R e b e c ka h i le . Giles H arris Dor rington , R owlid e lie . James g Elizabeth Orchard , Gervaise Guppy Susannah Perki ns

lie . William Coles Elizabeth Leppard , John Speering Ruth Reynolds E 1 Thomas n nett M ary Knight lie .

lzc. Thomas Wilson Mary Harries,

126 . J ames Woodgate Anne Baker, M a r e r e tt lie John Smyth g Vin , .

CO le s ton e M is e lb r k . oo li . Arthur p Eliz , e ] lie . M atthew Camel Alice Spragg, I 1 7 02] P or ts m outk M a rriag e s . 3

Tur n m i e of Francis g M ary Cowper, Portsea John Coleman Catherine M essy l li e v e l c. William N Mary Grover, lic George Winship Elizabeth Cook , . John Steele Mary Vicars

R n olds Ske n n in ton Iic . Thomas y Jane g , Joh n Sly Sarah Splayfoot

lic. Robert Bird Sarah Stride ,

a r re n ce lic. Joh n Rayner Elizabeth F ,

Re b e c kah lie . Robert Cunningham Bowen ,

Richard Jenn ings Mary Barton , lic. R a s i M o oun s he r lic. J hn p g g Anne , N icholas Griffin Mary Tyler i o 1 c . William Yeamans Susanna Gamm n , Bor re e Samuell Beaumont Elizabeth g ,

Ti itts lic . William Philps Anne p p ,

Bur r e th lic. William Mary Newnham ,

lic. John Garrett Elizabeth Wi ’thers, Robert Sp a s hoot Sarah Peason

s ic lic. Robert Mary [ ] Sarah Woods, George Hoskins Elizabeth Weeks o Samuel Bridges Elizabeth H utchi ns n , J ohn Cockett M ary Stringer Simon Shone Jane Cha kle fie ld li e . Henrey Wood Sarah Skinner,

lic. Robert Sturt Jane H urt,

lic . H um phrey Wilson Elizabeth Wilson , Ca r ts o l ic. Ralph Mary Johnson , i lc. John Smith Martha M ayo , Sta n d ll e Iic. William M ary Reynolds, K n i e n on Ii . Robert Mary Levitt , c

lic. James White Elizabeth Bussell , W lic . Thomas arren M ary Chamberlain , i lc. Christopher Emmett Elizabeth Swan , John Pasko J ane Morrell

lic . John Gayton Elenor Clark , li c. Joh n Almes Mary Wil kinson , P r i in l ic. J ames g Elizabeth Snook , li c. Richard Prichard Elizabeth Clever,

m Low lic. Sa uel Smith Anne , ir e a s a e s e s . 1 0 1 4 Ha m p s /z P ri R g i t r [ 7 2

lic. William Price Annice De la Cord,

lic . Isaac Blackett Sara Holmes,

S bill lic . John Wall y King, e 115 Beaching Barns Mary Edg r ,

lic. Rees Williams Elizabeth Baker, Thomas Se ake r Bridgett Rich ardson

lic . John Bryan Elizabeth Stanley ,

lie . Thomas Ringrose Anne Saul ,

M a e dm a n lic . William Austi n Mary , lic s a . Cornelius Nelson rah Nelson , l ie . James Hardin Mary Gregory,

tic . Lawrence Black Frances White , l i Ve a fie d tc . Thomas Yeats Anne , S n le l a ic. Richard Preston Bridgett p y,

e lie . Samu l Martin Anne Minors, Cur te s s li r tt c. Jeremiah Margarett Stu , i lc . Thomas Ryebread Elizabeth Powell , tic Benjamin Yardley Elizabeth Parkes, . M a s m ore lic. Nathaniel Mary Pearson ,

tic. Richard Spicer Mary Bradford , r lic. Abraham Harries Mary Sp ing, f ot o lic. John Ferry Elizabeth Fy , Henrey Edridge Anne Williams

’ Lic kin s VVin m ott li John Anne , c.

s lic . Garrand Martin Mildred Sparke , Sc ar v ill lic . Joseph Green Sarah ,

lic. James Osney Anne Swallow,

lic. George Warrin Sarah Street , Le b ba r d lic Thomas Sarah Sanderson , .

tic Isaac Singer Hannah Wood , .

H a m b ilton lic Andrew Priest Marg arett , . D James odim e a de Pr e a s le lic Anne y, .

ic t . Solomon Sympson Elizabeth Low, Nathaniel Bro n h w tic . Elizabet Feasy, S p ag e tt a Bla c k r ov e ti c. Arnold J ne g ,

Thomas Matthews lic Mary Swindon , . William Ha rfie ld Elizabeth Walgrave John Proute a lic . Eliz beth Thomas, John Record Ii c. Martha Oldman , Daniel Griffith i Anne N ickols, lc . 1 1 7 06] P or ts m oa ta M a rr iag e s . 5

lic . William H ow Anne Hawkins,

lic. Thomas Ayers Elizabeth Baker, lie Richard Noble Elizabeth Brown , . l i Gla s s ou e le . John Frost Mary p ,

V n halte r Wilc oks lie . John a M argarett , George Beverley Elizabeth H ickman i lc. John Snook H annah Woodward ,

lic. Peter Gregory Mary Cornish ,

m a te lic. Charles Le Sarah Summers ,

tic. William Route Sarah Briggs ,

o Iic. John Y ung Mary Pay,

81 lic. Jeremiah H icks Mary Warren , H enry Barter Mary Goudg e r

lic. Matthew Olive Elizabeth Bode, John Gum Elizabeth Swe e ta p le B llin lic John y g Anne Collett ,

Charles M aycock Elizabeth Shepherd ,

A n a down tic. John Marti n Sarah ,

lic. John Primmer Elizabeth Collins, ic Richard Evans Mary Stone , l . i Ic . Sampson Bishop Dorothy Gardner , i lc. John Lati more Anne Punch ,

lic. Richard Brewer Frances Curti s,

lic. William Smi th J ane Chick,

Iic. Thomas Spratt Joan H ater,

lic. William Park Margarett Thomas , t ic. Charles Roberts Barbary Williams , I l ic. John ngram Anne Wi nter, l ic. William Wardner Anne Story , ’ & John Rice _An ne Davies Pr owle lic. Joh n y Elizabeth Fountain ,

lie . Robert Bilton Jane Parrock ,

lic. Richard Twattle M ary Pike, Bu b e r r lic. John Carter Mary g y,

Joseph Williamson Margarett H ailes , Se is s on tic. John Dudley Mary , lie John Dew Elizabeth Orwi n , . Va n ha lt r lic David Dollison Margarett e , . H a r r b e low lic . Charles y M ary Keeping , o P a s hutt li . J hn Foster Mary , c H a m p s kir e P a r is fi Reg is te rs .

H a s le low lic. Thomas Barber Grace , lic M e s s a m . John Barnett Mary , John Cobb Anne Beal

lic . Robert Caddow Elizabeth Orwin , Henry Traen Elizabeth Ne wman

S lic. Robert Smith Elizabeth alt,

Thomas Hutch-ins Elizabeth Ansell

lic. John H ails Mary Russell ,

lic. John Thomason Frances Gilbert,

R a wlis on Zic. Thomas Corps Martha , lic Richard Bolton Margarett Beckett , . l ie . Samuel Dollard Charity Grey, Joseph Tilly Jane Butler

b lic . John Burnett Eliza eth Cham bers , ‘

S a r s hutt lic . John Riddell Elizabeth p , Thomas Tripp Anne Crocker ic l . Thomas Hart Mary Gammon ,

lic. John Williams Anne Burges , Robert Westbury Jane Bates

l n lic . Charles Scott Rebekah O di g, M a r s e l c e li . John Neal Ann , William H ern Sarah Cozen s B r om e m lic. William y Anne S oak , Andrew Gwie r Sarah Bone

lic . George Frankson Isabella Dorman , Fa ws te r lic Robert Perry Sarah , .

White in tic Richard g Sarah Sym onds, .

John H awki ns Elizabeth Christopher , D a m a r ha m Abraham Monsieur Rebekah , Pic kn l a Zic . Joseph Anne Cambell ,

lic . Thomas Tucker Grace Burgam , l ic. Thomas Hayden Elizabeth True, k lie . John Stephenson Anne Faul ner, L dde ll lic John Petty Mary y , . Richard Farthing Frances H ammon d

Phe b e n lie . William Scutt Dorothy , Roger Dow Catherine Gwye s s John Blacker Margery Foyer William Woods Sarah Foster John Kind Mary Jolly 1 1 7 07] P or ts m oa t/i M a rr iag e s . 7

Matthew Bester Anne Clarke Robert Gare Elizabeth Curry John Hockley M ary Be a s a n t Edmund Dicks Elizabeth Bryer

lic. Richard Collier Sarah Shetler, J ames Whi tehead Katherine Burley Richard Sp as hott Elizabeth Every '

lzc. William Bassel Elizabeth Seat, J ames Russel Sarah Price Edmund Nog we ll Elizabeth Johnson Giles Noy Elizabeth Holm s James Lanni ng Anne Clarke Richard Smith Elizabeth Curtis

lic . John Hewes M argrett London , l Boon s on ic . William Tod Anne , Thomas Benwell Anne West ’

Goodw n s H illia r lzc. Samuel y M ary ,

lic. John Poor Sarah M iller ,

lie . John Norton Mary Prowse, l ie . Robert Lucas Mary Jerome , lic John Wedman Anne Bristow, . n l ic. Warwick Ha ce Mary Lillie, l Br om b e c om b lic. John Wheeler Sarah , Iic James Gregory Mary Peacock , . lic John Hollis Katheri ne Pain , .

s ic lie John Acy [ ] Mary Later, ' & l ic. Richard Woodman Jane Smith ,

zohn l ic . J Wilki nson Jane Gilbert, li c . Samuel Smith Katherine H aswell , Eth r i ton l e n ic . Robert M ary M ends, l ic. John Harah Anne Newman , l L ic . ewis Robi ns Rachel Russel , l A n e to Be r s te r ie . Edward Watkins g , lic John Newton Elizabeth Armorer, . l ic. George Curten Lucy H ewett , B i i . r e t lc . Thomas H arvey g Bedor, lic John Lee Margrett Willis, .

lic. Ambrose Brown Francis J ones , Be a r ds wor th l ic . Robert M ary Davis,

“ Joseph Farara J ane Walker, lic. A T — H N S XV. P a r is k e s e r s . 1 0 1 8 H a m p s /iir e R g i t [ 7 7

lie . John Perry M ary Wassel ,

lic. William S tre ton Elizabeth H utchi ns ,

lic . William Dubb Mary Rew , Nathaniel H utchins Anne Cully John Portman Jane Francis Joseph Cun de tt& Elizabe th William s ‘ l ic . John La ug hle n Mary Duking [Dickens], lic r Elion e r . John J a s b u y H oar , l lc U s da e i . John Squibb Sarah p ,

ke r r in M lic. John Pic g Sarah arch , P a s c hoe Silk M ary Gale

a n n a d- lic . John C y Mary Moses , i a l c. Philipp Peasy Eliz beth Pigeon ,

Lowd e Iic . Thomas, Smith Elizabeth , i tc . William Boone Mary Bradford ,

e b s on lie . Joh n Wilson Elizabeth J_ ,

D r e tton lic. Rowland Webb Elizabeth ,

lic . John Castles Anne Fauster ,

lie . Edward Court J ane Poole , Richard Barker Margarett Cha tte r ton g ue l m b ic. Edward Paddle Mary Cha ers ,

Christopher Archbold Elizabeth Stairs, i u l W de ic. John p Jane Cook ,

n 81 lic. Robert Edmu ds Elizabeth H arford , tt ti m S te ua r c . Ja es Moile Margaret , Tis hu H a r s le tt li . Thomas p Honor , c John H arvey Elizabeth Willis Thomas Bla c ke llor Eleanor Reyn olds Robert Burries Rebekah Vouke John S n eath Anne Belshaw John Walker H annah S c a r v ill

lic. Daniel Pettifer Anne Russel , William Kerby M ary Greetham

lic . John M itchell Elizabeth H eberly , Ammiel Tibb Isabella Sugden John Clark Charity Forder Richard W oolg ar e Mary Pagett [Ca dg e ll] Henry Scott Elizabeth Harley

lic. Richard Farrington Elizabeth Barton ,

' Thomas M a n s fe ild Cha the r in e M esson

1 0 2 0 H a m p s /zir e Pa r is /i Reg is te rs . [ 7 3

lic. John Howell Susanna Brin n ,

lie . Nicholas Fletcher Mary Lucas ,

lic. Joseph Smith Damram Williams ,

lic. Henry Crocker Ann e Croucher, William M a r c ill Elizabeth Blackburn

l lic. Arthur Allen Fides Whee er,

lic . Charles Harebottle Mary Meads,

D a wor th lic . David Williams Elizabeth g y, l ic. Richard Griffin Amy Arthur,

lic . Henr y Moor Joan Wilton ,

lie . Matthew M inchen Sarah Carr ,

lie . Anthony Winn Anne Etherington , Thomas Buckler Rose Goddard l ic. Andrew Symonds Sarah Hill , li m da s n 8: c. John A llu o M ary Craddock ,

Ca n on e r lic . Maurice Margret Roper ,

lic. William Fox Sarah Waterman , lie a . Robert Burkh m Elizabeth Light,

Boddicoa t H a r ood lie . John Elizabeth g ,

lic . James Marti n M argarett Law,

lic. Samuel Ford Mary Blake, i l Tr da wa ie . John y Anne Hancock , Br i t e lic. Thomas Spanner g Smi th ,

lic. Stephen Job Anne Cary ,

lic . John Read Elizabeth Burbridge ,

- -i G r lic . Thomas Trod Elizabeth g g , J ob H arper Joan Hudson Thomas Newland M ary Sharp Francis Redman Jane Newby 82 a x n lie o . John Friend Anne J , Richard Baker Martha Ansell Roger Howel M ary Card Low lic George Elizabeth Southerland , . David Griffith Frances Criswell

lic . John Rutter Elizabeth Hoggard, lic John Willey Elizabeth Roy , . La n dor t ic. Richard Cates Rebeka g ,

lie . Peter Fagg Mary Price , H enry Bun Rebeka M usgrove

81 lic. John Grace Martha Parr, 2 1 1 7 0 8] P or ts m oa ta M a r r iag e s .

William Langston Mary Corbet Thomas H inks Elizabeth Meads

lic. William Day Elizabeth Panton , John D e n m a d Arabella Clarkson l ic . Thomas Adams Elizabeth Godi n ,

S lic. George St . Bard arah Turner, Richard Bolton Jane Nor ris

lic . Francis M arston Mary Champion , l ic. J ohn Quell Katherine Young,

lic . Robert Eves Johanna Hamond , s t r ic a a d l . Benj ami n M arch Anne F ,

lic. Robert Scarth Susanna Walton ,

lic. Robert Lavender Mary Allen , i t ld Tr e v a n n lc. John We s fie y H olmes, i lc . Joh n Newman Anne Thomas, Richard Carter Elizabeth Taylor l ic. Thom as Poll Elizabeth Wheeler,

Pole la s s lic. Henry g Anne Comden ,

a r te ll lic. James Yatman Frances M , Thomas Gem man M ary King

lic. William Clark Sarah Taylor,

81 lic. Philli p Cook M ary Millerd,

Ga the r id e lic. Joseph Dunford Sarah g , Richard Gardi ner M ary Gattrell

I lic. Thomas Sympson sabell Blake ,

lic . John Brown J ane Langridge ,

lic . James Baker Anne James, ic l . Nichola[s]Allen Anne Dyer,

lic. William Morris M ary Carman ,

S c a rv ill tic . Edward M ary Privett,

lie . Sampson Street Mary H ewes, Edward Call Susanna Scott J ames Smith Elizabeth M atthews li c . Stephen Dowse M ary Collard , Richard Freeman Jane Dowse

lic. J ohn Richards Anne Gold ,

Gr a bha m lic . Thomas Tyre Mary , M e s s a m l ic . John Cook Anne , Ba r e s f oot lic . John Annes Hewes,

o lic. Robert Day M ary Br wnley , 1 08 2 2 H a m fis/iir e P a r is fi Reg is te rs . [ 7

Isaak Riva la n d Mary De la coak

lic . Thomas Coles Elizabeth Bird , lic William Cook Catherine Bri ttan , . Thomas Gardiner Elizabeth Edbur 'y

lic. Thomas Cowell Grace Pharr, h li A r m s wor t c. Robert H urst Elizabeth ,

lic. Frances Katherine Andrews ,

lic. J asper Skelton Sarah Emery,

i s lic . Thomas M ttin g Elizabeth Greensted , William Singer Elizabeth H ussey

itc he t lic. Edward F Elizabeth Clark ,

Bur r e lic. Fagg M ary y,

r os s with lic. Charles C Elizabeth H all ,

I lic . Thomas Knott Clements ngram , & Andrew Cowhe w Elizabeth Thomas i “ Ge org e H amond Mary Short

lic. Lorance Symonds Mary Davis, i lc. William Burtenshaw Anne Coulson , E ris t ic v e t . John Sarah H art, Josias Ca s for d Sarah H all Robert Pool Rebeka Follett James Burgess Elizabeth Button & Andrew Cowhe w Elizabeth Thomas & George H ammond Ma ry Short Samuel Coward M ary Lock William Pope Elizabeth P r ig g a tt John Grist Elizabeth Living J ohn Woods Mary Appleford Edward Webb Sarah Colli ns Thomas Woolgar Elizabeth Baker William Gibons Mary Ricketts John Gilbert Anne Whithe oll

lie George Potter Anne Plowman , . Cooks e n li c. Henry Anne Bristow,

lic. John Gray Mary Taylor , R Ca m a ll l W e e d e r lic. obert p Rebeka , li c. John Wilkinson Mary Edwards , h lic. John Davis Elizabet Swyer,

The s e e n r ie s o c u wi e i r h in e r n s e a a e m on s his m a n n . t c r t c , p t t , t 2 1 7 09] P or ts m outa M a r r iag e s . 3

William H illier M ary K n utb or n John Knigh t Elizabeth H untley John Rowman Margret H all

lie . William Kent Anne Grigg, l Fla c ton ic. John Susannah Norton ,

lic. Joh n Dagger Anne Wise,

S e ba r lic. Daniel y M ary Palmer,

o lic . Joh n Bish p Anne Gray ,

lic. Charles Binsted Anne Kent ,

Ete r in ton lic. Richard g M ary Faulkner,

lie . Randall Brereton M ary Ford ,

lic. Evan J ones Anne Bartlet ,

lic. John Leverton M ary Chase ,

O tb a r lic . Joseph Mary Roe,

- Ba tte r s ha ll W lic. William Anne aldis, in s n l O b o ic . Silas H ansford Alie ,

lic. Thomas Hopton Rachell Read, i S ta n s m or e tc . William Forster An ne ,

lic. J ohn Rice Mary J ohnson , J ohn Prince M ary Dathan Richard H orwood Mary Peirce i lc. John Loveless Elizabeth Hoar,

lic. J eremy Crouch Elizabeth Bishop, ll li M a b e c. John M ilton Collins ,

lic. Giles Hobbs Edith Forrest ,

lic. William Brazier M artha Sm i th , l m n ic. Tho as Robinso M artha Welles,

lic. Andrew Lee H esther Parker, t ic. Arthur Allen M ary Cary ,

Fox lie . David Shank Elizabeth , 81 lic. Thom as Dash Elizabeth Hamelton , Tha tford lic . John Elizabeth Dubber,

lic . John H oward Jane Payn , J oh n Cookwe ll Parnell M os e tt Thomas Griggs Elizabeth Gibson i s Stb be n lie . Thomas Blaker Mary , S is e r lic J ames Clear Dorothy p , .

Ii . William Stratton J udi th Wood, c

tic. J oh n Morgan Emy Stokes,

tic Joh n Gum m Prudence Ruddle , . /i R e s e r s . 1 0 2 4 Ha mps hir e P a ris g i t [ 7 9

lic. Thomas Cullimor e Sarah M artyn ,

D e n w ood lic. Richard Harding Coly y,

D ibbe r lic. Ralph Helms Elizabeth y,

hite he a d Joshua W Rebeka Goodwyn ,

lic. Francis M orris Frances Ward ,

lic. Joseph Gardi ner Sarah Clench ,

’ h m tic v e ii . George Go Mary H og e ,

lic. Morris Ga n tle tt Susanna H urdle, Edward Gummis Elizabeth Venn

lic. William Stannard J ane Peirce , i lc. James Pike Agnes Wilson , Robert Robenson Barbara M a c ke n n e y William Barber Elizabeth Watson Thomas Bradford Susanna Russel

lic. George H arris Ann Payn ,

M lic . John Joslyn ary H ubbard ,

lic . George Dixon Elizabeth Wi thers ,

H o b e n lic. Richard Sards Elizabeth g , lic Edward Pugh Damaris Smith, . l Gr e e a Lin v il lie . John y Mary , d Ra n s te lic. Edward Jane Summers ,

tic . Evan Kenrick Brigit Cooper, J ames J ames Mary Thorn li c. William Jenkin Christian Eyres ,

lic. George Holms Susanna Bird , D r e c tt o lic. Richard y Elizabeth H ames , i le . John Cave Anne Taylor,

lic . Philli p Good Elizabeth Love,

m lic . Willia Read Joan Blake , J ohn H ayn s Elizabeth Warren V i le . John ining J ane Wood , Con d t l o ic. J ohn Newnham Elizabeth ,

s ic M lc i. Barbara [ ]Ridge argrett Brooker , N icholas Be ts wor th Susanna Barbe r J ohn Grover Mary Edwards li e . William H olden Mary Colli ns,

li . Peter Traver M ary M artyn , c li John Lyon Mary Anne Glas s, c. Roger Tarrant Sarah Clottwor thy l ic. Richard Reeves Mary Peirson , 2 1 7 1 o] P or ts m outfi M a r r iag e s . 5

lic. John Sherer Elizabeth Smith ,

lic. Samuel Guy Anne H ills ,

Fe ilde r tic . William Elizabeth Kelley,

Str a n e wa lic. William g y Francis Kemp, J ohn Bell M argret Lane

l lic. Nicho as Horwood Elizabeth Crocker,

] lic. Robert Day Sarah M ichal ,

lic. Samuel H all Sarah Kilham ,

lic . James Symonds M argret Townsend ,

Awm on ds e lic. Charles M ary Barr tt , ' D ut tt l o zc. David Seater Rebeka , H enry Barber H esther Godman William Bayley Margeret N icholas W la r U fie ld l oo ic. Richard Anne p ,

lic. John Ni cholls M ary Pannell , Hi l e n c e r lic. N icholas M ary Powell , Eli n e r S ll r l o e o ic . H enry Peirson p , J ames Bowen Francis Matthews J ohn Garret Anne Angell l ic. William Anderson Mary Moose,

lic. John H ampson M ary Cocks, George Bartlet Sarah Bryer l ic. William Cooley Sarah Whitehorn , ] Hur thor n tic. Nathanael Sate Sarah , li o c. Richard Harper J an H ewes,

VOLU M E IV . Stephen Me tc he n El izabeth Parker 1 June 1 7 1 0

lic . 1 6 Paul Banister Susanna Sawyer , J une Em b r a n e e Joseph Whiteford [ Sau nders ,

lic .

lic. Edmund Mayl Anne Pal mer, lic Joseph M artyn Uri na Fortescue, .

lic. William Oakley Deborah Davis , lie J oh n Symonds Anne Topp, . lic Francis Taylor M ary H arri s , . Roger Richardson Elizabeth Soale y k l oo e r i . Stephen T Rebeka Sweetland , c William Phillips M argret Read

l lic John Ne son Barbara Taylor, . I 1 2 6 H a mp s /iir e P a r is /i Reg is te r s . [ 7 0

e lic. Luk Smith Susanna Guy ,

lic. Thomas Woodmancy Elizabeth Martyn ,

A llom e lic. Robert Warns Patience , ’ li c. William Bridger Elizabeth Croucher,

M lic . J ames Harris ary Brown ,

U s da le lic. Samuel p Elizabeth Gregory, l h ] & Br i e t ic. Jo n C amp g Morris , lc i. Edward Lejune Elizabeth Bethel , John Whig g le y M ary Bridger Francis Keeping Sarah Davis

tic. Benjamin Streater Mary Taylor, Drewry Blundell M ary Lorance

Hin ks m a n d lic. Thomas J u ith Forster,

Gon ton lic. Thomas Elizabeth M annings, il S t e r lic. James New Jane , Thomas Trussel M ary Searle H e s t d e lic. James Sarah Forder, William Coward Catherine Best

lic . John Howard Mary M aggot t, Robert Martyn Dinah Symonds Tr odd M a de r tic. Thomas Marg rett y , John Pink Sarah Cooper R os b e e lic . George Elizabeth Fulford , Tr e e a r T um b e ll tc r i . William g J udith ,

lic. James Stedley Anne Dean , John Burgess Dorothy Warner

tic. Alexander Campbell Anne Resby , J ohn Pating M ary T'horny ] li John Morgan Elizabeth Fai thful , c . Miles Swyn n y Br ig e t Barnes John D r in kwa te r te n [s ic] Elizabeth Coggan ] i John Eason M ary Bothel , lc . Elion or l ic . James Tanner H owell , Philli p Garratt Rebeka Bowen


llc . J ohn Roberton H annah Wal ker,

tic . Philli p Luggar Elizabeth Drinkwater,

lic. John Madine Isabella Gill ,

lic Collen Campbell Margrett M ason , . J ohn Earle M ary Overton Charles Child Mary Bla c kg r ov e

1 1 1 2 8 Ha mps hire Pa ris /i Regis te rs . [ 7

tic. Robert Atkinson Francis Newberry ,

lic. George Mellen Anne Blake ,

Eli n or lic. James Eliott o Pattison ,

lic. Peter J eyes Anne Lounder,

Eli n or lic . Richard Bone o Evans ,

lic. Edward Gree n Susannah Mabb , Robert Williamson Penelope Beckford

M ittin lic. John Arnold Elizabeth , James Fryer Martha D own or Samuel] Randal] M ary Griffin

lie . James Ellis M ary J ones , '

lze . M atthew Reynolds Elizabeth Buckle,

lic. Jonathan Joh nson M ary Comb ,

lic. J ohn Peterson M ary Scott ,

lic. Paul Cary Mary Cornelius,

lie . Rodes Dean Katheri ne Long,

lic. Giles Brown Katherine Gerrard,

e lic. James Samuel Dorothy Bail y , Joseph M oun tfie ld Anne Ford

lic. Matthew H ewlet Sarah Warden ,

lic. Charles Curling Marg ret Li bbard,

81 lic . William Roberts Anne Schoolmaster, Luii li c. Daniel Mary Adams, lic William Wi tts Elizabeth Lake , . l ic. John Elson Elizabeth Paddy , i tc . Peter Blake M ary Fussel,

lie . Jacob Wise Elizabeth Drake , i lc . Thomas Peacock H annah Aldridge, i lc. John Grover Mary Sturges, ] lic. Josias Dowel Alice Crisp, i lc. Joseph Smith M ary Davi s ,


lzc . John Hobbs Barbara Bird , li c. Thomas Spink J ane Reeves,

S a le n din e lic Henry Grigg Elizabeth , . Foa k l ic. Edward Jane M arsh , li o c. William Young Mary M iddlet n , William Sturt Mary Rose Eli n o or lic. James Oldfield Summers,

lie . John Baker Elizabeth Fox , John VOa kha m Esther Davis 1 1 2 P r t ut/i M a 2 7 ] o s m o a rri g e s . 9

Thomas Todd Gr ace M in n it Robert Lloyd Dorothy Cryp p e n Christopher Randall Anne Austin

lic. William Dennet M ary Gravett,

D a u la s s lie . Robert g Elizabeth Forster , William Elion or M artha Addington lic Richard Earns Elizabeth Bridger, Jeffry Knight Thomasi n Smith

Iic. Leonard Robinson M argret Baker, Daniel M a c kn e ir Ali ce D ahor ty Joh n Moddin M argret Coster Daniel Cuttifor d Tuttifor d] Katherine Harris George Card Sarah Jacobs

La e t lic . Charles Lang Elizabeth g g , n lic. Thomas Stiles An e Knigh t , lic William Comden Sarah Carew , . o i lc. Robert Br cket Anne Way,

lic. William Richardson Anne M asters , lie Richard Beesley Katherine Brogden , . l Ral ph Knight, sould[ier], E izabeth Perkins l ic. M ichael Eliot M ary Porter, Br is tr a ws a o Richard , sail r, M arget Bag lic with, .


Ya la n d e r Izc . Jonathan Richards Elizabeth [ ], Elion e r Ii c. J oh n Heather Carter, Be r khill8: li c. Joseph Sarah Davis,

lic. M ichael Saunders Mary Crocker,

Hollob Iic. William Webb Elizabeth y,

lic. Robert Gray Sarah Woden ,

m F r e s l li o e t c. Thomas S ith Elizabeth , William Marsh Elizabeth Ayling

lie . J ames Bretton Sarah Spenser,

Cole b r a n d lic. William Collins Sarah , l ic. Amos H atcher M artha Henni s , S r e v n lic o e . Thomas Watts Elizabeth , l ic. John Kannen Jane H ewet , Joh n Bra dfie ld Anne New Gis s e d e Fo de n lie . George g Rose g , o l J hn Spenser Elizabeth Coles , ic. k . 1 1 30 H a m p s kir e P a r is Reg is te rs [ 7

l A x e ll ic. Edward Rawson Elizabeth , lic John Herring M ary Gilbert , .

s lic. Henry Lee Alice Bead , l Whe a te ic. Thomas Johnson M ary , i c. John Forster Jane Weston , t

a lie . John Banks _& Katheri ne B rber, li c. Robert Smith Sarah M illward,

lic. William Howard Anne Cook,

lic. Martin Wheeler Rebeka M ichener, h t l S m t ur s ic. William Nokes Mary y , M a ch ve r Evander y Elizabeth Gregson , Wol a r Phili p Pewsey_ Jane g

& . lic. John Potter Rebeka Sheppard ,

lic . William Harris Anne Watson , i k lic Chur che r a c . John Elizabeth M g , li M n fie ld c. Langley a Anne Dibden , li D un c ka n c . William M ary Smith , Robert Tuck Ruth Spearing William Starkey Elizabeth Joh nson li c. Thomas Winter Mary Hewet , m l ic . John Townsend Elizabeth Jaxo , l m ic . John Jaxo Rebeka Reyner, li c. William Chappel Mary Lucas, Robert Brown Rebeka M aul e l ic. John Lodge Lidia M artyn , li c. John Sauter Juliana Aylmer, ] l i. John Castel Mary Atkins, c

Zic Joh n Brimson Mary Salter , .

a n n fa ir D un c ka n Thomas Hampton J y , w Eli n or l o ic. Edward Calla ay Tasker, lic William Sexton Avis Spencer , . l George Bayley Frances Fuzz , ic. li e . Francis Whitehead Dorcas M ichell , lic John Burnham Anne Randale, . l H ugh Watson Elizabeth Barter, ic. lic John Lean M artha Goodwyn , . John D un a dy Elizabeth Pool l ic. Alexander Canady J ane Ladd, William Midwinter Elizabeth Shareman l ic. John Jordan Joan Friend, 1 1 7 1 3] P or ts mouth M a r riag e s . 3

Elion or lie . John Soan Cole ,

M lic. Thomas Weeks ary Pi niger, l ic. William Lovering M ary Roe ,

I lic. Thomas nnes Elizabeth Watts,

] Eliz a b e th R e e v e s lie . Ezekiel Martin _ ,

lic. George Green Ann Price ,

f lic; Je fery M an Ann Thought ,

Willm ot a lic. N icholas H nnah H unter, l Win dr a m ic . David Elizabeth Bates ,

lic. William Akers Martha Norman , l l Gla s o e ic. Joh n Reed M ary p , William Downer Mary Pledger A n li B n c . Phili p rooker White,

a Wooldr id lic. J mes Bull M ary g , & lic Joh n Trevillian Joan H ardi ng, . _ L n r oft M t o c ic. Thomas g ary Vi ning, l B lic John M itche l Anne unn , . R t ic . George ichards M ary H ol mes, lic J ames M oore Jane Best , . kis r a n lie . J ames F Mary Dollman , 81 lic . John H awks Elizabeth Dixon , l ic. Joseph Bayley Mary Andrews, lic N icholas Pearson M ary Grey , .

