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The For National Independence Democrat and Democracy Paper of the Campaign against Euro-federalism ISSN 0967-3806 Number 133 January-February 2013 50p Tory launch gambit to stay in the EU US rattles UK’s EU chains p5 ory Prime Minister David signed the various treaties designed Hugh Gaitskill’s warning Cameron has sought to to bring this about. 50 years ago p6 T dampen down growing popu- lar opposition to EU membership by When Thatcher belatedly tried to re- promising a referendum in about verse this long-held policy and op- five years time after the Europhile posed Britain’s membership of the party leadership has negotiated a European Exchange Rate Mechanism ‘new settlement’. and the Euro, she was removed in 1990. Report by Brian Denny The reality today is that Cameron A view from Germany p7 "And when we have negotiated that cannot make any meaningful new settlement, we will give the Brit- changes to EU structures without the ish people a referendum with a very support of all 27 member states, a simple in or out choice,” he said. deliberately impossible task. This manoeuvre is meant to garner Miliband’s craven support for the EU-critical votes at the next election EU will also further alienate working and allow the Tories to campaign class voters as Labour is losing votes Getting to alongside the Lib Dems and Labour to UKIP as much as the Tories are know you p2 leaderships to stay locked into the and it is not good the labour move- EU permanent austerity machine. ment sticking its head in the sand. While euro fanatic Lib Dem leader Utopian dreams about the EU and Nick Clegg huffed that EU renegotia- the cargo cult known as social tion "is not in the national interest” Europe will not prevent the damage and Labour leader Ed Miliband con- done by EU treaties that remove real firmed that "we don't want an in-out democracy from voters and hands Lessons after 40 years in EU p3 referendum" both know Cameron’s power to rapacious corporate capi- gambit is designed to maintain unity talism. p6 Demands labour among the political elite. It’s time the TUC stopped hiding movement must make The Conservative Party has always behind Tory Europhiles like Ken been a supporter of the creation of an Clarke and Michael Heseltine in undemocratic European superstate support of the EU and realised that Socialist Labour dominated by corporate capital. EU rules only inflict permanent Party Cameron, John Major and even Mar- austerity at home and continual im- joins CAEF p9 garet Thatcher all enthusiastically perialist war abroad. A Campaign primarily oriented to the labour and trade union movement and people whom these organisations normally represent, including democrats, socialists, trade unionists, students and pensioners. EU news CAEF Press statement 23.1.13 Cameron’s statement on EU membership apron strings of the financial sector which Lisbon Treaty does not address the acute problems which includes the banks that caused the eco- the peoples of Britain face. To dangle the nomic mess Britain faces. Cameron (EU Constitution) carrot of the prospect of a referendum some- and Osborne have repeatedly stated Article 50 time maybe in the future is simply talk for they want to protect the City of Lon- his: diminishing numbers of supporters to don as the financial centre of the EU "Any Member State win the next General Election; and to ap- from which austerity policies stem. may decide to with- pease US objections to Britain opting out of That requires the election of a gov- draw from the Union the EU. ernment to stand up to the financial sector The major objectives of those opposed to and transnational corporations by exercising in accordance with its disastrous EU membership must be to re- sovereign powers and legislation on behalf own constitutional re- establish the right to self-determination, na- of the vast majority of people in Britain. quirements". tional independence and democracy. This This to include polices to trade across the must include controls on the movement of world, including the continent of Europe, capital, services, goods and labour. with an economy based on manufacturing to Germany in The labour movement must be won to re- guarantee jobs and prosperity for the future Latin America adopt the policy of Britain’s withdrawal of Britain. Prior to the German Chancel- from the EU instead of holding onto the lor's visit to Latin America at the end of January, govern- ment advisors in Berlin were Getting to know you predicting that the continent faces a "historical turning Prum Treaty point". According to an analy- sis by the German Institute DNA and DVLA for International and Security The objective of the Prum Treaty is for Affairs (SWP), it can be ex- each EU Member State to grant each pected that the "resignation" other access rights to their automated of the seriously ill Venezue- DNA analysis files, automated finger- lan President Hugo Chávez print identification systems and vehicle would provoke serious up- heavals - not only in Vene- registration data which includes owners zuela. Cuba also could be of vehicles. seriously affected, due to its This little known treaty was originally dependence upon Caracas. signed by Schengen Member States back Without Chávez, Alba, the in 2005. The European Commission international alliance that is turned this into EU wide legislation in resisting US-American and 2008 with agreement of the New Labour European hegemony on the Government. This legislation is sup- EU-Passenger continent, would be lacking a Name Record (PNR) leadership, capable of posed to be in place by 2014 and Britain achieving its objectives, says has been threatened with £millions fines On 9 January the Commission published a the SWP which sees a win- by the European Justice Court for none call for proposals for projects that at the dow of opportunity for Berlin. implementation. very least see the "establishment of a unit It can be expected that in a A Commission report admits “A con- in the Member State which will be respon- reshuffle, Brazil would be siderable number of member states con- sible for the collection, processing and able to reinforce its standing sider that the matching rules, in particu- retention of PNR data," and preferably in South America. lar for DNA data, are not fully satisfac- also the actual ability to collect, store, In Berlin, this is seen as process and share the data. tory and should be as to advantageous, because Bra- This data would be collected at air and avoid matches that are ...false...”. zil is one of Germany's most seaports. The thought of police forces across 26 important Latin American This has been described by Green MEP allies. In addition the SWP other Member States having access to Jan Philipp Albrecht last year as part of ways this would open up new DVLA data is mind boggling where one the "ever-creeping drive for more perva- opportunities for Berlin in the wrong digit could result in the use of sive retention and analysis of private data "promotion of democracy" the European Arrest Warrant and a and political "counselling" in and big brother-style surveillance." knock at the door and transportation to Latin America. (German For- The scheme will be financed by the EU eign Policy 17.1.13) somewhere else in the EU. and planned to commence in 2014.. It is More can be found at: This is EU legislation that must be another piece of EU legislation that parlia- http://www.german-foreign- stopped and Parliament needs to do just ment can stop. that. (Statewatch January 2013) Page 2 The Democrat Number 133 Editorial January-February 2013 Lessons from 40 years in the Common Market t is 40 years since Britain, Den- Maastricht Treaty which included Two industries and jobs gone since 1975 mark and Ireland joined the strict criteria for the single cur- I Common Market under the rency and single market. premiership of Tory Edward Heath in 1973. This was the time The criteria for the single currency when a small number of Labour included severe limits on public MPs voted against Labour’s policy sector spending and government of opposition to EEC membership. borrowing. Although Britain did The date marks the time when the not join the euro, successive gov- ruling class turned its’ back on the ernments have applied these crite- relentless attack on nation-states nation-state of Britain. ria so that we are in the penulti- by transnational corporations and mate stage of adopting this disas- banks represented by the million- This followed a period when direct trous currency. Stemming from the aire Cameron cabinet. An end has imperialism of the British Empire practical side of these criteria were to be brought to the current situa- was changed to neo-colonialism. the PFI and PPP schemes which tion where Britain is dictated to by Britain joined five other broken now blight and burden the NHS the financial sector and TNCs and empires in a temporary alliance of with paying out vast sums of banks. It is they who press for all the EEC. The US had taken over money. That is the ‘excuse’ behind the privatisation and destruction the military machine that guarded the closure of hospitals and their of the NHS, state education sys- vested interests around the world blatant transfer to the private sec- tem. That is done in line with in place of Britain. Since then Brit- tor. countless EU policies, directives ain has relied on the US military- and legislation that over-rides par- industrial-complex.