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March 9, 2012 Vol. 40* cvn No. 3 Serving the Glebe community since 1973 Issue no. 435 FREE Languages of Life founder awarded Diamond Jubilee medal PHOTO: SOO HUM Languages of Life founder, Bryna Monson, wearing her Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee medal celebrates her award with friends, family and colleagues at a reception given in her honour at the Heart and Crown Pub. By Patrick Darvasi as founder of Languages of Life, Bryna Monson is an outstanding example captured above in a rare moment of stillness, Bryna Monson easily commands of how vision, determination and a whole lot of care can make a big differ- the space and attention of all her friends, family and colleagues that have gath- ence. since 1979, Bryna’s not-for-profit agency has offered translation and ered at a favourite haunt of the irrepressible force behind Languages of Life inc. interpretation services that benefit people who don’t speak English or French. rightfully, they are there to celebrate the award winning accomplishments of this the agency’s clientele includes the healthcare sector, social services, law en- slight but animated woman, who has overcome so many odds in a determined forcement and insurance. if it were not for Languages of Life, the communica- effort to serve her community. to those who have known her, it should come as tion barrier that isolates many local residents from the canadian system would no surprise that she figured among those stellar individuals who, at rideau Hall be much tougher to overcome. Bryna shares a couple of examples that illus- on February 6, were awarded the Queen Elizabeth ii Diamond Jubilee medal by trate this point: “in one case, we had a Polish man whose legs were frozen Governor General David Johnston, for having made a significant contribution to and he needed to have them amputated but he did not understand the doctors.
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