' H os s kin s 1ic Thomas Jones Sarah , .

O r m r ode Be v e s oc k Charles Elizabeth y t , l ic. Henry Arundell Anne Curry, r l lic G . eorge Brown Elizabeth Bi l , lic Benjamin Pidgeon Elizabeth Fry , . J ohn Vaughan Elizabeth Tr ip p itt D a m e r in l ic. H enry Sarah Davison , Jeremiah Parkinson Sarah Scr ag le for d t Luke Smith M ary Smith , ic.

lic George Linsey Mary Freeborn , . Con a b lic Jonathan y Anne Chapman , . Iic John H arvey M ary Earle, . A r che b a ld l ic . M axwell Anne Bundy, A lc hor n tic. William M argaret Goodwin , John H olli s Jane Pell

J ohn Crockett , soldier, M ary Oliver m li e . George Su mers Sarah N ewman , e s 1 1 32 Ha mps hir e Pa ris h Reg is t r . [ 7 3

8 . 1 1 lic . 2 Strickland Biddle Rachell Tobias, Sept 7 3

li 0 . Hor n a m a n c. George Bassett Susannah , 3 Sept

30 Sept . Richard Evans , soldier, Anne Foster

lic 2 . Henry Parker M artha Parsons , . Oct

l 6 . ic. Joh n Gifiord Susannah Taylor, Oct

William Perryman Bridgett Butcher 1 2 Oct .

l 2 0 . ie . Richard Harris Jane Phages , Oct

lic. 2 . James Linsey Catherine Arnold , 9 Oct

William O win Mary Evans 2 N ov .

l 2 Nov . ic. John Lackey Jane Collins , N v e s s te r I lic. o . Henry L sabella Pledge, 3

B Iic . . A r c he b a ld Sin cle e a r Elizabeth enson , 5 Nov

tic. . Simon Smith Sarah Gray, 9 Nov

lic 2 . Gorge Man Susannah Doehle , . 5 Nov

Andrew Howell Elizabeth Town s in 7 Dec .

J ames Bond Elizabeth M e lle r s h 1 5 Dec .

lic 2 2 . Nicholas Pearson Mary Love , . Dec ’

l 2 . a ic. George Adney Joan Perkins, 4 Dec

lic. 2 . William Roman Rebecca Rolfe, 4 Dec

6 . lic. 2 George Bartlett Mary Carter, Dec

John Win dwr ig ht Dorothy Randall 2 7 Dec .

0 Thomas Ballard Mary M arshman 3 Dec .

J ames Smallman Mary Be um a n 30 Dec .

lic . 0 . William Piccard Ruth King, 3 Dec

] 1 . Samuel Stephenson Margarett Dart , J an

Henry Duncan Ruth Robi nson 5 Jan .

li 6 . c. Thomas Chaney Frances Yard , J an l 8 . ie . William Dore Mary Salman , J an Ba r s u li 1 2 . c. John g Elizabeth Cooper, Jan

Thomas Evans Elizabeth Chus e l] 1 7 J an .

1 Charles Williams Elizabeth H e a r kn e s s 9 Jan .

li 2 . e . John Austi n Elizabeth Sheath , 9 Jan

l . ie . John Durham Rebecca Eastman , 4 Feb S ue e t M William ary Carver 5 Feb .

li . c. John Maggott Priscilla H urdle, 7 Feb

David Thomas Mary M athews 8 Feb .

l 1 . ic . William Pinke J ane North , 4 Feb

l . ic. Jeremiah Kelly Esther Brown , 5 M ar

o lic. 1 . George Mathews n Catherine Robinson , 5 Mar

l 1 8 . i. Edward Ridsdale Mary Bromley, c M ar 1 7 1 4] Ports mouth M a rriag e s . 33

lic. James Cuttler M ary Deacon , Solomon Walter Elizabeth Wr ig htfor d Thomas Foster M ary Bradfie ld Si mon Cully Anne Smith

lic. Peter Pearson Anne Buckley, tic John Seller M ary Burgess , .

] Iic . John Bussel J ane Lowe,

lic. H enry Deale Elizabeth Bernard , Robert Scott Catheri ne Wallen tic Jeremiah Fi nch Rebecca Bradbury, . Nicholas H owerd Amey Tr ike tt f lic. William Thornton Elizabeth Go f, Thomas Yates Amey Easton

lie . Stephen Kneller M ary Betts, John U pjohn M ary Reed

lic. John Lake Elizabeth Crooke , Charles Scott Anne Gates t M ur r a n t ic . George Carpenter M ary , Thomas Jones M ary Portsmouth ' l w H e n s o lic. Anthony Clements M ary , Edward Sharpe Ahigal Dobson

lic. Moses H awker M ary Gum , N icholas Revell Elizabeth D e wr an li c. George M oth M ary Garrett, li c. Thomas Sandwell Martha H ills ,

lic. Joh n M udd Joane Rutter, lic William Sturt Anne H ow, . r iffis li G c. George Anne Lunn , George Carter Anne Seymore l ic. William Lawrence Joane Cooke, l o ic. Stephen Fi tchett Margaret T lefree,

lic. M athew Bell Anne H ill , ] Samuel Bennett M argarett H ammond , t lie Mathew Win er Martha H urlock , . l ic. Leonard Hodgki ns Anne Smi th , James Orre Margarett Russell Edward Cop per Anne Chalkr e tt J ohn Baker Mary Wheeler John Burgess Sarah Gareman li c. Thomas Cale Anne Best , A NTS—XV H . 1 1 34 H a m p s hir e Pa ris h Reg is te r s . [ 7 ;

Thomas Smith Elizabeth Sim pson

Zic. Duke James Rachel Booker, li M ka s ke c. George a c y Elizabeth Colebrook , Robert Graves Mary Orwi n li c. John Budd Elizabeth Light , John Morriss H annah C a stle

: 8 lic . Marmaduke Jenkins Theophila Pritchett . Cr a c e lic Joseph Gilbert Jane y, . li c. William Pike Anne Bird , l ie . David Lucas Rebecca Chandler, li Ge s s e r c. John Allice M udd , H a r ood lic Edmund Walls Nan g , . M r l e a s h ic . Sampson Morrice Eleanor , O s ur e n li t c. Richard Frances Cleverley , P r r ic k l a ic. Peter Elizabeth Paine ,

lic. Robert Adams M ary Stares, ff l ic. John Je s Mary Howard,

lic . Robert Young Elizabeth From an ,

lic. Martin Goddard M ary Fuller, John Beasley J ane Collins

a Sc a r de fie ld lic . Edward Em mett M ry , — l ic. Henry Rice Sarah Hollis , M in z ie s l ie . Thomas Elizabeth Knight , l ic. William Softly Sarah Elliott , William Elliott Anne Farmer l ic. John Tremaine Elizabeth H ubbert, lic Thomas Smith Elizabeth Edwards , . l ic. Edward M oody Sarah Edwards , H a s s we ll lic. Robert M ary Venable , Thomas H ammond Elizabeth Woodland l ic. Thomas Hurlock Elizabeth Bowles , Be ddin tic Joseph Mercy H opkins , .

lic. John Gill Frances Carpenter, John Richardson Sarah Strowd

Pe n for d lic John Road J ane , . Richard Keys H annah Cook John Johnson Elizabeth Besan t Fiv John e foot Ca therine Pillb e r ry Robert Cox hil] Sarah Fa r low Richard Newman Amey Outen

1 1 6 36 Ha mps hir e Pa ris h Reg is te rs . [ 7

fil] li H a r c. Josiah Collins Elizabeth , ' Joh n Palmer & M ary Summerton John Chambers Anne Price William Read 81 El izabeth Se we tt Richard Danzey Mary Williams Thomas Mead Sarah Burgess t ic. Nicholas Burrows 8: Anne Taylor, John Buttler An ne U p hm a n l U s da le ic. John p Anne Wyat,

lic. Francis Whi te Sarah M artin , Thomas Childes Dorothy Wearing Joh n Twis de n M ary Turner ’ lie Edward Burford Sarah Watson , . Thomas Poole Mary Warrell li e . Jos eph How Sarah Gray,

lie . M ichael Bayley M artha Ki pps , John M a c kon n ill H annah Sym ms Thomas Back Elizabeth Saunders

Christopher Norton Catherine All nut , li e . Thomas Mapp Elizabeth Burne , Peter Gammon 8: Jane We athe r wood

lic. John Russell Frances James, l ic. William Hooker M ary Skeates , Richard Little fie ld 81 J ane Moore Richard Brown Anne Huggins H a dl l w ic. Benjami n y Patience H a k ins , Francis Deadman M ary Essex li c. Jesse Green Joyce Soane,

A r m in e r tic . Richard Ki ng Elizabeth ,

Cha lkwr i ht lic J oh n Pinke Sarah g , . Abraham Ferrum Elizabeth Chambers

lic. Timothy Godden Frances Royle , fie r e s e tic. James J y Anne Wyat , Edward Binsted Anne Sherley ] A ttkin s li m c. M i chael Jane Bro ley,

81 lic . John Welcome Johanna Bullen , l ie . William Huson Susannah Kemp , John N utt Anne Paine Bl k l e a e ic . Joh n Anne Byles, Robert Reins 8: Sarah Wood 1 7 1 8] Por ts mouth M a r r iag e s . 37

t ic . John Moores H annah Ganny, William Bowler Mary Williams William Jaco b 8: M ary Guppy Peter Th ayer M ary Reading John Hoski ns 8: P a tie n c Frith Andrew Downer An n Dunford John Bowden Mary William s Edward Ste ers M ary Palmer Thomas Grover M ary H eart l ic . J oh n M orss Elizabeth Baker, l own in ic. Anthony Farthing Joyce J g ,

lie . Robert Cook Mary Stri pe, l ic . John Foster Charity Clarke, l Ca s te low 8: ic . Edward Rebecca Gaines, George Kefer Jane Wayman Joh n Jerrett M ary H a r dic k John Foster M ary Cor de r oy

W he e lle r tic. Samuel Nobbs M ary , Thomas Crucey Elizabeth Gamli n William Faulkner Elizabeth H udson Ba s ke r v ile H a s s we ll William Elizabeth , William Golson 8: Sarah Baker

r La m b de n lie . J ohn Foste Elizabe th , Bartholomew Bedford Sarah Ed monds lic John Squire M ary Barns, . Joh n Faulkner 8: Anne Wareham Thomas Currell M ary Jones M r h n a on e . [ c , ] William Cor de r oy M ary P e wz e y Richard Corker 8: M ary Downer J oseph Young Elizabeth Dear

8: lic. Bushell M anders Elizabeth Feben , William H arden Susannah Downer H enry Sherin M ary H olloway

lic. J ohn Coombs Elizabeth Pittman , Danie] Bye r le e Sarah Young

lic. Stephen Davis Elizabeth Dale, V k oa e ] lic . J ohn Elizabeth Channel , Edward M oor e y M ary Bound

Thomas Burnett M argarett Chambers , is e r s . 1 38 H a m p s hir e Pa r is h Reg t [

li 8: c. Samuel] Mi tten Elizabeth Edwards ,

lic . Robert M acartney Anne Butt , Edwa rd Bromley M ary Carter

Gr e e s t lic. George Paine Elizabeth , James Hornsby M ary Sutton

“ - l hir e ha ic. Henry Ba r kE Mart Langrish ,

S a r a de n lic. John Willm ot8: Susanna , li R a e tt c. William g g Elizabeth Wise ,

tic . Andrew Viner Elizabeth Canning,

lic. Nicholas Elkins Elizabeth Burgess, Thomas Collier Mary Carter

lie . George Biggs Grace How, Henry Borum Elizabeth Worrel]

8: Se r a n t tic. John Edwards Alce j , Robert Phillips M artha Se x te e n George We s tcom e M argarett Carter Oliver Turpin Anne Bennett

w lic. John Richards Elizabeth H e ett, David Drayton 8: Elizabeth P ai nter Stephen Haynes 8: Margarett Chitte y Robert Kelsy 8: H annah Dovey Thomas Grant Anne Be n fill t ic . Gabriel Monday Dinah H olt , 8: n ti c . Peregrine Stokes Fra ces Slowe , John Swan 8: Elizabeth Pal mer Robert Bullman Eleanor Budd Richard Knight 8: Deborah Parker Sue tt t ic . Peter Elizabeth Banks , t W ic. illiam White Mary White, Ca s fe r d ti c. David Sherley Elizabeth , l ic. Richard Farden Elizabeth Smi th , William Duke 8: Elizabeth Cute rice Mathias Barton 8: Elizabeth Spraggs i tc. George Moses Dorothy Spicer, William H illyer 8: Mary Smith S n ook 8: e lie . Benjamin M artha Bayley , Ellz a be th tic. James Porter Stares, Cha lkwr i ht tic John g Mary Edwards, . George Eyers 8: Elizabeth Carter

Little fie ld Henry Newman Elizabeth , r ou r r a 1 7 2 0] Po ts m th M a i g e s . 39

David Hya t Sarah Read

8: o tic . John Lowe Mary Y ung,

Sn ooke 8: lie . George A nne Whetstone, Richard Lockie r Anne Bone

lie . Timothy Swai ne Sarah Carver, l ic. John Shepherd Elizabeth Coles , l 8: ic. William Gibbs M argaret Kempley , ti c. William H inch Lucy Westmore, ' li c. John Gill Jane Jacks, l W 8: ic. illiam Pierson Amy Thomas , William Drew Anne Easton Richard H urst Sarah Novel] lic e 8: . Thomas Pag M ary Davis , Robert Bic kle s [Buckles] Jane Cozens

lic . William Briggs Anne Wotton ,


8: tic. James Jenkins Anne Maslin , William We the r id Anne Callaway William Shepherd Elizabeth Ayles Joseph Carter Grace Rawli ns Richard Page Hannah Dash

a e r a lic . N p p He ves Edi th Garrett,

lic. Patrick Smi th Anne Godman , m John Barefoot Elizabeth Dru mond ,

Ble a ke tic. Thomas Richards M ary , t ic. Samuel Gardner Elizabeth Lacey, John Voa kha m Sarah Bon n or l e ic . George Wade Elizabeth H ay s, John Castle Eliz a b e th Six ty ‘ John Bartlett 8: Mary A n dre ws on

tic. John Reed Elizabeth Owen , i tc . John N icholson Martha Derrick , t ic . Jeremiah Wilton Eleanor Frances, William Treadwell 8: Anne Marti n

8: tic . John Warne M artha Whittley, John Anderson Eleanor H ancock Richard Morris Mary Carter ti Thom as Cambie Eleanor Gray , c. t ic. Thomas Wragge M ary Roe, Wood e r 8: tic. J ames g M ary M arnell , l ti c. Danie Dear M ary Wallis, 40 Ha mps hire Pa r is h Reg is te rs .

Thomas Harris Anne W idde l] William Whitaker Susannah Coxall

tic. John H e n e ke r Penelope Grossmi th ,

Ca r rott lic . John Gold Margarett ,

P a dwick lic. Lawrence Hoare Mary ,

: ti a te r all8 c. Thomas G M ary Gates , t ic. John Vine Anne Davy , Edward Peacock 8: Jane S n ooke

lic. James Lock Anne H am , Joseph Weston Elizabeth Jenki ns t ic. John Brinson Anne Wallis ,

tic . Nathan Morgan Anne Owen ,

d 8: lic. John Howar Sarah Reed ,

8: a tic. William Williams Eliz beth Spencer,

tic . William Taylor Elizabeth Smithen , Stephen Miller Elizabeth Tri m li c. William Cleverly Elizabeth Olden ,

Gla s s ool tic. Daniel Stowe Susannah p ,

8: lic . Richard White Elizabeth Stares , ti c. Joseph Harris Anne Lee,

lic. John Little Mary Burbridge , li c. Francis Ridley Frances Weston ,

tic William Stigand Sarah Bound , . Wa lls e l] l ic. Samuel Martha Gorden , 8: tic Thomas Webb Sarah Johnson , . John Silk 8: Anne Smith P ir ke ti c. William Sarah Callaway ,

lic. Immanuel Ruddy Rebecca Rain , li George Spencer Anne Barnes , c.

lic. Robert Woodman Elizabeth Thomas ,

t . William Scott Helena Newman , ic John Pla tor 8: Elizabeth Dewer

tic James Bettie Mary H ewett, tic John Blades Anne Bodily , . Gall e n 8: l ic. William p Honour Ramsey , H ifor a n n d lic. John Harris Isabella , Tr im m in lic. Thomas M argarett H udson , 8: ti c. Richard Moore Anne Head , Ca v e n ta e 8: g Burnham Elizabeth Faulkner, tic John Dickinson Mary Frett , . 1 1 7 2 1 ] Ports m outh M a r r iag e s . 4

James Bucknall J- ane Podd

Newland Reynolds Martha Redman , l ic. John Coombs M argarett Johnson , l ic. Ringin Anderson J ane Russell ,

8: Sc a r v e ll tic. William Shearman Esther , t ic. Joh n Turner Mary Smith ,

8: tic. Thomas H ewett Mary Cook ,

Gr iflin lic. William Mary Fox ,

lic . William Shilli ngford Sarah Money ,

tic. Thomas Hobbs Mary Ham , John Kenton Sarah Wrigh t J ohn Spencer J ane Burnett

Cornelius Johnson Margarett H aggett ,

ff lic . J ames Fi e Mary Wyatt ,

8: lic Isaac Legg M ary H ooker, . James Money Anne Davy Richard Garbett 8: Anne D ibb e n s

lic. Rich ard Freemantle M ary M arti n , t ic . John Wareham Magdalen Mode , ] l & ie . John Dearing . Elizabeth Marshal ,

8: lic . Edward Holt Elizabeth Hollis , William Jones Bridgett Pai ne t & ic . John M an _ J ane Tarleton , John Powell Elizabeth Bath Richard S tr ug n all8: Mary Tyler M oor e in Thomas Staples M artha g , l ic . William Light Jane Binks , mm William Swi er Elizabeth H eart, tic Peter White Elizabeth H arris , . t ic. Robert Brown Anne Saunders, 8: li c. Thomas Meacham Jane Clarke , tic Peter Reynolds Anne Garbutt , .

lie W illiam Cozens Amy Le Vou , . Robert Holliday 8: Anne Ford

tic . James Reney Catheri ne Jenkins, t White in ic . James Coward Elizabeth g , b r n r e e o e lic. Joh n F Elizabeth Palmer,

8: . l l ic. Richard Riddle Anne Cast es , & li c. John ades Elizabeth H ackett ,

8: lic . William Palmer M ary Pye, 1 2 42 Ha mps hir e Pa r is h Reg is te r s . 7 1

Richard Turner Mary Forth l ic . Georg e Osbourne Anne Turner, John Nevil] Margarett H arford ti c. Edward Cleverly Elizabeth Allen ,

lic . Richard Valler Elizabeth Arter, John H ill 8: Elizabeth Stone

t n s m r e H owc hin Stephen S a o Martha ,

A n n idown z itc he tt Edward Eli abeth F , t ic. William Smith M ary Elmes, N icholas May 8: Elizabeth Palmer

8: lic . Henry Smith Elizabeth Li nford,

Thomas Turner. Elizabeth Oxford t ic. Stephen Libbard M irriam Tucker, tic James Turner M ary Spencer, .

tic . Richard H alsey Anne S turt, Nicholas Mould Elizabeth Tuck

tic . Joseph Green Jane M iller,

- W e ls te d Baskam Pearcy Martha Dormer ,

& ti c . William M itchell Rachel Duncomb e, Richard Smith Eleanor Coward Joh n Cot tman 8: Theophi la Jenkins

tic. Jew Baly Elizabeth Bird , 8: l lic . William Berryman Martha Busse l , Henry Heath 8: Mary S a n dov e r m n l Nicholas Pitt an Mary K ight, a. 8: ti c. Isaiah Forrest Anne Hopkins,

8: Lim b ur n r l e e ic. John Si mon Jane , 8: Michael Woodward Mary Sheperd , & lic Edward Bell _Mary Quash , . 8: t ic . Alexander Pearce Mary Taylor , t i . William Corkhill Mary M eade, c 8: [i James Isaac Elizabeth Price , s VVis ha r t8: ti John Deborah Price, c. 8: t J ohn Webb ic. Elizabeth Stewart , 8: l ie . Joh n Beale Mary Cook , Robert Couch 8: M ary Smith William Pearce 8: l ic . Sarah Whi te , Charles Heyman t ic . Grace Pol ton , Edward Mitchell Mary Brown

1 2 2 44 Ha mps hire Pa r is /i Reg is te r s . [ 7

ti c. Charles Collins 8: Jane Crocker, t ic . Danie] Savage Bridgett Clamp, William Ba r g e ry Elizabeth Prestly t ic. John Baker 8: Elizabeth Wise,

Heyman Waldgrave Deborah Shepherd ,

e tic . Robert Gilbert Sarah Liv s ,

P a s kin s tic. James Garrett Mary ,

tic. William H umphreys Mary Cole, lic William Brewer Mary Grai nger, . D e n m e d John Elizabeth Whi ti ng,

Henry Wheatland Elizabeth Tri mming , t ic. Edward Newman Rebecca Gaine , Francis Taylor Mary M ayfe y 8: Clatworthy Thackston Sarah H awki ns, t ic. William Kemp M ary Turner, Thomas Sutton 8: Martha Reed

tic. John Gully Elizabeth Champ , l ic. Jonathan Goldsmith An ne Parker, John Smith Mary Smith William Brown 8: Sarah H eart Ga t ra l ti e c. John Elizabeth Card , William Heart Anne Wickham k t S n oo e ic . John Osland Catherine , Sce r e n t tic. g Reeves Elizabeth Warr,

lic . John Hunt Mary Plowman , lic William H inde Anne Marlow , . William Burnett 8: Elizabeth Bull Henry Suaden 8: Priscilla Martin

Bartholomew Hopkins Elizabeth Stares , James Blake M ary Biggs —“ [March None at all . Joseph Whe e lle r J udith Squibb

P e n for d 8: Thomas William Mary H urst, - h 1a . Samuell Abbott Sara M erchant , U s da le tic. John Mudd Margarett p , Thomas Buckett 8: Mary A ttr ill

ti . Andrew Dove Elizabeth Whittley, c

tic. Joseph Staine Charity Phillips, Henry Burnett 8: Jane H ammon a r lton tic. Thomas T Elizabeth Page , r u 7 2 4] Po ts mo th M a rriag e s . 45

John Light MaryLogan 8: o tic Jeremiah Boyne R se Windover, .

lic . John Cranley Anne Rhodes , Joh n Turner 8: M ary Turner Robert Cook Jane Lee f lic John Long Mary Bed ord , . Benjami n Bartlett Elizabeth Marsh — [J uly Non e ]

lic. William Marvell Rebecca Gould , Lewi s Bowen 8: Elizabeth A llic ock li c. H enry H art M ary Jennings, h s Alc roft8: S ar e s lic . Theodorus Diana p , Thomas Christopher 8: Katheri ne Be v e r s tock Aaron P r illon Jane Robbus ' Nicholas Lufi 8: Sarah M iller l] t Ti a ic. Charles Morgan Sarah g g , Cocke rall H a r m wood George M artha , Joseph Wi nter 8: Susannah Cale

tic. Robert Barnet M ary Si mms ,

8: M e r r e t tic . Joseph Eastwood M ary , tic Samuel Gass Anne Sharpe, . Joh n Waldren 8: Rebecca Nobbs

tic. Joh n Reed Elizabeth Walter,

tic. Veni Plowman Elizabeth H arper, tic 8: . J ohn Cleverly M ary Booker, t ic . William Bartlet Anne Antrim ,

] tic. M ichael Wise Ann Atki ns, Daniel Low Sarah Hooker William M arshal] H annah Holt John H olta m 8: M ary Smith

tic. Samuel Stormon M ary Isaac ,

tic. Samuel Nobbs M ary Whitehall , tic 8: o . Thomas Budd J an Sherwin , J ames Edwards Sarah Turner t ll8: ic. H enry Cole we M artha Ruddell ,

n o. . M r. J White M rs Anne Hammond ,

8: lic. Joh n Forster Anne Leary , Iic Low . Edmund Mary Bates,

lie . Joh n Woolley M ary Smith , James Clun g e on Grace Shephard 2 46 H a m p s hir e Pa ris h Reg is te rs . 1 7 4

1 2 Thomas Painter 8: Mary Gold 9 Apr . 7 4

Charles Jones Bridgett Gibson 2 6 Apr .

James Crawley Mary Moreshead 2 7 Apr. A r John Rogers Mary Tippetts 2 9 p . 6 H e lle n a tic. William Bushell H eart, May 6 ] O rr e 1ic . John Shales I sabel , M ay _ Barnaby Beckett H annah N i cholls 1 1 May John M urray 8: Joanna Hea rt 1 1 M ay Philli p Williams 8: Elizabeth Gibbi ns 2 3 M ay Henery Harland M ary Shephard 2 5 May Ely Holtham M argaret Stevens 2 9 M ay Thomas Quick 8: M ary Mudd 2 6 June Timothy Bayley 8: M ary Goffe I9 J uly 1 P i s on ti . 1 c . John Reeves 8: Susannah p , Aug

i i i 1 8: S m th n Ic . 1 . Jervis Williams Sarah , Aug

tic . 1 1 . Bartholomew Colvin Sarah Shores, Aug

2 John Little Elizabeth Sp e n ton 4 Aug .

Str de lic. 6 . M ichael Marsh Elizabeth y , Sept

. tic. 8 . Wm Frankli n M ary Codd , Sept


8: o tic . 1 William Lawrance Elizabeth C ok, 9 Sept n 2 William He ery An ne H all 1 Sep t . i tic. 2 Phill p Vandome Sarah H owgate, 4 Sept Clun e n 8: lic. 2 . Thomas g Mary King, 4 Sept 8: A llc ic 2 . e s lic. James Whi te [ ]Grove, 4 Sept R e b e e c c John Fiveash a Gardner 2 4 Sept . George Newton 8: M ary Terry 2 6 Sept

Andrew Dixon Christian Guppy 2 7 Sept .

Ch k t 1 ar e r ic. . Edward Rawlings Ann , Oct

William Pearcy Elizabeth West 4 Oct . i 1 tc. . John Carpel Elizabeth West , 5 Oct 8: t 1 6 . ic. Peter King Elizabeth Middleton , Oct 8: B h t e s e a tic 2 6 . J ohn Webb Ann y , . Oct

tic. 2 . Edward Clench Sarah White , 9 Oct ’

t . 2 ic . Lawrance Symon s Joanna Draper, 9 Oct O ds a i Nov . lc . Thomas Charity Foster, 5

William Dawes Mary Platt 5 Nov . M a n dr e tic. . Thomas y Ann Hampton , 5 Nov

Joseph Silver Mary Arnold 2 7 Nov .

tic . 1 0 . John Etherington Mary Gilbert , Dec

D e r v e r 2 Edward Mary Poor 2 Dec. u M 1 7 2 2] Ports mo th a rriag e s . 47

l on ic. John Faulkner H annah Collis , George Gil] Bridget Jones

O ads tic. George Redford El izabeth , Peter Pills a n Sarah Carter F d r l or e ic. John Waggett Elizabeth , ll Li e tt tic. James Down s M ary y , f ti c. Thomas Cave Ann Gri fin , William Stallard M ary Sym pson G 8: P a dwick lic Edm und luer Mary , . Arthur Collis Anne Stace y

I 8: tic. saac M erac Allice Campbell , Fl ok l o e ie . Thomas Abbott Frances , Robert Head Ann Waller Isaac Balch Mary Pa ine Joh n Boulton Sybill Mansbridge

M a idle tic . Christopher Russell M ary y, l Va r e n de n 8: H a te r e l lic. J oh n Elizabeth y , N icholas French 8: Ann Thompson

lic . Joh n Patillo Sarah Wright , of The Reverend M r. Anthony Bliss , vicar

8: . this parish , M rs Susanna H amond , ’ h r Ric d. m a r y d by the Rt . Revd . Dr . Ld B of Willis , . p . thi s Diocese William Overton J ane Privett Thomas Se n de y Elizabeth Taylor

lic. William Shepherd M artha Wakeford,

lic . Thomas Sone Ann , Barlow , 8: t ic. Robert Fish Mary Guyer,

tic . J oh n Bridger Elizabeth Stokes, t ic. Andrew Grossmith Mary M ale , t 8: ic. Phillip Sugar Mary Martin , 8: Iic. Richard Edwards Mary Farrington , tic Gilbert Stokes Sarah Lane, . h t 8: iv e a s ic . William Lock Rebecca F ,

tic . William Gravatt Martha Olden ,

lic . Robert Tito Mary Curtis , William Collins Ann Pin hor n e N icholas Mould Mary Bowler

8: tic. James White M ary Holloway,

lic. Edward Tucker Elizabeth Smith , e r 1 2 48 Ha mps hire Pa ris h Reg is t s . [ 7 2

8: tic. William King Betty Bound , Moses M ullins Mary Gilbert Thomas Sca r ve ll Mary Goldsmith Wha r h Joh n am M argarett Baldrey, ti c . J ohn Harri s J ane Russell , William Kirbe 8: M ary Noss i lc. Phillip H aberdine Jane Seaborn , ff d l P a a r ic. George Roach Betty , l Ba lie ic. Thomas y Sarah Dennis, John Holtham Ann H og s fle s h M oses Grant Elizabeth Drudge J oseph Westbrook Elizabeth Smi th

tic. Joh n Good Susannah Yorke ,

tic. M ichael Dorsch M ary Peters, Abraham Parker Sarah Reed

lic. Joh n Carlos Sarah Antram , 8: J ohn Churchill Elizabeth M ansbridge, l 0x 8: ic. Sackville F Mary Gayton , William Smith Alce Carter l Str e tc hle 8: ic. Richard y Mary Robi nson ,

lic . William Faulkner Catherine Dawes, t ic. George Scott Sarah H utchi ns, l ic. J ohn Price Frances Stokes,

tic . Edward Amore Margaret Applen , l 8: ic. John M unday M ary H ammond ,

tic. Joh n Price Elizabeth Bradley, hi W s la d tic. Robert Bennet Catherine , l ic. George Taylor Rachel Norman , Samuel U p s dale M ary H unt

- tic . Gosper Powell Ferry Jane Gardner, 8: tic. Thomas Gilbert Alce Wharfe,

tic. William M ay Ann Crocker , U n dr ll M ] e 8: lic. Thomas argaret Bel , William Taylor 8: Elizabeth Stevens H enry Webb Ursilla Baxter tic Cornelius Freeland Ann Silver, . Thom as Rogers Mary Soane

lic. Henry Cropp Elizabeth Bower,

lic . Richard Holmes Sarah Winter, ] t i . John Steel M ary H al , c 1 2 o s ou M r 7 7 ] P rt m th a r iag e s . 49

lic . George Gardner Mary Clarke, William H e n s low Frances Reed 8: lic. William Parker Sarah Loney, Thomas Ashley 8: Mary Ceaser John H utchi nson 8: Mary Davison John Turner Olive Knight Robert Bussell Elizabeth Reynolds

tic . John Brown Frances Chaney , R tic . ichard Moore H annah Page, 8: li c . Thomas Dowden Elizabeth Bird , 8: tic John Rolls M ary Lives , .

