Arts&Entertainment - Honeymoon

BY MAKENNA LEPOWSKY seems to be different, and I predict it will be one of the hits. With its foot- ana Del Rey’s new album, Honeymoon, tapping pop beat, this track was meant for has been filling the ears of her fans non- the radio. stop since its release on Sept. 18, making Del Rey’s entire album consists of no it theL fourth of her studio-. Del Rey’s new features, but instead her sole unique singing album remains true to her sad girl sound and abilities. Every song from the album is vocal heavy, reputation; however, this album has a touch meaning her voice is prominent over the of new sound and twist. beat and instrumentals of the songs. On Sept. 11, Del Rey released a Del Rey separates herself from other new single titled “Music To Watch artists — she does not follow the pop We the GenerationBoys To,” giving fans exactly what pattern of catchy upbeat songs. Her they have been craving — a sneak music is quite the opposite. peak into what her new album has in Honeymoon is ambient and store. textural, yet includes many unique - The song stays true to her instruments. pop sound genre and incredible Perfect for a peaceful and We production. “Music To Watch Boys calming mood, Del Rey embodies BY ELIZABETH BAZAN To” has a catchy lyrical chorus, with smooth vocals and incorporates mesmerizing reverb and symphonic meaningful lyrics into her songs. She has strings. The rhythm and song’s slow tempo a sophisticated and distinct sound, which is will put the listener into a state of content and empowering and tranquil. tranquility. Although Del Rey has put out some did notOriginally think I would from like , this album. the band Then Rudimental I listened isto nowit. world- “High By the Beach,” another song from spectacular music in the past, this might be her Honeymoon, has an interesting chorus most interesting album yet. famous, credited with multiple awards and for collaborating with luring the listener in through the lyrics When listening to Honeymoon, one can I Sept. 18, and it is one everyone should listen to. and twinkly instrumentals. This album, sense the genuine love and passion Del Rey other artists, such as . Rudimental released their new album along with Del Rey’s other albums, is has for music and self-expression. It is the Generation vintage-sounding and authentic. blatantly clear in her exceptional The first song on the album is “I Will for Love,” a hip-hop meets gospel Contrary to her well- end product how much music track. The lyrics are emotional and meaningful, and the music enhancing. Then known, anti-pop sound, and being creative means suddenly it switches as track two starts, and a Daft Punk- “High By the to her. Beach” esque song with repetitive lyrics comes on, more focus is put Rudimentalon rhythm and is comprised melody. of artists ,

Piers Agget, Kesi Dryden and DJ Locksmith. The whole album really exemplifies the band’s song . writing talent, from the first song to the last. Each song is catchy and harmonious, each one a joy to listen toA andcalling unique. card of this group is big drums, deep bass and beautiful vocals. Everything fits into place — there is not a single note that does not fit. The only real complaint is that repetitive beats are used for a number of the songs — they can make you feel as though the same song is on the album twice“Love if Ain’tyou are Just not A paying Word” attention. opens with a fantastic for anytime trumpet track, meeting a rap bridge. “Rumor Mill” switches up the feel again with more electronicaWhat and struck fast, bouncinga chord about lyrics. the Each uniqueness track has of an each infectious song was beat. the seeming lack of union. The We the Generation album did not have a solidifying theme, but was rather a collection of singles arranged with the mindsetYou of a couldgreatest possibly hits record. venture to call the theme love based on how often the word was used. Frankly, even thatUnion would of have the beenalbum lost came in translation upon watching after the being accompanying repeated that music many videos. times. Depictions of carefree singers, brightly paintedThe theme people was in themore backs all ofencompassing cars and refugees — acrossing collection deserts of songs reinvented to appeal the title to the values of our better. The Although album itmakes is a youfairly feel political good, album,but somehow the ideals simultaneously are far from overbearing,makes you want to but ratheryou comforting. want to sit backI recommend and relax with friends.

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