Is m n e o e r lic . James Street Jane g , t ic. Charles Bowler Ann Palmer, M c K a t 8: A twe e k lic. James y Ann ,

tic . John Hooker Susannah Palmer,

VOLU M E V . o IV [A p a r chm e n tbook of s im ila r s iz e to V l. ]

Thomas Bailey Isabel M idford 2 Apr.

M r. Joh n Vining Read M rs . J ane Heron , 4 Apr.

tic. . George Barkham Amy Marriage, 4 Apr

J oh n M arti n Elizabeth Newbury 6 Apr .

l 1 8 . ic. John Slatter Florana Pi nn , Apr

Whe e lle r lic . 2 2 . Edward Bottom Elizabeth , Apr

- H e r tm a n a Pa dwick lic. 2 . John Geuter C therine , 3 Apr

Richard Pocock H annah Sp e n te n 2 6 Apr. i 1 8: Ic. Daniel Todd Ann Sai t, 9 May

tic . 2 Joh n Bailey M ary H iggins , 4 M ay 8 Ba s te r d tic. 2 Thomas Parker Ann , May tc 1 i. Thomas Gittens Mary Drayton , 3 J une Robert Earle H annah Bacon 2 3 J une tic 2 Thomas Porter Ann Townsend, . 5 J une

tic. 2 Richard Biden M ary Armstrong, 5 July

Thomas Little fie ld 8: Susannah Wood 6 Aug .

John Eglon Charity Brindell 4 Aug. 1 0 tic . Robert Rimes Joanna Dorrell , Sept

2 8 . tic . J ames H arris Sarah Privett, Sept

l ic . 8: Ha te r l t . Edward Hoar Ann , 9 Oct

: John Cha lkwr ig ht8 Martha Cooper 1 0 Oct .

George Melli n Mary Dabb 2 6 Oct .

a m s — H XV . 0 Ha s r e a r s e is e s . 1 2 5 . mp hi P i h R g t r [ 7 7

N icholas Woolf 8: Ann Compton William Arthur H orwood 8: Joan Stokes U fi l 8: e d tic . Richard Bezant Elizabeth p ,

Southe r a n Pe r rum tic. John Esther , li 8: c. John Poynter Sarah Page, Robert Walker 8: M ary Pa lmer ti c. William Pi nk Mary Slade , Peter Edm unds Eleanor Whitin g s ta ll Francis Swan M ary Gover i 8: & tc . John Snellgrove Mary ades, H enry Bridle Sarah Smi th

Bu e s t tic. H enry H eath M argarett g g , i tc. J ohn Bussell M ary Chambers , J ames Money M ary Little fie ld ull Sc e r d tic. Richard Roberts Elizabeth ,

o tic . Francis H ward Elizabeth M athews ,

lic . Joh n Webb M ary Slade, William H ar fie ld Elizabeth Boul ton

lic. Edward Smith Ann Garraway , J oh n Collis M ary Goodger John Taylor Anne Thorne Amos Barber Elizabeth Barber

R e a n lic. Cornelius y Dianah Hoare , t ic. Andrew J acob Elizabeth Lewis , Bin s t e e d tic. William Whittell Elizabeth , ds on tic o Cr ou . John G ver Ann , t ] ic. John Stringer Elizabeth Bea ,

tic. James Duggan Martha Wells ,

8: tic. Joseph Cook Rebecca Freeman , h r c h t C u e r ic. Edward Copeland M ary ,

H ar r oll lic. Peter Sarah Edwards ,

8: tic. Richard Cornelius Mary Deadman , Thomas Tucker M ary Sal ter Andrews Frazier Eleanor Barnes

lic. John Thomas Ann Eleanor, ] t Be e s 8: Ca m m e l ic . Joseph y Ann ,

tic. Stillings Lamb Elizabeth M uspratt, Thomas Wood 8: Sarah Seager John J ohns 8: Susannah Rawl inson

8: Cha m b e r la in e tic . Thomas Seager M ary ,

1 2 8 52 Ha mps hire Pa r is h Reg is te rs . [ 7

John Sp ur r e l H annah Vine William Phil ps M ary H i cks Stephen H um phreys 8: Elizabeth Burnett Nathaniel Clement Edith Latimer Joseph J ones 8: Mary Buttler

Tutte n H us fie ld tic. Joh n M ary , Robert Newman 8: M ary White Thomas Wallis J ane North

H r fill tic. William a Ann Allen , ' lc w i . Edward Roberts M ary H e ett ,

8: lie . Robert Hawkins M ary Cooper,

tic. Robert Cox M ary Smi th ,


8: tic. Joseph Smith Eleanor Burges, d l F ur m id e ic U s a e t . Samuel p Ann g ,

8: tic. William Cleaver Mary White , t ic. John Sayer Elizabeth Wells ,

] 8: tic. John Bea M ary Whitebread,

lic . Charles H orn M ary Stuckey, Thomas Baker Susanna Lester Will iam M atthews M arth a Ventam William Jones M ary S n ooke George Ford Mary Deacon George Morgan Elizabeth Price tic William Glover M ary Wade , .

8: lic. J ohn Steel M ary Dove ,

8: Em m e n s lie . George Pearson Frances , Thomas G ore Elizabeth Bennett

tic. J ohn Thomas Elizabeth Whi te ,

tic. William Davison Elizabeth Weeks ,

H a m hr e s tic. John Iles Sarah p y , l ic . Roger Poynter Elizabeth Bond ,

tic. Joh n Brown Ann Johnson ,

H awfor d lic. William Carder J ane ,

n lic. Be jami n Tomlin Elizabeth Oli ver , lic Charles Barber Elizabeth Benson , H enry H ewett Ann Melish Jonathan Treadwell Susanna Porter ll l M ob or e a ic. Thady Obrien Louder, William Bayley 8: Dianah A lc r a ft

u lic. Thomas Collins S sanna Ventam , 1 7 23 P orts mouth M a rriag e s . 53

John Sharpe Sarah Stent tic Robert Richardson Anne Watkinson , .

lic. Joseph Peachey Elizabeth Peachey, tic William Lawson Ann Robinson , . '

D ufie ll s ic tic. J ohn Magaret [ ]H oward ,

lic. George Gay Rebecca M ears , i lc. Curtis King M ary Colebrooke, John Bew 8: M ary Gardner

tie . Thomas Oli ver Margaret Parker,

An n lic. Thomas Day Gover , i tc. Isaac Bassett Jane Webb ,

8: M a r a r re t lic. William Chi pp g Bird , H um phrey N e n dick Abraham Eleanor i h s lic. Den , - William H uson M ary Soper David Davi s Elizabeth H orwood John Gilbert Jane Overton George Herbert 8: M ary Golson William H a lls te d Ann Cummins Thomas Wheatley Sabina Jarvis Thomas Tomli nson An n Newton Thomas Evans 8: Elizabeth Pepper

lic. John Eliot Mary Rose , M u s h r tc 8: o n e i . Stephen N ewman Rebecca ,

tic. James Granger Elizabeth William s,

8: tic. John M itchel M ary Coward ,

Capt . William H ervey M rs . Elizabeth d lic. Ri ge, Thomas Palmer Sarah Young Thomas Wayman 8: An n Baker Charles Win s p e a r Elizabeth Baker

8: lic . John Eastwood Sarah Dowling,

lic . J ames Turner M ary Lemon , John Gale Christian Noble J ohn Richardson 8: Sarah Barefoot

tic. Alexander Freeman Elizabeth Ayers , Peter Griffin Elizabeth Stedman George Harlow 8: Elizabeth Wood Thomas White Mary Fullha m Joshua Early Elizabeth J errome 1 54 Ha mps hire Pa ris h Reg is te r s . [ 7 23

o tic. Thomas Seager Dorothy M ses , John Harford Sarah Luke e

George Bailey , M . D . , M rs . Sarah Carter, i Br e da h lc. John J ane Morrice,

8: tic . Thomas George M ary Newnham , Jeremiah Smith Seth Pal mer

tic . M athew Grover Sarah Pilson , George William s J udith Smi th

tic. Willi am Powell M ary Whi te , tc 8: i . Francis Colli ns Sarah Henslowe,

8: ] tic . Ralph Livesey Bridget Chappel ,

S ta n n for d . M r . Ely y M rs Sarah Dighton , Ca s f r d ti o c. David Newnham J ane , Edward S e tfor d Sarah Randall t ic. William H endy Dorothy Vallenti ne , George Br um p ton 8: Anne H enslowe J ames Goven Elizabeth Whitin g s ta ll t ic . John Rice M ary Redman ,

lic. George Boulton Ann Turner, Richard Walker 8: Ann Tippetts

lic. Peter Courtney J ane Chapman , Sw m m e r Alexander Smith M ilborough y , William Sandyford 8: M ary Russell L n wood 8: y g Whi tehead An n Stephens , 8: li c. John Edwards Ann Wilshire, Edward Breaden Elizabeth Symms t H ar r a wa ic . John Bassett M ary y, w tic . M aurice Conner Jane Le is ,

: 8 tic. George Moore Elizabeth French ,

Edward Peacock Elizabeth Williams ,

tic . Robert Weeks Jane Benns ,

- 8: Cour tn e ll lic. Henry H alsey J ane , William Dance Sarah Cook Em manuel Nobbs 8: Mary M artel] Robert Kelsey 8: Ann J arvi s i t 8: W n e fr e d ic. H enry King Wallis , H enry Lye Joane M ansbridge Richard Need Eleanor Bartlett Robert H all M ary Jones William Knight Sarah Langrish 7 3IJ Ports mouth M a rr iag e s . 55

1 0 John W e s tfie ld Susannah Banni ster 1 9 Dec . 7 3

8: 2 . lic. James Blake Ann M ew, 3 Dec 2 Richard M uspratt 8: Sarah Fussel] 5 Dec .

8: lic. 1 . J ames Poor M ary Green H ai nes, 3 Dec

William Ti nham Catheri ne Stepney 1 J an .

lic . John Ashley Elizabeth Earle , . 7 J an

l 1 2 . 8: ie . H enry Callaway Jane Bird, J an

ti 2 8 . Sta n s m ore c. Robert Weldon Ann , Jan 1 William Parry Martha H armwood 5 Feb .

W lic 1 . ool e r . John g Ann H atch , 9 Feb

lie 2 2 . 8: . Kennett H ayton M artha Fells , Feb

Voa ke r tic. 2 . George Robinson Anne , 7 Feb

lic. 2 . M ichael Wade An ne H awkings, 7 Feb

William Buckett Alce Stephens 2 7 Feb .

l ] 8: 1 . M ichae Mackerel Catherine Coleman , M ar

Andrew Purchase M ary Christie 3 M ar.

t . 8: ic. Thomas Smith Joane Taylor, 4 M ar

tic. 1 . Joseph Wise J ane Derrick , 3 Mar

li . 1 1 c. Thomas Monroe Susanna Loader , 3 Apr 7 3

i . 8: tc. 6 George Parker Rebecca Collins , Apr

tic 1 . H enry Chalcraft An n Eades , . 3 Ap r 1 John Philli ps Elizabeth Cobb 2 Apr .

i 2 . o tc. Th mas H iggins Elizabeth Yatman , 5 Apr John Green Mary Trivett 5 M ay ti M a c. William Goddard M ary J enki nson , 9 y M Pe s on tic . a Thomas p Joyce Downer, 9 y Ii 1 2 c. Peter Edmonds M argaret Liddiard, M ay

tic . 1 John Pryor Elizabeth Carlos, 3 M ay George Wi se Mary Gambli n 1 7 M ay J ohn Squibb Elizabeth Wood 30 M ay J ames Randall 8: Elizabeth Crooke 2 8 J une John Colli ns Elizabeth Gregory 2 J uly

Cha n e s lic. Charles Leigh H annah p y , 3 J uly .

“ William Slight 8: Elizabeth H awkins 4 J uly

Wis e n bor n tie . Edwards Bevins An n , 4 J uly H enry Levett 8: Frances Brown 8 July Mathew Kenten M ary Reynolds Is J uly

Clue r tic. 1 8 William H ewett Jane , J uly 8 a d tic . 2 Ralph Davis Sar h Richar s , July

ti . c . John Dear M ary Bucknall , 5 Aug 1 56 Ha mps hir e Pa r is h Reg is te rs . [ 7 3

William Soaper Sarah Lee f Gri fith Sanderson Jone Riggin , William M urray M argarett Bohannan li Br a e ll c . William p p M ary Wright, Thomas Dillon Brooks Cobb B ti c. J ames Galbreth M argarett ayley, Sis m or e tic . John Luke Ann , George Knig ht 8: Elizabeth Young Richard Fogwell Elizabeth W e a the r ic k John Courtney 8: Elizabeth Gregory Nicholas Woolf 8: Elizabeth H eath William Dowel] M ary Drudge

lic. Cornelius Godfrey M ary Guyer, Willi am Bridge An n Spencer Walter Downs Elizabeth Em mett ba n is Coo S m or e lic. George M ary , Joseph Porter 8: Mary Paine William H aswell Frances Jacob 8: l ic. Thomas Eastwood M ary Legg , David Berry Elizabeth Poor Edward Raynes 8: M ary Stephens Thomas P e n ford Mary Bennett M ichael Chase 8: Elizabeth Elgar John We a the r ic k An n Gibson Richard H unt Susanna S n ooke Edward Binsted Margaret Barrow

8: tc i . J ohn Waldren M ary Mooring, Robert Hooper 8: Ruth Bea] K m l e s e Re b lic. John y Anny y, ] 8: lic . Danie Triggs Susanna M urray, John Carr M ary Garrett William Patten 8: Mary Wilkis s on George Logan Mary M arshall

tic. Thomas Diaper Joyce Smith , Ne wb l ou t8: tic. John Elizabeth Light , Thomas Hillyer 8: Susanna Goodger George Wattson Sarah Cottrell William Spurrell 8: Ann Lym p a s John Osbourne Susanna Bellus

tic. William Antram M ary Sowton , 1 o s ou M r 7 33] P rt m th a r iag e s . 57

John W ilm e tt8: Mary Boulton William Appleton Elizabeth Gill

lic . David Smith Ann Robi nson ,

D i wood i r a tho n e tic. William g Susanna F , Thomas M atthews Mary Gr ifiis 8: W l r oo e tic . Thomas Leer Eleanor g , Robert Chiverton Sarah GOrdon 8: tc. Thomas Hoare Nann Walls , i

Br a fie ld lic. William H ewlett J udith d , John Boyden Mary Mould John Newton 8: Catherine Card J oseph Deane M ary Buttler

tic. William Steel M ary Card , ti 8: c. William Garrett Constant H urst , Cristopher Coc ks hott8: Elizabeth Lip s com e Robert Wells 8: M ary Nevill

8: tic . Richard Barber Elizabeth Renolds, Franci s H utchinson Susanna Paine ' T James Re a de i Mary Bell

] lic. Richard Martel Ann Spencer,

M is e lb r ook lic. William An n H ickley ,

D a m e ra m lic. Thomas Martha Nevill ,

W hite hor n e tic. James Mies Elizabeth , i 8: tc. J oseph Wise Mary Arnold , Samuel Twyford 8: Martha Plumley Gabriel Key 8: Bridget Talmadge it c he tt tic . Gervis Greenfield M ary F , John Perry 8: M ary H a r dwe ll Thomas Burross 8: Mary Dabb John Tapp Ann Edwards tic Dennis Pi ne Elizabeth Ette , . Samuel Burroughs Lucy Clarke Charles Ward 8: Jane Croucher Thomas Rig hthe a d Elizabeth Voden Thomas Davis Elizabeth Couch t 8: ic. William Rowton Sarah Bull , Joh n Newbury An n Bennett

tic. George Strond Lidia Stevens, John Rands 8: M ary H unt Joh n Wright 8: Elizabeth Smi th r 1 58 Ha mps hir e Pa ris h Reg is te s . [ 7 33

tic. Francis Le Rues Elizabeth Anthony, ti c. Joh n Arnold M ary H awki ns , t ic. Lilly Bordman M argarett Tri m ,

8: tic. Thom as White Sarah Davis,

lic. Thomas William s M ary Day,

8: tic. Thomas Allen Rebecca H ammon , Andrew M iller 8: Eleanor Bethell J ames M ocke tt Elizabeth M ichel]

tic. Gabriel Ann Cooper, J ohn Robinson Eliz a b e tliPeacock

8: tic. Edward Donovan Dorothy Earle , J ames Gudge 8: Elizabeth Swan

tic. William M iles Betty H ollis, John Cla p s how H annah Cook John Woodn utt M ary Burnett John Webber Annabell Horwood John M issing Frances Higgins Stephen M iller Sarah Shillingford Thomas Wicks Elizabeth Knowles l 8: ic. William Bateman M ary Blake, Thom as Dixon M ary Gibson i 8: tc . Cheney H urt Isabella Maddin , Joh n Taylor J ane M atthews ti c. J ohn Bussey H annah Peverell , Win e fr e d William M issing Polten , R i h c a r lic. H enry Jane Crane, : ti 8 c. Robert Dicks Elizabeth Smi th ,

tic. Joseph Cockley Mary Gregory , Thomas Blake M ary Farren B ke n s fi l i 8: e e d le . Ri chard Ellis Grace , John La fa ivr e 8: Sarah Symonds t ic. Richard Chapman Elizabeth Blake , 8: lic Andrew Roberts Elizabeth Sadler, . 8: Bowche r tic. Paul Green Elizabeth , Walter Smith Amy Cesar Southc ote tic Edm und M ary Dodd, . Benj ami n Bea] M ary Bull

8: tic. Thomas Cobby M artha Garrett ,

tic . Robert Boyden M ary Wi thers ,

tic. H ugh Forbes Mary Ackworth ,

1 6 0 Ha mps hir e Pa r is h Reg is te r s . 7 34

8: tic. H enry Elsy Ann Door, J oseph Walter Ann Artis

: 8 tic. Lemon Bacon M ary Yeo, Charles H all 8: Elizabeth Be ake s Robert Best Rosan na M arsh Joseph Wheeler An n Bantam

tic. Moses Lewis Ann Reed , ti c. John French Anna Anthony ,

8: tic. M ichael Arnold A nn Sargent, Griffith Jones H annah Ducker h C ur c he r tic . John Sarah Grant , Franci s Marti n Ann Steel] Edward S m a r twr ig ht8: Mary She r in g Robert H illyer 8: Elizabeth Clarke James Crocker Elizabeth Am ster George J ames M artha Valler U r uld 8: tc i . Charles Elizabeth Whiley , John Syms Elizabeth Rudder

lic . John Com pton Elizabeth Carter, w tic. E ard Andrews M ary M oody ,

8: lic William Stubbington Ann Rolfe , . Daniel Seal 8: Elizabeth Bull 8: Ee ti e c. Thomas Stocker M ary , Francis H ug on y Martha Foster M ark Wayland Mary N ewman 8: tic . Thomas White Elizabeth Turner , l ic. Robert Gill Margarett Sweeten , li c . Benjami n Allen M ary Poul ton , John King Elizabeth Swe tm a n

tic. John Dowley Sarah Perry , John Elger Joanna Pe wz e y Cou e r thwa it Henry p p Elizabeth Godard , Ca n n de 8: “ a tic. John y Ann Coucher , William Chapman 8: M ary Crocker r ti . John Garri Ann Pink , c T e r m a n i tc. John y Elizabeth Jones, tic Robert Briggs H annah Keys, .

n o . tic . J Deane Rachel Weston , William Ellis & M argarett Edg is on J oseph Dawes Ann H aswell 6 1 1 7 35] Ports mouth M a rriag e s .

Cox lic. Thomas Jane Weeks ,

Far ie s t lic. Joh n Morrison Ellis , Charles Peach Elizabeth Henrey

Golds b e r tic. Richard Robins Sarah y, Daniel Pierce Jane Lin z e e Charles Walker Elizabeth Smith Edward Cobb Mary Flipping Thomas Barnett Flora Ferry Pe n for d lic . William Sutton Ann ,

lic. Wager Sadler Jane Westbrook , William M arr M argarett M aria Wood i lc. bridge,

h 8: lic. Samuel Fis er Frances H ill , M artin Norris 8: An n H olm es

8: lic. Richard Penrose Elizabeth King, George Keys 8: Mary Pool Elias Appleby 8: Mary Jones Thomas Lin v e le Sarah Beale

tic. Charles Cook Mary Carpenter,

P r a n e l] lie . Peter g M artha Sutton ,


lzc . Richard Beacon Ann King, ic t . William Gibbs Ann Kendale ,

tic. R ichard Ballard Sarah Green , ic t . Richard M ellish Beatrice Warder, Richmond H arvey 8: Elizabeth Wyatt

tic . Benj ami n Salter Elizabeth Norris , lic Joseph Bartlett Hannah Beale , . Robert H arriott Elizabeth Batchelor William Boomer 8: H annah Stone o lic Thomas M allard M ary H lt ,

8: tic. Stephen Beale Mary Barkham , t ic. William Rogers Grace H ill , William Jarman Ann M oore Edward Ward M ary M eredith

8: tic. William Grigg Sarah Chapper, t ic. Thomas Jones H ester Green ,

lic . James Yeoman Sarah Cobb,

Win s hi 1ic. Joh n Fellows Sarah p , Henry Burgess Catherine Mague ti c. Robert Steddy Mary Wright , 6 2 Ha mp s hire Pa ris h Reg is te rs .

William Robi nson Keziah Redstone ic Ne a ill l . John Ann H orwood , Gouge [s ic]Be ls he r Else H olmes William Batters Elizabeth Chase

] 8: tic. Thomas Dougal Mary Bickley , 8: An n Morris l ic. Richard Barrow Ann Long, John Luther M ary M atthews

tic. Charles Frazier Charity Smi th ,

8: lic. John Ayres Ann Latimer, lic John H arden Hannah Snook , . ] tic. William Pi ckerel Elizabeth Carter , i tc. Thomas Lovelady Lydia Webb , M c lls t a e r ?M c A llis B r tic . te r . a n e John [ ] Eliz g y, Thomas Brown Rachel] Brickett

8: tic. J ohn Walker Elizabeth Pease, Joseph Meekin Elizabeth Powell J oh n Stephenson Elizabeth Urling William D um br e ll M ary Turner i tc. Daniel Garrett M ary Longhurst, John Coleman 8: M artha Liddle Elde r n Win k r h s o wo t tic. J ames M ary , J oh n Blackbourne Sarah H opki ns Ba l w 8: ick ls l o o ic . George y M ary N , George Peake Jane H ollis J ohn Pi ttman 8: Mary Wayman fi l Su e l lie . Alexander Sanders Catherine , lic J ames Robinson M ary Kent, . 8: P r c ha in t o ic. Jonathan Slee An n , lic William Soane M ary Woolgar, .

tic. Robert Burley Mary H eather, P o le w ll e a lie . Thomas p Eleanor H rgrave, James R oe 8: Elizabeth Steel Peter P a te r e n M ary Street Cornelius Sheene M argarett M itchell P e n for d t ic. Abram Ann Grant ,

‘ 8: tic. William Brockley Ann Col e , 8: lic . John M errett Ann Stone, ] tic . John Nail Elizabeth Pope, li c. David Harvey H an nah R eede, 6 P o s ou M a a 6 1 7 3 ] rt m th rri g e s . 3

William Pe v e r e le 8: Elizabeth H ole abe y l ic. William Tregee Han nah Farr,

John Weatherhead Catherine Watts , tic James Russell Mary Rogers , . D lle m o e a r tic . J oseph Gilford Mary , l ic. Thomas Shory Ann Kelly, Henry H ugi] H annah Wright

tic. Joh n Gilbert Elizabeth Nickols , D r u tt ti e 8: c. John Mary Redgate, Thomas Price M ary J or r e n t William M arti n 8: Elizabeth Knight

tic . Phillip Davis Eleanor Binsted ,

lic . William Burnett Mary Rol f, P ill l h a de ha lie . William Hatchett p Long, tic John Henderson Eleanor H orton , .

Boa e r 8: Le n s ton e lic. Cornelius g J ane g , ki H us tt8: o lie . Thomas Elizabeth R berts, b e r m a n a tic. Otto Johan J Margaret Davis, i D lc ibe lla S a c l Sa r r ad n e u e he l tc . Solomon , i lic o . Richard Bart n Susanna Wilkins , J ames Todd Sarah Branton in l ir Sir r u s ll t S c e 8: e ic. Ingram H annah p ,


John Fohlens Mary M illar, lic. t ic. John Beane Sarah Kimber,

m tic. Joseph Cha p M artha H am , Thomas Bond Sarah J ones Charles Presly 8: Mary Reed Benj ami n Price Mary Wilkison Edward Weeks Sarah Wilkison Peter H oughton Sarah Edwards h r l Cowc e ic. John Luke Sarah ,

tic. Richard Johnson Jane Warn ,

tic . William Hodgki n M ary Holder, Thomas Allen Catherine Woods tic James Allen Sarah Guier, . Se lle wa 8: Francis y Catheri ne M organ ,

8: lic . Robert Beck Mary Clutton , li 8: c. William Cozens M ary Garrett, J ames Beveridge Elizabeth M c La r e y

l 8: tic . Wil iam Cannon Alice Lee, r 1 6 4 Ha mps hire Pa is h Reg is te rs . [ 7 36

I 8: Plum b r id e ic. Edward Fitchett Ann g , Joh n Parry Elizabeth Fetcher

lic . Thomas Jones Elizabeth H ales , ti c. William Ri cher Sarah Hodgki n , S ti c. George Seymore Tamasen treet, Charles Na ttle e Sarah Ga r le s ton e t 8: ic . George J a bber J ane Adam s , l ic. Edward Bevens Elizabeth Pi nn , Joseph A ttwic k Sarah Pierce

o tic. Willi am Routt Rebecca H dg kins , tic Joseph M iles M ary Beale, . W 8: hite in tic . William Cozens M artha g , l ic. J ohn Paine Ann Blades, lzc Stephen Thomas Ann Rowden , . l 8: ic. Franci s Parry , Lieut . , Ann Patten , J ohn Baker 8: Elizabeth Shaw Thomas H ewett 8: Barbarah Wareing li 8: c. Joshua Ki plin Elizabeth Woods, Richard Richardson Elizabeth She r e e n Samuel Booth M ary Ford Richard Mittin s 8: Sabina Wheatley l ic. James Dance Elizabeth Anderson , t ic. John Redman J ane Edwards , Thomas Davis M ary Boul ton J oseph Olds M ary Cox

8: tic. Joh n Cockerell Mary Goodin ,

8: tic . Thomas Elmes M artha Crispin ,

lic. J ames Bayley Ann Trattle , Thomas Bradley 8: M ary Bla ckg r ov e Thomas H ay Mary Shawham Stra n n am ] l ic . John Atwick Susannah Blanch , J oshua Tee Rebecca Goodyer Joh n Whi ting M ary Wilkison Edward Cox J ane Scott

C x o lic. Den n Tudor Jane , D m r m a e u lic. J ohn M artha Evans, ti c. John Page Joanna H arrison ,

lie . Jacob M iner Mary Antram , John Butler 8: M ary Merchant

lic. Roger Pope Honour Toos , o s u r r a 6 1 7 37 ] P rt mo th M a i g e s . 5

m D owall ti c. Tho as M arshall Christian , William Barkham Elizabeth Wilki ns

tic. Thomas Acklin Frances Day , Richard Brien Rebecca Peacock John Dunlop Elizabeth Milton

] tic. William Osbourn J oanna Gambel , William H erbert 8: Elizabeth Brown

Bouldr tic. John Turner M ary y, tic Thomas Rogers M artha Guier, .

8: lic. John Preddy Elizabeth King, Robert Calf 8: Ann Wayman H 8: b ow Cor e n tic. John Mary , tc i . Thomas Smi th Ann Mountain ,

Tr odd lic. Thomas Eyer M ary , James Gray 8: M ary Salter

lic. Robert Bates Susanna Bishop, John Hayward H annah Russel ] Abram Rose 8: Hannah Bird

8: tic. John Trevett Joyce H obbs , i L ttle fie ld tic. Robert Mary Whitcombe , Joh n Saunders Mary Wattle Lille white William Elizabeth Compton , Francis Taylor 8: Susanna Call William Simpson Rebecca Cook

tic . William Branch Mary Matthews ,

He ll a r tic . William y Sarah Carpenter , Samuel Strode Elizabeth Smith William Haskell El izabeth Stav e ll John Smith J ane Conner J ohn Pa ffa r d Frances Longhurst Le ros s tic. William g J ane Faron , l Cox wor th ic. Nicholas y An n Bradden , Skinner Newman Elizabeth Ninam

8: tic. John Twi ne Elizabeth Twine, J ames Gardner 8: Martha Haward

tic . Robert Hart Elizabeth Howard ,

lic . Joseph Elliott Rebecca Carter, ti 8: c. John Carter Susanna Pyke , Daniel Colebrook 8: Hannah Tippetts l ic. Owen Apps Elizabeth Lavender, — A . H NTs XV . a r ’ 1 6 6 Ha mps hire P is h R eg is te ts . [ 7 37

] ti c. James Young Jenny Russel , ti c . John Treu M ary Aldridge, John M erri tt 8: U rc ae lia Reynolds

lic. Joseph Shepherd Elizabeth Pike , ti c. Edward Mead M argery Alle n , Nicholas Pearson M ary Farmer in z e e ti L c. John Walton Ann ,

tic. William Allen Elizabeth H oski ns , tic Richard Parry Elizabeth H eron , . Joh n Fe rm idg e M ary Tr us s le Stephen Pal mer Elizabeth Wilshire James Carr M ary Ska m m e ll

o 8: tic. J hn Burch M ary Robinson , R b it n ti a o c. John M i tchell Ann ,

lic. John Poore Sarah Li sle , tic Robert M arti n Lucy Pay , . John Gi bson Elizabeth Teddy

8: tic . Robert Godfrey H annah Colebrook , Edward Tiller M ary Burdge Joh n Bird Elizabeth M illidg e H enry Col lett Elizabeth Early Caleb Se v ie r e Elizabeth Spriggs P ff a a r d tic. John Sealy Ann ,

o tic. Edward Br adway Damari s Lyon , W i k l P c e r n e l tic . illiam M ary H eartley, Francis Smi th M ary Smi th i tc . Robert Brown M ary Turner , Philli p Taylor Elizabeth Clay Ce llin ha 8: m tic. John g Elizabeth Lee, Thomas J e s s im or e M ary N i nam

8: H ua tt lic. Mark Gardner Elizabeth , Br ide a ux Bike r dike tic Philli p Jane , .

lic. Edward Hannam Sabina M ist , 8: i tc. William J ames Ann Hodgi ns , John Cutler Dorothy M uke n

8: tc i . William Lacey M ary Darkin , George Pollis h m a n 8: Anna M aria Bastard Daniel Taylor Catherine Roach ic t . John Hopson Mary Evans , tic Edward Sugar Mary Adams , .

1 6 8 Ha mps hire Pa ris h Reg is te r s . [ 7 39

l William Warei ng Mary Cham ber ai n , William Blake Jane Ferrett i tc . Richard Beard Ann Lee, Richard Hoare 8: Frances Stedman Jonathan Gil] Mary Pope

8: tic. M atthew King Elizabeth Speller,

M ur ra n t lic. Joh n An n Marti n , Samuel H iggens M ary W e a the r ick

8: lic. Davis Bowman Ann Harding, Joh n Boulton Ann H illman

lic. Davi s M ary Redman , M atthew Oliver Elizabeth Wood Jam es Denney M ary Goven John Drice Ann M orri ce r i 8: A bbo ow lc. William Hall Elizabeth , ti c. John Marti n Elizabeth M artin ,

8: lic. John Follerton Sarah Day,

o 8: R tic. Th mas Philpott M ary icher,

tic. George Taylor Elizabeth Burgess, Buls tood tic J ames Tugwell Jane , . Danie] Palmer M ary H unt J ohn Evans Elizabeth Pate George S m e dm e r 8: Susanna Einham i tc . George Logan Elizabeth H arding, Thomas M iddleton 8: Edith Bonnett William Satchwell Ann Ra ts e y

tic. Vincent M arti n Catheri ne Norman , William Orchard 8: Anne Swe e tin g ha m Thomas Hancock 8: Rose Crew Robert Martin 8: Chri stian H umphreys Andrew Chambers Sarah M orice

tic. J oh n Dunn Elizabeth Moore, G 8: tic . James askill M ary Wilmott , John Ross J ane Lyne

lic. Willi am Garment Rebecca Allford , J ohn Foster 8: M ary Smith Garrett H am mon 8: Olive H obbs

lic. Thomas Tomlins Jane Bignell ,

lie . John H arwood Ellen Prescott, Thomas M itchener 8: An n Clun g e on 6 Ports m outh M a r r iag e s . 9

Edward Stewart 8: Mary Ne ile r i lc. William Paters on Elizabeth Bailey , Richard H udn ott Elizabeth Frya r John Chum ly 8: Judith Aki n . William Philli ps 8: M ercy Wiles

Lin n a r d tic. Christopher Farr Mary ,

8: Nic kla s s tic . Joh n Farr M argarett ,

a tic . William Freeborn 8: C theri ne Taylor, Thomas Lock Bridgett Steven s

tic . Thomas Rogers M ary Bowman , Robert Kelsey M ary Godfrey George Lym in g M argarett Simms John Snook 8: Susanna S a n tilo William Wa ddale Ann Richardson E i a s te r b tc. John y Elizabeth Gale, William Philli ps M ercy Wiles ’

M l tic. . a c ow d M c Le od 8: n Rich g [ ] Joanna Ca tle,

8: lie . J oh n Dodson Joanna J ames, Mark Plumb 8: Catheri ne Foster Thomas Wheeler Grace Godden i lc. Robert Pai ne Elizabeth M unday, H in s om e Coleby Elizabeth Simones, Joh n Vaughan M ary W im b e ll

8: lie . Thomas Browning Elizabeth H arri s ,

G a r n itt tic. Terry Frances Wall , t i S uttr d e tic. Thomas Kerby Mary g , ti c. James Bossom Mary Webb, ' Peter M a c Gafie e 8: Eleanor Chr is te e B 8: tic. James ehney Ann Hays, Lim e b r n e r ti u c. James March M ary , lic Thomas Early M ary Adams, . John Phillips Ann Ford Joseph Knight 8: Mary Johnson Thomas Wattle Sarah Johnson William Woodley Ann Thomas Th omas S e rj a n t8: Mary Burgess Tiz z a r 8: tic. Thomas Mary William s, Goode v e Thomas Elizabeth M organ , 8: i tc. Leonard Cullin Sarah Leggatt ,

8: tic. J ohn Thorn M ary Smith , 1 70 Ha mps hire Pa r is h R eg is te r s . 7 40

i tc. Thomas Downer Elizabeth Stares,

8: tic. J ames Devo Mary Findon , Thomas Shute Jane Crew Jordan Tomki ns M ary D ixon M arlborough H unt 8: Deborah Grossmith William Evans Rebecca D ib b on i t Ne r n e ic . Robert Penny Jane , i 8: tc. Ephrai m Worsley Elizabeth Dance, Lawrence H ide 8: Ann Sadler William Winch J ane Fryar

oe tic. George Boxell Ph be Hunt , Robert Warns 8: Mary Earp

tic. M aynard Sparks Betty Morgan ,


lzc. Lawrence Clark Elizabeth Beeston , Philli p Ye r n e ] 8: M ary Cowden Charles Losby Elizabeth H eath W’ lic . H enry oodward Sarah True , John Boyden Elizabeth Pea lic David Buchannan M ary Davis , .

8: tic. John Burges Sarah Taylor , George Ga wdion M ary Alley Thomas Wing 8: Sarah Gro ver Peter Wisely Elizabeth Randal]

8: tic . Robert Park Elizabeth Smi ther , i Y a r e tc. George Brown Ann p , i 8: lc . Robert Reed Alice Mackrell , li 8: c. John Lutman Elizabeth Cannon ,

lic. Thomas M iddleton Sarah Grice , l Els e tic. William Fuller Elizabeth y, Robert Pi erson Sarah K ilb r e a th l tic. Wi liam Ousley Deborah Normington ,

tic . Henry Duncan Ann Pri ce, tic 8: . William Rogers Mary Wood , i Le n n e le . Richard y M ary Lange , J oseph Turner 8: Elizabeth Burch J ohn Tutton Elizabeth Langtree Bartholomew Carwell Elizabeth Reynold s

M Be a c hum 1ic . William Dikes ary , i tc. Andrew Rapson Ann Cooley, D i i e n s tc. Thomas g g Susanna Living, 1 1 7 41 ] Por ts mouth M a r r iag e s . 7

tic. James Johnston Ruth Duncan, a tic& George Pope Sarah Ch mbers , George Potter H annah Allen Benjami n Gilbert M artha Carpenter William Jam es Marria Giddy i 8: lc. Thomas Friend Rose H ancock , M arti n Walker 8: Elizabeth Sturgi s lic J ohn Trill Jane Young, .

tic. Thomas Rout Eleanor Strong, Jose ph White Elizabeth Payne

8: tic. Robert Wilkins J ane Prower, ’ George M a c j or e Elizabeth All John Wilt H annah Ward

tic. James Selby Elizabeth Edging, Joseph Carter Elizabeth Reede George Fog s Sarah Salter

Rowlin s on tic. William Bolt Sarah , Charles M a n fie ld 8: Elizabeth M on fie ld William Ellis Mary H arney Thomas Ward Sarah Harwood

o lic. J ohn Bows Sarah Barr w, William Rich Elizabeth O n yon

lic. J ames Sm ith Elizabeth Smith ,

m lic. Richard Mellish M ary Wareha , Daniel King M ary Powell

tic. Francis York Jane Powell ,

8: tic. John May Elizabeth Reeves,

o tic. Edward Kitt M ary Bond , Thomas Ward Elizabeth Taylor

lic. Robert Godfrey Sarah Longhurst, Simon Young 8: Susanna Mannings

tic. John Young Sarah Dunton , Thomas Slatter 8: Elizabeth Purnell Richard H ewi tt Elizabeth Standing J ames Sulby Catheri ne Ma c D a n ie l John Shepherd Ga r try Foster Benjami n Philpott 8: J oanna Shor ton H enry Groom 8: Mary Wiley

lic. William Leggatt Eleanor M i nors ,

Jonathan Shepherd Elizabeth Trattle, r r 1 1 7 2 Ha mps hir e Pa is h Reg is te s . 7 4

M atthew H utchi ns 8: Ahigal Sharp h tt tic S a s o . William Evans Mary p , George H odg on Sarah Todd c M r t M cCr a n Daniel M c Gloud [M Le od] 8: a g . l ic. James Robey M ary Trattle, John Spearing A nn Pridgett William M a r v ill8: M ary Bone ti Ga r e n e ie r e s c. Charles Catherine Butler , John Waldren J ane Loyde John Wills Elizabeth M a c D a n ie l John Colebrook Elizabeth H utchins

8: tic. Nicholas Corbin Elizabeth Goven , J ames Kerr An n Li ttle

8: tic . Thomas Knight Sarah Knight, Samuel Barton Ann Florey Philli p O r s b r idg e 8: Mary Pye Abram R e g n a ud Sarah Crocker Richard Linden Ann Lee

h 8: tic . Andrew M o ock M argarett Dodson , Joh n Gilley 8: Frances Drudge Joseph Best 8: Sarah Kenton la s l G o e 8: tic. John p Sarah Beale , Samuel Burrows Elizabeth H ill Roger Goodwin 8: Catherin Carter George Looby 8: Rachel Whi tfield ’ O Br ie n 8: . tic. Lieut Lucius Elizabeth Hawker , ic t . Thomas Carter Deborah Davis , 8: tic. J oh n Evans M ary Ellis , J oh n M odix Ann Summers Richard Williams 8: Dorcas M ills J ames Marshall 8: Elizabeth Ka ls y ti c. Francis Deale Elizabeth Hide, ] 8: Iic. Danie J arvis Sarah Tucker,

tic. Silas Simms M argaret Philli ps,

8: William Osmond Elizabeth Barrow, William Light 8: H anna Waller R e s l ta ] Ga s he r tic . J ames Mary y , ti c. J ohn Coates An n Kent , M ichael Duncan Mary H eather t ic. Nathaniel Baily M ary H ol ton , 1 7 42 ] Ports mouth M a r r iag e s . 7 3

e a e lic. James T p Elizabeth Perry , Edward Peach Mary Stewart William Gr e ha m Elizabeth Copeland Henry M arti n H an nah Ta lbut

Little fie ld D ulc ib e lla tic. J ames Johnson ,

Ba lla tt tic. John M ary H aswell , Phillip H ubb e r de n M ary H ughes J ames Bushell H annah Fleet Thomas H uz z e y Elizabeth Mourne William Franklin M argarett Armstrong Daniel Ca s fie ld Catherine Clark Silvester Toller Allice Brand J ames Ca de tt Mary Gill Joseph Jewell Sarah Snook

tic. William Kelly M ary Bradford , J ohn O ldis Mary Gray John Whiting Jane Moors John Warren 8: Isabella Taylor Joh n Johnson Elizabeth Osland Joh n Childs Rachael Symms ti c. J ohn Preddy J ane Mann , William Bassett 8: M ary F r a m ton ton e tc Pe s i. John Downer Joyce p , R ichard Fullj a m e s 8: Grace Parrack

. a thl. Revd M r . N Jones Ann Prosser, John Galton Elizabeth Perry J ames Dixon M ary Norf is

Ba s te r 8: tic. J oh n g Dorothy H all , William Sa fie ry Ann Appleby James Row 8: M ary M ithe n John Rug Jane Fifill Florence [s ic]Grigg M artha Drinkwater Arthur Grigg Elizabeth Summers

lic . George Evan Ann Booker, J oseph Osborn M ary Franklin J oseph Walley 8: Mary P e a te s Thomas Simonds Sarah Clue r Robert Mac Burnett 8: Elizabeth Squibb ti c. William West Sarah M iller, James H amilton M ary Thompson 1 2 7 4 Ha mps hire P a ris h Reg is te rs . [ 7 4

Thomas Glover Sarah Fellows lie Thomas Barnes Susannah Sorre , . M ichael Fi tzgerald 8: Ann Willi s

8: tic. Ralph Gray Jenny Johnson , Joh n Coleman Eleanor Ryan John Courtney 8: Mary Spring

tic. Rev. M r. J oh n Evans Sarah H ai les ,

P ic ks toc k lic. J acob Jacobson Elizabeth , John Witfor d Betty Furber ti 8: c. Duncan Grant Margarett M ercy,

lic. Pierce Blake J ane H owell , Thomas H udson 8: M ary Biden William U r lin Elizabeth Faulkner George Godden Ann Stokes

lic. Thomas Turner Martha H odges, John Winter 8: M ary Griffith i lc. Joh n Fately Sarah Knight , Thomas Sparks Mary Fullp it Matthew Bird Honour Bishop

8: tic. William Drayton Martha Nylaud , Joseph Twe n tym a n Elizabeth Wa r c up 8: William Robinson Elizabeth Chase, John Saunders Amy Rowden

lic . John Patten Elizabeth Frankli n , William Swan 8: M ary Omer J ohn Tibb atts 8: Elizabeth Spanner 8: tic . N athanael Valentine Sarah Collyer, Robert Legg Rebecca Plowman Adam Seale 8: Ann Dowle Richard Button 8: Frances Abott John Morris M ary Flood Thomas Lydyar d Ann Thom pson \ 8: t ic. J ohn H obbs An n Light, John Hyllia r 8: M ary Grant

tic. Joseph Bissell Alice Grove , Thomas Moore Mary Beard John Cutler Elizabeth Mullins Thomas Bull 8: Ann Wi nter m tic. John Tho as An n Cozens , Thomas Ridout Christian Rice

1 7 6 Ha mps hir e Pa ris h Reg is te rs . [ 7 43

Peter S tig a n t Sarah Clements Joseph Danie] Ellis Tr e um a n

Joseph M itchell8: H annah M itchener, l ic. Thomas Jones Ann Jerome , Richard Darlo 8: Elizabeth Essex Robert Ransom Elizabeth H utchi ns

8: tic. William Taylor M ary Bridger,

tic. Jeremiah H acker M artha Baker, William J urd Rebecca Orchard

r tic. J ohn Coope Sarah Reed, John Lirids e y Mary W hitin g s tall John Smith Elizabeth Bowman Francis Purvey 8: M artha Butler

Cum b e r s ha ll lie . John J ane Emas , Thomas Clark 8: M ary Barkham Philli p Baker M ary Farlow 1a e . Richard C ller Rachael Colmer, Peter Power Elizabeth Sim pson

tic. N athaniel Williams Sarah Disher, William Blyth 8: Sarah Dixon William Kelly 8: Ann Rose William William s Sarah Se rj a n t John Plank M ary Croswell Thomas Lenham 8: Ann Drew J ohn Fa bion 8: Sarah Pierson J ames Cheesman Elizabeth Sim pson t ic . Peter White Sarah Young, James Anderson Phillis Pusey V n lic a r e n de . John Eldridge Elizabeth , Robert Tr e n we tt8: Eleanor Brady

tic. William Cook Ann Bucknall , t ic. Thomas Excell Elizabeth Ham pton ,

M a c M urde e tic. J ames M ary Rogers, M ichael Whe lle y 8: Ann Cohe w John White 8: Sarah H urlock

P udbe r 8: lic . Andrew y Elizabeth Cummins, i Ga tte n b lc. Christopher H illiard Eliz abeth y, William M arshall 8: M ary Carter Joseph Warren 8: H anna Glover

8: tic. Joh n Newman Mary Stone, 1 7 44] Ports mouth M a rriag e s . 7 7

Thomas Glover Elizabeth H am mond li c. John Facey Eleanor Eastwood , Matthew Sum mers J ane Rolfe Robert Tinley 8: Ann Bartlett John Ross An n Drake Joseph Ba r g e ry Rebecca Branton Joseph Prince J ane M oore ti c. Thomas White Elizabeth Rogers, John Curti s 8: Jane Condy John Graves Mary H orwood lic Otto Rymers Ann Smallman , . J ohn Davis Ann Shils ton Joseph Rogers Jane P e r ton lie 8: . Joseph Bennes Elizabeth H oward,

tic. John Reed Elizabeth Moore ,

8: tic. Richard Sampson Martha H ancock , John Lawrence Elizabeth Key

Pe n tion 8: tic . James Elizabeth Way, Robert Hodges Ann Beale Timothy Popple Rebecca Ferrett Phillip Early Elizabeth W itta ke r

tic . Thomas Pope Mary Penrose, Edward Boulton An n Reed ’ Sac v e r a llJ acob Elizabeth Beale Thomas Wallis Elizabeth Bickerdike ti c. John Prior M ary M ullins, Thom as Price Christian Ridout William Cunninghan M ary M eades 8: l ic. John Rumsey J ane Urry ,

: 8 tic. Jonathan Wills Jane Moody, J oseph Hampsted Rebecca Bradby 8: lic Thomas Bailey Elizabeth Butler, . Joseph Farrington Margarett Ta b e r m a n J ohn M olls te r Mary Ann H unt John Pope Sarah Wallis John La r e m or e Rachael Flight Willlam Thomas 8: Mary Todd George King Ann Walter William Coates M ary Br a n tum v Li htfoott8: tic John g Alice H unt , . e s 1 7 8 Ha mps hir e Pa ris h Reg is t r . 7 44

John Brown M ary Griffin lic J oh n Hooper M ary Hobbs , Edmund Adam s Susanna Bartlett Bruce Hall M ary Snook Thomas Lynch 8: M argarett Goodman Robert Beard Elizabeth Butle n d

Whilt ] tic . Richard y An n Gil , M oses Swe ttm a n Elizabeth Scye r s SamuelCruff Ann Allcorn Va r e v ti B la s e c. Robert ug Elizabeth , Robert Richards M ary U p s da le William Robi nson Ann Jennins ti c . J ohn H ayden Ann Vaughan , William Ricketts 8: M ary A r g le e s William Pe a te s Lucy Lawrence

8: tic . Thomas Kelly Ann Brien , George Shaver Ann Fletcher

‘ lc 8: i . George Trew Mary Antram , Samuel Beetham 8: Mary Gla s p ole

H e llia r 8: Sti a n s lic. David H an nah g , J oseph H ill Ann Guess J ohn N oland M ary Armstrong

tic. Thomas H arford Elizabeth Parker, H enry Dellamore M ary Ba ilis

' lc i . N icholas Channel Ru th Foster , tic William Crockford J ane Powell , . Thomas Brice An n Payne M e llicha m William p Elizabeth Page , J ohn Irvi n 8: Jane Bramble William Bows kin M argarett Li ttle William H umphreys Sarah H utchi ns William Stewart 8: M ary Perkins George M itchell 8: M ary White

o . Francis Ancell M ary R l ph, lic John Perry 8: M ary H e n s ly

tic. J ohn Gunston Elizabeth H iggins , Francis Perry An n Cobb Samuel Baylis M ary Wilkinson John Bennett Ann Thomas Thomas Smi th M ary Rake 1 Por ts mouth M a rriag e s . 7 9

Cullim or e lic. Thomas Kemp 8: Sarah , Joseph Lin n in g ton Ann Prower l Wic he r lic. Samuel Atkins Sarah y, Thomas Ewbank Sarah Richards Andrew Laing 8: Sarah Burden

8: tic. Richard H ill Susanna Coleman , Joseph Quick Elizabeth Cleaver Isaac Peacock Jane King

8: lic. M ichael Everitt Elizabeth Gayton , William Glead Lidia Allen N icholas Harris 8: Elizabeth Palmer William R ag g e tt Ann Boulton George Logan 8: J udith Butler George Luther M ary Salisbury

Em on ds don 8: Coud lic. Robert Ann y, Samuel Cozens 8: Ann Chattle l 8: Wos s e l lic. William Bignall J ane , John M iller Mary Stanton

o tic. Charles Bo th Elizabeth Abby , Th omas William s Esther Barter J ames Burp e tt J ane Slader i lc. J ohn Norton M ary Herring, Nathanael Mallett Ann Cr e p p e n

Ne a s m ith & tic . Alexander _ Mary Gi ttens, William Perry Betty Tucker Charles M urray Magdalen Cummi ns J ohn North Sarah Ash Joseph Ward Sarah A ha m lin Francis Butler Elizabeth Conners Allen Fuce 8: Rebecca Goodger

tic . John Rickards Elizabeth Giles , James Moore Rebecca Baily Richard Wilmott 8: Elizabeth Williams Edward Boody Susanna Whitlock i 8: lc. Ral ph Guy Mary Blank , Samuel Bastard 8: Elizabeth Potts Thomas Coxon Margarett Little ti c. David Howe Pricilla Stares , Henry Camp Elizabeth J acobs

u tic. Robert B rton Sarah Gere, 1 1 80 Ha mps hir e Pa r is h Reg is te rs . [ 7 ;

li 8: Tr e n n c. J oseph Dashwood Ann , ”

r a fi o tic. Samuel C Susanna Bo th , Richard Ba n cla r k 8: Margarett Starr tic John Taylor Amy Trattle, . Jam es Porter 8: An n Arney Joseph Roberts Elizabeth Weathers Edward Cam p Ann Barton

lie . Christopher Cole Susanna H aswell ,

Ri chard Burrough 8: Dorothy H etherington . John Boyce Mary Poor Thomas Burnett 8: Ann H ow d l Ba r tO n e r r a r ic. Moses Rachael J , Nathaniel Shepherd Sarah Burnett Joshua Scott J ane Churchman Thom as Philli ps M ary Luke William Pontee M ary Snook

tic . Francis Dodford Susanna Street, Richard Wooda r k Ann Moore Edward Noble Sarah Phillips

ie l . J ames Beard M ary Ong, Edward S olle s Eugenia Maria H okaday Lawford Archer M ary Woodman Joh n Day 8: Patience Le a te 8: lic . John Brien Ann Noakes , Kenneth Robi nson 8: M ary Cheesman L d d on 8: ] tic. James y Rachel Churchill ,

William Hackford Fruit Vincent .

8: tic . H enry Crutch An n Bartlett, Thomas Coaker 8: H annah Jackson Danie] Allott Elizabeth Barkham Thomas H udson M ary Clis s a ll H enry Sp ur le 8:

tic . J ohn Bray Jane S treet , t ic . Joh n Howell H annah Eads , Rom m i Paul e u Elizabeth Adams . Thom as H ill Elizabeth Knapp Nehemiah D e n e la n d Sarah Coleman

lic . H enry Peak Jane Sturgis , Richard Sloper 8: M ary Biggs Joseph Reeves H annah She e r m a n Ports mouth M a r riag e s .

Richard Coleman Ruth Harmsworth J ohn Luke Jane Brown

oo tic. Matthew Squires Mary M ring, Robert S mith Mary An n [s ic] Robert H askins 8: Ann Chr is te e

Thomas M iller Elizabeth Barrett .

' lz c. Patrick Kelling Mary Tool , Thomas Price Ann M ould

tic. Thomas Morse Martha Faulkner, tc i . Abram Bath M ary Ross ,

' John Lour e e M argarett Russell A lle x a n de r Richardson Jane Jolly h i e s s e r Pe a c e ll tc . Samuel J Freelove , William Johnson M ary Wilmott John Fr aylin g M ary Vi ncent

P tic . Isaac earson M ary Pratt , John M udlow Margarett Lane William Green 8: M ary Baker James Lyddon 8: Margaret Ellis M ichael D ibly H onor Gil] John Cooper 8: Ann Salter

James Fbr d Ann Sparks tic. Thomas J ames J ane Robinson J oseph Davis 8: M ary Norrington ti c. Peter Dungen Elizabeth White , Thomas Oliver 8: Ann Elle b e c k Thomas Curti s Sarah Dawes Lewen Lock 8: M artha Frankli n ti c. Thomas Wiggett Ann H owlett , William Bull 8: Sarah Carter Edward Spragg Mary Gibbens Anthony Haswell Mary H unt T homas Eaton Mary A sion i ] lc . James Lewi s Ann Faithful , George Bradley M argarett Burroughs Samuel Spragg Ann Cule Robert Bendall Ann H icks

tic. J ames H ewett Elizabeth Croucher, Charles King 8: Elizabeth Bendall N r is lic o . John g Joanna Gudge, HA Nr s — XV . 2 H r 1 8 a mps hi e Pa ris h Reg is te r s . [ 7 45

Roger Barlow Mary Wallis ‘

e lic. Peter Clev rley Elizabeth Stephens ,

M oun s he r tic. Richard Robi nson Ann , David Casey 8: Elizabeth Walton

Iic. Robert Wills Elizabeth Ash , J ohn P r iddith Jane Man n William Strong Ann Da y ’ O Br e e tic. Phineas Ann Miles, J oh n Ta tn e y Sarah M atthews Evan Williams 8: Mary Allen J oseph M athers 8: H annah Turner

lic. Matthew Vi ne Elizabeth Figg, John Woodcock 8: Elizabeth Letitia Parker b Youn hus a n d tic. J oh n g An n Luke , J ohn H ays 8: Elizabeth We ls te d B b r u a m o o h 8: tic. George g Ann Walker, A nthony Stephenson 8: Patience Williams William Bond Margarett Thom pson il] tic 8: Se v . William Knight Elizabeth ,

Iic . Joh n Slaugh ter Ann H um phreys , Thomas Blades M ary Smi th Robert Charters 8: Sarah Sanger

‘ 8: i lc. David Turnbull Ann Bradford ,

tic. David H utchi ns Elizabeth Davis , J ames Bath Mary Chambers

8: its e r ald tic. Joh n Coody Catherine F g , William Kid Elizabeth Tucker William Bocock Ann Domi ni

8: tic. John Snai th Allison Kynard , Joh n Call Magdalen Wragg William Shre the r 8: J ane Loney


8: lic. Richard Beamont Susanna Simons,

lic. William Glover Sarah Woods, Robert Dart M ary Gra bha m

Tos s e ll lic. Lewis Frager M ary , & Thomas Goh 8: Sarah Gold ik t r e e r ic . George Farrow Elizabeth F , Thomas Walker Patience Ford 8: i lc. John Fi nch Margaret Robinson , 8: ti c. William Shilli ng M ary Hooper ,

1 84 Ha mps hir e Pa ris h Reg is te r s . 7 46

lic. M ichael Gould Elizabeth Bartlett ,

Arthur M c Ca n n 8: Elizabeth Toole . Robert Chapman El izabeth Ridou t George Stockdill Ann H al e ll x i A e a n de r lc . Stephen H illar Elizabeth ,

tic. James Grey Elizabeth Berryman , 8: t . ic . Capt . Richard Ridley, esq , Ann Roach, k i D oucitt S ic e tt lc. H ugh Martha p ,

lic. Dennis Cave M ary Farbrother, M ichael Kelk M ary Crabb Ephraim Wilkins 8: H annah Cutler George Sin cle ar Ann Feast i tc. William Thompson Eleanor J enkins, N athanael Ross M ary Ca r te r ig e f a ir m n n r a e lic. J e fry Will iamson Sarah F , Thomas M assingale Ann Elliott

I lic. saac Day M ary Smith , B e n jamin Snook Sarah Whiting Whi t te a r 8: ic . Thomas J ane M oor, Daniel Kennel] Jane Carey l To but Lin z . . e e lic Capt M ayo Susanna , Barnaby Gauntlett M ary Cole

tic. James M arshall Ann Smith , John Sulivan An n In chin g um William Stevens Jem mett Brown tic J ames Eustace Frances N eale , .

lic. William Leslie An n Rai nforth , William H olly M ary Bacon David Kirkness Elizabeth Worley

tic . John Bampton An n Crocker, Thomas Nea] Mary Wright l i . . c Wm Honeyman M argarett Saunderson , Thomas Collins Sarah Boughton ti c. Edward Peck Ann Bradford , T l te ic. Anthony H indes Ann g , Cl n ton ic t . William y Ann Bone,

tic. M atthew Oakes Mary Whitewood , i lc. William Shepherd M ary Shepherd , i r a s h e r tic. William F Christian Lewis, James Collis Isabella Jones r a 8 1 7 46 ] Ports m outh M a r i g e s . 5

John Kem p Ann Bradford 30 J uly 1 746

tic. . John East Ann Aspin , 3 Aug

l . ic . John Grossmith M ary Carter, 4 Aug

ff tic. . Anthony Morris 8: Susanna J e rys, 9 Aug

Br oa dm a n tic. 1 0 . Francis Esther Smith , Aug ’

t 1 1 . O H a r o 8: Bur p e tt ic. H enry Elizabeth , Aug

Richard Birk Esther Boon 1 4 Aug .

t 1 ic. . Cyprian Davis M ary Hartshorn , 5 Aug

John Cock Grace H unt 1 7 Aug .

Paul J ames Elizabeth Richards 1 8 Aug .

2 John Whi tehouse 8: Jane A r g lis 0 Aug.

i 2 2 . Ele a n e r tc. N icholas H inton M ann , Aug

tic. 2 . J ames Money Elizabeth H orwood , 5 Aug

t 2 ic 8 . Thomas Eyer Elizabeth Bartlett , . Aug

ti 2 . M c Car t 8: c . Jeremiah y M addox Sullivan , 9 Aug

o 8: tic. 1 . J hn Loyd Elizabeth Halsey , 3 Aug George M organ Ann N icholson 8 Sept

Thomas Eady 8: Mary Mitchell 8 Sept .

William H ills Elizabeth Cr oude r 9 Sept .

Collwe ll8: M a r dox tic. . James Elizabeth , 9 Sept

t 1 ic. Samuel Rawlinson Susanna Kent , 4 Sept 6 H d n s li . 1 o c . Robert Terrel M ary gkj , Sept ti 2 0 c. Thomas Appleby Catherine Wellman , Sept

ti 2 c. . Stephen Beale Naomi Collins , 4 Sept

2 John Gibbs M argaret Elliott 7 Sept .

lic. 2 David Bartlett Mary Bi ttle , 7 Sept

M a r ra tt 0 John Carpenter g e Potter 3 Sept . We s tfie ld 8: 1 Richard M ary Pullen Oct . or J ames Simpson Ann Benne [elean clean] 7 Oct .

t . ic 8 . James Tindale Christian Colli ns, Oct

t n tic . Se o 1 1 . Joseph y Jane Baker , Oct i H ow le . 1 2 . James Sarah Rout , Oct 1 Griffith Williams Ann H aski ns 3 Oct.

tic. 1 Robert M iddleton Ann Ferris, 3 Oct . t ic. 1 Robert Bailey Sarah Edmonds, 5 Oct . Ulb e s El a n e r K in le s ide ti 8: e c. 1 . Clais y , 5 Oct M e r r fie ld 2 1 Joh n y M ary Jones Oct . i D e le n e t . c 2 . Charles Dorman Mary y, 4 Oct

t . ic 2 6 . Andrew Ker Elizabeth Pai nter, Oct t ic. 2 6 Joh n Coursey M artha Hearn , Oct . 6 r 1 6 8 Ha mps hi e Pa r is h Reg is te r s . [ 7 4

8: tic. William Denny Elizabeth Henshaw , J ames A lr a tha t Leger Atwill H a r fill t 8: ic . Charles Colli ns Ann , El n r e a e lic. Loyd , J ohn Roach Judi th G r e ha m William Colter Sarah Tubb

lie . Richard Moor M ary Bartlett , t ic. M atthew Drum mond J ennett Biers ,

Ba s ke r v ile tic . William Jane Loyd, ti c. William Cheetham An n M ansfield , William H um phreys Ann Coy William Gabber Sarah Stephens

tic. William Sm ith Cole J ane Myers, ti c. Richard H unter Barbarah Rounding,

Ta fir 8: lie . Thomas y Christian Bufton ,

l ti . Richard Trounce E izabeth Sellers, c James Renney Elizabeth Code r oy Edmund Lowance M ary Clapham l ic. William H aley Elizabeth H enry , ] l ic. John Austin Ann Danie ,

o tic . J hn Kinch H annah Brown , P illi h l h de l ia ic. Edward Apsley p Pain ,

tic . J oh n Page M ary Edmonds , Thomas Pickett M argarett Bam pton 8: t ic. Joseph H urst M argarett Morgan , A lle x n de r 8: a tic . Hutchi ns Frances Butler , 8: tic . Barnaby M itchell Sarah H arris , 8: A l l n s ic . J ames Carter Elizabeth r , William Baker Sarah Williams David Roberts Sarah M oore John Pe n n e lig e n Elizabeth Craze Robert Watts J acobina Boling li c. Daniel Grant H annah Ann Bridg es,

8: tic. Joseph Lee Susanna Pike, J ames Mason 8: Elizabeth Goode v e

8: lic . Holland Wolstenholme Ann Vincent ,

tic . John Cooper Elizabeth Stone , John D is ip lin e A n n Price Thomas Smith M ary Kilbur n e

lie . Thomas Warren Ann Overy , a 8 1 7 47 ] Por ts mouth M a r r i g e s . 7

lic. Edward Li bby Elizabeth Bristow, ti c. John Swann Jane Newbury, M ichaelStapleton Ann Pattison

Cr os e e l w lic. John g Grace H a ki ns, Richard M ason Margarett Gray t 8: ic. Thomas Barker Ann Binsted , l ic . George Savage Elizabeth Ridge, Robert Wittle Susannah Gill J ame s H ewitt 8: Elizabeth Goddin ch

lic . Bartholomew View Jane Rayman , Thomas Na g g s Ann Williams k r v il tic All x n Ba s e e . e a de r Bailie Mary , ti c . J ames D isher H annah Bungy, J ohn Hopkins Elizabeth Poynter

tic. Jonas May M argarett Mason , Thomas Gregory Ann Wright Robert Burleigh Sarah Eldridge t o R a e tt ic . John C nyngham M ary g g , William Smith J ane Deacon George Page J ane Rogers Thomas Tomkins Ann Pearce

e lie . Thomas Rubery Mary Con ll , h ll t S e r ve O x we ic. William y M ary , 8: Obadiah Smith Elizabeth H orwood, il t o S b ic. J ames G och Jesse y, i S c r s tic. M atthew g g J ane Foster, l ic. Daniel M urray H annah Eyers ,

M a ddick tic . Thomas Jones Christian ,

tic. Richard H ennesey Elizabeth Fry , w ti c. J ames Ste art M ary Hearn , l ic. John Young Ann M erchant , S in n a t t lic. J oh n Elizabeth Dawes, t ic. Charles Pierce Elizabeth Elliott, George Paul Jane A s p lyn u l] te o tic. Roger N Mary Hops n , m ti 8: c. Tho as Eyles Sarah Slade ,

Be n n e dic te lic. Pennello Jane Rock , l U s da e 8: W e ls te d tic . Roger p Martha , John Gillc hr is t Mary Nailer i 8: lc. William Wilson Ann Gibson , 1 8 8 Ha mps hir e Pa r is h Reg is te r s . [ 7 47

8: lic . William Catter Elizabeth Beard ,

tic. John Waterson Susannah B rown ,

tic. Robert Weir Sarah Pepper, Benjamin Bethell Elizabeth Collier

lie . Henry Tothill Mary H olwell , h' i 8: tc. Ambrose Bi shop Frances Co y , 8: H ug h William s Elizabeth Richards lic. w tic Peter Ste art Jane Dixon , . George Wood Jane Summers t ic . Lawrence Gwi n H onour Palmer, ti c. William Rea Mary Boyd ,

tic . William Green Mary H all ,

W a z in l 8: e ic . John Foster Mary , ha r le k C s tic. M ac ie Sarah Gordon , l ic. M atthew Lock Mary Parnum , J ames Fryer Elizabeth Beale

tic . John M arshall Rebecca N ewman ,

Mois l lic . William Williams Rebecca y, lic William J ohnson Elizabeth White , M om e s s on 8: tic William p H annah Reede, . Joh n Whitebread Mary Grout Christopher Spen c er Mary Smi th li c. Peter Broman Ann Pi tt , A w r b ur r o tic . Thomas Cox Eleanor , George Randall 8: Ann Pool b Tr oo e tic. Robert Gib s Catherine p , 8: lic William Monk M ary Freemantle , .

8: tic . Peter Ki men Hannah Starr , his lin t G ic. J ames Young Elizabeth , Robert Nox 8: Elizabeth M ason H e m m e r ton 8: Richard M ary Whiting, George Strong M ary H e bb e rd Stephen Carter Sarah Saunders 8: tic. John Patten J udi th H ewlett, J ohn Baker 8: Elizabeth Hoar t ic . M atthew Kelly Rosanna Brady , li c . Thomas Young Martha Lewin ,

8: tic. Robert Ford Joan na Squires , t l 8: Ga e r a l tic. H enry Cox Anne ,

tic. Richard J ones Sarah Overy , 8 1 7 47 ] Ports mouth M a r riag e s . 9

1 Thomas Glover Elizabeth Conan t 1 8 Aug. 7 47

l 2 0 . ic. George M elli n Ann Cox , Aug “ N B — 2 n m . d . This is their arriage they having being

i lth 1 0 . before married at St . Joh n i n Antigua, Sept . , 7 3

8: l 0 . ic. Joh n Garrett Elizabeth Edwards, 3 Aug

ti 0 . c. Patrick Marti n M ary Casady , 3 Aug

lic. 1 . John H ail Ann Knight , Sept

t . m Es ic . 2 John Bonha Smith , q , Ann Pike , Sept ] l ic . . John Howe Elizabeth Bradley, 7 Sept l ic. 1 1 J ames Wager M ary Jennins, Sept 6 8: lic . 1 Capt . James Robinson Ann White , Sept

8: tic . 2 0 Robert Sims Sarah Earnest, Sept

8: lic . 2 Joh n Phillips Sarah West , 4 Sept

Be r dis s 8: tic . 2 George Ann H all , 4 Sept

l 2 . ic . Richard Pierce Elizabeth Turner, 5 Sept Bartholomew Roberts J ane Wilkins 2 9 Sept William Gulliver M ary Reason 30 Sept

t tic . 0 Nicholas Trivet Barbarah M errett , 3 Sept

lic. 0 . Andrew Collins Sarah Willis , 3 Sept

M a ccab b lic. 1 . Patrick Jane Arne, Oct

8: tic 1 . N icholas Brewer J oanna Gould , . Oct

Andrew R e de for d Mary Barrow 4 Oct . i ll r h . G z e e . George Knowles Gear, 5 Oct

William H arper M ary Collier 6 Oct .

Philli p Wilshire Ann Wilson 7 Oct .

George Andrews J ane Callan 9 Oct .

t 1 1 . Cor n a b ic . John Fowler Mary y, Oct

William M a c M a s te r s 8: Elizabeth Philli ps 1 1 Oct . w 1 2 Robert Bolton 8: Elizabeth Ba s c o Oct . 1 J ohn Davis M ary Nichols 2 Oct . l 1 ic . . Joh n H art Jane H ail , 3 Oct 1 John Merchant Mary Clark 9 Oct . 0 Christopher Randall Sarah Hampton 2 Oct .

l 2 0 . ic. James Steer Mary Shave, Oct li 2 2 c . . Joh n Polden Susannah Hodges , Oct b r 2 t R e a d . Cornelius Cracraft Elizabe h y , 3 Oct 8: 2 8 Henry Lobb Eliz abeth Buckett Oct . A i n k Ii 2 8 . 8: b a l Ee lb a c. John Bramble g , Oct

Lewis Nobbs Susanna Pierson 5 N ov .

N v . Toos on lic . 1 o Nathanael Stone Susanna , 9 & r 1 90 Ha mps hir e Pa ris h Re g is te s . [ 7 47

t 8: ic. Robert Brown Sarah Lee ,

Powe ll 1ic. Dennis S ullivan H annah ,

Thomas Dickason Elizabeth Baskerville, Joh n Wale 8: H annah Ann Burgess l ic. William Cambel Elizabeth Robi nson , ti o 8: c. Thomas C bb Elizabeth Olliver, John Cutler Ele a n e r Sumner

ubb e r tic. J oseph J Sarah Knight , Samuel Tayler M ary H ewett l 8: ic. Lewis John M argarett Wilson , David Williams H ester Quick l ic . John Dwyer Ann Brewer,

D on a l tic. Joh n y M ary H arragan , J ohn Ford Catherine Kelly

[ic. Francis Button M ary Thorp , lic 8: . Richard Walker Rebecca Lock , 8: George Burden Rachael H annah Strong,

U s da le lic . R ichard Willis An n p , La t m r ti e o e c. John Rachael Garlick , Bis a r d li o c. Thomas Sarah Gray,

Colthe a r tt8: [ic. Wal ter Ann Woodman , t ic. John Rule Elizabeth Woodman , Jeremiah D e wle y Elizabeth Allen Joseph Dobson 8: H annah Roberts l ie . John Brown Catherine Scott , Savory Sears Ann Slaughter N c k li o c. William Evans Mary , _ M ti 8: a cco c. Charles Christian Susan na y, Ti mothy Crooms 8: M ary Cr oop e r W itr in ha m Edward Willmore Sarah g , k i G r oococ tc. M atthews H ays J udith , [i c. William M etherell Susanna Adams, Thomas Morris 8: Sarah Lobb Ce r ry Rees 8: Jane M illard t ic . Thomas Seward Mary Hammond, ] t ic . Danie Trock Grace H arvey , t ic. James Grant H an nah M ann , lic Charles Rudd Elizabeth H oward , Thomas Sparli ng 8: Elizabeth Wilshire

8: [ic. Thomas Palmer Elizabeth Tri be,

I 8 92 Ha mps hir e Pa r is h Reg is te rs . [ 7 4

l 1 8 8: ic. James Jerrett Ann Loader , 3 June 7 4 8: M H u a d lic Thomas Bradford aria g y, 3 J une H us tfie ld 6 Richard Elizabeth Morris , J une J ohn Colli ns Elizabeth Druce 7 J une

ti 1 6 8: Che r r m a n c. John Hi tchcock Ann y , J une

Tor lin ton lic. 1 Joh n Robins Sarah g , 7 J une i 1 8 lc. Robert Read J ane H ill , J une

[ic. 1 George Bartlett Hannah Long, July [ 6 ic. John J acob Sarah M illard , J uly [ 1 8: ic . J ames M ason An n Triggs, 4 July D O u a ] [ic. 1 g Cambell Mary Parsons , 5 July Samuel Bungey 8: J ane Butler 1 8 July Joseph Jones Elizabeth Logan 2 3 July J ames Whi te M ary Whitewood 2 6 J uly

Ste dwe ll tic. 2 John M ary Williams , 7 J uly T r s li on c. 0 David y Hesther White, 3 J uly George Luff Susanna W ilki nson 31 J uly

8 . Anthony Creswell Elizabeth H utchins, Aug i s bit W e ls te d lic. 1 1 . Peter N An n , Aug

ti 1 8: c. . William Webb Joanna Thompson , 3 Aug

: 8 tic. 1 . Robert Swift Tamasen Seymore, 4 Aug

1 Daniel Wyatt An n Pierson 5 Aug.

Tr i 2 . e wbr d e 8: lic. 0 Charles g Ann Lye, Aug l ic 2 2 . Stephen White Julia Pullen , . Aug

H t . us e tt 8: ic. 2 N icholas Jane Major , 9 Aug

[ 2 2 8: ic. . George Green M artha Gill , Aug

Bu l 1 . e s s 8: M ic . William g ary Berryman , 3 Aug

] tic. 1 . J ames Steel Bridgett H arding, 3 Aug

uz [ic. 2 . William Elletson Mary F , Sept 6 [ic. Joseph Rose Margaret Eades, Sept

8: lic. William Burgess Sarah Bounds , 7 Sept Samuel Jenni ngs 8: Elizabeth Suter 1 1 Sept John Allman Ann A lle x a n de r 1 9 Sept Richard Shaw Elizabeth Carter 1 9 Sept Joseph 831 1] 8: M ary Butler 2 0 Sept : ti 0 8 c. 2 Benjamin Bramwell Ann Lock , Sept

8: tic. 1 Joh n Pierce Elizabeth Drew, 9 Sept Joseph Eden Mary Roost 2 5 Sept

ti 2 8: c . 6 . Thomas Pai ne Elizabeth Pai ne , Sept

lic. 2 John White Catherine M itchell , 7 Sept . M r r a 1 7 48] Por ts mouth a i g e s . 93

o lic. William Power H esther B wsher, Provost H eath 8: Mary Wi nehouse William P e r rye r Ann Williams Thomas Burnett M ary M allet William Gibbens Martha H al ] John Loop 8: Elizabeth Randall

lic . John Wills Elizabeth Crocker ,

Lidde n lic . H enry Elizabeth Orchard ,

Ete n b e a u lic. M artin Catheri ne Williams , fi l l H ab be r e d 8: ic. John Elizabeth M arti n , James Simpson M argarett Camell Thomas Richard Olive Noyce 8: li c. David Tayler Susanna Rowe, l 8: ic. J ohn Willson Mary Phillips, lic 8: . George Poet Elizabeth King,

V VOLU M E I. This is a a r hm e n tboun d vo um e on ta in in 1 2 a r hm e n t [ p c l , c g 3 p c 2 i b The r s t 1 le a ve s 6 a e s m e a s ur in in . ( 4 p g ), g s y fi 33

a e s on ta in the B a tis m s om m e n in is t Nove m be r 1 8 p g c p , c c g 7 4 , a n d e n din 1 5 1 D e e m be r 1 6 —the n olow the ' B ur ia ls com g 3 c 7 9 f l , m e n cin a s o on ls tNove m be r 1 8 a n d e n d n on oth D e e m g l 7 4 , i g 3 c — be r 1 7 6 9 the s e occupy 94 p ag e s a t the r e ve r s e d e n d of the

vo um e a r e the M a r r ia e s r om th Nove m be r 1 8 to is t l g , f 7 7 4 3

“ a n u r 1 n 2 0 a e l a 8 o s olowe d b 1 b a n le a e s . The j y 7 5 , p g ;f y 7 l p g a r hm e n t ove r s ha ve be e n r e e n t r e a ir e d a n d thr e e a e r p c c c ly p , p p

l - e a e n s e r te d e F r om un e 1 f y l v s i a te a ch n d of the volum e . j 7 54 the M a r r iag e e n tr ie s a r e s hor te n e d cop ie s of thos e in Volum e VII — the v olum e of p r in te d f or m s in tr oduce d con s e que n t on Lor d ’ H a r dwicle s M a r r iag e A ctcom in g in to f or ce ] A lls ik e [ic . Richard p Rebecca Tull, H enry H ill 8: Elizabeth M itchell Joh n Fa r low 8: Florent ine Cavalier Lin n in n to 8: Wic he r l Iic . Bernard g Jane y, Tr e m m e llon r a wa ic S u r l . Joseph Mary p y,

8: lic. J ohn Jackson Barbarah Taylor,

lic . William Jones Elizabeth Hoar,

lie . Henry M aggs Elizabeth Anderson , S m a llc or n lic John J urd H annah , . P de lke 8: i o lc. Daniel Susanna Rose, 1 8 94 Ha mps hir e Pa r is h Reg is te rs . [ 7 4

8: tic. John H i nd Ann Robson , i lc. David Edwards Barbarah Burgess, Richard H illyer 8: Sarah Dale l ie . William Grist Susanna Lee, l ic . William Carr Ann Bastard , i li Ba ts to 8: Ba r e r c. p Sullivan Elizabeth g y, ti c . William H ands M artha Lowe ,

lic. Francis Hopping Mary Fendley,

tic. J ames Jones Jane Wetherell , Ri chard M orri s 8: Mary Throgmorton

lie . Edward Andry Sarah H allet, i H n x m an lic . Samuel Sturgess Mary , S e a n t t r ic. James Stewart Ann j ,

lic . James Dixon Sarah Long, H e hs e b ah Late m or e Clatworthy Small p , Aaron Pr ittoon Rebecca Jacobs li e . James Davis Jane Byas , William J e we r Catherine Etheridge J ohn Redding Grace Pratt l 8: ie . H enry Sixsmith Rachael Lewis, John Fiv e foot Sarah P hillb or oug h Ralph Stonehouse Elizabeth H ol t J oseph Weeks Annable Smith l ic. H enry Walli s Lydia Davis , 8: Pe t f r li e e c. Edward Bird Elizabeth , 8: lie M iles Kelly Ann Wright , John Walgrave Elizabeth Laurence C lln e tt li o e . James Sarah Lang, F tic . Joseph abi n Elizabeth Woodward , E ic ke r l r w ic. J ohn Smi th Ann , 8: tic Thomas H ull Elizabeth Martin , . Joh n J enkins M ary Norton i tc . Richard Kerby Elizabeth Dunton , ic l . William Peare Margarett Pope, S a in ll li te o e . J ames Summers Sarah , Thomas M ic kla m Mary Downer Henry Thorton Elizabeth Gibson lie Thomas Scott Elizabeth M ajor, .

8: [ic. George Whi te Mary Rogers,

8: tic. Daniel Clench Susanna Barns,

s 1 96 Ha mp hir e Pa ris h Reg is te rs . [ 7 49

lic. J ohn Mackintosh Christian Price,

Lin z e e lie . Lieut . Samuel H ood Susanna , Thomas English Mary Gass William Ashman Sarah Royal ic o l . N athanael Cr sby M artha Lowe ,

H ll e ll Lin z e e lic. Captain o w Sarah ,

lie . Capt . Matth ew Whitwell M ary Deacon , William Birt 8: Ann Sin cle a r

lie . Lilly Bordman Sarah Rogers, Thomas Willson Elizabeth Avis Robert Watts Susanna Booker

o lic. William Pedder Jane Gibs n , Thomas Chainey 8: Mary Batten Samuel Smi th Mary Wyatt J oseph H allett Sarah Wilki ns

lic. J ohn Stuckey Ann Rye ,

lic. Joseph Hayne Jane Pink , l S e witt ic. John Butler M ary , George Rowe Elizabeth Turner

lic. John Gardner Elizabeth J ones, 8: lic. David Creed M ary Grant , John Birt Grace Lilla tt Thomas H arris Ann Wyatt li 8: c . John Stiles Cheney H urt , William Shattuck M ary H arris William P arely M artha Clench James Paine M ary Quick

8: W hite ar tic. Thomas Collier J ane . Mary Spearing W Bartholomew Newman Rose arrick , Thomas Gammon Mary Philli ps

W lic. Thomas Gold Sarah oodman ,

8: lic. Thomas Baggs Ann Clapham , John Chur c he r Ann Bartlett

R e s s lie . J ohn Marti n M ary y,

lic. Thomas Adams Sarah H ewett , A lle x a n de r tic . Lucy Mary Archer,

8: tic. William Lander An n Long, l ie . John Fitzgerald Mary Smither,

lic. Thomas M uston Mary Blissett, Por ts mouth M a r riag e s .

lie . James Reeves Sarah H oughton , l 8: ic . H enry Fleet Mary Biden, t ic . John Rout M ary Whi tebread ,

[ic. Charles S mith Rebecca Elliott, Samuel Fog g 8: Ann Harris J ames Bowes J ane Byerly ' John J e firys Elizabeth Francis

M ur e ll8: tic . John M ary Dyer, l 8: Ma kn on ie . James Butler Jane ,

8: lic . Richard James Mary Leslie , William Parker Sarah Parsons

o . Jac b Thorpe, Lieut , M ary M ulli ns, W l ie . John ellcome Ann Robi nson , i le . James White Ann Pounce, William Foster 8: M ary Appleford D m m i l fi ld lic a e r u 8: L tte e . George Mary ,

utc he r 8: D i e n s [ic . William F Susanna g g ,

tic. George Bentley Rachael Loboy,

tic . John Chance Elizabeth Bond, lic William H olmes Gilbert , . i [ c. John Newell Joanna Carr,

lic . Nicholas Shwab H annah Grant,

8: lic. Richard Parsons Elizabeth Carter, lic Thomas Valentine M ary Collyer, . Bastiano Totu S usanna Wilkins

8: Yalde n lie . J ames H illiard Ann , Charles Cook 8: Mary Whicker William Kelly 8: Sarah Bendall

o lic. Thomas Knight J anna Perkins , lic Adam Pilchard Mary Garland , .

o 8: lic . J hn Wilkes Ann Bowles,

P e s c ott lic. William Kirk Elizabeth , William H eather 8: Mary Parker William Goodman M ary Bayley 8: l ic . William Lee Elizabeth Evans, George Bailey Elizabeth Carn

lc Matthew Galle Jane Lye , i. John Reynolds Mary Larey Robert Chur che r M ary Walden H enry Williams Elizabeth Elliott a m — H s XV . 1 1 98 Ha mps hire Pa ris h Reg is te rs . [ 7 5

Thomas H umber M ary Ge llim a n ] li c. Joh n H ughes Elizabeth Dubel , ll r e v a tt [ic Ba x a G . J ohn M ary , Thomas New 8: M artha For de r Sh tt li oo c. Thomas Tri mming Jane , l li o e . J ohn C lick Rebecca Wishaw , l k r l 8: B a c oufe ie . George Adams J ane g , l o ie . J oh n Baker J anna Ford , Luke Woolgar Ann Sley 8: li c. George Sim monds Sarah Bryant, l 8: ie . Gwi n Spry M artha Roberts, o Samuel Si m monds Sarah Barth lomew,

8: lic. William Truen Grace H endy, B r us l a ic. John Biden M ary g , Bo v e r 8: ti c. William l y M ary Burgess ,

o lic . Joh n H okey Sarah Carter, William Lane Sarah Rose J ohn H am pton Elizabeth H ackford lic M athew Osment Mary N icholson , .

o lic. Edward Bower Ann N yes ,

8: tic. William Gilbert Ann Lipscomb , Owen Tem ple Susanna Steel tic J ames Mi tchel Sarah Stone , . l ic. William Graham Dorothy Spicer, l ic. Thomas Mewes Molly Taylor,

8: lic. Thomas Wallis Mary Ri ng,

o 8: Som m e r ce ll tic. Th mas Pounds Lydia , J oh n Birt Christian Cum mins l h l ic. Wi liam Flem ming Elizabet Bailey, o D ik n s n Litl o te for d lie . Ge rge e H annah , k o lie . J seph Wa eham Sarah Pouncey, W illiam Williams Ann Burridge William D uffin 8: Flower Chapman J ames Bayley M ary Whi ti ng William Lowe 8: Joanna H oward o Ev e r n de n l ie . J hn Ann Barter, m l o ie . M atthew Page E ma St neham , 8: lie . J ames Woodman Elizabeth Cleverly, John H us lut Sarah M oun s he r I K n iblo lie ngram An n Gregory, .

1 1 00 Ha mps hire Pa ris h Reg is te rs . [ 7 53

William Stuart Ele a n e r H awksworth 2 5 May 1 7 53 John Peters Rebekah H erbet 2 8 M ay

I lic. William saac Elizabeth H ust, 3 J une

lic. 2 2 William Passons Sarah Saunders, J une

o lic . J h n Stokes Sarah Epe , 5 J uly l o ie . J seph M oneypenny M ary Swingler, 7 July o 8: 1 Thomas Brough t n Sarah Williams, 7 J uly William Colem an Joanna Butler 2 3 July

lie . 1 Joseph Lock Lydia Loney, Sept

lic. Thomas White Sarah Atkins , 3 Sept l Litt e fie l li . 1 d c 1 . William Beane Sarah , Sept Thomas Lilley J ane Bishop 2 5 Sept John M artin Catherine Carter 2 Oct

lic. 1 William H ooke Elizabeth Parks, 3 Oct 6 N v 8: o tic. 1 o Joseph Smith Mary Jons n , . 1 8 N William Arki n Catherine Colvi n ov . l ic. . William M ills M ary Kellet, 4 Dec

w li 1 0 8: e . . Stephen Al ard An n Smith , Dec

2 J oh n Brent Ann Waterman 3 Dec .

0 John Hearth Elizabeth Orchard 3 Dec . 1 William Tayler Elizabeth Bremen Jan .

John H unt H annah Sykes 5 Jan .

J ames Piddle Ann H arvey 2 1 J an .

li 2 o c. H umphry M as n M eriam Witts , 4 Feb . a ithfull F Ford Rebekah Drake 3 Mar . VI on tin ue s to on ta in e n tr ie o r r t [V0]. c c s f M a iag e s o e n d of a n ua r 1 8 but as the in or m a tion is n ot s o u a s in J y 7 5 , f f ll V VII the bs r a ts a r e he r e t ke n r th l tr ol. a a om e a te vo um e , t c f l ]

L M V P r in te VO U E II. [ d F or m s ]

Goldthro of - on - Walter p , Berwick Tweed ,

8: o I A I mari ner, Ann H rn S p r 7 54

J oseph Walker, of Stepney, London , mariner, 8: Ann Thatcher Sam uel Rowe M ary Bailow

J ames Dickson, soldier, Sarah Palmer

lic. Joh n Pearce An n M artin ,

Edward Roberts, shi pwright, Mary Crawford Edmund Clarke 8: M ary M aynard

Henry Vincen , lab . , Martha Loven r 1 7 55] Ports mouth M a riag e s . IO 1

o a Va llor 8: o Th m s , painter, Ann L ten ' o e fie r s Gilbert Dolling, s ldier, Mary J y o of n Solom n Warner, Ki gston , Portsea , Sarah H ouse

John Stent , sailm aker, Elizabeth Brown o Edmund Lush , lab . , Ann C uzens o R bert Richards, shi pwrigh t , Isabella l 1 8 ic . Bailey, aged ,

Walter Anderson , soldier, Jane Rogers Fo we ll John g , gunsmith , Elizabeth Snook l 2 2 8: ic. William Stiles, age , Sarah Cripps,

Thomas Colebrook , shipwright , An n Ireland of Roger Young, Al verstoke, Mary Legg l ic . Francis Batt , mariner , Mary Coker,

Josiah Penchard , cordwai ner, Mary Fry o 8: Joseph Etheringt n , surgeon , Elizabeth l ic . H unt, l ic. Edward Bailey Rachel Ballard , l ol J ohn Mar es, s dier, Jane Tucker o Bra m wood J ohn Atchison , s ldier , Elizabeth l o ic. J h n Treu Elizabeth Legg,

J ohn Whitham , mariner, Mary Woods Cour tn a l H enry H alsey, mercer, Elizabeth ,

lie . i lc. Samuel Venables , lab . , Sarah Barrow , of J ames Reeks, Portsea, shipwright , Jane l ic. Wilks,

lic. Thomas Clarke, of Portsea, Sarah Sm ith,

James H alden , soldier , Dorothy Collins

Tin c kle r o lic. James , s ldier, Ann Robins , l ic. William M aine, baker, Mary Money ,

lD a le n 8: u e s lie . Danie y, mariner , Eleanor F g g , l o Brom ton ic. Th mas Dally, joiner, An n , i tc. John Watts , mari ner, Bodenham Lawson , 8: Ele a n e r William Newell , soldier, Morn o 8: J oh n Stokes, co per, Mary Dee

D id lic. da m s . N icholas , lab , Ann Cooper,

lic. Thomas Lamb , tinman , Magdalen Lam b , Stoa ke s 8: William , cutler, Elles Barefoot

Richard Elkins, taylor, Elizabeth Bond 1 02 Ha s r e a s r 1 mp hi P ri h Reg is te s . [ 7 55

A 1 James Roberts Christian Swyer 2 9 p r . 7 55

Richard Li pscomb , glasier, Elizabeth Robi n l s on ic. , M e s s um H enry , cooper, D iana Faith 8: John Belbin , seaman , Rebeca M arvi l C i l d e ie . Thomas ades, barber, H annah F g , M a c ke tt Broadway , of Portsea, cordwainer, Esther Pal mer 2 2 J une m 8: Ja es Ramsey , Scotchman , mari ner, Philip

Cur tie u n l e ic. pi na M ary Curtina [ ], V a r n de l . 8: Little fie ld Ri chard , lab , Sarah 8: J ohn Cham berlin , of Portsea, Elizabeth H um hr e s i . e w. lc p , ,

Robert Rogers , lab . , J enny Allford

John R umble , soldier, Mary M arti n i e b or e r 8: o John Davis , p p , Elizabeth Poc ck

f . o o . J hn Bates, St Jas , Westmi nster, mariner,

lic . M ary Kendell ,

Cary Silverthorn , mariner , M ary Johns

8: lic . Alexander Light J ane Bing, & J ames Davidson, soldier, _ Dorothy Martin 8: H ib e r d William M oore, plumber, Sarah

William Baker, of Portsea, tallow chandler, Elizabeth Lowe 8: J ames M oore, lab . , Ann Osli n 8: lic. H enry Gilchrist, taylor, Mary Smith , h J osep Hewi tt, soldier, Biddy Radford i le . John Atki nson , mariner, Elizabeth J ones,

Joseph Gillingham , lab . , Sarah Cox o of 8: J seph Smi th , Portsea, shipwright , Sarah i w . le . Brooks, ,

o e m m e s on lic . Th mas Kidd , mari ner, Mary J ,

Joseph Goddard , sailmaker, M ary Kent iiie n Gr . John , lab , M ary Sheers r 8: Pete Eliot , mariner, M ary Grant 8: R ichard H ale, wheelwright, H annah Hor l ie . wood, lic Lewis Lewis, mariner , Mary Colson , . Ske a te 8: Edward , land waiter , Sarah Baxter,

1 8 N ov .

1 0 Ha a s r 4 mps hire P ri h Reg is te s . [1 7 56

M c D on a ld 8: ubb e r Peter , dyer, Sarah J Thomas Russell Sarah Smith

l s e r a n t M a c kla n e C ement Newell, j , Elizabeth l 8: ic . Thos Jemison , mariner, Martha Kelsey , 8: Boulte n Edward Gardner, cordwai ner , Ann J ohn Whe dle y 8: Mary West

t 8: w . James Moorhead , gen , M ary Seward , , f [ o . ic. Yeovil , Som , Pyle Cook 8: Hannah H ol mes W he n n e ll f o 0 . Robert , Corfe Castle, D rs ,

o lic. Elizabeth R gers, l e s ton ic. Thomas J Sarah Way , l li 8: e . C ement Burgess Catherine Green ,

lie . James Bain M argaret Yeats , Thomas H artshorne Catheri ne Asplin o M organ J nes, soldier, M ary Thomas m Willia Candy, baker , M artha Bradley

William Dawes , shipwright , Elizabeth

lic. Cottrill , o Cor n a b J hn Williams , soldier, An n y o Th mas Barns , soldier, Mary Bower Wal ter Claggett 8: Amelia Gardner

Samuel H ellard , of Portsea , shipwright, Sarah H olm s

w. 8: . Richard Langford , , M ary Cowley , w Cor n wa it Daniel Wyat , shi pwrigh t , Elizabeth

o . J hn Allen M ary Whitebread , w Thomas Snelling M ary Philli ps

Richard M allow, mariner, Elizabeth Clarke,


lie . J oseph Fielder Sarah Burtt ,

o lic . J hn Pal mer, shipwright, Sarah Taylor, Whittm e ll Joseph , founder, Mary J ordan H enry Webb 8: Rebecca Rogers Thomas Shore M ary Gover

Franci s Burnett Catherine Tease , w . l ic . k w . James Coo e , mari ner, M ary Lyon , ,

D in n . tic e w . J ohn , mariner , Margaret Doyle , ,

William H aswell , shipwrigh t, Elizabeth i 1 0 L p s com Oct . 1 or s ou M a r r a 7 57 ] P t m th i g e s . 1 0 5

Low a r s li 1 1 6 e . . Stephen Oliver, mari ner, M artha , 3 Oct 7 5 m e tor Lancelot Pringle, coal , Sarah Peacock , 1 6 Oct . 8: 2 0 . William H olton , of H avant, Mary Wayman Oct

Thomas Squires , mariner, Eleanor Maceartey,

w .

William Slight, shoemaker, Frances Oak

John Sandal , lab . , M ary An n Pelly

w. . Richard Grace, , Frances Roe , w

o w . l . Edward Call w Catherine Coody , , ic W l e ls te d lie . Wi liam Bedford Lovey , 8: O ade s Ralph Clarkson , mariner, Elizabeth ,

lie . 1 0 Nov . R David Shirley , shi pwrigh t, M ary ansom

1 Drui tt 5 Nov . o o Th mas Williams , shi pwright , Ann M rris ,


w . V l e r n o . Joseph J acob , , Susan , w r of 8: Be nard Bush , Portsea, Damaris Burriss,

2 Dec . f c h I w r . o e chu W . James M itchell , N , , Martha

lic. Hodges , lic Nicholas Hows M ary Langford , .

James Willer, mariner, Ann Williams, w .

R i n . ob s s o w . Andrew , , Catherine Willson , w O r s m on d Thomas , of Portsea , M ary Newcomb John Burford 8: Ann Gee w 8: . William Brown , mari ner, Sarah Wattle, ,

u 8: e v e n s Sam el Gibson , mariner, Lydia J Thomas Keen Eleanor Whi te 8: Richard Pocock , mariner, An n Duncan William H arwood 8: M ary Whi te Thomas Dudgeon Catheri ne Chalk o J hn Asking, mariner , Ann Williams Thomas Edwards 8: Sarah Rowley 8: Thomas H ollis , lab . , Elizabeth Tharp

w lic. Joh n Light Letitia Morey, . , 8: Robert Jarvis , mariner, Mary Lloyd Francis Dod ford Mary M eades - r 1 06 Ha mps hi e Pa r is h Reg is te r s . I7 57

n Slum e n Tom l n 2 2 1 Joh , mariner, M ary y Feb . 7 57

l 1 ic. . Peter Crimp M ary Noaks , Mar

w li . 8: . c Richard Bartlet Ann Spencer, , 7 Mar. Fa r l m e . William Jarvis, m ariner, Jane 7 M ar

8: . M atthew Blaquiere Mary Spicer, of St M i l dx . ic. 8 . Andrew , Holborn , , Mar

William Bailey , of Lymington, Sarah H illier , li c. John Jones M argaret H unter li 8: c. Jam es Wigton , mariner, Jane Winn , John Smith M ary H arris W s ha r li 8: a . Stephen Powell Ann p , e Joseph Hol mes An n Walli s George Cartwright Elizabeth Fry John Wood Honour Couzens l 8: . ic . J onathan Meers , of Portsea , Eliz Cass , William Gale Mary J ones William Berrym an 8: Elizabeth Potter

lic. John Alexander Sarah Sands , J ohn Tucker An n Bartlett Richard Horn Sarah Cole Cha ld ot Cha llke tt James Eastwood Lucy c [ ], l ic. J ohn Martin M ary Downer Charles Watkins 8: Sarah P hilb orow S e ton 8: V a s e [ e ic. John y Esther Vares [ ], Thomas Thomas 8: Sarah Sherwill John Spencer 8: Elizabeth Butcher

w . 8: . M atthew Hardy , , M argaret Farr, w William Gale M ary Jones ] H enry. Bengal 8: A nn Woodall We llc h of 8: Thomas , Portsea, Elizabeth H obbs William Willson Susanna H arvey M oun s he r of 8: Joh n , Portsea , Joanna Stodden , t ic. li a w. 8: c . N than M organ , , Mary Jackman ,

' w 8: Chur c he l lz . w . c. Robert N ipper, , Ann , , John H ay Catherine Lee

John M artin , of Alverstoke , Elizabeth l w . zc 1 0 Sharpes, , . M ay

r 1 08 Ha mps hir e Pa is h Reg is te r s . [1 7 57

lic. Ralph Rand Grace Worth , t n ti S e o c. Thomas Brett J ane y , Richard Dyer 8: Martha N ailer

lie . George W hatley M ary Freeland , e li c. Peter M itchel Elizabeth Sp ncer, Richard Bright M ag da lin Na p lin w John Kelsey , . , H annah Briton f o o w . Th mas Cooper, Wickham , , Mary 1 Hill a . Daniel Gr ifis 8: A big a ll Cantwell 8: li c. James M itchell M ary Purvis, Edward H udson Jane Ried 8: l ie . J ames Stevens M ary Patney ,

. i M dx . Thomas Galton , of St Catherine , ,

lic. M ary M atthews, John H e n n a h M argaret Booth William Cr a s s e ll Ann Hews

lic. John Sm ith H annah Snook , o o Ge rge Simm ns Elizabeth Lawless, John Davis Mary Hooper Meaden John Dale 8: Mary H olley John Waugh Jane Owen i lc. Robert Taylor Sarah J ames, Fin la s s 8: Sebastian g Sarah Matthews ,

Ro W . bert ooldridge, of Gt Woodford, Wilts , H a ll l a v a n d ic. Susanna , Roe li e . H enry Elizabeth Stiles, w ll O x i lic . Thomas J anes Sarah , Joh n Gullife r Elizabeth Coup e r thwa ite J ohn Tylor 8: Mary Wise

w. o . Ge rge Rudd , , Elizabeth Taylor, w John Branton 8: Ann Norri s

w. Willi am Ward , , Ann Low, w . Edward Wise 8: Ev e West John Williams Elizabeth Scales lie J ohn Taylor An n M itchell , . ol M c In e r he n N ich as y Mary H unt, of St . l ic. Andrew, Plymouth , Robert Bartlett M ary Wilki nson Joh n Lyon Jane Lemon o s ou M a a s 1 1 7 58] P rt m th rri g e . 09

Shi s tr om 8: M o of . Olof p ary R berts, St l 0 ic. 2 1 8 An thony, Plymouth , Jan . 7 5

o o 8: [ic. 2 R ger Go ch Sarah Wise, 3 J an . 8: 2 3 lan . Thomas Allen Joan Robins ,

w . 2 Abraham Troak , , Lucy Turk , w . 4 J an .

w. . 2 . James Taylor, , M ary Eyres, w 4 Jan

Wittica r 2 John Ely Mary 5 Jan . of 8: l o Henry Boyce , Portsea, E izabeth N rris , [ ic. John Kerby Margaret Wilson l w . John Powe l Elizabeth H and , . , p . St l ic. Saviour, Southwark , Joh n Davey Ann Putt

o 8: tic . James Atchis n Kathrin Oswald , James H orlock Mary Shoe ll William Reed Sarah Ol iver George Cowley 8: M ary Young

Ga is c on lie . Henry Elizabeth Way,

w li . . c Joseph Smi th , , Mary H ollins, Richard Jones Ann Fell ows l l 8: ic. Wi liam Kench Sarah I ngram , r [ic. w. Paul Hott M a garet Tewksbury, ,

o lie . R bert Perk Elizabeth Shiers , All i o 8: e n lc. Samuel Wils n J ane ,

u w. Captain Josh a Sabine An n H arvey, ,

l ie . J ohn Forman Elizabeth Phillips, Edward Collins 8: Sarah Parker l of Char es Franckli n , Portsea, Frances Hardon George Bell 8: Sarah Ross

lie . James Norri s Ann Gilbert , u u James T rner Ann Holloway Arna d, l ie . J ohn Button M ary Vinson John H ugo 8: Elizabeth H ammon

Bois daun e l o tic. Lewis E izabeth Str de, William Norris Elizabeth Beach

Cole bur n . Francis Esther Ord , w V h m 8: e n t a . Duncan Campbell Elizabeth , w 1 8 1 1 0 Ha mps hire Pa ris h Reg is te rs . [ 7 5

William Parker Sarah Cla p s hoe

r Tuffin w . 8: Robe t , , Ann Pri nce 8: J ames M ayo M ary Price, w . Bra llia r d o S . Ant ny Ann mi th , w w U r e illa o oo . Th mas P r, , Shaw w 8: J ohn Lievre, . , Elizabeth Gill

lic. Joh n Parker Elizabeth Bush , ill i e v 8: tc. Joseph N Ann Willshire, Robert Pillg re m 8: Catherine Belb[en ?ine] Robert Sanders Mary Biggs M kr w a c a w . o . James , , Elizabeth Shelt n , ,

John Ri ce Rosanna Wi mbush, w . John Grant Catherine Dent Thomas Richardson M ary Fry John Allen 8: Catherine [Katharine]Jones Peter Gri ffon Mary Walker George Wallas Sarah M iller

tic. Richard Ti mpson Ann Gill ,

o . William Nanson Elizabeth Atkis n , w Thomas M ills Elizabeth M e dde lton Thom as Morris Mary Robi ns H enry Raine Mary Hayes w J oh n Byron , . , Elizabeth Coombs

[ic. Thomas Boucher J oanna H am mond ,

8: . John Edley M ary M ansell , w

w. William Cooper, , Cordelia Hyde William CoEkbur n Ann M ist Thomas Davis 8: Elizabeth Langford

w . . William Haswell , , Susanna H unt, w William Roberts Margaret Derrick ' Barnard Orchard Elizabeth J e fie r y 8: M Cullim or e l ic. Anthony Godden ary , Robert M orrison M ary Lansdown

Edward Benton Judith Sanders , W. Francis Dollman Mary Searl

w. 8: u Shadrach Barns, , Elizabeth H tch i ns

I . Cox w lic. William Sanders sabel , , J ames Robison Jane Card l i A ls ke tic . John Dunster Eliz abeth p ,

1 1 2 s r e r 1 8 Ha mp hi Pa is h Regis te rs . [ 7 5

lic. George Stiles Jane Palmer, Ea r ls be e Joh n Ann Connely , w . William Burton M ary Wright

w . 8: Jeremiah Foreman , , Elizabeth Sidney Abraham Williams Mary Evans D i n a ll w White a r l . . ic Thomas p , , Betty , ,

T . w . a c he ll Charles de Roussiere, , M ary Andrew Andrew Frances Reeves John M iles Sarah Garrett Thomas Wilson An n Won


8: lic. Joh n H utchinson Ann Davies, Robert H a riis on Elizabeth Farley Richard Binsted Elizabeth Browning

Clotwor th lie y Robinson Sarah M eager, . H ugh M arshall J udi th Gilmor

White a r w . 8: lic Thomas , , M ary Cornish , . J oh n Lewis Sarah Searl 8: w. l . Robert Robson Rebecca Taylor , , ie John Thomas Elizabeth Cutler

' James H olmes A n n Pe n c utt

lic. John Bowler Ann Cleeves ,

lie . William Perry Elizabeth Gotter,

w . 8: Benjami n Tweedy , , Mary Knight t ic . w . William M oore M ary Elly, , m 8: Willia Simmons Elizabeth Biven ,

lic Francis Smith Ann Stewart , . Edward Knight 8: Sarah Craft

w. w . Joh n Denby , , Eleanor Pitman , , of

lie . Portsea, William Catford M ary Hooper John Smyth 8: Ann Benson Samuel Cooley 8: M ary White John Budd 8: M ary Brown Charles Brown 8: M artha H eall John Stephenson Ann Fa z a cke r ly 8: n o . Ge rge H ogg Joha na H unter , w M ichael Williams Sarah H a s fill r r 1 l 1 7 59] Por ts mouth M a iag e s . 3

Thomas Ge n te l8: Elizabeth Brett Henry Philli ps Elizabeth Dear Samuel Best Elizabeth Ashdon W li F tt I. . . c. . o ue Rich q , Newport , , Eliz Gumm , l 8: Le l e tte lie . Joh n Wilkinson Jane y , John Bishop Frances Jordan William r Witt Martha Norris Samuel Tuckey M ary H aswell John Collings Elizabeth Eady R wlid e lic o . William Price Elizabeth g , J ames Moore Le ce e Z e ce e ]Cary

w. . Gabriel Grigg, , Ann Wotton , w

w . William Adams Grace Peard , , Of Alver

[ic . stoke , P w. e s cott Edward Studds , , J ane Edward Clark Sarah Stoc kes James Reed M ary Coleman John Hutchins Isabella Bareham William Kick Ann Hoar

William Meachen , of Alresford , Elizabeth

A v n ll li. e , c

James Taylor Elizabeth M iller, w . George Carter H annah Osland William Ki ng Mary Carter Edward Bottom Elizabeth Berry John Cristall Elizabeth Avery

P m hr w w . lic. o e . 8: John p y, , Ann Turner, , li w . e . o w . . William H rton , , Eliz Collins, ,

o . Peter Chick Hannah H rsey , w of 8: J ames Abraham , Alverstoke , M ary Lew in g ton Edward Sprunt H annah R a tfor d

Edward Ellis Ann Bowers , w . Joh n Steptoe Mary Jones John Irvin Elean or Donovan Jeremiah Mahoney 8: Sarah Wilki nson William Spines 8: Alice Sullivan John D un kis s on Ann Garrett

H a r r it . Ge o . William S mith M argaret , Of St t ic 1 . E. o i n , L ndon , . 3 Mar — Ha m s XV . 1 1 1 4 Ha mps hire Pa ris h Reg is te rs . [ 7 59

lic. Hi in botom w. George g g An n Britt , ,

w. . William Smallman , , Lydia Wallies, w ks l D c ic. Wester y Sarah Gawn , Robert Farnie 8: Ann Trotter

l lic. Ralph Appleton E izabeth Guy,


8: i lie . w. William Shephard An n Cr sten , , Thomas P e n for d Joan Smith l lie . P u s for d w. Richard Veal Mary , , Thomas Woolldr idg e M ary H ai nes i l tc. Willi am Woo dridge Mary Tribe, lic M ark Duncan Eleanor Price, . w f li . c. James Tucker, , Mary Gri fin ,

Che s s e ll . w lie . John Elizabeth Lakey, , P r e tim a n James Moore Susanna , w . a b be t J ames White Sarah T , w .

William Skeggs M ary Lee , Of Portsea W 8: illiam North Ann Banks , w . oo li e . Richard Br ks Mary Bennett , of George Guy, Portsea, Sarah Withi ngton ,

8: H li m c. Tho as Stacey Kezia arriss , of Francis Daman , Alverstoke , M ary Turner,

J ohn Wi nter H annah Brown George Tooitt J ane Thomas o Th mas French Ann Tapner, w .

w . M uke tt H enry Starkey, , Elizabeth J ames Rogers Mary Sadler H e m b r ow lic Roger M ary Cumber, . Robert Rout Ann Townsend Thomas Essex 8: M a rgaret Pidde ll J oseph Willis Jenny Nin n a m

8: f lic. Thomas Wallis Sarah Gri fin ,

n lie . Joh Abrah am An n Trattle, John Monday Elizabeth Woodn utt w . w . Ri chard Yatman , , Ann Gardner, ,

. li w c. J ohn Bailey M ary Smith , , Little fie ld Fi m i l r d e ic. Joh n Mary g ,

w. Br a m be l . William Fowler , , Joa nna , w William Brown Elizabeth Penny

r e is 1 1 1 6 Ha mps hi e Pa ris h R g te rs . 7 59

S m m lie . Thomas y on s J ane N ewbery, William Gill An ne Ba tte r s hall William M eds Sarah Ki ng fie ld lic w Ha r . Benjamin Betts , . , Ann ,

w . 8: . Charles Woodman , , Ann Price, w Thomas Russell Rebecca Garrett

George Turner Alice Byrn , w . li 8: e . John Creighton Mary J acobs ,

Pr n . i e ll w . George g , , J ane H ari s , w [i o c . J hn Lemmen Charity Willer ,

8: M ar n s . John Wolfe Ann , w

8: lic . Thomas Sharp Frances Cole , William Thomas 8: Susanna Taylor

il li . Gur n l w . c William , , Mary Kewell ,

m lic. Tho as Li ngeard Mary Cotton , M ichael M anley Susanna Slyfil Phili p Willi ams 8: M ary Bane

8: . John Lang M ary Lyon , w William Bayley M ary H ard

Pu le tt8: G a un de r . Philip p Anne , w P s t w w. 8: e cot . J oh n Blissett , , Catheri ne , , ' Henry Bivens M argar et Wifle n

l . w. 8: w . ic Charles Rex , , M ary M uston , , Richard Crafts M ary K e r b e y J ohn Ware 8: M ary Fryer J ohn Ross 8: Elizabeth Gover Nicholas J ohnson Mary Frith Joseph Bishop 8: Elizabeth Cleverley l o w . ic. J hn Greeve Elizabeth Sutherland , , L n n m l e a ie . M ark Elizabeth Young, h o . William Jo ns n Catherine Clark , w J oseph Elliot 8: Anne Boulton

o . J hn H utton Frances Pinder, w J ames Walker Ann Cook William Tally 8: M ary M c D on ald

John Freeborn , Of Bedhampton , J ane

lic. Moors, 8: l ic. Francis Randall Prudence Sheldon , John White Cary RO O Evan J oug he r 8: Mary Jones 1 6 ou M r 1 1 7 0] Ports m th a riag e s . 7

t 6 0 ic . 1 . 1 Edward Richards Ann Elery, 4 J an 7 8: David Fraiser Elizabeth H all 1 4 J an .

. l 1 . w ie . J ames Erwin , mariner, M ary Dol , , 9 J an

i . lic. 2 0 . El as Arnaud , jun , Anne Brady, J an

D oz e ll 2 1 John Ruth Robi nson J an . ’ Richard Whi taker, of St . Paul s, London , and of

i 2 H M . S . lc . 2 . . Vanguard , M ary Emery , J an

W th b n . e a e r o d . . Joseph , Of H M S Dorsetshire,

[ic. Anne Gould ,

lie . James Kick Sarah Stri de, o Luc cue s Th mas H utchison , m ariner, Anne

Be n n e tf & . John Anne Eaton , w Joseph Robinson M ary Morry

Peter H all , m ariner, M argaret H awkins John H oltham 8: Mary Ellis l ic. John Davis M ary Owen , 8: Thomas Selfe, mari ner, Sarah White Joh n H utchison 8: Elizabeth N ash iti l Con s . George Worra , mariner, Amy , w

Pe tte a rid e w. o . Robert g , , Sarah F rtune , w r Cox J oseph Scoles, mari ner, Ma y

Francis Wall , mari ner, M ary Prosser, N icholas Atkinson Mary Russell lic John Marti n Anne Barnes, .

lic. William H umphries M ary Burden , En dl lic e . J ames Lacy M ary y, John Wyatt 8: Mary Price Thomas Cross M ary Jackson 8: William H ales, mariner, Sarah Williams, William Vincent Nanny Read ff w. Joh n Bird , , J ane Lu i 8: William Harri s , mar ner, Elizabeth Crapp, w . Pin com b e 8: r Amos , mariner, Cathe i ne Gardi ner,

w . Thomas Thompson &~ Sarah P ucke y John Atki ns M a rtilda Barnard

i - A v tt w. 8: John , , Esther Freeman Charles Urwin Eleanor Tall 8: Robert Stickler, mari ner, Elizabeth Wright William H i tchcock 8: Anne H ow 1 H s e a 1 60 1 8 a mp hir P ris h Reg is te rs . [ 7

l lic . Alexander N evi Elizabeth Gayton , 8: l ic. Nathaniel Taylor Elizabeth Kerby,

8: lic . J ohn Barnby M ary Plunket , Thomas Jones J ane [J ean] Street

John Sim mons , mariner , Grace Webber George Radley Ann Erwin i tc. William Parker Mary Stocks , lic Joseph Noble M ary Collins, . Edward Wood Elizabeth Bosey

w . Thomas Bennet , , Leah Baker, w . 8: Ca m fi l e d . J oh n H enry Cassel Caroli na p , w Robert Hewett Ann Stradling Benjamin Salter Mary Fisher Robert Cook J ane Barter William Chappell Anne Woodn utt

Thomas Lead , mariner, An ne Foxhill [ ic. Lancelot Pringle Elizabeth H ater, Thomas Evans Susanna Willis

John Kettleby, mariner, Elizabeth Sheel , w . Charles Ba dcock 8: Martha Barnes

George Dixon , mariner, Barbara Clark , w. M l e adm or e ie . James Churchill Elizabeth , n Thomas Topless An e Lovett , w . Robert Spearing Mary H ale f o lic . Isaac Carley, Portsea, H annah M ildred ,

lie . Alexander Rose, mariner, Anne Warner , Silvester Dayle Elizabeth Flint I 8: Thomas reland , mariner, M ary Poole

O wls te d w . lie . Charles , , Elizabeth Paine , ' M ichael Cufi 8: Elizabeth Mortimore

Ga wlfor d w . William , , Betty Weeks

H oldon . Richard White Sarah , w Thomas Purvis 8: Mary Mcfarlin t ic . Noah Sandford M ary Speller, J ames Exton Elizabeth M or a tt li o e . J hn Fraz ier Sarah Bartlett , lic Edward M idwinter M ary Bailey, . Silas Top Sarah Yatman Will iam Gin g ill An n Cr os s dill

lic. William Watts H annah Rogers ,

1 6 1 2 0 Ha mps hire Pa r is h Reg is te r s . [ 7 0

l w 8: Wil iam Bridge , mariner , . , H annah l ie . H eath,

Scr i in s lic . Robert g g g , mariner, Anne Stuart ,

of . Charles Martyr, St George, Hanover lie Square, London , Anne Cox . , . M k c Cor m a c w . Bartholomew , marin er , ,

tic. Elizabeth H arvey,

w. . William Andrew, m ari ner, , Jane Bailey, W 8: Richard Thomas , mariner , M ary Thi n

George M ills , mari ner, Sarah M agor, w.

l . Loftius 8: w . ic Dudley , m ariner , M ary Bright , ,

8: . J ohn Polly , mariner, Mary Bradbury , w 8: M ur e tr oid J ames Kennedy, marine, Hannah g William King A nne Ga tr il w lic. 8: . Richard H ead Jane Stephens, , w Thomas Davison , . , Elizabeth J enki nson w w. . Thomas Padmore , , Sarah Dudley , ,

: li m 8 LO W c. Joseph Webby , ari ner, Dianah , M ark Brown 8: Sarah Wilson l k w . & B a c wa . Richard Cotterel , , Elizabeth y, W

kl s h d . w . O c e a e John Barrow, , H esther , W

w . Richard Rogers , , Mary Pinnick , w . H l o bin ic. Joseph g Elizabeth Burnet, Richard Kennett Sarah Horn e

s ic lic. Charles Benjami n [ ] Ann Crafts,

lie . She we ll w . J ames Lawrence Jane , ,

J ames Ph illips , mariner, M ary Spencer 8: William J arman , mariner, Elizabeth Kenney l A d m a n w . ie Thomas g M ary Bi nks , , 8: o . . . Ge rge Chitty , cook , H M S Vanguard ,

lic . Elizabeth Simmons , T s om w . William y , , Sarah Barret

w . . Robert Hood , , Anne Kinch , w Benjami n Beale Anne Cast l w w . ic . William Hassells, . , Eleanor Adams , ,

Richard King, mariner , Susanna H arri s

o . J h n Kelly H annah Carter, w Peter Ca m m e l8: Fan ny West “

. . . o John Taylor, cowper of H M S Drag n ,

li . . M c D on a ld w . c 1 H annah , , 4 Sept 6 1 2 1 7 0] Ports mouth M a rr iag e s .

I John Horn , gunner of H . M . S . nfernal , 1 60 M artha Dunn 1 7 Sept . 7

B ke r . 8: Samuel a , of H M . S . Rose , Elizabeth

l 2 6 . ic. Ann Austin , Sept

Edward Sowell , Of H . M . S . Granada, M ary l ic . Palmer , Will iam Webster Mary Smith Thomas Castle 8: Jane Streaker l 8: ie . Willi am Okes, m ariner , H annah H aynes, Samuel Powell 8: Sarah Fil more

. . 8: Alexander Haig, of H M S . Cormorant, Ann

m lic . 0 . Yar e [Yare], 3 Sept

Thomas Shaw, sergt . of i nvalides , Bridgett

lic . Yates, lic William Bartlett , mari ner, Mary Beard , . Thomas M itchell M ary Robinson

w . . George M ills, , M ary Cotman , w

J oh n Williams , mariner, M ary Stallard

Be r s ha b a lic . Richard Rogers Taylor, Poe tt John , mariner , Sarah Smith M ichael Shaw Ann Fib b e n s

John H ughes Ann Berry , w Richard Clarke Elizabeth M c D on ald George J acobs 8: Sarah M iles

O f . . . 8: George H eart, H M S Dragon , Jane Wall

William Chaplain , Of H . M . S . Royal Sovereign ,

8: lic . Mary M arshall ,

8: lic . Daniel Colli ns Jane Tinham ,

Joshua Street , of Portsea, Anne Card Joseph Sheppard M ary Crouch William Clark 8: Sarah Sc a din g Thomas Scrivener Elizabeth Wakeford Br i d e . . Robert y , of H M S . Colchester, Mary

lie . Stephens, T m e r a ir e . e M ichael M i tchell , of H . M S . , l ic. Catheri ne Burgess,

Thomas Pringle , mari ner, Frances H icks

Joseph Veale M ary Eames , w .

m r ir w . . . T O f . e e a e Robert Pulling, H M S , ,

Susanna Porter 1 0 Nov . 1 2 2 Ha mps hire Pa r is h Reg is te rs . [1 7 6 0

of o Joseph Light , H oly Ro d , Southampton ,

lic . Anne Collins ,

w. S e r s e . William Palmer, , Elizabeth y , W John Powell Anne Topley James Barkham Mar y Joules [i 8: c. H enry Tad M ary M ason , William Perry Anne Tee Thomas M oore Susanna Cumbrian

William Hodges Elizabeth Aldridge , w .

lic . William Moore Mary M arriot , Te m e r a ir e Griffith Oliver , of H . M . S . , Catherine M cc arty

w . 8: . William Read , , Elizabeth H ill , w

8: . Thomas H arri s M argaret Bean , w T fi' w l u . Joh n , , Elizabeth H ol and : l 8 . ic. William Bromley J ane Berry , w ,

2 n d . O f Richard N ash Young, Lieut M arines , l 8: ic. 1 . Anne Perki ns, 4 Dec

William Wood , of H . M . S . Rai nbow , Eliza

lic. beth French , lie Thomas Burges Elizabeth Price, . l w. w . ic. William Robi nson , , Anne Sheet , , Charles Bi shop Anne Rocket William Voak 8: Anne Cohe w 8: Robert Shrieves , mariner , Anne

Townshend , W

Edward Heartley , a mari ne, J ane H ayter f W e obl George Gri fiths , Of y, H erts , Eliza

lic . w . beth Rudd , ,

William Smith Isabella Lewis, w .

Thomas Gates , of H . M . S . Dorsetshire , Eliza

w t . ff . ic beth Je eries , , n 8: Thomas Thompson , mari er, Mary Millner W Thomas Lofts , . , Sarah Bennet

John H awkes , mariner , Sarah Janes

La fie ld w . H enry y , mariner, , Thomasine Mi nard hf M Ca s or d . H enry Tomlin ary , w M f N ttin ha m H . . S o Thomas Eustis, of g , J ane w lic . Bushel , . ,

r I2 4 Ha mps hire Pa r is h Reg is te s .

u of . . . Terence T bbs , H M S Superb , Susanna 6 1 li 2 . 1 e . Carter, 4 Feb 7

William Simpson , mariner , Elizabeth 6 lic . 2 . M itchel , Feb

William H untingdon , a marine , M artha

- n tic . A ne Ransom , Patrick Derby 8: Anne H urst l ic. w . Richard M atthews , , Elizabeth Wagg,

8: . Charles Arnold, a mari ne , Martha Sm ith , W B1e a r 0f n Charles , Portsea , Elizabeth Pri gle ,

li . w . c. , 4 M ar

Lawrence Burn , of H . M . S . Essex , Susanna

li . w . c Eden , ,

Bos hfor th lic. John Lemoine Lydia ,

O f . Joshua Lewis, St Bridget , London , i lc. Polly Antram , o Christ pher Wood , mari ner, Anne Burton Va llin s of Elias Fudge Rebecka , both l ic. H . M . S . Blenheim Hospital ,

lic. William Jones Rachel H aswell ,

lic . William H aswell Susanna M usgrave,

O f . . . 8: Fran cis Cassady , H M S Bellona, Anne

Read , w . John Benson Anne Beavis

O f . . George Wade , H . M S Namur, Mary

tic . N ewman ,

w i . Cr oa d 8: . lc William Jane Flagg, , li c. William Deacon Elizabeth J udson ,

lic . Benj amin Wakeling Sarah Bedford ,

Chr is te O f . . . m 8: Thomas y, H M S N a ur, J ane

Viv e n s . 2 8 . , W Mar f O . . . M atthew Sim pson , H M S N amur, Eliza beth Teague Robert Waller Anne H ill i k H a r d c e of . . w . 8: John , H . M S Namur, , Eliza

beth Skelton , W .

John Callis, of H . M . S. N amur, Anne Oxford

Wa r s i ht w . Samuel Smith , of H . M . S . p g , ,

lic. Margaret Evans,

8: . w. Edward Norton , , Mary Howard , w r a 1 2 1 7 6 1 ] Ports m outh M a ri g e s . 5

o . . . o William L wrey , Of H M S R yal Sovereign ,

Mary Spado , w . w 8: William Stockman , . , Diana Bayley w O f u . Edward West , B rsledon , Hants , , Elizabeth Mortimore Frederick Jenki ns Mary Angel

of . . . Joh n Thrower, H M S Guernsey, Mary

l 1 . ic. Shephard, 4 Apr

f . . o o . R bert Porter, H M S Antelope , Eliza

lic . 1 . beth Curtis, 5 Apr o Bas ilic k 8: R bert Steele, of the Bomb sloop , li c. M ary Smi th ,

Br e n ton w . Charley y , , Sarah Butler

Thomas Whiti ng Elizabeth Horwood , W.

John Greenwood Constant Whiti ng, W. f H M o o . . Th mas Ridout, Sloop Albany, J udith Baker Richard Pucke y 8: Anne Gale

R wlin t n H M . S . o o . 8: William g , Of Chichester,

lic. 2 2 . Isabel Jacobson , Apr of (E 8: William Sayer, H . M . S . olus , Rosamond

lic. 2 Hyatt , 3 Apr.

. . . w . Jeremiah Moore, Of H M S Chichester , , Catherine Hackford l H on n or w ic . Stokes , . , Sarah Seymour, o Goos l n o Sim n Gosli ng [ y ], a marine, Elean r

li . 2 c 8 . Ridgway , Apr

r . c . . Edward Pu ell , Of H M S Pri nce, Anne

w. lic . Savage, ,

John Mather, a marine , Isabel Tompson

Gathr e . . . Joh n y, Of H M S Royal George, Mary Stride

f . o . . George H ill , H M S Guernsey, M ary

lic. Carrol , l w. ic. Richard Blunden Mary Howell , , w lic. John Parrish Rebecca Belben , . , l r o . . . Sove A exander F rsyth , Of H M S Royal h [i 1 o c. eig , Mary J nes, 4 May

f . o . . o o William Palmer, H M S Pri nce , D r thy

tic. 1 Smith , 4 May i 1 6 1 1 2 6 Ha mps hire Pa r is h Reg s te rs . [ 7

f o . . . Alexander M iller, H M S M ars , M ary 6 1 6 1 M e r r e t w . 1 , M ay 7

William Ray, Of H . M . S . Royal George, M ary A s be ry 1 8 May l n S e n of . . 8: Richard , H . M S Royal George, Ruth Roberts l ic. David Spencer Rebecca Churchill , Ca ttn ou h I . Peter g Esther nnes, W W ll e s te d u lic . Cheesman M argaret B rnet , L n h a e n w . John g , , M ary Talbot f o . . Charles Lyme , H M S . Guernsey, Mary l 2 ie . Gillingham , 5 May Fla n in ham & John g , of H . M . S . Arrogant , Jane

i 0 w. lc. M incher, , 3 May

. w . 8: Benj am in George , of H . M . S M ars, , Mar 0 garet Clarke, W . 3 M ay

of . James Smith , H . M S . Royal George,

lie . M ary Barnard ,

8: . Timothy H urley Elizabeth Lobb , w Robert Br im ble Hannah Wi se

John Brazier, Of H . M . S . Union , Susanna

lic . Kemp , 7 June

. . 8: John H atten , Of H M S . Royal George, Elizabeth H am mond 9 June f . o Richard Brady , Lieut M ari nes, Elizabeth

lic . w . Kerr, , Richard Sutor 8: M ary Kenton

of . . . 8: John Ford , H M S Royal George, M ary O nion

w . James Knight , , Dinah H arward Joh n Jones Elizabeth Day ff w w . Bu e r . Richard Richardson , , M ary y,

. u William Stevenson , Of H . M S. N am r, Sarah

. 0 Thomas , W 3 J une

William Mead , of H . M . S . Windsor, M ary

o lie . C ombs , John H ale 8: M ary Allford Thomas Anderson Mary Symonds D e a ke n Thomas Frances Stedman , Of Portsea 2 0 J uly

a 1 1 2 8 H mps h ir e Pa r is h Reg is te r s . [t7 6

m Tiffin . . . 8: Ti othy , Of H M S Winchester , 1 6 1 Anne Moreland 6 Oct . 7

w. . . William Watts , , Elizabeth H ide , w 7 Oct t James Ash An ne Cobb 1 3 O c .

8: 1 . w. William Tylor, , J udith Atki ns 3 Oct

Sin n a tt . 1 . Benjamin Dawes Elizabet h , w 5 Oct M oun ta ue William Piper, of H . M . S . g ,

lie . Sarah Hood , i tc. w . Joh n French , , Jane Whitaker , William Purki ns M ary Jones fi John Cour t8: M ary Bradshaw M c Cr e a r 8: Robert y, mariner, M ary H arrison , 2 lic. 9 Oct .

Edward Beaker, mariner , Jane N ewman ,

3 Nov . 8: D oude n Samuel M onk , mariner, Elizabeth ,

l . w . ic , 8: o w . J hn Adams , , Elizabeth King N icholas H illyard M ary Welsh i Elln e tt lic. Joseph Elizabeth Sanger, Fil t l o s e ad ic. Th mas Thompson Sarah ,

of . . . George H erd , H M S Chi chester, Eliza in clif l Sta ic. 1 NO V . beth , 4 8: H enry Richardson , a mari ne, Elizabeth

1 6 NO V H eward .

K ill ur f - i t o o . . . fa s e n John g , H M S Bien ,

M ary Hall , W . Isaac Chaplin Ruth H ooc ke y li c. Joseph Roch M ary Dunnage , li e . George Sealey Elizabeth Taylor,

of . . . Thomas Chandler, H M S Newark , Lilly W a n s bur y 30 NO V

of . . James Barry , H . M S Launceston , Grace li c. Howard, 8: o w . J h n Turnbull , , Ann Lea w l ie . Joh n Woodrow Anne Dudley, . , Joseph Nor b r un Ann Wise William Wicks R os a n n a h Cham bers

of . . . Joseph Cartwrigh t, H M S Newark ,

2 2 M ary Baker Dec . 1 7 6 2 ] Por ts mouth M a rriag e s .

Gullifor d Edward Abbott, sailor, J ohanna

lic . Joh n Gale Sarah Whi te, H ub buck William Parker , of College Pre cin c ts , Rochester, Kent , Sarah l ic. M artin , tic 8: w. . James Smi th M argaret Cooke, , Rees Davis Mary D a s e y

W . William Green, . , Mary Butler, W O f Lon Redmond Keating, Rosemary Lane, is w li don M c In n . c. , Margaret , ,

: of . . e 8 Peter Ferrier, H M S . J un , J ane Greenly l ic. John Dougherty Mary H ubball ,

w. John Richards , , Anne Blake Richard Lawrence 8: Catheri ne Lee

La r thor n . w . Cesar , , Jane Thom pson , w William Little 8: Susanna Bedford

of . . Daniel Russell , H . M S J ason , M ary

l . 1 ie 8 . Sutton , Jan

. . 8: Justinian Hancock , Of H . M S Peregrine,

li . 1 . w . c Anne H ind, , 9 Jan

William Sutton , a mari ne, An ne Thom pson ,

1 W 9 Jan .

William Vi ncent , Of H . M . S . Arrogan t, M ary

l 2 ie . 0 . Kemp , Jan

. . . 8: John Gan , Of H M S Union , Elizabeth l ic. Russel , ti 8: c. George Staton M ary Carpenter, P w. . eter Grant, , Mary Cam eron, w uttr e s s d 8: Thomas N , of H . M . S . Richmon ,

lic 2 Anne Young, . 4 J an . Lie ll O f . . . r Jonas , H M S N amu , M ary

Bates, W .

w. William Trivet, , H annah Davison , w . M ub r a . John y, Of H . M S . Guernsey , Frances li c . 2 8 Colman , J an .

f . o . . 8: Robert Lindsey, H M S Guernsey, Eliza

[ic. 0 beth Loby, 3 Jan .

John Bellamy, Of H . M . S . Arrogant , Eliza li c 0 . beth Stuart, . 3 Jan a m — H s XV . 1 0 a s r e a r s e s 3 H mp hi P i h R g i te rs . [ 1 7 6 2

S s fi ld f e r e e o . . George , H M S . Nam ur, M ary

2 1 6 2 Richardson Feb . 7

of . James Darling, H M . S . Namur , Mary

Br othw ait 2 Feb . W' William Allen , Of H . M . S . Royal illiam , li e . Anne Turner, 8: Daniel Frazer, seaman , Elizabeth Davi s , li c .

I 8: n [ic. saac Brown , seam an , Han ah Gash , J ames Moore 8: M ary Norri s 8: M ark N ewberry, of H . M . S . N amur, Eliza icholls beth N 8 Feb . f o . George Cou pland , H M . S . Royal William ,

. 8 . Eleanor Roger, w Feb

M M a s te r of . c . . Daniel , H M S Royal Sovereign , 8: Elizabeth M c Con n e ll

of . . . Joh n Longsworth , H M S Portland,

lic. Martha Nailor ,

f . . o . Joseph Mathew , H M S U nion , M ary

li . 1 e 0 . Wellman , Feb

of . . . Charles Scott, H M S Arrogant , Anne l w . ic. 1 0 . Perkins , , Feb

of . 8: Richard Li tten , H M . S . Royal William , l ic. H annah Seaward , l Wic e S c a r n e ll lic. John Elizabeth , 8: f w . o Antram Fulford , , Anne Wilkes , l ie . Portsea , Ludovick Cronce 8: Amlia S che s ta ug h

W illiam Batley , of H . M . S . Launceston ,

1 . M ary J ames, w 5 Feb

John Taylor, of H . M . S . U nion , M ary M urant John Henderson H annah H a r vy Ambrose Singleton Sarah Norris ' 8: of . . . Edward Gorble , H M S Royal William , Mary Lidda l li c. John Webb Elizabeth Williams , 8: E th W tt m w . de e e Francis Ferguson , ,

Ba d l . d e w. J ames y, , Sarah Tempus , W 8: a w. P ul James , , M ary Jarret

1 2 Ha s r a e r s 3 mp hi e P ris h R g is te . [1 7 6 2

John Smi th , Of H . M . S . Shrewsbury, Eliza

K lwa li 1 e c. 2 8 6 2 beth y, J une 7 Will iam H ervey Mary Ealey 2 8 June Thom as Sim mons Ann Severy 2 9 June

O f . . 8: John Redmon , H M S . Shrewsbury , J ane l ic. Gagg, Thomas Bourn Anne Marshal lic H enry M undy Ann Hodgkin , . f o . . ShFe ws bur Evan Davis , H M . S y, Mary [ic Carrol , .

of . . 8: Phili p Reynolds, H M . S Superbe , Anne hr is tlow li C w . c. , ,

Alexander Forbes , Of H . M . S . Shrewsbury,

w . l ic. J ane Ellis , , of William M elton , H . M . S . Shrewsbury ,

lic. Sarah M artin , William Babb Frances Taylor

O f . . Dennis M urphy , H . M S Gosport ,

w . lic. Catherine Craven , ,

[ic. William Goodenough Rebecca Ballard , Richard Southerton Sarah Ganton A llchur ch of Joseph M ary Palmer, Cran

lie . bourn , Dorset, Thomas Rogers Susanna Gill ' e fie r Gor m on M c Ca r t lie J y Catherine y, .

of . . . Richard Small , H M S Pri nce Frederi ck ,

lie . Margarett Johnson , f o . . o 8: Will iam Pelham , H M . S Ph enix , M ary

lic. W illiams,

George Watson , of H . M . S . Active , Sarah

[i . 1 0 c . Davison Treherne , Aug f o . . . Robert Reed , H M S Active, Elizabeth

lic. 1 . Evans , 3 Aug Ea r wa ke r f o . Joh n Edwards Susannah , St i tc. M ichael , Winton , David Rider Jane Lawrence

li . w . c w. 8: J ames Robinson , , Elizabeth Treu , ,

l W 8: . Joh n M i es, . , Eleanor M edley, W 8: Joh n Ball , of H . M . S . Neptune , Rose Brady,

w [ic . . , Por ts mouth [Vla r r iag e s

8: William Glover, Of H . M . S . Royal George , M ary Tibbi ts Joh n Green M argaret Redman 8: Benjami n H obbs M ary H ayter, of Alver l ic. stoke , John Kelly M ary Burn Samuel Wood 8: Mary LO W

8: icols on lie . John Davis M argaret N ,

w 8: tic. o . Samuel N bbs, , M ary Spratt,

Thomas German , of H . M . S . Royal George, i lc . M ildred Noble ,

w . William Parsons, , Mary Denham Richard Carter Susanna Bushell “ Thomas Walton , Of Nazareth transport , M ary Davis

8: lic. William M ahoy Sarah Bolt,

Bernard Magazine , Of H . M . S . Neptune,

w . lic. Elizabeth Addison , ,

of . . . William Harrison , H M S Crown , An n l ic . H arri son , Robert Thornell Ann Binsted W w t g r s . . John ih , , M artha Davison , w J ohn Dal l M ary Walter

John Stanbury, of H . M . S . Dragon , Mary

1 8 . Williams, W . Oct f o . . 8: Robert Taylor, H M . S Royal Sovereign , 1 Elizabeth M ann 9 Oct . f o H . M. S . James Casin , Royal George , Mary

Richards 2 1 Oct . of th of o Thomas Richardson , 97 Regt . F ot,

1 8 l 2 . ic. Rose Clark , years , 7 Oct 8: Samuel Lusher, of H . M . S . Shrewsbury ,

li v . w . N c. o M argaret Briggs , , 4

Ralph Monkhouse, Of H . M . S . Neptune, Mary t ic . 6 Wi t , Nov. La kin of William y g , Portsmouth Di vision Of 8: l ic. M arines , Susanna Richards , George H um phreys 8: Mary Butler

N icholas Lawrence, Of H . M . S . Trident, J ane ' W li ood Er w . c . 1 g , , 7 Nov . r a r r 1 6 2 1 34 H a mps hi e P is h Reg is te s . [ 7

1 Nov 1 2 George Denni s Sarah Beere 9 . 7 6

Richard Bishop 8: Anne Collins 2 2 Nov . 8: George Antram Mary Procter 30 Nov .

of . . . Thomas Black , H M S Royal Sovereign , 6 Elizabeth Kent Dec .

Tr uc ke r e n e r . . George p , Of H M S . Triden t , M artha Lovel

John Grayham , marine, J ane Painter

8: lie . Joh n Lloyd Anne Neale,

l . 8: w. ic J ames Wise Anne Cam pbell , ,

R a s on s 8: lie . John y , mariner , Sarah Thorne,

f . . . 8: m w . o J a es H arrison , , H M S Dragon ,

1 6 An n H all , w . Dec .

O f 8: w. J ohn Golding, Portsea, Sarah Bellamy , ,

2 4 Dec .

O f . Richard Robinson , H . M . S Royal Sovereign ,

I . 2 . M ary reland, w 4 Dec

f . o . . John Thom pson , H M S Royal Sovereign ,

li. 2 c 8 . 8: Elizabeth Brown , Dec

M . S . Be n b r id e . Thomas g , of H Royal Sovereign , D r 8: e n to . 2 8 . Fanny , w Dec “ O f Ba s ilic k Thomas Christy, late bomb ,

Mary Russell 2 9 Dec .

m 8: lie . . 1 6 Tho as Apsey Elizabe th Browne , 4 Jan 7 3

of . . . Robert H utton , H M S Royal Sovereign , Margaret Anderson

William M iller, midshipman , of H . M . S . Tamar, 5 8 . M ary M olloy , w

Daniel Ross, Of H . M . S . Royal George, Anna

1 0 Wallen Jan . O f John Penton Jane Wedderburn , Alver

1 1 stoke Jan . 8: Richard Goring , late of H . M . S . Windsor,

. l 1 w ic . . Cordelia Cop per, , 5 J an 8: William Basset, late of H . M . S . Windsor,

M li 1 c . ary Wolford , 5 Jan

Edcox . . 8: Edward , of H M . S Windsor, M ary

6 . lie . 1 Pedrick , J an W 8: Richard Martin , late of H . M . S . indsor,

li 1 . E c. M arianne island , 7 Jan

1 6 a s e a r s e s e 3 H mp hir P i h R g i t rs . [1 7 6 3

Richard Beach , late of H . M . S . Royal William ,

2 1 6 Elizabeth H ill 4 Fe b . 7 3

J ames Cason , late Of H . M . S . Royal William ,

2 6 Anne Riley Feb .

William Lodge, late of H . M . S . N amur,

1 Sarah Cottingham M ar.

Samuel Pullen , late H . M . S . Favourite, M ary

lic. Devit , 4 M ar . f o . Joseph Bullock, late H M . S . Thunderer,

lic. Honour, d . of J ohn Bullock , minor , 8: ic l . H enry Bradshaw Mary Darling,

of H M . Robert Archer, . Sloop Favouri te ,

[ic. 6 . Ann Price , M ar

J ohn Baker, m idshi pman , Of H . M . S . Antelope , ‘ & 8 Frances Fuller M ar.

H . M . J ohn Douglas , of Sloop Favourite,

A w . i lc. M ary ynsley, ,

f . . o . 8: J ohn H all , late H M S Union , M ary

H a n dr a lic . 1 1 y, M ar.

. 8: John Flint , of H M . S . Experiment , Mary

lie . 1 2 H owes , Mar .

M D n . c oou . . W illiam , late of H M S Princess

8: o . Amelia, Elizabeth M rton , w David Graham Mary Elgar 8: Abraham Joh nson , shi pwright , Margare t

tic . 2 2 . H anki ns , M ar

of . William Blake , late H . M S . Tamar, Eliza l w . ic. beth Smi th , , W li u 8: w . c. Va ghan illiams M ary Maxwell , ,

M c ill H M . G . S . 8: Alexander , late of Tamar,

J ane Davis, w . li w . c Nathaniel Graves M ary Morris, , . M atthew J ackson 8: M ary Watson

w. 8: . George Farmer, , M ary Hamilton , w

William Orchard Jane Sturt, w .

li . 8: w. c J ohn Rogers, marine , Anne Ingram , ,

8: lic . Edmund Leach , mariner, Jane Frederick ,

8: lic . Isaac Bazer, mari ne , M ary Stone ,

William Smith , late of H . M . S . Active, Anne

1 . tic . Bussell , 4 Apr 1 6 r M r r I 7 3] Po ts m outh a iag e s . 37

Con n owa o Patrick y, sailor, Elean r Crowley ,

1 8 1 6 Apr. 7 3

of . . . George Burley , late H M S Bellona ,

o lic. 1 Frances H ar, 9 Apr l Samuel Banner, late Of H . M . S . Ante ope,

- 1 M ary Glover 9 Apr.

Richard Gelling, a marine, M ary Browne,

w. , lic.

' Tho mas M eret M a ry La db our n e O f John Bowles, Portsea, Mary Andrews 8: Christopher M iddleton , Capt . Of Mari nes ,

lic. Sarah Coles,

w . tic. Samuel Barham , , Anne Bri ton, W' o . . . James ils n, Of H M S Africa, Jane

li 0 . c. Ramsay, 3 Apr

. 8: Edward Roby , Lieut Of Mari nes, Elizabeth t ic. Love, in n r t L e a ic. J oseph Homes Sarah g , i R e n e ll o lie . Thomas p p g Elizabeth Wi nd ver, D li c. aniel Lyons Ann Bishop ,

Bin kha m w . lic Benjamin Wells Catheri ne , , . J oh n Anthony Martha Woodward David Grant 8: M ary Redman

Christopher Auberry, late of H . M . S. Vestal ,

tic. An n Stark , M D i l c a n e lie . Timothy Susan M arti n ,

J ames Crouch , late of H . M . S . Favourite,

li 1 hd c . 2 a Elizabeth White, y Sa c k ill f v O . . . Perdie , late H M S Namur, ’

O Br ie n lic. Johanna , D Thomas ean Margaret Maddox , w . John Purtill 8: M ary Burg ey 8: lic . M artin M urphy, marine, Anne Dowding, John Worsley Elizabeth Dennett Thomas Brown 8: Mary H ardy Wi lli am Stride Eunice Wallen William Lockhart 8: Sarah Sande]

R k . oo e of . . John y, late H M S Dorsetshire, M ary Osland James Newman 8: H annah Rowles 1 6 1 38 Ha mps hir e Pa r is h Reg is te r s . [ 7 3

Thomas Mackli n , late Of H . M . S . M arlborough , 2 6 1 6 8: lic . 3 Eleanor M itchell , M ay, 7

M . H . S Thomas H ermi tage , late of . Devon

tic. 8: w. shire , Edith M iddleton , , i lc . . w . Joh n Bell , m arine , Eliz Cam pbell , , William Rutledge 8: Alice Pur te l

of . . . William H awksworth , late H M S Monta 8: gue , Elizabeth Thrift [ c w r u w . i Bou o . James Larcher, . , M ary y , , D r ul George y, mari ner, Jane Leal Samuel Redgate Sarah Luke 8: William Barret, seaman , Lucy Robi nson

li . 8: . c Edward Banks Eliz Poore , Of H avant ,

w . n w . lic . George Silversides , , Jane H ano , , M D h c on ou lic . Dominick g M ary Fitzgerald ,

li . w . e William Kennedy Eleanor Scot, , Br ude n e ll i 8: lc. John M artha Master , w George H enson , . , Susanna Feast, W . M H . 8: William Jones , Of . Sloop , Vi per, M ar garet J ones Thomas Willies Mary Elliot

w . lic . Thomas M arston Kezia Stacey, ,

O x b r ou h . Charles g , mari ne , Eliz Boardman 8: Thomas J armon , late a marine , M ary Doling , w

8: Stur e n lie . Robert Rushforth , marine , Lydi a g ,

lic. James H ickm an Elizabeth Moor, Joseph Warham Jane [J ean]Way

. li w 8: Win tc hi w . c . Thomas Philli ps , , An ne p , ,

w . j ohn H unt , , Rebecca Tee m w . 8: u . John Cha bers , , J ohanna Ry e , W l l r u o ic. James T p Margaret Brown , Robert Groves Rebecca Jackson

8: lic. Robert Godfrey Elizabeth Walker, Efl' li e c. Mark Jurd Forkner, Abbot Usher 8: J ane Serj eant

Jeremiah Riley M ary Scott, w .

Tuffin Lee . George M argaret , w

b P r n li H il r e n z u v e c. James Eli abeth , w li 8: e . J ohn Gray , seaman , . , Elizabeth Fenwick ,

I I40 Ha mps hir e Pa r is h R eg is te r s . 7 6 3

Euis tis w . lic. w . Thackston Crafts, , Jane , , Joseph Iri sh Charity Pain J ames Tom pkins Isabella Gray Str u n e ll of Edward g , Portsea , J ane H ickley

w. 8: Richard Bi nsted , , An n Cook

8: lic . Benj amin Marshall Elizabeth Morley , George N icholson 8: M ary Forder Cor ck Daniel Driscoll , of Portsea , Sarah

lic . well , i tc. David Law , seaman , Mary Hogan ,

w . lic. William Barns Elizabeth Allen , ,

of . . . 8: John Cleland, H M S Sandwich , Anne w lic H utchinson , . , .

w . 8: George Flippen , , M ary Kelsey John D a m e r a m Anne [M ary]Fouracre

lic. James Irwi n M ary Sm ith , William Ri ce Rose M c Gin n is William Lacey Ann M anwaring John Ewi ng Sarah Broad H ezekiah Lawrence Eleanor Carter r n h 8: Ca a . Richard Collings Elizabeth , w George Walker 8: Sarah M iles 8: o Joh n Li ne , seaman , M ary H amblet n William Cranston 8: Elizabeth Alridge 8: li t w. c. Wi lliam Dooke Sarah Robertson , , William Stowell 8: Anne She r r in g

8: . J ames Tucker M artha, d of Thomas Early ,

l 1 . ie . minor, 5 J an Ca r a ide n Alexander H enderson , of , Scotland, W [i n c. Sarah i ter ,

w . John Wi nnington , , Elizabeth H umber

8: lic. J oh n Gibbins Clark M ary Gardner , George Thompson 8: Elizabeth Harding

w. O f Robert Chapman , , Alverstoke , w li e . Catherine Purs , . ,

8: M e n n ian . w. J oh n Waugh , , Jane , w William H arris 8: Martha Smi th

Thomas Pritchard , marine , Elizabeth Boak , l ic . w. , w l ic. Thomas Mose Eleanor Wells , . , 1 1 1 7 6 4] Ports mouth M a rriag e s . 4

6 M c K a w. . . 1 John y, , Sarah Padmore, w 5 Mar 7 4 f o . . . John Staple Ridgway, late H M S Pallas, Betty Tucker of 8: Richard Legg, West Cowes, Elizabeth l ic. Piddle, Edward H ubbart Sarah Butler

Anthony Francis Mary Barnet , w .

John Davis, late of H . M . S . Modeste, M ary li c. Skilton, Edward Couzens 8: Ann Cox Maurice Stack Sarah Clyde M ur la n d 0f Patrick , Wymering, Anne Pye,

lic . minor,

8: f lic. William Wilson M ary God rey, William Pool Anne H ill N athaniel Gold Mary Day D l w . I M c u a w. Joseph H ol mes , , sabella g , ,

2 . lic. 4 Apr

w. William Haswell , , Of Portsea , H annah

lic . Arthur, w Edward Bird , . , Anne J ennings William Williams Susanna Whey R z l a z e l tic. William Mary Read ,

lic. Abraham Charlet Mary Read ,

lic. Thomas Phillips Anne Harvey, ha liPidde ll l Na t ic. p Jane Snook , Daniel Wicker Beata Dore

w. tic. H arry Rudd Bridget H i ckey, , 8: G e r n ie r James Bremer, Esq . , Marianne , Angus M c Le od Jennet M c D on ald John Dunford 8: Olive Silvester

lc . White a r w w . i Thomas , . , Jane Andrews , , - ds w S Fn Oh w. 8: . William y , , Mary Pi tman , ,

William Noon Anne Newton , w . o f J ames Wilson , H . M . S Lenox, J ane Mar

l 1 w . ic shall , , . 9 J une

f . o . . J ohn Why, H M S Lenox , Mary Davis ,

2 lic. 3 J une

of . . . William Bosley , H M S Lenox , Sarah

lic 2 o . Johns n , 4 J une 1 2 s r e s r 1 6 4 Ha mp hi Pa ri h Reg is te s . [ 7 4

o . . . Ge rge Strahan , Of H M S Lenox , Anne

lic. Wilson , 8: James Corrigan M ary. Bone w li w . e . Robert Drane, . , M ary Ayling, ,

8: [ic. John Buttler Sarah Foster, John Ashford 8: M ary S tone

8: lic. John Parker Susannah Sticklen , minor ,

f . w . w lic. J am es Little ield , , M ary Bray , , f 8: o w. o . . . M ichael M ini n , , H M S Valiant , w t . . ic Catherine Kelsey, , James M i tchell Elizabeth Bidle com b

lic. James Sal tmarsh J ane Strachan , Rib e k c lic . Roger M ary Pratt , f O . . . 8: Roger Willcocks , H M S N orfolk , M ary ] o tic. S rrel ,

[ic. John Wrigh t Elizabeth Allen , mi nor,

lic . Paul Turner M ary Thom pson ,

John Fletcher , Of H . M . S . Chatham , H an nah 6 o lic. 2 Br wn , J uly m George Downha , late Of H . M . S . Norfolk , Fi n n e s s lic. Anne ,

of . M atthew Cowens, late H M . S . Norfolk , Totte r de ll l ic. J ane , w . r William Grist , , Elizabeth I ng am

I. W . George Collier, of Cowes, , M argaret

lic . w. Cook , ,

w . . Robert Dunlop , , Anne Witts , w l ie . Thomas H awker Ann Parry ,

a O f . . William James , l te H M . S Elizabeth , Clementina Sobieski S teward [S obis coe

lic . Stuard],

lie . David Waugh M artha Boone,

m D ob n e w. Willia Tims Anne y, , Of Port

l . 1 ic 8 . sea, Aug 8: Thomas Thorp, late Of H . M . S . Elizabeth ,

lic. Mary Cook , i ] Pr e t m a n lc. w. w . Tyre y , , M ary Voak , ,

R e a de . William y Martha H utson , w Joshua Todd 8: Catheri n e Lush

Tha ks ton e lic. Edward c Rebecca Tull ,

1 s r r 1 6 44 Ha mp hi e Pa is h Reg is te rs . [ 7 5

M w c K n o n . . . H ugh , Of H M S Guernsey , M ary

1 6 Ross 6 Mar . 7 5

William Cunningham Elizabeth Davidson , '

f M idx l . o . u . ic St L ke s , , William Welch 8: Elizabeth Stoner Thomas H eather Anne J ane Gifford J oh n Pringle Jenny Rice

w. lic. William H aswell , W. M ary Cobb , , Edward M arshall J ane Pur c he s s Ba z e ll Bates Mary Barry, W . D li a m e r um c. William Kitty Rayner , minor, S m m n s li 8: o c. H ugh Mosson Mary y , J oseph Wilkinson J ane Pa n tr idg e w f o . o J hn Vi ning, , H oly Rood, Southam pton ,

Little fie ld lic. M ary , Joh n Yeates M ary Worsley f M a r t. l 8: o ic. Joseph Wilki ns g Davies, Portsea,

H . M . Paul Green , Of Cutter Laurel , Eliza l Cox w. ic. beth , , w . o . William Roberts , , Sarah F rbes , w Robert H ewet 8: Mary Che e l J oseph Up s hill8: Mary Babbidge w m . John Cle ents , , Anne Spooner l Ya te m a n . i w. w c. Edward Vincent, , Anne , , P00] William Gardner, Of , Dorset, Sarah

lic. M arston ,

w . . John Spree , , M ary Read , W

William Clements, late Of H . M . S . Panther, li c. Elizabeth West, of Alverstoke, O f Charles, s . Anne Smith, mi nor, Anne Radford J ohn Shepherd Elizabeth Frances Smi th

lic. John Reynolds Elizabeth M onday, William Snook Sarah Chick

Joh n M oxley , late of H . M . S . Medway, M ary Bruce 2 8 Aug

Sta ta m of - on - M iles , Shi pton Stour, Sarah

lic. . Collins, 7 Sept

Joseph Barnes , Of H . M . S . Egmon t, Elizabeth

0 Smith , W . 3 Sept . r 1 I7 6 6 ] Ports mouth M a r iag e s . 45

6 li l . 1 w . Ca n ic . Daniel Austen , , Sarah y , 7 Oct 7 5 O f 8: James Ridout, Newchurch , M ary Span

lie . ner, Christopher Cole thor p 8: Susanna Kenting

of . . Andrew Inis, H M S. Ripon, Margaret Clayton

w . John Forbes, , Elizabeth Burton William M artel] 8: Elizabeth Slight William Liddell 8: Elizabeth D ibb e n s Walter Austen Elizabeth Crowson

H lic . John Baker Grace amblin ,

w . 8: . James Cockram , , Eleanor Freeman , w w lic . Jonathan H arris M ary Smi th , . , Edward Fearn Anne H utton Samuel Small Mary Si m m s

M oun ta in e 8: O llde rv lie . Richard M ary T y, Thomas Hall H annah Snook

o lic. William Joh ns n Lucy Wilmot ,

Thomas Hughes Catheri ne Sweney, W . oe Alexander Carr, Of H . M . S . Ph nix , Eliza

0 beth Ford , w. 3 Dec . I of tc Tollv e r saac H ewlett, Fa ham , Sarah y Tolle r v li e e . 0 [ y], 3 Dec . f o . . . William Grace , late H M S Panther, lic . 1 6 6 Jane Godsell , 3 Jan . 7

William Ben nett, Of H . M . S . Boreas, Mary

o lie . L ng, Shadrach Stone Ann H illyer o o J hn Wallis Elizabeth Drayt n , m inor, l ic.

William Tanner Mary Brown , w . l ie . Edward Howorth Anne Baugh , Charles Sealy Mary Wright John Browning 8: Sarah Box all Fe r m id e Litl l t e fie d tic . James g Ann ,

Pa dic k w . 8: John , , Mary Newnum [Newman]

[ic. William J acob Susanna M atthews , Richard Moses Catherine Osland

: . 8 Charles Moor, of H M . S . Essex , Jennet

M cA ks [ic. 2 1 , Apr . a m — H s XV . Ha s r e a r e r 1 1 46 mp hi P is h R g is te s . [ 7 6 6

. . . o John Lawson , late Of H M S Jun , Elizabeth ti c. 2 1 6 6 Snook , 9 Apr . 7

1 6 William Nobbs Elizabeth Spratt , mi nor May William Gardner Sarah Brister 1 8 May

w . 1 John Luther, , Sarah Stokes 9 M ay

8: Whitfie ld 1 Edmund Webb J ane _ 9 M ay

J ames Strong, of H . M . S . Alderney , Jane

Strickland , W . Samuel H aski ns 8: Elizabeth Glass i lc. J ohn Lander Jane Drover,

8: . Robert Douglas Anne Giles, w f o . . . Aaron Pledger, H M S Thunderer, Sarah Sm ith

8: M c K a . William Leonard Eleanor y, w w 8: . o . James M rley, , M ary Guy , W Thomas Seaward Jenny Rider [Re de tt] 8: William Joslin , of H . M . S . Preston , M ary

Li ne , w .

John Walker , Of H . M . S . Thunderer , J ane Roberts 8: Joh n Winn , Of H . M . S . Preston , H annah Locke Arthur Walker Mary H O W O r ie e l Robert Balfour, Of , Scotland , Ann

lie . Lunn , M atthew Lockye ar Anne Wynn

of . . . Patrick M ahoney , late H M S Thunderer, J ane M urphy

w i . o . 8: lc William Bott m , , Anne Wel ch ,

Charles Walsh Elizabeth Ram sey, W . William Purcell M artha Sagan H oun s om e Pe te r s fie ld 8: J ohn , Of , Dianah West , l ic. J ames Roberts Anne Blackham William Field Sarah Str ug n e ll Thomas Campion 8: Susanna M urray H or s ol P ucke w . o Richard y, , M ary p Joh n Mortimer Mary Greenwell T f ov e r w. O 8: Thomas y, , Portsea, Anne

li . u w . c 1 . B ssey, , Oct

r 1 6 1 48 Ha mps hire Pa is h Reg is te rs . [ 7 7

f Hol . O George Pearson Sarah , d William l ie . 1 . brook , m inor, Feb M ar . ]

Henry Webber Elizabeth Hayter 2 5 Feb . ‘

llifie . 1 o w . Jonathan J , , Jane M i tchell M ar m i r l D a m e r u 8: G e a ie . . J ames Elizabeth , 5 Mar David Fleet 8: H annah Watson 8 Mar

: 8 lic. 2 John Case Elizabeth Ross , Apr ti c. Robert Allen Elizabeth M errett, 7 Apr

C . 1 J ohn ater Sarah Searle , w 3 Apr

Thomas Petty Sarah Norton 1 8 Apr.

2 0 Lawrence Kelly 8: Anne Fry Apr .

w . . 2 2 William Lloyd, , M ary Grant , w Apr it c he r . 2 6 Thomas F El izabeth Baily, w Apr William Roberts M ary Williams 2 8 Apr

2 . Ezekiel Craggs Susanna Lamas , w . 9 Apr

w. 2 . Joseph Kent , , M argaret Carr 9 Apr Francis Wilki nson 8: M ary Corbin 1 0 M ay John Collard Sarah Sprags 1 1 M ay

lic . Robert Wiggins Elizabeth Adams, 3 June David Smeaton 8: Elizabeth Middleton 9 June

] . w. tic Thomas Shore , , Anne Manual , 9 J une

Thomas Parry , p . St . George, H anover

lic. Square , London , Mary Oakes,

William Dodd Mary Finn , w . J ohn Si m mons M artha Chamberlai n Pill rom w William g , of Christchurch , . , Mary w l ic. Glynn , . ,

John Gunn M argaret Bashford , W . J oh n Ba p tis to M argaret Winn li M c Le s s l c. Andrew H islop Annabella y, of Joh n David , the Bellona , Margaret A c klin g

w . J eremiah Wood , , Elizabeth Parkinson , w .

lie . Joh n Williams Elizabeth Joyce , H amil ton Walker 8: M ary Bluck Richard Parsons Margaret Fletcher John Drake Mary Florey Joh n Colman Elizabeth M iller J ohn H olly Elizabeth Cowp er John Bungey Elizabeth William s 1 7 6 8] Por ts mouth zlia r r iag e s 1 49

Richard Woodland M ary Oliver Robert Taylor 8: Susanna Palmer

Bowb e e r w. Thomas , , M ary Player

George Atkinson Elizabeth Clark , W . w Joh n Iles , . , Anne Gover, w. Frances Scaddan Ann e Robinson

Cr w w. . James Crew [ ], , M ary Gillson , W O f Robert M arti n , Widley , M ary H orwood,

Robert Best Anne O g le by

ll w li . Ta n s we . c William Jane Robbins, , James Lloyd 8: Catherine Woodbridge Thomas Tate Anne H enson C lliiis o w. John , , Elizabeth Andrew w . 8: William Cam , , Catherine Rice

w. . . . John Jackson , , of H M S Superb , Sarah

Frazier, W . Thomas Allen Edith Linton

J ohn M uirhead , of H . M . S . Tweed , Mary Hum phreys 6 I)e o

w . w. 1 . William Haswell , , Anne Sells, , 3 Dec 1 Phili p Godden Elizabeth Clarke 9 Dec .

1 1 6 8 Richard Budd Sarah H ellyer 8 Jan . 7

lic. 2 2 . John Atki ns Henrietta Brady , J an

J oseph H or e x Frances Guy 2 6 Jan .

8: . . John Pearson Sarah , d of Wm H olbrook , i lc. mi nor,

Tr e a d old w. William g , , Elizabeth H unt Thomas Stig g in s 8: Martha Way in . We s tm William Robi nson , of St M argaret,

ster, Flora Brown , mi nor, with con f O o lie . sent Elizabeth Br wn , Robert Fin c he t Lydia Uleeu

M c L o . lic e d 8: w . . Archibald El izabeth Brown , , Bin s t f e e d O . George Margaret Farrant , St li c. Gregory , London , John Nightingale Sarah Long

h w . t or s t . w ic William F y , , Bridget Shaw, , . Robert H arvey M artha Drake J ames Cole 8: Elizabeth Reynolds r r 1 6 8 1 50 Ha mps hire Pa is h Reg is te s . [ 7

O f . . . Hugh Malone , H M S Neptune , Sarah

. 1 6 8 Walker, W 3 M ay 7 We d e b ur ff 8: George Holding, Of g y, Sta , M ary Allen 1 3 May '

w . O f . J ames Carroll , , St Paul s , Covent Gar r ll w St u n e . li e . 1 den , Ann g , , 5 M ay

Marti n Moor , of H . M . S . M ars, Dennis Baker Soa ls li c. Edward Susannah H awkins ,

8: lic. William M ills Rebecca Whiting , Ambrose Chapman 8: Bridget Whi tacre William Jones Hannah Taylor

. . 8: Thomas Chatterton , of H M S . Dorsetshire , Sarah Nichols 2 2 J uly

Morris Power , Of H . M . S . Wasp, Anne

l 2 ic. Emmet , 3 J uly in ff w . 8: Cu John Sta ord , , seaman , Anne p ,

William Kimber Elizabeth Tucker w Ralph Woodhouse, . , Sarah Newbury Alexander Dempster 8: Sarah Walker H ugh M c Le a n 8: Elizabeth Whitin g s ta ll

Robert Gilbert , of Portsea, Elizabeth l ic. Burnett ,

Pér c . lic e w . Edward Sarah Ke nch , , H M . 8: Alexander Perrin , of . Cutter Grace ,

Ann Whit burn , w . Richard Spearing 8: Elizabeth Parnell Samuel Toop 8: Anne Ki ng lic J ohn Scruton Jane Short , William Rogers 8: Sarah Whitebread

H enry Seaford M ary Anderson , w .

8: . James Hobbs M ary Drummond , w George Baskerville Elizabeth Broad

lic . Richard Bradford M ary Bolton , l w i . . 8: c J ohn Lavender, , Betty Wheeler, t J ames Tuh 8: Mary Parker w . 8: Leonard Duncan , , Elizabeth Robinson , l w . , ic. Francis Hug on y M ary Rendell

1 6 1 52 Ha mp s hire Pa r is h Reg is te r s . [ 7 9

Charles Walton Susanna M ould 1 6 June 1 7 6 9 of S tr a tfor th Georg e Bowman , , Yorks , Sus anna Sc a r n e ll

Thomas Green Sarah Wheeler , w .

8: . J oseph H udson Sarah Tee , W J ames Chapman Elizabeth Cla p s how

e w. a . J ames M atth ws, , M ary Ev ns , W Charles H inton Elizabeth Gray w J oh n Chi cken , . , Mary Dodd, w . John Webb Elizabeth Williams John Fowler 8: Ma rgaret M c Ne il] w Robert Shepherd , . , Christian Thom pson , w lic . , . John Hotchkiss Susanna Christy John Waugh Anne Cor n a by J oh n Reid 8: M a ry Lovet William Watts 8: Margaret Porter

lic. Joh n Tree Ann Brown , Edward Deacon 8: Elizabeth Robinson

m w. 8: Willia Gill , , Hannah H arford Cornelius Ayres M artha Polling

Sam uel Clements, Of H . M . S . Ripon , Anne

Sp e n ton 6 Oct . 8: Thomas Barker Sophia Walter , With consent f li o c. Richard Walter,

8: lic. William Kennedy Ann Derbyshire , John Oak Ann Beeding

O f . . John Stadden , H M . S Bellona, M ary H olt

H orloc k w . J ames , , Margaret H all of Richard Forder , H avant, J ane Bettes worth Thomas Willi s Elizabeth Sp a r s hot

: Thomas D - erry 8 Elizabeth Blake Andrew Lee J ane Blake

John Byrne Lucy M iller, w . John Webb Eleanor Manning John Redding 8: Esther H olmes

' Clifl or d William Jephson Rebecca Roberts ,

lic. 1 1 7 7 0] Ports mouth M a r r iag e s . 53

John Morrison 8: Catherine Brown

William Ratty Martha Waugh , w . w William Bowden , . , Mary Tarrant Thomas Baker Priscilla Higgins

w . Christopher Josten , . , Elizabeth Laroche, w Isaac H arrison & J ane Cotman Richard N e wn ha m Parnell J ane Jones J oh n Cook Sarah Fryer George Walton 8: Ann Johnston Ri chard Rodde w e ll8: Sarah Carter t ic. Thomas Vivion Rebecca J udson ,

Benjami n H urd Margaret Freeman , w . O f Charles Rex , M aidstone , Kent, M artha

lic. H ooper, Richard Brown 8: Anne Francis

w . . William English , , M ary Williams, w George Gibson 8: Catheri ne Poore William H orth Betsy Cooe Thomas Com bs M ary Y e we n s Thomas M arch M ary Cotton

O f . . . (E H enry Davi s, H M S olus , M ary Gri m wood

8: . Joh n M atthews Anne Mall , w ] tic. Gregory Carlos Susannah Tassel , J oh n Thorn 8: M artha Warn J oh n Bailey Anne Gough James Kemp M ary Coker Thomas Burnett Kitty J e we r s John Green 8: Elizabeth Saunders

H enry Riches, of M ary Legget Augus M c D on a ld & Margaret Henry [H ennery] John Brown 8: J ane Crossman

8: . William Wale Esther Keate , w Joseph Hya e m Frances Burriss 8: M om e s s on Edward Shugar Elizabeth p , with lic consent, . John Lees Sarah CO O w 8: Whitin s ta ll William Skinner, . , Elizabeth g

w . 8: J ames Weak , , of Portsea , Mary Mar

lie . 1 0 shall , June 1 0 1 54 Ha mps hire Pa ris h Reg is te rs . [ 7 7

8 1 0 lic. 1 Richard Andrews Sarah Jarvis , J une 7 7 James Wilkinson 8: Ann Barnard 2 5 J une Nathanael Rathbone Sarah Pye 2 J uly J ohn Allen Eliza beth Ye w e n s 9 July William Moore Susanna Butler 1 6 July Br i 2 e n lc. Thomas y Elizabeth Hill, 3 J uly w H on n or John Colburn , . , of Portsea , l ic. Andrews, H enry Field M ary Snelson 8: o John Carter Dor thy Cuthbert , m inor,

o of 8: John N rton , Newchurch , J ane Dennis of Robert Lynch Rebecca Perran , Barking,

lic. Essex , Francis Atki nson Susanna D um br e ll 8: O f Charles Gri ffin M ary H i nd, Wilton ,

lic. Wilts,

w . . John Snook , , Elizabeth Crookshanks, w

Charles Mahany Deborah Jones , w .

w . David Wallace , , Sarah Aninu

Edward Floyd Anne Tate , w . w Robert Shepherd , . , Anna Forbes

tic. Robert Stares Anne Trott, J oh n Tobery Anne Beck Thomas Sayers Elizabeth Polling William H awkins 8: Sarah Lucas Walter Stone W e lls te e d 8: Mary Bridle

: M c Gin n is 8 She e r m a n . Angus Frances , w 8: Peter Peat Sarah Simmons, Of Basingstoke ,

m inor, wi th consent of Deborah Si m 1 8 lic. . mons , Nov

William Gilbert Susanna M itchell , mi nor,

l . M . ie with consent of Thomas , John Gawen 8: Rebecca Ba tte rs ha ll William H aman 8: Elizabeth Ayres w . 8: William Lane , , H esther Hamblin J ohn Reed Anne Davis Richard Crawley M a ji ory Brodie Stephen Taylor 8: Elizabeth Strong

8: lic. J ohn Pratt Mary Shepherd ,

1 1 1 56 Ha mps hir e Pa r is h Re g is te rs . [ 7 7

of . 8: Robert Ready, H . M . S Prudent, Eliza beth Thorp 1 8 J une 1 7 7 1 Duncan M c Phe r s on 8: M ary H opkins 2 3 J une John Bowden Sarah Yeats 2 5 J une — li 2 o 8: n r n e c. Isaac Bath Elizabeth Ogbo , 5 J une

of . . . Ce r be r n s Richard Fish , H M S , J ane H ughes

Samuel H ewett, of H . M . S . Centaur, Anne 1 0 Clements , w . J uly 8: J ohn Edmonds Mary Money , minor, with consent of James Mo n ey Iliv e Cowb r ic k 8: Eliz abeth N otley William H arvey Elizabeth W illiams William M ayfie ld 8: M ary Broad

Joseph Batt Amelia H arrison , w .

li . 8: w . e William Merritt M ary Webb , ,

Con uor . William Brinkman Elizabeth q , W

w . tic. Elias Cantle M ary Chambers , , W illiam Simmonds 8: Sarah Knight 8: w. Stephen Bartlett, , Susannah Smith

Thomas Dunn Anne Venables , w . John M usgrove Sarah Price l w . 8: A r ke r e s s . J ohn Chambers, , M ary , W

O f . . . 8: John H ill , H M S M ontreal , M argaret

lic . Russel ,

o 8: . J oseph Simm ns Sarah Winchester, w Peter Plush Ann Ward William Deacon Mary Parsons Joseph Steers 8: Elizabeth Cupi m w Samuel Rogers , . , Elizabeth Willis Joh n M abbett 8: M ary Cooper l h ic. J ohn H ickley Ann Alle ,

8: lie . Joseph Carter Ann Bray , J ames Hawkins 8: Sarah H ayles Thomas Hele Win n ic utt8: Elizabeth A llott J oseph Snook Anne Knott 8: John Shepherd Ruth Carey, w

lic. William H utch ins Sarah Russel ,

Thomas Black Mary Beare , w . Samuel Quick Olive Newman I 1 7 7 2 ] Por ts m outh M a rr iag e s . S7

8: M c La n e William Moor Jane , W . John Haywood 8: Elizabeth Crook William Clark 8: M ary Young

w li . w 8: . c Matthew Tucker, . , Elizabeth Clark , ,

w 8: lic . Thomas Gammon , . , Ruth Turpin , Robert Horn M ary Rollins

H ulke w . 8: lic. William , , Mary Fowler,

William Cram pton , of Lambeth , Sarah

lic . Smith , J ames Thom pson Sarah Cook

- W e lls tr im lic. Willi am Callaway Mary ,

W . John Hampton , , H annah Whi te John Ford M ary Wheeler

l r k r S e m a e W . D c ks tic. Joh n , , Mary y , P ulle n e r John g M ary Kim ber, with consent

f . li o e . Wm Ki mber , Ti in s i m m lc. Thomas Osment M ary g ,

. 8: Samuel Fletcher, of H . M S . Weasel , Eliza beth Davis of Thomas Abraham , Alverstoke , and Mary

Atki ns , m inor, with consen t Of Fran . A . i w . K n b Richard Curtis, , Sarah John H ardy Sarah Denny

w. . John Crookshanks , , J ane Grimes , W William Senior 8: Sarah Flain of William Rout , m inor , wi th consent James : Rout , 8 Rebecca Button

lic. Jasper Rudling Elizabeth Diaper, J ames W itc om b Ann Lush Arthur Wye t Alice Collins

William Odell Lucy Drene, m i nor, With consent O f Robert Drene 8: i w . St a n t William Onion , , Clear g g William Francies M ary Parker

w . John Gregory , , Jane Potter

w. John Cutler, , Hannah H awkins , W .

M . O f H . S John Farquhar, . Elizabeth Smi th

w . Stephen Webber, , M argaret Ley , w . Samuel Hobbins Mary Saunders 1 2 1 Ha mps hir e Pa r is h Reg is te r s . [ 7 7

Charles Childe M ary Ske r m a n Charles Ellison 8: Elizabeth Stone

w . 8: . M alin H anson , , Elizabeth Davis, W Daniel Hammet 8: Elizabeth Padbury

w. . J onathan Young, , Elizabeth Davis, w

s ic . Phili p Sailor [ ] Eleanor Stack , W l J ohn Bul m e r Elizabeth Sullivan . William Burgess Anne Pardo Richard Baker Elizabeth Barns f o o . . . 8: H enry Greenw od , H M S Panther, Mary Baverstock John Fox 8: Catherine M or att J onathan J ubb e r 8: Amey H oocke y J ames Burnett M ary H ale

George Glover Elizabeth Emery, W . h r i S owle w . O f L n e s 8: John , , Claxby, , Eliza beth Newnham H enry Banister M ary H ow William M ai n M ary Battershell ° Richard J ollifie Elizabeth Voile tt Ba r fle ur R a s hle i h O f . . Edward g , H M S . , Elizabeth Roll 1 2 M ay w l r . . H a c o . Andrew , Of H M S Asia, M ary J e s de ll

Thomas Richer, sailor , Mary H alfpenny Robert P e s s e ll [Russell] Sarah Fly ] J ames Daniel Martha Rowe, W.

w . John Churchill , , Of Portsea, H annah Shoyer [She oog h] Thomas Robinson Ann Fa ithfull B fl of . . . ar e ur William Welch , H M S , Eliza beth Clark J oh n Eevens Mary Bartlett

w . hr il S v . Joh n Winks , , Jane y, w

Thomas H enman Mary Britt , w . John Mealey Grace Goss

l n w . Ga m b e . John , , Grace Campell , W William Allen 8: M ary Taylor

w . . Thomas Bolter, seaman, J ane Thomas, Thomas Fowler J ane M organ

r 1 2 1 6 0 Ha mps hir e Pa r is h Reg is te s . [ 7 7

8 . o . Francis Wigg, Sarah Crauf rd , w Dec R e driffe 8: William Old , Of , Kent , Anne i o [ c. Bac n , John Taylor Martha Allen

Mia ll 8: ub b e r lic. M oses , Of Portsea, Anne J , Robert M arks Anne Follet Samuel Berry Alley Shrader George Feathers Anne Gibson Alexander M c K ay M ary Day James M iller Elizabeth Fitchett Marti n Tra n n a ch Ann Beere

John Connor, of H . M . S . Egmont , M ary Chilcot Brice Black M ary Brooker

c . John Green Elizabeth Dea on , w of e wbur 8: J oseph Early, N y, Berks , Anne w t o . Ha tom , min r, ith consent Of Thos li H ar tom c. ,

Silas Plumber Mary Read , W .

Ridlin ton . s ic George , jun , Elizabeth Ruth [ ] Will iam J e will8: J oche b e d D r e Wit V l alor w . . Joh n , , Mary Williams , w

Richard Shi ppard , of Mansfield, N otts, Elizabeth A lls p ike M atthew Saxby 8: Mary R a v e n e s s

Peter Weir Sarah Veasy, W . James Fennel Mary Warren

James Cary, Of H . M . S . Royal Oak , Eliza 8 beth Langford Mar. of o Peter Adams, P rtsea, Anne Mellish ,

mi nor, with consent Of Benj . Bram well R ichard Sells Phillis Parsons

a Ws itt W . . Edward F , , M ary George , w Thomas H ill 8: Anne Stone

f . . Lid e tt O . George g , H M S Egmont, Sarah Bran George George Elizabeth Cook George Giddens M ary Barrow

. lic w . w . Thomas Ladd , , Elizabeth Redford , , i tc. John Yard Mary H usk , 1 6 1 1 7 7 3] Ports mouth M a r r iag e s .

Robert Carver 8: Elizabeth Wickham

lic. L 8: . James ock , Of Portsea, Eliz Wallis , Edmund Wiseman Elizabeth Watkins

R ich O f o lic. d . Wheeler Lucy Lewis , Warnf rd , 8: Stephen Adams, sailor, Elizabeth Pennington

w . H ugh Mai tland, sailor, Eliz . Anderson , Ralph Jenison Amy Buttler l ic. w. 8: J ohn Yeates, , Elizabeth Cobb ,

O f a wle lic. Thos . Rassell , F y, Mary Withers,

8: . o w. J hn Flinders, , Sarah Carr , W

w. o Christopher Coward , , Of Portsea , R sa mund H eather

John Dixon , fisherman , Anne Hain J ohn Terry Elizabeth Butler

w . G . H enry ranstone , , Hannah Charlwood , W

Woollc om be w . . John , , Susannah Brown , W

w. 8: J ohn Pitts, , Anne Gilder Rice Davis Sarah [Sally]Freeborn

Clun e on . Stephen g , j un , Sarah H utchins William Sparks Sarah H ellyer

o . . . o William M as n , Of H M S W rcester, Sarah

Martin , W . William Pugh 8: M illisent Collies

f . I. W o . 8: . John Taplen , St Nicholas, , Eliz New George M urdoch Mary Pike H enry Pain 8: Jane Pe1r y

Thomas H ewlet Sarah M inks , w of Thomas Stevens, Woolwich , Kent, Sarah Ogburn P ff r w a a d . 8: James , , H annah Garrett , lic Thomas Davis 8: Anne Baker

w . . . . J ames Marshall , , Of H M S Royal Oak , M ary Terry 8: William West Bridget Welch , w . f o . . . Daniel Tulloch, H M S Resolution , Amy Bywater

w . 8: J onas Priestley, , Martha Collins J ames H aynes 8: Mary Johnson William H ellyer Sarah P r a g n a ll Joh n Bedford Mary Richards Ha Nr' s — XV , 1 6 2 Ha s 1 mp hire Pa ris h Reg is te r s . [ 7 7 3

William Cog z e l] [Coz ll] Eleanor Walton

o c. George Quick Mary H pley, li ’ O uldr id e f o . . . o Thomas g , H M S M arlbor , Priscilla M arti n H enry U pchurch Elizabeth Palmer H enry Angel] 8: Sarah Wild John Carr 8: Sarah H amman D o 8: a m e r um lic. J hn Payn M ary , Robert Ridde tt Elizabeth H olley M atthew Smith Anne M ayb e y lic Peter J urd Olive Hobbs, . William M ills Anne Craze

of . . fl William Stone, H . M S Bar eur, Elizabeth

lic . 1 Nov . Finney, 5 f B r fl r o . . . a e u 8: Robert Jones, H M S , Anne

M c K e n s e . y, W i lc. J oseph Slight Catharine J inks, J ohn Gamble 8: M ary Duckett William Cook M ary Pai ne Chur c he r of John , Portsea , Anne Atkins Reuben Horsell Sarah H ills li c. Willi am Carter Sarah Jellicoe , minor, Thomas Sanders Mary H arvey John Ca e s tor Frances Watson

: 8 . John Barter Anne Burton , w l w o . J seph Parker, Of Far ington , , Rebecca

2 Brown 5 Dec . f She r fie ld . o o 8: Rev Edmu nd H lden , English ,

ti . 0 w . c . Elizabeth Parsons , , 3 Dec

1 John Archdeacon Susanna Wardle, w . 9 Jan . 7 7 4

William H ain 8: M ary Allen 9 J an .

o . 1 0 . J ames Colman Elizabeth R berts , W J an

2 1 . Solomon H ay , sailor, An ne M ant Jan w Ca te . o H enry , of St Swithi n, Wint n , ti T llv e r c. Elizabeth o y, ’ o Charles Bestland, Of St . Ge rge s, Hanover A llom Square, London , Ann Allen [ ]

o . R bert Guy H annah Stride, w Com la O f Thomas y, H avant , Sarah M arti n l l 8: ic. Stephen Fie d Al ice Lawrence,

1 1 6 4 Ha mps hire Pa r is h Reg is te r s . [ 7 7 4

hur h ll John C c e Elizab eth Edbury 2 7 Aug . o of ol 8: Ge rge Darby , Po , Dorset, Sarah

lic. Sanders , John Walker Elizabeth M atthews o of l An thony C nner, Roya Oak ,

H annah Parsons 31 Aug . L n a r d f . . n o . R Patrick y , H M S esolution , Jane Plum

. li w. c. Wm Stacey, a marine , H annah Gun , , James Crofts Eleanor H aile w . 8: Joseph Lawton , , Sarah Garside

William Blanden , Of Southwick , Catherine i lc. Norton , John Stuard 8: M ary H unt k of 8: lic. Thomas Coo , Racton , J ane Parker, M dhur s . 8: A lls h r . i . e t w. e a w lc Tho , , H onour , , John Boyett Sarah H url ock Peter Button Elizabeth H um phries

of . . Peter N i cholson , H . M S Thames, Mary Fleet

Lawrence Walsh , seaman , Sarah Coombes , w .

li . 8: . w . c J ames Osburn , m ariner, Eliz Cole , , 8: lic John Eames Mary Graham , of Alverstoke , .

Sam uel M arks Dorcas Eagon , W .

Richard Doyle , seaman , M argaret Lamb

W m . Stillings , seaman , Susannah Brindley William “ Field Ann Silvester M ichael Gregory Jenny Tanner w 8: H enry William s, . , sailor, Mary Shri mp

ton , w . 8: Richard Hobbs , seaman , El izabeth Watts Te alford William , seaman , Anne Si mms Wim b r ou n e w . David Pitman , of , , Anne Player Thomas Vigors Elizabeth Cooper n 8: Ca s li w . on Es Joseph g , , J ane J , W .

Moses Morgan , seaman , M argaret Haswell

Cornelius Bidgood , a marine, Elizabeth i lc . M ills, ’

o O Ne a l8: u . J hn An ne L sh , w 1 6 1 7 7 5] Ports mouth M a rriag e s . 5

J ohn Simmons Fanny Jolliffe William Bussell H annah Bla n in g

o . W illiam Clayt n Elizabeth Norris, W w William White , . , Sarah King

8: Thomas Russel , seaman , M artha Pierce 8: John Pope, seaman , Elizabeth Duncan

George Cartwright , seaman , M ary Carpenter

Daniel Parker , a marine, Elizabeth Wood 8: Thomas Lee , seaman , Sarah Terry Thomas Coster Anne Grey

w. J ames Barrett , , M ary North William Bowyer Esther Keates O f o Moses Barton Legg, P rtsea, Elizabeth Stretch James P r ag n e ll Susannah Seymour l w. ic. John William s , , Sarah Godwi n . ki ll Co e . . . 8: Thomas , of H M S M arlborough ,

0 Mary H er] 3 Apr.

of . . 8: Patrick Gorman , H . M S Egmont , M ar garet Grogan

' Br m s l o da e w. . . . J ohn , , of H M S Levant ,

A Pur e e ] w . li c. nne , , a of Willi m Marchant Anna Thomas , Port

lic. sea, Good ohn Joh n j , a seaman , Elizabeth Pate ti c. man , minor, Jame s Copper Jannet Ferguson

f H . M o . John Baston , Sloop Raven , M ary R un dthwa i o te lic. 2 , 9 May

O f . . William Bindon , H M S . Exeter, Sarah M idleton

Pur s love . 8: w . lic J oh n , a mari ne , M ary Duckett , ,

w. 8: M ark Dyer, , M ary Blackham , w

w. 8: . Abraham Clarke , , Lucy Trock , W

William Farrell , seaman , H annah Welsh f ’ o . 8: H enry M itton , St James , Westm i nster, H annah Smith

John Whitley Anne Webber , W . Is a c ks u J ohn , seaman , Sarah H tchinson

James Humber Frances H ogan , w . I 1 6 6 Ha mps hir e Pa ris h Reg is te rs . [ 7 7 5

1 0 1 Peter M unday , seam an , Anne Fi tzherbert , W . J uly 7 7 5 We ls te e d 1 William Howey , seaman , Anne 9 J uly

. . fl Daniel Lynch , Of H M S . Bar eur, H annah Clark h l C e is lic. Robert y Sarah Dench , Richard Grafham M ary Culliford Francis CO W d 8: Elizabeth Cutler

Be m a n d 8: . Thomas M argaret Collyer, w Cor b ut J ames Ke mp Anne , w . Charles H arford 8: Mary D ubbin William White Sarah Kin g s low

Als for d Es t a te lic. George Margaret g , oo Edward Stephens , Of Northw d , Anne

lic. Loney , i w . lc. w . J ohn Chambers , , Agnes Adams , , H enry Burrell Sarah Watson illin s h w B a . . g Taylor, Of H M S . Egmont , M ary Squires l 8: Ba tte rs hal lic . Richard Stephens H annah ,

w . lic. J ohn Vining Elliott M ary H awthorne, ,

w. . David Clancy, , Catharine Tim mins , W w Samuel Breden , . , Elizabeth Heathwood ' J ames Seager Martha J ollifie

Boor n lic. Robert Chalmers M ary , William Lewi n 8: Elizabeth Adams lic w . . John H utchinson , , Mary Barton , William Parrot 8: Elizabeth Baily li w . c. J ames Guy, Of Havant , M ary Morgan , ,

J ohn Perry Elizabeth M axwell , w .

Richard Kimber , seaman , Mary Welsh , w . Joseph H e lby M ary R ootha m William Gent Ann Jeff ery George Ba r n for d 8: Elizabeth Andrews

O f a r e ha m 8: w . John Newman , F , Jane Collyer, , li c. l 8: ff ic . John Jennett Elizabeth Ro ey, Thomas Savage El izabeth King J ohn H amli n Elizabeth Vincent